'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Cast Joins Us LIVE | SDCC 2019 | Entertainment Weekly

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[Music] hi I am Devin Cogan and we are here in EWS comic-con 2019 video suite presented by Toyota Corolla and I am so excited to be here with cast any piece of Brooklyn nine-nine whoo yeah right this is our first interview we're still worming are still you're still practicing absolutely so um how is your comic-con going for so far what are you guys most excited for this weekend our panel tonight yeah super sight and the big Brooklyn nine-nine activation haven't seen it yet no it looks like a pretty exact replica of your guys's you know station so I'll be curious to hear from the experts how how it stacks up yeah exactly so I'm so excited to have you guys here I know you know your panel tonight you're gonna talk a little bit about the upcoming season I wanted to know if you guys have anything that you guys contains so far about kind of what - what's what's coming up Dan we've only been back for a little while so we're just we're just gearing up but I think we've got some very exciting stuff in the works some stuff I think that will really be crowd-pleasing I would say that we just I just spent this week breaking what I think is the craziest episode we've ever done I don't know if it'll actually end up anything I can't tell you any more than that but it's really really weird what he says breaking he means breaking the story the script of an episode of television that's a pretty tall order considering some of the stuff you guys have done in the past yeah it's it's very hard crazy if this happens the real people can you imagine for like one girlfriend so I wanted to ask the actors you know you guys have done the show for six so you know you've spent so much time with these characters and you really follow them through so much is there something your character hasn't done yet that you really want to see them try or do Melissa I was gonna say scale off a building but didn't you do that in the promo yeah then I remembered the name and II was gonna say sit there and watch everyone else work well you got to just sit there I've been pitching for three years straight an episode where Jake gets locked in a closet and no one hears from her I think it was a cathartic for everyone for me to shut up for like a full episode bare minimum just for my feet and legs to just be the handcuffed to a desk for the whole episode these are classic relatable complaints right you could just be Hitchcock or Spelling just a dream it is a dream so wouldn't you guys have had such amazing cameos and guest stars over the year just recently over the years we're just recently you guys had Sean Astin lin-manuel Miranda who is like your dream pie-in-the-sky would die to get cameo on the show I mean Bruce Willis yeah yeah that's the number one can we just start like a Twitter campaign to get Bruce like could we maybe like juggling Asian yeah pressure I've publicly not bagged many times I don't know if the message has gotten to him or not that's - that's - on yeah but is it Bruce on Brooklyn dangerous Brunei 9br you 90 no no yes Willis but replace the Owls with nines I feel like we should do a really nice hashtag be Willy 99 hashtag Free Willy 99 so in dance your question yeah oh my god that would be so tight the team goes to in the precinct that's free willy drive that movies really old my mind went so you guys shared something cool on Twitter actually there was a Batman comic recently that made a Brooklyn nine-nine reference that's right that is so how did you guys react to that like this for real it was crazy well this isn't the first time you guys have been referenced there was a spider-man reference to like you guys are I mean very fitting for comic-con so so what would Brooklyn nine-nine be like in like the Marvel DC Universe I feel just Avengers right what's the one that made the most money so if you guys had to go up against like a comic supervillain who do you think the squad would be able to take down I mean all of them I mean yeah be fun to be like the Joker and Jake thinks he's funnier than the Joker look Joker's not funny per se he's not he smiles a lot a lot and I feel like Jake would have a problem with that what his name was the joke or you'd join him maybe yeah but I don't know I mean it's hard to imagine any villain topping the squad of the nine-nine I mean with their diverse set of skills coming together much like the Avengers they put aside their egos and together they save the city I mean Peralta Santiago Hitchcock Scully Jeffords Holt Holt Diaz yes right Boyle those guys are good at crimes doing crimes so Dirk and Joel we had a great episode in the last season where we got to learn a little bit more about Hitchcock and Scully or what do you think what more do you think you want to explore with Hitchcock and Scully like what untapped you know well I think it would be fun if we were married to sisters we still don't know Kelly's your wife or your dog great well yeah I have a question we've wanted to do a cold open where while you're getting your hair cut you're kind of sleeping and so as a result the flat-topped is at a 15 degree angle but it would mean in real life you had to have it or a 45-degree angle would you be willing to do that of course my real life cuts my hair so she would be gone so I do want to ask you guys did get some sad news recently about cheddar the dog Stewart who plays the Corgi I was wondering if you guys had any fond memories to share of working with with Stewart we sat Shiva take a nap together uh-huh the dog was adorable and it was always we always we we always loved seeing him on on screen yeah the most successful chatter right of the letter didn't work out Stewart was great Stewart's little sister who we just used last year is new to show business and finding her way yeah crazy that you just said Stewart's little oh yeah that is so crazy yeah like that was almost the name of another thing look anyway r.i.p cheddar I was gonna say Free Willy it's yeah like but I can't start with a free will he's dead never seen anyone more certain how are you so sure I thought you were involved maybe a fly on the wall of that documentary about that whales death I'm they talk about it right yes okay he's got and how Willie was mistreated [Laughter] go blow it out with your panel this afternoon do you guys have anything you want to tease like going into this that you think we all should know we don't know anything yet no dan what are we teasing get out the panel we're all gonna be there also Terry I'll be there okay and Jola Julia will be there yeah so from the show from the show Boyle and Terry Jeffords like last year I entered from backstage at a bad speed too slow yeah and this year I'm gonna enter that at a normal speed last year I just water on myself yeah a lot and this year we'll see what happens yep TBD yeah little cliffhanger well thank you guys so much for coming and hanging out this has been a blast thank you thanks for stopping by appreciate thank you thank you so that's it for us and stay tuned to e w comm for more coverage throughout the weekend you
Channel: Entertainment Weekly
Views: 104,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brooklyn nine nine, brooklyn 99, b99, brooklyn nine nine cast, brooklyn nine nine interview, brooklyn 99 cast, brooklyn 99 interview, Andy Samberg, Melissa Fumero, Dirk Blocker, Joel McKinnon Miller, dan goor, luke del tredici, andy samberg interview, andy samberg melissa fumero, sdcc, sdcc 2019, sdcc interview, san diego comic con, comic con, comic con interview, Entertainment Weekly, EW, entertainment, film, movies, tv, celebrities, pop culture, Hollywood, interviews, celebrity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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