25 Things You Missed In Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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it's laptops and cameras sorry there are many amazing ensemble comedies out there but Brooklyn nine-nine might just be the best don't yell at us the office fans okay okay it's one of the best better while we personally have rewatched the entire thing all the way through more than once for those who haven't there are some pretty awesome things that you might not have even noticed one of the things you hear the most in Brooklyn nine-nine is the squads chant of well nine-nine almost always led by Terry while it would make a lot of sense that this would have been going on in the precinct for a long time as a way to motivate everyone its origins actually didn't come out of the 99 writers room Terry Crews himself came up with the chant which he used as a way to pump up the cast before long days of shooting the writers of the show quickly caught on and started including it in the episodes and now we can't imagine a day at the 99th precinct without it Jake and Amy's romantic relationship was always a thing from the very beginning while it started out as a bet it seemed inevitable that the two opposites would eventually attract their a truly adorable couple in one little detail makes the whole thing even cuter in the episode Halloween we can see a framed picture of Jake and Amy on Jake's desk what you might not know is that it's a real picture of the two actors goofing around on set pulled straight from Melissa Fumero Instagram which somehow makes the photo on Jake's desk even better for those hoping that the Jake and Amy romance might have made it off screen we're sorry to disappoint you but both actors are already married to other people with families of their own but Melissa's family is actually made it onto Brooklyn nine-nine more than once in ways you might not have expected in season 3 she became pregnant and spent most of the season trying to cover it up with clever costumes but by the end it was impossible to hide so the writers added the storyline where she pretends to be pregnant in order to go undercover in a woman's prison that way we never had to go without Amy on our screens and luckily her third trimester lined up at the end of the season so she could go up and take care of her family during the break we did say that her family is made it onto the show more than once and we weren't lying in real life melissa is married to actor David Fumero who she met shooting the ABC soap opera One Life to Live the writers behind Brooklyn nine-nine just couldn't help but bring on David for one amazing cameo which only reveals itself as a cameo after you realize just who he is he came on to play ridiculously attractive crossword puzzle writer and part-time bathing suit model Vince thermally for the episode the puzzle master just curious would you say you have the typical physique of a puzzle maker or a captain Holt might be one of the best bosses in all of TV history and in real life well he did take a few episodes to warm up the character has seriously come into his own over the past seasons and is now everything do you want to know how I actually heard - yes I was looking he still might keep his emotions in check most at a time but he leaves subtle clues around the office that reveals his playful and proud self take for example the stack of binders he has in his office arranged in the colors of the rainbow pride flag and if that was an awesome enough Gina has the same arrangement of binders on her desk as well you helped me find my smile Brooklyn nine-nine takes its characters off-screen lives very seriously and make sure that when they change something in them they stick to it you might remember that all the way back in season one Holt wound up with a pair of puppies that he was trying to unload on someone just as Charles was returning to the precinct from an injury Holt wound up giving him the puppies in order to make him happy well in the episode from season two where Jake is trying to conceal the fact that Terry is going to have another baby by paying back everyone what he owes them Charles shows up with the now fully grown dogs for Jake to wash in another moment of masterful continuity that also weirdly relates to Charles we see a treasured possession of his change hands poor Charles has had a bit of a rough go when it comes to his romantic life and until a few seasons ago went through more than one breakup which he didn't exactly handle in a very subtle way there does seem to be one common thread that runs through all of his breakups however and that is his food dehydrator we first see Vivian give it back to him when they split up and then again when he and Gina and their whatever it was we see her handed back to him at the precinct symbolizing the finality of her decision the show has been known to borrow details from the actors lives in order to make their characters as true to life as possible like the fact that Jake and Gina grew up together which you might not have known is that Andy Samberg and chelsea peretti actually did know each other all the way back in elementary school and not just as passing acquaintances either they were really good friends based off of an amazing photo of the two of them together in the car on their way to their 6th grade graduation the two have been good pals for decades now another aspect of the show pulled from an actor's real life is the fact that Terry Crews is actually a really great artist in his own right we see sergeant Terry showing off his painting and drawing skills multiple times over the seasons of the show whether it's drawing pictures for his daughters or sketches of perps and real life Terry has shown off his skills on late-night shows he even had a job as a courtroom illustrator for a while before he landed his thriving career as an actor giving him some real first-hand experience that relates almost too perfectly to his character on nine-nine this is a secret speaking of Terry the artist in an early episode in season one we see him create an amazing portrait of captain Holt - Amy's confusion Holt refuses to hang in in his own office which Amy and Terry take as a bit of an insult but it turns out that Holt is just too humble to have a portrait of himself hanging in his own office that's not to say that it was thrown out as anytime we see into his husband Kevin's office in the following seasons the portrait can be seen hanging proudly in the background it might not be a big surprise to anyone that the strongest thing about Brooklyn nine-nine is the ensemble when you take a quick look at creator Michael Schur his resume to start he helmed the American version of the office which is undoubtedly one of the greatest workplace comedies ever but it doesn't stop there he also gave us Parks and Recreation the good place produced the first season of master of none and the cult hit of the comeback and wrote for a few years on Saturday Night Live suffice it to say if anyone knows how to bring together a group of oddballs throw them into a seemingly boring work environment and make comedy gold it's Mike sure we all know that gina has been a member or in her words the star of a number of dance troupes over the years from Dancy Reagan to floorgasm but it is perhaps the most surprising to learn that one cast member is part of a dance troupe in real life and no it's not chelsea peretti it's actually stephanie beatrice and a move that would make her character Rosa Diaz roll her eyes so hard they would never come back while the writers of Brooklyn nine-nine are clearly masters of creating hilarious and heartfelt storylines in dialogue what you might not have realized is that there's actually a lot of improvising that goes on on the set in fact it's built into the scripts with a handful of actors to work with like they do it would be crazy not to let them play around with their lines the way it usually goes is that they'll cover a scene is written a couple of times and then let the actors do a take with the freedom to make their lines their own to see if they can come up with things that are even funnier Hollywood is a weird place where almost everything you see isn't actually real a very clear example of this might be the fact that a show like Brooklyn nine-nine that is so centered around New York City is actually shot in Los Angeles that's right whenever you see Jake and Rosa outside in their heavy leather jackets and jeans they're actually walking around outside in the Los Angeles heat but while they may have constructed the inside of the precinct inside of a studio a lot the exteriors are actually a real working police station and some wide shots of the building are the actual 78th precinct in New York City the creators of the show did want the policing that the characters do to be as authentic as possible so instead of just working with a stunt coordinator to make it look good they sent all of the actors to do some real-life police training before they began shooting part of the structure of the show is that aside from all of their goofy shenanigans and maybe not including Hitchcock and Scully all of the cops and detectives in 99 are actually very good at their jobs they did a boot camp with the Glendale Police Department and learned the ropes which included holding and firing guns arrest procedure and so on in order to lend as much authenticity to the show as they could maybe look away from my phone better prayer to miss a text gina has claimed to be right about pretty much everything which usually works out in her favor in a season 5 episode Charles wants to join a group chat with the rest of the gang but we find out that he is pretty much the worst texture of them all so much so that Gina says that she would rather be hit by a bus than being a text chain with him well at the very end of the episode right after reading a text from Charles a buzz comes from out of nowhere and hits Gina those Brooklyn nine-nine fans who were born after 1990 might have missed one big pop-culture reference hiding in plain sight well they don't appear very often we know all about Terry's kids he is a very loving very devoted father and makes sure that all of his babies come first the fairy princess castle has defeated me but that doesn't mean that his cop work isn't important to him too in fact it's so important that he named his twin daughters Cagney and Lacey if you're too young to get the reference Cagney and Lacey were a pair of female detectives who hunted criminals on the streets in New York in the 1980s it probably won't surprise you to learn that Andre Bauer who plays captain Holt is a classically trained dramatic actor he graduated from the extremely prestigious Julliard School in New York City where he studied the classics like Shakespeare and Chekhov we actually couldn't believe that Brooklyn nine-nine was the very first chance that Bauer had to work on a comedy before the show he had only played very serious dramatic roles and boy are we glad that he got the chance to try out the other side he says that the key to Holt's humor is that Holt doesn't actually think he's funny at all and always has the most serious and engines from now on call me valve it we mentioned before that sometimes the writers like to pull things from the real lives of the actors to add to their characters amy is a notoriously bad dancer though she would never admit to it the episode where she has a dance-off with her brother played by lin-manuel miranda really hammers that point home but in reality melissa is an excellent dancer who trained for many years she even taught dance classes before her acting career took off it just goes to show how good of an actor she is because we truly believe that both she and Amy really don't have the moves most of us can't imagine anyone else in any of the roles that we've come to know and love with Andy Samberg at the center of it all but actually Samberg almost turned down the role that would go on to become his most beloved see Andy had just spent seven years of his life on one of the most grueling TV show experience as an actor can have Saturday Night Live while the show was obviously equally rewarding he was just completely exhausted by the end of it and wanted to stick to the slightly more relaxed schedule of feature films but when he was sent an early script for Brooklyn nine-nine he knew it was way too good to pass up and signed on we've talked before about the show's incredible attention to detail and there's one more example of that that we just love too much not to include here so if you remember all the way back to season 1 when Amy and Jake have the bet going over who can make the most arrests if Amy wins she gets Jake's beloved car and if Jake wins he gets to take Amy on a date well spoiler alert Jake winds up winning and taking Amy on what is supposed to be a terrible day it starts out with him sending her a blue dress to wear that he says reminds him of his first teenage crush well seasons later we see a flashback of Jake's Bar Mitzvah where his crush jenny gildenhorn is seen wearing the exact same dress well done costume department in season one we get to see a little bit of what would become an ongoing rivalry between the police department and the fire department led by their captain Patton Oswalt in an episode the two squads face off against each other in a football tournament which we assume is supposed to be fun but becomes fiercely competitive right off the bat unsurprisingly carries the best athlete among them even if he is a bit of a showboat we were surprised to learn that this is all a nod to the fact that Terry Crews actually had a career in professional football before he became an actor where he played for the NFL for several years while most TV shows have to fight tooth and nail to even get to the development stage let alone shooting a pilot let alone having that pilot get picked up for more episodes and not cancelled right away Brooklyn nine-nine has never really been like most TV shows we talked before about how Mike Schur has something of the Midas touch when it comes to creating TV comedies so when he approached a few different networks with the idea of a Parks and Recreation style show but with police officers in New York everybody lost their minds an intense bidding war was started over who would get to produce the soon to be hit with Fox winning in the end weirdly they actually tried to cancel the show after five incredibly successful seasons but it was saved by NBC and remains on the air Gina is notorious for always being on her phone especially when she has a pile of work to do but she's not the only one who has a bit of an addiction to her smartphone at the end of season one we find out that none other than captain Holt is totally addicted to a game called quasi cupcakes and it's Gina who helps him overcome it well it might have started out as a parody of the ever-popular candy crush what you might be surprised to learn is that now you can actually download kwazy cupcakes and become addicted to it just like the captain and Gina when Amy and Jake finally went out on their first real naan bet date they had decided to take things slow as to not make the whole working together while dating situation awkward but then at dinner they realized they didn't quite know how to interact in this entirely new way so what was the solution four shots of course you might remember that all the way back in season two Gena stated that amy has different levels of inebriation from spaced out too loud to dancing and then two very very friendly well amy and jake each ordered four shots and that whole plan about taking things slow went well right out the window if that wasn't enough to solidify that Brooklyn nine-nine is one of the best comedies on TV we don't know what will did we miss any great details that you think we should know let us know down in the comments and don't forget to hit subscribe on your way out to keep up with the latest from screen right we hope you had fun watching [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 4,613,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brooklyn nine nine, andy samberg, terry crews, brooklyn nine nine captain holt, captain holt best moments, brooklyn 99 funniest moments, hilarious brooklyn 99, rosa diaz best moments, adrian pimento funny, charles boyle best moments, Screen Rant, ScreenRant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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