College Of Swords Bard - All Spells And Abilities - Baldur's Gate 3 Subclass Guide

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you want to buff and support your team as The Bard at the same time have a heavy focus on your own combat abilities like being able to send a Target flying and then teleport onto them or be able to Target Two enemies with one action or even attack twice in one turn hey guys it's Omaha here and today I'm going to show you everything you unlock for the College of Swords subclass For The Bard for levels 1 through 12. Bard you know music is more than a fantasy it is power through study and Adventure you have mastered song speech and the magic within as a barge you'll get weapon proficiencies and simple weapons and crossbows long swords rapiers and short swords it's gonna add your proficiency bonus to attack roles with these weapon types basically makes it easier to hit then you'll get armor proficiency and light armor so wearing my arm will not impose a disadvantage on your attack rolls or prevent you from casting spells disadvantage is going to roll two dice and use the lower value negated by Advantage Advantage is going to roll two dice and use the higher value as a bar you'll get the action bardic inspiration Inspire an ally to add a one to six bonus to their next attack roll Billy check or saving throw as you level up this will increase so level five it'll be a one to eight bonus and at level 10 it'll be a one to ten bonus this is gonna last until long rest has a range of 60 feet uses a bonus action and it uses bardic inspiration charge so you'll start out with three of these by the time you hit Level Two 12 of your Bardock inspiration will have five charges through stirring words in music bards can Inspire allies or augment their own attacks these will recharge once per long rest here's what Bardock inspiration is going to look like looks and sounds a little bit different depending what instrument you have so now she has bardic inspiration and she can now use that to add a one to six exponents to their next attack role ability check or saving throw you also start out with two level one spell slots which are restored on a long rest then you'll choose your can trips you can choose two from vicious mockery blade Ward magehand true strike friends Dancing Lights light and minor illusion then you'll choose four spells from animal friendship Bane charm person cure wounds the sky self dissonant Whispers fairy fire feather fall healing word heroism long Strider sleep with animals Tasha's hideous laughter and Thunder Wave then you can choose your starting instrument but pick the instrument you'd like to use it will influence the soundscape when you cast spells and can be changed later by equipping a different instrument so there's the hand drum the flute the loot the liar and the violin you'll then apply your ability points so keep in mind Charisma is definitely your most important ability with The Bard I'll try to get that as high as possible and then as a barred Charisma is also going to be your spell casting ability so that's what's going to influence your chance to hit with certain spells and then you will apply your skill proficiencies and as a Bard you can apply three of these to any of the skills in the game so you can choose between any of these and you can pick up to three another important action for The Bard it's not exclusive to The Bard you just need an instrument for it but it works really well with The Bard is the perform action so you'll just need an instrument and then you'll have five songs you can choose from six if you have the deluxe edition the sixth one is from the Divinity original sin games so when you perform it's gonna lure NPCs around you within a certain range to come and check out what you're doing and if you're successful it'll continue on and they'll stick around and then when you're done distracting them you can end your song and sometimes they'll pay you gold so they dropped each one of them dropped one gold foreign way to distract enemies or just any NPC really okay so when you hit Level Two you're gonna get a health increase your third level one spell slot and a class feature jack of all trades your vast experiences make you more likely to succeed in any undertaking at half of your proficiency bonus rounded down to Ability checks that you're not proficient in so basically what that's going to do is going to take my proficiency bonus right here that I have currently as a plus two this naturally goes up as you level up and so it'll take half of that which is plus one and it will apply it to any of these when they're rolled as long as I'm not proficient in them so I'm proficient in performance persuasion deception like survival perception medicine I'm not proficient in those so if it rolled those it would just give it a plus one bonus you'll also get the action song of rest you and your allies are revitalized as though you would have taken a short rest now to use an action I'm going to show you what that looks like that's replenished on a long rest so a Starion here he's 14 out of 17 and he's already used his vampire bite which recharges on a short rest so I'll use this doesn't seem to have any range it's just any allies that exist I guess so I'll use that and there we go just like a short rest would have happened then you'll be able to gain another spell and then you have the option to replace a spell since you're limited and how many spells you can have at one time all right at level three that's where you're gonna choose your subclass so for the video I'm going to choose College of Swords a highly trained and skilled Warrior you use your prowess with words and weapons to fight and entertain in equal measure so College of Swords is kind of more of the combat oriented I guess you could say of the subclasses you're gonna get a fighting style you can choose between dueling when you're Wheeling a melee weapon that is not two-handed or versatile in one hand and no weapon in the other you deal an additional two damage with that weapon and then there's two weapon fighting so when you make an attack with your offhand weapon you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the attack then your subclass is also going to Grant you six actions so they're slashing flourish melee defensive flourish melee defensive flourish ranged mobile flourish melee mobile flourish ranged and slashing flourish ranged so for all six of the flourish attacks it's gonna take your existing weapon damage and add one to six piercing damage on top of that so for the melee one my dagger does one to four plus five piercing damage and you'll see here one to four plus five and then one to six on top of that so that's seven fifteen so slashing flourish melee attack up to two enemies at once has an area effect of seven feet use an action and a bardic inspiration charge it's kind of finicky trying to hit both targets but this is what it looks like so slashing flourish range says one to four plus five but it actually takes your bow damage like it should which will be one to six plus five and then adds the one to six it's the same as the other one except it's arranged this one has a range of 60 feet let's see here there's the one to six like I was saying for the bow and then the one to six added on top all right then we have defensive flourish melee so that's gonna do the same damage attack defensively increasing your armor class by four if you hit and that'll last one turn I use an action and a bartic inspiration charge as well actually what that looks like so I hit and you'll see my armor class down here is now 18. 11 from armor plus three from dexterity and then the plus four from defensive flourish and that'll basically make me harder to hit and then here's the ranged version of that it's gonna take the bow damage instead and it's gonna have all the same effects but as a range of 60 feet use it on this guy hit him for 11 and their Armor class is 18. then we have mobile flourish melee so again same damage thrust your weapon with enough Force to push your target back 20 feet afterwards you can teleport to the Target so that teleport has a range of 30 feet the actual attack has a melee range use an action and a bardic inspiration charge all right here's what that looks like launched him now I can use teleport doesn't cost a bonus action or an action you can just use it finally here's the ranged version same thing as the other one except it has a range of 60 feet [Music] you're then going to get your health increase your fourth level one spell slot first two level two spell slots you're gonna be able to choose another spell now having access to the level two spells blindness calm emotions cloud of daggers crown of Madness detect thoughts enhance ability enthrall heat metal hold person invisibility knock lesser restoration and tasmal force see invisibility shatter and silence and then you can apply two expertises so you'll apply these to skills you're already proficient in and it'll increase it from plus five to plus seven and finally you'll be able to replace a spell since you're limited to do a certain amount of spells at a time another thing I forgot to mention is this subclass will give you proficiencies and scimitars as well as medium armor level four you'll see that Health go up again you'll get a third level two spell slot you'll be able to choose another can trip from the original list another spell from levels one and two you'll be able to replace a spell and then you can choose your first feet level five your Health's gonna go up again you'll get two level three spell slots and you'll get the class feature font of inspiration you regain all of your Bardock inspiration after a long or short rest so before it only replenished on a long rest now anytime you do a short rest you'll get all your charges back as well this is where Bardock inspiration starts to really shine on this level you'll also get improvedic inspiration so now that's where the bonus will go up from one to six to one to eight like I mentioned earlier you also get another spell to choose now you have access to level three spells bestow curse fear pain death Glyph of warding hypnotic pattern plant growth speak with dead and stinking cloud and then finally you can replace another spell alright at level six you're gonna get the health increase your third level three spell slot and the action counter charm you and any allies within 30 feet have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed or frightened this is gonna last three turns as a range of 30 feet and it uses an action all right so here's what countertime is going to look like basically you can cast this AOE within this range so I can use it right here and it'll cover me and Shadow heart and actually the aura will stay there so if I leave I'll lose it and I can go back in and have it again you'll also choose another spell you'll get the subclass feature extra attack can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack if you gain the extra attack feature for more than one class they don't add together so now you can attack twice in one turn and then you can replace a spell level seven your Health's gonna go up you'll get your first level four spell slot you'll be able to choose another spell now having access to the level 4 spells confusion dimension door freedom of movement greater invisibility and polymorph and then you'll have the option to replace a spell level eight your Health's gonna go up again you'll get your second level four spell slot you'll be able to choose another spell you can replace a spell and then you'll choose your second feet all right at level nine you'll get that Health increase your third level four spell slot your first level five spell slot and you'll be able to choose another spell now you have access to level five spells dominate person greater restoration old monster Mass cure wounds planar binding and seaming and then you'll have the option to replace a spell again all right level ten your Health's gonna go up you'll get your second level five spell slot you get the class feature improved Bardock inspiration so now the bonus gain from bardic inspiration increases to one to ten you'll be able to apply two more expertises and skills you're proficient in already you'll be able to choose your fourth can trip you'll be able to choose another spell and then you'll get two spells from magical Secrets your versatile knack for the Arcane lets you learn magic from every discipline choose some additional spells to add to your repertoire so these are spells that you can't normally learn they're from other classes so I'll read these off for you guys if you want to skip ahead you can do so there's banishing thanks mate cone of cold conjure Elemental contagion wall of stone banishment light death Ward dominate Beast Fire Shield guardian of Faith ice storm wall of Fire animate dead Warden of Vitality call lightning counterspell Crusader's mantle daylight Fireball Grant flight gaseous form haste hunger of Hadar lightning bolt Mass healing word remove curse revivifi sleet storm slow Spirit Guardians vampiric touch Arcane lock blur darkness dark vision Misty step pass without Trace Raven feeblement scorching Ray Spike growth spiritual weapon web armor of agathies less chromatic orb command entangle false life guiding bull ish rebuke hex Hunter's Mark ice knife magic Missile sanctuary Thunder smite bone chill Eldritch blast Fireball Ray of frost and sacred flame and then you can replace a spell once you hit Level 11 your health will go up again you'll get your first level 6 spell slot you can choose a spell and now you have access to level six spells I bite and Otto's irresistible dance and then you'll be able to replace a spell finally we have level 12. you get your final Health increase you'll be able to choose another spell you can replace a spell again and then you'll choose your third and final feat alright guys and that's gonna be everything for the College of Sword subclass for The Bard be sure to check out some of my other videos where I cover all of the spells in the game so far I've gone over evocation and enchantment plan to do all of them eventually if you guys like this video hit the like button down below and subscribe if you want to see more videos like this thank you guys for watching see you next time
Channel: Omaha
Views: 8,802
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 bard, baldurs gate 3 bard build, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 college of swords bard, bg3 bard guide, baldurs gate 3 bard guide, bard subclasses, bg3 college of swords, bg3 bard build, bg3 bard subclasses, bg3 bard, baldurs gate 3 bard college of swords, baldurs gate 3 class guide, bg3 class guide, bg3 bard overview, baldurs gate 3 bard class guide, baldurs gate 3 bard spells, bg3 bard class guide, baldurs gate 3 bard subclasses guide, college of swords bg3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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