Collar Bomb - Q+A

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- Hello, and welcome to another edition of Buzzfeed Unsolved, Postmortem, a show where we answer your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, which was the collar bomb bank robbery. All the questions we're anwering today came from you guys via our Buzzfeed Unsolved Facebook page and our Buzzfeed Unsolved Instagram page. This is the second Post Mortem on the new channel, which if you're watching this video right now and you haven't subscribed, you should subscribe-- - Get on it, what are you doing with your life? - To the link right here, you know. - Come on, we're shooting these on Friday (laughing) and let me tell ya, feels good. We usually shoot these on Monday mornings, Friday all season. So it's gonna have a loose vibe. Usually we're in here, we're like oh, we're answering some questions. - Yeah, we turn into Clint Eastwood and we... (laughing) I went to Reno, wah. (Ryan laughing) - Lexi Taylor, for Postmortem. What exactly did Wells do to want people to kill him so bad? I'd like to see an episode about that, love you guys. - Oh, that's kind of you to say. Was he a D-bag? - No, he was for by all accounts, he was a very docile man that just kinda kept to himself, didn't have any friends. This is actually not in the episode like I mentioned before, Jessica Hoopsick said, she mentioned his name to Kenneth Barnes as a patsy. I do believe that to be true, I don't understand why she would lie about that. - Oh. - So it's not so much that he did something that made people wanna kill him, it's just that they needed a patsy, they needed somebody to take the fall. - Yeah. - And die. Perhaps. - You know what? - And he fit the bill, which is sad. Why don't you go over to Gram town. - Let's take it over to Gram town. - It's a little brighter over there. - Here's from Themintyminsuga, alright. To start this off, I loved the video. I wished I had some 'Za!' for my day. I had all four wisdom teeth removed today. Still recovering but watching a new true crime really made my day as I sat with ice packs and stuffed my face with chocolate ice cream and mac and cheese. Not too vigorously, unfortunately. Thanks for the new content, and I'm looking forward to Postmortem to save me from this. #shaniacs, P.S. love you too Ryan. Not really a question, just nice to hear from a fan. - Yeah, also impressive that you were able to write up a question while you were, the day of of a wisdom teeth surgery? - Four wisdom teeth, that's nothing to sniff at. - Mac and cheese and chocolate, weird choice, I will say that, but that could be just the wis-- - I mean, I trust they're not spooning it like, mac and cheese, chocolate ice cream. - I don't know. (chomping noise) - You know, the whole putting you under thing makes you get a little loopy. - Who knows. - Moving on to Facebook, Lindsay, Lindsay Uhrich. - Yeah. - For Postmortem, do you think Wells had gone into shock? I've seen cases where a traumatic event happens to someone and they don't seem to be affected by it at all. This could explain why Wells was so calm when he went into the bank, because he couldn't fully register what had happened to him. This is, of course, referring to Wells' cool as a cucumber state when he goes into the bank. - Yeah. - I had wondered about this, too, and I've thought about it. The more I think about it, it is very odd for me that he was so calm. - I don't know, but people respond to trauma in different ways. - Perhaps. - Especially if, like this in particular. Sure, they put a bomb around him. - Mhmm. - You know, you got a bomb around you, they say, oh, the bomb's gonna explode, you don't know for sure if they're telling the truth. So you're probably very very concerned. - Well, I'm definitely not gonna hedge my bets that they're not telling the truth, I'm gonna proceed with some, I'm gonna go as fast as I possibly can. - Yeah. - And that, even in just that, just trying to move as quickly as you can through the task, you're gonna come off as not calm. - What if actually did have an effect on him, and the effect was that he was calm and collected? - He goes into this like-- - If he was like, look, the only way I'm gonna pull this off is if I just keep my fuckin' shit together. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to swear. Alright, where are we going, let's go back to Gram town, huh. Here's from Gretchenoneil. The most jarring fact in this ep was that they referred to McDonald's as a restaurant. - Ha, boom! - Oh! - Got them! - Whose over here, huh? Whose, oh, I didn't realize Gordon Ramsay was submittin' Q&As over here. - Yeah, I mean, you know what? - Who are you, over here, with on your, sittin' on your high horse, too good for a chicken nugget? - Oh, so you're protecting, you're protecting your Mickie D's? - I'm protecting Mickie D's baby! - I think Shane's in the pocket of Big McDonald's, that's what I think. - I'd love to be. Ronald, reach out and just DM me or something. - He's a fictional character. You imagine Ronald's in a business suit over in McDonald's headquarters to take him in. - God, that'd be terrifying. - Ronald, Shane's on the phone for you, Shane Madej. - You have your annual review with Ronald. - Oh my god, that would be horrifying. - He just sits across the table from you just. - Ever present grin. - Not smiling, but the grin is painted on. - It just, ever-present painted on grin. Which is just a metaphor for corporate, just like, interactions anyway. - I really like the way you defended us, in that Postmortem. (Ryan laughs) Let's get back to Facebook. - Okay. This comes from Theresa Mastrodonato. - Oh, Theresa! - That's fun name. I wonder why it took the bomb squad so long to get to them. Was there another bomb incident going on at the same time. (Shane chuckles) The graphics you used made it look like the police were just standing around having a nice chat with each other. I'm sure that's not what happened. From what I read, it seems like the police were trying to confirm that this man was not insane and that he actually had a bomb on his collar. - Seems like a weird risk to take, to just. Like, just call out the bomb boys. Like, how often are they getting bomb threats that they gotta be like, where's the robot? Where did they put the robot? - Where is the, that's true! What is the bomb squad doing on a daily basis in Erie, Pennsylvania? - Yeah, they're fucking chilling. - They're waiting, they're waiting for one call. - This is a sweet gig. (Ryan laughs) I tell you what, not a lot goin' on in this town. Let's order some nachos. (Ryan wheezes and laughs) - They probably got a book club and everything. - They're probably the most well read law enforcers in town. - They're probably like, sitting in the facility, and they're like, what's that noise? Is that, is that a phone? Do we have to do work? - This is the bomb squad? (Ryan laughs) A bomb? (stammers fearfully) This is it, boys! - Just like we practiced! - Where's the robot, what do you mean it's outta batteries? - This is from Amy Nielsen. You kiddin' me, right? Just watch the Netflix doc Evil Genius. Came out a few months ago, it's incredible. - We're not kidding you, Amy. - We're not kidding you, Amy, we made a video on it. - It's fully produced, you watched it, I think. It is on the BUN. - You know, here's the thing. I think the Evil Genius special is great. I think, if you watched this episode, and you're like, man I wish I knew more, Evil Genius is a great companion piece to this. In fact, I would say that we're a better companion piece, because they covered it more in depth, we did it broad strokes. - Are there as many yucks on that one? - No, there is not. - 'Cause we, the BuzzFeed Unsolved difference, is you're gonna get those yucks. - You're gonna yuck it up, yeah. - Yeah, unfortunately, sometimes it's not appropriate. (Ryan laughs) Now, as you recall last week, and as we're doing all season, we're really gearing up for #BOOGARAGUITARA. - We're not. - Which is a big thing that's gonna happen at the end of the season, Ryan's gonna play his acoustic guitar for us, he's been really working on his calluses, and getting that calypso strum. - I told you I was playing guitar in confidence. I told you I was playing it for therapeutic purposes, just to watch the world disappear. - Yeah. - Not for performance, you know? - Yeah. - And then you take that information, and you spew it out to the whole internet, and here's what I'm saying right now, I don't not want to play guitar because it's some kind of false sense of modesty, I don't wanna play the guitar because I'm truly bad at it. Like, very bad, right now. I've only played for a month, and I haven't had much time, I'm working so much on these cases, I don't have a lot of time for myself. - Anyway, everybody sent us a lot of really nice fan art, some people also sent in some great videos of them playing songs about Unsolved, and we've got one of those now that we'd like to share, 'cause it's very good. - Yeah, #BOOGARAGUITARA, that opened up for other Boogaras out there to play the guitar, not me. - Yeah, yeah, no Shaniacs. - And not me. - And not you, but not yet, not yet. He's gonna do it at the end of the season. - I once again, can hear you, once again can hear you. - He's gonna be incredible. Let's roll the clip. (beep) ♪ So you ask me ♪ ♪ Hey ghost, are you dead? ♪ ♪ And I answer ♪ ♪ Spaghetti instead ♪ ♪ According your radio ♪ You went to a priest and sought holy water ♪ You freaked over noises and cried help me father ♪ ♪ You stayed overnight in a house ♪ ♪ You shat a burrito couch ♪ ♪ And now you're tired of stories about hot dogs ♪ ♪ Scared the wits of ghoulish dialogue ♪ ♪ And now I gotta explain ♪ ♪ My absence where it remains ♪ (Shane making Mothman noises) ♪ Unsolved ♪ ♪ Unsolved ♪ ♪ According to your radio ♪ (laughs) - That's good. - That's good, it's really well done, far greater than anything I could possibly achieve. She had rhythm, she had a great voice. Instrumentation was great. - Yeah. - Everything was great. I'm proud to have you on the Boogara team. - Ain't that sweet. What do we got coming up this week, Ryan? - Ooh, this week, hmm. It's an international case, I could say that. - Ooh. - It's probably this country's most famous case, and it's a, man, it's a tale. What a yarn this one is. - It's really something. - Ah, well, that does it for this episode of BuzzFeed Unsolved Postmortem, make sure you watch the episode this Friday, and then send in your questions to the BuzzFeed Unsolved Facebook page, and the BuzzFeed Unsolved Instagram page, and maybe you'll be on the next episode of BuzzFeed Unsolved Postmortem on our new channel the BuzzFeed Unsolved Network. Once again, if you haven't subscribed to that, link is right here. - Just do it. - Just hammer the hell out of that link. - Just break your mouse. - Yeah, yeah, just break it. - Just like fucking slam it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Do that. - Our weekly Q&A concluded, I now welcome to you to the part of the show we call the Hot Daga, a Hot Dog Saga, commissioned by Ryan Bergara. - Can you just give me a breath? Gimme a breath, gimme a breath! - Written by me and adored by every single viewer and if you don't like it you can kiss my apple tater. - Let me just, let me just get like a breath, just gotta need to prepare myself for the dumb shit I'm about to hear. Okay. - Previously on the Hot Daga. A lot happened, watch the episodes. (clears throat) A beautiful tropical island, dappled sun falls onto the face of a peach named Jobblet, relaxing on the sandy shore. His brows are something else, baby. (clears throat) - A more ideal situation, I can scarcely conjure. The life of a peach, who can beat it? - [Shane] He takes a sip from his pina colada. From the tropical brush, a holler. - [Garce] Uh, hey pops. - [Jobblet] Mm, Garce, my boy. - [Shane] Garce, a young peach, runs up to his father. Behind him, a lady peach. - [Merga] Garce, what did I tell you about troubling your father during his rest times? - [Jobblet] No, Merga, that's alright. The boy is very good. He'll have my eyebrows one day. - [Garce] Oh, you really think so, pops? - [Jobblet] Mm, I'm like 40 percent sure. I guess it's hard to say, genes are funny like that. I guess your mother doesn't have very good brows, so who knows, quite honestly? - [Merga] (laughs) Well you can't blame me for that, I'm dead. - [Garce] (laughs) That's true. - [Jobblet] (laughs falteringly) Wait, what? - [Merga] Oh, don't you recall, Jobblet? I was blown to smithereens on that transport ship during the Chili Wars. You buried my pit. - [Garce] (laughs) Yeah, she sure is dead. Wake up, Dad. - [Jobblet] What? No, that can't be. - [Merga] Wake up, honey. - [Jobblet] No, I won't believe it! My brows are still immaculate, but you can't be! - [Goondis] I said wake up you bum! - [Shane] Jobblet wakes with a start on the brig of the Starship Minestrone, surrounded by a charismatic, tough-as-nails holographic corn, a cocky flying ace chicken, and Smeech. - [Jobblet] (stammers confusedly) Don't hurt me, please! I never meant to lead you astray! - [Goondis] Can it, produce! We're not here to hurt ya. Nah, see, that's what separates us from you. According to the corn, anyway. Sure, if I had it my way, I'd peck at y'all the way down to your pit for what you did to me, but it ain't about what I want. - [Shane] What are you-- - Just checking to see how much more is left. - Oh, quite a bit. (Ryan sighs) - [Smeech] Wee! - [Shane] That's Smeech. - Hoo, Smeech, good thing, I wasn't sure. - Do you remember him? - No, I don't care. - [Shane] Oh, he's really good, he's a fan favorite. - [Maizey] The doctor is right, we're not here to hurt you, and I think that's evident, considering we just let you take a three hour nap. - [Jobblet] Oh, that was three hours? I told you to wake me up after 10 minutes, no wonder I'm groggy! - [Goondis] I'm gonna pluck out all my feathers, and shove 'em down your throat, I swear to god! - [Jobblet] No, please, no, oh god, oh no, my brows! - [Maizey] Doctor, some restraint. Listen, peach, the doc's a little peeved because you ruined a large portion of his life. That's only fair. But, seeing as I set him free, he's promised to leave you untouched so long as you help us find our friends. - [Jobblet] You mean Gene and Mike Soup? - [Shane] The Starship Minestrone shudders as her system blinks violently. - [Minestrone] Don't you even utter his name, or I'll suck your ass our my airlock you fuzzy fraudster. - [Jobblet] Oh, no, what was that? - [Maizey] Well, okay, that was the ship. She was very close with Mike Soup. Listen, everyone on the ship, except for maybe Smeech-- - [Smeech] Wee! - [Maizey] We all want you dead, including me, but I'm not gonna let that happen so long as you take us to our pals, so, start talking. - [Jobblet] Oh, okay, okay. They're en route to the Onion Station Space Buffet. - [Goondis] The luxury space station vacation destination? I almost bought a timeshare there before the war. Nice property, good square footage. - [Minestrone] Why didn't you pull the trigger? - [Goondis] Cold feet, I don't know, I was an egg. - [Jobblet] Look, all I know is the Dark Master instructed us to bring them there. That's all I know, I swear, I swear on my brows. - [Maizey] Well, your brows are turds now, FYI, but I'll take your word for it. Minestrone, set a course for the Onion Station. - [Minestrone] Baller. - [Shane] The Minestrone powers up and, zap! What awaits our intrepid heroes at the Onion Station, how are Gene and Mike doin'? And lil' Pam? What's the Dark Master's deal? Anyway, all will be revealed this season on the Hot Daga, Showdown at the Space Buffet, only on BUN. BUN is the name of network now, so it really ties in quite nicely to what this is all about. - You know... - You have any questions?
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 1,016,329
Rating: 4.9761786 out of 5
Keywords: Cold case, Creepy, Mini doc, Murder, Mystery, PSSC, Ryan bergara, SffZ, Shane madej, Unsolved, bomb, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, buzzfeed unsolved network, collar bomb, conspiracy, crime, documentary, ghosts, haunted, investigation, robbery, suicide bomb, theories, thief, true crime, unsolved mysteries, unsolved network
Id: 4Tp0Ifku12w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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