Poison Pill Murders - Q+A

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hello and welcome to another edition of BuzzFeed and saw post-mortem a show will reenter your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of BuzzFeed unsolved which was the poison pill murders all the questions were answering today came from you guys via our new BuzzFeed unsolved Instagram page at BuzzFeed unsolved that's very exciting very exciting stuff it is go check it out you see some some juicy content I was just surprised you were commenting on it what I was actually saying I was expecting you to start winding up for one of your stupid animation things I know I know the beginning has just become a tease lately because we like to save all the good stuff for the end and it's still gonna be that way but I promise you we're getting to that crap content at the end we're getting to the crab content today are we crab salutely here goes a pop work just a popcorn his friends gave up I think they've left the theater they're tired of this ongoing saga that never ends everybody loves it also you may have noticed that we are not in our set once again that's because me and the big guy are actually on vacation with other people as well oh not just me and him that would be weird I don't think I could handle that one of us wouldn't come back all right I'm two questions this one comes from Instagram from at Maddie FS does anyone else find it strange that three of them were named Mary and three of them were from the same family yeah I guess that is kind of strange I don't know how I didn't pinpoint that in the moment especially because I talked about Ted Kaczynski who had a lot of connections when it came to wood he did like continuity with his victims so therefore having three Mary's is a little bit odd yeah there's a lot of Mary's that's three Mary yeah I don't know I guess names there's a lot of Nate Mary's a popular name it is a popular name here we go from kpop bunnies I just get this feeling that it wasn't the Lewis guy I mean whoever planned out this horrific crime had to have at least a bit of intelligence to understand how long the pills would last and know how to have nothing traced back to him Lewis was a dummy who wrote a letter that got him jailed for 20 years plus he was really asking for attention when he tried to help the police and then wrote a book that basically had the same idea as the whole crime I believe the true criminal would have been much more secretive as their whole crime never even needed them in the picture you know I actually disagree with that last sentiment we've seen most serial killers do enjoy having themselves in picture it's like their whole game they love it I think they get upset that they've done all this work and then they don't get any credit I think that's why social media is good because they think it gives people sometimes the attention that they crave whereas if it were 10 or 20 years ago the only way to get that kind of attention would be to poison people no I murdered a lot no no he's not gonna be on [ __ ] Kimmel or something like get a skill you know paints or something [ __ ] shoot oh yeah they want to be well-known paint I'm just saying there's other ways for people to know your name besides murdering a shitload I'm the world-famous fence painter you know me yeah do something good you know all that creativity use it for something nice go I can sketch some [ __ ] do I want to be one of those people who makes like incredible sandcastles okay you give me [ __ ] for being a painter and now you're talking about bingo you're not interested in castle craftsman every time I see that name one person who's famous for sand castles right now at the top oh I can't name him off the top of my head I can name one painter off the top of my head ooh Oh let's go Picasso oh yeah good well there's not even one version of that for a sand castle person I don't even know what to call that they're out there there's so many of them sands Minh there's so many it's hard to even pick one as far as Luis goes I mean to me he's still my favorite suspect in the case yeah he's a bit of a dummy but you know he did seem to try to inject himself into the case whenever he goes got swept up in it you know he's get swept up you think it's easy to get swept up in terms of being a suspect in a major serial killing case that's but thank you a few tenuous details sort of connect and then then maybe you just go with it I couldn't help it I just had to write a letter to the FBI no this one comes from Instagram as well Maureen Zehra these poisonous pills were bought at different stores right what if this wasn't done by one person but a group this group took the pills poisoned them and put them back in the store each member gets a different store to avoid suspicion and to avoid to be found easily I just need to TechEd a [ __ ] sleeve to help me out here yeah like a crime syndicate the thing cults you know just groups of people committed to mayhem that could explain why it was all in the same day several different stores yeah I think that's possible I mean that doesn't get us any closer to identifying who that syndicate is but we'll never find out Jesus Christ that's a nice intro into Holly hoarsely there hoarsely its back folks so without further ado the latest crime thriller by Detective Horsley the cap shul capsule capsule did you do that I thought you did that is a bit was that actually hang-ups caps capsule capsule capsule oh yeah Michael Caine okay the capsule rolled back and forth in her sweaty palmas she pondered the consequences of her actions either way it was the end of her six people were now dead and not all of them intentional it all came rushing back as she lifted her head to face the steam licked mirror the endless nights of searching Chicago the capsule tempering the cyanide the force vendetta pressed upon her chest as she recalled memories of finding her beloved entwined in passion with Mary the name that turned within her gut twisting over and over to form one deep cloud of resentment that launched her to action her shaking hand reached into her jacket and prized the folded clipping clutching the corner of the worn paper she eyed the three deceased family members there was supposed to be a Mary at that house she wiped away a slash in the steamy mirror and stared at the remains of the human she had come to see us herself I'm no murderer she thought I'm just bringing justice content with being named the seventh victim of her crimes Paula lifted the capsule to her dry mouth and closed her eyes and he pained that the extra strength tylenol meant to suppress now lunged forward vigorously endorsed stomach she stumbled backwards her arms reached out clutching at the doorframe desperately clinging to the panels her nails world into the green she hit the floor at the end that's it what the way that she's saying that the the perpetrator used it on themselves that's [ __ ] up Holly Jesus Christ was so twisted Holly's good I feel like she's been reading some Raymond Chandler man hoarsely really [ __ ] me up Horsley cuts deep I guess move on yeah Claire Whitney this is her Instagram she says definitely aliens no doubt about it I'm gonna say no thanks Claire this room herbal herbal holic oh is that like a we play all right heard a holic says the killer is definitely Roger are all the things belonging to him is proof that he's involved in it and potassium carbonate found is used in the process of synthesizing potassium he's turning into Scheck Rogan Roger Arnold was the guy who had crime manuals he had some chemistry sets in his house I'm a dockworker yeah potassium carbonate found in his house yeah I'll pin it on him cuz he's a dockworker okay hear that I died see I'd seen this like in other questions if he was a dockworker he would be able to dump things without any one batted an eye he would be able to walk around maybe wearing gloves and no one really care and he also had potassium carbonate as this guy pointed out that's used in synthesizing potassium cyanide which was of course the deadly ingredient and she also did murder that man I mean I'm not excusing it I'm saying it's probably likely that maybe he's a good suspect here Nicky Harris says so it seems pre suspect that the Unabomber seems so darn focused on not having his stuff auctioned off and he has so many quotes it seems only natural that he knows something I think actually the fact that he didn't want it auction off maybe speaks more for his innocence because if he was guilty he would want it spread across the world and break the chain of custody right who's buying that stuff did we talk about that in the episode a fair amount of people buy that stuff what the [ __ ] that's you no no no I would never leave oz henskee typewriter I must have it not as well for my shelf of Antiquities no no no my shop of antiquities is haunted artifacts you still love them Ryan what do we got coming up this week this week we have a that is fairly heroin it's in the woods and that's all I'm gonna say about it this one is a that's the end of this episode of BuzzFeed and saw post-mortem make sure you watch the episode of BuzzFeed and solve this Friday and then send your questions in to the BuzzFeed unsolved Facebook page and the BuzzFeed unsolved Instagram for a new at BuzzFeed unsolved you can see that information right here you just do what you got to do to finish this out once again he's not gonna finish the story now so if you do not want to be disappointed I recommend you log off right buckle up every dog we got and we got that crap content you're looking for as we last left off Dan a very relatable hot dog was on a crab hurtling toward his wife's twin sister the evil but very nuanced Pam his wife Rebecca and son sweet Brandon spectate in horror the crabs are on a collision course now there is no stopping this flash to whites too young crabs sit on a beach somewhere in the South Pacific they are siblings between them their father with the most beautiful beard a crab has ever had and a half that maybe looks like a wizard's hat or whatever is easiest to animate this so far is maybe the richest character yet my children my gentle children Marie and Gina yes papa is my Papa always love each other no matter where your paths take you there is enough darkness in the world and we crabs are the keepers of the light we have been since the beginning of time but we love you Trevor Papa how long is this thing yes yes Mary and up wait but we love each other papa yes Mary and I are siblings but also best friends why would we ever fight I have seen it in my special dreams a hot dog may hypnotize you how could a hot dog do that Papa well she could be a hot dog who is also a witch dramatic haha Papa you tell the best tales three cheers for Papa hop-hop-hop enough enough now children let's go eat the rest of Amelia Earhart for dinner can you believe it every week I think this thing's gonna end you can't say every week I think this is gonna end you realize you control this right the crabs right through me more or less Jesus Christ I saw your jaw drop when you found out that the evil twin sister was a witch now I'm pretty sure I look stoic as [ __ ] we'll do a replay it could be a hot dog who is also a witch dramatic music cue good lord cuz that was pure he's just stunned right there I'm having a hard time not strangling you so anyway tune in next week I guess it just log out a little early and you won't have to watch another flashback just jump ahead eight minutes into the video and then you're set okay [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 1,367,125
Rating: 4.9711862 out of 5
Keywords: Cold case, Creepy, Mini doc, Murder, PSSC, Q+A, Ryan bergara, SffZ, Shane madej, Unsolved, crab, crime, death, hot dog, investigation, killer, murder, mystery, pill, poison, post mortem, questions, theories, unsolved mysteries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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