The Bizarre Disappearance of Bobby Dunbar

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- This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we take a look at the bizarre disappearance of Bobby Dunbar; a case that's inspired controversy unlike any case we've covered before. In summary, this case proves that a happy ending is only relative. - What? - Yeah. (laughing) - What are you talking about? - That's as dark as it seems. - Okay, why is it controversial? We don't do well with controversial things, Ryan. - This case is bonkers. I don't know how else to really describe it. I don't think I can really oversell it, either. It's one of the weirdest cases I've ever read. - You've intrigued me. - Holy, okay, enthusiasm out of the gate. - Let's get into it. - [Ryan] On Friday, August 23rd, 1912, four-year-old Bobby Dunbar along with his family were staying at their family cabin in Louisiana on Swayze Lake, a heavily wooded area that was more like a swamp. The 11 party members included Bobby's parents Lessie and Percy Dunbar, Bobby's brother Alonzo, as well as several other family and friends. On that day, Percy Dunbar, Bobby's father, had to leave for work much to young Bobby's dismay, who, in a tantrum about his father leaving, broke the strap of his straw hat. Lessie, Bobby's mother, was preparing for a fish fry. Bobby then expressed that he wanted to go with Paul Mizzi, a family friend, to the lake to shoot garfish. Paul often took Bobby horseback riding and had an affectionate nickname for him, "Heavy". His mother allowed it and the rest of the boys in the party decided to join. Later, the group of boys were called back for lunch and they started making their way back, though from here the details get fuzzy. Paul recalled putting Bobby's brother Alonzo on his shoulders, joking with Bobby, quote, "Get out of the way, Heavy, or I'll run you over," end quote. Bobby's response, what some newspapers report as his last words, was characteristic to his personality, retorting, quote, "You can't do it. "You ain't no bigger than me," end quote. When they returned back to camp, Lessie realized her son, Bobby, was no longer with the group and was missing. - Paul and the boys all walk back to the house. - Yeah, 'cause Paul has now a gaggle of children with him. - So he's trying to look after everyone and somehow the one that he seems to be closest to, has a fun nickname for, he doesn't see him? - Yeah, I guess he doesn't see him, yeah. Are you looking at Paul right now with a suspicious lens? - Yes, I am. - That makes sense. - It's a little suspect to just suddenly, "Yeah, I don't know where the boy went." - I mean, if that's where your detective brain leads you, maybe follow the instinct. - Okay. - [Ryan] She and Paul began to call out for Bobby in a panic and at one point Lessie fainted into the dirt. Three men from the party began to search north on the wagon trail behind the camp, in case Bobby had gone after his father. On their search, they ran into Percy on his way back from working, who raced to camp when he heard of Bobby's disappearance. By that night, with no trace of Bobby, searchers began to look for Bobby's body. They used dynamite to blast throughout the lake while a thick cable with massive hooks stretched across the length to drag the depths. - Wait, what's the idea here? It's gonna blow all the water out of the lake? - Yeah, I guess it would blow the water out and for a brief, fleeting moment you could see the bottom of the lake there and I guess if Bobby was next to the dynamite-- - I guess, I don't know. If you're at the bottom of the lake to begin with, maybe you're not in great shape. - [Ryan] After the night was over, divers also went into the lake to search any coves the hooks were unable to reach or places where a body could get trapped in the weeds. The only corpse they turned up from these efforts was that of a deer. Because Bobby's body had not been recovered in the lake, searchers believed he could have been killed by an animal, with the most likely predator being an alligator. Searchers even cut alligators open hoping they might find his remains inside, to no avail. By Saturday, August 24th, about 500 men had come to search for Bobby. Searchers even did a test using a straw hat with a broken strap like the one Bobby had on to test how long it could float, finding that it could float uninhibited for hours, leading searchers to believe there should have at least been some evidence of Bobby's hat. - [Shane] So the hat should be a dead giveaway as to his location. - [Ryan] If you drown in that lake, you would see that hat somewhere. Especially since it wasn't like, "Oh, several hours later they noticed he was missing." They noticed he was missing pretty soon. The stress of Bobby's disappearance caused his mother Lessie to become grievously ill and most of the family had to return to their home in Opelousas, Louisiana. Paul Mizzi, who had been the last adult to see Bobby alive, along with two other men who had been guests at that fateful fish fry that day would stay and continue to search for weeks more. Searchers found a solitary set of bare footprints leading toward a railroad trestle bridge heading out of the swamp, with still no body or even a trace of evidence to prove he had been killed by an animal. Those who continued the desperate search began to question if Bobby could have been kidnapped. It was speculated that someone in a small boat could have taken him through the north end of the lake into the bayou or someone on foot could have taken him on the trail or down the train tracks. Searchers had run into stragglers walking along the tracks and began to question if one of them could have taken Bobby. By August 26th, the authorities had also contacted the police in New Orleans about 130 miles away to search for Bobby there, giving those invested in the theory of his kidnapping further hope and official validation. Percy Dunbar would also go to New Orleans himself to distribute 700 copies of Bobby's picture and talked with many reporters. A detective agency made postcards with a picture and description of Bobby and mailed them to town and county officials from East Texas to Florida. The description of Bobby that was widely distributed read, quote, "Age four years and four months; full size for age; "stout but not fat; large, round blue eyes; "light hair and very fair skin, with rosy cheeks. "Left foot had been burned when a baby "and shows a scar on the big toe, "which is somewhat smaller than big toe on the right foot. "Wore blue rompers and a straw hat; "without shoes," end quote. - [Shane] Ugh, it just seems like a lotta people go missing around train tracks. - [Ryan] Yeah, I mean, a lot of interesting characters hangin' around at the train tracks. - [Shane] What does that mean? - [Ryan] I mean, back in the day, vagrants. - Oh, you made it sound like you would have been there. - Like I've been on the train tracks? What if I have? - Have you? - Yeah, I've been on train tracks before. - You hang around the train tracks? - There was an abandoned train track around my town and sometimes, like, people would go there and hang out. - I'm actually a little bit jealous. - It was pretty good. - I always wished my town had a quarry growing up. "Let's just fuckin' hang out at the quarry "and shoot guns at cans." - [Ryan] The Dunbar's whole home town of Opelousas held out hope that Bobby was still alive and together contributed to a $1,000 reward, which was, quote, "To be paid to any person or persons "who will deliver to his parent's alive "little Robert Clarence Dunbar. "No questions asked," end quote. In 1912, this was a relatively enormous amount, roughly equivalent to about $22,000 today. However, after over eight months with no sign of Bobby, the unused reward money was returned to the townspeople who had donated it, but only a week after a major lead in the case broke. In April, 1913, a wire from the Ladies of Hub came to alert the Dunbars that an old tinker/peddler named William Cantwell Walters was spotted in the small town of Hub in southern Mississippi with a boy resembling Bobby, though his foot had been too covered in grime for anyone to get a good look. Walters had given authorities various and inconsistent answers about who the child belonged to, saying it was his own, his sister's, et cetera. Eventually the Ladies had witnessed Walters whipping the child, finally giving a citizens' committee enough to temporarily detain Walters and examine the boy, which they then firmly believed was Bobby, but asked the Dunbars to send further photo evidence. The Dunbars remained skeptical until they in turn received photos of the boy, and at this point the Dunbars traveled to Mississippi to see him in person, still not sure if it was their Bobby. The boy they had found had a scar on his left foot, as well as a mole on his neck where Bobby had one. However, he refused to answer to the name Bobby and when Lessie tried to hold him, he refused to interact with her. Lessie asked to see the boy again the next day and in their time together was able to give him a bath. At this point, she felt without any doubt that they had found Bobby. In a wave of emotion, she's recalled as shouting, quote, "Thank God, it is my boy," end quote, before fainting. Meanwhile, William C. Walters, the man whom the boy was taken from, was insistent that the boy was not Bobby Dunbar, but in fact Bruce Anderson. - That's a fake name, that's not a real name. - Bruce Anderson does seem like a name you would make up if you were, like, pressed in the moment. - Bruce Anderson. - I don't have any info on his cadence either. Like, "What's his name?" - "Uh, Brick Brambrose Andersmythe." - "What was that, what was that, what was that? "You say that again?" - "Bruce Anderson." - There it is. - And he still can't get his story straight as to how he knows this boy? - He's about to say how he knows this boy. - If you're whipping a boy, you better know whose boy that is. - Yeah, I mean, maybe don't just whip a boy at all. - Don't whip a boy, first and foremost. Don't whip children. - Here's his story, Walters claimed the boy was the illegitimate son of his brother and a woman named Julia Anderson, who had cared for his elderly parents back home in Barnesville, North Carolina. Julia Anderson was a single mom who did in fact work as a field hand and a caretaker for William Walters's parents. Walters claimed that Julia had given him the boy willingly, which Julia did confirm, though she disputed some of the details of his story, telling the paper, quote, "Walters left Barnesville, North Carolina, "with my son, Charles Bruce, in February of 1912, "saying that he only wanted to take the child with him "for a few days on a visit to the home of his sister. "I have not seen the child from that day to this. "I did not give him the child, "I merely consented for him to take my son "for a few days," end quote. Some were skeptical at his motives to claim he was given consent to take the child, as kidnapping was a capital offense in Louisiana and he could be just trying to avoid the kidnapping charge. He wrote to the Dunbars explaining so much and begged them to send for her, saying, quote, "I know by now you have decided. "You are wrong, it is very likely I will lose my life "on account of that and if I do the Great God will "hold you accountable," end quote. - [Shane] He's got a boy, boy's not his. - [Ryan] Yes. - [Shane] Boy does allegedly belong to his brother and his brother's mistress. And he's saying, "Yeah, I shouldn't have this boy. "Belongs to my brother and that other lady. "But it's still our boy and I gotta give this boy back!" - [Ryan] Yeah. - They're saying, "No, that boy's our boy! "That's our little straw hat boy, that's Heavy. "That's our little boy." - Yeah. - So if they try to take that boy from him, boy, is he up a creek without a paddle. Right? - If that boy is in fact Bobby Dunbar, he's going to be charged with kidnapping. - Yeah. - And he will die. 'Cause if it's the other boy, which is his brother's son, he can claim that he was given consent to have that boy. He has no grounds for that if it's Bobby Dunbar. - Oh, no, yeah, that's the other rub in it. - That's what the main thing is. So he's saying to the Dunbars, "If you say that's Bobby Dunbar, you know it's not him, "I'm gonna be killed." - Yeah, and he'll also be in trouble because then where's that other boy that he's supposed to have? - I mean, that's the least of his worries. He's gonna be killed for one thing. - He's got a lot of worries, this guy's got worries. - He's only got one play here, and it's that it's not Bobby Dunbar, but these parents are positive it's Bobby Dunbar. - Even though the little boy is, I mean, and granted the boy could be under some distress, but the boy is claiming that he is not Bobby Dunbar. - The boy is not saying anything. - Boy is silent. - [Ryan] A newspaper in New Orleans arranged to bring Julia Anderson to Mississippi so she could identify the boy as well and she arrived in Opelousas on May 1st, 1913. However, stepping into the Dunbar's hometown, Julia Anderson was essentially already on enemy territory, as the town had already decided that the boy was Bobby Dunbar, who had miraculously come back to them. His return was made into a huge spectacle and he rode through town and into the square on a fire engine covered in flowers. When Julia Anderson met the boy, he did not react well to her, much like he had originally acted with Lessie Dunbar, though he may still have been reeling from the many sudden changes in his life, including the fact that in his beautiful new home he had just been given a pony and a bicycle. - [Shane] What are you talking about? He got a pony and a bike? - [Ryan] Yeah. (chuckling) - [Shane] What? (chuckling) - Okay, so this is a very, very tricky case because on one hand he did not react well to Lessie Dunbar when he first met her. A little bit of time later, now he has accepted he is Bobby Dunbar, but then we find out it's because, not because but maybe because, he was given a pony and a bicycle, which seems kind of redundant. Why would you need a bicycle if you have a pony? What do you even do with a pony? I guess you pet it. - A bike you can do, like, sick jumps and stuff. Pony's not gonna do that. - I guess you could do sick jumps. - So were they essentially bribing him? Because I can see him being like, "I don't know this lady, I've never met this lady. "This lady's gonna give me a pony? "This is my mom." - It may be too strong to say they bribed him 'cause I could see that but you could also say, "Boy, I thought my kid was dead for eight months. "He's now back, I'm going to shower him with affection, "give him all the things that I wish I could've gave him." Like, in the eight months, I'm imagining they're like, "Oh, I wish I could've done this, I could've said that," and now he's back it's like, "Fuck it. "I'm gonna give him a pony and a bicycle. "Here's a fire engine covered with flowers." - Yeah. - [Ryan] Additionally, Anderson had been missing her son for even longer than the Dunbars. It had been 15 months since she had allowed Walters to take Bruce and he had never returned with him. Similar to Lessie Dunbar, at first Anderson also had trouble identifying the boy as her son, but soon after stated that, quote, "Her mother's heart," end quote, knew that the boy was her son. However, unlike with Lessie Dunbar, Anderson's initial uncertainty was not easily forgiven by the press. The press largely demonized her for having three children by two different men and it was implied she was a prostitute. Others called her illiterate and naive. They also called attention to the fact that she had lost all of her children within just a year. She had to give her daughter up for adoption, she had a baby who died a sudden death that she was wrongfully blamed for, then Bruce was taken from her. An article written in the New Orleans Item wrote of Anderson, quote, "She had not seen her son "since February of 1912, she had forgotten him. "Animals don't forget, but this big, coarse country woman, "several times a mother, she forgot," end quote. - This writer is really quite brutal. - Yeah, Jesus Christ. - Not really some unbiased journalism there. - Here's the thing, also. - "This big, coarse country woman." Why does he gotta say big? - The thing you gotta keep in mind about this quote, which is what I was thinking when I read it was even if this is not her son, she still is missing a son. She's still missing a son. She's still missing all of her children and you have to rub it in that it's not her son, right? - "Let's remark about how sad this "big, coarse country woman is." - "It's not your son, you fuckin' loser." (chuckling) - Unbelievable. - Jesus Christ, there's no compassion from this writer at all. - Have compassion for this poor woman. - [Ryan] A court-appointed arbiter ruled that the boy was the Dunbar's missing son rather than Anderson's, as Anderson had no lawyer, no money, and no allies in Opelousas. She left town and the boy was uncontestedly allowed to remain Bobby Dunbar. William Walters went through a two-week trial that was described by some as, quote, "Sensational," end quote, at which he was convicted of kidnapping and sentenced to life in prison. After just two years in jail, William Walters' verdict was overturned on an appeal and he was granted a new trial on a technicality. As for the boy, he grew up and lived as Bobby Dunbar. At 18, he fell in love with a girl named Marjorie from a nearby town. They married in 1935 and had four children. He passed away in 1966, always believing he was Bobby Dunbar, but this story doesn't end there. Skipping forward to 1999, Bobby Dunbar's granddaughter, Margaret Dunbar Cutright, began looking deeper into her family's history. Cutright had always been especially intrigued by the family legend of her grandfather's kidnapping and had asked her grandmother to tell her the story many times in her childhood. It was then a story that she told to her own children. A scrapbook with over 400 articles about the Dunbar case was given to Cutright by her father. She writes of the project, quote, "The scrapbook was like a jigsaw puzzle "without the picture on the box, "and over the next few months, "I lost myself in trying to piece it together," end quote. She was especially affected by an editorial cartoon from 1913 titled "Fifty Years From Now", in which a bearded old man sits in a chair with his grandson looking at newspapers from the Dunbar kidnapping trial and asks, quote, "Grandpa, do you think we'll ever know "for certain what our right name is," end quote. - Oh. Heavy. She's living the cartoon that she's looking at. - I mean, that's what happened. She saw the cartoon, the cartoon was referencing-- - What she was currently doing. - [Ryan] Cutright instantly noticed discrepancies in how newspapers were reporting the events. For example, there were at least two different reported versions of Lessie and Bobby's reunion. One paper stated that Lessie recognized Bobby immediately, while the other described Lessie as unsure, even including a quote from Lessie saying, quote, "I do not know, I am not quite sure," end quote. She also found that Percy and Lessie had originally told the papers that the boy didn't look like their son, and that his eyes were too small. Some newspapers also reported Bobby didn't recognize his father, mother, or brother Alonzo. She also was disturbed to read the many biased accounts of Julia Anderson from the time and to read that from Anderson's perspective, she had felt that the Dunbars had kidnapped her son. Linda Tarver, the granddaughter of Julia Anderson, says of the family perception, quote, "All of us cousins grew up, "we knew that we had an uncle that had been "taken by the Dunbar family in Opelousas, Louisiana. "We always said kidnapped. "We said they kidnapped him," end quote. Cutright continued her search obsessively, researching at small town libraries, archives, and courthouses all over the south. Eventually, the idea of testing her grandfather's DNA came up. Cutright's father, Bobby Dunbar Junior, agreed to give a DNA sample to compare with a sample given by one of her great-uncles, a son of Bobby's brother Alonzo. This was a controversial choice and many in the family urged Dunbar to leave the past alone. Gerald Dunbar, one of Cutright's uncles, said of the matter, quote, "No matter how a DNA test turns out, "there's going to be a sense of loss. "What is to be truly gained," end quote. - It seems kinda stupid to not do it. You know, this guy's like, "What's to be gained?" It's like, "Well, people are suffering, "and would like to know what the truth is. "Maybe let's find it out," and, you know, if it's devastating I feel like enough time has passed that members of both of the families could probably get together and be like, "Yeah, our ancestors were shitheads." - Yeah, not so much shitheads but just, like, they made the wrong call. - Yes, they kidnapped a boy. - I don't know if they kidnapped a boy. - They may have kidnapped a boy. - They may have kidnapped a boy, they may have just misidentified their own son, which is odd. - I mean, eyes don't get smaller. - Eyes don't get smaller. - They're not gonna look at their boy and go, "His eyes look small but that's probably him." - That's one newspaper that said that. I'm just saying yeah, I guess there's a lot to be gained here; truth, catharsis, you know. - Put it to bed. - Yeah, I think that's good. - And if it is truly Bruce, if it was Bruce-- - Now, now, wait a second here. The DNA they're testing, Bobby Dunbar Junior is giving his DNA up to this test. They're comparing it to a great-uncle, a son of Bobby's brother Alonzo, to truly see if he is a Dunbar. However, they are not testing his DNA to an Anderson to prove that they are a match too. - Okay. So we can at least rule out based on his DNA that he is or is not a Dunbar. - Exactly, when the test results came back, shockingly, the samples did not match, leaving Bobby's son Robert Dunbar Junior himself surprised. He said of the outcome, quote, "My intent was to prove that we were Dunbars. "The results didn't turn out that way, "and I have had to do some readjusting of my thinking. "But I would do it again," end quote. Still, although this test proves that the boy was not Bobby Dunbar, there does not seem to have been a test administered to prove that the boy was in fact Bruce Anderson. Hollis Rawls, Anderson's son, had expressed a willingness to submit DNA before he passed away, but even without confirmation of that DNA evidence, many were apt to believe that Bobby Dunbar had actually been Bruce Anderson. In terms of incorrectly identifying himself as a Dunbar, Bobby Dunbar Junior recalled a conversation he had with his father when he was a teenager in which he asked his father how he knew he was Bobby Dunbar and remembered his father telling him, quote, "I know who I am, and I know who you are, "and nothing else makes a difference," end quote. - And they gave me a pony. (chuckling) - Way to ruin a beautiful sentiment. He is pretty much just saying that, "It doesn't matter what my name is." - Oh, okay, 'cause I was gonna say technically he's wrong, he does know who he is. His name is not Bobby Dunbar, his license isn't correct. - I mean, it's weird that you got that from that, but he's pretty much saying-- - "I know who I am, except I don't. "I know who you are, except you're not that person. "And that's all that counts." - The name doesn't matter is what he's saying. He's saying, "I'm me, you're my son, "that's all that matters." - And that really is the true sentiment of it all. Like I said, even the DNA test, it's like, "Does it really matter? "Yes, we'd like to know the truth, "doesn't change who you are." Your bones are your bones. - I mean, there is a certain amount of weight to put to your name and your lineage, but at the same time, the relationships you have with the living members is also very important and really that's all that matters. - And we're all gonna be dust someday. - That's a very nihilistic way to look at it but sure. This settles the mystery of the boy that was found and yet the chilling mystery surrounding the boy lost continues to persist. Many wonder what actually happened to Bobby Dunbar that day. Some continue to believe that he was eaten by an animal, such as an alligator or a bear, though no evidence such as clothing was ever found to suggest that. Some wonder if he was actually kidnapped after all. In an interview in 1932, Bobby Dunbar, who was probably Bruce Anderson, recalled a memory of his time with William Walters in which he revealed that he remembered that there was another boy with him who fell off the wagon and died and was buried. Some wondered if the memory had been a memory of suggestion, as there had been theories posed by the prosecution at Walters's trial that he could have kidnapped both Anderson and Dunbar. Psychologically, some posit these theories could have allowed the boy to rationalize Bruce Anderson's death and allowed a narrative as Bobby Dunbar to begin. Regardless, almost 100 years after the incident, one family received closure while the other had it ripped away from them. Tragically, the mystery behind the disappearance of Bobby Dunbar will remain unsolved. (eerie instrumental music) It's kind of a happy ending but is it? I don't know. - They should feel guilty 'cause they stole a boy. - No one stole anything. - They stole a boy! - They thought it was their boy. - No, they said he had small eyes. - That was one newspaper. - Okay. (eerie instrumental music)
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 11,166,929
Rating: 4.9395871 out of 5
Keywords: 8rQn, Bobby Dunbar, BuzzFeed, Buzzfeed unsolved, Fb-d, SffZ, VXWf, Zgtn, case, cold case, cold-case, creepy, crime, criminal, detective, detectives, eerie, haunted, investigate, investigation, investigative, kidnapped, missing, mistaken identity, mystery, paranormal, scary, spooky, supernatural, swamp, true crime, unexplained, unsolved, unsolved mystery, weird
Id: LYUdnsIn5OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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