Litvinenko - Q+A

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- [Ryan] Hello, and welcome to another edition of Buzzfeed Unsolved: Postmortem, a show where we answer your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, which was Alexander Litvinenko. All the questions we're answering today came from you guys via our Buzzfeed Unsolved Facebook page, and our Buzzfeed Unsolved Instagram page, as well as the Buzzfeed Unsolved Network video. - [Shane] Fun! Subscribe. - On YouTube. - Yep, it's the new network, you gotta subscribe, otherwise we'll kill ya. - Won't do that, but yeah. - We're not gonna do that. - We'll be disappointed, we'll be disappointed. (laughs) - Yeah. - All right, let's start on YouTube. - Yeah! - This comes from Louisa Phillips. Sorry. - They didn't teach us about poison in high school. - Yeah they didn't teach me much in school. - Were you always in the back with your shades on like smoking a cigarette and telling the teacher to fuck off? - Yeah. Exactly like that and I had my hat - Hey kick rocks, Teach. - Yeah and I had my hat turned back like this like "Boring!" (Shane laughs) - And meanwhile I was always in the front of the class like, "Oh do you want an apple? I know the answer." (Ryan laughs) (cries) Why won't anyone go to prom with me? - Check out the nerd up front. Look how much he cares. What a loser. - (crying noises) I just want to be smart. - Oh my god. (laughs) Does that answer your question Louisa? Oh wait a second, she really didn't even have a question. It was just - Just "Hey, here's what it's like in the UK." Cool. - That's cool that they do that. - Let's take it over to Gramtown. Oceanman232. First of all I love the name. This guy- - Where is this? Oh- - Gramtown! Oceanman 232. - Yes, yes, yeah. I see. Can you imagine that guy out there? He's like, "Let me put my board back, quick. Got a question for the boys." He says, You know what, it's not. (Ryan laughs) I love it. - You made it. - You made it Oceanman! Please check in for the rest of the season. - Absolutely. Big fan of what you do. - Yeah. - Big fan of your work. - Big fan of Oceanman. - Big fan of your work. - We gotta follow that guy. - Yeah. - Okay, let's (laughs) - Let's go to Facebook. - We'll go to Facebook. - Yeah, yeah. This comes from Danielle Pinniger. - That's something I considered too, but I gotta imagine they must have given them some kind of antidote or some kind of like, is that how that still works? - I think our ignorance is really gonna shine- - It's gonna really come through here. - I don't know if there's an antidote to that. - There must be something you do after to lessen the effects of radiation poisoning. 'Cause like, if they had found this earlier they must have been able to save this guy. Or is it one of those things where like, you're poisoned with it and you're dunzo. - I think once you have a certain amount of exposure to it you're dunzo. - Then how did they not get contaminated? - Um, well it depends. If it was contained in some sort of- - Like a little teapot? - I don't know about a special little teapot. - One of those like (hand motions) - I know Litvinenko... Obviously if he ingested it then you have poisonous radiation in your body. - In you... - You're done for. - So it's possible they had some radiation poisoning. - Possible, yeah. - But they didn't take any sips of that funny little teapot. - That funny little tea... - And they're still breathing. - Yeah. Here's from Imoduffield. - That was actually in Theory 3 in the episode. - Yeah. - Sure, it's possible? - He seems like a man of integrity though. - Yeah, I mean... - I put that in here because I wanted to kind of defend his reputation. - Yeah I would say a guy who outed the inner workings of a corrupt organization obviously doesn't really care about his own well-being that much. He didn't make that stuff up. Or at least I don't think he did. - He seemed fairly selfless. - Yeah. I mean, It seems like he had the right intentions all along the way. I would like to think that he would have just throw some bullshit at the wall at the end of his life. - Unless he was just playing the long game. - That's a long con. - If you knew you were gonna die, would you just start tossing out accusations? Would you be like, "Yeah, it was Shane." - No, I'd probably binge all the TV series I wanted to before I die. - That's all you'd do? - Yeah. - What series are... what do you gotta get to still? - I never saw Lost. - Lost is good! - And I feel like it's one of those things I should start. - Yeah, it's very good! - Never started The Wire. - The Wire is great. - Also Deadwood. - Deadwood is also good. Wow you've got a lot of TV to watch. - Yeah, so maybe I should just get into a life threatening situation, or one that would threaten my life over a period of time where I knew I was going to die. And then I would just watch all these shows. - The last decade of my life I'm not even going to be here. - [Ryan] You're just going to be a floating head. - Yeah I'll just be like (ghostly noises). Just having the time of my life. - This comes from Esmerda on YouTube. (coughs) Sorry, I'm a little under the weather today. There is a lot of parentheticals in this question. - Oh, interesting. Okay. - I'm not sure... There's so many parentheses. - Are there subparentheticals? - Many. - I love that. Love that. - Many. - So this might actually shed some light as to why the two perpetrators, "alleged perpetrators," were fine. Because if it cannot penetrate the human skin, - Yeah. - The fact that he ingested it Bad news for him. The other guys are fine. They could be juggling that stuff, playing hackysack with it. - Yeah, you can do whatever you want. Rub it on your face. Like this. - It's not gonna penetrate. - Like a nice balm. - Just don't get it on the lips! - Don't just put it on your lips. - (licks) You're done. (Ryan laughs) Dead now. - Keep it out of your mouth, you're all good. We just answered a question with a question which is normally frowned upon I feel like. You shouldn't answer questions with questions. - Here's from Instagram, Laura_jukes. And she gives us two words. I want you to take a crack at 'em first. - Worcester. - And? - Leominster. (Shane laughs) - You're just dropping that "T" there. - Yeah. - Leominster. - Leominster. - I think I'm going to go with "Worcester." - Whenever I see British names now since we went to the UK... - You know they're not pronounced in a reasonable way. - Well, I mean also I imagine them said with the same intonation and cadence of that guy who announces the names on the tube. Like "Leicester, Paddington Station." - Oh yeah. (laughs) That's fun. - You know what I'm saying? Yeah, that's how I was tryna pronounce it. - I think it's "Worcester" and "Leominster." Maybe. - Leominster station. - Leominster. - Yeah, I can see that. Yeah. - Leominster. Worcester. - Leominster. - That's like, that special sauce you put on stuff. - Oh yeah, Worcestershire sauce. Worcestershire sauce. You get the Worcestershire sauce on that. - Worcestershire sauce. - Worcestershire sauce. What the fuck is happening right now? - Anyway, that was fun. (Ryan laughs) Britain's fun. It was fun to do our Ghost episodes there too. So we've done some stuff about you before. - We have. - We were there! - We went to you. - It was great. - Yeah. - Maria Teresa Rodriguez. This comes from Facebook. - I always (laughs) love it when someone puts either Shaniac or Boogara. - #LoveYouTooRyan #LoveYouTooShane - I appreciate it. It's very thoughtful. - It is kind of you to say. - What three items, Shane? - (breathes in) Oh, this is tricky. If I said, "Oh, my Blu-ray collection of the Mission Impossible series... that would be worthless, cause I don't have a television. - [Ryan] You don't have a television. You can't plug your thing into the sand. Or a tree. - Maybe the novelization of the Mission Impossible series? - Okay, you- - If that's a thing. - I'm clearly seeing where your priorities are right now. - Maybe it's out there. - Okay, yep. Some kind of big hat for just to block the sun. And then maybe some floss. - Okay. It would be good to floss. Yeah, dental hygiene is always important. - Or maybe a lighter. No, floss. - Yeah, floss. You already have that floss. - I was a Boy Scout. I can start a fire. What are you bringing? - Let's see. I would probably want to bring some kind of like, device that could filtrate salt water into drinking water. - Okay. I think that might be hard to do. I mean, there is a LifeStraw. I don't know if that works with salt water. - What the fuck is a LifeStraw? - [Shane] You don't have a LifeStraw? - What's a LifeStraw? - A LifeStraw is a very cheap straw. It costs like 10 bucks. You can get it at REI. It's good to take when you hike or could potentially could get lost somewhere because you just dip it in a river. You drink it. It has a very effective filter in it so you can drink river water without getting any kind of bacteria. - I gotta get my hands on a LifeStraw. - Yeah, they're super cheap. You should get one. - Also I just love the image of me just plopping down on a little river bank. - [Shane] Yeah! - Just putting a little straw in a river. - Yeah, I have one at home. - And for people like me that don't know what a LifeStraw is they'd be like... - What's he doing? - That guy just put his little straw on the river like it was a milkshake, like Daniel Day Lewis. - Yeah (laughs). It's good. - Oh my gosh! I love that! - Yeah! - I gotta get me a LifeStraw. - So yeah, I guess I'll bring a LifeStraw. - I'll take a LifeStraw. Let's see what else... Ooh, I'd bring a plane. - That's good. - Yeah, that way I could fly off the island. - Or one of those green laser pointers so you can point at ships or something. - I'll bring a LifeStraw, a plane, and Captain Sully. - You're bringing Cap. - I'm bringing the Cap with me. And after I've had enough island getaway time I'll be like, "Alright Cap, fire it up. I'm ready to go." - All he ever did was crash a plane, though. - I'm sure he could un-crash... a plane? I am a little under the weather. My brain is not working that well right now. Un-crash a plane? (laughs) - "Alright, folks. In about 10 minutes we should be crashing this plane. (Ryan laughs) Runway looking clear. Clear skies, 'bout ready to un-crash." Gramtown! Clare_cf. I think we'll be fine. I make all my coffee at home. - Yeah. And you know what, if we get killed for the cause, so be it. That's how much I care about justice. - Oh wow! I don't care about it, so I will not be thrilled. - I'm just kidding. I don't care about justice at all. - I'll be like, "This sucks!" - Don't kill me! I haven't even had a chance to watch Lost. Or do LSD. - Or both at the same time! - I don't think I could ever do an acid. - [Shane] No. I don't want to. - My imagination... - I don't want to. - Even if I'm an old man, I feel like... - Leave that door shut! I don't want a door open in my mind. Lock it! - Luna-Tic: - Once again reassuring you. - Yeah, thank you. - I mean, it is very telling that the only alternate theories that someone didn't do something come from the person that's being accused, so... Not much to read between the lines there. - Yeah, pretty blatant. - Pretty blatant. Still unsolved though. Not saying he did it, no reason to kill me. - Yeah, I saw a lot of people saying this seems pretty... Someone said a lot of the cases this season seem pretty... solved. - We got this one. We got Collar Bomb. - I guess there has been an interesting trend of like, we know part of it, but there is still a ton of unanswered questions. Did you go into this season thinking that would be kind of a theme with some episodes or did it just kind of turn out that way? - I think it kind of just turned out that way. Sometimes I just... - You happen upon genuis. - Yeah, I just happen upon... I'm just free flowing man. I'm just like a delicate little lily, floating in a gentle lily pond. (gentle music) - Just floating around. - What does that mean? - (echoes) I'm just floating around, baby. I'm floating. Like this. - [Shane] This is weird. - (Ryan laughs) Alright. Next question. (Ryan laughs) Jesus Christ! - What does that mean? What are you gonna do to your grandmother? - I assume... - Throw away another grandma? - There's no way to analyze this without being morbid. I'm going to assume her other grandma may have passed away, right? - Throwaway another grandma? Like they cremated and they just dumped it down the trash chute? - God, that's a weird way to describe a funeral, too. Gotta throwaway grandma today. - Gotta throwaway grandma. - Gotta throwaway grandma on Sunday (laughs). - I guess in sense... - You are throwing her away technically. You're putting them in the ground. - Well, don't throwaway your grandmother. She's probably a nice lady. (Ryan laughs) And obviously she has a brain. Shout out to your grandmother. Send her this. (kiss) Give her a little smooch from the Shane. - Sometimes you know when the party's over and you gotta end it. (Shane laughs) - Party's raging, man. - Okay. - Ryan, what's coming up next week? This week? - So we have a case that was featured on Unsolved Mysteries, a show that I watched growing up and it the got investigators or one investigator in that show in some murky water. - Oh. - It's a very weird case. - You mostly... I'm really not involved with a lot of this, but you're really putting your life on the line this season. - I'm just relaying the information. I'm not digging any deeper, I'm not going out to interview people. - He says that on screen, but once the cameras shut off, he's like, "I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. I'm sticking my nose in it." - Killing me would bring you no joy. I mean, it would bring some people some joy. - It might. - But would it accomplish much? - Yeah, probably. - Not really. - Yeah, a little bit. - Anyways, look forward to that. - Yeah. - That does it for this episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved: Postmortem. Make sure you watch the episode this Friday, and then send in your questions to the Buzzfeed Unsolved Facebook page, the Instagram page, or comment on the video directly and maybe you'll be featured on the next Postmortem (breathes in) (dramatic music plays) - Our weekly Q+A concluded and I now welcome you to the part of the show we call "The Hot Daga." A hotdog saga commissioned by Ryan Steven Bergara written by me and adored by every single viewer. If you don't like it, you can kiss my apple taters. (space music plays) At the O-Nion Station's Space Buffet Resort & Spa, brave Mike Soup, incredible Gene who is absolutely french fries, and Garce, the duplicitous peach, all bask in the calming pink glow of the Zero-G Lazy River. - [Gene] Hey, you guys ever think about what happens after we die? - [Garce] Nah. - [Mike Soup] I do. I think it's random, like a slot machine. You might become a ghost. - Whoa, scary! - I might turn into yogurt. Garce might go straight into the Devil's red hell and suffer for all eternity while maggots crawl through his stinking body. Who can say? - Okay, well I hope I become an angel. Yeah (laughs). Like with big golden wings that are even more beautiful than my PopPop's eyebrows. - You know Garce, maybe it's all this relaxing, but I honestly can't even remember why I was angry at you in the first place. - He and his father drugged and kidnapped us and lured us here for reasons unknown, for reasons known only to the Dark Master. - (laughs) You know what guys? I don't even care. We're in a kickass lazy river and I couldn't give two pickles. - Frankly, I don't care either. This place has such a calming influence on my stern temperament. I feel as giddy as a chowder. - [Doctor Goondis] Oh, make way for the Juggernaut! - [Shane] Doctor Goondis, a large, very relaxed chicken floats past the gang. - Whoa, howdy fella! Well aren't you just the king of the river. - Haha, ain't that the truth. Something about this place just makes a person feel like royalty. - Say feather man, you look familiar to me. - Huh? Hey, now that you mention it, so do you. And the little blue guy! - Those dog tags you got, you ever see service? - Well, feels like a lifetime ago, but yeah I think so. - Whoa, thanks for your service! - Did you ever assassinate the Pope? - You know what, I did! I think? - Ernie? - Soup! - Whoa, the venerable Doctor Goondis! Sorry about my dad being such a dick all the time and for following his orders without question. Oops! - You know what, I had a lot of rage in me but now we're here bathed in this wonderful warm light, and all that darkness, well, it just feels little. And the cocktails here are so cheap! - Well I'll be canned, I truly can't believe it! Ernie Goondis in the flesh! This is my good friend Gene. A talented french fries who's from the future. I secretly find his positive attitude very charming. - Whoa, nice to meet you. You're a big part of our whole mission, or were, I think? Now we're just so chilled out here it's like, "Hey, let's swim!" You know? - Read my mind, Gene. - [Joblett] No, choo choo! Here comes the Joblett Trolley and this little chugster is drunk as a truffle pig. - Joblett and Smeech float into the river. - Whoa, it's the gang! - Hey, it's you. I hate you and I'm glad you look all fucked up. But I got nothing but chill vibes for you right now. Namaste, or whatever. - Who are you and what have you done with that old crank pot Mike Soup? Oh L-M-A-O Gene. - Yeah, funny as hell. Love this guy! I love you Gene! - [Maizey] Oh this ends now. - Finally, floating into the party, it's Maizey! She does not look happy. - Oh hey everybody. Man, so good to see you all. - (all cheer) Same! - Anyway, I had something to tell you but I... Huh. You know, after that orientation we just went through, I just, whoo! I just want to chill 'til I'm dead. - [Weldon] Ahoy! - A jovial hamburger floats into the party. - My precious, wonderful JVIPs. The Space Buffet Pasta Parade is (laughs) - is sharting... - is starting shortly! It's how we chill everybody out before the weekends around here. We reserved a place for you all on our most esteemed float. Bring your new pals here too, haha! Anyway, I'll beef seeing you soon! - Oh, I love parades! - Oh my God, me too. - Say, just a quick thought everybody. I never got to download... I never totally got the download on why the Dark Master wanted you here. Should we be concerned about that? - Nah, I'm a little worried, but only a little. - Same. - Well then everything's fine. Best vacation ever! - Will Maizey and company enjoy the rest of their vacation? Is Weldon chill? What's going on with the Bad Guy? All this and more next time on the Only on B.U.N. (eerie beats play)
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 726,826
Rating: 4.9733105 out of 5
Keywords: Cold case, Creepy, K_fe, Mini doc, Murder, Mystery, SffZ, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, buzzfeed unsolved network, conspiracy, crime, criminal, documentary, investigation, investigative, litvinenko, litvinenko interview, pItY, polonium, q and a, ryan bergara, shane madej, theories, true crime, unsolved, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mystery, unsolved network, unsolved post mortem
Id: DVvsgq1oeCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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