Phoenix Lights - Q+A

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Shane is really stepping it up with the Hot Daga. I never trusted those plupples to begin with!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/denvertebows15 📅︎︎ May 24 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to another edition of BuzzFeed unsolved post mortem a show where we answer your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of BuzzFeed unsolved which was the Phoenix lights all the questions were answering today came from you guys via our BuzzFeed and saw Facebook page and our BuzzFeed have solved Instagram page what a fun episode though talking about aliens with our new pal Georgia Georgia Phoenix lights after this episode was pretty sweet yeah one of my favorite cases when it comes to extraterrestrials Kurt Russell saw it he did see it apparently if anyone's got Kurt on the line give him the link to the episode be sure he loved it Kurt Kurt looks like a guy who really is into YouTube Facebook here we go this comes from Danielle devotee I'm with shame in calling it military activity we are simply too far away from other inhabitable planets but let's say it was aliens they make the trip however long it would take and they stay for three hours I won't even drive to Florida from Tennessee without planning to stay at least four nights but aliens that travel for millions of miles away are good with putting on a brief light show before continuing their travels also as far as the lights looking like one massive ship light pollution blocking out stars and the human brain trying to make a picture that makes sense by connecting the dots lights had had there been a mile long aircraft there would have been mass hysteria and national news coverage that night not a newspaper article three months after the fact hashtag haic hashtag shame yeah it's like a mic drop at the end of that one yeah is it I mean here's the thing I do believe in aliens there's a lot about this it is a little strange to me the light pollution thing maybe seems like a little bit of a stretch you you mentioned the light pollution thing I mean I don't know it's hard for me to say I you know I wasn't there I'd like to have been there got to see with my own eyes really I'm at that point looks like that hashtag Shanee doesn't really mean much I think I can also I am similarly confused by their methods or their techniques I don't I do this is just in general you know it's a different if it is aliens it is a different culture they have different norms maybe they have different travel plans maybe their road tripping is a little bit different than ours it does seem strange though to fly over Phoenix for two hours and then leave the universe is very large we could just be a you know a Denny's on the on the ground okay let's not let's not belittle Denny's oh I'm not belittling Denny sounded like I loved him I loved and he's too I've given more to Denny's out of my pocket than any other charitable foundation I let's take it over to Graham tone here's from Michaela Paige are you guys aware of your matching pants in this scene referring to the interview with George oh we were aware on the day of that we had worn very similar pants we didn't call each other up though the night before and saying you were in the red pants Ryan you can be honest with them Ryan called me the night I did not work I think tomorrow is gonna be a red pants day even if that were true that would mean you would agreed to that so that I got a complicity I said hell yeah it's a red pants day it's an odd choice sign me up you know it's you know you know why it's clear that it wasn't coordinated it's because they weren't the same shade of red my tried our best no no we did rise if I'll tell you one thing I'll prove it to you next week well we'll come into the post more where the exact same thing oh sure we will nail it oh yeah Facebook Ryan Van de put this seems to be directed at Giorgio don't expect to be taken seriously on ancient aliens when you turn up for an on-camera interview looking like beetlejuice and with a million emoji not nice Ryan George Oh watch yourself he's a nice man when he first walked into the room yes his hair was overwhelming I saw it and I was like wow but he makes it work two minutes into it I truly believed he was the coolest man in the room exactly and he don't have you don't have to believe that because it was true it was true obviously true then again not a lot of competition that he offered not very stiff of a competition just the red pen it's just it's just the red pad boys that aren't quite the same red RPGs baby are PBS for life here's some 9-1-1 mean could this have been a case of mass hysteria seems plausible love the show I don't think it is yeah I don't think it is either all right next question I mean obviously it's not because we saw news footage of the lights in the sky that's mass hysteria is usually connect to something that's not even isn't even happening right I can see maybes people's opinions being swayed by if a hundred people are like I think it's an alien maybe there's an extra subset of people who barely saw anything or like yeah but they weren't saying people were witches no they were like holy look at those big-ass lights in the sky we're dancing themselves or dancing themselves to death as they do in France or that laughing epidemic in Japan very good also very good people died in that too died of laughter what a good way to go hmm I guess he didn't die doing what you love I suppose you just imagine laughing until you until the light goes out of your eyes until until you cease to breathe yeah there's probably one last horrifying cackle at the very end ah and in your frozen your breath Joey Aloha Lindgren I still think it's area 51 top security aircraft wouldn't be wouldn't have wouldn't have been explained to civilian or low-level military people they do shady at area 51 and I think it's actually in their best interest to keep the public thinking that the lights were alien so that our enemies don't know what we're doing hashtag Bugera with ghosts but cheney ack with aliens hashtag so sue me hashtag I love you both I mean this sort of illustrates my biggest stance my this is what I'm going with for the most part I think the government cannot be trusted I think oh no that I you should trust the government to a degree I don't want to push any you know we're talking about ghosts and aliens here I'm not trying to encourage you to be a seditionist or anything but you should all register both though please register register to vote if you get anything with this episode registered to vote and not just not just in your big presidential elections no a lot of small local elections that probably affects you even more now you can't trust the government I don't know if you know if they're you know I know you had a lot of you took issue with the fact that they didn't tell the governor I took issue with a couple things in communication when it came to internal affairs here they didn't tell the governor which sure okay that makes sense to maybe feel I mean whatever tell him but you should probably tell nobody local military bases it's it's above their pay grade man so you would rather have our own military fire off missiles at something that's our own ship because you didn't tell them about it I'm sure there's like a protocol for these kind of things isn't because they said not to if I think it's fine I think they said off to fighter jets to go pursue something that was our own vehicle then did they did they fire no because they were scared I don't think it's only because they were scared I'm sure I'm sure their boss wasn't like well why didn't you show them fingers were getting it's really seen anything like that my knuckles waited Meigs Fowler I know this has nothing to do with this episode but can ghosts see each other Ryan can't wait that's fair question I guess it is fair yeah I guess I mean yeah I would say so a good answer I mean yeah like I said every time it comes to these ghosts logic questions I'm gonna sound silly no matter what what I know why would you say there's no way for me to conclusively say any of that I'm still trying to prove ghosts are real let alone hey do they see each other do they like nonfiction or fiction I don't know because it makes that's that they would see each other because if we can allegedly see ghosts but yeah I guess you're gonna logically look at it yeah you would assume and ghosts can see us if they interact with us unless there's like a step of removal like the ghost can only I don't know I'm gonna say yes you're gonna say yes I think they could see each other I don't I always say that because there's been EVPs caught of two ghosts talking to each other Oh what about the sixth sense that's a movie let's go to Katie Elaine I still think the first may have been UFOs but the second could have been flares the military may have used the the flares to try and distract us from the first event and to make us think they were all flares I just find it sketchy how often these stories change regarding extraterrestrial life interesting theory right pretty good I think it's good yeah she's talking about the first and the second event for the Phoenix light the first one had less witnesses still a good amount of witnesses the second event was the one that was seen by most news cameras because people had been kind of buzzing about the first event the military offered the flares explanation for the second event but has no explanation for the first event pretty much ignoring that there were two events in general I loved that I loved it which is like why this seems like the ultimate half measure to me I don't if I'm saying they do not give a I mean yeah that would suggest I can't really think of any other thing to file that away under yeah I mean it would appear that they don't give a no I love it oh my god over to Graham town Emily Cargill you're dumb if you think aliens don't exist but you're also dumb if you see funny lights in the sky and immediately go to aliens also ghosts aren't real Emily there's there's a lot of negativity in the world you don't want to go around calling people dumb you know if you disagree with someone just that's fine I don't think Ryan's dumb I think he's excitable and that's fine he's telling that he's sneezing that telling the truth he's definitely sick I don't think you're a dummy I think you're a smart person with some very unique views that don't always add up that's fine okay ghosts are real lights on the sky may very well be aliens it may not be you don't know well that does it it does do it what are we what's coming up this week this week we have we take a little trip down to the south to start a little 2 episode journey this first one is a good for those thirsty for ghosts if you've got that goes first or not we're not that does it for this episode of BuzzFeed up it's all postmortem make sure you watch the episode this Friday and send your questions into the Buzzbee don't solve Facebook page and the BuzzFeed unsolved Instagram page and maybe you will be on the next post-mortem very excited yeah yeah our weekly Q&A concluded I now welcome you to the part of the show we call the hot dog why does this dog saga commissioned by and starring Ryan Stephen Vergara written by me and adored by every single viewer and if you don't like it you can kiss my Apple taters Zack or the tiny ghost of a hot dog which operates in the middle of the jungle forests of the alien planet DOMA is wrong yes her name is Pam and for the first time in her afterlife she's doing the best she can Jean Mike soup it's me Pam we don't know each other super well beyond me dropping all your friends in a volcano oh man I can't believe that worked anyway I got murked and it chilled me out just visited Maisie in a subterranean prison cell and it seems like she could use your help so I pam-pam Kazaam doubt if their which is my catchphrase now that I'm fun anyway I'm here to help now so come on out silence tell you what I hate this planet as Pam continues through the jungle her eyes behold an eerie sight the lifeless bodies of Jean the Nobel Peace Nobel Peace Prize winning french fries and captain Mike soup a guy who was really good soup I know I spent a great deal of my life trying to make you guys dead and full disclosure seeing you this way there's a small part of my funky no-good heart that's like hell yeah but the rest of me is different now the rest of me weeps to know that I'll never hear another chart-topping hit from Jean the French frys who sang songs so good that the US government laser engraved some of their lyrics onto the face of the Moon and mic soup I know you pretended you weren't the infinite infamous soup Baron but we're all pretty sure you were without you the chili wars might still be raging oh wow a little talking hot dog lady from the from the brush a plop OH Oh freeze dingleberry get your hands where I can see them or I'll do some messed-up ghost ghost which stuff to you that would make puke puke oh hey no no no big deal hey you want some Mike it's got my face on it hey here's a million clever bugs I don't want your money you hole humming beating back I want to know who ordered you to kill these travelers since you're obviously too inept to make any decisions for yourself huh oh no there's just napping is all promise you can trust me I'm a pleople oh all right that actually made sense to me because the one thing I've always said is you can definitely trust someone who repeatedly insists that you can trust him you idiot I don't care if you're a pleb I don't care if you're Alfred Molina you think I murdered an entire menu of beloved wedding guests by being honest I'm the queen of deception and straight-up dirty tricks game recognize game however inferior hope you don't have much on your to-do list donkey nut because you're about to get possessed by a dog witch huh oh wow what the heck are you talking about pam hovers in the air briefly then shoots toward the unsuspecting pleople pam pam gar stands motionless he blinks shouldn't have done that hot dog from deep inside Garth Pam's voice echoes faint what what the hell what where am I should have done your homework hot dog only thing deep inside me to possess is a pit oh this is messed up how was I supposed to know Klopas have pits huh they don't enjoy your stay Pam hello what's of the commotion nearby Gina I wake from their nap I've just had a tremendously confusing dream about that old hot dog with Pam oh that lady bummed me out oh hey guys we got a bit we better get a move on if we want to reach your friend before sundown I'll let you sleep an extra 10 minutes because you looked so at peace oh gosh you're a peach no you said it Mike and that's it frigging I didn't write the whole leg well fire what weight will they ever find out next week on the hot new dog asleep from the Planet of them you don't need to rev it was good did you did you did that one all it was a smooth go down smooth for you now it's good yeah it was like I swallowed the outside of a pineapple just rocked my throughout the entire time as gross Jesus Christ [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 914,454
Rating: 4.9578028 out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, BuzzFeedBlue, Buzzfeed unsolved, PSSC, Phoenix, Q+A, SffZ, alien, aliens, ancient, case, cold case, cold-case, creepy, creepypasta, crime, criminal, demon, detective, detectives, eerie, extraterrestrial, ghost, haunted, history, hot dog, interview, investigate, investigation, investigative, lights, meme, military, monster, mystery, panic, paranormal, plane, planes, questions, scary, ship, space, spooky, strange, supernatural, test, theories, theory, true crime, unexplained, unsolved, unsolved mystery, weird
Id: _YHhdM_3CuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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