Charles C. Morgan - Q+A

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- Hello and welcome to another edition of BuzzFeed Unsolved Post Mortem, a show where we answer your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of BuzzFeed Unsolved which was Charles C. Morgan. All the questions we're answering today came from you guys via our BuzzFeed Unsolved Facebook page, and our BuzzFeed Unsolved Instagram page, as well as the video itself, on the BuzzFeed Unsolved Network, B.U.N.! - Subscribe! - Let's go to the first question, should we start up at-- - (inaudible) Facebook? - Facebook, gram-town, or - Or-- - YT. - YT! - Malaika Tinashe. For Post Mortem: isn't it possible that if he was doing shady stuff with the mob, that the sunglasses did belong to him and he just bought them while he was MIA? I never understood why people say an item can't belong to someone, as if new purchases can't be made and not be traced. Anyway, Shane's right, this case is super weird. I understand why it's unsolved, but I don't understand who decided to rule it a suicide. Hashtag boogara, hashtag shaniac when I'm feeling brave enough. (laughs) Very fun. - Uhhh. - Conditional boogara shaniac. - Yeah, I feel like I brought this up when we were shooting, I don't know if it made it into the episode, but I also took issue with that. - I think it's highly possible they were his sunglasses. Regardless, those sunglasses weren't exactly the smoking gun for me when it came to the crime scene. I think the two dollar bill being pinned to his underwear with a bunch of crazy little writings on it-- - That's strange. - The gunpowder being on his left hand. There was far more incriminating things that were found at the crime scene, other than those spooky, spooky sunglasses. We don't really have hard opinions on this show too much because most of the time the cases are unsolved, you don't really know what theory can or can't be ruled out. - Yeah, we don't wanna put something on the table and say, "That's it! That's what that is." - Or "that's not it", even. But this is one of the few cases where I think I could say that's not it. - You can make certain claims quite confidently. - Yeah. I mean look how confident he is with his popped collar. (laughs) - Put some sunglasses on me in post, please. - Just have them drop down. (laughs) Oh my god. - Let's go over to gram-town. - That's Shane on Fridays, oh it's poppin' (inaudible) - This is from I haven't watched the new episode, but I know it's gonna be a banger. I trust the boys. (laughs) - I appreciate that. - Let's go to Facebook. - For Post Mortem: Hi, I'm in Manila and it's sucky I have to wake up hella early, six AM, on a Saturday to be able to see the ep, and make the Post Mortem deadline. Anyway, the thing that shook me the most in this episode was the thought of having the HotDaga in the main ep. Like, why? I can barely stand it in the Post Mortem. Well, actually, I stop watching Post Mortem when the HotDaga starts, and I can't even, literally can't even, if it gets into the main episode. Anyway, hashtag boogara forever, hashtag fuck the HotDaga hashtag love you Shane, but fuck the HotDaga, hashtag I hope I make the Post Mortem. You made it! - You did it! - And look, no one is sadder than me that the HotDaga infected the sanctity of the main episode. - You know what's interesting though, is that you have final say on the final cuts of the episode. - Mmm, I actually said to cut that out in the notes and they didn't. - And they didn't. - I think the team turned on me. - And yet you didn't protest anymore? - What, am I gonna hack into the mainframe there and cut it out myself? - Seems like maybe if you didn't want that in the episode it wouldn't be in the episode. - Part of the creative process is teamwork. And being a team player. - Yeah. - Yeah, so for this case-- - Yeah, no I know what you're saying yeah, I get you. - What is this voice you're doing right now? - Yeah I know what you're saying. - (laughs) - Let's take it back to gram-town. I'm gonna guess this is pronounced stef-uh-neeks. Or Stephanie nine, if we're going Roman numerals. - I don't think it's Roman numerals. - For the Post Mortem: would you rather be brutally murdered or be haunted by a spirit for the rest of your life? I'm, I feel like-- - I mean, yeah, haunted by a spirit, yeah. - (laughs) In most equations where your two options are brutally murdered, or X... - (laughs) - You're gonna go with the other one. - Would you rather be brutally murdered or have a kinda shitty roommate? Yeah, I think I'll go with the shitty roommate, I could handle that. - Would you rather be brutally murdered or eat a turd? - Yeah, I want, take-- - Serve me up a turd. - So yeah, get the-- - One turd, put it on a bun. - Get the, get the turd ready. - Put some mustard on it. If it's warm, I could put it down. - Mm, not bad. Tube-town! - Tube-town. This comes from Ya Donovan. Perhaps they were really clever, made him shoot the gun knowing gun powder would go onto his hand. Also, as there were no fingerprints, there could've been gloves, or his sleeve pulled down to cover his fingers. If not, no suicide, boys. Once again-- - (laughs) If not, no suicide, boys. Hate to tell ya, see you later. - Sorry fellas, no suicide. Once again, hammering home the point, this is obviously not a suicide. If he shot himself, and there's no fingerprints, there would be, you know... - Yeah. - He would have to be having gloves, you know. - Yeah, yeah. - I think clearly this was a crime scene. I think they were literally just trying to make it a wacky crime scene. - This is one nutty case. - And these officers were either lazy or in the pocket of these killers, and were like, "Yeah, suicide." - I'm gonna give this the nutty award. Every season I pick the nuttiest case of the season, and it goes to this one, folks. - Those killers were probably on the, hopped on the horn after the suicide ruling and were like, "Did you see what they ruled it? They ruled it a suicide. Can you even believe it? We totally did not intend for that to happen." - What a bunch of suckers! - Anyways, happy mistake for us. - Cool, we got to kill someone for free! - (laughs) - Should we go back to gram town? - You can do whatever you want. - Okay, here's from servothecow. If you guys get whacked, can I have Shane's chinos collection? Yeah, sure. - Hope you have legs that are eight feet long, because... I guess you could get them hemmed. - Yeah you could get them hemmed. You can get them hemmed. - What are you, like, 32 48? Is that your pant size? - 32 34. - 32 43? Did you get them accidentally-- - I don't have 43 inch legs. - Is it-- I don't think that's inches, man. - I thought it was. - I don't think it is. - Yeah, it is. Let's go back to Facebook. - This comes from Carmen Rodriguez. Yeah, this one is for Ryan, red or green chili tamales? Got a bet going with my friend-- got a bet going with my twin. Love the new network, hashtag shaniacs, hashtag love boogaras. You know, I gotta go with the I think I'll go with green chili. Green chili, in my opinion there it is always better, I don't know. - Yeah, I agree with that. - I like it, it has a better taste. Red kind of just, a lot of times, has just that fire but it doesn't have as much taste. I know I'm probably gonna get a lot of shit. - Green's got a lot of character, too. - Green does have more character, and oftentimes green chili is accompanied by some delicious cheese inside the tamale. Or the "tuh-mall", 'cause it's not plural. - Twins, creepy. - (laughs) Moving back to, let's go to-- - Let's go back to gram-town. Hannah.sattler: what kind of popcorn is your favorite? Buttery, kettle? - (laughs) What the fuck are these questions that we picked? - Cheesy, plain? Thanks for being so amazing. Well, you were gonna-- you always pick the real ones so I like to mix it up, you know? - Yeah, yeah. My favorite kind of popcorn is butter and salt, that's all it needs. - He's a purist. - And in some cases, you don't even need that because popcorn is a beautiful thing. - You can have it on its own. - You don't need to dress popcorn up and make it do a little dance in your mouth, just eat popcorn as it is. Popcorn is beautiful, don't ruin it. - Appreciate it. - By covering it with cheese, or caramel, or... - Don't get me started on caramel corn. Now, Ryan is a bit more harsh on funny corn. - I hate funny corn. - I'm okay with certain kinds of funny corn and that's mostly just cheese. - Yeah. By the way, funny corn is popcorn that has something other than butter and salt on it. It's when you put it in little funny outfits, like cheese. - Cheese I don't mind quite as much, but if I'm, you know, preferably, it's always butter and salt. - Let's go back to Facebook, 'cause this is a very good question. This comes from Rebecca Finck, for the Post Mortem: I looked up the accompanying Bible verse, which deals mostly in remembering the creator before everything in life goes to crap. Don't only turn to him when things are bad. Do you think that, that verse holds a clue to what Morgan was involved in, or was it more of a veiled threat? - I like that! - 'Cause, I mean, it's referenced two times. She says it over the phone, and it's referenced in the dollar bill-- or the two dollar bill. It has it written on there and it has arrows pointing to the verses on the numbers. It's just one of the many things in this case that is, it feels almost odd for the sake of being odd. I don't think there's even actually any meaning to it. It just feels like these people watched serial killer movies and were like, "What can we do here that would be really fuckin' weird?" - Yeah, I was gonna say it seems, as much significance as it could possibly have, it also seems very easy to clip out any Bible verse. - They probably just opened a Bible, put it on the wall and just threw darts at it. Like, whatever it landed on was like, alright those verses, there we go. If I had to put it on something, I frankly just think it was done to be, to throw the scent off the trail. It was there just for show. - Yeah. This comes from YouTube, hashtag post mortem from Zena. Since he was the president of an escrow agency, do you think maybe a company was after him for holding funds, or maybe a broker, and Morgan tried to bring someone down because I know the mob would indefinitely go to any lengths to kill who they were told to kill, but I feel at least one member would have accidentally said something or gotten seen. This guy was into a lot of strange things, I wonder if it was one particular thing that got him killed or if it was the amalgam of all the strange things that he was involved in. - All those chickens come home to roost. - Yeah, lots of chickens. - Roosting time. - Roosting time for sure. Let's just put it at, this guy was into some weird things and sometimes you reap what you sew. - You reap what you sew! Ryan, what's coming up this week? - This case has perhaps some of the most bizarre twists and turns of any case that we've covered, and I feel like that's something I may say frequently, but it's a very, very wacky tale. And I'm surprised more people don't know about it. Well, you'll know now, next week though, 'cause he asked me what's coming up. No, not next week, two days from now. - Friday. Friday, yeah. - It's gonna be good, you should watch it. That does it for this episode of BuzzFeed Unsolved Post Mortem, make sure you send in your questions to the BuzzFeed Unsolved Facebook page, the Instagram page, or comment on the video directly after you watch this Friday's episode, and maybe you'll be featured on the next Post Mortem. - Subscribe to B.U.N. Our weekly Q&A concluded, I now welcome you to the part of the show we call the HotDaga, a hot dog saga commissioned by Ryan Bergara, written by me, and adored by every single viewer and if you don't like it you can kiss my apple taters. The mood is electric, as excited crowds line the walkways of the O-nion Station promenade. The lights dim as the speakers blare. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, put your hands together for the most dazzling show in all the galaxy! - How dare you start that with the Disney lion cadence, how dare you. - The O-nion Station space buffet pasta parade! Music fills the air as the first-- - [Ryan] I can't believe you. - As the first pasta float makes its way down the promenade. - [Ryan] I can't believe you're doing this. - Atop the float is Weldon Burgereaux, dressed to the nines. - [Weldon] Ha ha, hello! Welcome to the weekend, my lovely guests. Stop by the hot tubs, they're free! - The next float has a bunch of dancing jalapeno poppers on it. They are the universe's best dance crew. Everyone seems to enjoy them. As the pass, another announcement. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare-- - Stop it, stop doing this. - Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for ultimate relaxation as our JVIPs blast you with those sweet, sweet, serenity beams from atop the feel-good float. The feel-good float makes its way down the street. Atop it is our gang of lethargic heroes. - Yo, what up party people, I'm French Fries! - Life is finite, enjoy your fleeting existence. Also, why does this parade smell like chili. - Cheer if you like my eyebrows. - The crowd does not cheer. - (laughs) Woo! I love them, Papa. Did you hear me cheering? - Hey, who wants a blast of serenity beams, huh? - Dr. Goondis blasts the crowd with the pink haze, they feel great. - [Maizey] Oh hey, let me get some of that, Doc. - Goondis blasts Maizey with the pink light. - Man this is the best weekend of my life! - Suddenly, a rumbling, the whole station shutters. Scattered debris falls from the ceilings. - Oh, what was that?! - Another rumble, screams begin to fill the air. From the head of the parade, guests start to flee, expressions of terror on their faces. The panic starts to spread as the crowd erupts into a full-blown riot. Weldon Burgereaux limps into view, he doesn't look great. - Run, run my JVIPs! - What is it, Burger? - Something large, extra large! It came from outer space, and took a bite out of the station! The audience, the jalapeno poppers, he's still chewing! Oh god, the chewing! But another bite, it's sure to follow. We're all going to die! Fly, you fools! - Weldon coughs, and then just straight up dies right there on the promenade. - Holy shit, is that burger dead? - Wuh-oh! Papa, do you think this is the work of the dark master? - It can only must be. - Oh, we're served up on a platter, sitting beloved ducks, a meal for a cosmic monster! - What do we do? We've gotta stop him. - Oh now wait a minute, you know what'll help us think? Some more of that serenity light. - Here, let me crank it up 10 percent, give us a little extra juice to combat these harsh vibes. - Goondis blasts everyone with the serenity light, they take a deep breath. The chaos around them continues, but they have found bliss. - Ooh, that's top shelf, baby. - You know, I've been thinking about cutting my hair shorter. - You could for sure pull that off, Maizey! - Wow, I was thinking of getting eyebrow implant--ah! - What? Garce, are you okay? Just chill out, alright. Goondis, can you blast the boy again? - Uh, I don't know, he looks a little ripe. - Papa? - Yes, my boy? - (laughs nervously) Whoa, okay, I think I'm gonna die. - Garce pops like a balloon, and as the smoke clears, in his spot, a small hot dog witch, freed from her prison, inside the peach. - What up turd bags? Sorry that took so long, I was in a pit trap. - My boy! My boy! You pay for what you've done! - Pam looks annoyed. - Pam pam (exclaims) - Jobblet also explodes. - Pam, what are you doing? - What? Those are the bad guys! Why were you, like, chilling with them? - Wait, Pam's good now? Why is she little? - Semantics. - [Ryan] Hey this is ridiculous, this has gotten outta hand! - Hey, what's even happening? Who's the giant cocktail wiener? - What's happening is the dark master is devouring our space station one bite at a time and if we don't do something ASAP, you're all as dead as those dumbass peaches so stop frying your brains on that paint junk and get yours heads in the game, ding-bats! - She's right, it's now or never. Time to kill the dark master once and for all. - But he's enormous, how on earth can simple food stuffs like us ever stop him? - I don't know, but I'd say we've got about 30 seconds to figure it out. - Man, you guys really pooped the bed on this one. - Ugh, shut up, Pam. - The hour of judgment has arrived. Will our heroes prevail in the face of ultimate evil? Find out next time, on the Hot Daga showdown at the space buffet! Only... on B.U.N. - How has it come to this? (eerie music)
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 676,679
Rating: 4.9745879 out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, Buzzfeed unsolved, Charles C. Morgan, Q+A, SffZ, agent, answers, buzzfeed unsolved network, cartoon, cold case, cold-case, creepy, creepypasta, crime, criminal, demon, detective, detectives, eerie, fan, ghost, haunted, investigate, investigation, investigative, mafia, mob, monster, murder, mystery, paranormal, popcorn, questions, ryan bergara, scary, shane madej, spooky, spy, strange, supernatural, theories, theory, true crime, unexplained, unsolved, unsolved mystery, unsolved network, weird
Id: 2puBH_xVP_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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