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i'm just going to give you a few moments of preaching and then we're going to have a baptism and we'll turn you loose if you do me a favor if i could trouble you to turn to two passages of scripture one in the old testament one in the new i'd appreciate a little grace on your part to do that proverbs in chapter 4 and matthew and chapter 7. the book of proverbs and chapter number 4 and the book of matthew and chapter number 7. if you find a great big book of psalms in the middle of your old testament and just go to the right one book you'll find proverbs and then matthew of course is the first book of our new testament this morning proverbs 4 and verse 26 proverbs chapter 4 and verse 26 this morning when you find your place if you wouldn't mind standing with us we'll give you an opportunity to stretch your legs just for a moment somebody's been sitting a little while if you're able to and you can uh please stand with us all over the house proverbs chapter 4 and verse 26 solomon the son of david says this in verse 26 of proverbs chapter 4. he says ponder simply means to think about uh give a little bit of attention to this ponder the path of thy feet and let all thy ways be established solomon said to ponder the path of your feet this morning the path is literally in these days would be a road a thoroughfare he calls it also a way in the text he calls it the path and he calls it away this morning solomon the wisest man who ever lived outside of the man we're going to read about here in just a minute said everybody needs to think about the road that they're on everybody needs to contemplate the road and direction they are headed this morning ponder the path of your feet where you're at where it's headed where it will finally end up at ponder the path of it think about this and we find the lord jesus begins to speak in matthew chapter 7 if you'll turn there with me we'll look at the fact that our lord tells us that there are only two paths that an individual can be on there are only two ways that an individual can be on there are only two roads this morning when it all boils down everyone is on one of two roads everybody is on one of two paths matthew chapter 7 and verse number 13 our savior is closing out his message in the sermon on the mount and he says in verse 13 enter in at the straight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at but there is another road that the lord highlights he does not leave us hopeless and helpless he does not leave us without any direction to wander around and just finally wind up in this place of destruction off of the broad road he says in verse 14 because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it i want to preach to you just for a few minutes on pondering your path or maybe you could just call it this do you ever think about the road you're on you know think about what direction you're headed you ever think about what path you're on this morning you can be seated if you don't mind you can stand up if you want to i don't care i'll preach the same whether you stand up or sit down praise god uh this morning jesus highlights the fact that there are only two now i realize the world is much more broad-minded and the thought of today is much more broad-minded when it comes to this subject but jesus highlights force there are only two paths there's only two ways there's only two roads that any individual in this world can be on today one is a broad road that leads to hail and destruction and the other is a narrow road a straight road that leads to life and to heaven this morning can i proffer forth this truth to you it is impossible to be on both roads at the same time it is impossible to be on a broad road and a narrow road at the same time does that make sense to anybody but me i mean that's like saying i'm fat and i'm skinny all at the same time that just don't work i mean brother it's impossible to say i'm on a broad road but i'm also on a narrow road too it doesn't work that way you are either this morning on the broad road headed to hell with the herd of mass humanity or else you are on a narrow road that jesus described that leads to life everlasting in life eternal this morning this broad road obviously there are a wide array of lanes you can be in on the broad road that leads to destruction you can be in the lane of education and that leads to hell it's still on the broad road on the broad road there's another lane like on an interstate with many lanes there's a lane of entertainment and drugs and sex and alcohol and you ride that one to hell if you want to or there's a lane for religion and you can be religious and think your good works will get you and that one takes you to hell too you can be in the lane of atheism and agnosticism and trying to stick your head in a hole and act like god it's not real but that lame leads to hell too can i say there are millions of different ways to hell on the broad road millions of lanes if you will on the one road that's leading off to hell but mark this down there's only one lane on the narrow road it's it's so narrow this morning brother john it ain't big enough but for one lane there's so few that's getting on it there's not a need for more than one lame and this morning that lane is paved with the blood of the savior of glory this morning that lane is a narrow-minded way this morning people call people like me they say you're just too narrow-minded thank you well you need to broaden your mind preacher don't want to this morning i know where that mindset gets you to some people are so broad-minded their brain says fallen out so open-minded their brains don't fell out on the ground i'm not looking to be broad-minded you don't come along a day late in a dollar short to try and get me to expand my horizons to try and open up my sphere of possibilities towards eastern mysticism or towards atheism or toward the arts or whatever i you say how narrow are you i'm about that narrow right there i'm just about that narrow this morning and i believe if a man or a woman according to the bible is going to end up in heaven and not in hell they will have to traverse and they will have to travel and they will have to enter in on the narrow road through the gate of the lord jesus christ himself said i am the door you don't get in any other way but the door this morning i'm glad one day i found the door and the door found me so just for a few minutes i'd like for us to ponder our path could we do that i mean this this this crowd this morning that has uh dotted around the sanctuary i wonder if all of us just for a few minutes could ponder our path but solomon gave us good advice jesus highlights the two paths i wonder if we just for a minute could ponder on this together that's the way the old-timers used to say it the old-timers would be sitting on a porch somewhere and wheeling a stick or just sitting there you know with a dip a snuff in their mouth and spin it to the side once in a while and some kid walk up and say papa what you doing he'd say oh i'm just pondering he thinking here for a little bit could we all just join up with papa here for a minute and let's just ponder i'm not talking about let's ponder what you're going to do after church i wish you'd give me just a little bit of time and stop thinking about what you're going to do tomorrow and what you did before you got here and where are you going to go eat at just for a minute let's all ponder the path this morning and where we're at and where we're going i i'd like to say first path we find is this broad road i just got two roads this morning just to we find the broad road when we ponder pondered i would say this about this broad way we find the appeal and the attraction of the broad way can i say the broad way is appealing and it is attractive this morning you say preacher why is the broad way to destruction why is it appealing why is it attractive well because it's broad you can be whatever you want you can do whatever you want there are no rules there are no regulations there is no god judging or condemning you there is no preacher pointing his finger in your face there is no bible to listen to you can just do your own thing baby just go baby hang it in the wind lay the top back and just leave and let live on the broad road why on the broad road on the broad road if you want to be a homosexual knock yourself out nobody cares on the broad road if you want to be transgender cisgender lesbian bisexual binary why just knock yourself out you can be that and nobody will look at you sideways if you was born a man but you want to have a change and become a woman if you was born leslie and you want to become leonard well knock yourself out you can just do it and nobody will say anything about it on the broad road you can just do and be whatever you want on the broad road this morning brother skip on the broad road if you want to have a pre-marital sex and and then not have to worry about the responsibility of what your lascivious lifestyle has caused then you can just murder your baby you can just kill it and we'll sanction it and we'll make everybody say it wasn't a life anyways isn't it amazing that they can find some little amoeba on mars and claim we found life but she had a baby born in the womb a baby growing in the womb is not life this morning i'm saying we have become so broad-minded on that road that anything goes you can do anything and be anything this morning and it really doesn't matter if you want to believe that you came from an ape or a primate if you want to believe that you came from iraq if you want to throw in with charlie darwin and with absolutely no evidence and be a wacko and claim that billions and billions and billions and billions of years ago that a big bang happened and out of that big bang comes everything that we see and finally after a few million years of being in a mud hole you become an amoeba and a tadpole and a frog and on up through the ape chain and now here you are if you want that on the broad road you can it's appealing it appeals the broad road appeals to the sinful side of man because man hates rules man hates regulations man hates anything put on them that makes them do something that they don't want to do in their own sinful wicked nature this morning we we find here in the text uh that the pondering the path there is an appeal and attraction because it is a broad way can i say not only do we see the appeal and the attraction of the broad way but we find the accompaniment or the associations on the broadway accompaniment or associations this is why a lot of people will stay on the broadway and wind up in hell for all of eternity watch what your bible said in verse number 13. it said wide is the gate broad is the way that leadeth through destruction and look at the accompaniment and associations not just a few not one or two many there be which go in there at why on the broad way here's an appealing thing about the broadway on the broadway there's plenty of people with you you don't have to be an oddball you don't have to be a square you don't have to be a weirdo you don't have to be a bible thumper you don't have to be some sort of backwards introvert from society why you can just do everything they're doing and still claim to love god too on the broadway there's plenty of associations there's all kind of crowds just yoke up with one on the broadway they say things like this brother ken on the broadway they say well everyone's doing it i mean what's the problem everyone's watching it everyone's listening to it everyone's condoning it everyone's voting for it everyone's wearing it everyone's saying it everyone's thinking it can i just pause and say this everyone ain't doing it this morning there's some of us that ain't doing it they some of us that ain't going that way they suppose that they fell in with that crowd on the broad way there's plenty of accompaniment and so associations i was just reading in the book of exodus in chapter 23 god told moses in exodus 23 and verse 2 he said thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil he said if the whole multitude falls off a cliff don't go falling off with them you know the biggest reason why some people will wind up in destruction will wind up in hell for all eternity they are simply unwilling to take what ridicule may come if they let go of their family or let go of their friends or let go of their crowd that they party with and they have fun with that one of the things that keeps men drown in perdition and keeps them back from trusting the lovely lord jesus christ for as long as they do is they know if i swap roads i may have to swap alone i may not be able to take the crowd with me i may but i'll be able to take all my buddies with me and they may laugh at me and point at me may i say 10 seconds after you die it won't matter what they said about you or what they thought about you i'd rather be on the narrow way along with jesus than on the broadway with people all around me and lost without god and going to hell for all eternity this morning there's appeal and attraction of the broadway there's an accompaniment and associations on the broadway can i also say on the broadway we're pondering this broadway we're pondering it on this broad way as we ponder we also find there is an annihilation of the broad way look at the annihilation jesus says this this is no it's not my opinion this is the lord talking here this morning he said this gate this way this broad way verse 13 leadeth to destruction you realize that same guy we read behind brother cliff over there in proverbs chapter 14 or proverbs chapter 4 solomon says this in two different places in the book of proverbs he says there is a way a road a path there is a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof see they didn't ponder where they were going the end thereof are the ways of death this morning you say what's the end of the broadway the end of the broadway is absolute annihilation and a lake of fire for all of eternity you can keep on your merry way if you would like to this morning you can keep walking the path that you're on if you choose to but know this the bridge is out up ahead the bridge is out up ahead friend and there's been many people walk the same path you're walking and fall right off into a lake of fire for all of eternity enjoy the ride because the end of the broad road is annihilation and destruction but i'm glad to report to you this morning according to the lord there is there is another road i'm glad brother marty the lord allows us to get off the broad road god allows and has exit ramps off the broad road leading over to another road oh thank god for the day when i was lost without god i was headed down the broad road to hell brother randy thank god the holy ghost threw an exit sign out on my freeway to hell and said this is the way walking in it this is the way to get off the broad road this is the way you say what did the sign look like it looked like a cross it looked like a cross and if you're going to get off that's the way you got to get off it's the only way to get off the broad road as a matter of fact this morning there is another road but this road this road this morning this road is uh it's narrow throat's not only narrow this road is a i i it's a wave it's got rules and regulations on it the bible is our roadmap the bible is our rule book the bible dictates to us what we do where we go what we're saying how we say it and everything in between i'd like to ponder that path just for a moment and i'll let you go can i ponder a couple things about the narrow road this morning we have seen the broad road and all of its attraction and all of its accompaniment and all of its annihilation but can we ponder just for a minute the narrow way i see on the narrow way we find there is access to the narrow way thank god there is access to the narrow if you sit here this morning you say preacher i am tired of being on this broad road this broad road has left me empty it has left me sitting beside the road broke busted and disgusted i am tired of the direction i'm on i'm tired of the path i'm headed on i know i'm a sinner i know i'm going to hell how in the world do i get off this road and get on the narrow road that jesus preached about well you get on the narrow road the same way you got on the broad road do you know how you got on the broad road you got on it by birth you got on it by birth you were born into this world and by virtue of the fact that you were born of adam's seed that meant you are immediately birthed onto a broad road of destruction you didn't ask for it you didn't have to your nature meant that you were born into the broad road so the only way to get off brother roger to brawl road and get on an air road you got to have a birth you may sit here this morning and say like nicodemus in john chapter 3 preacher that is crazy how can i go back into my mother's womb and be born again i i can't go back i'm not talking about a physical birth this morning that which is born of the flesh is flesh oh but that which is born of the spirit is spirit this morning there got to be a place they got to be a time in your life where you have a second birth your first birth ain't good enough your first birth put you on a road to hell but thank god there was a day in my life that i had a birth i can't remember but i had one i can't forgive and i got off the broad road by the birth of the holy ghost through the word of god and i was birthed into a new path i was birthed in a new family i was birthed on a new road i was birthed in a new direction i don't want to go back that way i don't want to swap back that way i got off that road and i'm headed on a narrow road this morning jesus said you must this is not this is this is not a suggestion this is not well try it see if you like it this is not a 30-day refund if it don't work he said ye must be born again say how do i get in how do i get in i told you got to be born i like what paul said in romans chapter five and verse number two paul said in romans chapter five he said we have access i said how do you access the narrow way paul said we have access by faith into this grace where we stand you know how i got in i put my faith in what jesus christ did for me on the old rugged cross and when i exercised my little faith in what god did for me through his son and his substitutionary death burial and resurrection god birthed me into grace this morning i accessed a new place i'd never been before i wonder which path you're on as we're pondering this this morning are you with me are you pondering this are you sure you are on a narrow path and not still the broad road leading to hell we find not only there's access to the narrow way but i'd like to say this stepping on beyond that there is an advantage to the narrow way there's an advantage to the narrow way you say what's the advantage preacher i mean all the lights and all the glitter and all the fun and all the friends they're all over on the broadway what is the advantage to me being on this narrow road well on the broad road there's no one to help you when your life breaks down the bible said will be to him that is alone when he falleth for he has no one to help him up my my my on the broad road i like what brother rocky was saying about not helping people up i believe in helping people up but over on the broad road they don't nobody help anybody up on the broad road they do with you like they did with the prodigal son they suck everything out of you and then kick you to the hog pin and forget you ever existed this morning oh but on the narrow road for those of us that have started traveling this narrow road i'm glad to report to you there is roadside assistance there it is ah i read about somebody in luke chapter uh it's luke chapter 9 i believe it is brother john where the bible said there was a man that went from jerusalem to jericho and fell among the thieves and beside that road they beat him up and they stripped him and they left him there half dead and about that time there was somebody that was traversing that road and he was looking for people that was broke down he was looking for people that was hurt he was looking to help somebody can i say on the narrow road there is one that walks the road and his name is jesus and when we fall he helps us back up and when we get messed up he don't kick us off but he lifts us up does us all puts us back on our feet the advantage of the narrow road is we have a friend that sticketh closer than a brother we have someone we can cast our care upon cause he cares for us this morning i'll never forget as long as i live when i was in evangelism my wife and i for all those years and uh uh we had motorhomes the first motorhome i had was just a little small 34 foot 96 inch wide gas burner and i i remember i was real neophyte with this stuff i didn't know much about this stuff brother tiger i just know i had a motor home and i was going to texas praise god i left i left the meeting somewhere up in tennessee i believe it was and we was going to texas and i was trying to get down through alabama and make it all the way down to i-10 and hit 10 and run out there to houston and san antonio and i'll never forget i was coming through birmingham alabama and as i was coming through birmingham alabama the front left tire i heard it i heard it when it left brother fred i heard it pop and heard the air just spewing and immediately it started jerking me towards the guard rail and you know they ain't much of a shoulder there on the interstate by the guard rail maybe about as wide as is from the alder this front pew and i eased over the best i could and i set it down there and i thought what am i going to do i i i have no you you can't just change tires on motorhomes it ain't like just jacking your car up you know you got to have serious equipment to do this kind of thing and i said i don't know anything else to do but i had a membership when i bought the motorhome somebody bought me a membership to a place called good sams good sams is what rvers all across the country use it doesn't matter where you are or what happens to you all you gotta do is call them up at any time and they'll send somebody out to take care of you somebody had bought me uh brother michael had bought me that that membership and said if you ever need anything call that number i said all right i thought this is going to cost me a fortune calling them out they're going to come out here i'm going to have to pay for this tire i'm going to have to pay for so it's going to cost me a fortune and brother they got out there i called them about about 45 50 minutes here that truck rolled up he pulled up in front of us i got out cars zipping by and i walked up and i said uh i said sir we had a blow out he said yeah i can see that you know here's your sign i'll see what's going on to you and uh he said you just wait in the motor home i'll get you fixed up the sun started going down it was getting dark and about that time we felt the you know they had them hydraulic jacks and all we felt the front over there lift up here in about 45 minutes he had the tire back on he knocked on the door and i thought man i'm gonna have a bill long as my leg i mean i'm just an evangelism didn't have nothing i thought i i'm gonna have to write him a check that i know it's gonna bounce high as a ceiling when i'm already riding it uh yeah i'm gonna have to call immediately back home and that's mom or daddy to go put some money in my account i ain't made it to the next meeting ain't got the money to put in there oh i'm gonna do this and i looked at him and i said uh that question that i wasn't looking forward to asking i swallowed real hard and i said sir how much do i owe you he said you don't understand how this works do you son i said no i don't understand how this works he said see a good sam's when the membership is paid for we don't charge the people that use the service anything so somebody else already good god almighty somebody somebody else already paid for it and now you can go on your way son i walk back up in there my wife said what's the damage zorn i said nothing said well you mean nothing i said nothing i didn't have to hulk one of my kids i didn't have to indenture none of my family i didn't have to write a hot check baby it was all paid for said how'd that happen i said cause that fella who bought us that membership it was already paid for and can i give y'all some good news this morning on the narrow road when a child of god gets messed up and broke down you can call on the heavenly service and it's already paid for it's already been bald on the cross of calvary he shed blood to pay for all my sins past present and future and if you'll just call him up he'll run to where you are it's already being taken care of yeah access on the narrow way to the narrow way there's an advantage of the narrow way but i'm done i'm through lastly we find the accomplishment of the narrow way or the accomplishment on the narrow way say what do you mean the accomplishment well when the narrow way is accomplished when it's finished when it's accomplished brother mike where's it taking us to i mean i figure like this i don't get on the road brother chad listen i know where it's going i mean when i get on the road brother wayne i do not look at the road and say hmm i don't like the way it looks it's got some potholes they didn't draw the line straight no no you know why i get on the road i get on the road strictly based on where it's going to take me to i get on the road because i know where i'm going this morning this morning you might want to start pondering the path that you own where it's going to take you to stop looking at what you might lose to get off the roads you own you better just start looking on where it's going to wind up at one of these days yeah yeah and you say where's your road leading preacher i know where it's sleeping jesus said it he said in verse 14 he said it leadeth to life do you know what that life is it's a person it's leading me home to somebody jesus said i am the way the truth the life jesus said i am the resurrection and the life paul said when christ who is our life shall appear then we shall also appear with him in glory brother this morning i know where my path's leading it's leading me to my life the one that gave me new life is the life himself and my path brother joe my path is winding and leading and my path is through the narrow road but i know where it heads to this morning you say preacher don't you get tired of being on that narrow road going to get tough on the narrow road don't you wish you could do some things on the broad road no cause i know where that leads and i know who and where mine's leading since i've been up here pastoring we go every once a while back home where you ladies just went to my hometown of toons county georgia we traversed the exact same path y'all did we we leave here and immediately we are we are engulfed on a interstate with people to drive just as crazy as i do brother gary i like interstates i do i get on it i set my cruise between 80 and 85 and just lay it back and let her go and pray to everyone thank you god brother craig that's right you and me together brother amen and perchance and pray tell that little stretch between uh uh rock hill south carolina and columbia so and that right there that's nascar motor speedway right yonder every once while i've been doing 82 83 miles an hour and then some jokers come by me like i ain't moving you say what do you do as long as tristan is asleep and ain't watching i just drop in behind them we only touching the high spots as we're going down the road if we had wings we'd fly yeah i like it i got the tickets to prove it don't tell no secrets on me sister what my wife said praise god but we go on that it's it's i-85 the i-87 it's all you know big wide road one going this way i'm going that way we get down you know to columbia hit i-20 and go out it's another big interstate when i get down to uh uh augusta georgia we hit the 520 another big road several lanes going around augusta then we hit highway 25 or highway one depending on which way you go around augusta and that's four lanes two and it stays four lanes most of the way and then finally the closer i start getting the road starts narrowing up it ain't full aim no more and it ain't flying no more it narrows up i have to be more vigilant i have to be more careful brother keith because now there ain't no guardrails to keep me from running into nobody the police and the smokies is out there a little more intensely waiting and watching for people like myself and i have to i have to be a little more careful the road narrows up but that's all right i don't mind it why because i'm going to see daddy i i i can't i can't see daddy and stay on the interstate a big broad interstate won't take me to daddy so i don't mind leaving it behind brother chris as long as i'm going to see daddy and finally we get down a little old town lines george and we make the left on highway 280 at the red lighting lines and we go out about two miles outside of town we turn right on benro mclennan road and that road just keeps getting narrower and narrower and finally we make the left onto 659 benro mcclendon road the hundred acre woods where i come from and when we turn off that road it turns not from four lane not from two it goes to one narrow lane through the trees and that thing whines for hundreds of yards down through the pine trees down through there brother you can hit a pine tree real fast you can watch and sometimes they bump it down through there and sometimes it's a little tough getting through there and it gets a little muddy but i don't mind it brother zach you know why i know who's i know who's waiting for me at the end brother rocky i know who's waiting for me at the end so i'm willing to ride it cause that's the only way i can get to him and we weave around and there sets that little metal build and mom and daddy lives in and when you get to the front you hook back around and i go around the back to where daddy's hanger is and my daddy'll be sitting out there on the back sitting in his little chair looking at facebook on his phone and puffing on his pipe god's honest truth and they're here and he jumps up he runs over to see us and we run to see him and grandbabies holler and scream and kill us and hug and we do and man i don't mind the narrow way why because i know it's taken me there you know i love that man and i love my mama and if it means getting off the big broad wide roads to get there i'm willing to do it because i want to see them and this morning it don't bother me that the appeal and the attraction of the road i'm on doesn't seem like it's a lot of fun to you couldn't care less it doesn't bother me that the accompaniment may not be as much on my road couldn't care less that it's not you say why because i know who i'm going to see one day i say like paul i know whom i believe and am persuaded being called for this very thing that he which has begun a good work in you we'll perform it till the day of jesus christ one of these days the narrow road it's going to dead in into the gates of the celestial city and brother they're going to fling open wide and we'll step off the straight narrow road and land on the many mansion city streets of god where will i ever be with the lord this morning esther help me here i'm just wondering i'm just wondering and i've been pondering i hope you have with me what path are you on there's only two there's only two you can't sit there this morning and say well i'm kind of you know i'm running this one and i'm running that one no no no no no no no you you're on one or two you know one or two this morning the only way to get on the narrow road the narrow path is you got to have a birth have you had one have you had a time a place in your life where you passed from death unto life i didn't say perfection we heard about that this morning with sandy and our dear brother back here uh testifying with crossroads i ain't talking about you ain't never had a flat along the way a blow out but thank god there was an assistance to come help you get the thing fixed you say i've had a blow out this morning come get it fixed you see i'm not even on the narrow way i'm lost come get right with god this morning come trust him let's all stand for prayer this morning heads or bowen eyes are closed some are some are coming maybe christian christian maybe you sit here this morning you say preacher i've had a blowout man i need some assistance to help me get going again on this narrow way preacher pray for me won't you come won't you come give it to the lord let the lord help you get back on your feet and get right with god he'll help you he'll help you hedge your bowel and eyes are closed my sister's going to sing some i'm coming to pray let me ask you a question this morning you say preacher i'm going to be honest with you i'm i'm not even going to try and lie and be honest right here where i stand i am not on that narrow road preacher i'll be honest i am this morning on a broad road to hell i'm lost without god the preacher i don't want to leave that way will you pray for me would it be one in the building that would slip their hands up right there where you sit and just slip one of your hands up and say preacher pray for me i i don't believe i'm saved never had that new birth you preached about this morning but i i i want to leave different than i came will you pray for me would there be one that would slip your hand up right now right now while i'm talking to you would you slip your hand up where i can see it and then slip it back down say preacher pray for me maybe one in the house to be willing to be that honest with god [Music] let me ask you this you say preacher i remember and i know that there was a day in my life where i got off the broad road of destruction and i got on the narrow road of life i remember the day and i'm gonna raise my hand to prove it would you raise your hand this morning say i remember that day god bless you praise god glad we pondered that this morning maybe you're on that path maybe you're on the right road you've just had some hiccups along the way the lord allows us to get things right he doesn't leave us messed up oh he'll jack us up put the new tire on and turn us back loose for the glory of god if you need some help like that would you come we're gonna give these a moment she gonna sing go ahead sis i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no turning back [Music] still i will follow [Music] [Music] turn it back the world behind me the cross before me the world behind me the cross before me the world behind me the cross before me now turn it back no turn it [Music] i'm so glad that the lord took me off the wrong road and got me on the right road couldn't have done it on my own it's good to be on the right road all right if you're getting baptized let's run to the rooms here ladies to this side boys men to this side and so y'all go back there and start changing your clothes and so we're gonna have a baptism real quick yes sir amen
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 748
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: d2wqX6tlsX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 57sec (2457 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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