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this morning go to the book of second timothy in chapter number nine versus excuse me ii chapter two verse nine second timothy chapter number two and verse number nine this morning second timothy in chapter two we have for the last two sundays been examining uh paul's four faithful sayings there are simply four times throughout paul's writings from first timothy to the book of titus where paul uses the phrase this is a faithful saying four times paul uses this phrase and the phrase simply means this is trustworthy this is reliable information you can take this to the bank all kind of stuff you can't count on there's all kind of voices in this world that you cannot trust but i'm glad that the advice that god gives through paul to you and me on the pages of the word of god is absolutely 100 percent reliable this morning i'm so glad that when i read my bible i i don't have to look at it with a critical eye and look at it and say well maybe that's not true well maybe that word shouldn't be there well maybe that verse shouldn't be there i'm glad when i read my bible this morning i can trust everything that's in it this morning and that a consolation is that a blessing this morning that when you read this book you are reading the words of god to mankind let's begin reading in second timothy in chapter two and i know i told you verse nine but would you mind reading one extra could we back up to verse eight because it's a good one too let's start reading in verse eight and we'll read several verses of scripture if you would cut me down just a little bit in these monitors brother mike just to tell you and i appreciate it second timothy chapter 2 and verse number 8 paul said remember that jesus christ of the seed of david was raised from the dead according to my gospel wherein i suffer trouble because he's been preaching the gospel because he's living for jesus christ he is suffering trouble can i pause and say if you think that the christian life will be without trouble or if let me back up say this if the christian life you are living is without persecution or trouble you are living the wrong christian life we're going to find in a minute part of the christian life part of being made conformable to jesus christ is the fact that we do have suffering trouble trials and tribulation he said we're not suffer trouble as an evil doer even unto bonds i like this but the word of god is not bound you can't keep the word of god bound it'll just bust out verse 10 therefore i endure all things for the elect's sake that they may also obtain the salvation which is in christ jesus with eternal glory here we go it is a faithful saying here's our third faithful saying in this four-part series it is a faithful saying for if we be dead with him we shall also live with him if you died when you got born again you may not know this but you died you were dead with christ risen with christ the old man was crucified in christ on a cross and now you are to live in newness of life we shall also live with him now what's verse 12 here we go if we suffer we shall also reign with him if we deny him he also will denies if we believe not yet he abideth faithful he cannot deny himself of these things put them in remembrance charging them before the lord that they strive not about words to no prophet but to the subverting of the hearers we find that paul uses a word in verse nine and it uses a verse a word in verse 12 that i really wish was not in there but it is he uses the word suffer he says the word suffer the bible says in chapter 3 and verse 12 he uses the word again suffer we've looked at the faithful saying of salvation we've looked at the faithful saying of sanctification but here's something else as a child of god you can take to the bank this morning that's absolutely reliable that will happen in your christian life and this morning is the third faithful saying of suffering the faithful saying of suffering i i wish i could say that this was not part of the christian life i really wish i could stand up here and tell you that if you get saved trust jesus christ start reading your bible and praying and witnessing and trying to live clean and walk with the lord i wish i could tell you that life would be a a straight-up bed of roses that there would not be any confrontation that there would not be any trouble but that is not bible reality this morning let me say any sorry good for nothing preacher that would look at a group of people and tell them that the reason why you have trouble in your life is because you're not living for the lord something has gone haywire in his brain this morning because the greatest christian of the new testament the apostle paul said he suffered and brother he's living as close to god as he can and yet he is suffering trouble on the left hand and trouble on the right and i will say this i do believe that you should examine some of the trouble in your life and see if it is trouble because i'm living for the lord or is this trouble of chastening because god's trying to beat me to get me closer to the lord this morning because there is a difference friend and you should be able to recognize that and which one it is this morning i'm simply talking about the suffering and the trouble we have because we live for the lord do you realize what the bible said about our savior the bible said that our savior in isaiah 53 was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief the bible said he was a man of suffering he knew what it was like to suffer this morning somebody made this statement and it is a true statement this morning they said god only had one son without sin but he's never had a son that didn't suffer this morning i am a son of god i'm a child of god because of jesus christ i'm in the family but you listen to me there's only been one son without sin that's the begotten of the father jesus christ but there's never been a son including jesus that did not suffer this morning amen i'll say this to you as well i believe a child of god is probably never more like jesus christ than when he or she suffers now i told you i don't like what i'm preaching on but i'm preaching on it because it's bible i wish i could tell you this wasn't true but i'd be lying to you to say that you know what the bible said about jesus christ our savior in the book of hebrews and chapter number two and verse number nine this is what the bible said about jesus in hebrews 2 9. it said but we see jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of god should taste death for every man verse 10 for it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things and bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings this morning jesus christ himself god's sinless darling baby and as a child of god i'm giving you some reliable information you will suffer in this christian wall say why would you preach this to us for the same reason that paul is preaching it to timothy because if you will understand these things then you will be less apt and less likely to quit when these things come along to be forewarned is to be forearmed this morning to understand this ahead of time is to not let it knock your feet out from under you to understand this ahead of time is to get to a place where you are prepared so when it does come you don't quit you don't know you don't just throw up your hands and say well what's the use i'm getting out of church and i'm quitting praying and i read my bible no more no no to understand this truth this morning is to have courage in your heart that when it does come you can say well i was warned that it would come and i'm not letting these sufferings knock me out i'm not letting these sufferings make me a bitter christian i'm gonna let it make me a better christian this morning i'm not gonna let him make me push my lip out shut down and pout and be mad instead i'll stand up i'll speak up and i'll shout up and i'll sing and i'll give god the glory in spite of what i'm going through this morning there is nothing more beautiful there is nothing more precious than seeing a christian who you know is suffering yeah they live for god anyway there's nothing more appealing to the christian nature than to watch a christian that you know is fighting hell by the half acre in their flesh or in their family or whatever it may be and yet you watch them set down on a pew weep hot tears raise their hand toward heaven and worship watch them go out and live for god in spite of it i'm telling you there's no greater advertisement for jesus christ than a christian that keeps on living for god in spite of their sufferings this morning can i equally say there is no worse bad advertisement for the christian walk in jesus christ than a christian who cannot endure suffering this morning i mean how in the world can we say grace is sufficient and peace will pass all understanding and god is enough and you go through suffering and you just throw the white flag up and say i surrender i'm done no no no we ought to show a lost and dying world that we have something they don't have that we have somebody that they don't have that we have a peace and we have a hope and we have a comfort i like what paul said i read it all the time at funerals first thessalonians chapter four paul said i wouldn't offer you to be ignorant brethren for if we believe that jesus died and was buried he knows also what sleep in jesus shall god bring with him this is what he said he said i would not let you sorrow even as others which have no hope we do sorrow but we don't sorrow like the world does we do suffer but we don't suffer like the world does we have hope this morning so this morning i'm preaching on this third faithful saying of suffering what can we glean from these texts what can we glean about suffering in the christian life can i say to your heart saying of god if you are a saint of god this morning and you are suffering if you're a saint of god this morning and in your heart in your mind in your body in your family somewhere in your life you are facing some sort of suffering whatever it may be this message is for you i wish you'd really tune in and listen to what i'm about to say i've got three quick things to say and i'm going to turn you loose can i say three things that we're done number one i would like for you to notice the assurance of suffering the assurance of suffering you say what do you mean the assurance well you can be assured of this tribulation and suffering will come you know what jesus christ said jesus said this just before he went to the cross and died in john chapter 16 and verse number 33 he said these things have spoken unto you that in me you might have peace now watch the assurance of suffering this is going to happen he said this in the world ye shall have tribulation g that's jesus talking them's red letters if you look them up in john 16 33 i know we always want to quote what jesus is saying well let me give you one that jesus said in the world ye shall have tribulation marking down are you living in the world this is yes this is no if you say this then we need to commit you this morning you are living in the world all right you know what that means you're gonna have tribulation oh but thank god for the last part and i don't want to get ahead of myself but thank god he don't stop right there brother david russell he says but be of good cheer yeah you get it in the neck yeah you're going to suffer first you but be of good cheer i have overcome the world you know what job said the man who lost all ten children in one day the man who lost his home and his health and his finances and his wife came and said curse god and die the man whose friends walked up to him and pointed accusing fingers and said if you've been living for god this would happen that man's suffering and you know what he says bro zeke that man said in job 14 1 he said man that is born of a woman is a few days and full of trouble suffering is and a part of life whether you're saved or lost suffering will happen it is an assurance this morning would you look at what your bible said if you still got your bible there open in second timothy chapter two look at the next chapter chapter three and watch what what's what paul said in verse number 12. second timothy 3 12 man this is a great verse that everybody needs to commit to memory second timothy 3 12 yea and all that will live godly in christ jesus shall definite article shall suffer persecution i'd like to take a time out and say this there was a caveat to suffering in in verse 12 did you see what it was all that will live godly in christ jesus do you know why some christians don't suffer any persecution living for god because they ain't living for god hey a backslid carnal christian doesn't know what it's like to suffer persecution as far as for living for jesus christ they may have some suffering but not suffering because they trying to do what's right if you make your mind up i'm going to do what's right let me give you a warning be assured be very assured you shall suffer persecution you sitting here this morning and while i'm preaching this some of y'all are like richard if you if you're trying to make us want to live for god and a poor job this morning i mean preacher if you're trying to encourage us and entice us to live for jesus that this might not be the way to go about it no i'm just telling you the truth i'm gonna try and paint you a picture that's not true you live for god in christ jesus you shall suffer persecution you say what's one of the reasons for that so you stop living for this world and start living for that world amen so you get your eyes out of this and you get your eyes on that amen the problem with a lot of christians is they got so focused on this they forgot about that and they live more for this then they do that and he said all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution you still got your bible open look at chapter two back up to second timothy chapter two watch what he said here in chapter two it's a war y'all get ready get ready it's a war look what he said in chapter two verse three chapter two and verse three thou therefore end your hardness as a good soldier of jesus christ no man that wareth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier do you know what you are if you're saved according what i just read you are a soldier in the army of god saved and called to be a soldier this morning we ain't in the girl scouts we're in the boy scouts we're in the army of the living god and got a real enemy that's trying to knock your head off this morning and listen to what i'm telling you the level of what listen don't miss this the level of what makes a good soldier is the depth of his ability to endure suffering you know what makes a good soldier it is the level and the depth of his ability to suffer setbacks to suffer loss to suffer injury to suffer disappointment and yet he keeps on fighting amen the greatest soldiers that you'll read about in history they are soldiers that suffered that's why they get written about they get written about and read about because they suffered but they kept going we got a young man this morning that's gone to basic training to be in the military brother damian jones brother damian's gone to basic and there's no doubt about it he is experiencing suffering in basic training how many young men uh when it was in the military went to basic training raise your hands you've been in basic training raise your hand god bless you all these fellows right here you know what basic training is this is what it is it's suffering that's what it is that's what all that running is that's what all that stress is it's just about you know what they're trying to teach you they're trying to teach these fellas to suffer and not quit because they know there's a battle coming out there against an enemy somewhere that's going to try and kill them and they ain't going to be nowhere for a safe space and to throw up a card and say timeout i don't feel like this no more no no no no no no you got to keep on fighting in spite of it this morning i like to read i've read a bunch of books about uh navy seals and different ones in the navy seals chris kyle an american sniper was a navy seal marcus betrayal lone survivor he was a navy seal i've read a bunch of different books about these guys and their training and that buzz week that they go through out there in san diego and what they go through man is just absolute hell on earth i mean what they put those guys through is just it's just pure out literal hail it's just suffering they make those boys suffer to the point they deprive them of sleep they deprive them of food i mean brother they make them suffer to the point where they hope they do quit i mean they'll push them so hard and they'll say you want to quit you want to quit go ahead bounce quit get out if you want to they are pushing them to the limit why because they know there's an enemy coming out there and the only way they're going to survive that is if they can learn to suffer this some of y'all sitting here this morning you say preacher why is god making me go through this how come i'm suffering this i don't know maybe it's because he's looking out there and seeing there's something coming down the road and he's trying to get you battle hardened he's trying to get you battle tested so that when you go through that you are able to handle it this morning amen you're not a good soldier unless you can suffer a matter of fact the bible said if thou faintest in the day of adversity thy strength is small god's looking for soldiers that can suffer and keep on living for the lord this morning you know what i found out i found out suffering sometimes as a gift from god you know what the bible said in philippians chapter 1 verse number 29 philippians 1 29 said this that unto you not only is it given on the behalf of christ to believe on his name but also to suffer for him ready for yourself it said in philippians 1 29 that just like salvation was a gift to you to believe on him god gives you a gift every once in a while called suffering i don't like that gift god i don't like the gift of suffering but i'll tell you what it does the bible said it conforms me into his image paul said that i may know him in the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death you know what i found god gives us suffering sometimes not not to set us back but to set us up god gives us suffering not to knock us down but to help us stand and give us something better down the road you say where you get that from oh have you never read about the life of joseph read about all the suffering joseph went through lied all mistreated by his brethren thrown down and appeared stripped of his coat of many colors light on by potiphar's wife throw it in the prison but god was using all that suffering to put something in that boy where he could be ruler over egypt one day have you never read about david david suffered and ran from saul and hid out in the caves but god was doing that in his life so that he would be ready for what god was going to give him down the road somewhere have you never read about little old ruth little old ruth lost her husband little old ruth lost everything left her homeland but god was taking some things away so that god could give her something better on down the road there have you never read about john on the isle of patmos oh john the revelator has taken from his ministry locked up on a prison island her brother but while he's there god shows him the revelation of the new jerusalem and there isn't glorified christ i'm saying sometimes suffering it's not god's way of destroying you it is god's way of developing you this morning everybody have to have the right perspective in our suffering we see not only the assurance of suffering can i give you number two not only the assurance of suffering but number two we see also the assistance in suffering we have assistance when we do suffer oh look at your text look back at chapter number two and watch what your bible says in verse 12 and 13. look at chapter 2 verse 12 and 13. paul said if we suffer we shall also reign with him talk about when jesus comes to rule and reign on planet earth for a thousand years the millennial reign if we deny him he also will deny us don't mess that up he's not talking about salvation he's talking about a position of rulership and reigning with him not denying us as in he never knew us but what's verse 13 watch the assistance and suffering i love this if we believe not if we get to the place in suffering that we finally just throw our hands up and we're to the end of ourself and we're about to quit watch the next part if we believe not watch this assistance yet he abideth faithful he cannot deny himself you know what that's saying it's saying when you suffer he is faithful this morning he's faithful when you're not faithful when you feel like giving up going to town and you can't go on another step i'm glad there's someone that understands i'm glad there's someone that's been there and done that he knows where you at he knows where you're suffering at and he is faithful he'll not deny you he'll not kick you to the curb when you're suffering but he will be there the bible said in hebrews chapter 2 and verse number 18 that because he hath suffered being tempted he is able to sucker those who also are tempted you say what's that word sucker means it means to bring aid and assistance and relief as a matter of fact when you look at that word it literally means to run to someone to bring aid and assistance because jesus christ has suffered when you suffer this morning you know what happens when you call on him while you're suffering he comes running to where you are he comes running to his child this morning to give help and to give relief and to give assistance in the middle of your suffering this morning this is a faithful saying y'all this is a faithful saying mark this now he will come running to where you are when you suffer this morning if that wasn't true i'd throw my bible down and i'd get out the ministry today because what could i tell you that could help you today but i'm glad i've got hope in my soul i've got assurance in my life i got the word of god on it that when i go through suffering he won't just drop me like a hot potato he won't kick me to the curb but he says i know where you at because i've been there too and i'm here to help you i'm here to strengthen you i'm here to comfort you i'm here to be a blessing to you because i've been there too amen the songwriter said it like this there's not a friend like the lowly jesus no not one no not one and none else could heal all my souls diseases no not one no not one i like this i'm talking about assistance here listen what he said jesus knows hallelujah i think i'll say it again jesus i don't think some of you got i'm gonna say one more time till you do [Applause] and jesus will god till the day is done [Applause] there's not a friend like my lowly jesus no not one no not one i'm telling you this morning he is available to the sufferer [Music] right can i say it to you like this if you hear this morning and you have no suffering in your life you have no problem no burden in your life i'm not sure you really understand a whole lot about your relationship with jesus christ but can i hallelujah can i give some encouragement to those of you who are suffering this morning can i give you some encouragement to those who know what it's like to hurt and be in pain with something in your life going on whether it's you or somebody else can i give you some comfort that jesus is real close to where you are you you you're you gonna you're gonna experience something closer with him then the person don't never go through nothing don't understand this morning right say preacher i don't like the suffering i'm going through i didn't say you had to like it i don't like you but i'm telling you this gets get your head up get your eyes looking around because standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find jesus yes sir i'm telling you this morning he is close to those who suffer oh suffering saint suffering friend of mine who my heart breaks for this morning if i could take it from you i would but i'll tell you this if i could take it from you i would deprive you of a level of fellowship with jesus that you ain't gonna experience in any other way if i could take your bad past experience of what's going on in your life i would but i do you a disservice because you would not know him like you know him today if i could lift the heavy burden delays on you this morning i believe i would just cause i love you but in doing so i would do you such a disservice in grabbing a hold of the hymn of his garment and knowing what it's like for his hand to lay on your body and say peace be still this morning telling you there's assistance in suffering there's assurance of suffering but lastly can i give you some more good news and i'm done lastly we find that there are awards for suffering there are awards for suffering what do you mean awards for suffering preacher well look what he said we read it look at verse number 12 of our text awards for suffering verse 12. if we suffer we shall also reign with him paul says if you will keep on serving in spite of your suffering whatever the level of your suffering is you see let me say this this morning we don't choose what we suffer that's god's business i did not choose for my son to have cancer at four years old and six months of chemotherapy and all that i didn't choose that that was the choosing of god i look back now and i i i say lord you were good through all of it and i appreciate your mercy and grace but i didn't choose that i would not choose that god chose that we do not choose the suffering this is what we do choose we choose how we continue to serve through suffering you you don't control the area or the avenue that god allows you to suffer in what you do control is your attitude while you are suffering that's what you can control this morning and he is saying here for those that suffer for those that know what it's like to suffer something in their life if you'll just keep serving god in spite of it if we suffer i tell you what here's the good news here's the award you get to reign with him we're not talking about salvation we're talking about service those of you who keep suffering now and don't quit because of it jesus christ one day will rule and reign on the throne of his father david those of you that's been in our ministry you've heard us preach on these things and teach all these things you know it's coming one day jesus is coming to rapture the church seven years of tribulation he is coming at the end of those days with his church to set up a throne and a ruling reign on planet earth for 1 000 years when he does your level of continuing to serve in spite of suffering will determine how much he allows you to assist him in his ruling and reigning amen i'll tell you this i sure don't want but mike's doctor i sure don't want in the reign of jesus christ to be sitting over somewhere twiddling my thumbs doing nothing while some of the saints of god are getting to go out and assist in the ruling and the reigning of jesus christ on planet earth because i didn't do nothing for no no no i want to make sure that i've lived my life now for that life then so that when it comes i have something to do for the glory of god some people are going to wish they'd stuck it out i was talking to brother john cope the other day about this and uh and then i had actually read this in a book about this man sitting on a movie about him this was a true statement by a man named george patton george patton one of the greatest generals that ever lived in the american military if they would turn george patton loose on nazi germany before they did he'd wiped him out a whole lot quicker than they did then if they'd have set him loose on the japanese he took care of that real fast too george patton was awesome he was gruff he was crude but he was a military man he was something else he was a real man's man and they said this he stood in front of his men one day before they went off to fight in that european theater in world war ii and i'm gonna have to doctor this up a little bit because i had some military speech in it and uh george patton looked at that group of men this is what he said he said uh i'll tell you what he said this group right here one of these days you're going to be an old man sitting in your rocking chair by your fireside your grandson's gonna come up to you and ask you grandpa what did you do in the war he said i'm gonna tell you guys something you will not have to say that i was stuck in louisiana during the war shoveling manure i doctored it up for you shoveling manure he said you'll be able to say i did something in the war we'll tell y'all something when i when i get to that side i want to be able to tell i did something in the war i didn't just sit around doing nothing for jesus christ i've done something now with my life in the war that made a difference in that day and mark this down it will be worth it yes sir yes sir come over here i i i'm telling you your level of suffering will be worth it one day years ago i mentioned him just a minute ago but years ago i read a book that was a tremendous encouragement to me not only for appreciating our military but also just um just was a blessing to me relating it to the christian warfare it was a book about this fellow i mentioned a minute ago from texas named marcus the trail it was called the lone survivor i don't know i read this book 12 13 14 years ago something like that awesome book you got time i want to read something non-fiction that'll really be a help to you you're ready marcus the trail and his three friends were uh mike murphy matthew axelson danny dietz and marcus latrell the four of them were inserted deep behind enemy lines in the mountains of the hindu kush in afghanistan where we've just recently left from their goal and their job was to observe a taliban force that was operating in that region they were not to engage because there were only four of them it was a reconnaissance mission they were all four navy seals they were to take pictures of these fellas and then uh get out and bring their pictures back so they could send a force in to kill these taliban they inserted in they got as close to this little village uh in the mountains as they could they began to take pictures they found the taliban and the leader and when they went to radio back for extraction and radio back that they had found that the mountains began to mess with their equipment this was in 2001 called operation red wing it was 2001. it was not long after 9 11 happened just a few years after that and they said the mountains began to mess the radio equipment they had to get up higher on their way up higher there were three goat herders an old man a teenage boy and a little boy were hurting goats and they were confederate with the taliban when those men stumbled upon marcus the trail and his three friends uh immediately those four seals took them captive zip tied their hands and started debating what should we do with them we know if we let them go they're immediately gonna run back and tell the taliban we up here and we're gonna have about 200 people come down on our heads against the four of us we also know if we shoot them and bury them cnn and msnbc is going to find out they're going to crucify us ain't cnn's business what they do over there keep politics out of war go on in there and do what has to be done drop the bomb shoot the bullet get them back over here so our guys can live just pause right here let me pause right here before i finish my story and say it's an absolute crying shame and travesty what happened our 12 marines over there here just about a week and a half ago we have a spineless good for nothing symp of a leader in the white house that doesn't know how to command nor lead and the blood of those men are on his hands i stand with the military 100 sick of politics being involved in it it gets men killed see i ain't got the stomach for that but get out the way let somebody get in there to dust yes sir anyways they finally made the decision we're going to let them go they turn these three goat herders loose they ran back down into the village where they had just taken pictures of told those taliban where they were and in about an hour and a half to two hours on a ridge line above them they fought and onslaught for hours of over a hundred taliban soldiers armed to the teeth with ak-47s rpgs rocket propelled grenades and the whole nine four men against over a hundred armed to the teeth taliban you read the story for yourself but the battle raged on and on for that afternoon and they fought and they got pushed down the hill farther and farther until all of them were dead except marcus marcus said the last thing i heard of one of my best friends mike murphy was him calling my name needing help he said but i could not get to where he was because as soon as i exposed myself there was so much gunfire i couldn't get to it so the last thing i remember was an rpg landed near me and matthew axelsson and it he said it blowed so close that it broke several bones in his body blowed he said my my battle gear literally off my body and landed me over in the brush and for days he evaded capture broke up beat up on the virgin died marcus the trail ended up being saved by a a local afghani who hated the taliban they took him in nursed him back to help and our special forces come in and got him he was the only one that survived the harrowing experience of operation red wings he's still alive today and gives his story and i'll never forget read that book and brother mark this is what marcus latrell said that great big old texan he said at night i can still hear my friends call for help i can still see remember seeing my friends getting shot and die my brothers in all he said but i'll tell you this it almost made it worth it he said on the day when i received the alcohol from the commander-in-chief general george w bush to come to the white house to receive a medal he said i put my best address uniform on they escorted me into the white house down those halls and into the oval office and there's to the commander-in-chief the one that sent us into the battle he said when i walked up to president bush he said president bush stuck his hand out shook my hand pen the medal on me and this is what he said he said son thank you for your service to our great country he said even though my body's broken even though all i went through he said there was something about that moment when the commander sympathized empathized with me and said thank you that made all of my suffering worth it shout out to god listen to me don't throw the white flag up don't quit because one of these days we're going to meet the commander-in-chief the bible said he's the captain of our suffrage he's been there too and i promise you this when you stand before the one who's got nails in his hand a nail prints in his hands and nail prints in his feet and a hole in his side when you stand before jesus christ you'll be glad you didn't throw up the white flag you'll be glad you didn't quit all the sufferings of this present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us just keep on serving keep on suffering it will be worth it this morning it will be worth it [Music] and some christians are going to say i wished i would have done more i wished i would have just kept on and not quit in my suffering suffering satan of god this is a faithful saying this is a faithful saying you just keep suffering he's marking him down and it'll be worth it after a while let's all stand this morning maybe you need some assistance maybe you need the lord to help you if you get around this offer and say lord i'll be honest i'm suffering a little bit i can sure use a little help lord i'm on the verge of just lord i i'm on the verge of i'm just hanging by a thread lord help me to see the truths of what's been preached this morning from the word of god father i pray that you might help your people this morning i've done all i can do which is real feeble but lord i know you can do so much more than i can so lord i pray that you would take these few words stick them down deep in our heart weld them to our soul so we wouldn't be able to get rid of them and so when suffering comes we're not caught off guard speak to your people help them now i pray in jesus name amen [Music]
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 496
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: 4cHFKbRjs_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 27sec (2607 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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