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i shout ring out through heaven bless the lord hallelujah worthy is the lamb man i enjoyed that tonight i've sit over and worship and cried and have myself a good time we're going to have them back if they'll come back be with us again and we'll get them to come back and and do some more singing maybe on a sunday when they got we got more time they can sing a sunday morning sunday night or during one of our revivals or something of that nature and uh thank you all for being with us tonight man that was a blessing as well i think the first time i've heard you sing without your sister and i'm gonna tell y'all done just fine praise god amen that's good that's good i want you to take your bibles tonight and go with me to the book of acts in chapter number 13. acts chapter number 13. we may be finishing just slightly later uh just by a few minutes than we normally do on our thursday nights uh but that's all right i promise you i'll have you out before king cooper's designated time for us to be at the house i'll get you home before you get in trouble with the governor okay i'll get you home before 10 o'clock all right amen i'm thinking seriously about just because he said we couldn't be out after 10 or before 5 a.m i'm thinking about changing our sunday services from instead of 10 a.m to 12 p.m change our sunday services from 10 p.m to 12 a.m uh just because he said we couldn't i think it'd be a good idea to do it see you man right there and uh we'll have we'll have watch night service every night every sunday until he says you know comes to his senses glory to god no i'm just kidding but um i want to give you what the lord's given to us tonight that i believe be helping the blessing to us acts chapter number 13 please don't close your bible as we preach down through here tonight because we'll look at some passages of scripture as we move along through the message tonight it's been on my heart all week long to preach to you this evening acts in chapter number 13 we find what is commonly referred to as the first missionary journey of the apostle paul that great apostle paul that writes most of your new testament we find acts chapter 13 is where he and barnabas get sent out from the first church at antioch they are sent out to be missionaries to go preach the gospel unto the jews and even or unto the gentiles excuse me and even the jews that have been scattered abroad in acts chapter number 13 they we find they take a young man with them who the bible calls by several different names he is called by john he is called by mark and he is also called by the name marcus in some places he is called as john mark other places just mark and in some places like colossians and philemon and first peter he is known as marcus tonight but here in our text he'll be called john or john mark and we find when paul and barnabas get out a long way from the church at antioch and they are ministering and they are seeing god do mighty things we find something unusual happens in the life of this disciple the life of this child of god john mark and even though it's something unusual that happens it is not unusual to see this happen in many a child of god's life tonight acts 13 and verse number 13 and you would have to know that in the 13th chapter of acts and in the 13th verse surely nothing good is going to come out of that the number 13 is the number of rebellion tonight going against the word and the will of god verse 13 said now when paul and his company loosed from pathos they came to perga in pamphylia and john or this john mark and john departing from them returned to jerusalem tonight i want to preach on this character this john mark this marcus fella and i'm preaching tonight on this thought i'm preaching on the man who went missing in action the man who went missing in action we find here in the text he originally goes with barnabas and with paul to do the work of god but in the midst of the action in the midst of the heat of doing spiritual battle we find this man abruptly turns tail retreats and runs from the place where he wants so boldly stood can i say this departing that john mark does it even causes a great dissension a great wedge to be put between the great apostles barnabas and paul themself as a matter of fact by way of introduction look at chapter number 15 with me look down later in chapter 15 this chapter 15 now is about five to six years after what we just read five to six years after john mark turning around leaving the work going missing in action and going back home we find in verse 36 of acts chapter 15 it said and some days in verse 36 after paul said unto barnabas let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the lord and see how they do this will be the second missionary journey and barnabas determined to take with them john whose surname was mark he probably had good reasons for doing that i'll not take you there but you can study and find out that barnabas was john mark's uncle they say blood is thicker than water barnabas said i believe we ought to take old john mark back with us on this missionary journey verse 38 but paul thought not good to take him with them who departed from them from pamphilia and went not with them to the work paul's bringing up what happened five to six years earlier in chapter 13. and the contention was so sharp between them that they departed asunder one from the other and so barnabas took mark and sailed unto cyprus and paul chose silas and departed and tonight i want to use this man and preach on this thought the man who went missing in action now i'd like to say this real quick before i fall off too far in the message even though john mark went missing in action he did not get killed in action tonight even though he went down thank god we'll find out he didn't stay down tonight even though the old boy was m.i.a he was awol absent without leave he didn't get kia he didn't end up letting it give him a mortal wound to where it damaged him to the point where he quit god quit the church quit the ministry and just totally got out can i pause right here and say thank god god has places of reenlistment reinstatement refreshment and revival tonight just because you've messed up just because you failed the lord just because you've let the church down or the pastor down or the membership down that doesn't mean god that can't restore you get you back in and use you for his glory down the road somewhere friend i i was wondering this before i dive off into the message and look at maybe why he went missing in action i thought to myself brother skip what caused this young man to get in the action in the first place what caused this young man to jump into the action and decide hey i'd like to travel with old barnabas and paul i'd like to go and do some missionary work and see people say what caused him to jump in the action to begin with and i think it's the same thing i'm preaching to everybody tonight i am i'm preaching to all of you that's sitting here but i'm really aiming this message at our men tonight and our young men tonight and so you ladies i want you to help me and back me up too i'm preaching even at you and this will be applicable to you but i'm really trying to aim at the men tonight and try and give you something fellas that'll help us this evening i believe the first thing that caused him to want to get in the action to begin with just by way of quick introduction is he saw men who were strong he saw some men who were strong look at chapter 12 with me watch what your bible says in chapter number 12. early at the first part of chapter 12 will not read it but you'll find that james the brother of john gets killed by herod he lays his life down for the preaching of the gospel then we find peter gets locked up as well and the lord ends up springing peter out of the jailhouse but watch what it says down in verse 12 john mark was a witness to all this look at verse 12 of acts 12 verse 12 said when he had considered the thing he came to the house of mary the mother of john whose surname was mark where many were gathered together praying here we find this young man he's at the house that's praying for peter to get cut loose out of the prison you want to know what caused john mark to get involved in the action to begin with he saw some real men i mean brother he didn't see some limp wrist and mossy back girly man what he saw was some real me he was in the town where he saw james with a backbone like a saw log boldly preached the word of god and when they said if you don't shut up preaching about that jesus will kill you and james said i reckon i'll have to die and old james loses his life at the beginning of chapter 12 and they get peter as well and they locked peter up and peter would not recant peter wouldn't back up peter wouldn't repent he just stuck to his guns anyhow and old john mark looks at them men he says man they got something i want that's real men right there can i just pause here and say if there's one thing we're lacking in most of our churches today it's real men today look i think i thank god for the ladies in our church ladies looking here i try and apply the bible principle those of you that are younger than me i treat you as sisters those who that are my age i treat you as sisters those of you that are older than me i treat you as mothers that's the bible principle but you hear me it is not the will of god never has been the will of god for the church to be run by the ladies it is to be pushed and promoted and run from the men of the church let me say this our church will only be as strong as the men that we have in the pew tonight you say what are you trying to do when you get in that pulpit i'm trying to provoke men to get in the action i'm trying to provoke men to be bold men to be godly men to be godly husbands and godly fathers and live for god and not just quit and wash out when things get tough for things get hard we're living in this generation where they try and make it out like being masculine is a bad thing they call it toxic masculinity they call it you know they they talk about being masculine as that some sort of wrong thing it's not a wrong thing boys i got so much toxic masculinity it's pumping out of every orifice of my body tonight i believe if you're a man you're to be masculine and if you're a woman you ought to be feminine tonight and what god's people can use more of is to see samia that ain't ashamed of jesus they ain't ashamed of the bible they ain't ashamed of the church they ain't ashamed of the pastor they love god and they want to serve god with the fullest of their abilities let me say this to you i didn't say you wasn't a man if you didn't wasn't saved didn't serve god but i'll say this you're not as good of a man as you could be if you're not saved and don't serve god i believe you can be a man's man without being saved and serving god but you can't ever be the best man that you could be without being a disciple of the greatest man who ever lived and his name is jesus christ tonight you want to be a real man follow jesus this evening fellas amen i believe what got him in the action is he saw some men who were strong i'd say nothing blessed my heart any more than what happened last night i mean brother we got up there to that church and brother we we had more people went up there and i'm not knocking the real thing but we had more people went up there than i think they had in the church when they got there brother and what we had mostly except for except for miss marsha and brother cliff brought me save me last night other than that it was just all men brother we had about 20 men showed up and brother they was loud and proud and saying amen having a good time i like that i appreciate that i want these young boys to see that tonight that it's not odd it's not weird it's not foreign it's not stupid to serve god but if you want to be a real man you want to be a christian that serves the lord tonight i say the first thing he saw was he got the action because he saw some men who were strong he also saw some miracles that were stunning miracles that were stunning in chapter 12 you all know what happens here at his house at john mark's house his mama's name is mary and at this house they're praying i don't have time to read this whole thing we're running out of time but in this chapter we find they're praying brother travis asking god to bust old pete out of prison and while they're praying god does it god answers the prayers god springs him out he shows up at the house and john mark's watching all this old john mark he sees a miracle that's stunning he says man if serving god let you see something like that sign me up i'm all in tonight let me pause right here and say this i wouldn't give you a plug nickel for a church that don't see some manifestation of the power of god every once in a while i mean we ought to see some miracles every once in a while i'm not look i'm not talking about crazy stuff i'm talking about we ought to see prayers answered every once in a while sinners saved gloriously by the grace of god every once in a while lives chains prodigals brought back home sickly people healed and brother they ain't nothing that'll encourage somebody to get in the action that when they see god showing up and doing something tonight he saw miracles that were stunning he saw men who were strong he heard a message that was stirring oh he heard a message that was stirring look down at the end of the chapter of chapter 12 look at verse 24. look at verse 24 of chapter 12. it said but the word of god grew and multiplied verse 25 and barnabas and saul returned from jerusalem they left jerusalem when they had fulfilled their ministry and took with them john whose surname was mark now i don't have any doubt in my mind the house that paul and barnabas stayed at while they were in jerusalem the house they stayed at was the house of barnabas's sister mary whose nephew is john mark they paul and barnabas have been staying at the house of this young man you know what they've been doing they've been telling them the word of god they've been preaching the word of god and son when they heard that when he heard that preaching it did something to him it stirred something up inside before i get to the message i'm fixing to let me say this tonight preaching or not to be some dead lecture preaching or not to be just some intellectual lecture that you just listen to and you listen and say well that was informative and then you walk out and go home preaching should stir you tonight preaching should provoke you tonight preaching should gouge you it should stick you it should poke you and it should give you something that makes you i want to live for god i want to get right with god i want to go serve god if preaching don't do that i'd leave a church and go to the one that had some preaching that didn't stir me that didn't provoke me that did move me to live for god tonight this boy he heard some preaching that stirred him he said man i want to be i want to do that i want to go where the action is at so here we find he goes where the action is but then he goes missing in action now i wish honest to god i wish tonight brother jacob i could say that i'd never seen somebody that ended up hearing the message that ended up you know seeing some miracles that ended up seeing some strong men they got in the action i wish i could say that everybody i ever saw getting the action stayed in the action but that ain't true i've seen a lot of people get in and at some point they said you know what it's not what i thought it was and they end up getting out and tonight i want to try and help you not to get out preaching on this man who was missing in action he goes with paul and barnabas but he ends up going back home wondered why did he go missing in action i'll give you three things real quick why this young man went missing in action number one i thought to myself maybe the reason why he goes missing in action is firstly maybe it was farther than he'd ever been maybe it was just farther than he'd ever been tonight it was farther than he'd ever been in a couple of respects it was farther than he had ever been in his own strength or his own stamina you say what do you mean farther in his stamina or strength well i did a lot of research this past week on this journey from the time they leave at the beginning of chapter 13 to the time that john mark turns around in verse 13 do you know how far john mark follows paul and barnabas nearly 1 000 miles the bible said they left jerusalem and they went to antioch that's a 300 mile trip on foot unless they were fortunate enough to have a camel or a donkey or a horse of which i doubt they had because they wasn't rich i doubt they had any transportation then they left antioch and they went and they sailed from antioch from solution right off the coast of antioch and they sailed down to the the island of cyprus and landed there i believe it said salamus that's another 150 miles and that's a 150 mile trip in a primitive boat up and down on the sea then the bible said they walked the clear span of cyprus from salamis all the way to paphos that's another hundred miles across this island walking then when they got to paphos they rode another boat and went up uh into the regions of pamphilia and perga and that's another 175 miles by boat it is nearly a thousand miles that he has followed them see when he first got in when he first got in this thing he thought man it's just going to be a great time i mean it's going to be fun we're going to shout we're going to enjoy ourself it's going to be great but you know what he ended up finding out he ended up finding out what a lot of y'all find out the longer you start living for god it ain't all fun it ain't all cotton candy and cupcakes and rainbows and puppy dogs brother keith what he found out is what a lot of us have found out living for god it's tough sometimes he found out my feet hurt from walking all day my back hurts from carrying this load i've been carrying my body is tired and it's taxed i'm hungry i'm cold i'm thirsty i'm persecuted it ain't all like living at the house back down yonder with mama mary in jerusalem this is a little bit tougher than i thought it would be you know why some people go missing in action after they start serving god it gets a little tougher than they ever thought that it was it gets a little farther than they were willing to go you know i wondered maybe maybe he finally brother jeremiah got to a spot where he said boys i've come as far as i'm going with you i don't believe i'm going to go no farther this is as far as i'm going to go you know what i found out some christians have an imaginary line that's drawn in their life and they say preacher i've come as far as i'm going living for god i'm not going any farther in my sanctification i'm not going any farther in my separation i'm not going any farther in my worship i'm not going any farther in my study i'm not going any farther and that preacher i've done all i'm going to do this is just as far as i'm going to go you know what he found out it costed a lot to go on any further it cost a lot to go further with god and further for god it may cost you some friends it may cost you some fun it may cost you some entertainment it may cost you some family it may cost you some time it may cost you some pain but can i say tonight it's worth it thank god living for jesus and walking with god i've never regret i've never regretted one step of the journey i've never looked back and said i wish i hadn't come this far i say thank god for every step every mile every trial every heartache every burden i wouldn't trade it in for nothing he has been the dearest friend i've ever had and i'm not looking to go back i'm looking to keep going forward tonight maybe it was farther than he'd ever been in his strength you're gonna find this out if you haven't already and i know we've got a lot of seasoned christians in here but we also got a lot of young christians in here saved for just two and three and four and five years you're gonna find out it's a long tough journey you better make your mind up it's worth it now maybe it was farther than it ever been in his strength or his stamina maybe it was farther than he'd ever been into or in storms maybe it was farther than he ever been when it came to storms say what do you mean storms well i told you he sails twice with paul he sails from over there at seleucia at antioch to cyprus and then he sails off the island of cyprus up to pamphilia that's two journeys satan do you know if you read the bible and read second corinthians chapter number 11. you know what you find out brother hunter i find out paul tells us this in second corinthians chapter 11 he said he was shipwrecked three times do y'all realize we only have one of those accounts that's acts 27 we are not told brother cliff about the other two shipwreck accounts so my mind immediately starts going crazy maybe the reason why this fellow john mark decided to go missing in action maybe either going to cyprus or leaving from cyprus maybe it was one of them shipwreck experiences maybe it was a storm that blew up and brother while that storm's rocking that boat old john mark's leaning over that bow going anybody pack the drama mean i mean man he done dehydrated he's puking his guts up it ain't all it was cracked up to be and he thinks brother john he's gonna die and he thinks they're gonna you know maybe they got shipwrecked and marooned out somewhere and somebody just by the grace of god come by and got them and he finally comes to the realization he says boys peace out girl scout i don't want nothing to do with all these storms no more paul hanging out with you causes me to go through some storms you know what some of y'all have figured out in this church you didn't used to go through near as many storms as you do now since you yoked up with pastors or bible missionary baptist shirts now you've been fighting hell about a half acre ever since you did you know why there's a real enemy going to see to it that you go through storms to try and get you to quit he's the prince and the power of the air he wants to try and knock you out of this thing and to get you quick get you stopped and to put a roadblock out can i say this sure there will be storms in life sure there's going to be storms that's going to rock your world and send you this way and that way in storms you never dreamed of storms in your family and storms in your physical health and storms and your finances but make your mind up now obviously john mark didn't make your mind up now that before the storm ever comes i'm not going back i'm not turning around i'm in it for the long haul and yes this is farther than i've ever been but i'm using that as a crutch i'm going to keep on going farther than i've ever been tonight as we travel through the desert storms beset us by the way but beyond the river jordan lies a land of in this day listen now farther on still go farther count the milestones one by one my jesus will forsake you never it is better farther on listen now let me let me let me preach another verse to you here oh my brother are you weary from the roughness of your way does your strength begin to fail you and your vigor to decay what do we do preacher farther on still go farther count the milestones one by one cause jesus will forsake you never it gets better farther on i thought maybe maybe the reason why we're missing an action was because it was farther than he'd ever been can i say secondly tonight not only was it farther than he'd ever been but maybe the reason why he meant missing an action was it was a fight he'd never been in it was a fight he'd never been in look look at the fight this dude gets him i mean brother ken i looked at this he ain't been in no fight he's been staying at the house where he's sheltered with mama mary i mean he's been all right my son he's out there now with paul and barnabas what's the fight this old boy gets in chapter 13 and look at verse number 5 chapter 13 verse 5 and when they were at salamis they preached the word of god in the synagogues of the jews and they had also john to their minister that's the fellow we're preaching on tonight and when they had gone through the island of pathos they found a certain sorcerer a false prophet a jew named bard jesus this old boy never seen a sorcerer before he never encountered no false prophet before a worker of satan verse 7 which was with the deputy of the country sergius paulus a prudent man who called for barnabas and saul and desired to hear the word of god but elements the sorcerer that's this bar jesus fellow for so is his name by interpretation withstood them seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith then saul who also is called paul this is the first time he's called paul in the scripture and from here on out he'll be known as paul filled with the holy ghost set his eyes on him now watch this fight old john mark watches go down in verse 10 he said o full of all subtlety and o mischief thou child of the devil thou enemy of all righteousness will thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the lord greg god almighty one of the great preachers of yesteryear charles hadn't spurgeon he was such a great pulpit orator p.t barnum the fellow that run the big circus the big three-ring circus p.t barnum wrote charles hadn't spurred in a letter and asked him to come be his ringleader come be the man that stands in the middle of the circus and keeps everything going and talk to the crowd because he was such a great communicator charles hadn't spurgeon sent him one verse of scripture back that was the verse of scripture he sent back to p.t barnum true story oh full of all subtlety and mischief thou child of the devil how long will thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the lord hallelujah yeah that's true story anyways verse 11 verse 11 and now behold the hand of the lord is upon thee thou shalt be blind not seeing the sun for a season and immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand then the deputy when he saw what was done believed being astonished at the doctrine of the lord i say maybe the reason we went missing in action is it was a fight he'd never been in we find there's a twofold fight we find it was a spiritual fight he'd been sheltered he never seen a spiritual fight like this but out brother now he's out in the real world i mean he ain't just in the four walls of the church he gets out in the real world away from jerusalem and you know what he encounters a man full of the devil a sorcerer a demoniac a man that withstands the preaching and cries against it and old paul cuts him down to size and john mark thinks man this is getting way out you know you know one reason i've been taking these kids street preaching you know one reason i'm taking these young street preaching is because i want them to realize this if you stay too long with your religion if you stay too long with your jesus inside the four walls of a church you know what you start thinking you almost start thinking this world ain't so bad and this world this world really don't really hate my god and hate my jesus because you've been hiding under a bushel so long but you go stand on a street corner somewhere with a sign that says turner burn repent or perish you know christ jesus came in the world to save sinners you know it's upon a man wants to die and after death and judgment i promise you the devil comes out and it comes out right up close and personal in your face with f-bombs and middle fingers and cutting you down to size and calling you everything but a but a white man i'm telling you yes sir brother look here i i want them to see this world ain't so free this world don't love your god i love your jesus you know you know why some people go back when the short of spiritual warfare gets on and the devil sets down on you and on your house and on your emotions and on your psychology it'll make you start second guessing well maybe let's say maybe i'm just going back up here it's a spiritual fight not only was it a spiritual fight it was a stern fight it was a stern fight do you see what paul did paul cut this sucker down to size full of all subtlety and mischief out child the devil ceased not to pervert the right ways of god and then struck him down blind and i don't never find where he caused him to go unblind brother randy as far as i know the old boy died blind he just walked around blind and maybe john mark you know maybe he's tender hearted maybe he maybe he just looks and he thinks paul did you have to be that stern with him did you have to be that sharp and that strong with him yes he did you say why because if paul would have went easy on elements the sorcerer he not only would have lost elements he'd lost the deputy too and so paul knows this i can either lose both of them by being a man be paying me or i can just lose one of them and gain the other and sometimes let me just pause right here and say this sometimes some of y'all may sit there in the pew and wonder how come brother zorn gets so ripped off and gets so stern and gets so strong on certain things he preaches maybe i'm seeing things you ain't seeing and god's revealing something to me as the pastor and the over shepherd of this vlog and maybe god let me know this i can either lose both of them or i can get stern with one of them and keep the other tonight amen that's exactly right brother every once in a while you better learn to be a christian that holds his ground doesn't back up doesn't wish he wash or dilly-dale i'm going to stand with the bible i'm going to stand with the church and if they want to drop off fine but here's where i am tonight the man who went missing in action we find maybe he went missing action because it was a fight he'd never been in it was farther than he'd ever been but lastly i love this i love this i believe lastly there was a fire that he couldn't put out brother paul there was a fire that he couldn't put out say what do you mean there's a fire he couldn't put out can i refer you to a verse of scripture that happens nearly 20 years after he left the work 20 years almost 15 to 20 years after he leaves paul and barnabas i want you to go to paul's last book that he writes second timothy and we're going to be done second timothy and chapter number four second timothy in chapter number four tonight don't miss this and we'll be done second timothy chapter four and verse number verse number nine second timothy 4 9. now mind you mind you about 10 years prior to this barnabas has already taken john mark back in barnabas has already forgiven him and obviously john mark must have started serving god faithfully from that point to this also on top of that i'm not you i'll not take you there but you should write this reference down you should write down first peter chapter 5 verse 13 not only does john mark serve with barnabas but we find in first peter 5 13 peter that great apostle also says that marcus this fellow marcus was his dearly beloved son he was a son he said my own son after the faith he gets back right to the point where barnabas and peter both think he's a blessing now watch chapter 4 with me verse 9 paul said do thy diligence to come shortly unto me verse 10 for demas hath forsaken me having loved this present world and is departed on the thessalonica christians the galatia titus the dalmatia only luke is with me verse 11 watch it here it is take mark and bring him with thee why you want to berate him paul you want to tell him what a sorry good for nothing he was for leaving the word no no no this is one i want you to know for he is profitable to me for the ministry he had a fire he couldn't put out in his service there was a fire he couldn't put out in his service the old boy went down yeah but he didn't stay down he got back up again you may be sitting here tonight and you say preacher i feel like in some areas of my life i've gone missing in action i've gone to the step and then i stepped back two steps and i just ain't went as far as i need to go well i'm glad to report to you this if you don't get nothing else hear what i'm fixing to tell you tonight failure is not final failure does not have to be final you don't like to let that be your record you don't have to let that be the defining factor of who you are and what you are you can get up you can get right and you go on and you can be profitable again for the service of the work of god tonight i'm done there was a fire that couldn't be put out in his service son something he saw about paul and barnabas way back when as a young man even though he went back there was something he saw that he said i'm going to be that too i'm going to serve god too i'm going to live for god too it was a fire couldn't be put out in his service but lastly it was a fire that couldn't be put out for the scriptures it was a fire couldn't be put out for the scripture you say what do you mean a fire for the scripture well you all know what the second book of your new testament is somebody tell me what the second book of the new testament is do you know who that mark is you got it right that's our missing in action man that that fellow that wrote that second gospel in the bible that fellow that gives us that 16 chapters that is a look at jesus being that servant matthew writes jesus as the king of the jews luke writes jesus as the son of man john writes about jesus as the son of god but mark john mark he writes about jesus as being a servant i mean he served god and he served man and he lived for the whole marks the one that takes down and god allows him to be inspired by the holy ghost to give us the entire book of the gospel of mark tonight that's been a blessing and helped us and instructed us this evening you say what caused that i believe way back when old john mark was just that young christian over there in acts where it said the word of god grew and multiplied he was sitting there and he had listened to barnabas preach and he'd listen to paul preach and there was a word that got in that boy's heart and he couldn't get it out that bible said his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and i was worried with forbidden i could not stay brother there was a word that got his heart that burned him till he finally had to get out too tonight amen this man that went missing in action he didn't stay missing in action he ended up getting right with god gives us that gospel of mark he becomes profitable to barnabas an apostle the bible calls barnabas an apostle he becomes profitable to peter an apostle and it becomes profitable to paul an apostle by the time they all three are dead they all three say oh john mark's been a blessing to all of us failure's not final tonight i'm saying help me over here esther if you would i'm saying tonight church make your mind up you ain't gonna be a man or a woman that's missing in action let me say this to our men tonight what all these young men that are in here need to see and we got a lot of young men in here under 20 years old what all these young men need to see is they need to see some real men that back up the church back up the preaching love the lord love their families faithful to their wives go out there and live for god out there like you do in here tonight i love and i want our church to be known as a church that has strong male leadership in it ladies that's what you are to want you to want strong men to be able to marry and take care of your daughters hey amen you don't want that you want to want to be able to look and say i belong to a church that's got some young men that's on fire and got some aging men that they can't do what they used to do because they're older and grey-headed but man they're loving god and serving god being an example to the others i love our men i thank god for you don't be a man that's missing in action tonight don't get killed in action make your mind up if you do go missing you're going to get back in john mark did make your mind up you know it's tough storms will come gonna be a long hard road but i ain't quitting i ain't getting out anything to go back too i'm just gonna stick in there the man who was missing in action let's all stand tonight would you come father i pray that you've blessed a simple message from your word i pray right now that you would lay the word of god deep into some young man's heart some young lady's heart lay the word of god deep into our family's hearts our grandfathers that i respect so highly as elder men in our church god you told us to honor the whorey head the gray head god i honor them tonight i thank you for them so many of our senior men are here tonight and they're here every time the doors are open i appreciate that example that's been set thank you lord for this group of middle-aged men 40s and 30s and right through where i'm at in my life thank you for how you're raising up a group of men like that in our church it's a blessing it's it's a help to us god i want to publicly thank you for the young men that you're putting in our church to be the next generation the song leaders or deacons or faithful workers or sunday school teachers or preachers god help us tonight never to be missing in action help us to make our mind up we're going just as far as we can with god in jesus name if you need to come tonight will you come she's gonna sing for us [Music] there's so much more that i would do and i would say but all i really have is today so here i am use me lord give me words to sing and say let me love let me live let me give myself away use my hands use my feet all i have is yours complete let my life be a reflection of your grace i can't go back but i can live for you today [Music] there are so many things i wish i could read you and lord i've even failed you too if life was [Music] hourglass of time so here i am yes me lord give me words to sing and say let me love let me live and let me give myself away use my hands use my feet all i have is yours complete let my love be a reflection of your grace i can't go back but i can live for you [Music] today [Music] [Music] so many times and he'll have to do it more in the future uh but i'm so glad he you know forgives us and overlooks and puts us back into service again aren't you what a blessing tell you what we're gonna take it off and i'm gonna get out of here for the new sense how about y'all
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 1,367
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -7-dd3a-gKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 26sec (2726 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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