HOW TO GET A FREE PROMO FROM JAKE PAUL! Ft. Cody ko | Jeff’s barbershop

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That was fucking great. I hope people now realise Jeff never tried to fuck over Cody. He just wanted to make a funny video and also some great free promo for Him and Cody

Edit: Sorry my dumbass initially said free promo for Jake Paul. I don't want that fuck getting any attention.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/fergious 📅︎︎ May 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Jeff was playing 4d chess

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/BWalsh10 📅︎︎ May 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Great vid fuck jake

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/dorisyo 📅︎︎ May 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

And Jeff just got a new fan & sub. Well done.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/IveGotBallsOfSteel 📅︎︎ May 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's up guys today on the show we got the biggest piece of [ __ ] on YouTube toddy Smith time on me why would you ever be honestly I need a haircut we're basically the same we're gonna find out we're like the same man we caught up a little bit before we told you you are not the same as Jeff you want me yeah I'm like what shorter than them but personality-wise we're pretty similar we're about the same age we both like to run and hike what are you gonna do to Mike I don't know diet purple or something blue yellow it's up to you normally it's like a four on the sides and then I do like a half an inch off the top or something I just want to start this off by saying I do respect you a lot I am a big fan of your videos okay and I'm not gonna do anything horrible to you here today okay I know you've seen the show yeah there's anybody who shaved some kid like someone's head like half of their hair off I've done a lot of terrible things yes please can you not do that I'm not gonna do anything like that I promise you you are safe here we're good we got his verbal consent now I'm on edge yeah well that's the whole point when did you start cutting hair about two weeks ago and good who's your biggest influence in content creating what what made you want to do your stuff I don't have influences I'm in my own lane it's me I feel like that's the biggest dick answer that cause no that's people are like no man I'm my biggest competition I just push myself and I inspire myself honestly that's what I say yeah but you're this weird they'll help from anybody I play like a character here on this show you know it's like an exaggerated version of myself but we hung out before the show and it wasn't like it just were you also doing the character then no I'd be nice over every time I'm running and our parents yeah we had a bland as a try it was a charming lunch who's your favorite other like youtuber that's like maybe in the in the hair it's game or something like that who's my other favorite hair youtubers like a Youtube barber I can't say I know any other ones you'd like to talk to get about people online I think it's great but you are comedian okay and being a comedian if you dish it you gotta be able to take it sure come on out Jason let him have it [Applause] okay so this is my good friend Cody makes great videos very funny one of the only funny guys on YouTube but you cost a lot of [ __ ] about people so let him have it I want to like you guys hurt his feelings first of all I'm a big fan here's Cody yep i watch all your videos love everything I'm still waiting on that cameo I asked for it though is that one of the jokes no actually to buy a cameo from me ya know what happened to it I don't never get Daniel you know people say Cody loves to look down on people which is ironic because he's four feet tall there's two jokes anything it's the first one you know what it is this has become a job for me now I don't want to be here anymore doing this I quit cutting hair years ago I thought I make it as a comedian doing the internet videos and my life's gonna be sweet it's worse now than ever you know what I'm talking about yeah I mean YouTube sucks you up and kills you for sure it's really hard look at Cody yeah Cody's uh he works hard man I love his videos he just finished another video where he's roasting Lele pons up next he's gonna make fun of a twelve-year-old with Down syndrome I like that one kazoo is kind of a Lele roasted my favorite video of Cody's is where he roasted Jake Paul MIDI music videos oh and it proceeded to make an even [ __ ] music video oh my god that was great thank you for coming No now that was fine that was honestly who's for the record by the way I'm five eight and three-quarters so not four feet tall oh dude you know what I put a tweet out you're a big deal man these people loved you they gave me questions related to you specifically ask him if his girlfriend is really mad you hate that hi I just hate this picture of him they do look a lot alike they just both have brown hair and blue eyes that's what it is they're identical man he's a beautiful man he looks like a woman yeah that looks like a woman people tweet that like pretty [ __ ] often and they tag him all the time and I walked into an audition room one day he was just me and him it's really awkward because you could tell he like he had seen the tweets before so he's probably like people think I was I think that's what he thought Cody is it is it hard like do you not go to parties and stuff cuz you're afraid you're gonna run into people that you've made fun of I just do my best to avoid them in another thing I wanted to say Cody and his friend Noelle they have a podcast it's great it's hilarious they've been doing it for how long now about a year two years over years and that's great Todd and I just started a podcast about weeks ago it just passed them in the iTunes Store Scott Kass is now 34 in the Comedy Store and tiny meet gang podcast is 36 Wow soft weak for a sec you know I owe that matters is were both ahead of Logan Paul right that's all that matters have you ever run into Jake or Logan no never yeah I don't know what they I don't know how they would feel about me honestly I don't know I just got to get to know you man because exactly you know I'm like kind of boring in person we get to see the real you you're a nice guy I wish everybody could see this side of you I wish you were being filmed right now and we're gonna put this on the internet and there you go it's looking good already what was your first impression of me my beer when do we meet for the first time with that I think your audience partying party I thought you were kind of weird okay weird that's it you didn't think like pretty good shape I know that you're in pretty good shape yeah see that has a pretty good shape no honestly I thought you're pretty cool oh yeah that's why I did not hate you didn't I say hey I want to be on your show yeah then now we'll look where we are yeah I'm pumped dude it's good to have you here thanks all right bring out lately pons guys so it's your morning routine and like what's it like a day a day in the life of kotico what do you do you get up you make a coffee are you get outcast I get up I walk to Starbucks okay I get an iced iced coffee grande black I go to the gym or I go surfing or I play volleyball Oh hollyball that's nice yeah well it's great you know what no I mean it's just you got such a nice life it just we're over here in ratchet Hollywood volleyball yeah real nice you get that right sick Compton man you grew up in a [ __ ] bedroom sleeping with seven other siblings really feet two feet yeah actually feets a mouth that were you just can't hear what me you're bragging about how you play beach volleyball not bragging you just asked me what a day in the life was I'm just telling you oh that's what I do nice dude that's great what was it like winning a shorty award for best podcast hey we're ahead of him now that means we're on our way looks like that Shorty Awards out is how many shorties have you guys want David's what about I don't know how many yes the both count specifically David's Awards do not count for you have you have you had any celebrities or their children like come to you and be like Oh Cody really like your videos anything like that go ahead post Malone right didn't he did she do something with him yeah yeah he's a he's a good friend what do you have in your hair host Malone's semen was I not supposed to put any semen in my hair before I came here today I mean I'm used to it do it I cut the vlog pods hair so no that's plenty of semen they all got each other's jizz leftover yeah especially Todd you have a bunch of David's seem as you can tell by his numbers nice I said if I said this on the podcast but whenever David says jump Jeff says how high okay so do you you guys have been jumping for knows we don't know how whenever whatever he says just jump tosses off what it's nice they would having a bunch of comedians in here last week ahead Joey salads I wanted to kill my stuff are you gonna talk [ __ ] about me the next episode no this one I really like man have a good time I'm almost too happy I don't like to show happy emotions okay like look tough I like what you're doing us so far oh the hair yeah it's been oh well man no well that kid is funny and he has a cool comedian hairstyle doesn't give him he's like you know I work on telling jokes I'm not gonna be doing my hair oh he's got his hair he gets his hair cut once a week pretty much he was gonna fly his barber out to one of our tour stops seriously hey you guys are a great duo thanks man Todd why don't we do like some [ __ ] like this instead of just doing photo shoots all the time with our shirts off has there ever been like a video that you made or a joke that you had that you're like nah this is too far I'm not gonna post this or I mean I have jokes in every video that I that I cut out because they're like - I think they're like - mean yeah I mean not me but this is like I you know you don't eat I don't know I don't know let's hear some of them if you made a video about me I'd be dead for like two weeks I'd be so upset really yeah yeah but I make it like nice no you wouldn't I'm never really that there'd be no point to make it if I was nice I try to keep jokes like light and funny you know I do I'm never like this person this is I saw no well you do it you did it in a different way which is either hurtful which is like smart and witty you break down their intelligence their their career choice yeah you guys should have just never even got into this world at all I don't think I've ever said that that's the undertone of it yeah fair enough you're like a 50 cent of the YouTube world have you ever been called that before no but I could see just like I'm you know my physique will Photoshop your face on the fifties body and they get Richard died trying out yeah he's huge in that album cover I just saw that cover again somewhere I really like that feeling of the of the Fraser come on out lately you want to cut the top what do you think you don't have to and you do have this leftover blonde hair dye in there so if I do cut it it's gonna make it just blonde tips yeah I mean like how much would you cut off I could cut off any length you want maybe just like even like half of get nice hair man no Gray's Thank You Man stress free life letting Noelle come up with all the jokes for you that's what it is you don't have to do anything yeah pretty much man so I feel with Todd you know I put all the work in I come up with all the funny jokes he just relaxes do uh-huh what do you guys you guys how crazy my whole head is actually great I get the whole thing died no way really sorry yo man you mobile games startup throwing with [ __ ] guard gosh oh I don't consent to this I mean whatever we'll just edit it out yeah please no we'll leave it in I'd no idea Apple would have a lot of kidnapping game - that's crazy all right this is from Nicole she says do you think jeff has Botox uh yeah really how old are you 29 yeah I'm 28 oh you're 28 okay well he's licking the couch what's wrong you dude stop doing that you're on TV and not Jesus doing hey Syd who's your favorite vlog squad member oh I like big Nick yeah that's not true that's a lie nobody's ever said that we're giving you the special treatment man what is this warm shaving cream nice and luxurious oh I don't know how to use the razor but we'll figure it out you don't know how to use the razor how hard can it be oh good this will be good I got a beard just don't slit my throat I'll try not to I guess it would be kind of cool for the YouTube video honestly Cody cause last video yeah featuring Jeff would have taught a Smith's Jason - mm-hmm me dying isn't enough no help you need their names and their thumbnail for a little bit more action that's how it works and who is your least favorite youtuber me yeah and I'm saying me oh you okay second least favorite youtuber you know you know you got something in their least favorite youtuber Oh Jake Paul he's actually not even that bad anymore I think it's a good answer all right do it well it was good to have you here thanks for having me I got one last surprise for you nothing Bad's gonna happen I can kill this kid if he tries anything bad who's here your favorite YouTube kids I'm sorry for bullying you if you have another party can I bring Cody to the party oh no okay whatever I don't care as long as I can go thanks for coming out dig Paul everybody I'm glad you guys watched that it feels nice I'm glad you enjoyed this episode was gray our most exciting episode yet okay that's good huh it looks really good hippie job how do i [ __ ] oh good oh that was cool yeah all right I got some explaining to do cancel me I want to be canceled I want to be they won't cancel you because you want to be canceled about two years ago Jake asked me to join the game 10 he offered me a contract where I did 20% of my earnings to him for eight years this was all one big manipulation to get a shout-out from Jake Paul and he took the bait my friend jet has like a podcast YouTube kind of show where he interviews guests and cody KO is going on to his barbershop guest podcast thingy today it worked out perfectly Cody was never in danger I got my security there on the couch I got Reggie here that's actually an undercover cop posing as a 19 year old kid and it just so happens my barber tools also worked as weapons there was never any danger I did this all just as a big manipulation so I could get a shout-out from Jay Paul for free Thank You Jake and thank you Cody did I manipulate everybody here just to make this video I'll get you to this point yeah so buy a t-shirt [Music]
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 5,018,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff wittek, cody ko, jeffs barbershop, haircut, interview, podcast, vlog squad, vlog, todd smith, jason nash, david dobrik, noel miller, tiny meat gang, jake paul
Id: Z_5h1xxNkP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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