The Best Of The 2022 Oscar Stars On The Graham Norton Show

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it is such a kind of intimate emotional depiction of that family and their story yes have venus and serena watch this yes oh that so when it started you know i went to the family i said i love this story i want to tell this story and venus and serena said um okay we we will see you through the process and we will executive produce the process but we're gonna have to see the movie before we decide whether or not we're to put our names on it whoa so i was like so i get the call a couple months ago venus and serena are going into the theater and they went in and saw the movie and it was like literally the worst two hours of my life waiting until they they came out but they they're a mess with tears and they they love the film and they they put their names on it so it is uh yeah but you've you've kind of been through that process before because presumably with ali yes like muhammad ali were you waiting for his blessing i made the mistake of watching ali for the first time sitting behind ali oh god yeah so i'm never gonna do that again again um you know but midway through the movie ali turns to to his wife at the time and he says girl was i that crazy i was like okay okay because now jessica's just saying you are a lover of the australian wildlife because was this yes i am no because was this picture taken in australia were you with the kangaroo no that was actually taken in new york oh that was a new york kangaroo it's a traveling kangaroo yes is that a baby kangaroo that is a baby kangaroo but what makes me slightly disappointed is it's totally upstaging me on that cover in fairness it is right i mean look at that model face it is giving oh you both look pretty cool i'm guessing the kangaroo was quite squirmy yeah i mean they're very hoppy yeah and technical too yeah and you know likes to play likes to hop around but was very very happy whenever i had the bottle because they would do anything for the milk i feel you'd had enough of the hoppy because there's a picture inside the magazine of you with the kangaroo it's so sad because it looks like i'm just like love me love me i love you so much and it's just like give me the food and they could at least photoshop the bottle out right [Laughter] that one looked weirder yeah with rabies because now uh get some big animal lover kirsten dunst as well but like cats you've already mentioned a cat cats are your first love well i like yeah i do like cats i don't [Laughter] just yeah he's just like my cat yeah it is weird you would never do that with a person to animals and what's the name of the cat tito i thought it was a boy for the longest time it was a very usually those orange stripy cats are boys i don't know why i know this but um but then my friend came over and was like those balls are very small i don't think that's a boy girls don't have small bowls i but it was like okay if it's he she whatever it is i'll i don't care i'll it's still tito's a fine name for it and so yeah it's a boy but i think this is a picture of tito you can tell tito is such a boy look at that that is a boy look at the man spread on that that's right he's got a third leg we've got his tail he's definitely a boy that is a very big he wants a hug really yeah he wants a bear and some chips is that the race it's all the time no it's just mid lick oh oh very clean oh those tiny balls he was just making them clean yeah they're small but they're really clean this is what all the fuss about ariana debose is starring in the new steven spielberg version of west side story and it's in cinemas now we should say cinemas now and rachel zegler she was here a few weeks ago playing maria so uh talk to us about uh who you you play in west side story well i play anita yes she is the character that rita moreno played in the 1961 film and she wanted to oscar for that so we'll just say that yeah throw it out there no pressure whatsoever and anita is like the first lady of the sharks there are two gangs the sharks and the jets and the sharks are puerto rican gang and they're fighting over turf and literally it's like six blocks um and this entire story takes place over like 48 hours it's really wild but you get to know anita she's uh heart soul passion body dancing singing and she's just an extravaganza of a role and thank god for tony kushner and his adaptation of this script because it's gave me a lot of good material so yeah check her out too yeah you you are phenomenal and you really really are i mean the dancing in this film uh is phenomenal and you are so good good good dancing and that was kind of your first love dancing absolutely i started dancing when i was three you know ballet tap jazz i was a daisy in my first like little class it was cute i think um but i i speak dance better than i speak english that's like that was my end into the character as you can see i can't like not and what was the you entered a competition were you in kind of a teenager when you entered the competition yeah i was in high school i entered a shake it up cold stone creamery dance contest they were introducing their new lines of shakes and smoothies and uh fergie i think her her single was landy landy london we've fallen down like and she's promoting that anyways i entered this dance contest and i made it to the finals and there were five of us and i got to go to new york and i was doing my little solo trying to be really cool wasn't that cool but anyways i won and now i have free ice cream for the rest of my life and you've used it oh yeah you're kidding i moved to new york and i was 19 years old and i was poor like no coins to my name it was fine so when i ran out of money for food like no 50 cent coffee no hummus and pita nothing i would go to coldstone on 42nd street and you know use my free ice cream and my free ice cream cakes that was my nutrition for the day resource nobody knows what to make of that and that's okay everyone's going how does she look like that well you do have to stop eating ice cream it seems a weird prize for a dancing competition right here never dance again you'll be pleased to know that uh the 57 year old irishman didn't know that you have a rapping career you're a very successful rapper oh well yeah i mean it's just a big part of who i am and it always has been and it just kind of started out you know um as a kid listening to his brother's kind of sweary rap cassettes and trying to imitate them so just being almost like a kind of therapy and how i kind of just almost work things through in my own mind because am i right one of the things you you have about is uh the frequency with which you're stopped at airport security but then is it a double-edged thing where now you're stopped at airport security because people know you rap about being stopped at airport security it has been slightly bizarre i mean so it started off with me just being kind of terrified as a brown man at the airport and just knowing straight away and they're kind of like pressing the red button under the check-in counter as soon as i turn up um and experiencing that but now it's kind of like you know a couple of people will greet me on the way through check-in and they might know my work and i'll be like okay particularly heathrow airport is quite south asian you know so there's a lot of people working security there might know me or my work or be fans so i've had this kind of slightly bizarre experience of being about to board the plane and i get pulled to one side and the dude who's swabbing me for explosives is uh wrapping my lyrics back at me and so it's like it's quite surreal so it'll be like kind of going through my underwear kind of like making sure you know searching me asking me questions and just like yo got a selfie once done because you can't really say no because he could stop the game on the plane so it's quite a bizarre experience but i guess you know the film deals with situations like that of kind of being an insider and an outsider at the same time which we all are in different ways you know this is belfast it's in cinemas and now and this is it's sort of the story of you as a nine-year-old boy in belfast yeah what prompted you to tell this story now well uh you know i don't know how your lockdown was at the beginning uh i had so many friends who got in contact um who hadn't seen for a while who was so desperate to you know make contact and i was calling them and just everything was about just sort of re-establishing human connection we really felt the separation and so uh it reminded me it sent me right back to the time when i was nine years old in north belfast in a wee street uh mainly protestant but catholics were there as well where in the course of i suppose uh 20 seconds when i thought i was hearing bees in the air and then i thought i was seeing a swarm of bees realizing that in fact i was at the beginning of a riot which would pass through my street and those 20 seconds would be really marked the sort of end of my childhood when i came out of the house two hours later the paving stones were lifted up from the from from on the ground beneath our feet was gone the paving stones were in barricades at either end of of the street and we were in a fortress would have been a sort of playground before it was a beautiful harmonious neighborhood not a an ideal but a home for sure and um you know suddenly life was different and the uncertainty that we've all felt all this sense of being in the unknown and and and therefore our need for human contact and our need for laughter and our need for songs and dancing and ad-hoc parties and all the darkness that we could possibly grasp at a dark time when we didn't know what was going on that's where this lockdown sent me back to and i tried to write it as truthfully as i could and you're your mother brilliant played by katrina balf in the film and judy jensen and karen hines you have dornan but we must mention uh jude hill yes so how old was he when you started filming 10 years old uh he got the part out of 300 boys who sent himself tapes he did about half a dozen zoom auditions he eventually uh improvised in a final audition with me and louis mccaskey who played his brother in it and he's amazing he's just he's a natural he's got this great capacity to listen he's funny he loves football for sure big liverpool supporter very difficult to get him he's supposed to be a tottenham hotspur supporter in the film and we have one scene where he simply has to say is there nothing there's tottenham right half cannot do and we got to rehearse the scene and i said uh uh you've just stopped there jude is there a problem you said yeah i can't say that i said no wouldn't no but he's a tottenham i can't say that why is that i'm a liverpool supporter i know you're a liverpool supporter but you're an actor and he says he's a tottenham supporter and you've got to pretend i can't go there can't don't ask me to go there said okay well i will maybe don't do it the rehearsals but do it in the tech okay let me think about it and then we did one take and we got it and he said is there nothing there's tottenham hearts per right half can't i do say great that's terrific can we do one more he said i think you've got what you need so never take a boy away from this football team it's such a lovely lovely film it's just gorgeous and this is kenneth branagh writing about his own childhood is that like buddy the little boy is kind of playing yeah yeah correct yeah yeah and uh judy you play i play his his uh grandmother okay and i thought when he asked me i thought i'm not old enough to break embrace of course it's in the 70s but i am in a wig as black as a raven's wing you know it's a very young part for me to play because you haven't played his grandmother before not his grandmother no i played his wife and his mother and his grandma there's nothing left now he's right of course it's awesome daughter of course of course yeah that'll help next and and then you play his father yeah yep and we must talk about uh extraordinary actor jude hill who plays buddy how how old is he um he was 10 when we shot it i think he's 11 00. 11 12 wow and did you get like you did a lot with him did you get on with him yeah he's brilliant he it gives me a hard time i've got to say he's pretty brutal with me it looks like he's giving you a hard time but in real life even more so um i guess where we come from taking the mickey out of each other's sort of our currency and we're all thick-skinned enough to be able to take it but um we've been doing obviously a ton of press for this movie so far and his dad daryl had to start bullying me a bit um his dude was he's 10. um and his dad had to take him aside last week and he said like i had a word with jude to tell him to lay off you a bit i was like i was like i appreciate it but i'm i'm all right like i'm nearly 40. i can take it but um yeah it gives me a hard time there's one really lovely scene where the family take you as the grandmother uh to the movie bang bang yes how did you see into the jitty bang bang not at all i didn't exist anything how did you miss it but well i'll tell you how because when i was little i was taken to see snow white and there's that terrible queen biting an apple and being very nasty to snow white then i was taken to see um bambi there's the mother going up in a fire and then i was saying to see dumbo and dumbo there's a scene i've never forgotten the scene with either dumbo or his mother somebody in a cage not being able to get the other and them both crying i mean you know they're set out to frighten and make you cry films so you were done after those three so i no i think i'm not going to see chitty chitty bang bang because i've always been floods of tears at something i mean it's a great kind of uh kind of late 30s early 40s pop boiler but but you saw that i mean the look of this thing is so beautiful i mean the production design was incredible it was like the whole set was like a rorschach test you know with you know it was is so incredible and then every single detail guillaume was across we had the the lighter from the mulkey the maltese falcon you know when and we had the crystal from some other movie i mean he collects movie memorabilia i think there's yeah he's got the lighter there yeah it took about 97 takes to get it to work but and it's not just you and bradley it's got a great cast including your carol co-star rooney mara yes yes yes but it was complicated for rooney because she felt pregnant do you still use that expression you fall pregnant was it you fall over you oh you woke up oh i'm having a baby anyway yeah she got pregnant so it was um do you fall or get at my age you have a fall that's when you know you are you had a fall yeah you have a fall but so she she fell pregnant but in the middle of the film because it was a big break there was well the pandemic of course many of you masked people out there this thing called the pandemic yeah no i mean my my stuff was so hermetically sealed in the office but then there was a break it was you know i mean everything stopped and then everything kind of started to get it started again yeah we don't think of you in terms of action films but in the debt where you played the young helen mirren yes what was the martial art you had to get that was krav maga was it krav maga where's that from it's it's the israeli defense army way of fighting it's super intense it's basically how you kill your opponent as quickly as possible busy busy busy uh yeah got people to kill uh i had like four months training with someone from the israeli defense army wow so did you get properly good at it yeah i was pretty good i was pretty good i had a lot of fun can you demonstrate could you like if i could you break a board can you like karate kid aboard yeah can you do because you've got moves yeah like if someone came at me with a knife or something or had a gun i could disarm them okay so i've attacked you with a bit of fruit you might get hurt no seriously would you hurt me i'll try not to are you a bit bad at it like are you mad are you making trigger happy will you break my arm right here i won't break your arm and i'll go very slow oh no now i thought this is an amusing idea but maybe no seriously will i be okay i promise okay do you really promise i swear pinky can you trust her you should totally i'm wearing high heels okay okay okay okay so am i just coming at you with uh so if you were gonna stab me would you really hold a knife like that no i'd be like i'm sorry oh wait i'm holding it wrong yeah i'll disarm you the minute you start holding it properly so like that well no okay fine sure how should i hold it this is fine so basically no no wait a minute come at me you got me perfect is that all right how do you hold like if you're gonna stab me i'd be like there you go perfect let's do it again okay ready so i'm i'm coming at you yeah then i go like this i'm doing it in slow motion so i don't hurt you oh oh oh oh oh oh that's amazing i'm [Applause] she allowed you to kind of stay in character but more than that she encouraged you to kind of live your life in the way that he might have lived very very much i mean i sort of went off to to dude basically she was very very secure about all the things i was insecure about but she said look whatever you need to sort of feel that you have ownership of this very different lived experience to your own let us know and i went um okay uh the banjo horse riding whittling whistling i'm hungry taxidermy i mean this man is masterful he's a brilliant craftsman with his hands he lives in this very brutal masculine world but he has great sensitivity and craftsmanship about him which is a kind of clue to the inner turmoil of his true self as well but to feel that and experience that i went off to montana for a couple of months to to learn about what it's like to live on a ranch and perform all the things you see in the film was it the ranch you didn't wash or was it on the set no it was it was it was in the first couple of weeks of rehearsal in new zealand and you know this character wears his work on him with great pride the mud the grime the sweat and the blood and uh he doesn't wash reportedly in the book for sort of three or four months at a time wow yeah i mean he does spend most of his time outdoors so maybe the wind is sort of carrying it away but when you haven't experienced that in the 21st century where we're all quite clean and this is by the way just before a pandemic broke out where we're told to wash our hands like i'm singing happy birthday twice it's a very odd character to be playing someone who just refuses to watch and yet you know that was a very important part of trying to authenticate who this person was and just feel that on my skin and then and then and then jane really pulled the rug under me by saying oh let's go out for sushi and i was like come on in a rehearsal room it's fine but now you want me to go out into the world with this biohazard of a funk around me just like speaking of something very odd and there are people out there in the world who really want to know what i smell like um and i'm sort of a little bit self-conscious about that daisy this is this yeah daisy's going to experience you'll get this yeah yeah that's why the lockdown was a good thing um but yeah i i was out there sort of having sushi and feeling very very self-conscious when the waiter just said so we've had winner winner winner now uh timothy you didn't you you didn't win you didn't win but if it was it's a competition i'm talking about your effort to do well in was it an exam about statistics oh god christ yes this is true i i got a d in that yeah you got a d i got a d but but but i mean i i i deserve that or or worse but anyway so you're in school you're doing an exam statistics your teacher she's miss lauten yes lawton lot miss lawton and so what were the other kids doing with the other kids just doing uh yeah variation i mean i mean some people presented parabolas and things that were uh more appropriate for statistics uh you know varied projects mine was not so tell the people what you decided to do like a statistics song yes sort of a sort of statistics rap yeah horrible bad bad level the worst level yes but nobody you came up with the whole rap persona yeah but not for that i just had it oh so lil is it little timmy tim yeah it's part of my uh gingerbread man is nothing now no it's on the internet how do we have this film did you post it how how does this film exist so i posted it i did it with a friend on a green screen in school and i'm pointing to different i was going to photoshop my teacher's face in but i got too lazy so now they're just kind of weird in the video i'm pointing around and there's there's nothing well here are these statistical rap stylings of little timmy tips statistics the probability you've seen you're finally here and i feel like at the end of a couple of bond films we thought maybe it was going to be your last one but this we know is definitely the end bye-bye and i was i was sort of going at the end of spectre i was a bit down on everything as um and i i thought that was it and i thought i was just and i i'm really really happy that i was given the opportunity to come back and do this because i think we sort of wrapped up a lot of the stories and and and you know just a chance to come and do one more was just wonderful and does it feel like you know is it sad or is it kind of a celebrity is it kind of like wow i did an amazing thing and i'm happy and are you kind of thinking oh shame it's um it's it's everything i think and and i it's been close to 16 years of my life and and it's felt it's been incredible to do these films and not least of all to work with people like this to bond movies don't get made very often you know this it's rare air yeah and to have the opportunity to make these films has been um one of the it's the biggest thing in my professional career clearly but one of the biggest things in my life um and it's very emotional it's it's um i i i'm glad i'm sort of ending it on my own terms which is really i'm grateful to the producers for allowing me to do that um but i shall miss it i mean i won't i mean i'm probably be incredibly bitter when the new person takes over i was like i'm happy for you but i'm sad for us because genuinely you have been a fantastic bond i mean so [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 397,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best cinematography, Best makeup and hairstyling, Best original song, Best sound editing, Best supporting actress, Celebrity banter, Celebrity interviews, Film stars, Funny celebrity moments, Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, Hollywood buzz, Hollywood ceremony, Hollywood culture, Hollywood stars, Interviews, Movie buffs, Movie magic, Oscar history, Talk show host, The Graham Norton Show
Id: tz8l2_uwPSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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