Climbing with #1 Arctic Elite force - Exclusive Access

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usually the word like machine and beast and stuff  is not something i like throw around but you guys   are like actual beasts i feel like like i don't  know i'm so worse today are you guys tired at all   well you kind of feel it a bit in your legs  but it's not it's not too bad it's not too   bad no it's okay and how's your climbing level  like sport climbing level do you do that a lot   not too much not too much it's more like when  we do the military climbing it's like just   about getting up yeah so sometimes you just use  all the means but this is your wall though this   is your like private wall this is like uh only  for military right yeah no one else is allowed in   here and i mean i think it's pretty cool for for  like a private wall it looks it looks very good   yeah and also the training oh yeah  the training facility is really good you guys have like professional route sellers  coming in here and changing the routes once in a   while right yeah so this one was changed for about  a year ago but uh yeah and i think that's kind of   the interval they they stay at yeah because yeah  so have you guys done most of the routes now   well not all of them but uh yeah got some projects  going on and try to get someone today and do you   know if anyone's done like the hardest routes  in here i see there's one eight minus there's   one seven plus eight minus do you do you know  if anyone's done sure we can ask for see yeah   probably not though because there would  probably be like a rumor or something going on   uh you know what i've heard someone did they eight  minus okay evan have you done this one before   uh no not this one so it's like  your project then yeah yeah oh ain't got much to show and try nice everyone performs so much better  when the camera's rolling you know   he'd never done this before but now he does  it well that was good i mean it's hard to   say anything about technique on a route like this  because it's like so powerful i mean i could try   to be like a douche bag now and try without using  my feet at all i think you should give it a go   yeah yeah since since like uh i don't know i want  some revenge from the last video we made you know all right so sick oh it's good to be sport climbing again give  me some confidence after the last like three days i don't feel like myself though my body is  strange and my energy level is still so low and   the hardest route you have here is the 7b right  eight minus yeah yeah so i'm going to try that   after slept like 12 hours straight but still feel  tired it's strange like when we woke up it was   i don't know it's weird when you sleep for a long  time you sort of you get into like a different   mode you know you just like i feel very relaxed  now it's pretty nice to have like your own gym and   then like root setters come in and set everything  for you but do you use this a lot uh yeah   well there's a lot of people who use it but  we um we try to like get some training in and   then we also use the facilities a lot for just  normal strength training yeah it's not like you   guys need to be that good at like normal sport  climbing you know you need to be able to get up   the mountain that's your your task exactly so what  are you guys going to try now try a different vi i'm looking pretty fit in this light uh yesterday  people were making fun of you for being fat so i   don't think you're uh very fat just you're gonna  trying to trying to put me down i'm gonna get a   lot of comments for people saying that they  only see a torso towards them without legs all right good clipping technique come on almost at the ledge biceps oh yeah what all right oh all right you've done everything today uh kevin  thanks yeah that one surprisingly well actually   yeah i mean uh a lot of people perform better  when there's a camera around i mean me included   there's no shame in that yeah there's more  more to lose there's more to this definitely   so yeah that's good i mean it looked like kind  of like an outdoor climb with that ledge and   the type of holes yeah it's uh a lot  different from everything else in there so   so that should suit you i guess yeah i  think so yeah i think so i don't know   i might have lost like a kilo or two on the on  the trip we just did though definitely like in   water yeah not being hydrated yeah so many  times you're like you go in the way you're like   oh [ __ ] yeah lost four kilos yeah and then  it's just white kilos of water makes you legit   for the first 24 hours while we're back though  yeah that's true that's what bodybuilders and   stuff do yeah they cut water weights to look more  ripped yeah so it's perfect timing for this video everything was just leading up to this moment pale too the fluorescent light is not helping  though yeah that's yeah that's what it is yeah all right all right nice what was the hardest part uh i  think the end was the hardest   if it hasn't been done before now it's no it's not blue one is half a grade easier it's seven  plus eight minus which is seven eight plus   but it looks harder because it's very technical  dual texture holds and i know like tiny knobs   and stuff not my cup of tea i think this one  looks way harder than the eight minus actually   so where do you think the the crux is on this uh  i think it looks pretty hard at the second draw   yeah you see from that pinch going up to that knob  yeah and then i'm not really sure if you go again   uh or if you go left hand to that yeah oh my god this is way harder so the triangle is off right we think so  yeah that was brutal that move down there   i actually thought i was gonna fall in that move   and the last move looks so tricky too  it looks like it's a looks like it's   a mantle from that last one yeah and all  the way to the tiny top home and he's tiny so much harder than the other one  that's the definition of like a sandbag but yeah the beginning looked  really rough but it was fun it was   well set that route you could  definitely tell that there's been   like some professional routers in here so  whoever put this up big kudos to those yeah   i guess you guys will be pretty good at your  money right you've done this a whole bunch yeah   well some some yeah not too much actually a lot of  people have asked me like how photographers move   in the wall uh and they use this system so it's  a it's a joomla and usually i use a grigri this   is attraction so it's a little bit different and  it's it's very efficient to move up a rope but the   thing is you need to already have the rope fixed  for you like the free solo uh movie and stuff   this is how the photographers get in place so they  have to be pretty good climbers too to just film   those types of movies you know jimmy chin yeah  yeah he's the guy who who shot that and he's also   done like meru movie it's pretty wild you know how  much effort goes into making those videos not only   are they like super good with cameras but  they're also really good with ropes and   good climbers yeah so i'm going to be up against  you evan yeah yeah all right all right i'll show   you how it's done show me how is about eight  meters to the top yeah yeah what do you estimate   what what do you think our times will be our  time that's hard to say but i'm guessing uh meter one two three that's eight seconds right there i missed the loop yeah that's magnus come on you're supposed to have like i mean i've actually done this quite a lot when i  was young i did a lot of route setting just with   a drewmore and the grigri so i've had a lot of  practice actually doing this but i didn't tell you   before well but when you told me that you're  going to do it in eight seconds i would like okay   i gotta shut up yeah now that was just psyching  out trying to get me scared but uh yeah but it   was hard with the loops because normally you have  something that holds it together here so you don't   have to worry about the feet yeah this is slipping  off flipping off but that's a little bit strange   but uh i think we're gonna end the video  there uh thank you guys so much for watching   make sure to like and subscribe as  always and we'll see you next time you
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 296,437
Rating: 4.9800429 out of 5
Keywords: Military, Climbing, Climb, Army, Soldier, Arctic, Norwegian, Recon, Training, Insane
Id: UZ6--vpPbzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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