Insane Military Obstacle course! - Military Pentathlon

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This is something I've wanted to try for a long time Military Pentathlon is designed to test the ideal soldier A sport mainly dominated by big nations such as China, Brazil and Russia Originally Military Pentathlon included disciplines like fencing and hors riding But around the time for the second World War those skills were outdated And removed for the sport to better resemble the skills needed for modern warfare Today Military Pentathlon consists of five different disciplines Cross country running, throwing, shooting, obstacle swimming and obstacle running. On a standardised course And as you know obstacle courses have gained popularity over the years with TV shows such as Ninja Warriors And I've tried Ninja Warriors. So how does this original obstacle course compare? Is it harder? Is it easier? Well, I guess we're about to find out It's been a while since I tried the salmon ladder This one is made of steel, so it's gonna be really loud And also this is really heavy Salmon ladders are scary Alright so I'm here with the fastest man in the Norwegian army Can I say that? More or less right? More or less I mean you're on the national team right? Yeah And you can only compete in this if you're in the army right? Yeah Or in the defence yeah So we're gonna try a few different strength exercises first I think it's more just for me to gain some confidence before he's gonna break me.. and Andreas down It's cool that you have this stuff here You see people try this with straight arms like this But if you're able to lock off you can go much further Think you were trying to go too hight there Is it gonna come down to endurance you think on the running.. the obstacle course? What is it gonna come down to? Anaerobic capacity. Okay yeah. By far. Yeah that's gonna be tough hahah What about the grip strength? How's that? I mean you've done some climbing so Yeah, but this is pretty bad for me. This is bad for you? Yeah That's perfect then! Haha Yeah. Hahah That was it man. It's impressive just to be able to do it! So this is the expert. You've been competing for Norway for how many years? For 17 years on the national team And you've competed internationally and what's your.. I've never won a World Championship, but I've won 4 Nordic Championships and 13 National Championships But I've been told that you've gotten second place in a World Championships Yeah. And that's pretty good for, I mean Norway has a population of.. At that time it was probably like 4 million ehhh Maybe only 3 million hahah Thanks for that. Haha sorry I mean now it's 5 million But competing against big nations like Russia and China.. and Brazil I mean that's really impressive. Yeah I was really happy about my second place Someone says that second place is the first looser, but before that I'd been 7, 6, 5, 5 and 4, 4 So just to get on the podium was a big victory for me And how do you think the guys that we're gonna compete against today. How do they compare to you at your prime? They will easily beat my swimming time But they will not be close to my obstacle run time, because I had a really good obstacle run And a Pentathlon is pretty big internationally right. Yeah We googled this before coming here. There are a lot of videos with 10 and even 20 million views As we say, it's a military sport and it's big in those countries with a lot of military.. who wants to show military muscles They are normally good in Military Pentathlon. For example North Korea is very good in Military Pentathlon How do you think we'll do agains't your best guy? The obstacle courses are quite technical. And also the swimming obstacle course you need good freestyle swimming to achieve well You will learn a lot, so tomorrow you would have run faster or swim faster But I think today you will be a bit behind our athletes. Haha yeah I think so too But I think you have enough power and explosively to do the exercises with out problems. And will Next thing we're gonna try is standing long jump. 2.40 meters that's the minimum requirement? No that's if you want to get the score 9. The highest score. Yeah So the lowest I.. I don't know because I don't focus on the lowest, but maybe it's 1.80 for men or something. The minimum requirements But it depends on what.. if you're going to be in a platoon with weapons and so it requires maybe 2.20, 2.30 or something 2.40 Really close to the top score on your first try. That's also with a cold body so I would say that's good. Yeah If it's dry and you warm up I think you would easily get 2.45 Magnus never warm up. I don't warm up really hehe 2.55 or something? This is 50, so it was just above 2.50 meters. Okay Maybe we should just do the swimming now. Yeah. I feel ready. Andreas you're gonna do it as well right? Yeah I'll try the swimming. I mean it's not normal swimming, it's like an obstacle course.. swimming thing. Over and under. I've just seen this on YouTube and it looks crazy You dive in and after 9 meters you have an obstacle you should pass over and then you dive under the second beam And then you swim further and you have a raft of 3 meters you should pass under Then you come to the end of the pool. You should get up on a half meter podium turn around and jump out in the other lane of the pool And on the way back you swim a long stretch of swimming and then you need to get under a beam before you can finish at the end of the pool What are you hoping for? Ehh I don't know I'm hoping for second place, so I hope I beat you. But the time I have no clue what's normal or good Are you a good swimmer? I'm an okay swimmer Take your mark 45.8. It's really tiring A lot of power, but maybe not a lot of technique Yeah you also suggested that he should he should change his swimming trousers into speedos Yeah of course.. How much of a difference does that make? Ahh it's a couple of seconds I would say But maybe more seconds when you make your dive and then you immediately put your arms back. That's maybe not a good idea Gliding position and then start with one arm with your freestyle stroke. Yeah And not pull both arms back in a breaststroke I mean it's only Andreas I'm trying to beat here haha let's be realistic I do think it was a disadvantage to go first though I mean just the diving thing he said could probably save me like two seconds Yeah haha. But you looked pretty fast I gotta say. It felt fast, but it probably looked really slow Take your mark I couldn't see anything. 40.1. Ohhh So it was really close to under 40 the first time and that is good I think just with a little bit of good technique I think 35 seconds would be within reach within one day. Oh really Congrats. Oh that was tiering Yeah I didn't really use the obstacles at all. Like he told me I should like try to push and use them To create momentum, but I was just focused on the swimming part Okay now let's see the pro You think you gonna beat me and Magnus? Yeah I think so haha What's your goal? Below 30 seconds I guess Take your mark That was 29.1 and that's.. yes It's very good! It's a good training time. I hope when we are able to have competitions again and he will top his form he can go in a 25m pool at least one second faster than this It looked really good. Thanks I don't think we're gonna go through all the obstacles, but maybe show me a few of the more technical ones Just to make sure this is done safely In total there are 20 obstacles and this is number 4 I've seen videos of you guys do this and you do it so fast So never look up with your head, but perhaps look to the sides. Okay Just so you get some air as well Cuz if you have your face going down you will keep getting sand in your mouth and in your lungs Two steps to get down. Yeah. I can show you. Yeah Fun fact actually I have the crawling world record so haha It's kinda a joke anyways haha The concrete pillars will stand still if you hit them Depends on how thick your head is I guess but yeah haha Now we're at obstacle 8 out of 20 And what happens if you fail an obstacle? You have to do it again. That's gonna cost you a few seconds Do you sometimes fail an obstacle? Yeah I do. You do? Ohh okay Especially the balance obstacles. Yeah that's good to know So you don't use the rope I guess right? Normally not. They're more for safety Cuz I think I should be a little bit more humble than last time, cuz I thought everything was gonna be so easy, but When you're like really really tired even this stuff can be hard, like if you don't have any power in your legs It might be hard to get up this wall This looks more like my style. Yeah definitely This is more like something to climb I'm coming over, lift my legs up, crossing the arms. Yeah, is that the only way people do it? No we have another way. Or you can choose to solve it any way you want, but we have another fast technique, but I'm not able to do it myself But we can use Kristoffer to show it This technique is for the tall guys. The tall guys. I'm not gonna use that technique then So it's probably difficult for small guys so We just... jump up.. and over I'm gonna try it your way too Was that the..? Yeah. That was the way you did it yeah Obstacle 15. So is this like a pool? Yeah this is a pit. A pit. Yeah Put on your breaks and try to take it slowly down here and then you just fall down And what is your personal best at this course? At this course it is 2.27.. no 2.28 sorry 2.28? That's so fast The course is 500 meters Okay so from here.. from 15 there's another 5 obstacles and then the finish line Yeah. And you leg are gonna be heavy Yeah and I guess you should try to pace yourself right? yeah Especially for me. I have a tendency to always say that I'm gonna pace myself, but never really do it Think I never ran in tights before. It's gonna be a new experience Maybe that's gonna improve my running by a few seconds I don't know Do I look fast? Haha Do I look fast? Haha. You look fast I feel super fast And I've heard that like you slide through stuff and you like crawl, so it's good to cover the whole body Alright, so what are the times to beat here. What's the minimum requirement? The minimum requirement to take the patch in Military Pentathlon is 4 min 40 seconds, so I expect some more of you today than the minimum Yeah I mean Marius said that his personal record is 2.28, so that's almost twice as fast as that so Yes it is, but if you're able to manage 3 minutes that would definitely be a really good time I'm competing against myself here, not him or the times, but I'll try my best. And it's really hot and humid today too haha just to add that On your marks Go! 1.14 Come on! What's the time? 02:39.93, so just about 1000 points It's a okay training time for him I think. Haha That's a time of 03:23 and I think it's very good for the first time With just some technical training you could be able to go below 3 minutes. I see on many obstacles he can improve small things everywhere I'm tired not only in my legs, but my whole body I have that bad taste in my mouth He will experience what we call the obstacle cough, that you are coughing after the obstacle run Especially the first competitions of the year, because it's so anaerobic and your not used to it So your not sick, but you will cough because of lactate shock for the body Yeah that' terrible right now, because everyone's gonna think I have corna haha But yeah I definitely had that cough before Maybe we should do it one more time though What if. Andreas if your up for it what if you and me VS him? Yeah we might have a chance. Wanna try it? Yeah Cuz I think combined we might have a chance. Cuz if is... Cuz if it's only half of the way we could probably sprint, we don't have to pace ourselves I still think he's gonna win though So I'm gonna run the first half, cuz I think that favours me a little bit more than the second half And then Andreas is gonna run from there to the end It's gonna be close.. I hope it's gonna be close I've actually done this course once before. Wow really. So it's a familiar one, but it's probably like 5 years now So I know what it's like, so of course I have sympathy with him and I'm gonna be really tired get to the finish line Yeah it's pretty fun to actually be able to challenge.. cuz I noticed.. ehh Marius I think his name is He's actually pretty stressed out right now haha, but yeah we just have to give him a good fight On your marks Go! Come on Andreas! It was as expected much closer, but our guy was still faster. The gap was of 8 seconds 2:44 and 2:52. Wow! You should be tired too. Yeah haha Oh man. The gap was only 8 seconds That's pretty good. That's pretty impressive. Yeah I'm impressed by him because Magnus did a really good job To keep it ehh.. close.. even yeah But I gave it my all. But maybe I gave it my all too soon When you look at the obstacles you think that they're kind of They look tall and scary, but when you start the only thing you care about is the competition you know It's so tiring, very exhausting Walk of shame haha from all the way over there to here I think we both expected it kinda Yeah. I'm really impressed by you, because that was almost dead even. Yeah. But this guy is made of something different It was good to have done it one time before I think Cuz even though I was more tired I knew what was coming And actually I think the crawling, that's what I'm the best at haha Cuz that's actually where I gained some time on you. Yeah you did. I think it helps to be smaller on that So yeah we got our asses kicked Ehh but it was fun I mean it's a good way to stay humble and I don't know just try something new and try really hard And that's a good thing about this YouTube channel that once in a while when I do these kind of tests I try really hard I always try harder when the camera.. when you guys are watching Ahh if you enjoy seeing us suffer make sure that you subscribe, with post notifications on Also check out Andreas and Marius and everyone. And we'll see you next time
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 477,447
Rating: 4.972362 out of 5
Keywords: Military Pentathlon, Army, Sports, Fitness, OCR, Ninja Warrior, Magnus, Midtbø, Viral, Sport, Military, Navy Seal, Marine, Insane
Id: 5lZ_rn1__jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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