24 hours in the Norwegian Army - Competing against the Telemark Battalion

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life is gonna seem so dull after this yeah so they asked me how much experience i have  shooting and i think the the answer is almost zero   what up today we're doing a collab with uh how  do you even pronounce that in english like the   telemark battalion yeah norway's the biggest  professional unit they are a mechanized infantry   company and today magnus is gonna get challenged  by uh some of the guys in mechanized company four   i think you're in for uh quite the day this is  gonna be insane i just hope that youtube want   to monetize this video are you nervous at all  i'm a little bit nervous yeah i've never been   to the army myself so uh this is gonna be a total  uh totally new experience i'm just super excited this is the point of no return yeah so i don't  really know exactly what we're gonna do today   i think we're gonna do like a test i think  we're also going to like shoot guns and stuff so this is your office address yeah it's a big  office it's very exclusive access we get here   i know um the army also appreciates you  filming here okay yeah it's likewise   right here yeah if you get demonetized  at least you will have fun doing it yes yeah nice let's go it's pretty cool now it's like feels very  real it's gonna be an exciting day you know like   the last couple of months have been so boring yeah  doing the same stuff not being able to train do   anything fun this is i mean i'm not going to say  it now but i think this is going to be the most   fun i've had in a long long time and i guess a lot  of you watching have been in the army yourself but   in like probably in different countries so after  seeing this you should comment below what your   experience is and how this is similar or different  to what you're used to all the products they have   in the army are really high quality shoes are  brand new in norway at least when i was young you   didn't really have a choice if you were fit you  had to go yeah but since i was like doing well in   my sport i didn't have to go but i think i would  have liked it you know if it wasn't for climbing   i think it would be nice to to just check it  out at least for like a year to see how it is   stuff in many ways i feel like  i missed out on something and   i don't know it's gonna be  nice now to get like a little   experience of how it's like and this is  really cool like the the telemark battalion   has a really good reputation in our way they're  like really hardcore so we're not only doing a   collab with the telemark battalion we're also  doing a collab with uh with the the kingsguard that's gonna come later and that's also something  that i look forward to and you seem pretty excited   for this as well uh marcus when i told you  about it yeah this is like uh a throwback to   my army days i'm pretty excited because they said  we're maybe going to the shooting range yeah and   seeing you with a gun i'm kind of scared of  i've done so much research on whether or not i   can post videos of like shooting yeah i don't  want my channel to get to monetize and stuff   and i think as far as i've read  it's okay as long as you don't   like link to a gun shop or something like  you're not trying to sell guns and you're   not showing people how to make guns it should be  all right but you never know so i mean this might   end up being like a really cool video but with a  lot with not a lot of use but it doesn't matter   it's going to be a fun video to make anyways  regardless it's so weird seeing you in uniform   i'm probably gonna feel like yeah like  a scam like a fraud walking around here   but hopefully people are not gonna notice me i  wonder if it's the same as in like climbing where   people can immediately tell if you're a beginner  or not by just the way you put your stuff on like i think you can tell yeah you should uh put  your pants over your socks have this jacket this is really nice with gloves this could  be like one video checking out what type of   clothes they use in the norwegian  army you know yeah so those are   like combat uh gloves oh they feel good yeah i  have to focus on not smiling so much serious now is that the right so are we heading out pretty soon or yeah pretty  much right away right already yeah all right   yeah yeah ready so this is mine yeah i guess there's a right  and a wrong way to put this on yes you did it   right the right way okay and how much weight is  this the west alum is about the 10 kill yeah and   with the magazines and all the surfaces probably  around 14 15 kills it feels pretty heavy yeah yeah   so these are the guys that we're going to film  with today the notorious telemark battalion all   right so they asked me how much experience i have  shooting and i think the the answer is almost zero   first i'm gonna learn how to shoot and then we're  gonna do like a competition uh i don't think i   have any chance of doing well in that competition  but beginning luck beginning vlog is that a thing   do you think yeah probably yeah with miners today  we're going to do a set of competitions yeah   and let's see how who is the best different things  so it's me versus you guys yeah you i'm ready for   that yeah good so as you said we should probably  start with some some basics yeah so basically get   familiar with uh yeah i think that's a good idea  weapon so the first competitions are shooting   yeah and then we'll move on to hand grenades okay  and then we'll do a obstacle course okay nice how do i look you look like a professional  idea that's nice of you how does it feel i   feel very powerful i don't know yeah i feel  like someone you shouldn't mess with i guess   this is our primary rifle we use in the  norwegian army yeah it's called the hk416   and it's uh issued to every soldier in  the new economy okay you can say a lot   of things about it but uh it's a pretty  good weapon okay and uh accurate yeah yeah so you can just uh lay down get into a  good position make sure it's stuck there yep   and then you can pull on the loading rod  pull it all the way back and just release pull it all the way back and just release  it like that so now you have a loaded weapon   yeah okay it's uh i have the target now yeah so  then you switch the safety off yeah and i put   it in uh single fire mode like that yeah and when  you pull the trigger now yeah the rifle will fire   okay and uh the dodge just right on the target  right yeah maybe a little bit low on the   target so don't aim for the head okay okay i'm  ready to fire them yeah fire when you're right   good yeah it was a hit that was a hit yeah very  nice so you can try the same target again yeah very nice oh you see the next target 12 o'clock  from your last on top of the hill he's green yeah   he's green on top of the hill with a little uh  snow and uh the distance is about 300 meters   yeah okay i'm ready to fire yep fire when you're  ready very nice so that was about 300 meters away   that was such a nice feeling yeah it's uh  yeah it's really cool i think i have some   beginner's luck today you're a natural we have  about 17 rounds yeah in the magazine yeah so   at your own well you can just acquire your  own projects in the area and try to try to so when you're ready just fire it well very good we have a target that's  about 500 meters away okay it's uh pretty hard   to see on top of the hill there's a white one yeah  the distance is about 500 meters yeah that's fly   away yeah this means you have to aim a little  above the target okay because of the bullet   drop so should i aim it to the head then yeah  a little over the head over the head okay yeah so the mess it was too low but  then you know where you hit   so now you can just change your point  of aiming yeah a little bit accordingly is that too hot this one is tricky i don't even see where i'm hitting now  no it's probably because you're either   hitting on the side of the target yeah or  above should i try a couple more times yeah now that one is tricky yeah it's not so easy yeah  uh so like you're ready for yeah i'm ready for   a competition the hardest obstacle like the one  500 meters away yeah i didn't even like see where   where it went so i just know that i didn't hit  it so that was difficult but uh the first few uh   felt okay it might be beginner's luck but  i don't know competing against these guys   i don't think i have a chance though what are we  gonna do for the competition so the competition   will um do one at a time yeah because of the range  and everything you have three rounds per target   and if you miss all three rounds you have to do a  penalty lap okay and then we have five targets and   most of them you have already shot so you know uh  how they are yeah or where they are okay yeah and   then we'll time it so uh benjamin will be our  competitor so you can go ahead and make ready   yeah yeah you remember the second target you shot  yeah about the a four o'clock from that target   yeah uh just in front of it yeah you have a small  one yeah that's the target number two okay target   number three it's the second target yeah target  number four is the one 12 o'clock about the 350   meters yeah in the snow and uh target number five  you can guess it's the last one it's the last one   okay yeah and when you have if you hit the target  you move on to the next if you miss the target you   have to continue shooting on that target until  you get it but maximum three shots on each sorry   yeah yeah benjamin will do it first so you can  just oh okay yeah look at him i look at him yeah boom boom trap so the time to beat one minute 19 seconds that's uh it's gonna be hard  but uh yeah yeah you never know good job thank you you almost  had to do a second lap on the uh   also a little bit nervous yeah so just that  took extra time yeah but you hit the 500   meter one you hit the first first  try yeah yeah that was impressive lucky your next video uh there's no such thing as  luck so i'll just make everything ready yeah so   it's ready to fire when you yeah right i think  the trick for me is going to be to not run too   fast because i don't want my pulse to be high  it's not going to come down to the running it's   going to come down to the shooting so this  is just the first of many competitions so i   can afford to lose this one i mean i don't  have hopes of winning this i mean honestly hit next target this hit nice job hit let's target this myth you're in nashville oh and that was uh surprisingly well   i mean i'm not gonna beat him but i'm still really  happy with that as i'm happy with that regardless   thank you benjamin you have one minute 19  yeah you had two minutes 21. too much 21. okay i'm happy with that yeah without  any penalty elections yeah   it was really good yeah yeah i couldn't  i could i don't think i could have done   it much faster than that honestly i  didn't have any hope of beating you   very good job thank you so uh let's move on yeah  if you're ready for that i'm ready for pistol yeah so now we're gonna shoot with a pistol uh   we're gonna do another competition right yeah  so i'm ready to practice that's pretty cool now you're loaded try and hit the  center of the target okay yeah   yeah so just squeeze the trigger slowly very good try three or four shots nice yeah it's not as accurate as the other  one like that feels so stable and when   you shoot you you hardly feel it at all but  now it really kicks back yeah i don't know   so i know you have the finger strength yeah but i feel a little bit shaky yeah keep in mind  that you're going to have a firm grip yeah just   don't overdo it yeah not squeeze too hard no yeah  because then you'll get and also you let the gun   kick back you're not trying to hold it down right  you can you can try to stiff off your elbows okay   because now you're letting the the weapon control  the recoil yeah you are supposed to control the   recoil right okay yeah try to stiffen up the arms  as well and then you'll have a left kick okay okay right yeah let the competition begin  now yes so this time you're going to   compete against the evan here yeah  we have it already set up here yeah   so we started the five meter and work your way  back to 10 and then 15. okay yeah that's good you   start on the 5 meter line and then you going  to shoot on the three clay pages on the left   yeah you have three rounds per target  and if you miss uh you just continue okay   on the next yeah so you shoot three rounds on  one target if you miss you go on to the next okay   uh and then once you have shot in a total of nine  rounds yeah on the first uh figure yeah then you   move back to ten meters yeah and you move on to  the next uh three targets yeah same procedure you   have nine shots nine shots yeah to shoot all the  three pigeons play pigeons and then uh the same   on 15 meters yeah and uh it's all about to shoot  all the targets yeah in less amount of shots yeah all right rules are clear are you going to go  first yeah good luck thank you shooter ready so let's go nice job so time works one  minute two seconds okay all targets   defeated yeah nice yeah that was good how are  you satisfied i had some misses uh but it looked   like you you did better on the 15th yeah it was  because of uh when you're when you're close you   think that you can just fire yeah and if you have  a if you don't take it slowly yeah you will miss   yeah okay you can go ahead and load the weapon  like that yes so shoot already yeah slide party go so holster rubber oh then oh i don't know how you did this so huh what do you think i'm not it's strange  because uh i felt like almost at 10 meters was   the hardest and then it actually went better  here so but i'm happy i'm yeah satisfied   the only two i didn't hit right yeah yeah so  overall a very good job yeah thanks uh your   time was two minutes fourteen yeah can still be a  little longer than that but still a very good job   thanks jeff good job likewise so it's uh so it's  zero points to me two points uh to you guys so far   what is the next competition uh next  competition is throwing hand grenades another one of my favorites life is gonna seem so dull after this okay so the next competition is uh hand grenade  uh throw or it's a shock grenade right chocolate   chalk grenade uh we got uh we went through like  a security brief we did that off cam uh but it's   uh it's it's pretty simple right there are three  different targets one is five points eight points   and then ten points uh we have uh three uh throws  each and uh yeah just try to get as many points as   possible i've never thrown a hand grenade before  but uh i've thrown other things so are you nervous not that nervous you said that uh it uh  it can be dangerous like if you drop it   there's like a five meter uh it has a five meter  deadly radius yeah i'm gonna try not to drop it uh yeah but i'm more nervous about the  competition because so far it's uh   it's zero two and uh i think i think you guys  are gonna be good at this one as well so uh   i don't know uh this is the hand grenade  we're drawing yeah as you mentioned it's   also a shock grenade you have the safety  pin is this one yeah and you have the   the arm here yeah so it's important  that you hold it like this with your arm   tightly fixed yep then you pull the pin  safety pin and now it's ready to drop yeah   so when you throw it the arm will release yeah and  the firing pin will hit the the fire tube start   the fuse okay then you have about the two and a  half to three seconds yeah to get to cover before   the grenades goes off yep sounds good and i have  uh three throws in total yeah most points win nice   you ready i'm already yeah so i don't know the  tactics here if i should go for the five or if i   should gamble and go for the temp that's uh is it  very different to throw a hand grenade than like   uh like a snowball no pretty much the same thing  okay okay i'm gonna go with the five first yeah   i think that's and if i miss that i'm just gonna  go with the ten i'm just gonna okay okay so i hold   this like that yeah and then i just pull out the  pen pull the pin keep the pin and don't throw away   the pin don't throw away the pin no just keeping  it on your finger just in case you want to pull it   back okay so you know where it is like that yep  now it's ready to throw so you you guys ready yep so that was a myth that was a mess   [ __ ] even the five is hard you're gonna try the  five again or gamble the ten i think i'm gonna   try the five one more time and  then the 10 on the last okay okay i'm a little bit shaky uh that's not i think  that's affecting my throwing a little bit   yep when you're ready okay then i'm gonna go for the 10. yeah last  shot yeah but i do feel like because this one   is as soon as your it leaves your hand this  one opens so it affects the throw a little bit   and also your uh kind of a little tense  yeah on your throwing arm okay try to   relax a little more yeah you don't have to pinch  it with all your power yeah a little bit nervous if i count that one i shouldn't count the first  one so we have to decide what the rules are   okay then i'll guess uh the last one counts the  last one counts i get a 10 because it bounced in   nice yeah what'd you think i think it was harder  than i thought i thought it was harder than just   throwing a snow ball but maybe it's because i'm a  little bit more tense yeah probably yeah a little   bit for sure i'm like squeezing that hand grenade  pretty hard because i don't want it to detonate   in my hand that'd be worth saying like these the  fingers they're in my livelihood so it was a cool   experience yeah not many people get to throw hand  grenades so i don't know this has been a really   fun day so far yeah now let's see if yeah guys  can do it better yeah let's see so uh monuments   did 10 points 10 points hit the tender ones so  now the pressure is on us when you're ready here short okay go for the 10. yep so how did it go oh i am i was aiming at the  eights at eight okay two misses uh close yeah and   uh going for ten on the last one up in and bounced  off oh so you did get zero points zero points so i guess it's uh one point for me then nice  because i got the 10 it was but it was all lucky   because it jumped i i actually missed it and then  it jumped in and then i had the five i hit the   five but it jumped out so yeah next competition  nice competition so it's the infantry obstacle   course obstacle course yeah yeah that's the one  i've been looking forward to actually let's get to   here yeah we just went through it now and it seems  like there's a lot of uh bodyweight obstacles   yeah so i think it's a good match for you yeah but  it's also a lot of running yeah yeah in deep snow   yeah and who's gonna do this uh it's gonna be you  against the evan again yeah so nice are you the   fastest of these guys yes yeah all right okay  so the way we're going to do it is we're going   to start you off at the same time yeah and the  first uh man around the course and up the rope   and then hit the bell hit the bell it's the winner  yeah plain and simple right three two one go so so so so so ah i'm so tired so go crap come on i always say this but i don't think i've ever  been this time good job man about to pass out running in snow is so hard even i'm getting  tired man i can just imagine how you're feeling what was the hardest part of the course  the last half yeah we just started very   very hard but we got tired i didn't  know how far behind he was so   hold on okay pace yeah all the way i feel  defeated you were so close though nothing left let's go where he is all the way oh you're a beast it was so quick you know the first obstacle  you have to drop over and under i totally   underestimated that that sucks like everything  out of me you want a little time not really yeah   so evan you have the 11 49 yeah you came in  two minutes and 32 seconds behind so 14 22. oh   not super satisfied with that means  the victory goes to you guys but i mean   you're really strong you know sure that  the country is in much safer hands than   they would have been in my hands so uh this  gives you uh uh one now it's one zero and then   the next video we're going to try to do like a  lot of physical exercises that you guys normally   train right yeah so that is going to be the next  video i hope you enjoyed it if you did please   make sure to give it a thumbs up also subscribe  if you're not ready and we'll see you next time
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 722,530
Rating: 4.9622521 out of 5
Keywords: Magnus, Midtbø, Norwegian, Army, military, Telemark Battalion, Insane, Challenge, Sports, Forsvaret, militære, 24 hour, Yes Theory, Telemark Bataljon, Competition
Id: Sw_bkFVTHdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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