FBI Fitness Test - The Test all Agents Fear

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the physical fitness test or  pft is a comprehensive measure   of the physical readiness of individuals  wishing to become special agents of the fbi   you are expected to arrive at the  academy in peak physical condition today we're going to try the fbi physical test  i know that some of you have been missing the   climbing content but unfortunately everything is  still closed so uh there's not much else to do   but i'm i promise there's going to be lots of  climbing content pretty soon martha is holding   the camera she's not been on this channel for  a while so it's first it's push-ups sit-ups   uh 300-meter sprint one and a half mile run oh  that's gonna oh yeah i hate that and then it's   pull ups and the unique thing about this  test is that you're only allowed to have   um five minutes between each exercise um  are you gonna wear suits for the entire   i might have to change my suit i don't know i  don't think it's a requirement to wear the suit so   it's the first time i wear a suit on this  channel though not that you like the suit right i always wanted to become a special agent as a  kid as i'm sure all kids dream of uh to keep the   country secure and talking about uh security uh  no better sponsor of today's video than nordvpn to   keep you secure when you go online you can pretend  like you're somewhere else in another country   they have more than 5400 different servers in  59 different countries uh you basically connect   with only one click they've been rewarded the  fastest vpn out there and also if you haven't   watched the the tv show that that i attended in  norway that you can only watch in norway you can   use norvpn to watch it so when you go online you  go via one of their servers where all your data   is being encrypted before it's passed on so all  your sensitive information everything is safe you   can also connect with up to six different devices  on every major platform windows android ios mac   os and linux and even android tv supports nordvpn  if you buy a two-year plan you get an additional   month heavily discounted check it out norvpn.com  four slash magnets or you can use the coupon code   magmitz thank you norwegian for sponsoring today's  video to get one point you need to have between   30 to 32 push-ups okay in one minute and to get  maximum point because that's what i'm going for   are them i don't think you're gonna do that though  you're gonna have to do more than 71 push-ups   in one minute yeah that's pretty hard you're  not going to do the test with me though today   not i have not like been working out almost at  all after all the gyms closed and you've also   not been in any of my videos lately i haven't  i've seen in the comments that people miss you   thank you guys i got a lot of text like have  you had magnets broken up i actually don't like   these sunglasses that was just for the fbi sketch  okay but you only get five minutes in between so   after this is done i only have five  minutes to rest for the next exercise   71 push-ups in a row that's really hard though i  don't think i've ever done that because you have   to see where the chest is the exerciser will  lower his body until the center axis of the   elbow is in a straight line with the center  axis of the shoulder parallel to the ground go 20. me something i also forgot to mention that you're not  allowed to rest it has to be considered it has to be consecutive so you're not allowed  to rest in this position and then continue   all right you take the time five minutes uh rest  oh if i just did 61 i would have eight points   but that's seven points we only need one point in  each exercise to pass no that's not true you need   to you need at least 12 points all together to  pass but you need to have one point so you can't   like fail pull-ups and then you get really good  points and all that you're disqualified if you   can't get a single point but you need 12 points  in total i have one and a half minutes left   it's good to have you here to keep track of what  i'm doing i'm really bad at taking time though   remember last time yeah i did the crawling  thing i was like oh you just missed it   even though you actually got the  record what's the time it was 51.   no that's a world record is it yeah wasn't it  all right so for the sit-ups 38 for one point   and then to get 10 points you need to do  above 58 that's in one minute participant   raises upper body until the elbows touch mid  thigh then returns to the starting position   meaning the tops of the shoulder blades must  touch the floor to complete the repetition um oh i thought i had plenty more time left 52.  i thought if i just kept like a steady pace i   would be able to do it oh so it's seven points  yeah well now it's the running so i'm starting   with a 300 meter run to get a perfect score uh so  10 points would be 40.9 seconds or faster you want   to try to do this sit up i know you hate setup  so if you're sitting on my feet then i can do it i love the sounds you make so out of breath that was just 300 meters one  tenth of a second away from eight seven points on   that one too oh so so far i've been scoring seven  on all the tests but i was so out of breath that's   really good as you said you haven't been running  since like summer yeah basically it's just like i   feel like the biggest difference is that when you  haven't run in a while then you just you just feel   sick afterwards and that was just 300 meters now  i'm gonna run 2.4 or something kilometers i wonder   why this is in meters and the next one is like  one and a half mile why do they use the european   system in one and then the american system and  another one i don't know metrics metric system   european system two minutes left and then i have  to do the 2.41 kilometers six rounds 14 meters   so at the beginning you start at start line and  you're going to end a bit further than the start   line so it's going to have a bottle yeah where it  ends this is pretty brutal it's cold and it's uh   i don't know you don't get much rest in  between that's part of this test this is   what i'm the most nervous about i also got  to give a big shout out to brandon william   he's the one i've been stealing video ideas  from lately this i saw this video i did on   his channel as well so 37 seconds to go to get a  perfect score you need to do 9 minutes or faster   okay you ready i'm not i'm really nervous this is it's just because i know it's gonna be painful  you know yeah okay i remember not to run too   fast in the beginning yeah i know i'm gonna  pace myself or try to at least okay so six laps   plus 14 meters okay i'm going to try to count  the laps here as well okay three two one go come on come on you're being really fast  right now you're starting your third round how you feeling magnus definitely  dad starting on your fourth round starting on your fifth round two  more rounds left michael mcmahon i'm so not jealous at magnus right now i'm  feeling really lucky to be able just to record   one more round one more round   okay so now my magnus is to run to the  bottle that's gonna be 14 extra meters oh i'm gonna get you some water and i'll just have  five minutes and then yeah passes your pull-ups i also don't understand how some people do  this voluntarily as a sport do this every day i   remember last time we did this it was more fun to  lay here because i knew that you were gonna do it okay so the time was 9 18.69 that  gives me a score of nine points you're as surprised as i am i mean i think that  i'm so much stronger and push-ups and sit-ups   but maybe i'm better at running all right now the  last uh exercise this is going to be challenging   because i'm still really pumped from the run this  is a continuous motion untimed exercise palms   facing out with hands at least shoulder-width  apart and no further than 23 inches apart 14 i wonder i wonder what you got for me all right  my body is just so tired right now   just from the first wrap it was really hard  you need to emphasize the fact that the bar   is squared so it's not yeah a regular bar  but well i don't think that matters so much   but doing all these in a row yeah with only  five minutes in between it's really tough   it's a good uh it's a good challenge it's a good  practice right so that was uh 10 points this is a   test of your balance my biggest fear is just like  ruining it while you're in the middle of the tests   i don't want to be like oh my goodness i'm  sorry i ruined that when you you know you're   super exhausted and just finished the entire  business so this is my new camera by the way   the one you're holding is the a7 s3 with a  16 to 35 g master lens 2.8 the official judge   two phones i just i'd also want to say like  look how cold i am and just or first three   exercises you got seven points like in each one of  them and you got nine points for the long running   and you got 10 points for the pull-ups so  you got 40 points in total so fbi if you   if you want me you know where to find me it's  definitely a good workout though i think this   is harder than the army test with it actually i  feel more tired now i think it's because of that   short break in between pretty satisfied with that  i thought i'd be faster at the 100 meter sprint   the 300 the 300 meter sprints there's not been a  lot of climbing lately in the next videos there's   going to be more climbing i plan to go to bergen  and hopefully film a few videos there with pete so   uh thank you guys so much for watching make sure  to like and subscribe and i will see you next time
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 804,050
Rating: 4.9446249 out of 5
Keywords: Magnus Midtbø, Insane, Crazy, Pull Ups, Viral, Challenge, amazing, Pull-Ups, Running, FBI, USA, Fitness, Sports, test, America
Id: sRw568rP31w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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