Pro Climber VS USA Navy Seals Fitness Test

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okay so in the last video we did the marine test  I asked for 30 likes we got what is it 28,000 or   something so of course we need to do the Navy  SEAL fitness tests today we're going to start   with swimming we're gonna do push-ups pull-ups  actually we're gonna do pull-ups to exhaustion   so we're gonna do it I'm going to do as many as  I can and we're gonna do sit-ups and then we're   gonna do one and a half mile run muff has been  back and forth this morning when we woke up she   was like Magnus I'm not gonna do it and then in  the car she was like okay I'll do it and you're   supposed to have a certain amount of rest in  between our exercise I don't know if we'll be   able to do that correctly yeah because we need to  get from one place to another to do the pull-ups   and stuff yeah just need to have a short breaks  as possible but it's not gonna be exactly like   so on this first exercise swimming we need  to do rest strokes or we could do something   called side strokes or something I don't know  how that works so I'm probably just gonna stick   to breaststroke it's 500 yards which is like  four hundred and fifty something meters yeah   so there's not been a lot of climbing lately but  next week and I actually talked to Pete from the   wide voice I don't know if you guys remember the  white voice but he's talking about coming to Oslo   and doing some videos hopefully there will be  a lot of climbing in the next videos okay so   the the minimum standards is 12 minutes and 30  seconds and competitive standards eight minutes okay I need to make sure that my my swimming  pants or tightened oh that's true we need to   know really 18 I mean four lengths is 100 meters  so it's 4 times 4 which is 16 and then it's plus   ya - - 18 legs and and a bit more we're gonna  film the entire time just to be sure because   last time when we did the running there were a  lot of comments about us faking it and like we   didn't actually film everything in one take but  this time we're actually gonna film non-stop so   if there's any doubt about any of directors we  have proof and we can upload it to a different   server yeah I doubt that I'll be super fastest  swimming though so I don't think there will be   any question here you never know I didn't think  I would be that fast at running either stuff you know Ruth yeah I just wish I could  crawl yeah because that's how I usually   this one yeah doing this this site it's  not like how beginners to swim ready set go don't - find the left flash off the wall what fine 10 minutes 30 seconds  we're thinking about doing this in the ocean I've   been a terrible idea okay no Slough this turn  she's been dreading this I think she feels like   she is disappointing everyone in every with you  and I'm telling her that she's not disappointing   anyone my people just enjoy seeing her in  the videos so I think you should give some   extra encouragement to her in the in the comments  yeah I used to kick for it a little bit but not   too much I don't know what the rules are didn't  specify but the videos we've seen it's not like   you you can't really push that much because  otherwise you could like go half of the pool   almost yeah but just like a little kick every  time to turn around whatever floats your okay know what the first rounds are just so brutal because you   know you're gonna do it 18 yeah it  hurts there's so many weird places don't the first round was their fastest  and then it drops but now is going she's   going faster and faster every round  again you see it's like 55 50 to 49 in this all for now go go go I'm telling anybody other than the five but hang on the Vocaloid about it now this is still Illinois minute so the camera overheated it's pretty hot  in here but the time was 1543 so we had to   rush outside because we have we don't have  that much time between each exercise mother   is dead she's on the floor now we're gonna  do we're not going to do crunches this time   we're gonna do sit-ups and that's a little  bit different so instead of having the arms   like this we're gonna have the arms like that  you're like I think you have to sit on my feet   this time yeah because she's a little bit  too light and then I realized you know as   soon as I got to the finish line I saw you  guys were like struggling with the camera   yeah it was just it felt so heavy and really  it hurts a lot here yeah and then yeah because   I spent the entire time doing this hats off  to the Navy SEALs what'd he call it soldiers and I mean this is not the only test either this  is just a physical test they go through a lot   of tests to qualify but sit-ups so the minimum  is fifty and competitive standards eighty it's   pretty hot right now last time we did this it was  cool we did it inside now we do it in the Sun so   it's gonna be a little bit more exhausting but I  don't think any Navy SEALs would complain about   this so I'm not gonna do that either and we also  I mean I realized that I don't know how many times   I said I was out of shape last time I'm sorry for  that I hate people who complain a lot and I don't   I take full responsibility for complaining  too much in the last video I'm very sorry ready my dad yeah three two one go it's been well thank you same amount as  the conscious yeah yeah that's good okay   we need to just be quick fan I think just  yeah yeah you go and then I go again the   rules are you're allowed to rest in  this position but you're not allowed   to rest like this yeah so do you have to  make sure that like you have enough power   to get back up again and then you can rest  here like this we cannot rest on the ground   no no just right with that no laughing  this time Oh three two one go yeah oh seven eight 31 you can do this 32 yeah yeah come on not  arrested 33 come on yeah immediately so the   next one is push-ups and you don't have to  touch the ground so you have you can have   one fist in between I think or a roll of toilet  paper or something like this so I think I want   your fist because yours is a little bit it's  the same as with situps the minimum is 50 the   competitive standards it's 82 and up to 100 you  can rest like this if you want to but you cannot   rest like this and you cannot rest like this  yeah so Marcus if I can borrow your hand yep there's also something about the arms  you know I like to have them to read   out yeah because it's like I think I  live it further than shoulder width twenty six seven tonight he's gonna you don't want two to three need to fight ma'am 86 87 88 89  the first minute is so easy I don't know if   it's such if it would be smart to pace yourself  because we've talked about this I think for us   because we don't have that much experience  we haven't really tried these extras that I   like we of course we do push-ups and stuff but  we haven't tried two minutes max before so I   think maybe the better strategy is to go really  hard in the beginning get a lot of number get a   lot of reps in early yeah and then it's gonna go  slow for the last minutes but that's that's okay ready one two three four five 21:22 no come on 23 this is Harvey that I probably  should have paced myself on this one but the plank   is hard to like the resting position is not good  so maybe it is better for you just max it out   quickly yeah cuz the last minute it's gone are  you gonna do so few anyways yes sure but that's   pretty good though I mean 23 for someone who  doesn't really train push-ups in the last video   we did also did pull-ups but in this video you  get points for every pull-up you do and in the   last video we had only one minute we thought we  had only one a minute but in fact we had as much   time as we want it yeah as long as you don't let  go of the bar you can keep doing pull-ups for as   long as you want that's perfect for you as a rock  climber cuz you can just yeah alternate your this   is gonna be like a real battle for me I think  - she's just like breasts do pull-ups rest do   pull-ups but it's harder now because I'm pretty  sore from them push-ups swimming and the situps and I wish it was like last time where there's  a maximum number or a maximum time yeah it may   add that you because there's no time limit  on the Plus as long as you don't let go of   the bar you can keep going but uh yeah and  you're not allowed to do chin-ups you have   to do pull-ups I we got some complaints in  the last video that I use chalk you know I   like to use chalk either so that might be my  kryptonite I think I like doing pull-ups more   than chin-ups because this is usually the way when  you climb you do it this way yeah but I think from   normal people it's easier to this way yeah do the  chin-ups people more strong in their biceps yeah right Oh thought I would be able to do more I think it's  just like when you do exercises to extortion is   that what it's called the extortion exhaustion  exercises until you're completely exhausted and   can't do anymore yeah you're gonna feel swore  in so many weird places because I feel like   when your abs are tired your back is gonna take  over like different muscles are gonna take over   I just feel like it I don't even know why I'm  in this video is hoping for a miracle maybe - come on two more yup threatt one more come on yeah one more come on try to shake off oh boy that's the same  as last time yeah but I can't I can't   shake my I'll just drop the if you're  not strong enough you can't wait in   your graphic your fingers yeah it's hard  to shake that's pretty impressive doing   the same amount as last time after  all the push-ups and swimming and okay so next is running and I feel a bit  nervous because I had a pretty good time   last time and a lot of people don't believe me  and I completely understand that people doubted   us because there's a lot of fake stuff on YouTube  but I think also because you said that you never   run yeah but that's not that's not yeah yeah  for you when you say you never run use me you   don't do it often but you have like you run a  lot more than me for example I'm not gonna make   an excuse I feel pretty good you need to run  six times around this 400 meter track Plus 15   meters and competitive standards 9 to 10 minutes  yeah yeah what are you aiming for anything for 9   9 minutes in 9 minutes in the last video I missed  one round so I would have done it in 18 something   here this is that was twice as long mm-hm so  I should be able to do this in 9 minutes if I   run as fast as last time and I don't see why  I wouldn't because this is less and I think   honestly I will get a lot of comments if I don't  but it is different to run a long distance and   yeah that's and that's 14 the bottle there is  14 meters so that's the finish line there are   six runs I don't normally drink but today just  because I needed that little bit of extra sugar   not sponsored you know I can prove it's not  sponsored I like Pepsi just as much this was   sponsored by coca-cola I wouldn't have said that  oh you see that's the best timekeeper in Norway she's very good at timekeeping but she's very good   at counting yeah you need to count the  rounds as well yeah three two one go temple for the entire crazy bastard so in first first round yet one  minutes at eight seconds smooth   and second almost 1 minute and 23  seconds see now is on is very round ah you should get off after this round he has one round  left yeah so when a nice brushes   yeah so when it crosses the finish line  it's 414 meters just after a really high   tempo throughout each round it's about one  from 120 to 129 yeah Perle up the fastest   is one point zero one point two eight  seconds one minutes and eight seconds did he have to eat nothing  today he's gonna puke out what's the time eight minutes and 22 seconds  Jesus I guess that's proof okay so your your   first round was one minutes and eight  seconds and your last one was one minute   and 23 seconds I think you pasty really  well cuz in the middle it was about 2 1   minutes and 29 seconds per round I like long  distance is more I think you know who they're   going faster though so yeah just a little bit  slower their first wrong having that signal I   think if you could just run like this for for  3 first rounds up like 115 to 120 yeah then   you're gonna gonna have a better time and  that's gonna be easier for them for you ok normal girl is here to show the regular  people how to run okay okay I'm good again oh my god our virus just said that might I need  to remember not to walk because last time she   was running and then she's walking no I could  see I mean it wasn't wasn't cheating anything   but the time was obviously suffering  you just run the whole time well kind   of funny because it was exactly when you like  behind that first little like pole over there because there's no difference between women  and men and this test but I think it's good   though because like if you're in war  there's no like they're not gonna be   nicer to you because you're a woman or whatnot  but in Norway I think a lot of people join the   army more for the experience yeah at least  for Norwegians is not just because they want   to fight in wars it's also because they want  to like push themselves and try something new   that's why you did it right Marcus yeah did you  actually think that you're gonna go and we have   to say that too the reason you're not running  today yeah I got an inflammation is that what   it's called yeah yeah so the last time we did  the Marines tests I got an inflammation in my   left knee so I decided not to do that Navy  SEAL yeah that's why I musta had to take one   for the team just to show the normal people how  is it interesting for someone to watch a person   fail every single like I said yeah you're  so charming it doesn't matter how you do the Sun is like on-and-off was raining a little  bit before now it's sunny the weather is pretty   strange no region summer three two one go  love that after the fact is gonna I think dog three minutes is the second round and we're  sorry that there's not much climbing there   hasn't been much climbing lately the gym just  opened and there will be a lot more climbing   videos very soon but we had to do this once  because they've got more than 30 outfits so   hey I thought they're a little tired and I come  on the second round was 14 seconds slower than   the first round as long as she liked it runs  the whole way yeah I think she'll be fine gives you up and yet one more left yeah one more  left it was this plus 14 meters now I'm a I'm not   that busy 14 about full Tata May underneath  shoe if I'm not alone they are coming up but I'll go shoes are coming out 11:28 you do the swimming in ten minutes and 30  seconds 90 push-ups it says curl up sir that's   the same the sit-ups 103 pull-ups 34 34 and the  run was 8 minutes and 22 seconds right all right   I'm gonna cheer it so my score is Oh what 735 but  it says you met or exceeded the minimum scores   necessary to qualify for seal contracts but you  may not be competitive enough keep working hard   to improve I'm really happy with it okay and  now my Parts I think we all know how this went   push-ups and pull-ups 4 and your run was 8 seconds  but twenty-eight seconds the drum music calculate   overall fail I'll fail you would have to do lower  than twelve hundred and twenty to pass so you're   not far from I failed and the swimming and I fail  all the push-ups I fail the situps I feel I fell   the run but you did good I'm good at all of them  though and if you question or run leave a comment   down below we can upload a video a separate video  of the run uncut yeah thank you guys for watching   make sure to LIKE and subscribe check out marks  on Instagram Marcus on Instagram yeah we'll see   you guys in the next video I think with some more  climbing it's been a while since last time you
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 1,648,193
Rating: 4.9310241 out of 5
Keywords: Magnus Midtbø, Insane, Crazy, Pull Ups, Viral, Challenge, amazing, US Army, Army, Military, Pull-Ups, Running, Navy, Seals, Navy Seals, Test, Swimming, Marine, Recruit, USA, Soldier
Id: s9a-P3pQqo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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