Climbing The 1000ft Roof Crack

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we're at the mar dooley bridge crack in sheffield uh i've not been down here before the uk's best route probably the best crack i've seen in the peak me and p are gonna do a training session slash challenge as many laps as possible the most crack you can do in a session i reckon we can definitely do a thousand the good thing i can see straight away is that being clean just keep going lap collapse so i can see like where the the sheffield crack scene has just been chugging along this thing aerocrack aero crack not aerocap yeah let's do it let's get some pumped thumbs up so that was uh lap number one pete is over the other side there now so that is 100 foot also done i'm going to second across and get some more mileage in so let's go and say hello to pete one lap in yeah we're at the end of pitch one we're gonna have a ledge got my anchor point here pretty exposed i not available so there was a little bit of an issue when we when you got to the end basically we had the wrong end of the road and we were about two to three meters too short so the plan of action this time is you're going to start simul climbing as i reach the end and then we'll be like double just on the very last bit this has not been done before actually hasn't it my lap five that might be getting like quite tiring if you don't see any more footage from this point it didn't go well probably in the canal yeah so four laps in and i feel like i've got through the flash bump now yeah four tenths of the way through 40 percent here 40 that's actually quite promising yeah do you feel like we gain much height but i feel like there's at least four foot of elevation it does feel like big walling though i get to be like hang out with what's that tom's on his third one absolutely motoring but he nearly fell out because the bridge wobbles when large trucks go over the top do you think you would have ended up in the canal tom you would put me a good speed on that at the end because i couldn't i didn't have my time to unclip i feel like that one definitely could feel that one then three was like all right yeah four was like yeah now i'm having to really manage to pump a bit at the end i think we should try and go once there yeah each and once back each and then that would be 600 footage so 1200 foot in total yeah last couple of laps any difference in the tactic because i'm better at left hand leading i'm stronger that way yeah set out right hand but do you know what i'm doing actually yeah a swim swimming march swimming march oh that thing yeah where you go you go like that yeah i always tell people not to do that when we're coaching them not really yeah i'm like no one does this nobody does the swimming march that was lap number five tom's just coming out across now following it wasn't actually buds i thought it was gonna be but that's maybe because i was expecting it to be really bad nicely done pump factor not too bad like pumped for sure but oh it's just like wearing this yeah yeah yeah i could definitely just big 1000 i think 1 000. it's done done that's it already yeah big 1000. now just bonus yeah this is bonus 1 600 now no wait a minute he's he's more tired than he looks does he sell it works yeah that's how it works the attic works it works yeah yeah i also could i'm not not putting a plug in for the right brush i also trained on crack trainers as well well did you yeah i did available on yes so tom's going to put us on the final lap now going to be more tricky this time around because he's got to take the cams down come on keep it going good i can see him good i can see him girl in there comes hanging in the loop keep it going keep it going yeah yeah yeah no you're doing good you're doing good you're doing good yep that's your last cam yeah that's your last one good come on get the ledge to the ledge yes good ever nicely done oh proper pump now yeah i was thinking when i came back across that last time i was like i'm glad i'm not taking these cams out i feel sorry for tom so how do you feel i went i thought that went pretty well we both did 600 feet each so 1 200 in total so challenge tick once i feel like we went for a challenge that maybe wasn't quite unpleasant enough what do you think of the marduli root like is it actually as good as i've said it is yes it is really good it felt like a semi-durable challenge almost from the start it did like we could actually do it like better than probably anything i've done when you're 70. that's outrageous no it's not at all that's the thing it's not pretty much everything me and you do you get about 10 into it and go oh why did we let tom make a decision on this challenge that was a really bad idea like look look where we are look at it look i was gonna say look at where we are yeah like that's california right there but the conditions are better actually the conditions are good
Channel: Wide Boyz
Views: 29,493
Rating: 4.9729424 out of 5
Keywords: Climbing the Height of The Eiffel Tower, climbing the eiffel tower, eiffel tower france, ma dooley bridge crack, bridge crack climbing, crack climbing, rock climbing, trad climbing, hand jamming, urban climbing, roof crack climbing, height of eiffel tower, eiffel tower at night
Id: zJx5hPpWA3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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