Worlds Strongest Arms VS Rock Climbing

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That's Devon Larratt from shaking his head armwrestling video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SsurebreC 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

As a climber, I find this to be a very interesting video.

He uses his arms much like a novice would, with bent arms, but unlike an average person, he's able to maintain not just tremendous grip, but tremendous stamina from a very inefficient arm posture.

A normal person would blow out their arm strength in seconds this way.

A climber is going to have a much straighter arm, using just the forearm and the ligaments in the elbow, but as an arm wrestler he's very comfortable with that bent arm.

You can see that with Juju, he's also big strong guy, but he's spent enough time on the wall to start to adapt to a much more efficient straighter arm.

It really is amazing, just super-human arm strength to overcome the raw inefficiency of his technique.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/st0nedeye 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Devon looks like he could be Rowdy Roddy Piper's son. LOL.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nas 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is your first time climbing  it's it's not my first time but it   might as well be I climb like very  rarely I'm super specialized I'm   pro arm wrestler so yeah same kind of  muscles but completely different right I just touched the easiest Boulder run that you  can touch in this gym I think and I already feel   it you know all the right places so I'm really  excited to have a good workout this morning just   say that I know what's going on would be a lie but  yeah I'm ready to have some fun here they are they   just pulled up Anton needed cream in his coffee  or else it just wasn't gonna work so if filming   from the window will be pulled up tonight can I  crash another one of your videos yeah I can you   can explain the rules to Devin because they find  a few times sorry you guys have to deal with me   for another one of magazines but I really oppose  I love you I appreciate you guys yeah I wanted   to climb today right yeah you I didn't have to  I want it I want it my goal is to warm up real   good yeah then climb my one through five right and  then just see how I feel do you think Devin will   be able to I think Devin's in a crush' no yeah I'm  like so long as I can get by I'll be happy today perfect perfect yeah feel like a ninja you ready for that hurts yeah well you have the  forearms for climbing yeah but the range is gonna   be weird right like this for me is straight  like I mean when I was younger I had pretty   good wingspan but it's been everything's been  like pulled in that's what's gonna get them is   this watch Devin extend your arm that's the range  of motion is the arm wrestlers cauliflower ear   yeah same thing that's like how you know weight  yeah well sure I mean uh how tall are you Devin   I'm like six five and forty four now so you know  I might be starting to compress but I've never   had to hold a camera this high yeah I thought was  funny Magnus is struggling yeah can you see the   viewfinder of them no I can't you can't so in this  gym the black dots or the easiest bowlers okay so   they're actually grouping it in twos ready yeah  you want me to find you a B cereal yeah how do   you know when you're done do you touch the top  purple or you touch the top of the yeah that's   it's pretty good question actually I don't know  what the rules are here hey what's the rules on   completion like beanie oh nothing else yeah okay  in this case I think two hands like one branch Oh there you go I was gonna say straighten your arms but hey go yeah that's have you Ciro I feel like a  champ already good yeah there we go yeah you got   a fist pump from the ninja juju why are we here  though why are we in Columbus Ohio I don't even   know anymore it said Yolo nice I need to catch my  breath yeah take a break this gym makes me feel   more comfortable I don't know these holes are nice  the zero is I I feel like where we went last on   the zero was was meaner to me ajusshi is warming  up on the wall smart good that's good stretch out that's like a beam you don't fall this  marks you don't even have to talk about   you can just match the last hold a few  more V sevens and then go up wait what   did you say B sevens no sorry a few more of  these zeros and then go up what's my pure   Magnus b5 right your PRS b5 I think I've  never done anything better than to b5 yeah and always try to use the tip of your toe when you  place your foot yeah not the side but the tip of   the toe kay I have a have an important question  actually do use chalking on wrestling you know   most people do use chalk I don't use it too much  because actually favourable slipping is uh yeah   yeah right so if you're a guy who holds on and  squeezes things chalk can be very important if   you're a guy who likes to climb Chuck's not so  important I was actually gonna come over here   to ask where Magnus is talk bad was yeah I don't  care what you said in here but talks important   yet I'm gonna chalk up today and maybe this is  the beginning of something yeah maybe the more   I enrich my life with climbing the more I'm  just gonna be chalking but if the other guys   are talking you don't have any choice oh yeah  chalk in your hands - it's true it's true chalk   is gonna assist with your fingers but I never  practice with it really so much arm wrestling's   that's slipping the slipping that happens chalk  is not gonna help with that okay V 1 V 1 V 1 come on yeah that's yeah I would I would actually skip  this for you like let me try it let me try it   again can I use the wall like yeah you can smear  on the wall yeah come on Devin this is raw I know   that's a Dinah I mean I'll do this I'll do it  you can do it as a diner if you want you don't   have to so you would go with that one next I would  probably jump to that one else oh man this doesn't   seem like a p1 yeah I think I said it already  is there anything here nothing really there yeah yeah that's okay you can touch it as long as  you don't use it touch the baby yeah nice Georgie yeah one more hole come on I need to match  that you're good no matching okay don't   always falling yeah that's a rough v1 yeah but  you said I think that's more of a v2 yeah yeah   I think it's more of me - yeah come on  Devon oh it's actually b1 b2 great oh   it's actually be 1 - d - yeah you got me -  yeah my Devon I don't know if I give him a   Dino yeah he never uses his legs ever he's an  arm wrestler yeah it's not leg wrestling it's   arm rows what this Dino is more cord their  arms okay well he's got a good reach yeah Oh you to be come on Devin okay yeah next one is  good there you go get your feet up like yeah nice yeah you good thanks buddy that was all the difference what  was the advice you gave that to protect from   barn door so we use the yeah support with her  yeah just get my weight a little bit higher   can I use my leg anyways yeah but that's a  good level for me right there yeah yellow   tags yeah there's one right there and it's not  as yeah so if you put your feet like this on   the side and when you need to like to switch  your body position and like your body weight   when you start moving your foot will come  off yeah but if you here you can like move   left and right there you will be more mobile  on the wall okay this one no Devon is not as   steep so you don't have to use raw power just  remember to get your hip close to the wall okay yeah yeah nice nice I realized that it's a lot of feet  like your feet have to be strong get it   on this there's a lot of peace but if you  go on something steeper it'll be less about   peace if you try something steeper if  you want yeah you try this pink one yeah nice technique come on just get the next all good come on next one is even  better yes and you smash that so next one is better although boy come on Devin   I have the wrong hand at that holy Sh  again but you go again with the same   old same hand yeah just go right center that  hole and you're in a good spot yeah left them nice come on what should I do now you go to the next one  just on the left side of the next one it's   pretty good or you can cross right to end  up to it yeah yes or you the other side of   it grab this on both sides come on come on  Devin yeah yeah yeah and then top hole and   match it perfect so that one was blasted by  your feet right that was more yeah I had to   just grunt that one yeah the beginning  was the hardest yeah that's a lot of   fun good yeah that's good do you think  your asset yeah yeah I need to hydrate you ever just jump on a wall  without problem-solving yes they   do if it's an easy bowler like pie  I wouldn't read it from the ground come on yeah yeah yes yeah you can get some  foot all the way up on the box yeah yeah you   sure that it's not part of the bowl yeah you have  power to waste on this man yeah yeah very good oh great I still really like I did a good job  on that hey thanks I felt I felt in control   yeah that's what feels like we don't have  an injury thanks man shut up thank you I   gotta try that you gonna try that yeah he  got like mega star points I'm just gonna   try and survive it you're saying you can't  do this place yeah nice get your feedback   on the wall come on yeah yeah next one is good  yeah yeah very good oh wait go ahead yeah yeah come on Devin thank you nor move one  more come on yeah too much sweet I think   you guys have to move up quick girl  alive still alive what still hold on warm up warm up warm up stuff getting  getting older I think we need to box   for Magnus so what do you have coming up  here oh no you can talk a pound for pound   this is the strongest guy I've ever  met what is solution to this purple   one right here I can't figure out what that  holds for watch you do this easy one this okay come on you just muscled it did and  what I would try to do is climb a little   bit faster like not doing the splits  on the wall that's not gonna help you ha - stay low with your feet oh I didn't see  those there because Magnus keep them come   on man yeah and do backflip Ashur oh come  on do Beckley like seven times I'm gonna   do it I will take taken that you're gonna  do it from the wall get out of here you   just looking a lot stronger this time a lot  better this time last time trained know you   can I apply now it's my arms yeah I just I  just dress up like you and they let me in   for free it's been very economical we do look  a lot of like that way which one you climbing   so the great thing about this t-shirt is  really only that it's it slips right off my Magnus pink it is oh man he's like totally upside down there's nuts how you even holding on dang I'm having trouble filming this  I got it I got it sorry YouTube sorry   YouTube it's are you - sorry - nice come on Enzo come on defeat up the I'll show this Carter what  are you trying a duty this be there is a   v3 right yeah could be a before though  right a see where most of the chalk is this is like a strength one it's like brute  forcing it yeah there's no it looks like you   just happened there's not much technique to this  which I think so well you can start in a match   okay you start two hands on that I don't have  too much in me now we're actually coming back   this this afternoon to shoot with stuffy well  that's gonna be for another video so I'm gonna   keep the climbing to a minimum today but I am  gonna try this blue one behind me supposedly   the hardest roller in this gym like the zombie  allow them they set and then the people at the   gym have been super super nice so far they  actually opened the gym just for us before   they were supposed to open at 11 but they open  it 10:30 just for us so yeah I mean everything   that more than v8 sort of get observation  and I noticed so you've climbed u19 short when little teasing Elsa flash Oh get your foot up get your right foot up and  it's gonna feel a lot better that you hands   like this yeah but then as soon as you get  up oh okay go have to wait you're okay okay I know I know I know it's exactly that way when  we were like when you rock-climb with them girls   like was that a magic trick or something and  I just can can you show me one more time yeah stop this are YouTube yeah you can even you don't even if you use the  right technique you don't even have to use   the power at all there's something  missing I'm gonna say it's technique   but but the reason this is hard for you is  because you're a lot taller so you'll feel   more crunched in this position you  look like you would eat lunch there yes nice come on the last hole is really  good if you just come in come on think   getting down as far as getting up honestly  what's it flash god shut up I will get your   right hand up before moving your foot  up do you have more space for your body and I'll match that yeah I guess yes exactly  there you go I trust your feet come on I saw that in the movie once didn't say  cliffhanger or something getting toast I'm   gonna do one more juicy I'll do one more I like  this I've never seen you climb this much before   I don't think anyone has I want you to pick  something that's still car around like yeah   yeah yeah there's a sub max day not a max day you  want to another was it yeah yellow yeah pick me   on another yellow okay where's the orange one  yeah Doris is good do you think it's too easy   it might be too easy let's just try okay I think  it's just like straight up a ladder isn't come on I see where the difficulty yeah yeah you are lying today yeah I think I need a better  plan come on come on Devon next one and then   mash it and I probably the best plan you could  possibly come up with short of poisoning him   is to send them through all these rock climbing  holds on YouTube so he feels pressured and then   you get the arm wrestle him later yeah cuz  you're not getting tired from this and he's   toast he's sweating oh my god see yeah but but  we've still got a strap yes what I'm realizing   by watching you is you're really strong like you  make it look really easy it's not just technique   I juice a lot of strength going on there it's  fun to watch it it's fun it's like it looks   so simply like it looks so simple you're like  and then you realize no yours it's not strong   enough well it's a very specific strength I  mean they're always wrong a different stuff   and they're like I don't know that's awesome to  see like I feel like you know when there was like   a castle on a mountain or something they'd  stand like a whole bunch of you guys oh yeah diamond so here I'm gonna teach you some rock climbing  the holes with the most chalk well or that's   where you typically start and as you go up the  wall the ones with the least amount of chalk or   typically the ones where your feet go because  you don't talk your feet see them exact yeah   also the other thing that's gonna kind of blow  your mind is typically the Magnus correct me if   you're wrong they typically don't book though  they'll put holes that are useless yeah so if   you can't figure out why there's one there you're  in trouble and the easier ones typically just look   like ladders to give you oh I could just climb  back yeah instinctively did you tell him to stay   close to the wall yes it is only up to because  you've been doing that very well yeah when I   started it took me like three or four sessions  they can't get my butt in so I'll have to catch   myself a lot like get your hips against the wall  I'm having a hard time with my feet that's hard   to Louis you're getting like I forget to use them  a lot like go like this yeah it's because you're   so focused on your arms and the pain you have  in them that your feet are but a lot of times   the pain is caused because you're in a bad foot  position you know yeah yeah good come on this one   yeah just get your feet up on  the big one and you'll be good   come on juju oh yeah beautiful that yeah yeah  now you're just fine with your piece only yeah you can do that nice  judiciary oh yeah just yeah   perfect Wow nice that's really good so on dude yeah nice yeah that's high level of  problem-solving right there are   you gonna try the same method yeah I'll  try it yeah I would recommend oh no man   that's scary I'm like higher  yeah high even higher yeah nice we're standing like that definitely  under breath I just do this yeah yeah perfect now you have it yeah yeah now you might have to turn around too much  really that was hard that was tight for me good   yeah yeah how do you guys think definitely  we'll do the only thing we got honours height   yeah nothing else for me what grade do you  think she'll climb five me fives yeah she'll   get up to a five I don't think she'll get a six  okay that's my prediction what's that is that   those are levels so beaten is the hardest what  you did now was b1 to b2 somewhere between beat   yeah yeah well she'll probably do that yeah  she's lighter and stuff yeah her strength to   weight embarrassingly it's probably better  than better than mine so what is the best   you've ever seen a newcomer completely new to  rock climbing start at a B first time going   into a rock climbing gym what's the best they  done I would say around beef poor as you say   yeah like if you're an incredible athlete before  b5 I think it's the problem-solving that gets a   newcomer like it like a gymnast if you get into  climbing gym for the first time yeah it might be   able to climb b3 before okay yeah so trying the  black one some more is always a new world record I know you're supposed to God he cares okay  sure so any Magnus me to go oh you're touching   yourself yeah can't imagine coming nice is  coming on Turkey oh my god you really look   tiny really like that for joining that was  really inspiring to watch you yeah you make   it look so easy it's ridiculous the best thing  I could fry to eat you is if you want to look   awesome in pictures yeah see it's like holding a  fish so yeah see I'm like this is how I look yeah   but if I pull my head back push my shoulders  forward yeah and toes out like this oh my god   okay so now I look normal yeah yeah and then  head way back shoulders forward no but you   can put your head back your team yeah now even  more forward with your arms that's working yeah any difference it's just a little angle better  thumbnails this is like yeah yeah I'm not doing   a good nuns doing this good job is you guys  though did you see listen here's a small tip   look at Magnus it's not just that the head comes  back shoulders come forward elbows come forward   but even the hands come forward like even it's  even like that alright yeah yeah then it's like   dude that has that even the hands like even like  so the elbows that even this comes flowy pull   upwards yeah so that way it looks like your  wrists are even yet you did it Magnus did it   there I didn't okay that's one minor yeah so if  you push your hands forward it'll make you look   hands look bigger and wrists look bigger okay I  get some new pictures for my Instagram feed buster
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 4,793,634
Rating: 4.9235387 out of 5
Keywords: Magnus, Juji, Devon, Armwrestling, Jujimufu, Anton, Climbing, arms, Viral, Strong, Muscle, WAL, Midtbø
Id: h2mOn8NoR84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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