Arctic Elite Military Force // Only 1% make it

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thalarius 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
the world's best arctic fighters the norwegian  reconnaissance squadron is an elite force only a   few people would even consider and out of those  who do only one percent make it through their   selection these guys are specialists at operating  behind enemy lines for long periods of time   they're trained to go unnoticed in any terrain  and to be completely independent they're also   the norwegian forces best climbers just to give  you an idea of how tough this unit really is   earlier this year they went on a mission where  they spent 44 days outside and down to minus 30   degrees in some of the harshest arctic conditions  you can imagine without any supplies and without   being told how long the mission would last this  is a screened unit meaning their identity has   to remain a secret and no media has ever been  allowed in not until now as i'm about to join   the world's best arctic fighters on a mission  above the arctic circle and behind enemy lines okay magnus welcome to uh norwegian military  intelligence battalion today you are going   to visit the long range reconnaissance  squadron the lerps and do a mission with   them a climbing mission i've heard a climbing  mission a bit different from what you are   normally doing and i guess when we get you  geared up it will be uh odds even your patrol   has been tasked to support the rescuing of a down  pilot behind enemy lines the pilot his last known   position is in the area of east indones here so  the mission is to rescue the pilot who should   be somewhere in the area of east tim will be  transported into enemies territory by car where   we get dropped off and have to make our way up the  mountain as quickly as possible and unnoticed by   the enemy as soon as we have the pilot we'll  call for a helicopter to come fly us out questions i no no no no question guys will take care of you should i be aware of the surroundings like look  around do we need to be ready to because now   we're behind an enemy lines yeah we just  got a sift update from our base they have   intelligence that says that there are enemy  forces moving towards our position and they're   probably looking for the pilot as well and we  also have to be quick right yeah you have to   pick up the pace yeah unfortunately i mean i don't  these backpacks are like 35 kilos and that's no no   exaggerations like we measured them before my legs  aren't that strong i already feel it a little bit   but i'm going to try to keep up with you guys how  do we move without being noticed in this terrain   because that's your kind of specialty right well  we try to stay in the low terrain unless we have   like concealment in the in the fog and stuff like  that and as you can see around us now the fog is   coming in so that's good for us luckily we're  being uh picked up by a helicopter at the top   that's for me that's really the highlight  i've never been in a helicopter before so uh but first we need to find the fire jet pilot   yeah that's priority number one number one riding  the helicopter that's the priority number two these guys have a crazy high pace and i've been  told that i should look for enemies to the left   so the guy in the front he's looking straight  ahead i'm looking to the left the guy behind me is   looking to the right well i'm too out of breath to  even like feel like my sight is kind of blurry uh it was really exciting if we keep this pace  for much longer i have to ask them if we can   take a little bit a little  break the fire jet pilot   needs to wait otherwise i'm going to die on the  way up here and it's it was crazy we left like   1 am didn't sleep at all we were supposed to sleep  for like an hour but i couldn't fall asleep and   we have very little food with us and uh we're  just gonna try to do this as quickly as possible   get in get out uh and these guys are crazy fit  and we're soon about to like get our harness on   and start actually climbing and uh i think  that's gonna be really spectacular but it's   a very different climbing that i'm used to these  backpacks are around 35 kilos so that's about half   my body weight and uh i don't know how i'm  going to climb with that and also with boots   just like these are very different  from my usual drago climbing shoes so i've done a lot of hard [ __ ] lately but this is  hard and just a different way just never ending   we've been hiking hiking hiking for hours we  thought we're at the top and we're just halfway so   the last few hours we've just been hiking but  it's super hot right now running low on water   uh but now it looks like we're gonna climb the  rage finally and uh i've kind of stopped looking   for enemies to be honest i just feel like yeah if  there are any enemies in the area they're going   to deal with it so i have i'm not focusing  on myself right now need to save the pilot i think this is going to take me some time to  recover from like right now it feels like my   batteries are really low and i know that  the mission has just started so a little   worried i saw you got like an update on the as  of now the entire operation operation meatballs   is depending on which meatballs who  made that name um might have been me   it's critical for us to get to the pilot as soon  as possible as you can see in front of us we have   a really narrow and steep ridge line that's our  only way through it's super exposed we're exposed   to uh like the elements rocks and stuff but also  from being spotted by the enemy what happens if we   get like shot at during our climb do we uh what  is it called return fire or yeah we will shoot   back shoot back okay yeah and uh because we're  pretty vulnerable on that ridge it's going to   be a [ __ ] storm if we get into contact on the  ridge yeah uh we've divided like one full rack   with all the pros so the yeah the nuts and the  camps we're gonna go as a three yeah is it a   climbing helmet so it's a we have another helmet  kind of similar which is made for uh ballistics   okay so it's really heavy yeah but this one is uh  a lot more lightweight one yeah the first person   goes in front with the all the protection and then  you ask the second person to take it out yeah and   then so we're not belaying each other i think  it's gonna be new to a lot of people watching   this type of style so basically if one of you  fall i have to go low right so yeah and make sure   if we fall on one side that kind of you you  basically have to pull on the elbows okay well   that's the kind of you have to have a pretty  quick reaction you know like was it left was   it right and then you just have to do it yeah and  you'll see afterwards like uh maybe not using this   kind of pros using natural just rocks whatever you  have trees yeah and just put the rope in between   also the the harness is camo that was pretty cool  never seen that before and uh we're gonna climb   with the backpacks so that's what's gonna make  it really challenging i mean this route isn't   going to be that hard in itself we're trying to  go quick and we're trying not to be noticed you   know so i mean it's a different way of moving when  we get down there we call for the helicopter how   long does that usually take for the helicopter  to come since there's a lot of enemy in there   then it's a bigger operation so they need  multiple planes to kind of suppress the enemy   before they can bring in a helicopter which is  uh an easier target yeah so they first have to   suppress the enemies uh air force air force and  yeah and then they can come in and sail us yeah   and what do we do if we don't get a helicopter  it wouldn't be the first time it happens   so you always you always plans for an emergency  plans you always have kind of escape routes and   different kinds of pickups yeah but the pilot is  i mean he's worth more than us right because he's   yeah so so the education they get yeah and and  uh yeah they're they're jet fighter pilots so   it's a very cynical way of looking at it that's  how they're the five of us to help get him out   yeah and that's our mission so we  just have to we follow the mission so you guys uh sore at all i don't think  yeah my legs know what they've been up to   yet okay i'll feel it later but yeah well  you were leading the way uh the whole way   pretty high pace i thought you dig what you're looking for the pilot is he gonna  give you like a signal or is it like what are you   looking for uh yeah well i'm looking for a single  person but if he sees us he'll confirm it with a   smoke or a flare but i'm trying to scan to see him  because he should be in the area do you know what   color he is he's wearing he should be wearing  a flight suit yeah i think i got him yeah it's   right by the edge there do you have a way of  calling him or do we just need to go down there   and check uh i think we'll try to get closer  before we do anything else okay try not to be   be called out by the enemy once with the glacier it's all white  or white that's why we brought our uh   white cam okay so for the pants yeah here as well  and then for our helmets everything everything   try and like blend into the glacier yeah so what's the plan now the guy's up there  right the pilot is up there somewhere we   think we saw something up on the other ridgeline  up there yeah so uh we just got a report about   increased hostile uh activativity in the area  yeah so we have to be extra careful right so   uh we're gonna switch to the the white clothes  yeah so the the white camps top and bottoms   well i guess we have no time to waste  no time to waste so that it gets changed is that smoke that's the pilot right keep going safe so what we're going to do is make sure you get  rid of the hypothermia i'm going to get you some   shelter uh heat you up give you some warm fluids  have you heard anything about the helicopter yeah   so just got the news the old  forces did not manage to suppress   anti-air so there will not be helicopter for  us so we have to make the way down ourselves oh man finally we've been walking on snow for hours  and with now we've been out for i think it's   close to 35 hours without sleep with hardly  any food i feel really low on energy and   this is so different from all the other challenges  that i've done like i don't even have energy too   like on the way down i didn't have energy to  talk to the camera and it's just i don't know   i i feel like i'm completely empty right now  and i don't know it's just this backpack is so   annoying you know did i mention that it's 35 kilos  i think i've mentioned that like 20 times already   evan you told me something funny earlier about  the the warmest piece of clothing in nato   yeah what is it you wanna know what it  is oh it's this piece of kit right here   it's a backpack yeah would you call this uh  operation successful so far uh yeah say it's been uh god sister did you guys know that we're gonna  get shot at today was that a surprise it's   always a surprise uh i mean you never know if  you're gonna meet enemies when you get tired   uh on your way down coming from the mountain  uh or you're going to your pickup point yeah   that's when you start like getting really  unfocused and so you kind of have to be switched   on the whole time and i guess it's smart of them  to test you uh at the end of a uh mission like   this for sure uh when you're tired and because  it they test your reflexes i guess like yeah and   i know that's we're trying to like if we hear that  we're getting shot at something just turns on yeah   you're yelling adrenaline starts pumping no matter  how tired you are you don't want to get killed   right so you shoot back and you do your best so  i was actually instructed to not shoot if we uh   had any contact i was just directed to just uh  stay put and uh yeah follow the instructions so   uh i'm not gonna i'm not definitely not  going to look like a hero in that shot is there anything we could have done better i  mean we we ended up in a contact with enemy okay i'm just super excited for the pizza yeah   you've been telling me about the pizza and uh my  mouth gets like watery just from saying that word   it's uh it's been very little food and water  and i don't know how you guys do this like   not every day but quite often yeah you get more  and more used every time you do yeah yeah so um   thank you guys for watching make sure to like and  subscribe as always and i will see you next time you
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 751,075
Rating: 4.9528952 out of 5
Keywords: Military, Army, Magnus, Arctic, Norway, Batalion, Squadron, Fighters, Insane, Crazy, Fitness, Special, Force, Navy, Seals, Elite, Unit
Id: ofI5RV7fpT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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