Tokyo With my Girlfriend - Trying a Japanese Climbing Gym (VLOG)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
so if you do 6p you can have my first  one to Tokyo I first want to talk you I've made a reservation you yaku she must eat  that it's good yeah we're sitting in the lounge   and everyone's super quiet so I don't want to  be too polite but it's also a 7 a.m. so and I'm   also pretty tired aren't you tired blue cheese  for breakfast that's pretty good why are you   looking into the viewfinder supposed to do that  they can look at the screen well the screen is oh   oh biggis are you worried that we're not gonna  catch our flight yeah actually because we were   supposed to be there like 10 minutes ago but  Magnus had to film time-lapse see YouTube life I love the booty together  you're sitting together yeah thank you yeah the hard part is going to be when  we come to Tokyo it's gonna be morning in Tokyo   but we haven't slept for many hours so the crux  is gonna be to stay awake for as long as possible your eyes look really nice in this  light yeah we're gonna check in   pretty soon because we're in business  to us because we're here for business I'm just gonna check I haven't seen your passport  before very beautiful oh my god you look like   you're 16 years old and you look for the criminal  the city no crime but I think it goes all the way   down the seats thank God I don't want to talk  to you throughout the entire okay the separate so I guess that's it from the  flight yeah cameras in Tokyo you feeling it recording I'm recording so we just  got to the hotel and you got a present for mrs.   mckisco this is a car this is not a car as soon as  he gifts for you I don't have like any brain cells   after yeah cleaning cloth just what you needed let  me make a swan yeah last boy what you want to do   know what I actually want to do is to sleep but  what I did I think we should go explore before we   have to go meet the others yeah you want to show  the room yeah in case you were wondering I thought   that was the toilet wait oh yeah that's the bad  and you is right there that is right no you're   afraid of heights I told you like every time we've  done climbing like I don't like Heights yeah but   everyone says that and what force is 20 30 30 30  third yeah but let's see a look at the bathroom oh   they have these like they have those everywhere  in the house gonna say China how the hell does   everywhere in Japan where you can't you see you  just use paper right yeah they have ever yeah you find anything interesting to be honest not  so far but we should read some of the stories   yeah he was nice though the view is really nice  mm-hmm your I think you are too tired to like   it I don't appreciate ya the arts yeah we'll  come back stronger come by stronger tomorrow   so I'll see you guys tomorrow have you been up  since 4:00 yeah because you you were like on   your computer at 4:00 like answering comments or  something yeah and I just yeah then I went out to   film a little bit and then I went to the gym I  tried to I wanted to film at the gym but there   are so many people three fun facts about you go  there are no fun I think all the fun facts people   know I probably know some fun facts about you  you don't make any noise when you sleep there's   like it's not even breathing I feel like you're  dead well you're nailing you love eating candy   and cake and that's kind of thing that you have  to stop doing when you want to get by even more   fit what's similar to both of us that we both walk  really really fast things run between two routes   we hate walking behind so people oh yeah I'm  really hungry though can you hurry up hurry up only got sweet stuff you're turning into me what  we're doing today and people are gonna try on   some kimonos or something like that and we're  gonna try to sneak away to do some planning I   really want to check out the great assistant I  want to check out like how the grading system is Oh you killed your uncle you just  looked at your a part of Harry Potter kind of wanna go and climb do something  physical active and I think also people   want to see how the gyms in Tokyo look  yeah another fun fact about you though   you're like the most impatient person I know  I think which is good I know everything is   to suffer you need to do it quick so give me  two fun place about you I can't burp this is   really annoying I always get these like sounds  coming from my throat's whenever I drink soda   but I can't I can't like physically make a  burp myself what is funny fun fact actually   I can't do sit-ups yeah mm-hmm I've been  trying my entire life never and never do   people do this like praying thing it looks like  people make a wish mmm so I'm gonna do the same what did you wish work for a hundred thousand  likes on this video press it for you price I'm   gonna tell you what it is you're no rocks  would love just open it yeah is a cat it's   a huge engagement ring its climbing shoes  cuz you've been borrowing climbing shoes and   I was just in Italy and I asked Garth buy  if I could get some climbing shoes for you he's feel really good they are I think they're  perfect for you they're stiff but not too stiff   okay so they're gonna last a while and unlike  the other the other Scarpas that you've been   borrowing this is a Velcro so you don't have  to lace up your shoes every time the client yes you have to have to try no we probably  don't have time to no we should just go   climbing right now vamanos vamanos simple  time do we need to try on the shoes there we spotted the climbing gym I don't  know it doesn't look too crowded but   I just hope they let us film I think  in this case it's better to ask for   forgiveness than to ask for permission  okay look they have the you have the   treadmill thing I've seen that before  I want to try that you should drive so breaking in the new shoes do you think they're  gonna fit now we're in the third floor and I think   this is like the circuit wall from one side to  another side not from the bottom to the top they   fit but what about socks in the shoes Oh Oh in  rental shoes I get it but now you have no excuse   I still like struggles put them on over you do it  so fast says you have new shoes I thought I would   also have new shoes it's always like first session  I were a new brand new pair of shoes it's a little   bit different they feel a little bit stiff that's  really expensive here I mean climbing costs $30   per person yeah that was really expensive mm-hmm  Japanese people must really value the climbing   they do thirty dollars to get in here at the same  time though it's what I would say it's like 5:00   p.m. it's completely empty here yeah that's true  so maybe I mean they should price themselves a   little bit differently not to be really bad but  it looks like a decent gem they have a lot of   set bowlers downstairs usually from it's usually  a problem for me laughs the bullets aren't hard   enough but we'll see I don't know Ben Japanese  people argue climbers so yeah the best climbers in   the world lived in Tokyo around Tokyo or in Japan  I expect there to be some pretty hard bowlers   yeah for sure yeah how are the shoes feel really  good gamba gamba let's come on in Japanese gamba the music is a little bit different here it  feels like we're walking around in a Disney   movie it's the music of my heart though so  they're not gonna be like accurate grades   here pink is easy and then it's like color-coded  this bra this is a red color that's pretty easy the wall looks really is short and the  wall is pretty short mm-hmm but they   have this Cape thing later that would  be try it's pretty cool actually harder what would you grade that in like a b-plus let's see yeah mm-hmm what do you want to  start on something easy it started like yellow   maybe okay green or yellow okay let me try  some slaps with your new shoes yeah sure so   pay attention to your feet enough on the slabs  yeah you can start with however you want this   long so much yeah nice perfect very good come  on just yeah trust the left foot come on come on   yeah come on this is a uni okay you see that's not  much friction on this but you just need to trust   it nice come on just lean just get your weight  on that left foot yeah yeah just trust your left   foot come on it's pretty far out left so you need  to trust it I can show you you have to get off on   this and really putting all your weight on that  left foot and then you could take this really   easy you see you see how this you switch to right  town you really trust your feet you get almost   up you don't have to use your hands at all almost  mm-hmm trust your new scarf is Martine gonna trust yes nice come on now I really trust that  get all the way to the left just slowly   yeah yeah oh you had it yeah you had it you switched your hand what's all right then  yeah like that and then get your feet up just   things yeah get that left foot off on the  lower one no match the right foot match left   foot first nice and low this foot to two feet  on the lowest one yes and then you move up left   foot yes and then you get up on that after  Europe your legs are stronger than mine so   you can do this come on slaps are hard can I do  it a couple more while you take the rest yeah yeah wow that was martyred I can sit up I didn't  do it I didn't find that well it didn't feel   that much harder than the other one to be  honest so next greatest blue I'll try that   and then there's orange and then there's  brown brown is the hardest yeah geez I   hope people hear what we're saying who like  although there's so much music coming from   that speaker but it's really good music Monta  it's really good music it's my favorite music   this one looks like a like a dino oh ok  means maybe it's good for you to be in   Tokyo just to humble you down a little  bit humble me down anything up to cocky Oh gee I'll try another of the same great here Oh yeah you feel like this music is helping Magnus what  are you thinking are you gonna try something else   meanwhile or ya feel stupid oh don't do it doesn't  feel that kind of started messing up and then   I just try to get it again without I see don't  know it just a lot but I'm gonna try without sure   countess you try the pink one ah yeah easy switch your  right hand match your foot yes put your left   foot up come on nice it's perfect come on and  now the right foot up come on yes come on in it   yeah yeah yeah just trust your feet get your  right foot up one higher yes you can stand a   little lower on that hold lower on the same  hold on the left side lower in the scoop in   the scoop yeah okay don't ya come on you have  to trust your right foot really pull match to   match your right hand yeah yeah yeah come on  yeah well as you get higher and higher yeah but   it's hard especially when the feet are in the  shoes are new you really look like a climber   when you find yeah that's impressive and then  we got Beyonce on the speaker so we went eating   yesterday and there were some famous people  on the wall Sylvester Stallone and George W   Bush but someone even more famous - she ate  at the same restaurant as we did last night   never been there more excited nice place you  see a picture a nice place seemed connection   so I ate the same sushi as two Kardashian kamek  you're watching this I was a really good rest   come on easy switch merciful what  but up come on perfect right foot yes yes you're right Vermont almost there yeah I'm nice yes yes  perfect that was great okay really making   sure it's a match for three seconds there huh  which the left then to a mantel on their own   yeah didn't tell me yeah but I was great really  good technique thank you and it's really good   for you too that the wall sir not too high  that's true actually it's Gary that's nice   like that's not an issue anymore yeah last  time our last video I was I couldn't go to   the top just because that day I was feeling  really anxious about the height so it is nice   that the wall is shorter and also this mattress  feels a lot softer than a New York my main gym oh I was so much closer but I think we're  gonna end this video and continue with the   climbing in the next video so thank you guys for  watching be sure to LIKE and subscribe check out   marked on Instagram and we will see you in the  next vlog from Tokyo where hopefully we'll be   able to do this bowler and also look for some  brown bowlers which are even partisan visible
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 806,205
Rating: 4.974432 out of 5
Keywords: Climbing, Magnus, Midtbø, training, Bouldering, Indoor climbing, Training, Workout, girl, climb, Japan, Tokyo, Vlog, Gym, girlfriend
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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