Trying the best rated climbing gym in New York!

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what are we doing today today we're gonna do  the best reviewed climbing gym in that I was   about to say Tokyo we're in New York still  let's see you here I have the feeling this   is gonna be easier than Tokyo because there  aren't as many gyms in New York because I   think GPA t1 yep that is the highest there's a  lot of good reviews ready I'm ready all right oh yeah first try so you're gonna go straight and make a right  on Kent we're almost there we're almost there   so what is the goal of this video like we need  to check some other things I mean not only the   climbing but like how clean it is yeah we need to  check how clean it is very important right yeah   sanitary how friendly the staff is the price at  the end of the video we should rate it ourselves   and like we talked about on other videos to  the training area yeah so we have to tackle   those anything else anything else we're missing  I've never checked how clean a gymnast frankly   I couldn't care less ugly in the gym my gym is  clean too yeah yeah yeah we're almost here damn   it's been a long day can we avoid it yeah but  now I just need to be alert like I'm in raiding   mode right now yup we're rating this joke oh  this is it this is it okay ready you go first   on the camera first okay quick first impression  actually it really reminds me of the one in Tokyo   we're thinking how we're gonna go to something  like really bad place but this is really good and we're here the only problem in this gym is  that it's a little bit loud but the people at the   desk were really friendly so that's a plus huge  plug yeah and you said cleanliness is important   to you I don't know how in this gym this for me  it's not important how do we check how clean it   is you don't need to link something but the more  time I spend in here the more this reminds me of   the gym in Tokyo that we went to that was the  worst review so strange to me that this is the   best tribute here in New York because there  are so many other fancy gyms I mean I would   prefer this gym but I'm surprised that most  people here in New York seem to also prefer   this joke I'm gonna check for cleanliness it's  clean what would you give cleanliness a five I   don't fight really because I like the gym you  say that just because they're so nice to be   honest at this point what's very important for  me is how welcoming the gym is so this gym was   nice I like that yeah but that has nothing to do  well clearly we should check the bathroom okay   there's a lot of stickers here that's nice oh oh  that rubber is really clean how's that line well   this is a big one yeah you both being here oh  sure now we're both in the restroom magnet you   see what I mean magnet yeah so they even decided  they'd turn down the fans for us it'll be more   dusty in here everyone will suffer because of  us and because of this video hey you know what   you don't know you have to like and subscribe  so the training section here looks amazing they   have the campus board it's pretty high woah oh  my god what and then they have like the beast   makers in yeah you know what I want to try it  just so they understand how difficult that was didn't for the boy but to feel like whole gyms  now have the dismay Kerr yeah even though there   are a lot of different hang boards out there  it's just the most popular so people make   training programs for it and I think that's  why everyone wants it the design isn't really   anything special but it's just everyone uses  it so it's just practical yeah Treadwell have   you ever used to juggle nah okay I'm not gonna  take it oh rating the training facility I would   rate 5 out of 5 for sure that's a no-brainer  the cleanliness though I would not raise you   a rated if I multiply and I would rate it  maybe three out of five okay pretty low but   that's as I've said for me it really doesn't  matter the stuff the friendliness right yeah   yeah and that I would get a solid five out  of five maybe you should wait and give the   review later we're not we haven't walked out  the door yet oh yeah yeah I'm gonna start with   a seat folder I still feel pretty warm from the  other video we made like just for a horse to go should I try now why won't the thick yeah honestly  it looks pretty hard and people here are pretty   strong too nice come on I have a feeling we're  gonna get smashed in here Oh Magnus do you think I   can do that why one yeah I think so I'm a good bet  on it not enough you you wore my I'm such a bad   influence on you you have like the perfect warm-up  routine and everything and I'm gonna destroy it   and not in one day your entire reputation and  your channel is dead because of me you continue   to warm up dude I'll do one more and then you  warm up warm up I'll try the car 47 go for it oh man look at this chalk bag Wow you go for  the style of bowler not the great name that   day so I take my time I'm not like magnets  yeah or the opposite yeah they take my time   you know stretch out good and then if I  can downtime really if I can't you have   any weird like stretching exercises or  anything else that you do I do scapula   pull-ups jump off and then I just focus on  engaging my scapula so if I go up and down and then what I do once I feel good then I start  dropping one hand slowly and then I go up and down   up so I'm doing three of each I'm gonna go for the  next one slowly drop down go up down is to warm up   my shoulders my warmup nap might not work for  everyone but after doing so many different type   of warmups that helps me I feel good on the  wall and then I stretch as well actually you   know I feel loomed up already yeah yeah that's  what happens when you hang out with Magnus like   sure cuz this good just jumps in I'll try the  green one it's a v3 but it looks tough so since   Magnus told me I need to try to flash them that's  what I'm going to go for yeah so right left right another thing again no rip I think that's my  weakness there's no grip to that but I like   it I'm liking it it's making me stronger  you also have to be more accurate with   your feet actually that's true because  even when you're going like this you're   missing a little bit yeah you're out  yep you're done so I actually want to   see magnets time again okay the last one  I tried was v7 so now jump up to b8 okay right you like that one the beginning is too hard  but the top is pretty easy actually okay   it's a long one I mean you've told me before  that you're not much of a and there is yeah   there in the sky so just go quick okay I'll try  you have to overshoot that one like that yeah okay this is our second  freaking session of the day yeah sir my little brother some kind of  surprises you can try the be $10 or brothers nice nice come on Oh flash I'm gonna try the white one that  Magnus did I want to see how difficult it put your foot up first that's annoying  that felt like I should have was really   not that hard just like knocks it off  like I was too stretched out I should   have put my foot up before we going for  the next one because the holes were so   bad I couldn't take the swing actually I  just want to get it straight back on it now come on I felt it on my right hand if  I would have gone a little bit more   yeah I would have probably stucked  in college here we go here we go come on come on man yeah yeah come on stay tight come on get it that's one it's good yeah nice so tired climby with this guy is  so tiring yes yes I was good thanks   man oh man my heart's like that's  because you're in love with this gym very awkward with the foot because you have a  heel hook that you feel like it's just gonna   go anyway it's like and then afterwards I think  instead of like I don't know if I should take   the crimp or if I should just take this as  an under clean and go yeah I think taking   just this and I'm going to just boom I need  like the locker room it's beautiful just like   everything else in this show I think we  would suck at doing like real reviews I   know as soon as the ones nice to us where I'll  just write real of this is the best thing ever come on that's not the way I think you have  to get your left foot as well though what's   the hardest bully you've done inside inside my  gym I've done a tenth but it took me a lot of   sessions it's hard for me to be honest to do  eights in a single session but you know I'm   still gonna try them no no especially  since you're climbing it pretty hard come on come on as well we give it another go so there's only one  foothold I would move up to put when bumping   though before bumping moving up the foot to  the start hole yeah before you go to the crane yeah there you go that's so much better  yeah okay okay so much easier yeah what is crucial there I'm gonna just go to  move on I don't have that much power left   I'm gonna try the v10 over here the pink  one and then you're like I'm gonna try the   ten this one looks pretty more as well you know  what else I love about this Jim what dogs loud there's like such a big difference  between the V temps and the 11th in   here yeah you made that one looks pretty  that was pretty easy but inches that's   what I like the most like that's  my specialty I think there's just Vermont easy super easy come on no it's gonna go yeah really what do  you think Magnus I think the last move   is going to be a little bit tricky we see  the sloper you're gonna have to match that   with you have to lock your feet kind of and  then let go and then just jump yeah come on go on come on is Walla you know what I'm thinking  of jammy yes but I had yeah I suck at hand come on Dave yes but now the top topper is hard to come on yeah yeah okay so I'll try the black one  as well the black one is probably   going to be a high loss bowler it's  really packed now with people here now alright that was it for the session we did it  okay this is gonna be a tough one yeah okay so   you have raided cleanliness already you gave  two how to five no laughs training room you   get what the training room I would you know it  a five yeah in the facility definitely a five   and the staff and the people the stemware  of me using man like come on you know they   welcomed us and we just asked you know for  permission to film and they're like yeah   what did what do you guys need and we're like  oh nice yeah so my stars five stars yeah and   they were psyched too so they appreciate our  work you know the times were good didn't you   like the clients I love the clients yeah yeah  you know - five stars yeah it's always right   yeah so I'm curious what magnet is gonna  say very see okay so I'm already rated the   training room I gave that a five I gave their  cleanliness at three pretty bad bathrooms are   really clean though the staff solid five the  facility uh-huh that's the solid five overall I would give it a four point nine because I  gotta say people in New York yeah you know   how to great new gems yeah and I love  the fact that they have dogs inside   yeah that's nice it's cozy so that was it  for this video make sure to check out Oh   swallow channel Rock entry also like and  subscribe as always and on your next time you
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 1,814,525
Rating: 4.9526339 out of 5
Keywords: Climbing, Bouldering, Magnus, Midtbø, Rockentry, Boulder, Tutorial, Best Rated, Best, Gym, Climbing Gym, Climber, GP81, NYC
Id: q787UieZH-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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