Clash of the Planets | Photoshop tutorial

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today you will learn how to create this really cool clash of the planets effects in photoshop pretty much easily so let's start [Music] hey guys it's neymar and welcome to another really fun photo manipulation tutorial you already know what we will do today so without further ado let's jump straight into photoshop and let the fun begin ready guys we're here in photoshop and today we will use several different photos to create this really cool effect i will start with the background and you can notice that i'm in dark and that's for practical reasons now because i'm working on the dark images this bright light is totally blind me and i cannot see properly the brightness of the images so this is why i'm in the dark but let's start working on this project okay i will go and select just the planet from this photo so i will go with elliptical marquee tool press and hold shift and just select the planet itself so something something like i can hold space bar so i can move this that's a cool trick so let's go like this copy and paste it right there let's name this planet one so creative so this is planet number one right then let's go and select another one that's our earth so i will go without this halo so i will select something like this copy and again paste it right there this is pretty cool okay so let's put this one above the earth i don't know why but i like it like that okay now let's see how we will rearrange the planets according to the background so i will control command t and rotate the earth so i can match the light direction it doesn't i don't care the orientation of there because we are in space so everything is allowed so pretty much this is cool i will press enter and let's see maybe a little bit here and also this planet maybe a little bit like this also i want to change the tint of this planet to blue so um let's go with the human saturation clip to affect only the planet let's go to saiyan probably yeah so something like like this and lower this saturation um yeah this looks pretty much okay and now we will work on the brightness so i will go right there use curves it's already clipped to the planet number one make it a little bit brighter and then i'll just invert the mask control or command i and with really soft round brush i'll go and just paint it on this part right there so like that then i will do the same for the earth so by the opposite i will go with the exposure clip it effect only the earth and make it darker like this and then invert ctrl or command i and with the bigger brush i will just not so soft let's see around 50 or so yeah i will make a shadow here that's cool i think um yeah that's pretty nice maybe 65 or so let's see okay that's already better and now i will go back with really soft brush again and let's see yeah zero percent hardness and just go maybe twenty percent opacity and bring back these shadows here because this is too much obviously so 50 opacity and that's cool that will do the job so let's hide this i like to zoom to see what i'm doing maybe a little bit darker um something like like this not bad okay so this is these are the planets i will group it with and not m okay these are the planets and now we need to create some kind of effect that these two planets are colliding to each other so they're crashing this one is crashing into the earth and it will be like explosion everything crazy so let's see how far this planet will go into the earth so somewhere somewhere here would be probably nice then i will create a layer mask and in this project i will use a lot i will practically all the time use my custom-made cloud dust smoke brushes that i created where i go if you're watching this channel you already know them you can buy the set of these brushes on my website for just one dollar it's your choice the link is down in the description where you can make it on your own by watching the video right here okay so i will go on the brush right click and go with this one for a start okay this is cool so let's undo and let's make like just some kind of line practically like this planet is crashing into the earth like like that it doesn't need to be precise this is just for for better view of what we will do you can use normal brush it doesn't matter but i like to to do it this way so because the light source the main light source is somewhere here the sun is somewhere here out of the frame it's um going on the planet and under earth so this planet needs to cast the shadow on the earth definitely and that shadow doesn't need to be so dark because the explosion will again make the earth brighter so we will we will see let's go to the earth and let's use this let me see yeah let's let's use the same layer here and i will use regular soft round brush okay and just paint a bit of the shadow here like this planet is casting shadow like this okay for now um yeah that's this looks pretty cool because we have light source right there yeah these edges will be brighter okay so the next thing is to add some kind of exposure heat effect between the the on the place where the planet is hitting each other so for that i will go with let's see i will go with this photo so i will select it go back here and paste it all the way above the planets and this is it beautiful but not even close so let's let's flip it like this and let's make it smaller and let's put it into lighten or screen blend let's go with the screen blending mode for now and we'll see so let's go here what we can do we can right click warp and just warp it a bit so something like like this just to pull these things a little bit up and we will use layer mask to erase things that we don't want to see here okay let's press enter and it's a little bit better as you can see here on the small screen now you cannot see because you can see me here but now if i'm gone you can see the small here uh screen here i like to use this most screen to better see the whole image or i like to unzoom this a lot and to see the whole image without so detailed things on on there so sometimes it's really cool to see it like that okay so i will bring it back this is i don't know the x version effect okay i will create a layer mask right there use the regular brush and with black color yeah i will just get rid of few parts here and there okay so this definitely these edges i don't want these edges to be visible okay that's nice this can be visible no problem it doesn't need to be just in the planet can go outside so this is cool let's see and now what we will do we will add new layers we will create some kind of glow i will add linear dodge blending mode new layer i will i will let i know i would call it maybe i don't know effect number one okay now we need to use some colors so i will go with some kind of orange tone darker orange tone and let's go here and what i will do i will just paint inside but i will use different brush i will use my custom small cloud dust brush and maybe 50 opacity and just paint paint inside here also let's change the brush let's go with this one yeah i like this one better so this is cool and now this is the procedure that takes a little bit of the time this is effect number two and i will now build the scene so uh the point here is to use a little bit brighter tones etc so yeah that's linear dark landing mode and just to make the center a bit brighter so like there is the most of the heat is coming from the center here and i always recommend you guys to unzoom it to see how it looks pretty decent and then continue with the effect you can see this looks pretty cool with these brushes and now what we can do we can create another layer this is fact number three and i can go with really nice cool yellow tone like this okay and just paint a line here with 100 opacity just paint a line okay like that and i will go and use a smudge tool but really small brush and i will smudge the effect like this maybe 100 percent if not 100 maybe 80 yeah 80s okay i will go like this make a few strokes like this i know what is the sad part this thing will be only visible like from really close like we are here but if we go out barely visible but i like to do this so i will follow the curve of the planet you can do that if you want this is completely optional this is just one way how you can create this really cool effect it's not like the only way to create something this in photoshop the explosions of two planets okay so this is really nice i will create a layer mask right there and then i will go with this kind of first claw dust brush 20 opacity and just erase the center here a little bit okay just to blend it a little bit better with the background and now a bigger brush so let's see before and after yeah it has its own um effect here yeah i pretty much like it okay so we can create another layer name it glow and put it in the linear dot blending mode and here i can do that later but i can do it now too so i will use a darker red color and this really cool brush and i can just add this kind of a glow here so just like really cool glow and again we can create another one low number two maybe i'll do i will leave that for later i need to see and put the glow inside here yeah i need to put it into linear dodge blending mode beautiful and just make it glow that's cool so we have some really cool effect now what we are missing i will see if i will do it later now let's erase let's see erase this part here a little bit just a little bit also what we need with the glow we need to have a glow on the planet but red color so here a little bit and here a little bit okay we need to have it and now i will go with something else i will go right here at the top and use my key elliptical marquee tool and make an ellipse so something like this okay then i will go to select transform selection and rotate and put it in the center and this will be like some kind of a fire out of that explosion around the planets you will see i don't know how to call it but you will see in a moment so it will be cool so i will put one here we need to decide about the size of it so how far from the center it is let's try like this and we'll see what will be with this so okay maybe maybe like that and what i will do now i will press ok go to this layer put it for now in normal blending mode i will use this red color yes and i will go with brush with with let's see let's go with this fluffy dual cloud brush that i named like that and i would just go and create some kind of this effect right there okay just to have the shape that i will use later and also also we can do it on a separate layer one below and i will name this layer later with regular brush i can go and just paint maybe maybe 20 opacity just like small film off like that something like this we will see if we will erase that later or not but i'm doing this now like that okay i will deselect this selection ctrl command d select both of these ctrl command t and just rotate it a little bit okay something like this probably okay i'm just tweaking it a bit and now i want to get rid of the part where this planet is i want to make impression that this explosion effect is behind this uh upper planet so i will go to the planet number one control click and then go right here and before that let's group this control or command g and then alt or option and click on the mask and create this mask so this is really cool effect i will name this explosion effect okay and now we'll build the effects right there so this is just a color okay and these are the clouds so let's go back to the cloud dust brush it's too big let's bring it back and build the effect right there make it a little bit bigger maybe even bigger and this is the part where you need to invest a little bit of your time but i will try to be as fast as i can without making this too bad okay so because this is closer to the camera i want to make it wider like this perfect and then this is a little bit more narrow okay because it's further away okay it's pretty much okay it's not there yet but we are getting there so this is the widest part really nice so we can rotate everything a little bit more let's let's let's zoom even more like that yes this is pretty cool maybe a bit up like that all right so now i will go and just build the effect create a new layer and here i will go let's try this in linear dodge blending mode yeah that's much better and here we can see some things that we need to fix so oh it's from it's from this color effect yeah so we'll go create a layer mask use a regular soft round brush and just brush out these edges because i don't like them to be so obvious okay and then i will fix the clouds here but they're pretty much okay so let's go back to the brush and just fix it here and we have a few more here and maybe here etc okay now let's go to another layer put it in linear dodge blending mode and what i will do now i will just change colors and do pretty pretty much similar thing what i did here with the center where the planets are attaching so i will go with the orange and again smaller brush maybe i don't know 50 40 opacity and just paint in the center make a brush smaller and now i will fast forward this because i will do this with this color and the same brush and then with brighter color okay now i will change the brush a little bit f5 for the shape for the brush properties i will go to change the spacing a little bit so something like this perfect and i will go and scatter it a little bit not too much just something like this and make a brush smaller and with maybe 60 opacity as you can see i can add this really cool effect again i will fast forward this okay so for now this looks pretty cool let's see yeah what i can do i can go right here down below and go back to red color and maybe make it a bit wider a little bit stronger here okay and and this is it this is a redstone so i need to reset the brush back to where it was spacing zero and not zero sorry 20 20. that's cool and something like this looks pretty nice okay so now i can do a few things you can see we can see the brush shape here but we can blur it a little bit by going to filter blur gallery and then we can go to pad blur and here i can create two different paths so this is number one this is going like like this here okay and then we will have another one that is going here here here and here i'll press escape to finish it and then i can zoom it and see the amount of the blur so i'm just looking i'm not looking at this yellow part i'm looking at the red part so this is with zero zoom you can see but maybe with five percent let's see um come on come on updating okay five looks pretty decent let's go with the seven and let's press okay and then i'll do the same thing for all other layers so i will go and click on this one and then just repeat the effect and i will do the same for these two and you can see how cool it is it's already have that motion effect right there if this is not enough we can repeat again effect a few more times but it's pretty cool let's let's do it one more time yeah i pretty much like it and also we can go with the smudge tool try i'm trying this now for the first time let's see yeah we can we can create something like this okay i'll fast forward this okay so this looks pretty good so this is it also when i'm zoo when i zoom this i saw the line of the planet here and let's try to fix this let's see from what is it so it's not from the planet it's from this effect right there so let's go with the regular brush and see why is this happening here why we can see the outline of the planet i don't want it so okay it's not from this one it's not from this one okay we still still see the planet behind let's see if that's this or this no okay it's from the explosion layer down um about here but i don't know why is this happening right now it's crazy but okay it's there sometimes this thing happens so let's bring back all these things yeah that's much better okay so i'm pretty happy with the result but we can tweak it even more we can add let's go right there we can add some kind of a debris and for that i will use my custom made debris brush right there so let's go with let's go with this one and let's make it smaller and let's make it different color so something like that and let's put it into again let's this time use color dodge no it's too okay this is cool but let's make a darker color and even more towards the yellow okay and we can try to blur this on two so oops okay let's fix this it's better battering me a lot so okay like that so this is pretty cool with this debris right there maybe we'll leave it like that it's pretty nice and now what we can do we can add even more debris right here debris number two where is it number one okay let's just double check yeah so i can add some kind of a debris right here that are coming from the explosion here but i don't want yeah i want something like this yeah maybe it's too much let's just erase and go again something like like that and maybe change the color to something like more darker okay maybe a little bit there a little bit there we can add even bigger rocks if you want you can you can play with whatever you want all right so this is the explosion effect before and after it's pretty nice we can tweak it even more let me show we can add a little bit of the glow and put everything into linear dodge blending mode go with the regular soft round brush red color perfect and 20 opacity and just just add even more glow here like that that's an optional then create another one glow number two and this time we'll go with more this color [Music] like that see oops and we need to put it into linear dodge blending mode okay [Music] and that's that's it you can build it a little bit differently you can make some waves inside here if you want you can i have an idea i will try this for the first time now let's make a duplicate this make it smaller and let's pretend this is the center so if you do it like this let's let's move it like like this and move this one here this one here okay i want something like this actually so let's lower the opacity no no definitely no but what we can do we can make a copy of it and emphasize the effect overall it's cool maybe lower the opacity a little bit maybe 25 or so and let's see before and after yeah this is really cool and now you can play with with whatever you want you can merge everything together go into camera filter and uh do some a little bit of uh grading there so here i will go with a little bit of the contrast i will add a little bit of the clarity and texture okay maybe a little bit of the vibrance and let's go down here you can change the colors if you want you can see you can tweak this if you want a little bit however you want but this looks pretty nice also what we can do is to sharpen everything a little bit whereas sharpening tool okay let's see like this but just okay like that yeah i don't know if you can see it because of the resolution there but i can see and also i can add a little bit more bluish tone to the shadows here okay see just a bit and it's okay okay we are done with this this is before this is after and also what we can do we can add some lens flare from this side and maybe a few elements like a spaceship at whatever you want i'll just add a lens flare here and that's basically it so for that i will go and turn it into a smart object and for this i will use one of my favorite filters boris effycop fx optics and now let's see let's see what we can do here let's go to the light lens flare and whoo this is cool i want to put it out of the frame and let's choose another one maybe maybe desert sun this this is nice it's a really cool effect [Music] or this one there's so many of them and you can do crazy things with this but let's let's go with this one for now just see what what's happening if we're moving in the frame too much so something like this let's go back to the photoshop and let's say we are done for this lesson maybe just one small tweak here i want to get rid of get rid of this may be 50 let's see okay and maybe i want to add this a little bit of the light here and just change the tone lower the situation and this is it okay i i'm stopping here i can tweak this for a while all right guys now let's turn the light on okay that's much better ready guys so that's it for today i really hope that you like this episode and you'll learn something new cool fun and interesting today you can use a lot of these tips tricks and techniques that you learned today to create different kind of effects you don't need to use it just for the clash of the planets be creative and use it for whatever you want also just practice practice practice that's the only thing that will make your photoshop creations better and you will achieve really great quality there if you liked this episode please press the like button down below share it to your friends and don't forget to subscribe in case you're not already also ring that bell to get notified about all the future episodes have fun experiment and see you in my next fun episode bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 23,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clash of the Planets, How to make planet explosion in Photoshop, Photoshop tutorial, Planet explosion, planet coalition, Crash of the planets, Photo manipulation tutorial, Nemanja Sekulic, Explosion effect in Photoshop, Planet earth, Easy, Easily, How to
Id: V4I5Ws0w_po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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