Learn how to RECREATE a MOVIE POSTER in Photoshop!

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this is an awesome movie poster that we need to recreate and for that i only have these images so good luck a few days ago one of my subscribers vadim sent me a message on instagram and asked me if i can show you guys how this movie poster is made so here it is let's jump straight into photoshop and let the fun begin read guys here on the screen you can see the original movie poster the original photo that we will recreate today it's from a shortwave movie i didn't watch the movie i don't know what it's all about but i really like the photo and i will show you how you can create this kind of effect and this tutorial will be really cool because you will learn a lot of cool tips tricks and techniques in this one so stay with me till the end so first thing that we need to do in order to recreate this poster or to create any kind of photo manipulation this is really important is to find the proper photos that we will combine together to get a final result and if you ever try to find a proper photo or specific specific photo for your photo integration you know that this can be sometimes really hard or even mission impossible so here i need to find a photo of a woman practically with the naked shoulders with the rim light so some lights on the sides and not too much light at the front so if you try to find this and to have this kind of pose and headphones on the head you will see that it's pretty hard so i came up with this photo it's not as you can see like this one but it's naked shoulders we have some kind of rim lights on the sides we have some lights from the front too but we will make her darker but we don't have a headphone so we will use these headphones and we will put that on her head and make it to have this kind of effects and also i found this photo this is really cool because this girl this woman has already headphones on the head but i don't have rim lights and i don't have naked shoulders here for the rim lights it's not a big deal because we can draw that i already show you in one of my tutorials how you can paint the light on a model so if you want to check that out you can watch it on a link right there but i will use this photo for something else you will see later in the tutorial so let's start with this one first thing that we need to do here is to extract the model out of the background for that i use the quick selection tool and just quickly selected the model and you can see just made a layer mask and that's it i extracted her out of the background that's really cool now what i like to do is to go and grab this original photo copy it and paste it right here of course i want to make it bigger because we are copying we are recreating this uh exactly the same movie poster i want to have this in the same document to better see what i'm doing so this is probably the right size something like that and what i will do i will go and with the crop tool a little bit make document wider move this on the side like that maybe maybe even wider like that okay move this on the side and i will have this as a reference and try to recreate exactly the same thing okay now i will go and create solid color adjustment layer white color and i just want to put it down as a background so this is background color okay the next step is actually background color needs to be black so we will go with the black or with this i don't want web colors or actually with this reddish tone like like it's here a little bit reddish down okay so this is our starting position the next thing that i like to do here is to add a headphone so let's go and find our headphones i used the pen tool and just traced around with the pen tool and extracted the headphones out of the background so this is it i will paste them here put it at the top and also i want this reference image original poster i didn't spell it right to be here and these are headphones and now i will get rid of the layer mask apply layer mask and here it is okay now we need to proper properly size the headphones so i will go right click and convert to smart object control or command t resize it down and just put it somewhere here so let's let's go here and see the size of these ones because basically the head size are the same so something like this maybe lower the opacity a little bit and this can be let's see this can be probably the right size okay rotate it back like that and now that we have the right size yeah maybe just yeah maybe just a little bit bigger like that yeah like that now that we have the right size i want to go here right click and rasterize layer i don't need it as a smart object why because now i will split these two apart left from right because i need to manipulate and rotate them so i will go like this and uh shift ctrl j or shift command j and now this is this one are headphones i will name it left i know that this is her right side but it's my left side so i just want to headphones right okay so i will put this one somewhere here where the ears are and ctrl command t and rotate it something like this so this is probably the right place and also i will go with oops i will go with this one control or command t and just rotate this one a little bit so this is optional however we want i want like this i'll just see the height maybe a little bit down like that okay so this is pretty nice for a start maybe maybe i will rotate it a little bit like that and i will put it somewhere here and i will nudge this a little bit a little bit here so okay now i will group this ctrl or command g and name this headphones and i will create a layer mask right here and i will go with brush pretty hard brush something like this black 100 opacity and i will just erase this upper part because i don't need it i don't need to erase it because i can uh turn it into black but because i actually don't need this i raise it also i will crop it a little bit higher like this just have a little bit more space i can always recrop it later so go here and this is it okay the next thing is to go right here and just erase this so you go back and forth with black and white brush and just just paint like that to just to make the impression that actually these headphones are on the ears on the head so it's pretty cool this is pretty good i really like it i will leave it like this for now we can tweak it a little bit more maybe here and maybe here a little bit more but this will not be so visible so i will leave it like this right so you can see the similarity we are already starting to get something really cool but it's not even close now we will have a lot of fun by making her dark and headphones orangey and a lot of glowing effect and few more things so we will enjoy this right so let's go to the model i will go with the curves just want to make the model darker and clip to affect only the model and make everything darker but i want to put it in a multiplayer balancing mode to just emphasize the darkness a little bit so as you can see this is pretty cool we already have this nice rim light like this model have so maybe this is too dark but i will leave it like that we can always go back and change everything this is just beautiful non-destructive way of making photo manipulations or retouching photos in photoshop i will go back to the curves mask and i will try to remake these these rim lights right there so i fast forward this is the point he's just to use softer brush and just paint here okay guys so this is it this is pretty cool also what we can do now is let's see yeah we will leave it like this for now the next step is to add another layer i will call it dark dark and i will go with the background color this one and with pretty soft brush like that 100 opacity and i just want as you can see this is not visible probably until somewhere here so i want to make this darker okay something like this and also i will do with another one here again dark and i will do that for the eyes i don't want to affect headphones this is why i put layer below so something like this and also with maybe 70 opacity i just want to go here and to paint it like like that all right so i don't want to recreate exactly the same lighting conditions like this because this photo is differently written on the photo shooting so it's looking from the two sides as you can see the nose here from this and this side the center of the nose doesn't have light and this woman is a little bit differently from the back and from the front so this is why we have highlights here and highlights from the side so we will make our version the headphones are different so we will not make like 100 copy we'll create our version of this let's go to the upper part here and make inside part of headphones darker okay beautiful and here too we can later and we will later refine that i will leave this as it is and also what we can do we can go and make this part a little bit darker so i can let's go with the smoothing all the way to the zero okay this is pretty nice this is pretty nice already really cool effect okay now the next thing that i want to change here is to change the lips if you see here the original lips that's they're a little bit more it's i don't know how to say it's more fuller lips i don't know she will not fool anybody but the lips are full so here it's pretty cool but i like to change the lips and here is why i like this photo because i will use these lips right here so i will go with some facial surgery something like this copy that one and bring it back right here okay perfect so this is it as you can see exactly the same result i really like it this is this is our version of shortwave movie poster no no okay so let's make this smaller and actually let's let's first hide this and hide this so this is beautiful i will lower the opacity around 50 or so and just try to match the size of the lips and the nose like that let's see maybe like that and make this bigger a little bit perfect so this is probably a proper size probably like that okay so i will go with 100 press okay and now what we need to do is to desaturate this because our main photo is black and white so really cool shortcut is shift control u of or shift command u on a mac and this is it it's crazy i know but we will fix it let's create a layer mask brush really soft one i'll go with 100 opacity and just brush out the edges and this looks like a new person yeah i know it's it's crazy thing but we will fix it even better let's bring back all the things and now it's it's not so good but if you have a little bit more patience and do a few more things here and there you will see the result is pretty cool okay so this is it this is before with these kind of lips and this is after i personally like these lips a little bit better because they're um more i don't know you can you can see them a little bit better they're completely black and a little bit of highlights and i just personally like this a bit better so we can tweak this a little bit more maybe but but this is it okay now let's play with the headphones let's turn the headphones in this really cool glowy golden orange look how to do that really easy just go to the headphones um group right there and i will go with the gradient map click here and clip to effect only the headphones go right here and choose the colors so i want black for the darks i want some kind of reddish orangey we can also sample this color but but but before that let's press ok press ok you don't want to be on a mask you want to be here on the gradient layer itself so let's go here and now you can sample some darker color like this already we have some really cool result but i want more saturated maybe like that and here instead of the white i want to have this kind of effect also i can i can add even more i can add another color right there and say i want to have something like like this let's see this this looks pretty cool one thing that is something that i don't like is let's see let's tweak this let's go with this a little bit more like that probably probably something like this okay so this is really nice i really like it but i don't like this dark part that is affecting the headphones so i will just tweak it that a little bit okay and here too okay that's it now we can play with some glowy effects so let's go to the headphones back to the gradient map i will go with the new layer clip it effect only this and i will name it glow i will put in the linear dodge blending mode go with some cool colors i will go with some dark red color let's see yeah this is pretty cool i want 20 opacity to start with and i just want to add this kind of glow right there and maybe this is too much i lower the opacity just a little bit okay and now i want to add another layer and this is glow number two let's name this glow number one and here i will go and create some rim light to the headphones so i will go with a pretty bright color some orangey bright color let's see 100 opacity yes pretty hard brush this is cool maybe even brighter color something like that yeah this this can be cool right i will go with the smoothing and let's see okay so i will go all around from both sides and i will just fast forward this okay so this is pretty cool i will now use eraser and erase the parts that i don't want to be visible and also what i like to do i will create a layer mask and with pretty soft brush black color maybe 70 opacity i'll just reduce from the from these parts here and and these parts here just a little bit and also i don't want this to be visible so i will go back to headphones and i will just mask them out a little bit more just these top parts okay this is perfect so this already has a lot of sense okay the next thing is you can see this skin is a little bit magenta this is completely black and white so i can go right here and actually all the way up go to color balance and just add in the shadows just a little bit more redness so after effect only this one so i i can make it really crazy this is beauty of uh photoshop you can do whatever you want but just i just want a little bit so let's see before and after yeah just the touch okay this is pretty cool i just don't want to be completely black and white the next thing is to add those waves in front of the face between two headphones and to add some glow effect and these really kind the tiny effects below the waves and so on and so forth so let's do it if we zoom here you can see these wave effects are basically made out of six different waves so why six well i don't know why six but how let me show you really quickly so this is one as you can see then this is second one just like they're doubled so three double this is second this is third so one double two double three double and they're uh differently stretched so we will try to imitate this will not make exactly the same but i will show you how you can do it so i will delete this and how i want to do this because i will copy try to copy exactly the same thing with few modifications i will go with the pen tool click here and just try to make exactly the same thing something like like this so let's go right there and also i will fast forward this if you don't know how to use the pen tool and to make these kind of effects i have a full tutorial on a pen tool so just go and watch it there let's fast forward this okay now that i just traced this around it's not perfect but it's pretty okay what i like to do is to go to our empty layer this is wavelength maybe number one okay and i want to choose a brush and white color and just to find the proper size of the brush so as you can see this will be our size so this will be the size of this let's see if maybe a little bit smaller yeah this will be a size and now we'll go to the pen tool p on a keyboard right click stroke path and don't check the simulated pressure uncheck it press ok and here we have it so if i just move this on this side you can see here we have this and i will make another one just in case i need a little bit wider so let's see this is yeah this is too small i need definitely a bit wider probably something like probably something like this so let's let's see again and you don't want this you don't want this this is what you want okay so i will delete the path and go with this whoops go with this right here okay perfect so now what we need to do is to make double see one it's doubled and this is what we want to make so let's go here and i already have two of them so i will just move i will put this down this up and i will just nudge it a little bit so this is one doubled let's see the spacing is similar maybe actually maybe i will use i will use these thinner one so let's see this is like a spacing okay perfect so we will do like that and then i will group two of them and actually press ctrl command e to merge them together like that and then i will make a copy ctrl or command j of that double one and move it a little bit to the right so let's see a little bit more the point is to recreate this actually let's let's make our life easier let's select both of them and just put it here so this is first one second one they are not exactly the same but who cares okay so let's move it a little bit here and as you can see these these are not these are more complex compressed not like uh stretched like here so what we will do there ctrl or command t and just stretch it to make them a little bit more narrow and then move everything to the left and just do like that i will press ok perfect and then one more time ctrl or command j and move them maybe here i want to put them all the way back and again what i want to do is just to play with this stretching move it like that and like that this is perfect okay this looks like these length waves i will group them together control command g and this is waves okay and i will move them here and this is beautiful one thing that we are missing here is this line so let's make a line i will go and just make line above everything this is line and i will use a brush and just make a line like that maybe a little bit wider let's see yeah this is pretty nice so let's do one more time from here to here and now let's make a glow but before we make this glow effect on the waves i just want to create this kind of hologram effect on the lower portion of the wave so how to do that it's pretty easy it's pretty simple so all we need to do is to go to the waves right there go to new adjustment layers and say pattern and just click ok and we don't want this one actually we won't don't want this one we can clip it to affect only the waves this is one way how to do it but another way how to do it is double click it and to choose proper one so here i will go to legacy pattern more and if you don't see that you can just go to window patterns and here on these you can say import or hear legacy patterns and more and then you will see and let's go back so from legacy i want to go to web patterns and choose one of these as you can see these stripes so these are more narrow these are more wider um or maybe this one or maybe yeah i will choose probably this one so i'll say okay but they are too dense so let's clip let's press ok and clip like that and now i will zoom it and i can see that this is almost there but i need to make a little bit more space between them so double click and maybe go to 5 400 or 300 let's see 300 percent let's go with the 300 so this is this is pretty cool i will go with that okay now that we have that i will unclip it okay and hide the line and go right here to the channels control and click to load this as a selection go to waves and just made a selection this is pretty cool but actually i don't want to go to waves i want to go to each separate wave here and now i will hide this i just want to have more control but i don't need that i can go right here just let me show you it's it's the same if you go here to separate layers let's delete let's go let's not complicate this so let's go here just create a layer mask on the waves group and we have it and also i want to go back with the line and i will go with the rectangular marquee tool just make a selection above the line like this and fill this with a black if the black is foreground color alt and backspace or the mac option in backspace and here it we have something that we don't want to have actually i will fill it with white this is what we want to have this is perfect so this is the same like that now let's go to the line let's delete the pattern let's go to the line add a layer mask and i want just to go with a soft brush maybe 30 opacity and just fade it out a little bit here and fade it out a little bit here perfect and now let's add a glow let's go here double click and go here to outer glow and this is perfect so i choose red color maybe even more reddish like that and now i can i can go and see if i want this wider or more narrow so probably i want something like this and then i want to go to color overlay because i want this to be orangey so i can go here and sample this orange color yellow actually and press ok and this is pretty nice so this is this is what we want to have also if you don't like something you can always change so what i don't like here i don't like these lines they're too sharp so what i can do i can go right here and go to filter blur gaussian blur and just blur this line a little bit maybe one okay one then go here and i will just apply it again and then go here and just apply it again and this is a little bit better also i can move them control or command t i just want to make them a little bit more narrow here like that and also with this one oh actually with this one something like this okay we can also narrow it to have here as almost one line if we want that so just play with it i will fast forward this and just let's go and try to fix these things a little bit more okay so this is pretty decent i will go with this of course you can tweak it however you want and now let's go and add a little bit more glow behind everything or in front of everything however we want so i will go all the way down create a new layer named glow and go with the red color so dark red color like that put it in linear dodge blending mode brush i just want to go here brush really soft one and 30 is pretty cool maybe even less maybe 20 opacity or even less oh i don't want to be in the group like that i just want to add this kind of even more glow also on the nose right there and here are the cheeks like this perfect and what we are missing here i want to add this kind of debris so just a little bit more of this then i can create a layer mask and just remove what i don't like here and this looks pretty decent yeah this looks pretty decent also you can blur this even more if you want but because here you can see this is more uh yellowish and this is more reddish just because these lines are a little bit thicker so let me show you a really cool trick double click on this on one of the lines and go to stroke and this is of course too much but maybe you want just one pixels or two pixels let's go with one and just copy the effect to all others and you will see this will be much thicker and more like that and then you can go to the glow and where it is it's here outer glow double click and just reduce just reduce the opacity and this is one way how you can do it of course if you don't like it you can always go back and to this stroke effect i don't know if 0.5 can be no one is the so let's let uncheck uncheck it yeah we need 0.5 but i will leave it like that also we go here to the waves and with the black i'll just fade this out and fade this out a little bit and go and with alternate option key just drag the effect to the lines i want this line to be here and also move the line a little bit more down this is pretty cool so this is similar to this effect i believe that let's go and add debris behind everything so behind the glow here this is debris and for that i will use my custom-made debris brush and i did a tutorial on how to create this really cool brush if you want to learn how to create on your own you can watch it on the link right there or you can go to my website and purchase it for just one dollar the link is down there in the description however you want okay so i will go with white color and uh let's see this is pretty cool maybe 30 opacity or 50 opacity and just add this kind of effect maybe a little bit bigger here and there and now i will again go to the mask and with regular brush i'll just 30 opacity and just fade out these portions here and of course i don't want this at all here maybe this a little bit this looks pretty cool so i'm pretty happy with that okay now the next step is to add a little bit more darkness to the headphones to add these lines to add these things on the neck and the body and uh are basically done so let's go to the headphones headphones headphones there the headphones i will go with the curse adjustment layer make them darker like that that's one way and also let's go right there and also another way is just to paint with black so i want like that inverted controller command i and just with regular soft brush i just want to add white color add more dark tones on certain points here on the headphones this is completely optional guys you can do it you don't need to do it whatever you want i'm just having fun with this okay just a little bit and let me see before and after yeah just a little bit more contrast okay the next thing is to add a little bit more glow to the headphones so glow one glow two let's go for glow number three number three again i will choose a color maybe really bright one put this into linear dodge blending mode standard procedure and maybe maybe maybe darker even darker color like you know like this let's try yeah this can be pretty nice so like that maybe it's no brighter color i don't want to make this too washed out this is washed out so for that i will go maybe i switch this to color dodge blending mode yeah i just want these edges actually so the same here i will erase i'll go with layer mask it's easier i will raise this okay this is pretty nice it can be even brighter if you want whatever you want however you want it's your choice we can make a little bit brighter here as you can see but as i already said we don't need to make exactly the same copy okay i will show you how we can create this kind of glow on the sides and on the headphones so let's let's do that first let's create another layer and i don't want to clip it this is bigger glow i don't want to clip it because i want to make it all around and for that i will just create maybe 100 opacity let's see let's see linear dot is pretty cool and screen is pretty linear not just better i think so yeah we can go with this or maybe this color we can colorize it later so i want here and i want around around here so just a little bit don't worry now i know it's now it's a big mess but it will be better okay and now what we will do i will actually put let's try to put it behind the headphones so like here no no bigger glow here okay perfect and now what i like to do i like to use a smudge tool and just smudge this let's make 100 strength and just move it here and this also let's move this up with smudge tool 100 opacity and just move it move it up somewhere here so this is my version of this glow effect and also i want to change the colors so i will go right here concentration adjustment layer clip it to affect only that layer and now as you can see we can change the color we can change the saturation we can change the brightness so we will go with something like that maybe like this and also i will stop here maybe lower the opacity a little bit of that and now go there are a lot of work around the headphones guys i know and this is this is how it is if you want you can make it really cool if you don't want you can stop it wherever you want and make it a little bit more sloppy but definitely for this tutorial i will not make it like perfect perfect i want to add a little bit more of this kind of glow so i'm just adding a little bit more glow here and there to the headphones and also here just a little bit like this as you can see so you can really really tweak this a lot but i think it's enough i think this is pretty cool one thing that i don't like particularly is this glow here so this big glow here so let's go to big glow bigger glow and just want to make brighter part right there like that just a little bit maybe to colorize it back to more orange maybe something like maybe something like that it's pretty cool okay so i'm pretty happy with that let's go to the next step let's go we can also as already said we can make this part darker but i don't want to do that let's make these parts right here so for that i will go all the way up create a new layer name it neck part or line and why not i will just copy this i will go here here pen tool again exactly the same procedure like we did before like that and then i need to choose a brush size color and pressure so i want to go with white color this is brush size i don't want too hard but i want something like this let's see this is pretty nice go to pen right click stroke pad exactly the same procedure this is it delete the path and voila we have it right there also i want to make it a little bit bigger so probably something like this this is beautiful and also let's snatch a little bit up create a layer mask and actually i don't need a layer mask i'll go with razor tool harder 100 and just just erase this okay the same here okay this is beautiful now there is really cool trick how to make this kind of effect remember this you don't need to see something in order to make effects so i will go with the fill all the way down so i don't see that but if i go double click on that and go to gradient overlay and i already made exactly the same gradient as you can see like i did before just made these colors i can see that but now let's see this is pretty nice so let's go back to the gradient what you can what i did here i put it on reflected and just choose the angle that i want so i want 90 degrees i can scale it something something like that it's probably okay again i don't need to make exactly the same copy so this is perfectly cool and also i want to create a new one clip to affect only that one and i want to go with pretty dark color brush maybe this color or even darker put it in a multiply blending mode and i want to make this kind of a shadow here so actually i cannot make it like that it will not be visible but like this it will be visible so let's delete it i want even darker color let's let's see yeah this is visible so i will control click on the layer to load the layer selection and make this as a mask right here so everything that i paint on this layer to be only visible right on this selection so this is pretty cool now let's go here i want to go with the smoothness to 100 to easily paint this and here it is like that as you can see you're making some kind of a shadow here so like that like that and oops and these kind of shadows are pretty cool so we have this kind of shadow it's a little bit wider here's a little bit more i i can go back here and just with the brush erase it brush i can make it like that but it's this is pretty cool and i can leave it like that also what i can do i can make inside brighter like here so maybe just go to this dark layer the second one actually then we need to go to our curves so where is it it's right here so i can make this brighter not too much but something like this and make this darker oops okay let's leave it like that and another thing that we need to make is these lines right there this is again pretty simple so let's go back to the top this is shadow line shadow line shadow let's create a new layer i will use just a regular brush 100 opacity white color just to see what i'm doing i want uh just to make let's see something like this one two three and four one two three i have three so one oh i need to make it a little bit narrow so wait and a little bit harder brush like that so even more narrow like that even more let's see like this probably probably okay let's let's leave it like this it's pretty cool for me so i will erase these parts right there i don't want this and and i don't want this right so now let's again lower the fill copy these layers by holding alt or option key and just drag and drop it this is pretty cool go inside and now let me show if we move this around we can get different kind of effect so i like to go here and just just move it around and if you find something that works for you just stop and go from there so maybe this can be cool it doesn't i again say it doesn't need to be exactly the same like it's there also we can change from refracted to angle to diamond to let's see the diamond wait diamond um maybe if we invert that reverse maybe this can be cool or we can go inside and move the darks a little bit more just to make similar like this again it doesn't need to be exactly the same but let's go with this okay so the next thing is to add this kind of uh shadow inside and we can make this kind of cut so let's first add a shadow i will make a copy of this actually control click to load a selection create a new layer and fill it with black control and backspace in this case and what i like to do i like to add a layer mask the same control click and let a layer mask and now i can go uncheck the link between layer and the mask and move this up and then just just snatch it nudge it a little bit left and right wherever you want just to make this kind of impression that this is the shadow this is a quick way uh better way is to just paint it a little bit better and also what we can do we can go right here create a layer mask and uh with the brush we can just let me see yeah we can just go and erase let's hide the shadow erase this i don't want smoothing so like that probably the same here so i want to bring back this and go like that and also then go back to the model right there and make this kind of intersection here so no it's not intersection but some kind of a hole so like that and here too so this is my version okay it's pretty cool go back with the shadow right there and here it is this is beautiful so now what we can do we can create a new layer name it line glow line glow and just put it in a collage blending mode as you can see guys a lot of steps a lot of cool things but if you don't like this then maybe this is not a tutorial for you or a topic for you for these kind of things you need to have a lot of patience and let's make it darker and actually you need to enjoy this otherwise you will be bored pretty quickly and you'll never make it good so this can be really nice so let's go to the red and let's go with a little bit i want to add a little bit more here and now i want to go with another one lying low number two again the same thing but i want to add a little bit more brighter color so just a little bit more okay and we can blur this go to filter blur gaussian blur something like this and also we can learn this one more time okay this is pretty nice the same thing we can go for this we can add a little bit more glow here but let me see maybe this kind of reddish tone 10 opacity and just even darker just add a little bit below here and and also what we can do not what we can do but what we need to do actually is to go with the brush again white color i'll go with the smoothing 100 and just make 100 opacity just make this even narrower so a little bit more yeah this is it so this is one line this is another line let's go like that go with this all the way down this is this is somewhere behind the model right there and i just want to go with exactly the same effect i'm holding alt or option out or option on a mac and just copying here and this is perfect i will just go double click go with reflected reverse and let's see yeah this is something that i want so it doesn't need to be the same but this is pretty cool also we can add a little bit more glow there so let's do it let's do it and also guys this psd file is available for all my patreon supporters so if you want to get this psd file and learn it even easier even better by watching and playing with this psd file it's on patreon so if you're up to that if you want to support me to make this channel even bigger and better you can do that via patreon and also you will get some things in return like psd files and other things so check out the link in the description uh i'll go here and this is just a little bit as you can see maybe a bit brighter more orangey yeah like this like that and let me see this is pretty cool now we are almost done i just want to add on this dark layer this color maybe just a little bit more darkness here like it's in the original why not and maybe a little bit more here are you that i want to go here and actually hide this go all the way up and merge everything together shift ctrl alt or shift command option e on a mac to merge everything into one layer go to filter camera filter and just tweak this a little bit more nothing special just add a few more details so i will go with vignetting a little bit actually vignetting will do at the end i will go with the contrast i want to add a little bit more texture here but lower the clarity just add a little more glow here also we can dehaze it a bit sharpen it a little bit let me see like that and uh also what we can do we can go maybe add a little bit redness i'm not sure maybe just one or two okay this is perfect let's go back and let me show you this is before this is after just just a little bit and also i can go and create a mask here and just let me see yeah i just want this to mask out these waves with 100 opacity and just again if you don't like this if this is too tick for you these waves you can go and uncheck that stroke option effect and have it more thin and now i will bring back this guy right here all the way to the up and i just want to copy this part ctrl command j to have it on a separate layer bring it here and we have a movie poster wait like that okay and what we need to do now is just to crop this like it's the original wait let's see the original is okay there and there so here it is and here it is i think this is pretty cool press okay and here it is guys this is our final photo this is it this is how the short wave movie poster is done as you can see guys there are a lot of cool effects applied here a lot of glow effects and if you want to know more in depth about the glow effect and how to use it in different situations you can continue to watch my episode dedicated to glow effect in photoshop also there is a short playlist with all other episodes where i use the glow effect in photoshop on different images with different techniques so master that and you will be able to create some really cool awesome effects on your images if you have any kind of questions regarding this episode please leave me down there in the comment section below and i will be glad to answer it have fun experiment and see you in my next fun tutorial bye [Music] bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 70,000
Rating: 4.9753313 out of 5
Keywords: Shortwave, Movie poster, How to make a movie poster in Photoshop, movie poster in photoshop, Nemanja Sekulic, Photoshop tutorial, Photo manipulation, Composite, Hollywood movie poster, hollywood movie poster design in photoshop, hollywood movie poster editing, hollywood movie poster photoshop tutorial, Shortwave movie poster, recreation, how to recreate a movie poster, Tutorial
Id: 27tZlbZLCOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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