UFO Abduction! - Photo manipulation tutorial

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today we will create this really cool UFO photo manipulation so let's start hey guys its name Mannion welcome to another really fun episode today we will have a lot of fun playing with this really cool nice UFO abduction scenes so you will learn a lot of interesting tips tricks and techniques that you can later implement in your own work in your own projects so without further ado let's jump straight into Photoshop and land of fun begin alright guys we're here in Photoshop and almost as usual we'll start with blank piece a document and the aspect ratio that I choose for this project is 4 by 5 with two reasons first because 4 by 5 is a deal format for Instagram probably I'll put this photo there and another reason why I choose the vertical format is because I want to have that vertical space between UFO and the ground down below so that's it now let me show you some photos that we will use for this project first photo is actually for of myself I shot myself here in the studio then I actually extracted myself out of the background to save the time for this tutorial then we have adjust the clear sky with the stars then we have a UFO and some gas station and that's it those are only photos that we will use for this project and also we will use some custom brushes and that's it so let's start with our creation first what I like to do I like to go right here and to copy this UFO and paste it back to our document and probably have it somewhere here maybe down below probably somewhere there now let's go and grab myself I will just copy myself right there and let's rename it first this is me I will name it model because it's easier for you to understand then I will name this UFO and I want to change the background I don't like this quite bright white color so I will just go with the new solid color just been clear and just choose or black or a little bit for star a little bit of darker gray okay we can change it later now we'll make the model or myself a little bit smaller but because I'm not exactly sure how big or how small I want to be I will create a smart object out of this layer so that I will have a later option to make it bigger or smaller without losing an image quality so to do that just go on the layer right click convert to smart object and that's it now you can play with this however you want you can press ctrl or command T and make it small like that and then if you change your mind you can make it bigger again without losing image quality because it's now contained in the smart object that's really really cool so I will press ctrl command T make it smaller side on on how small I want to be lets me bring the model right there so I need to fit through this hole I'll make myself let me see like this if I can fit like this that's cool whoo-hoo okay this is cool make just tiny bigger and for now I will I will make myself small like this this is really cool and also I will put it somewhere somewhere here probably I want just a little bit bigger now I'm really tiny so we can decide later that's cool about smart smart objects and now what I like to do I like to create those light beams from from the UFO so I will create a new layer I will name it beam number one and I will just go and grab rectangular marquee to just make a selection how the beam will look like so probably something like that that's completely up to you guys now I'll choose a brush then press and hold alt option key to sample the color and then by holding alt or option just with the backspace fill this selection that's cool now I will deselect press ctrl command D and I can nudge this with the arrows left to right to Center it like that and also I can Center everything to the center of the document by selecting all the layers and by having selected my move tool just press this so now everything is selected now it everything is centered and now let's create another beam I will create a new layer name it number two not all two but just two okay and I'll repeat the same procedure but this time I want this beam to be a little bit wider probably something like this and the same same length like that same color that's cool but with the difference that I will put it below the first one and lower the opacity a lot something like that okay this is just for you to understand what I want to create I want to create those light beams I want to make impression that this UFO is picking me up from the ground and that's basically it so now let's continue playing with these beams I will hide a beam number one and go to beam number two filter blur Gaussian blur and blur it a lot so probably it would be something like like this press okay and also I want to narrow this so I'm now in transform tool and just want to know this a little bit like that maybe this side okay so this is it I can always bring back the opacity but for now this is this is really really cool now we will actually create several different light beams using a custom smoke dust cloud brush that I created a long time ago so in case you don't know how to create your own custom smoke tiles dust cloud brush you can watch my tutorial about that on a link right here or you can purchase my set of cloud dust more brushes on my website you have the link down there in the description the price is just $1 so it's up to you so let me show how I will do that I will create another layer so I will name it a beam number three okay and then I will go and use one of my custom cloud dust brushes and this is how it looks this is how the dust brush looks and I will populate with this something like that just to have those imperfections in beam I don't like those like really sharp laser-cut laser cut beams I like to have those kind of imperfections and also I will choose some darker color darker bluish color probably like this and then I will make everything darker make some smoke right there and now it's time to make everything darker so that's why I like this adjustment solid color adjustment layer because I can change the color really is this so not completely black but some variation of grey like dark dark gray okay let's go back here and just just paint this this is really really cool now let me just see I just want to add a little bit more here this is cool now let's create another beam layer and name it beam number four and this is cool with these custom smoke brushes those brushes because every time you create this effect every time you create this photo all over again you will have completely different effect because it's random so you cannot paint exactly the same every time so now let's choose white color so I will press D on a keyboard and just switch to white color and just make maybe even smaller brush and just by pressing hold and press shift I will make a straight line like that so I can do that several times and then I will create the spotlight down below on the ground to make impression that actually there is the ground first and then the second that that beam is creating like real spotlight down on the ground saw something something like this and actually the spotlight here will look almost like straight straight lines so something like like this okay you know it's everything is a matter of playing with this brushes so I can select darker blue color like this and then switch between white and blue and just blend this a little bit better and we can do that later too but for now this is really cool so just and also I want to have impression that the dust is coming off the ground because of this really strong beam light so this is one and looking just I want to INSERM it and zoom it back to see maybe two I will leave it like that so let's choose some bluish color and then adhere to okay this is cool just add some kind of gradient of light here and there then again white color and just do this okay and now I can create another beam layer beam number five and then play again with the brush let's switch the brush let's use this one number three so let me see this one is cool too so I can use this one with ten percent opacity and maybe a little bit wider something like that is cool maybe I can change the color to some something like this little sample this color and do that I will put it below everything actually below beam number four okay this is cool and also I can create another one let's rename it beam number six and choose another brush this one so you can see different brushes from different effect I will use a white color and it may be 10% opacity I just want to add not too much here but from here I just want to make this beam even brighter especially the part that is coming and hitting me right there okay for now this is really cool let me just see how this looks not bad for now this is really cool now I need to make myself blended with that beam I need to make the impression that I'm actually inside that mean so this is really really simple guys it's same with water it's same here with the beam one really cool trick it's just roll over the opacity so if I lower the opacity not after the beam but of the model you will see I'm inside a beam that's it but I will not lower it all over like that maybe around 60 or so percent for now and then create the mask and with this again cloud does brush with the black color I will just make some parts like they're more inside beams so I'm lowering the opacity of this even more let's use another brush let's use this one 10% opacity and just play with this so you will see now when see like it's even more in the beam so what I can do right now I can create a new curves adjustment layer clip it to affect only the model Mickey everything brighter ok the model brighter that's cool but I will use the regular brush finally regular soft brush and I will use black color and just paint some part darker like like this maybe 30% opacity and just paint the back darker so let me see yes I just wanted to remove and hide here just want to remove this curves effect and the shoes just a little bit back on the black okay and this looks pretty decent right now so let me see before and after this maybe I can maybe I can just blur the blur this mess because that'll have more uniform blended look so filter blur Gaussian blur and just not too much but let me see something something like this okay and also I can play with the regular brush and just on the mask with the black color actually with the white color I will just remove some parts that I don't want to be like in the beam so here like this this is really really cool okay maybe with 10% opacity really soft yes it's all brush something you like so this looks really really nice for now also guys let's cry this also now it's time to add some more elements so let's go and find the gas station where it is it's right here I will just copy it okay and paste it all the way down below and this is it's really big and it's completely different color but doesn't matter we will make it to look like it's a part of the scene so now you need to choose about about the size and you need to choose actually the position probably something like that and now let me show you one really cool trick before that I just want to select model and the curves adjustment layer and move everything a little bit more up here let me show you one really cool trick how to blend this seamlessly with the background you don't need to cut anything out you don't need to play with the colors you don't need to do anything this only one really simple trick and that's to put this gas station in a screen blending mode and play with the levels so let's do it let's go to a screen it's almost the same but now because it's in the screen and I'm adding levels when I boost blacks or dark parts of this photo will be completely visible in case you're not familiar with the blending modes in Photoshop you can watch my tutorial about all the blending modes explained on link right here so let's go back on the photo and just move this black slider until the background becomes invisible so this is it you can see how easy it is I will put it right there then I will go to gas station put a layer mask and just be the really nice soft round brush I will just put the black color and maybe 40% opacity just blend those edges I don't want sharp edges and actually I don't like this light I will completely remove it and this is it guys like no effort at all so now I will just we left and right to position it where I want this to be something like this looks cool and also I see that I had this this thing and that's because I made a mistake I didn't lock the mask and layer and now I made a mistake you can see I moved a layer and I didn't move the mess so I can just move the mask a little bit up no problem at all or I can delete everything in just draw again but I don't want to do that I just made made it really good and this looks really really nice let me just see one more time yeah I really like it so now it's everything up to how we want this smoke to look if you want to add even more smoke if you want to colorize it a little bit more if you want to expand it or even make it like higher that's completely up to your creativity and your feel for this photo I will do another cool thing I will add some particles that are flying down from the UFO you will see I will use my custom-made rain brush in case you don't know how to do that I have a full tutorial dedicated to custom a train brush you can watch it on a link right here and now I will just use it also you can go to my website and purchase a set of my rain brushes you have the link down there in the description so let's create new layer I will create a new layer here and rename particles okay and I will use brush right click and choose my you can see my rain brushes you have a lot of them again you can purchase all of them my website so choose I don't know I will choose one of them yeah this is cool so white color and just make it something this and with this we can create really cool particles or we can create some kind kind of rain depends different brushes different effects so let me see if I choose this one this one is not bad let's try several see which effect is better this one is nice yes I like this one so I will use this one and I just made these lines and then I will go to filter blur and motion blur and just 90 degrees okay and blur it maybe less maybe something like like this is cool let me see yes and I will create another one with another brush so this one probably OK and blur this again filter blur motion blur and this time it will blur it a little less like that and move it right here and lower the opacity maybe like a lot I'm not sure something like like that also if I don't like some of these I can always delete them so I can create a layer mask with a black soft brush 100% opacity you can just delete particles that I don't like maybe I think they're too much so this is this is really really cool okay now we will play a little bit with the UFO we will change the contrast we'll add some glow on these UFO lights and clean some things here and there and almost finalize the image so let's did let's go right there as you can see I want first to clean these things so these beams are cool so I need to find which beam is hitting okay it's not that at this one number 4 so I will just create a layer mask and just clean this a little bit better then let's go to UFO actually I can group all the beams select everything press control/command G and just name beams okay and that's it I have it like that then I can go to UFO create a new let me see hue/saturation adjustment layer clip to effect only that and I will colorize so now I'll play the color so let's zoom it and I will add some kind of blueish can make it darker we can make it brighter more saturated a lot of things that we can do right here so like that and I will lower the opacity a little bit so I just want to add those lushness to the air for but not too much so this is cool and also I will create a new curves adjustment layer clip it affect only the UFO and I will just put the blacks up so make it like it's washed out a little bit like the blacks are washed out not too much but just touch before and after just a little bit okay and also I want to add some noise to the F of the UFO so create a new layer clip it name it noise and fill it with the black so because black is foreground color in this case I will press ctrl on Windows command on a Mac with the backspace and that's it now I will put it in a screen blending mode so black will be invisible and now I will go to filter noise and add noise so let's zoom this a little bit this is pretty decent so yea that's okay and also I can duplicate this noise this noise layer by pressing alt or option key and just drag it about and clip it to affect only the beams so this is really cool I want to know it's a little bit nice there and also what I like to do before I mess with the glow of these lights I want to add some kind of gradient on the background because now it's completely black or dark dark grey and I don't like it I will just go right there click new layer name gradient and I will choose some really dark blue color so probably like that and then go to gradient and I can choose radial one so let me show you if i zoom it a little bit okay this is OK or I can choose a radial one I need to choose the brightness properly so depends they want radial or linear this is cool so maybe a little bit brighter let's choose a little bit brighter color and do it again yeah this is better so for now this looks good I will press ctrl command T just make everything bigger up like that and looks looks really nice I will then populate this with a little bit more clouds you will see later so this is without it I just want to add a little bit of that I can also change the opacity and then let's go to UFO I will use magic wand tool click on this and also make sure to uncheck entities so I'll check this and choose some tolerance and it will select all the same color now I'll create a new layer above everything right here name it glow and fill it with this colors I need to sample this color and just fill it with that color okay this select press control/command D and now I will add some Gaussian blur to this but I will convert the glow layer into smart object to because then I will have a smart smart filters so I will have possibility to change between the values in gaseum below you will see right click convert to smart object then filter blur Gaussian blur and now I can add some kind of glow so for example like that so if this is too much or too low and in case that I didn't turn the glow layer in to smart object with the smart filters I would need to undo this and then apply it again apply again this Gaussian blur and to go back and forth between that but now because I have this as smart filters I can just double click on it and just double click on it onto Gaussian blur text ok and I can just play with this and choose the amount of glow that I want to apply to this image so probably something something like this maybe a little bit more 37 I think it's the magic number right guys and now is the sponsor time and because we don't have any sponsor for this episode we'll just continue with the tutorial okay so the glow is that it everything is cool before and after I really love it now we can add some stars so let's go and find the sky copy it paste it all the way down let me see all the way down here ok and I want to make it bigger bigger stars okay and I will I will put it in a screen do the same that I did with the gas station saw levels clip it and just remove everything until I see only the stars that's cool but also I don't want to see the stars in the lower part of the forest so I will go and add a layer mask use a gradient black color and just from here to here add some kind of gradient for the black color not white okay and I will definitely use a linear one not radio like this and I am getting rid of some something like this some some stars and I will also lower the opacity I don't want to be so big maybe more transparent just like that okay now let's go back to the glow UFO and group everything in name it's UFO okay and now I want to go to the beams and just use my custom smoke cloud as brush and add some more beams right there so let's create a new layer I know this is beams number seven beam number seven and let's use a custom brush like that maybe a little bit darker like black and add some variation here then oops this is too much than 10% probably just paint between black and I will undo definitely this is too much so black is okay done really really dark really dark blue like this and then I will choose this blue with maybe ten percent or even five percent opacity just add it right there and then again black color and just switch between black and okay like that maybe maybe this grayish color maybe 10% opacity just add a little bit more variation on the smoke okay this is really cool and also I can add some contrast on the your fall so let's go right there about actually above the UFO curves and just add a little bit contrast want to make it a little bit darker so this is this looks cool and guys this is almost it now you can you can play with the beams you can play with some variations I can add another beam number eight I will stop there number eight and choose choose brush choose the color just maybe some brighter color like this and maybe 10% just just play with with it okay something like this looks cool and then I want to add white and completely make this even brighter like this like it spotlight over there it's really really good all right so I will definitely stop here there are a lot of things that you can still do here tweak add more elements do whatever you want but I will leave that up to you and your creativity and your imagination and also your skills so this is a good way to practice make it even further and now I will merge everything together and do a final color correction and we were finished with this project so let's do it let's go all the way up right here press shift ctrl alt or shift command option G on a Mac merge everything into one layer and now I will go filter camera roll filter my favorite way to color red and I will just play with some sliders here so we'll add a little bit more contrast let me show you a cool trick I will add some haze so as you can see really nice case but then I will add some clarity to and lower the blacks this is really cool before and after just a little bit more punch to the image so this is it I can go to colors and just blue to more like teal almost like it so then add a little bit more vignette if I like and why not then I can sharpen it a little bit and by holding alt or option key you will see what is going to be sharp everything that is white will be sharpened everything that is black will not be affected so probably somewhere here radius okay then I will go and add a little bit more color to the shadows okay can see it really looks really really cool I can narrow it to be only to the darkest part of the image or like more to everywhere but I will put it like this and also you can you can add any color to the highlights so maybe you want like red beam or whatever green if that's what what you look for so that's that's cool but I will not mess with the highlights in this situation so let me just see maybe this to make the beams a little bit brighter why not so everything is allowed everything is possible this is cool and for now I will stop I will press ok and then I will go and add even more details using an e color Efex Pro plugin that I use a lot in all my photo manipulations you can google it and install it in Photoshop so here it is filter Nick collections color Efex Pro and here I will use several different filters and just blend them nicely together and we are done so first what I like I like to use Pro contrast I like to use these dynamic countries because preserve the highlights and shadows like a regular contrast it will blow everything away but this will protect everything so you can see a lot of banding here and there but we will fix that don't worry with some noise I like to add a film type noise here so you will see later so a little bit of dynamic contrast I will press ok and wait for a few seconds for Photoshop to apply this filter to the layer ok and now I will go again to filter color Efex Pro and apply another one it's a detail extractor so I will extract some details from the beam and the model right here so detail extractor don't go too much with this i will move the contrast and lower the detail extractor slider something like that ok again wait for a few seconds for photoshoot to apply it ok now i will press and hold alt or option key and click on layer mask to create a black layer mask and then with a really nice soft round brush white color maybe 30 or so percent opacity i'll just add the fact of that filter here so before and after just a subtle difference I really like it before and after then I will merge everything together into new layer shift ctrl alt T or shift command option in a Mac and then go again filter Nick : fix pro and I will now add some really nice cool noise to blend everything nicely together and that's it so let's go to film grain film noise ok and as you can see it's really nice I will probably leave it like this maybe lower the contrast I don't like so big contrast here so this is cool and I will press ok and wait for a few seconds for Photoshop reply it and we are done okay this is it so I really love those small details with the noise and everything its merge all the pixels together and I really like this kind of look so this is it for this tutorial this is before cooperating this is with the color grading you can do again however you want it's completely up to you but I will stop here and this is my version that I did before creating this tutorial you can see it's a little bit different but every time you may create this kind of photo it will be different because of different strokes that you create with this cloud brush etc so that's the beauty in all of this right guys this is finally it for this tutorial I really hope that you liked it and that you learned some really cool new interesting tips and tricks that you can later use in your own photo manipulations in your own projects and if you have any questions regarding to this episode just to leave it down there in the comment section below I will be really glad to answer it and also guys if you appreciate this content if you like this episode just press the like button down below to share with your friends and don't forget to subscribe if you're not already and also ring that bell to get notified about all the future episodes also guys if you want to try one month completely for free the best music for YouTube you can check the link down below and apply for one month completely free and also I will benefit a little bit from this song I will be grateful right have fun experiment and see you guys in the next one episode bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 63,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ufo, Ufo abduction, Photoshop, Photo manipulation, Nemanja Sekulic, Tutorial, Photoshop tutorial, Adobe, Wacom, Alien, Aliens, Flying s, flying saucer, NLO, Free, Photomanipulation, best photo manipulation tutorials, Digital art, Composite
Id: HrugGqwwLlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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