New Features and Effects in Sapphire and Continuum 2022: Boris FX Live #30

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[Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to boris fx live sponsored by dell precision workstations create without limits and by nvidia and intel hello hello hello and welcome to boris effects live your regular look into everything boris effects and beyond and we've got a huge show for you today because you are joining us to take the first look at sapphire 2022 and continuum 2022 and there's tons of stuff there's there's actually so much stuff that we couldn't fit it all into one live stream so what we've had to do is just take our little favorite bits so over the next couple of hours we are going to be looking uh looking at some of the new features in continuum and sapphire and we have a whole cavalcade of of presenters who are going to be uh showing you some of the uh some of the ropes in the new thing but obviously what uh what would boris effects live be without me stuttering through the introduction um so i'm going to say thank you to everyone for being here live the reason that i'm thanking you for being here live is so that you can ask your questions so how do you get involved well if you're watching on youtube you can join us on the chat which is just to the the right hand of your viewer and if you're watching at then you will also see a beautiful little chat window just there there we go excellent what's and i know there's brian just chatting in hello uh and what other reason would we want to have for going to well of course we have giveaways we've got big big prizes to give away today and we need you to go to for your chance to win so go to scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will see your little enter to win here thing so choose how you want to enter and uh putting your details there and you could win one of our big prizes mr brian what prizes do we have today we don't have graphic do yes we do have a graphic we are giving away boris fx schwag yes you asked for it we provided it we have porous effects merchandise so your choice of t-shirts hoodies and i've been told more so so one lucky winner is going to be giving uh getting a a nice big bit of swag you can take out the the merchandise yourself if you have a look at the uh youtube chat it'll be pinned to the top there as well but we're also giving away a one-year subscription of the boris vex suite an annual subscription some might call it at a 12.95 value and we are going to be giving away something very generous a uh one-year annual subscription of continuum and an annual subscription of sapphire as well so join us at go to the competition full terms and conditions are found there but obviously i can't do this all myself as uh it's been very very clear so i'd like to say thank you to our sponsors nvidia dell and intel for helping us put the the live stream together very very thankful to uh to our sponsors every single time and especially big thanks to dell for the next graphic our dell precision workstations the number one workstation brand in the world intelligent performance immersive productivity mission critical reliability thanks dale okay so the height of professionalism for all of our sponsors that's good it's good it's good it's um some have called it lucy others have called it goosey um mr brian fox hello welcome control good to see you good to see you good to see you excited for you freestyling added prizes to give away so you are in control that's great very good boris effect suite license for sapphire license continuum and swag awesome stuff lots of fun stuff to talk about today right um we do we do do we want to give away some of the stuff we're going to be talking about i think we probably want to tease it a little bit don't we we do we got a bit of we got a bit of particle illusion we've got new host support for sapphire we've got faster speeds we've got some ultra zap stuff we've got brand new effect uh color fuse we've got uh some more sapphire preset stuff and not to be outdone we have a whole bunch of new filters for uh boris continuum as well which is going to be very very exciting super excited sapphire for photoshop this has been a long time okay it gives you away come on like i don't want to talk about it i was trying to i was trying to tease it and there you are just giving away the farm this is going to be a stream chock full of stuff let's let's bring everybody in right why not let's yes yeah we've got a uh a rogues gallery of uh presenters here um everybody's making the top shall we perfect no no keep them off there we go here we go we're gonna start with uh we'll start with alan shall we allen lawrence hello alan welcome hello hi ben hi brian and everybody i'm excited to jump in and start talking about this stuff finally definitely yeah it's it's been it's been a lot of a lot of uh silence around the a lot of shrouded in secrecy which has been exactly so also joining us uh down in the bottom right hand corner is going to be mr john dickinson live from that's a suitable place for me isn't it coming from down under down in the bottom corner there you've got a couple of things to do today john actually you know i'm going to spread it one other task so yeah it's just giving it all away giving it all away right at the very top moving on moving on in a uh anti-clockwise or counterclockwise see i've been learning um kind of fashion we are going to go to peter mccauley hello peter welcome to boss effects live hello hello hey folks we're excited here to show you some super fast continuum i think you're going to be pleased with what you're going to see from yeah really cool next presell it's going to be it's going to be a lot of fun a lot of fun and finally finally the the final rogue is going to be mr nick herraz mr nick hello welcome mr hi everybody we have we have some special news we have some questions look at that look at that lower third down there what's that say something new what does that say yes it is totally new i'm so excited to be part of this uh this is it did you just say cavalcade at the beginning because i'm i'm really excited to be part of this cavalcade today i might might said i said cavalcade i said i said if you want to be part of the cavalcade yeah you got to be really excited though when you said cavalcade so i want to be part of the cavalcade this is gonna be fun good welcome welcome to to feel so bad asking you for favors and i can demand them non-stop so thank you so much excited to work with you excited to have you on the continual marketing team um definitely fun stuff going to be a fun 2022 for boris effects with you on board so thank you so much excited to work with you awesome excited to be here and and learn from you guys today as well because of all of the stuff you just mentioned yeah we have a lot to talk about a lot to talk about yeah yep should we do it should we do it who's gonna be first up i think i think we're gonna uh we're gonna have a look at particle illusion so i'm gonna throw over to uh to alan uh alan are you ready to show us some new stuff i am ready yes i am um we we don't have time to go into anything in real depth so i'm going to breeze through some stuff and start showing you particle illusion here so let's go ahead and get that going all right it's going to move quick but there's going to be lots of great examples and time for some questions so um particle illusion i've just got a quick little burst of particles that comes out here and if you've used particle illusion before you know that the way to affect particles after they're created is to use a force object and so i've got a force object set up here right now it's just kind of a normal straight uh forced object blowing particles to the right but we're going to go ahead and change it into a fluids object yes we now have fluid simulation inside particle illusion and inside the force object you'll see a new enable fluid dynamics checkbox if i just check that instantly we see that we have a fluid simulation happening inside that force area again i'm going to move really quickly some a lot of what you are probably wondering about is going to be shown in some examples and i'm not going to get into the nitty gritty we will cover that in future videos but um what's great about this i guess the the main thing uh that you should take away from this two things number one um we made it as easy as possible to use fluids um in particle illusion uh not a lot of stuff to set up like like you saw i just click one checkbox and it starts doing something automatically the second thing i want to point out and it's a kind of important thing is that the particles themselves provide the fluid motion so if you don't have particles moving around into that force object or into the fluids nothing's going to be happening so the particles kind of control everything that makes it one super easy to set up and also really easy to add fluids to existing emitters you know if you have a smoke emitter or fire of some sort you can drop it into a fluids force and immediately get fluid dynamics without having to twiddle with a lot of settings and so let's take a look at that real quick the settings that you do have um inside the the fluids we've really got just three parameters um inside the force object itself it's the viscosity the swirling and the simulation detail simulation detail is is the main one um lower settings are faster to calculate and they but they give less detail so if you want big sweeping motion and and you don't care about a lot of little details uh go to the lowest setting the middle setting 32 is pretty much the one i use most of the time just because it's a good compromise between a lot of little details and speed and then if you need a lot of detail go up to 64. it's not ideal for every every situation and i think this emitter might be set up not quite perfectly to get the most out of a 64 resolution simulation but that's essentially the high detailed one it's a little bit slower to calculate and so you probably don't want to use it all the time but it those are your options um the second i think most important parameter here is swirling and swirling with a single emitter it it's really important so if i set swirling to zero i've just got a stream of particles and not too much is going on because there's nothing sort of interfering with that flow it's just straight through you get a little bit of a sort of bow wave at the beginning of that but nothing else happening if i had more emitters or other forces or something then those particles would start swirling a little bit more but usually i just turn up swirling and that adds some in there for you real easy and viscosity is the one that i don't use too much but it's there you can crank that up and that controls the sort of the thickness of the fluid um so rather like when it's zero think of it as maybe um water and then as you crank that up maybe it turns more toward oil and so things move a little more slowly less sort of turbulence happens in it and that's all the controls you need really the rest of the control just comes from the emitters themselves really so if i go ahead and let's say rotate this emitter a little bit and then increase the velocity you'll start seeing the fluids behaving a little bit different way also the the type of force object is really important to what the final look is and right now i have this set to a a box force and there's three types there's a box where um the the strength or the the force strength is all in one direction and right now like i said it's set to the going to the right we've got a box grid which breaks that up into a bunch of different smaller forces that can be randomized and so that gives you you can see right away that gave me sort of a different look going on here because those particles are now making those fluids swirl all different directions and then there's the um sphere and if i change it to a sphere um this to me is kind of the most uh useful one for general sort of part uh fluids play let's call it so you know if you just want to experiment with making things swirl in cool ways i recommend this changing that force into a sphere it's really the best way to do it i also want to point out something that's that's inherent to force objects that you might not have thought of and that's any particles that don't go into that force area are not affected by the fluid simulation so anything outside of that area is just straight um normal particles then it starts the simulation and if i can go ahead and crank up that velocity a little bit more we'll see some of those particles may be coming out of the other side and then they no longer are affected by that fluid simulation so i think that shows pretty briefly how particles work i'm going to go ahead now and add my second emitter in here because i think for me um fluids really kind of come into their own when there's multiple emitters going on here so um i added my second emitter and i didn't have to change i didn't have to set anything up for fluids again because the fluids is a simulation is inside the force object so i can add as many emitters as i want and they will start combining their motion into the fluid sim and then what's really interesting is we have this effect fluids parameter inside the emitters now this is what you use to influence the fluids so if i wanted to uh and i wanted let's say these green particles to to provide a lot more let's say of the motion to those fluids i can crank that um up a little bit the effect fluids or i can crank down the effect fluids on the other emitter and now you'll start seeing that the the green particles are really taking over i should probably turn this strength of this emitter down as well so the particles are not getting all sucked into the center but it's really flexible way to go ahead and interact particles and just get some really neat um results and this is all working in 3d of course so if we switch to the world these emitters are kind of set up a little bit narrow so the things are happening in a more of a planar way but if i add some depth to this or if i offset things i will start getting a lot more 3d action going on and you'll see that um in some of my other examples too all right so you can see like you know i've added i started adding some more emitters and i've got some sort of a complex thing going on here and and you might be able to envision that you can do some really complex projects with this sort of thing but the good news is um you don't need to do a lot of work because we have done a lot of the work for you and that's i'm kind of going to segue into another feature here of 2022 and that is library scenes so you may be already be familiar with the fact that we've got a huge collection of um emitter libraries and you get a live preview over here to click and drag around and see what those emitters can do before you add them to your project well in 2022 we've added what we're calling library scenes and library scenes are a couple key things about them you'll notice that they have a little plus sign in front of their name that's so you can tell which ones are scenes and secondly they don't have a live preview so they are just a static image or thumbnail of of what's going on and that's because essentially the the scenes are like a whole project inside a preset so i'm just going to start and just apply one of these that i know is a nice simple fluids example and double click that adds it into my project and you can see what happened it added an emitter it added the fluids force it actually added another force that is disabled that i could enable to get something else to happen here but you can see that with with very little work i've just added a cool fluids example here and at this point in my presentation i'm i have to switch back and forth between renders and sort of screen sharing so i have pre-rendered a lot of that out and brian is going to go ahead and go ahead and start showing you what's going on here yeah so here's that same burst example um in the rendered form and then i took that and now i'm just adding multiple copies of it um at different times so it's just this easy to build up something that's a pretty complex look so here uh there's the rendered version where i've just got three of the bursts in a row i have added glow to this as well but you can see how quickly i built something that was really complex and then i took that a different way and i just duplicated that emitter and then i just made some multiple um a few little changes to it and that's because the fluids are influenced by the velocity of the particles the number of particles all those things so i added um three copies of that in and now you can see that there's just so much going on with like really little effort and here's another example i've got three emitters that are mixing together in the same fluid object of course um and now i let's say i wanted to add one that same burst that i just used and i wanted to sort of blow those particles apart so i just added that in in time and i did a draft render here um just to see what it looked like at full speed and it's not really having the impact that i wanted so i went ahead back to that triple sort of starburst where i had three copies in and that now you can see is blowing those particles away um just how i wanted it to do i it's just so much fun to play around with these with the fluids it's it's it's just really fun creative tool and so now we'll look at some examples um of some things that you can do here's like a a really strong force um and some tendrils that are in fluids uh just beautiful stuff here's a great example of some more multiple emitters all moving together um i'm not going to describe every single one of these it does repeat a few times so if you saw something you really liked it's going to come back around i'll make some comments about it but these are all really pretty easy to set up and the great thing is um every one of these examples is saved in the emitter library uh 2022 emitter library as seams so you will have these available to just apply as soon as you download and install it this one's pretty interesting and it's probably going to end before i can describe it but it has a force that just moves around and animates negative to positive in the strength and does some really cool things i'm just so excited about fluids really easy to use with uh lots of fun and i think i'm gonna how open up to questions now as these these will play a little bit more um and let's see if we have any questions coming in from anybody we have questions we do have questions um excellent and this one this one you you've answered but i think it's um it's probably a good idea to ask or answer again um are the particles affected by each other in fluid motion or is it only being affected by the force uh it the the particles themselves so if if i have you know let's say 10 particles that are moving into that fluid object all 10 of them are going to be contributing their motion to the fluids in general so i mean um you're not going to get that little level of granularity but they're they're combined sort of motion so if i double the number of particles then there's more motion happening and so on and so forth so they're not really doing we're not doing particle collisions but the fluid all the particles are definitely affecting the fluid field unless you set that effect fluids if you set affect fluids to zero then they will have no effect whatsoever which is another way you could use it uh another question then is can you apply this to an invisible shape i'm not quite sure what that is i think maybe if the um maybe it's the shape of the shape of the force possibly uh possibly moving around a force uh i'm not sure i understand the question the forces have predefined shapes um you can set the fluid the force you know bigger than the screen so that um it's um you know the entire area or like in this example here you can go ahead and just set it to a smaller area and get that interaction between the the you know the force boundaries we might need to follow up on that one yeah i think i might what would happen if you uh applied a negative like a a really large negative force value to um to a fluid dynamics object then um if if it's a if it's a sphere force um the uh particles will be repelled from the center so you can have yeah you can make it look like there's uh something you know sort of invisible there yeah if you're talking about like you want it to look like it's hitting running into a um you know an invisible sphere or something yes it can kind of get that look it's not quite maybe exactly what you're going for but it's it's something like that as possible okay cool i think i've got i've got one more because i know i know where we are having to be quite uh quite short with uh with time and stuff but um that little blue line at the bottom of the uh of the timeline what's that doing that is the um screen share yeah let me go ahead and do that all right so the uh you're talking about this this little line that's sort of running as i jump around yes that is the um that's the uh caching so what's what it's doing is uh that's something that's um knew a second i think we we might be uh brian you might need to just swap over to um to allen's screen share please are we seeing it we're not we're not and we're and now we're just there we go there we go there we go it didn't take it didn't take um so yeah the um that blue greenish line is the caching of particle calculations which is not new in 2022 we had that um in a previous release but it's definitely one of the one of the performance enhancements that we've made in recent releases what that allows is that you know fluids fluid calculations are pretty intensive and so by caching those calculations it's not an image cache it's not it's not doing a render cache but it's doing a calculation cache and you'll see if i change if i change some value you'll see that re-calculate and recache it's just a way to get better performance while you're in the pi ui excellent a very very very final one um a new question that just popped up can you get the particles to hit an object and bounce back uh you can it with deflectors that's not uh forces those deflectors are a hard sort of a hard barrier whereas forces are i guess could be considered a soft barrier in a way um you could make them into a soft barrier yeah so that would be deflectors that's a little bit different thing uh that deflectors act a little weird with fluids right now i think we need to improve the way that interaction happens so um but definitely uh yeah those that's possible um i guess it all depends on what your um you know goal is that the details of what your goal is really comes down to yeah and we we do we do have uh videos about deflectors already on our uh channel and on the uh on the training website as well so if you do want to get an idea about how deflectors work then uh i think john john's done the uh the video on that one so check it out we've got no no videos on fluency stuff not yet but soon yeah but soon everyone yeah alan thank you very much that was uh thank you it's great i know we've still got we still got tons of questions to uh to go through um we don't have time we've got so much stuff we have to we have to pile through so i'm gonna say uh goodbye to you for now we will uh we'll still be around for the chat i see you yep so if people so people have questions in the chat they can uh they can get go in there but uh but thanks thanks alan thank you very much that was uh wonderful so pretty alan great job i mean make that stuff look easy i mean fluids is like as everybody can see right it's it's jaw-dropping renders out of there so pretty so pretty i wish i could sexy particles great job [Laughter] thanks um i think we uh do we have a prize to give away we do we do before we do that before we do that i want to say if everyone liked the uh ala's presentation as much as i did then there's no excuse not to uh to go over to youtube and hit that little thumbs up button it helps us out a lot everyone loves being told to go hit the uh hit the like button but um yes uh google's oh youtube's algorithm is uh is fun and uh and dark source so we don't we don't question why we need to do it we just do it it's uh it's like a cargo cult of some sort but on that note let's give away some stuff um we got some swag to give away do we not we do okay and and we all going over to kit hal hit how congratulations you have won the first prize of the stream it is one item of your choice from our youtube store of boris effects schwag it seems like uh john i was just choking up over there i turned around i mean that's amazing i was i was slightly uh sorry taking it back as well congratulations panic panic panic panic director move there just full panic congratulations get great job uh nice work nice work nice work first of many winners today first many winners how how do people how do people join in the competition please brian tell me so if you want to join in our competition head on over to boris effects live and if i had my act together i could show you what it looks like on the website right here so if you're watching on vortex live or if you're watching on youtube head over to scroll to the bottom and you'll see a little entry form put your name and email in there and you'll be entered to win today we have not pulled the winners yet so go ahead put in your name and email you'll be entered to win 12 months of sapphire 12 months of continuum or 12 months of the boris effect suite full terms and conditions do apply good luck everyone good luck everyone congratulations to kit again all right let's move on we've got some we've got so much stuff to do i think it's um it's actually me coming up now i am going to be showing off uh a brand new host uh a brand new uh host support for sapphire and that brand new host which has definitely not been spoiled earlier on the in the uh the stream uh by brian is we actually did this is a great question we had someone ask what streaming software we use um so but sapphire sadly does not support vmix if the nice gentleman from vmix are watching i would love some sapphire transitions in vmix uh i'd love a nice glow dissolve in there as well but um not yet the vmix did just uh just uh uh break my um break my desktop capture like literally seconds before so give me give me two seconds i'll be right back yeah that's okay let me go let me jump on camera um so we are excited to show off sapphire photoshop brand new host for sapphire like if you're like me um i've been using sapphire for a long time anytime i did a still i was always wanted to put a lens flare in or put something in so i would jump into after effects have to render stuff out i'm happy to say that is no more we now support photoshop as a host application and i see ben's got his his ui up but i will say this is my favorite part about it sapphire for photoshop is a free add-on for any license of 2022. so if you upgrade to 2022 if you are on subscription for us um if you get a free upgrade because you bought 2021.5 and you're still on the upgraded support plan so you're going to get 2022 you get sapphire for photoshop it just comes with anything you know if you're on a an avid subscription you're going to get set you're going to get photoshop so it's just a new installer on the website and your existing license will unlock it that's just the beginning so really cool stuff with sapphire photoshop with we've figured out so i'm going to hand back to ben so you guys can stop hearing me vamp we're very good very nice vamping yeah i mean that's that's probably the important thing is that you hit hit right there is that everyone who has sapphire 2022 will get sapphire for photoshop um whether it's an adobe license or an ofx license or an avid license you're going to be getting this and the reason for that is actually kind of important um because you know this this is the first time that we've had the entire suite of sapphire available in photoshop we've we've had bits of it we've had some of the the effects available in optics but the idea behind sapphire for photoshop is a little bit different um obviously you can use it if you're a um uh you know if you're a photographer and just working on stills but one of the big advantages for uh for sapphire here in photoshop is that you can use it as a jumping off point to other applications um so this is going to be great for creating you know style frames or or just you know coming in and noodling around on a on a still in photoshop um actually let's let's let's start off with this let's stop the nattering and actually just come in and show you what we're going to do so i've got still here which i've taken from a from a video and i'm just going to create up a little style frame now the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to convert this to a smart object and the reason for that is that i want everything that i do to be non-destructive and by protecting it in a smart object everything i'm going to do now is going to be completely non-destructive so i'm going to come to my filter you'll see that sapphire just pops in in our filters and when i apply it here we get into the sapphire builder now if you've used um sapphire before hopefully the builder is going to be very familiar to you it's a sort of um it's a way of chaining different uh effects together in a nodal based system and it's really at the core of uh of sapphire for photoshop so what i could do is i can i can add a uh any of the effects we have over on the left hand side this is pretty much all of the sapphire effect come in here i'll just choose gamma because it's at the top uh and this will then drop that into my workspace down in the the bottom there over on the right hand side i've got all my parameters so i can come in here i can make this a little bit darker come in scale the lights up do whatever i need to do in the parameters and i'll see this over in my viewer now as uh as brian said you know one of the uh the the things that people look for a lot and have been missing a lot in photoshop is sapphire's lens flares and this is where we can come in i can just type in lens flare and here we go or even just type in lens i've got my lens flare there i'll just double click on that and that will then drop that in uh in line in my uh in my workspace down the bottom now the cool thing about this is that i have access to all of the regular presets that we have so if i uh go into load preset it's going to take a uh just a moment to to load up the presets the first time uh there's a lot of presets it's going to uh going to be loading up um but once we've once we've done this once it's all going to be very very fast to uh to work with after that so i can take a look at all of the sort of factory bundle presets or just look at the new stuff this is also also new everyone loves the fact that we always give a few new uh big presets with with our lens flares just to show off some of the new capabilities and obviously 2022 is is no exception to that we've got some cool new stuff but no no no i'm not going to get distracted by lens flares it's very easy for me to get distracted by lens flares i'm just going to come into featured which is where we put some of our our favorites so some stuff that have maybe been tweaked up a little bit or just stuff that we haven't seen for a little while i'll choose one of those so i'll drag this over out of sight so what i'm going to try to do is is sort of build up the light that's already there so we can see the lights coming from this direction because that's where the the light is on her face and i'll come in and i'll just make this a little bit a little bit bigger a little bit brighter nothing too you know nothing too uh clever here but the nice thing about having the uh the effect here in our nodal base system is i can always come in and i can tweak stuff that's earlier on in the process or earlier on in the uh in the workflow and kind of just get the look that i'm going for there so just bring that in around about there maybe okay i'm going to add one more effect because i want to show you one more thing uh before we move on um let's come down to my distortions warps warps warp stylize transitions i'm actually just going to type in warp that's going to help out a little bit uh and i'm going to go warp uh let's do warp chroma and this is one of my favorite effects you wouldn't know it from from looking at this but that's why i always go in and take a look at the presets whenever i add in a new um add in a new effect like there'll be very few occasions where i'm going to be starting out from scratch on any of these effects so if i just want to add a bit of uh subtle chromatic aberration i'm going to use one of john's presets there and what i can do is maybe just let's just crank that out quite a lot so we can see exactly what that's doing but obviously that's that's kind of coming in and that's messing up all of the image for me so i want to do something slightly different you'll notice that some of these nodes have secondary inputs to them and some of the nodes have uh tertiary inputs or you know three or more inputs and what we can do is we can i think i mean i like my words i like my words um so what we can do here is we can pipe in uh different nodes into these uh so for example with warp chroma i've got a mat that i can pipe in so if i do shape come into here i'm a man true to my word i'm never going to start from scratch i'm always going to start with a preset oval for mask look at that one beautiful let's preview that selected node and just come in and let's tweak that up a little bit so it's just going into the center here all right now i can pipe in that shape into my map for the the warp chroma let's turn that off so you can see what's going on and now it's only affecting the bit in the middle that's kind of the opposite of what i want but that's fine i'm going to come over i'm going to invert my mat and now it's going to be taking over and and masking that out exactly how i want it to go and i can just twist that up a little bit and do whatever i need to do it's looking a little bit steppy so maybe let's take the step number up just to there we go just to make that a bit more sort of i know not subtle but smooth smooth is the word i'm looking for and let's hit ok on that and that will then go along have a little think come out and it will give me the uh the effect directly in photoshop so if it's not exactly what i want if i want to do anything else with it all i have to do is just double click on the sapphire filter at the bottom because it's applied as a smart filter remember we're working non-destructively let's zoom in here oh this is this is something this is something i i promised that i would remember to uh to say and almost forgot something brand new with builder for sapphire 2022 one to one pixel uh what's it called pixel uh preview is that what it's called what's it called brian pixel preview pixel preview no no no no no it's 100 so you can see the full image um wow man i uh pixel preview sounds good to me um what i was going to say is pre previous versions of builder right if you if you had a big image a 4k image you know it sized it down and gave you a low res preview um and so now in 2022 you can look at the full pixels so you can see the full image you can look at one-to-one um and you can shrink it down to fit your um your little window as well but that's really cool i mean we knew we knew we had to add this upgrade working in photoshop because we're going to be working with big huge images and everybody's going to want to see see that one-to-one pixel um ratio so yes and that is in all of builder two not just in photoshop so on after effects results that's it yep everywhere yeah yeah yeah because that's that's the that's the important thing is that it was brought in because we knew we were going to be working in you know big images in photoshop but obviously you know everyone's going to have the the benefit of that no matter what version of builder you're working on so let's let's crack on here so i can make changes i can do all that sort of fun little stuff i want to show you another another thing so i know the time is ticking so very very quickly i'm just going to start a brand new uh image i'm going to convert this to a smart object as well even though it's just a a white background and we're going to work non-destructively apply my filter in there maybe i should have applied it down the bottom it's going to just show my other little node thing there let's just get rid of all of that um we saw that we could use preview oh sorry we could use presets um thank you very much yeah we could use presets in individual effects but we've also got builder presets now a lot of these are created by the one and only mr john dickinson and these are very very pretty um and these these are sort of strings of ready-made presets that use multiple nodes to to build up uh certain you know certain effects i'm going to use cloudy night sky here i'm just going to double click on that just to load it in it will have a little think and this is what we've got down here so we've got the whole of the um the node structure working down there now this is really great if i want to start to use this as a jumping off point or if i'm looking for something you know kind of cool and spacey um there's tons of sort of stock images out there you can buy that's cool and spacey but once you bought something like a stock image it's it stays the same you can't change it up with having something live in uh in in the builder like this i can come in i can change up my cloud color let's change that something over here maybe let's find something that's pretty there we go i can change how these clouds look looking shift it all around i mean it's it's all it stays it stays live and that's what makes it interesting um let's try and find it maybe something around about there and what else can we do oh yeah i've got a gradient at the bottom let's change that color uh let's make it just completely completely different i kind of i kind of like that and we can we can add to this as well uh so i've come back into into warp i love the distortion category you might have noticed it's one that i go back to time and time again uh let's come into warp fisheye and i'm just going to add a little bit of something here just to kind of make a little you know make the lens a little bit different now the cool thing about this what i think is most important is that i can then take this preset and use it somewhere else or take these this set up and use it somewhere else and i can choose if i'm going to take this to avid or premiere or after effects i can i can choose which of these type of parameters are going to be immediately available to me in the host so i'm going to just turn on things like add a tick to amount at a tick to said distance had a tick to rotate let's save as i'm going to save this as zed ben claude there we go and just save that out i'm going to hit ok on this so i can save this as still hit save it's called the stars final maybe we'll call the stars final o2 because uh that's not my normal naming convention obviously um and and while that's saving out what i can do is i'll go into um after effects the only reason it's taking any time to save out is because my hard drives have gone asleep so i've spent too much time yakking and let's make a new comp here and i think that's saved out stars final o2 there we go so in after effects i can bring this in as a bit of footage but it's just going to be a still bit of footage there's no there's nothing really i can do with it it's there it's cool it's it's it's static if i bring this in if i come to um builder go to s effect and then load up a preset here my builder effect i'm going to come all the way down to the bottom because i have zed been cloudy that and it will come in and not only will it show me the same image that i had saved in photoshop that's the same areas turn it on and off it's the same um it also has those things that i can i can control and change over here so if i keyframe up the amount i'll keyframe up something to do with the stars as well i come five seconds in let's uh change this up a little bit just make that a little bit bigger do i want to zoom in zoom out let's zoom in a little bit a little bit a lot there we go and we'll do a little bit of um rotation maybe do change the stars up just a tiny tiny tiny amount and we'll just do a quick round preview you can see i can take that image that i've created that style frame that i created in photoshop and i can then build on it inside of after effects and i don't have to go in and do anything like finding suitable effects or you know similar effects that i've built in i i can just come in and use it as if it was built in after effects so this is obviously going to be really useful if you're working as as part of a team or you know working on your own but just trying to sort of do deliverables to different areas and this still stays completely editable i need to make any more edits obviously we go into edit effect and the builder is right there with all of the stuff that we saw in there we go all of the stuff that we saw in uh in photoshop now there's so much more that we could we could talk about here but obviously we are going to have to sort of keep keep pushing forward but um but brian are there are there any questions going so far great stuff ben yes definitely some questions um you know are there any limitations to this is there any um can it work on all image sizes or anything is there any imitations to working saffron photoshop yeah it's uh it's resolution independent um so you can you can throw you know really big images out there i mean as far as i know there's there's not a limit um maybe maybe something to do with your graphic card memory but as far as i know i think we're you know i've i haven't found the limit yet i've tried it on sometimes you know that's it you're right i've tried it on some like you know massive massive massive images um and worked pretty consistently at an 8k image or something like that so i don't know i do know it supports um 32-bit right so you can do a full 32 dust workflow um that's really cool some some other questions on here about m1 support um so what's interesting and i can answer this for you ben so like sapphire supports m1 as does mocha pro currently um spoiler alert continuum 2022 supports m1 as well we're going to talk about that in a couple of minutes i can't i can't help myself can't help myself but so you know to work natively on you know to process natively on m1 obviously you know we need our hosts to also so photoshop supports native m1s as well so sapphire 2022 in photoshop on an m1 is a full native workflow which is great um same thing with premiere and resolve and we um definitely definitely i would say it's a good bet that after effects is coming you know white hot into 2022 gonna be supporting native m1 as well um so that's the that's the situation um with m1 and sapphire but it's also gpu accelerated it'll use metal it'll use cuda if you have nvidia if you don't have a gpu it has a full cpu fallback i know a lot of people you know gpu acceleration isn't that huge a deal in the photoshop world if you're working on a still so a lot of people use photoshop on a whole bunch of different machines good to know that sapphire has a full cpu fallback as well which is an identical render so you can go ahead and use it pretty much on any machine you want a lot of love for john's presets i second that as well from the crowd john's got some some really cool presets in here um and great definitely going to be talking about that a lot more uh one one final thing if you do have a reference monitor if you even if you're working in photoshop you can use your reference monitor to output uh onto the reference monitor so you can check what you're actually doing um you know working inside builder within photoshop so that's also important i think so last question i want to address here i'll bring myself up too is like you know a couple questions earlier people asked about optics and and kind of where that sits in this whole thing and and um so it's good to think about optics as does a whole bunch of stuff optics is really aimed at photographers right um real real like photoshop professionals it does a whole bunch of things and includes some sapphire effects in there not the full package because optics itself say has a lens flare up itself has a chromatic aberration so sapphire kind of works as a plug-in inside optics as well um what sapphire for photoshop really is is full sapphire it's it's it's everything that suffers it's an identical install um to after effects or premiere that's why you'll see like some bizarre things like transitions in there some people are you know don't quite understand like what's the transition photoshop but it's an identical copy of sapphire inside photoshop and and like ben pointed out it's really aimed at at motion graphics and vfx and editorial it's mostly aimed at those photoshop artists working in tandem with an editor um working you know in tandem with a motion graphic artist um because you know thinking about the whole style frame to finished look like someone in the chat mentioned you know exactly that they were doing a glitch effect in premiere and really would love to have that in photoshop so that's that's the thinking here is that like you know you can be designing something for motion and not only have the same effects you can do this great workflow like ben just showed where you can save your psd and load them up and and have your starting point parameters all set as well and same type thing right going back and forth if you've created a lens flare or a great look like you know if you create a trippy lsd effect in after effects and you want to apply that to a still for a bit of key art or a big poster you can go ahead and and bring that right over and render it out nice and big in photoshop so so that's that's the kind of that's the answer to like you know optics optics isn't going away we actually have a great release coming up um beginning of the year with some updates oh see what am i talking about um so great job ben super exciting to see the software in photoshop it's like a dream come true dream come true for me it's great it's brilliant it's it's it's great it's really really fun it's um it means that the photoshop people can can have fun and play in the same sort of way but yes let's um let's let's get on to the next bit we are you're watching boris effects live we are talking about the brand new uh releases the sapphire 2022 and continuum 2022 we have seen particle illusion some of the new particle illusion stuff we've seen some of the new sapphire for photoshop stuff we have a packed show still to come we have got so seen i've got look at my um i've got look at my cheat sheet here which has just fallen down we've got uh speed improvements uh coming up in just a moment we have got new ultra zap improvements as well we're going to be talking about a brand new effect called color fuse and we're going to be looking as as we've talked about some of the new sapphire presets plus headlining we have got some brand new continuum effects and and some excellent updates for the pixel chooser as well you do not want to miss it we are in a jam jam-packed uh show for you today do we have another winner though we've always got competition we've got so much stuff going on at the moment so um let's let's uh let's let's say you want if you have been hang on i'll just i'm just going to cue this up a little bit it's going to queue up it's going to say if you have been enjoying what you've seen so far we've got a big thumbs up that i would love for you to hit if you're watching on youtube if you're not watching on youtube if you're watching on boris effects live there's nothing to stop you there's no law to stop you from going over to youtube and looking at the stream and giving it a big thumbs up as well in the same way there's no law that says you can't go from youtube just open up a new tab go to and join our competition because we still have lots and lots of prizes to give away we're going to give one more prize away what are we giving away today mr brian please what are we giving well i think it only makes sense that we give away some sapphire right after just seeing some some sapphire photoshop right it all makes sense and and like i said i i complained earlier about um vmix's transitions but there's nothing wrong with an ice cube zoom right oh see there you go yeah you had me at the cube zoom right congratulations charlie charlie wilinski maybe vilinsky uh you have won an annual subscription to sapphire an 895 dollar value prize congratulations charlie we will be in contact with you in the next couple of days to uh to tell you how you can claim your prize multiple slices we still got multi-holes this is the big boy this is the big boy works in after effects premiere resolve nuke flame vegas what else what else do we support mystica photoshop photoshop photoshop photoshop we just just looked around [Laughter] all right so there's still time to uh to join uh our competition we have a uh an annual subscription of continuum to give away plus the annual subscription of vorus fx suite that is everything we make including sapphire including continuum mocha pro silhouette and optics so that's that's the big boy we will be giving that away uh later on in the stream but without any more further ado let's move this further forward um ryan i'm going to come back to you because because you're the uh you're the speed guy we're going to be talking we're going to be talking speed with you i'm the speak i don't know what that says about me although um hello everyone my name is brian fox i'm the director of product marketing for boris effects um i'm also your director for today's live stream so feel free to blame me for all the technical glitches you see and um all of the graphics that i'm throwing at you and and and prodding ben to please give us a like it does help us out i love to see the likes on youtube if you like what you're seeing today all right let's get into it um today i want to talk to you about some fun stuff with continuum and sapphire which is speed improvements we have made by optimizing both products to work with after effects multi-frame rendering so after effects 2022 which is available right now it is live um you can up upgrade to it for free within your creative cloud it supports multi-frame rendering which means it's going to use all of your available processors on your cpu at the same time and it is a huge improvement for after effects i think of it in many ways like after effects 2.0 after effects is super fast with mfr turned on you know most modern production workstations now have eight processors at a minimum you know the big boy machines like the amd threadrippers with 64 and 128 right it's just amazing what's going on with cpu so after effects will use you know with mfr it'll take advantage of all of those processors in addition to your gpu and it really produces some some great speed increases and as a plug-in developer we've been working with adobe for the past year about to rewrite sapphire in continuum from the ground up to support mfr um with our plugins because we knew how important it was to take advantage of these speeds like no one wants to use the plug-in that's um that's slow and you know isn't going to take advantage of some of this new rendering capabilities in after effects all right so let's talk about it on average let me let me at least preface this a little bit with benchmark test because this is like a bugaboo with me um benchmarking test definitely falls under as we all know the category of lies damn lies and statistics um but we like to be as transparent as possible so i'll show you guys some of the results which are up on our website right now and we list the spec of our computers there are so many variables with benchmarks and you know speed speed numbers it can vary like obviously your individual you know cpu it can matter how much memory you have in there it can matter what type of hard drive the speed of that it can matter as to which effect you're using so that's a big one people always want to know like what's one number and you know i'll tell you the one number on average but if that's not across the board each individual continuum of effect or sapphire effect is completely different in how it renders so some really can take advantage of some of the the speed advantages that mfr offers others are already so fast it's like trying to get faster like it's you know it's going to be a 10 second render no matter because that's as optimized as the effect can be so it's you're not seeing a huge speed boost in some of the effects like sapphire blur is is blazing fast it's almost like never going to get any faster um even on you know i have a big 64 core threadripper and it's like it's just not even going to get any faster it's as fast as possible but other things that involve things like ray tracing like sapphire edge rays um you see some big speed improvements a bunch of continuum effects see some big speed improvements so that's kind of my pitch on benchmark testing like the way we do it is we have you know basically a big after effects project we have one you know clip we keep it the same length for every effect we throw it on at default settings we render it out we stop watch it um with mfr turned on then we purge the cache make sure we're not you know having any cached renders purge everything and then we turn mfr off and get the second time so that's really how we go apart our internal benchmark tests like i said all of this stuff is up in a spreadsheet on the website that you guys can look at after but let's talk about some fun stuff let's talk about sapphire 2022 in after effects 2022 um with mfr rendering on average is 20 faster which is really amazing if you think about it like you're getting a 20 speed boost in after effects with sapphire 2022 that's like i said if you take all you know 300 or i don't even know actually we're 270 i think sapphire effects at this point you time them all out like we did and when i say we i'm using the royal we because uh definitely my friend and colleague niall did all this work and i'm just taking credit for it he went through every single one and timed these out and then we averaged them all together and you come out with a 20 um speed increase if you guys want to know like times faster which is always a different way to look at the same numbers same type thing if you if you did all the renders of all 270s sapphire renders at about 1.86 times faster with mfr turned on then mfr turned off but what about continuum so let's look at continuum as well um continuum 2022 in after effects um 2022 on average 22 faster so a little bit faster with continuum seeing 22 across the board with all of oh my lord i don't even know how many continual effects are peter i'm going to turn your mic on how many total 370 i think or something like yeah yeah perhaps it's it's definitely up uh upper 300th limit yeah there's a ton growing again continually growing so same type thing if you take your own thanks peter um same type thing if you if you take them all and average them together you see about a 22 faster increase and um same type thing people always want to know too like you know in terms of at times faster as well continuum 2022 is about 2.3 x faster with mfr turned on um and mfr turned off so another thing i want to talk about that kind of wraps up my little mfr rant like i said if you guys are using after effects 100 upgrade um to 2022 if you want to wait a little bit you know there's logic in that too a lot of people like to wait a couple months don't like to be early adopters but definitely think about it coming soon because it is a huge it is a huge performance boost excuse me but let's talk about particle illusion because there's been some huge improvements in continuum and particle illusion specifically i have a nice little video i'm going to put here with some of alan's beautiful renders you saw earlier there's been huge work done on increasing performance within particle and this is across all hosts this isn't just after effects specific this is part of collusion inside after effects inside avid inside um resolve you know inside nuke inside anywhere you find part of collusion you're seeing we're seeing up to five x speed increases which is which is pretty cool and i'll tell you right now i hedge the bet a little because it's a you know if you round up i would say it's i'm fairly confident today it's almost a 6x but i figured like i'll pull it down and go with the 5x this is if you look at particle illusion 2022 versus previous versions in any host app across the board so that's pretty amazing a 5x speed increase in those renders part of collusion is blazing fast um fun to see those big numbers and the last thing i want to talk about which we've mentioned in hinted at a little earlier is m1 so continuum now joins the family of mocha and sapphire for supporting native m1 processing um so these new beautiful m1 machines continuum now works natively on m1 processors i don't have any speed tests um to share with you because the new m1 macbook pros just came out i don't have my greedy hands on one yet um the previous generations you know that we're working on mac minis it's it's really like to compare a mac mini that we have an m1 like that's not really a good comparison you really want to take the new macbook pros and compare that versus an intel macbook pro so you can kind of get a little apples to apples um we will do that in the in the coming months and post those numbers up on our website but anyone has used an m1 knows that it is a fast fast machine it is overall things feel snappier on an m1 they're very more interactive um things like the you know the effects editor and continuum and the effects browser um sorry the preset browser and sapphire builder these things open up you know lightning fast like instantaneously and renders our overall faster as well if you're not familiar with what's going on with m1 there's two ways that software works currently you can either run through a rosetta 2 which is an emulation software which takes your old code that you wrote for intel and allows that to run on one of the new brand new apple m1 machines but the best way is to rewrite your software specifically for the new processors so that's what we're talking about you know we've rewritten continuum and we've rewritten sapphire and mocha pro to work natively on that processors and that's kind of like the best experience you're going to have is when you're in a full native workflow currently the host apps that support a full native workflow are photoshop resolve premiere and like i mentioned earlier after effects is coming in white hot and pretty much everyone i would assume in the next you know 12 months will be supporting m1 natively is the future of of macintosh you know professional computers which we know is like a big part of our industry so super exciting that continuum is is ahead of the game and pretty much ready to work natively on that brand new m1 machine when you buy one um or when someone that knows me buys one for me for the upcoming holiday season ben maybe ben maybe ben maybe you're betting we will finally come through i mean i know i know i know it's on your wish list yeah you've got so many things in your wish list um last thing i will say like i mentioned earlier here are all our speed tests which are available right now on the continuum and sapphire pages uh we have everything broken down here bit depth this is another thing this is another variable to throw into the lies damn lies and statistics um so you can see all of our different stuff this is continuum and we have kind of what we're rendering out and the specs of our machines as well and this is sapphire um so like i said you know we're seeing you know 46 with edge rays and then as you go down um all sapphire effects are listed in here so everyone should check those out um and that is my spiel on on speed increases a really really cool story you know like i said 20 speed boosts in after effects part of collusion up to 5x faster and m1 m1 support as well so definitely it's it's an easy easy marketing tagline to say sapphire 22 and continuing 22 are both the fastest versions we've ever made and it's more of our commitment to just fine-tuning the performance on these beasts and making sure they're as optimized as possible um for the future so yeah i mean and it's it's one of those things that is is really um you know it's it's about not just the final renders it's about that process of not having those uh disruptions throughout your your works you've got more time to actually be in the zone and actually kind of just be be working and kind of taking the inspiration while it's there rather than just waiting for renders to happen absolutely you know like um you know our friend john has has done some amazing huge after effects comps like specifically his mortal kombat comp he did i don't know if you guys have seen it but it's a full 3d render of the mortal kombat logo like i'm terrified of this comp i've been terrified you know like to to put it into after effects and hit render it's like you know definitely like you know go watch an episode of squid games and come back right so like but that's the crazy thing with mfr it's it really has changed things it's it really is shocking to me like you know i'm pretty jaded when it comes to speed increases um you know because we're we're constantly live and die like we're always trying to get through these like small numbers it's so fun to see these big numbers to see these like 20 speed decrease and pi you know 5x it's really is night and day when you're in pi and you go to render it exactly like you're talking about you you are now a seamless kind of creative process you don't have to worry like oh is this like is this going to slow me down is this going to render is this going to do that so so fun to see fun to see when you're talking pi it's probably worth just just mentioning that pi isn't uh m1 compatible yet correct yeah that's probably a good a good point just just for the uh for the sticklers in the audience sure um which is yeah i mean i'm i like sticklers in the audience it's fine not yet so to speak but not yet you and your spoiler god's sake brian we gotta we gotta tone you down a little bit it just makes sense right why would we why would they leave pi i mean it would it would make sense the way you put it like that it wouldn't make sense all right ryan thank you very much we we have got to move forward i would like to do what did i do i mean you weren't you weren't bad you weren't bad i think john john's going to be happy that we're not you know completely uh blowing up the schedule which uh which we normally do unfortunately um but nowhere we're doing very well today so we're going to talk to john now we're going to going to keep this going going to keep it rolling uh john hello in the bottom right hand corner oh here we go [Laughter] it's probably probably it's i like to hassle them we love it we love it we love it so let's let's get on with some other stuff shall we talk to us yeah what are you going to show us i'm going to show you probably between ultra glow and ultra zap i don't know it's it's a tr it's a it's a um it's a toss up which is my favorite effect in sapphire and um possibly this new feature being able to use mocha splines with ultra zap has pushed ultrasap maybe a little bit higher the fact that ultra glow is inside ultrazap probably makes ultrasound one of my if not my favorite effect in in sapphire and um previously if you wanted to use splines or masks with ultrazap you had to use after effects but now with mocha splines being available to all hosts you can get the benefit of ultraset across the different hosts so what i'm going to do is show you some examples keep it nice and short show you some examples in some different hosts and you get a good idea about how easy it is to use i have to say i've been using mocha for a few years but really on and off and every time i get back into it i have to remind myself how to use it and i was smiling to myself when i was actually making examples for this for this release because it was really easy to use i even had my wife come and have a look at the tutorial i was recording and i was showing her the the stuff i've recorded she goes that looks really easy to use so if someone who doesn't use this at all thinks it's easy let me show you how easy it actually is so i'm just going to share my screen and let's just shoot across to to avid now um i'm not a big avid user it's only been on my system for a few weeks so um i may not use it you know in the most the best possible way but um it doesn't matter i'm going to show you uh the the key things in ultrazap and it doesn't require me to be a great avid user so i'm just going to do a quick search for ultra zap just in my pref in my effects here just drag that across drop that on let's try that again and there we go it's already on all right so there's the default ultraset now what you'll see over here in the effect editor under mode is a new mode ultrazap mocha so i'm going to select that and ultrasap's always been able to uh track control points and let me just bring it back to ultrazap because you'll notice see how the control point options disappear so just bring it over to mocha and we're not using the control points we're actually going to track inside mocha to do that i click on edit mocha that's going to launch the mocha interface and this is super easy so what we're going to do is just a just a basic track workflow so what you generally do is you come up and grab an x spline and just click and create a spline and just right click to close that just modify it slightly just to bring it to the outside of that phone and all i do next is just click track forward so this will track really quickly just give it a chance to do that so mocha is a planar tracker so you can see all i've got to do is drag a big mask around the object that i want to track or a big spline and it locks onto that so what we're doing here is we're we're tracking and then when that track's finished we're going to create a roto spline and we're going to link that roto spline to this track just give that a chance to finish there and okay we're done all right so now you can see that's hugging that or tracking that really nice and tightly so next what i'll do i'll just rename this i'll call this track now what i'll do is i will create another spline and this will be the one that actually hugs the inside of the phone so this is the one that ultrazap's going to use just come in here and just quickly do this i'm going to do it fairly roughly just for the sake of time bring it around there you can see i'm being reasonably rough here so what you do is just drop in some some points there and then you can come in and you can drag the little handle here to round things out and just move them around just get your roto spline nice and tight it's not a huge hugely important in this particular case because we're using ultrazap on this spline and ultrazap is inherently fairly dynamic and wiggly so it doesn't have to be perfect but that's pretty good so all i've got to do now is i'll just rename this i'll call this uz and with that selected come down to link to track and link that to the track if i just hit play you can see that's now linked to that track and if i needed to i can check it out and if it starts to slide at all i can just come in and just adjust it slightly and you can see down the bottom here it adds a keyframe so it's automatically keyframe it really is that easy now back in avid i don't want to see the track for ultra sap so i'm just going to turn that off i'm going to save this and just close it and now you can see my ultra set bolts are following that spline now i don't want to use the default settings so i'm going to load a preset just by clicking on load preset we're going to be talking about the new presets just a little bit later in the presentation but for now what i want to do is just choose one that's more suitable for this shot just give them a chance to load up and just roll down here and i've got one let's see where is it pink electric it's going to grab that load that up now notice when i did that it actually it didn't follow the spline that's because the preset saved in ultrasound mode i'm going to choose ultrasound mocha mode ah there we go so we come down to our composite settings and we'll just choose rather than zap only just choose to add that boom there we go so now now we've got that following along look how quick that was and look how that really brings that shot to life it i mean it really is that easy you saw me do it it isn't any more complicated than that still makes me smile it's such a great great feature okay so that's an example of just a basic tracking workflow tracking roto workflow let's just go across to resolve now and here's another great shot that could really benefit from ultraset love these battle ropes i've hurt my shoulder a couple years ago and haven't been able to go to the gym but one of the things i used to love doing was these battle ropes hopefully i can get back into it soon but let's let's spice this up a bit with ultrazap so once again i'm going to search for the effect ultra zap and just grab that drop it on there we go so there's our default bolt so over in effects once again i'm going to choose ultrasound mocha edit mocha and here we are in the mocha interface now for this i want to use an open spline but i need to start with a closed spline so i'm just going to click once again and choose an x blind just click and just basically follow that path of the rope now right click to close that but then i'm going to right click again on that point and i'm going to choose spline open spline just grab that there ah excellent so now if i select all control a and just drag these handles in see how that rounds that out that's great now i can go in and just adjust that and it's so interactive with these splines they're just there's no lag it's super super easy and smooth to use just drag it into place like that and then i could just move forward a little bit and you know i could select all of the points and just move them all as one like that but in this case it's probably better just to grab the individual points and just move them down and look down the bottom how at my time indicator how it's created a new keyframe so the keyframing is all automatic i can just tighten up the tension on these points here and just move that in so if you can use a mouse then you can do this and if i just move between those two points notice how it's following that now i'm not going to go through and do the whole thing what i can do and this is one of the great features is that i can actually import mocha projects that have been created either in mocha sapphire or mocha pro or mocha ae so i've done this before in a pre in mocha sapphire and i saved that out so i'm just going to go file open project and i'm going to load it in so this is ropes.mocha and i don't want to save what i had and there we go so that's completely following that now just press ctrl a you can see all the keyframes in there okay it did take me probably an hour to get that right to get that working but obviously for an effect like this it's going to be really worth it when you see the final result so i'm going to save that close that and okay we've got our default on there but let's go into loader preset why why build something up from scratch when you can start with the preset i think risk presets are really great starting point i've spent a lot of time and i know ben has as well on creating these and i'm only creating things that i think are useful not just things because you know why would you create any preset that you didn't think was going to be useful and i've created one down here which i thought would be great whiplash obviously a reference to iron man 2. so perfect for battle ropes so i'm going to click load for that and it disappeared that's okay so there's a couple things we have to do one is we have to choose ultrasound mocha and we also have to come down once again to composite and we need to choose add or screen there we go so probably screen for this one and then of course i can come across to my come to my settings and i can adjust that i can increase the amount of bolts or decrease them there's a lot of settings in ultrasound but starting with the preset is you know it's a it's a really good starting point and obviously i can save that out as a preset as well but now you can see her workout has really been electrically charged so open splines fantastic let's go across to premiere pro and just we talked a little bit before about being able to import import mocha pro projects obviously mocha pro is you know standard industry standard for planar tracking and rotoscoping and you can get some quite complex projects and one of them was this um roto that one of the team did for this stingray i think it was mary that did it or either mary or ross and they're much better at doing rotoscoping than i am but that's good they were able to supply me with the project and i could just bring that in and not only use it as as mattes to create a composite in after effects but i could also bring it into into something like premiere pro and just use it for ultrasound so i've already got ultrasep applied so if i just come in and click on edit mocha just open up the mocha interface and you can see here i didn't choose um ultra zap mocha so you can see how it's showing me these trackers in here that's fine if i if i'd have chosen ultra zap mocha these would have been hidden but it doesn't matter i'm going to come in and choose file open project and i'm going to choose this one here stingray so this is a you know professionally tracked and rotaed project and i'm going to just turn off the ones the splines that i don't want to use so let's just come and select all these going to turn these off and i want to just turn these off as well so turn those off i think that'll turn them all off so i'm only going to use the headlights for now and i'm going to click save and close that and you'll see them wrap around the headlights and i've got to choose ultra zap mocha and there we go so now we're just using the ultra zap on the headlights now i have gone and done a um a pre-render for this this is the one i defect so i've used the mocha splines to cut the car out and i've already gone and pre-rendered this so you can see how we can use mocha with ultra zap and we can take advantage of all of the mocha pro and mocha ae work that may have been done which is fantastic now there's more to it and there's um there's great tools like the magnetic spline tool in mocha but um i think that that gives you a great idea of how easy this is and how you can really enhance your shots because you can use mocha with ultraset so i'm going to just come back to my myself and um open up to any questions thank you very much john yeah i've got a uh uh that was that was great looked very very pretty i know it's it's a a kind of quick overview of of what it can do but it's uh you know there's a there's a ton of of different styles that you can you can get done without yeah it's so easy to do i think and and you can see how with that phone shot how that instantly enhanced that shot um and interestingly with that phone shot um it's a piece of stock footage and i actually put the sapphire logo in there using mocha pro to track that and to actually insert that and then i used um you know as you saw i use avid to add the mocha ultras up around it so great tools having mocha in continuing sapphire it's just killer absolutely killer and remember before i worked for for boris effects the past two years i've been a motion graphics artist for 20 years um so i'd like to think that my opinion comes as a motion graphics artist first i think so i think that's that's where you know we we really try to to think about the uh think about this stuff from a from an artist point of view um you know because we both come from that sort of background um yeah and actually there's there's one of the questions that i've got uh was was from someone in the chat who said it looks cool but it looks very specific um and i think that's that's kind of like what we what we've seen in the this you know the last 15 minutes may be quite specific if you're just wanting to do electric stuff but ultra's app can do a lot more than just electric bolts um can't it sure you've got you've got anything you can actually i um uh some of the presets that i've created for this new version like uh more neon looks um and uh i may have something i can quickly just pull up here just um just give me a moment let's just uh take this ryan do you have the um do you have the ultra zap video because we've actually got a uh a short sort of uh introduction to the new ultra zap as well and there's there's a lot of different looks going on in uh in there so we can yeah give me give me one second let's go see who's faster yet on john o'brien um i can bring up the premiere oh there you go have you got it you go racing uh the only thing is i'm going to be playing it off uh here we go here we go i'm going to play it oh let's see can i beat him um because i'm not i'm not doing his hands off literally play off play off youtube here this is this is um john's really cool new um kind of breakdown oh yeah so here's a good example so there's there's ultra zap doing neon sorry brian i'll just take over yeah sure yeah so um you might want to just scrub forward there a little bit brian there's an example where i've taken the still image um probably yeah a little bit further down just after the avid section just after there there you go so that's that open sign um was actually just a still image and i just use ultrazap to bring that to life just by using the magnetic spline tool same with that still image so you don't have to use it for electrical looks necessarily but it's great for you know anything where you want to put a an enhancer shot but there's also a shot in there for after effects towards the end where we've not only used the mocha splines to cut the hand out but we've also used ultrazap as the energy source that's inside the talon's hand you can see that squirrely line there so of course yeah ultra zap is all about lightning and electricity so in that case yeah it is it has a specific use but it allows for a lot of creativity and um to bring shots to life i love that i've used it for a ton of um a ton of stroke effects and and you know that that's that's great brian yeah like stroke effects is is is you know where where i also think it it shines really really well i'm great on text too that's the following following text yeah absolutely yeah because that's that's another thing that that you can do if you if you're working uh in after effects you can have it following after effects masks or or text and if you're in any host with sapphire 2022 have it following the mocha masks which is yeah that's such a huge thing such a huge thing i think so too and it is that easy just to be able to just add add that really nice enhancement to a shot yep yep agreed and like the the how you showed it as well that you can have other people creating the uh the mocha masks for you better feel not like a well and you uh have mary poplin you know just just to your side what are you gonna do you're not gonna say no to mary are you come on absolutely never gonna choose thank you to ross and mary yeah for helping out a lot of those examples yeah um very cool stuff there's some great ones in there but having said that ben the the basic workflow like i showed on that phone is that easy and then when you think about it those more complex shots like the car is only just an extension of that it's just adding more splines and you know tracking them it's mocha is extremely user friendly and you know one of the interesting things to me about uh mocha is that you can it's really wara isn't it it's right once read anywhere so with regards to the foreign product line you could use mocha pro do any rota you need to export those spines and then you can import them into ultra's app or into any continuum filter for example yeah just it's definitely worth watching ben's training on that you know that free training that ben ben and mary produced i think it's worth getting a little bit of a handle on bunker yeah yeah one thing one thing i'd love to point out too is that you know obviously we released um we released ultrazap in sapphire 2021 right and um what was 20 20 i can't even remember 2020 with 21. 25. i think was it 20 21.3 um but anyway so we released ultrazap and you could do some really cool stuff with the epaphs right but ben you and i know like we're monitoring like you know a lot of these a lot of comments on youtube and like i honestly felt bad because there were so many people that were like what about ofx you know like what about resolve what about what about nuke what about these things so that's what i love about about this new feature is it is agnostic now it's really doesn't matter it's not an after effects only feature right so it's in everything and it's also like it's a commitment to some of these effects we have um that they're you know we're always trying to improve them like you know got tons of great feedback on on ultra's app we listened to it we heard people being like you know what about ofx what about ofx what about effects and that was internally when it was like well this makes total sense like let's let's let's add mocha to this not only going to get the cool things like the magnetic tool um the area brush and the open spines but we're also going to open it up to all those other host apps and make it not an a specific filter so super excited john did i know i know you're uh you're a novice and avid but it is it is fun to watch and show how easy it is and have it just to do that i think that's really important that i am a novice because it is that easy yeah yeah absolutely absolutely so really cool that we're bringing these cool advanced tools to all these apps yeah i think it's worth underlining as well because this this did come up in the chat it's like the version of mocha that you were using is built directly into the sapphire effect you don't have to have the standalone version of mocha or you know an external version of mocha to feed this stuff in it's actually part of ultrazap as it is part of you know i think every every sapphire effect and pretty much every sapphire effect and pretty much every uh continuum effect as well yeah and you know that's that's one of the big things yep and i brought those blinds across from mocha pro but um you can also create those splines in mocha sapphire and bring them back into mocha pro so it goes both ways yeah that's really cool right really cool yeah we gotta move on john that was that was that was great um i know we we are kind of going going quite light on some of these and we do have a lot more features that we could be talking about but we've got so much stuff to uh to get through that we we actually do have to to keep the pace going we've got to keep it going got to keep it going otherwise we're going to end up doing another six hour stream and um i'm gonna be in trouble i'm gonna be in trouble if we do that okay all right um i think we're coming to me again i think so um i've got i've got the honor of uh of doing a brand new sapphire effect so let's have a little look we are going to be taking a look at a new effect called s color fuse uh mr brian would you mind playing back my little uh my little uh video please because this is probably going to be a good idea for me to just talk over s-color fuse and tell people what it is because basically it is a brand new um one of a kind let's say uh color effect which allows you to um to mix in up to three different luts and combine those together into one custom look and that look that we we take there is going to be a cross host compatible cross platform compatible so we don't have to have access to the original luts when we uh when we take those over and i think as we start to see the workflow you're gonna start to uh to begin to understand how this opens up like an unimaginable amount of uh different looks really really quickly uh just with one simple effect all right so let's let's take a take a little look at this we're gonna uh start starting in avid uh and i'm i'm gonna be moving across into uh premiere and after effects as well so um i'm just gonna because it's been a little while again my hard drive has gone back to sleep it will wake up in a second i can i can actually hear it rumbling uh i'll just pour some coffee on it because i'm sure that'll wake it up quite nicely so what we've what we've got in uh in avid here is i've got my little um my little cut timeline um let's play that back i do need to to let this this wake up a little bit more i think there we go let's just scrub that through so i've got my cut timeline and i've got um color fuse applied as a a filler layer over the top of these different areas so we can be applying uh one effect to multiple clips but let's open up the uh the before uh one here or alternatively i can just crash avid and uh and do what i was going to do all along and come straight into premiere sorry everyone i did one i did want to show us in avid um but the the workflow is going to be exactly the same no matter whether you're working in uh avid premiere or after effects or any of the other uh sapphire hosts let's take let's take this this uh video here here we go um yeah that's that's as that's as good as any and i'm going to apply color fuse and if we take a look at the interface the interface itself is actually really really straightforward um we do have mocha um which we were talking about just a moment ago but actually the main uh interesting parts are going to be this area down here so we've got three areas where we can choose our different luts and we've got three sliders where we can control the strength of them and that is the main kind of uh thrust of this effect so if i um if i come in we can just sort of slide our uh slide our slider up and down choose a choose a strength and sort of dial that in uh if i don't like that sort of look i'm just going to click on choose lut and it's going to open up my list of luts here so color fuse comes with 30 pre-installed luts as part of the the boris effects starter lut pack and these have been organized into different areas so we have cf for color fuse bw for black and white we have cf c for color so that's color film emulation and we have cfs for stylized um so the ones that are based off of real film have you know the real film uh let's let's choose something that wasn't the one we already had put on by default uh yeah so these these are based off of uh off of actual film stocks and we can just adjust these up and down a little bit so if i bring this up maybe just a wee bit bring that to about 0.3 and i can come into my second one choose that there let's um take one of the black and white ones let's take the top black and white one and that will then obviously send everything black and white let's do a subtle desaturation on this so we'll just do a quick before and after on that if at any point i decide that that's not quite the the right look that i'm going for i can just click on a button comes back up and i can um i'll come in here and i'll go in and completely change up the uh the look that i'm going for so instead of that sort of cool blue look i can sort of go for a slightly slightly heavier green come in do a third version and then what should we do let's let's punch this up a little bit orange and teal punchy maybe a little bit too punchy then let's bring that down there we go and and really is amazingly straightforward we can sort of just come in bring that in and then let's just play that back and it plays back nice and fast if i didn't have loads of streaming going on and i thought about it and not chosen 4k footage uh this might be playing back even faster but i think we're doing we're doing all right right here so we've got a nice a nice little nice little look going on that let's come over to somewhere else let's choose something random let's take this one here because we can apply this uh as a filler layer over the top in avid or we can also apply this as adjustment layers so where i see this going in most people's workflows is it's going to be sort of like the last little element where we're trying to push push the look so the main color correction's already been done so we've got everything nicely balanced up and we just want to push the look a little bit into um into a certain area to give it that unique feel and this is something i've been doing for for for many many years with um with different you know different types of things but obviously luts have become uh you know huge uh over the over the last few years you can't sort of turn on a a youtube uh influencer video without them trying to uh sell you their lut pack so instead of you know fighting fighting up the hill what we've done with with color fuse is actually come in and said i think we can we can take these and make them even more useful because what i was uh what would often be doing is i would be coming in and i would be looking at um you know some of these some of these luts i'd created myself some of these looks i've created myself and i'd be adding them and i'd be blending them together and i'd end up with like a huge list of different um uh you know different effects in my in my effect palette and and basically it was it was just getting sort of unwieldy really uh just because you'd end up with this thing that was you know really quite really quite huge and what i did there was i slowed up the presets one more time i sort of skipped over something a little bit there yeah so what we've what we've got here instead is we've got the ability to to kind of come in and um and sort of work with multiple looks simultaneously and and kind of combine and mix your own unique ones now when it comes to presets we've got a lot of presets that are shipping with this as well so we've actually got 50 50 presets coming in uh these follow the same basic uh naming conventions as the the luts themselves so bw black and white c for color s for stylized but we've also got these m ones here and what the m stands for is mixed so these are ones that have been mixed together um and most of these are actually kind of uh they're named in a way that you've you sort of understand what they're going for some of them are a little bit you know haha cleverly named um but some of them you know most of them are actually pretty you know pretty well well named like you know in the morning you've got sort of early low contrast look cool defoliate if we take a look actually i'll load that one in you can see what that's doing is this is coming in and just taking out some of the brightest greens from the uh from the trees so you can see that's that's just taking that out and making turning this a little bit into a a more autumn sort of uh you know look and even though these are coming in as presets we can just come in and just mix these up so they fit in our footage or fit in with our footage in as good a way as possible now in the same way that we can load the presets in we can also save our presets out so if that's using the the main sort of default luts that's fine if on the other hand you have your own custom ones let's come over here add color fuse over here if you've got your own custom luts there's no reason why you can't use those in colour fuse as well i'm going to go choose la and i'm going to come into my external luts folder you know as i said i've been working with um with lights for a very very long time so i have been uh creating up quite a lot of these myself so if i just come in i will go to film volume six and we'll take a oh i'm not sure which one we'll go with a random strong vintage yellow for example and i can just sort of bring that in there and that's that's actually looking kind of nice there and i can mix up another one uh let's go back to my custom luts folder with the the big big folder of luts um or let's go uh amelie o2 something like that so these these are these are my own personal ones you will not see these ones in the uh in the effect that's a little kind of all right you hold an audio i am i am brian these these these are the ones that they supported my studio for many many years i'm not i'm not giving away the farm you may you may find some of these pop up at some point i don't know maybe maybe it depends whilst nicely you can just say but the point is send it to me so i don't even have to need them yeah the point i was going to say the point is now i've got these i've got these loaded in here as my my custom lut so what i can do is once um premiere's decided it's gonna finish saving my project i'm gonna save this out as a preset uh there we go thank you premiere uh and i'll save this out and i'll call this one uh ben's fancy look ties only means you're not ever gonna get this and i can export this out as a file and send it send it out to people or just save it on my system itself and the cool thing about this i save this preset i can open it up in any other sapphire host as well that's running color fuse so i can save this in premiere open it in avid open it in nuke open it in resolve you know do whatever i need to do with it and that's going to be uh that's going to be with me wherever i go um one one other little thing because i i know i've got i've got so much stuff that i want to show but you know time is time is uh not our friend today um i'm gonna come in here uh yeah let's stick i've got i'm in after effects now and apply color fuse here stylize ben color fuse there we go i'm just going to turn the the default um default look up just so we can take a look at this we can see what this looks like so i said that we can mix three together the color fuse has something a little bit special up its sleeve as well some something that i find amazingly useful and that is host color space and lut color space now the lights that we've been working with so far have been designed for working with s rgb footage not all that you have either ones that you've bought or ones that you make yourself aren't necessarily going to be designed for srgb so the usual solution for that has been to do a complicated uh transformation color transform where you transform it from the host from one color space to another color space to to get the light looking right um actually let's let's do that while i'm here and i come into my project settings all i'm going to do i'm just going to linearize my working space in in after effects so working with in a linear color space and as soon as i do that this color transformation looks awful this is this is not what we're going for this surprisingly enough the uh the the dirty muddy image isn't isn't the look we're going for here so instead of setting up you know different uh different color transforms to take me from linear to srgb then do my effect then go from srgb back to linear again making sure that everything you know slows down to a to a snail space um all i'm going to do is come to my host color space here i'm just going to say color fuse do you know what we're actually working in a linear host color space is that all right with you and it will go yes ben of course it is and it will show me the correct image and that's really as simple as simple as it is like having a host color space here and a light color space down here um saves any sort of unnecessary uh or actually completely necessary uh color transforms um going as separate effects you can do them all within the color fuse uh effect as we've got it right here and you know there's there's a ton of stuff that we can do with this you know if you if you start playing through that um that video again for me please brian it might sound you know a little bit kind of um a little bit sort of uh strange but just having those three uh separate inputs for your for your color looks opens up just an absolutely almost infinite uh range of effects that that you can apply to you know just using a um the tools you already have so if you've got luts already you know you're going to use them you're going to start to um to find different ways of using them in a very very easy way rather than coming in and and having to hunt through you know huge huge um complicated effects to just do the little blending that you want to do and i think it's this this just makes it so much easier to add the sort of finishing touches no matter what uh host application you're working in um i think that's that's where color fuse has been amazingly fun for me i'm going to say one more thing one tiny tiny last thing and then we'll do do some questions if we come back to uh to my screen i'm gonna uh add in builder onto this i'm gonna edit my effect here now if i go into uh into builder and take a little look for for colour fuse i'm not going to find it actually i'll tell you what i'm going to do first before i do any of that i'm going to delinearize my working space instead of working there there we go so yeah come back into uh come back into builder i'll type color fuse to see what we've got i don't have color fuse but i do have color fused looks so what is color fuse looks well color fuse looks is is almost like the the little brother of uh of color fuse i can use any of the included lights any of the 30 luts that uh i would be doing normally uh and just come down here let's let's just sort of add a little black and white one in there just to desaturate just a little bit come in here let's go let's go to dry county oh yes you're in dry county now and to sort of bring that back so we can we can still be mixing all of our things together but you just can't um you can't come in and use your own uh luts you can only use the ones that are provided with the uh with with color fused looks but that's still that's still 30 luts what this means having color fused looks in here is that we can come in and we can create more complex looks still with we're working in builder or sapphire for photoshop if you if you saw the the little presentation earlier we can still have color fuse in these but we'll just be using color fused looks instead and that's that's really that's the only difference so we do have um the ability to still use color fuse within uh builder and within photoshop but we're using the little brother we're using color fused looks you can still get some very very cool effects because we have provided a a lot of a very good starting points for you um in my in my opinion in my opinion and if anyone wants to disagree with me they're you know they're within their rights they're wrong but they're within their rights i wouldn't have disagreed with you until i found out you've been holding out secret lutz on me for all these years i think that's a great i think it's a great explanation ben like you have you have color fuse which is like if you are want to deep dive you want to load your own luts right you want to you want to get into color space and all that and like a full full pro lut tool and then you have color fused looks for just fast and dirty grades right like you want to jump into photoshop and you want to do a nice quick and easy you're not too concerned about um you know using your own custom butts or anything like that you can just jump in and use that and um and that was our way to get that kind of easier version into builder and then color fuse looks kind of blows it out but um definitely have some questions for you a lot a lot of love from the chat a lot of people super excited about color views some some great examples good do you wanna you wanna you wanna hit some questions all right like let's um i'd love to hit questions let's start with a nice softball um does mocha masking work with cold fuse why yes it does thank you for asking um yeah we got mocha built directly into colour fuse so just like it is in let's pop that in there yeah just like it is in most of the uh uh sapphire effects we've got an edit mocha here so we can just come in a beautiful save that out and now we wait for after effects to auto save also save has been the bane of all of these presentations um but yeah we wait for that to uh uh to do its thing and then then we're going to just um yeah have mocha apply with my showmaker only there we go okay yep so you can track that and you can you can define that tracked mask yeah really cool a bit there you go there we go really easy to see that there how about another one what what format is the um does color fuse except for your custom luts dot cube nuts um so the ones we have got and the ones that i generally work with they are oh god now i'm gonna forget the actual number i think it's 60 is it 64 point luts or 63 point like something like yeah but it's it's it's basically it's um yeah dot cube luts you can you can take out um they'll generally they'll generally work for you um what for yeah all of these are cubes one one more question uh somebody asked about um so gpu acceleration as color views does color fuse take advantage of the gpu um that's a big yes right we added in um ocio version two with sapphire 2022 that's like a lot of like some of the like hidden features we're not talking about today but some of the improvements we've added so we haven't we have an effect called oci transform which is just a sapphire quick and easy way to you know transform different color spaces that is like ocl transform and color fuses based upon open color i o underneath the hood right so we upgraded that to version two which takes full advantage of the gpu so you're gonna see gpu acceleration um with kudo right if you have an nvidia card or if you're on a mac you'll see metal support as well so really cool uh love all those i love that 50 50 luts you've added in there 50 custom lots like um some some jokes that ben ben will be selling lots in the future um it's it's funny ben was selling lots for many years yes that is very familiar with a lut game right but um but you know in all honesty it's really cool man you know like we we've included 50 custom lots with color fuse to kind of get you started so that's like a you know probably like a 99 value at least right you know if you were to buy that um you know on instagram or something like that so some some really pro luts included with color fuse and you can always load your own too you can load in any of your own just i want to i want to say something actually while you're while you're doing this just the one of the things that always not always one of the things that annoys me a lot of the time about a lot of these lut packs that you get um either for free or you kind of buy for quite for some monies is the fact that they're designed by people who have designed them for a single shot sure um these ones haven't been designed for single shot these have been designed for a mixture of shots so they're doing stuff like making sure that they protect things like skin skin color they protect memory colors like um like grass and sky they're there to actually help to enhance their their ones that are being used commercially um and are for video professionals they're they're not just kind of random uh you know random stuff that looks good on one shot it's actually been thought about designed carefully you're heated um so you know that's that's that's one of the things that you know is is definitely a a standout feature for for me anyway you're you're hitting on a theme that john brought up earlier which i think was was a great point um when he was looking at his whiplash preset is like we're we're making these things because to be honest with you like we we want to use them right we want them to be a a real professional use um these are all all of ben's luck's exactly exciting anyone who has purchased a love pack exactly what you said ben is like it looks great in the video and then i apply it on my friend's you know nick's wedding video which i've been working on for three years and it uh you know and it's like oh it doesn't look like that oh it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't look like that at all so i i think you've done a great job um like i said creating stuff that that you would want to use yourself um and included them as free with color fuse color fuse is an amazingly powerful effect um it really is like just just just to be able to share the lut with someone else and not have to keep track of that it's embedded in the sapphire preset that is that is to me such a killer feature when you're thinking about online to offline you know um basically also taking care of the color space and almost like a bread trail crumb as to what color space you know online or offline was in when they created this this look as well and to be able to share that um is is really cool so really really love that um but yeah great presentation ben thank you so much thank you thank you very much i i love color fuse and i i look forward to talking about it a lot more over the uh the coming the coming few months so absolutely here we go absolutely all right should we move on we've got to move on we've got to keep it going keep the keep that keep the train rolling um i'm i'm sort of lost a little bit where we are i think we've got a prize to give away no i won't i want to give i'm going to give i want to give continuum away haven't we not given continue oh okay sure yes you are correct you are correct yeah i won't continue we've got lots of people here all right you ready are we loving this all right here we go yeah come on then i've got i've got i've got my reading glasses on uh oh sooner sooner little top has won the annual subscription of continuum 695 dollar value congratulations sooner that's well done well done well done we do need to get our applause machine you mean my sound effects we do we do yeah exactly great work congratulations that is a multi-host annual subscription continuum so works and every single host um we offer you know avid premiere after effects resolve vegas the full kit and caboodle continuum congratulations um all right congratulations it's not prayers left it's not too late it's not too late you can uh you can go to scroll down to the bottom of the screen and you will find the uh the competition entry form where you too can uh can join us to uh to win a copy of or an annual subscription i should say of the boris fx suite so that's everything we make including sapphire that we just seen continuum that we have also seen earlier on today and we will see a bit later on as well and mocha pro uh silhouette and optics that's everything's one prize left there's still time go to boris fx live scroll down to the bottom enter your details there full terms and conditions on the website if you have liked what you've seen so far and you are eager for more then um it would be very appreciated if you popped over to uh to youtube if you're not on youtube uh or if you're on youtube just hit the little thumbs up button only once only once make sure it turns blue if you hit it twice that doesn't count we don't like that want to make it turn blue we really appreciate it it does actually help out a lot um i know we uh we make fun of it but we don't we don't know why we don't know why it helps out but it absolutely does uh so so thank you to everyone who has been giving us the uh the thumbs up so far we see i mean the kids say it helps so you know we just we follow we follow what we see right we do we do these these big crates fall from the sky and we know that that must be that must be right so we must pray to the uh the gods of the uh of the cargo what we got next we we have got actually we're going we're going back to john i think we're going back to john we're looking at some sapphire presets yes sir john hello welcome i'm going to make john earn his money today this morning i'm still alive two presentations let's get on with it let's let's take a look at some presets so i'm just going to flip across to my screen sharing all right so presets in sapphire very close to my heart i've got i think i counted 698 presets of mine in sapphire now um and uh ben and i have worked very hard to add another 350 to this new version it's been really exciting working in it i always enjoy it because sapphire is um obviously it's a very deep set of plugins and when i create presets i get a chance to get into the builder and um and explore and then just you know really just sit here put the music on and be really creative and i think we've come up with some really nice looks now the best way to um explore the presets in sapphire is of course using sapphire effects so i'm just going to just search for that john while you're searching i just got to say did you do you said 350 350 new presets yeah oh my lord 350. so it's fantastic i'd like to point that out that is it's just 350. that's badass yeah banter shutters has 50 new um colorful presets which is terrific so add that that's added to that 350 or that included in the 350. okay so s effect is the best way to well really the only way to preview and browse all of the presets obviously you can browse presets for individual effects but this is the way i like to work so i'm just going to click on load preset and let's take a look now the best way to find out what's new uh in any version of sapphire is just to click on new so this is going to show you all of the brand new presets now there's going to be a bunch in here that like this one texture cells which are you know for backgrounds but there's also a lot of things that can be used to to modify this um this shot so the best way to to work is just to you know cruise through these if you're not sure what to you know what you're looking for and just you know apply them and see how they might look on your shot you can always do a comparison side by side or or a split which is really nice and just come through and just browse through and just see what's available first i think necessary i definitely think you um we'd be worth spending five minutes just to see what's new um i've actually included a lot of different sort of gradient presets let me just turn off this and just come in and search gradient and let's go actually we'll go to we'll go to groups type in gradient it's going to show us all of the different s gradient radial and gradient multi effects what we can also do is we can add a filter and i'm going to just come in here and type in v 2022 and that's actually applied it because i hit enter of course it's going to load that again so used to hitting enter after doing anything let's try that again so i'm going to type in gradient and add filter and v2022 i don't have to hit enter so there's all of the new different uh gradient filters or gradient presets that i've created for this version because i felt that there wasn't enough presets for the gradients and you'd have to go in and you know create your own which just takes time so i spent a bit of time doing things which i thought were useful there's also a bit of color theory that's gone on with these as well so just handy to have those in there also created a lot of new builder effects there's 24 new builder effects which type in v 2022 in here 2044 we just skip forward 22 years 2022 so i had a lot of fun with using s effect in this particular version every time i get into sapphire when i'm going into preset mode i can start to use effects things like ultra zap and ultra glow things i haven't done a lot of presets for and include them in my preset creation what i've really tried to do here apart from a few interesting backgrounds um which are combinations of different effects i wanted to come up with looks that you could literally just drop on a shot and just change the shot completely you know to give it a really nice look rather than just a color effect or a warp effect just a combination of different effects using s builder to change the way you know to change how a shot looks and i've i've kind of done use a lot of different warping and with various effects so that we can affect the shot using distort the distort effect i really like how that looks and just playing around in s effect until i come up with shots with looks that i thought were going to be quite useful so they really are you know drag and drop and gives you a chance to really change the look of your shot without having to do very much things like this so these are s effect effects if i just choose for example let's see glass panels like this and just click load so as ben showed before with sapphire effect you can control inside the the builder which parameters you want to be visible in the host and that's what i've done with all these i've only i've only revealed the parameters that are going to be the most useful you can always go back into the builder and turn different parameters on and off so i could just come in here quickly and just change the amount of strips just drop that back and bring that back and just you know there's random seeds in here so i could just change the random seed until i get something that actually suits my shot so you're really getting full value of a lot of the different sapphire effects by combining them using s effect and once again i said i can come back in and i can edit the effect and have a look in here and once that loads up we can make adjustments inside the builder as well so you can see i've actually left a little note in here as well a little sticky note just different things you'll find different suggestions for how you might want to use this let me just zoom in here i actually was playing around with a whole lot of other different effects sandwiched in here and you can see i've used rack defocus to adjust the background if i just click on that and adjust it to focus width you can see how that's sorry that's inside the actual um inside the actual glass um strips so that's using rack defocus but i was experimenting with other different effects because obviously the sapphire effect and the builder opens it up to experimentation so i threw a bunch of other ones in there but i didn't want to turn them all on so i just left a little note so maybe try those so if i right click and just disable rack defocus and choose something like collider polar just enable that now we're going to get collider polar only being visible inside those strips and you could try lots of different effects in here s effect really opens up sapphire to um your creativity so definitely go in and try those different s effects try the settings in after effects or in your host and then come into the actual builder and play around and take a look at how it was created and as ben mentioned you can preview selected nodes and you can come in and you can see how these were built just by clicking clicking on the different effects and see how they were combined and there's distort at the end to give that glass plates so heaps of fun to create i'm going to click ok so like i said 350 new effects and we have deprecated over 200 effects there's a bunch of stuff in there which i felt and i know some of the other team members brian ben felt that probably weren't as useful so we've hidden those and we've gone through and really spent time building things which we think we would want to use and hopefully you would want to use too so with that i'll switch back across to the uh to brian or ben and um let's move on excellent thanks john yeah three 350 new presets um john if you go back to the camera camera on please yeah um so great point you brought up that like you know we went through a full curation process of the more than 3 000 um sapphire presets um something that's been a long time coming you know like um sapphire has a long history right so like you know some of those presets were created quite long ago um and so we went through and we looked at each individual one um some some we thought you know we're just clutter and and kind of noise in there um so we deprecated those and good to point out that we don't actually ever delete anything we just hide them and in the preset browser if anyone wants to actually you know reach out to our support we can show you how to turn those back on but the whole thinking of that is if you do have a set as older sapphire preset that we deprecated in an old project and you bring that back online it's still going to go online like nothing's been deleted it's just more of a hiding process that we've gone through but amazing stuff with the sfx presets john real really cool stuff in there you know you'll when you guys see our marketing launch for sapphire 2022 we're featuring a lot of those builder presets in the images and renders that will show um so some fun stuff for 350 new so yeah hopefully you'll be able to drag it straight on to your shot and just you know tweak it to what you need but also it inspires you how to use um s effect as well to create things like that that you can share with your team absolutely and like and there was there was some love as well for the fact that you've you annotate those s effects as well you add little sticky notes in there to tell people what is going on i think that's a that's a very very useful uh useful feature and something that you're very good at when uh when creating those effects and thanks ben yeah and we've also been very careful to add descriptions to everything now a lot of a lot of the presets before didn't have descriptions um so read the description because i've i know i've have and i know ben has certainly put in things in there that will give you clues about why i created the preset what it looks good with you know how to and how you know how it looks best because obviously the shot that i use might not be the same as the shot that you use to drop a preset on so definitely read the description in those sticky notes absolutely thank you thank you john yeah get into it thank you very much john yep you're welcome should we we keep this uh get this train rolling we've got uh we've got the headliner coming up let me let me bring them back oh that was the uh the bear coming out of this cave there give us give us a growl over there wait alan still you told me i'm amazing amazing you're the second second headliner john yeah second headline [Laughter] always the bridesmaid oh yes i know they made a film about you so don't be uh don't be upset nick hello welcome well hello you guys um yeah just it's like just going through everything from the beginning of the presentation we're like now two hours and 19 minutes into this and it's just i it's incredible like what you can get for your value in sapphire or the entire boris effects bundle i mean we started off looking at continuum and particle illusion and now we'll we'll finish looking at continuum but i'm impressed and not to mention those presets so cool definitely no thank you thank you it's definitely like it's a good point like there was so much in these releases um i mean i mentioned to ben earlier a proper live stream breaking down these things would would be the the six to seven hour mark which you would see us a puddle on the floor right after after that but let's see how well we've done keeping this to a tight two hours so yeah 20 minutes i count this as a win a big win big win all right so i'll start this story off in a side of avid media composer okay so come join me there can everyone see my screen okay there we go beautiful okay so i wanted to start the story talking about a few things that are new in the bcc blur category if you take a look at the left hand side of my screen specifically in the effect palette a number of these blurs the bcc plus blurs have gotten a lovely speed enhancement now not to mention a series of presets that you can now utilize to do some quick looking effects whether it be an avid or any host that supports a continuum so let me start off i'll actually just build this effect that's already here in my timeline from scratch i'm applying a directional blur and here in my effect controls let's just hop inside the effects editor and see when you know you're trying to come up with a potential look obviously i'm not going to want to have this entire image blurry but we can look from and sift through a series of presets here and once we discover one very quickly start to adjust some of the properties or parameters directly inside the effects editor or hop inside of of avid to do some finishing too so i'll start off with a a strong diagonal width here number eight and let's apply that so we got a nice quick response time there with the blur and in terms of of properties i'm going to bring down the blur y uh to nothing and just stick with blur x and also increase uh the blur value here also doing it numerically inside of avid but in order to see a little bit of my image we've been talking quite a bit about mocha but i wanted to mention continuum and pixel chooser so if you head down to this section of the effect and then turn pixel chooser on while we do have the ability to go inside of of mocha we also have some quick options directly that we can use inside of the your interface and in this particular case i just want a really simple shape to use to have the subject appear within the blur so let's let's hop inside the mask section in order to do this you'll see just a series of of handy shapes available in this case i'm going to choose the ellipse it's the opposite way from what i want it to be so i'll just invert that mask and here with the feather increase that to a value of 80. also take advantage of just not having a complete ellipse i find this tool pretty easy to use when it comes to making an adjustment like this not to mention just taking down the the scale mask in order to kind of end up with with a blur look let me feather that a little bit more so this is just one of several mass tools that you can use in conjunction with the blur effect and if you need to you could always go into mocha and take this a step further for those complicated situations and sometimes even just situations where you want to go beyond the simple shapes so that's one blur and before i start to show this next blur let me first of all head inside my bin and open up a new sequence uh this is my favorite blur out of the group that's been added it's smear blur we can still find that directly inside the blur category here as the bcc plus smear blur and i think what i love about this blur in terms of experimenting with it was really that there's a few different ways of being able to use it outside of the box besides what it's intended for so right now i get a pretty nice blur you can see here on the image and i'll just do something really simple with this one where i'm going to take the center y value for the blur and just scrub up on it a bit so i try to get it in the center of the tower right here when experimenting with this i there are some values down here but one way to see what's happening is to actually bring down your smoothness value at the top of the effect to see that this blur is made of a series of steps so i'll head here and we'll take a look at and see three steps and we can see that even clearer if you start to play with the scale start and the scale end value in fact by scrubbing down the scale end and maybe increasing the scale start we should start to see a bit of a stepping valley if i change the smooth amount here for how the blur is being created and through like experimenting with this i was able to kind of create a few different effects here specifically with the blur and almost creating these dissolve based effects where we have a blur on one side of the image and then through of the replication of an image also have the dissolve of a subject coming in so this is just a simple keyframe of those properties if i hop back in to my main composition here sorry my main sequence here in a second if i go to the bin and head to my window here was another example of that and just reflecting on the smoothness valley being brought down to a very low amount you now have sort of a a mixture between a blur effect with a smear a smear but then playing around with a few different values inside of here can get you some pretty interesting transitions with blurs combined with dissolve and one of those that i found was this falloff value here at the bottom so just to bring john dickinson into this for a second i remember back in the day you used to have a website on on after effects experiments where you would take a few different obscure effects and try to combine and experiment with them and bringing it back to even looking at ssap where you have an effect that might scream out to you hey this looks like lightning there's so many different things and directions that you can take it on with it through experimentation and i think the same is true with some of these bcc plus blurs okay i have one more thing to show here and some of these effects this effect that i'm about to show in this new sequence are a ton of different color looks which was added to the continuum family uh in a few releases ago so if i head over here to the effect palette again and let's head into the film style category and i'm just going to apply bcc plus looks to this clip to really show number one if i head to the effects editor the absolutely massive amount of presets that you have available to you for color correction looks and not only that but the ability that you could take one of these looks you could tweak it and then in any application that continuum works in we can then share these effects not to mention additional additional data information which i'll get into in a second now before i do let me hop inside of here and just choose a this black and white flashback look i'll apply it and new to these bcc plus the the actual color correction effects in particular the film style category you're going to take i'm going to head down into pixel chooser once again and this has been added in this release so i'm going to choose and turn this on again and once again i can go and launch mocha and do a track but in this case what i'd like to do is try to limit this black and white effect specifically to just the subject and bring back in a little bit of color of the green within the trees and there happens to be under the once we activate a pixel chooser and head into the matte section a few different ways that we can grab onto the channel of a clip and from that channel whether it be the luma information red green or blue try to limit the effect to a specific region in my experimentation i'm just going to choose the blue channel here and notice that the matte types that i am i'm working with are levels right now but you have a bunch of different ways of where you can try to draw a mat out whether that be threshold or range but i'll stick to levels and i'll start to lower the white level here how you could start to see how by the black and white level adjustment not to mention some pre-smoothing i'm able to limit that effect to just a specific region of the image so this is something that i being able to kind of pull a color key using some of these effects i think is super useful especially with the entire bcc plus looks or if you're going to film stocks now let's continue this because i when we talk about all of these suites of plugins one of my favorite things is just this the ability to work cross-platform and the story seems to continue that way where opening up sapphire to to photoshop and then being able to share workflow there in terms of motion graphics and the story is is the same with continuum in this case i'll just add bcc plus film stocks apply it to the image i'll go back to the effect editor so we can take a look at a bunch of beautiful beautiful effects here that load up very quickly and even with starting with a preset this time i'll choose cali type and i'll limit making some changes here to some of those properties directly inside of the effects editor and if you're new to this keep in mind that there are multiple ways of comparing your clips and changing the view of how that effect is impacting your clip or clips that you've applied them to i'll come down to the color correction section and just make a slight temperature change and a slight change to the saturation and in these changes let me see if i can make something a bit more visible by heading down to some sharpening as well as entering a value here specifically for the vignette there we go so you can see i made a few changes there i'm just going to head to the top where you can see i'm clicking on this little paper icon and i have the ability to create a custom preset and this is your way where i could take this effect which is going to be loaded in a custom section and from that i'll give this a name i'll be the author i'll call this nyx cali type i'll choose ok and we can see that it's saved down here now in the presets but you do have the ability to actually find out where this is uh stored on your system this custom preset location and now that this has been saved out in that my film stock so i'm just going to apply it to the clip and all of a sudden i'll head over to resolve here we go and what was that the effect that was bcc film stocks yeah let me apply that to the clip head to my effects over here and in the effects editor i'll do a search let me just do a search for and there it is obviously i'm on the same system right now but there are ways for you to discover uh where this is on your system where you can share it with someone else who is on resolve or another host and that's so what i wanted to kind of show inside of of continuum and it picks up from the beginning also of course being particle illusion and some of those big fluid dynamic changes and summing up the fact that we now have mfr support as well as m1 very cool let me head back in and stop sharing the screen thank you very much nick very cool it's great yeah that's i i really i really like what you did with uh with like the blurs and just stop them from just being a blur and took them into a creative into a creative tool because you know loads obviously one of the most important effects and looking at that you can you can see why it has foundational effect yeah and i love the fact that it has these speed enhancements and i just love the fact that with the smear that you can do some experimentation with all of the properties and parameters that are there as well as just finding a a starting point with a blur that is speed enhanced especially if you're in a program like avid and being able to just make a few clicks and have your desired look of course and and and then on top of that just the stuff that you can do with the pixel chooser to limit it to a certain area or to a certain you know certain color or certain range of colors that's uh you know that's where stuff really starts getting fun uh to me anyway yeah it's it's built right into each of those bcc plus effects that the pixel chooser i think it's so cool and but and you can also just kind of choose your masking journey you know so you have simple shapes that you can access you then have color tools and it was just amazing to see how easy you were showing how to use mocha inside of avid john where you made a super simple shape you did the track and then you made a more complex shape and voila you have it linked so i'm not trying to say that that's not simple but there is some um some beauty to being able to just stay within your host for those situations where you don't necessarily need to hop in into mocha absolutely yeah absolutely great stuff nick your your first live stream presentation as a member of the team and i would have to say it is um great job coming out right at the very very right moment well done you're lucky i couldn't find an air horn sound effects right or would be getting that right now so yeah peepee [Laughter] oh god all right um all right all right ben well that's it we've we've uh we've done all our presentations i'm what i'm gonna do then is i'm gonna say goodbye to all of our presenters i think we'll then do the uh the last competition winner and then we'll say goodbye so i'm gonna say thank you very much to everyone who's uh who's been helping out today so alan lawrence thank you very much for your particular illusion thank you thank you very much uh john thank you very much for obviously staying with us doing ultrazap and presets peter obviously doing the uh doing the best work in the chat there and helping out with all the uh the continuum questions for us and nick nick nick nick it's great to have you on board it's uh it's a real real pleasure to to see you in your in your boris effects uniform now look at that yeah oh thanks i have to wear this all the time now during a webinar it's like my signature yeah during a webinar like a sticker maybe or something yeah first the first of many to come so excited exactly we'll have to get you some boris effect swag [Laughter] all right thank you very much guys all right let's get to it let's do the final the final big big big winner bye everyone uh yeah the final big winner who is going to win the boris fx suite so who could it be who's it going to be oh my goodness here we go we've got it right there that was a lot faster than i thought it was going to be glenn glenn hernandez well done congratulations you have won the annual subscription to the boris effect suite that is everything that we make including continuum that we've just seen sapphire that we saw earlier mocha pro silhouette and optics so that's going to uh be an annual subscription so you're going to get all of the new 2022 releases for those people who didn't win um you know it's it's not too late to to share in some of the fun if you want to have a look at all of the new releases now they are available uh as of the uh the beginning of this live stream so if you just head on over to you will see all of the new uh information about uh sapphire 2022 and continuum 2022 where you can either purchase a license straight away or you can download a free trial and give it a whirl for yourself so obviously that is going to be with all of the hosts that we support so if you scroll down just a wee little bit more you can see all of the tech specs about these supported hosts as well as why you sapphire who uses sapphire um so there's we've got that for sapphire and of course for continuum as well if we take a little continuum look at that blazing fast blurs as we just saw lots of new particles i'm gonna have to skip down there's a lot and continue [Laughter] there we go keep going oh there we go there we go and all the supported hosts right there um this is great thank you everyone for uh for helping to make this uh this launch live stream a lot of fun thank you very much for all of your questions we look forward to seeing you again very soon brian any final words yeah i just want to say in case we haven't clicked like everything is available right now like we we got this all up and going for this live stream we snuck it in um so all of the website has been updated you can go check out all the new features ben has done some amazing videos john has done some amazing videos breaking down sapphire in photoshop breaking down color fuse right breaking down ultra zap breaking down uh particle illusion fluid dynamics so all of that material is up on the website as of a couple hours ago it is it is so fresh and so clean you can you can smell the the new car scent all over it and the installers are live now as well so if you go down though sapphire 2022 and continuum 22 we're gonna officially launch them all tomorrow but you can get a head start tonight um so you can download a free trial you can check them out if you have a subscription you can upgrade right now if you're on an active uns plan you can upgrade um you can purchase a monthly subscription tonight to any of these products you saw today and start using them tonight so um it is all live and available right now i'll start using it start making stuff right and i i have to acknowledge the development team at boris fx which really are the true heroes jason and the whole continuum team larissa and the whole sapphire team um doing all the coding the big brains behind all of this stuff getting it all together getting it all up um for our livestream thank you so much to like i said to jason and the team and larissa and the team thank you so much for all the work you do um so fun new toys to play with definitely download them and check them out yep that's it that's it that's it that's it we're done we're done um if you if you did miss any of uh of this stream and you want to go back they will be uh available on replay uh almost immediately after finishing uh finishing the stream here live all right but uh but for now i'm ben brownlee i want to say thank you very much to everyone for joining us thank you very much to brian in mission control and we will see you all again at boris fx live very very soon all right take care everyone see you again soon bye for now [Music] foreign
Channel: Boris FX
Views: 6,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boris FX, boris fx sapphire, adobe after effects, avid media composer, motion graphics, boris fx continuum, boris fx particle illusion, particle illusion, sapphire plugins, sapphire plugins for after effects cc, premiere pro, after effects, video editing, how to get sapphire plugins, sapphire plugin, video transitions, boris fx mocha, sapphire, genarts sapphire
Id: w2B_imEWm9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 20sec (10520 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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