Human Torch Effect - Fire Effect | Photoshop Tutorial

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today I will show how to create this Burning Man effect in Photoshop so let's start hi guys my name is Naimah Nessa college and welcome to another fun alowed today I will show how to create this interesting burning manufacture a Fantastic Four movie so let's jump straight into Photoshop and let's have fun alright guys today we will use few different images for this project this will be our background then we have this one it's actually myself shooted in the studio and I will be the main model a little bit Johnny the plane here and this is the simple shot one soft light from the front and one soft light from my left side our right side and that's it and we will use few flames like this flames from fire to build our effect from it alright first thing what we need here is to extract the model out of the bedroom to save the time for this tutorial because we will have a lot things to do I already extracted myself out of the background here as you can see and actually I will give you this layer already extracted for you to practice right and now I will copy this layer and place it here on our background so I now I need to and make it smaller and rotate it a little bit and I will press ctrl or command T to activate the transform tool original tool and just with the holding shift to constrain proportion I'll make it smaller the model here myself and I will put myself somewhere here something like so we will adjust rotation later if we need to and the perspective here it's not quite right but we will make it a little bit I will use puppet work tool and just put a few pins if you don't know how to use a puppet work - I have a tutorial about that you can find the link right here right and I will expand this a little bit hide mesh and let me see just rotate this a little bit here and move the legs like so it's not so important to be quite good because actually this will be a salute and I don't think that the legs will be actually so visible at the end so that's how I will get press okay before and after before and after not bad at all and let's go again to transform tool and just rotate it a little bit you see maybe just weak the perspective a little bit let me see before and after yeah not bad actually let's assume it a little bit more yeah it's like I'm flying here right the next thing what we need to do is to convert the model to black and white for that I will use keyboard shortcut shift control U or shape command you on a Mac so let's do that and now we need to invert invert the model so ctrl I or command I on the Mac to invert the model and here we have the image how it's looking right now so we have two problems here actually we have one problem the pants are too bright because before it was dark and now when I inverted it was too too bright for this photo we don't need so bright clothes so we will fix that by selecting the pants and make it brighter before inverting so I will use quick selection tool and just quickly select here pants like so and I don't need shoes here just pants and maybe my legs here like so and oops that's that's basically now I will use curves like so and already have a mask from that and just make this writer so but let's pull the shadows up like so it's looking really strained right now but it will be good when we invert this and let's zoom it a little bit we can fix this edges but actually we don't have to fix it because the fire will cover that up and this would be perfectly fine so now we need to merge those two layers into one just click on the first one press and hold shift and click so click on the second one and now press control/command I sorry II ctrl or command e to merge it together so that's nice now press ctrl + I to invert layer and we have pretty nice color fans it's great thing okay now let's pick some things that are not so quite good here first I don't like this reflection in the in the eyes it's black because we inverted I use just brush make my brush smaller and I will sample this color by holding alt or option key and just with 100% opacity brush I'll just paint here and sample this color and paint here that's nice let's fix this a little bit right is the same procedure here just paint Center the color maybe make brush smaller and that's really really nice right now I will use the Healing Brush tool it's right here J on keyboard shortcut and I will just remove some white bright this bright spot that I actually don't like to see now an image right that's okay and this dark spot on a nose it's a little bit distracting it was actually bright from the light but now when we invert it everything it becomes dark all right let me see that's really nice for now so I have the model here let's rename it to model although okay and I have the Baron so the next step is to make the model look more yellowish orange like a fire so to do that we can do that in a few different ways I will choose to use here at saturation adjustment layer clip it to the model because I want on want only to affect the model layer and just click here colorized that's nice so I will choose something like so and boost saturation up you can always go and change this if you don't like but for now this is OK and one optional step I will use gradient map to add a little bit more color to the model here right clip it to the model and now I will choose this okay if you don't have this palette here don't worry just use some orange color for darks and some bright bright yellow color for these highlights like so almost wipes right press okay and now I want to put this layer into maybe overlay let me see yes and lower the opacity something like so it's already much better before and after if you can see the difference it's obvious so the next step is to dodge and burn the model a little bit so I'll put the dodging burn layer below all these adjustment layers here right I will use if you don't know how to dodge and burn again you can watch my tutorial about dodging burn you can find a link right here and I will use one of my favorite methods to dodge and burn read the curves so I'll make dodge curve like so invert with control command I invert mask to have a black mask L in this D for Dodge and I will use another curve for burning it's like so and vert again and press that named B for burnt alright and now let me see let's use Dodge curve and let's use softer brush with 0% right and maybe 20% capacity here and start maybe it's too much 10% the best and start to build up some contours you don't need to do that but I like to have some brighter contours here it will add to the effect right here and some bright lines here to emphasize the eyes a little bit okay and here something like so maybe to make these eyebrows even brighter and this part here then this dark part of the lips just make a little bit brighter so right let me see and it's really really nice already better for my taste let me see me here and now let's go to the burn and burn little bit more this inside I like so again you don't need to do that that's an option but if you like to do that you're free to experiment there normal space just have fun experiment you can achieve maybe completely different result and death pretty fine - I want this have a little bit more contours here so and let me see maybe here just a little bit right and yes that's really really nice maybe to make our I'm a little bit darker yeah a little bit bright right now and we started the shirt like so with the legs here too why not and I think we are now good to go so let me see before and after before and after really really nice right let's group all of these layers controlled mangie and let's name this model okay now let's go and put some fire to our image so let's go and find the fire layer I will use this one control Portman a controlled month C and then ctrl command V to paste here right this will be our fire so let's make this layer smaller like so and I will leave it like so and now we need to put this layer into the screen blending mode to get rid of the black color because green blending mode doesn't see the black color that's our option here okay that's great now I want to use the eraser tool if eraser and just erase this edge here and then I want to use levels you can go image adjustment levels or just press control cut ctrl or command F on a keyboard and I want to make dark part a little bit darker you can see the effect here just will be darker and bright part and me tone parts a little bit brighter to have something like so right this will be my base layer of fire and I will make it invisible actually uncheck this eye icon and then duplicate it control command J to duplicate it then I will make this visible and now controlled monkey to transform this and make it smaller and now just put this fire around the model you can tweak it transform it as much as you like and you can use warp tool to warp it if you like and just put the fire around the model like so and maybe it's too big I will make it even smaller just have a better effect and doesn't see if I can use this work and it looks like so it's nice press ok and then I will put the Mack on this layer use a brush a little bit harder rush around 70% and black color and just with 100% opacity paint to get rid of the things I don't want I just want the fire over the edge here of the model so I will do one more time and then I will speed up this process because it will last longer and you don't need to see all that in a real time because every step it's completely the same like this first one and the second one second one is again duplicate this base layer make it visible ctrl command T and then just go make it as small as you want and find the position for for the head for example X so maybe even smaller and that head position and press ok put a mask on it and just erase this part sticks you don't want to be visible right you just need some fire around the model like so okay now I will fast forward this and actually I will speed up the process and see you in a few moments you or right and here we are that's it now that we have all around the model fire actually I don't have legs but real cover legs with a bigger fire later and we are almost done with this so as you can see we have too many layers here and I will click on the first one and then click on the last one by holding shift to select all these layers and then I will merge them into one layer by pressing ctrl or command key on a keyboard so that's it and now we need to put this one layer into screen blending mode again to get rid of those black spots and we are okay to go now let's name this edge fire to know what it is we can duplicate this layer to have even brighter fire that's really nice and yeah we can merge that together again and put it in a screen blending mode and just remove the copy name here for right and that's perfect for now alright guys now we need to make a fire for the body so for that we will use the same layer of that flame that we use for the edge fire and we will build up from that great nice texture texture fire for the body so let's do that right so we will use this same texture again ctrl command j to duplicate then we will make it smaller but a lot smaller like so because I don't want this flame texture to be be like so I really want small one like so press ok and now we need to duplicate this several times to cover whole body here so I will duplicate that by holding alt or option key and just move it then rotate it and like this I will build up the scene control command C and this procedure can last a little bit so take time for that just duplicate several times and make something interesting of course you can duplicate this by pressing ctrl + J like so and then you have a copy of it but I like to press alt or option key and just drag it out as the copy and this is faster for me as you can see here as it's really really nice so I'll fast forward this again right guys now I cover the whole body and I look at it one more time but this time I will make this oops even smaller like so and I will cover the face with that okay just to have some flame effect on the face but we will lower the opacity of this so let me see where is the last one this is the last one so we can group this actually I'll merge them together press put it in the screen blending mode and duplicate that just this faster so now that we have all those layers made and cover the body again press on the first one and go all the way down to the last file layer press ctrl command key on a keyboard and that's it what you can screen blending mode and we have body fire body sorry buddy fire that's nice so let's change keyboard and that's it now we need to lower the opacity of this layer like so because I don't want this to be so visible put layer mask on it and erase this for from eyes nose I don't want this to be honest or on the lips here let's use softer brush like so and here it's okay let me see this is pretty much okay for now right guys the next step will be to make some heat effects or on a body you will see what I mean in a second go to the model layer duplicate the model layer clip it here and go to the filter filter gallery and as you can see you know that I know that's phenomenal nu when you see through the fire or when outside it's hot and you can see that waving background because of the heat and we need to imitate that effect here you can go to the brushstrokes here and choose this better or you can go to the sword and choose the ocean ripple and then mass mass here with create settings I like this better better it's right alright and I'll see let's let's do something like so and press ok and you can see effect right away before and after before and after this heat effect so I don't like to be covered on the face here in the eyes I will put a mask and just delete this from the face not the whole face but just the mount nose maybe leave on some part of the nose here like so and this is okay but I will lower the overall opacity maybe 80% it's nice and let's go to body fire and maybe lower it even more like so so we are done with some part of the effect right the next step will be to add some flames to the legs so let's do that right let's use some other image for for the fire for the legs let's use this one maybe I will use the lasso tool and just use this part copy it and paste it here alright and now I will make it smaller control Monte make it smaller like so maybe a little bit bigger and then I will use the mask and just make out this part that I actually don't need you will see in a second what I'm trying to make here and I just want to make some shape like so right and bring back with white color bring back some parts here and with this just just make something like he's flying this effect right and four nights okay let's lower the brush opacity and delete from here and now I can change the brightness and saturation of this let's use hue and saturation adjustment layer creep it here and let's make it a little bit to do to the red and maybe it will over the situation a little bit so let's leave the brightness as it is right the next step is to add some fire around this I'll use again this this same layer that we use for everything else you can choose any other fire for that right let's put it all the way up okay like so and let's see make it smaller put it here duplicate and maybe work it a little bit right I will not pop forward this because it wants takes so long as the one before okay put it here flip it vertical and just just do the same thing like so and duplicate it and put it stops so many copies and maybe work it down and transform it a little bit more something like so it's not bad so right and now select all four layers and control money convert them into one and put it in the screen blending mode this was a little bit faster but you know the procedure saw it in the previous steps red let's delete some things that I don't need here a lesson zoom it it's not that for times sake I will not tweak this anymore you can always go and for your project videos this is just for showing you how you can achieve this kind of effect right let's now to be comparing our little go to the background duplicate it just in case and now I will go to the filter blur and if you don't have the Photoshop CC you don't have this little blur gallery I will use that but you can use the motion blur to create a motion blur I will blur gallery and paddler because I like this and then I'll choose pedlar to go like this if you don't see those red arrows arrows you can put you can check it here edit blur shapes and you will see the red arrows errors arrows sorry and now let's create another one here like so and why those red arrows are for so you will see in a second let's with the speed we can change the speed of the blue I don't want more than maybe 35 or so 38 maybe 35 then let's go here to the red arrows and endpoint speed lower to zero because I want this part to be more blurred than this part maybe not to zero but maybe to few pixels like so or you can blur this part given more that's why red arrows are for so I will take the blurred just like this alright and when I'm satisfied with that I'll press ok and I will have this effect in moment that's really nice and this will simulate this speed of the guy so now let's go to the model here and let's tweak him a little bit let's add curves for contrast click here and add some contrast here some dark spots okay like so and then we can maybe make a background darker again with why not and contrasty like so you can always speak that as you like right not bad at all now let's let's add some parts here on this likes let's use this photo and again laughs a tool and just just select this copy and paste it here where the fire layer are and make it smaller rotate it and make it a little bit bigger like so and put it in screen blending mode and we have those parks here it's really nice you can duplicate that and have even more spots or make them smaller and it's really really nice aspect I actually don't like too much shape of this of this here part and it is this one I can tweak it even more but but you see maybe it's a little bit better like so and let's reveal I don't want to reveal the focus here like so it's not bad and let's leave it like this for now so let's go to the model here and I want to create a new layer below the model like so and paint with the white color right here maybe 50% best in build it few times to have the fact that this is really really bright fire and then I want to go let's let's clean this a little bit let's select all fire layers and group it and name this file okay maybe I'm a little bit faster right now but I hope that you will understand this okay this is mm why bright spot okay wide bright spots those spots here all right and now we need another one in the front of at the top of everything and again I will name it I know maybe maybe wait maybe use the curves adjustment layer why not indulge it dodge everything like so this is one thing that I want to do let's let's dot here some parts so I like this effect like so not too much just have some parts writer here aspire like something like so why not right just make few bright spots here okay and this is kind of image that you can tweak it really really lots to add a lot of details but this tutorial it's too long anyway and I will not do that I will make the outer edge of the model brighter how to do that go to the model here right select the selection lower the selection of the model by clicking holding ctrl and click on the model here and then go to the select modify and contract and maybe we can contract which is 10 pixels let's see then it's okay then I like to fatter this again go select modify and feather and yeah shutter by 10 pixels to and now we can load here again curves adjustment layer with that mask and of course we need to invert the mask and then just make sorry clip it's here to the model only and make this brighter as you can see the edge of the mall all are really really bright all right that's wanting other thing is to add a new layer clip it is the same mask here copy the same at here and use white brush and maybe with 20% best just paint with white here because I want this or even 50% opacity I want this even brighter okay right guys let's do the same thing for the add fire let's make it a little bit brighter so to do that I will just duplicate this fire group once twice maybe like so and let me see if I merge everything together and put in a screen blending mode that's nice and I will I will create masks here invert to have a black mask and just paint with a white brush 100% opacity I'll paint around him guys I am it's really really hot here I'm melting actually not because of the fire but because outside it's 40 degrees of Celsius and here all these lights it's really hot and I cannot turn on the air-condition because you hear all those noises right let's create one more effect let's add some brightness and white lines on the body of course you can build this scene as much as you like but I think we will stop around here let's do one more thing alright let's create a new layer all at the top here and let's use the white color maybe 30% opacity brush and just add some bright spots here something light like so right here emphasize some effects maybe like so and here change the size of brush and just said maybe this will not work I don't know but you need to try to see something like so maybe 20% opacity and just add some bright spots here like so really very small brush right and maybe a bigger brush here and not bad legacy not bad at all and of course you can now create these things as many lines as you want let me see body fire let's bring the body fire a little bit more like so and go here too I will name this white line white lines and let's emphasize some body fire here like so and what we can do now go below the white lines and make some dark spots here okay again the same soft brush white color and make some dark spots here so just dodge it a little bit maybe armed here okay this party face maybe I want some in 30 percent opacity like so see item it's not bad at all let's go to the white spot and make some adjustments here right it's your own preference you don't need actually to do this but I like this kind of effects here and now I will lower the opacity a little bit like so let me see let me see before that you can leave it like so and after that before not really like this kind of touch here let's lower the best even more and that basically basically it we will stop here we can add even more things to this image but I already said this is a ready to load tutorial so we will do the final color correction and that's it let's merge all layers each one with ship control of your ship command option e on the Mac and I will go use a few things I will use new collection it's a free plugin for Photoshop from Google right and I have some my favorites here but you will have something like so and I would like to use the pro contrast a little bit of dynamic contrast and regular controls like so and add another filter it's tonal contrast here now it's too much we need to zero everything out those were default values I don't know why the fault is not zero everything but that's how it is I want to emphasize highlight a little bit like so I mean it's too much and shadows yeah but just the touch but let's now compare before and after before and after really nice press ok and wait for few seconds for Photoshop to apply this effect all right and now we can add masks here and erase the effect from those parts here all right something like this that's okay now let's merge again everything together and I will use the filter and feel sorry not guilty gallery but filter and where it is camera filter I'm always using the shortcuts keyboard shortcuts for this it's shift control a or shift command a on a Mac and now I will add a little bit more contrast just a touch of clarity like soap pipe it's okay maybe we can use this the hey slider to behave it a little bit and add some amount of vignetting something like so and I like to add some yellow colors to the highlights oof I forgot one thing guys I forgot one thing I will show you later just to finish this and maybe a little bit bluish you can add bluish or yellowish something like movie feel on this image something like so and press ok for now what I forgot is to add some glow behind the guy so for that I need to undo all color Corrections and go all the way down behind the model below the model actually here put a new blank layer and use some color maybe take this one orange and then I will use gradient to here and I will choose the color to blank to empty this one and I will use radial one to just create something like so and then transform it to have something like this maybe you can transform it even more if you want and put it into the clip let's see the linear light or penalize let's use the linear light it's nice I'll show the pin lights too it's not bad but it's too red right I will in your life and now I can use the hue/saturation adjustment layer and put it here just to maybe go a little bit closer to the red and lower the situation a little bit and lower the opacity of this layer okay just have this nice effect of him blowing his slime right and now we can do all the steps again right merge everything together go to the mix color Efex Pro it will be faster now it will fast forward this and that said guys I did all the color color correction again I can delete those layers and we have the final image of course you can lower the opacity and maybe blend with the original before the color correction or you can leave it like so you can change the color correction like you wanted I don't know but that's it for today and we are finally done and I'm almost melted here in the studio it's really really hot I hope that you liked this tutorial and that you learn something new out of it this is really fun fact to create and of course it takes some time to create it and some practice so practice experiment have fun and if you have any questions regarding today's episode please leave them in the comments below I will be glad to answer it see you next week in the next one episode bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 47,033
Rating: 4.9761434 out of 5
Keywords: Human Torch, Fantastic Four, Burning man, Effect, Human torch effect, Fantastic four effect, Photoshop Tutorial, Nemanja Sekulic, Photo manipulation, Photomanipulation, Composite, Flame on, Flame, Johnny Storm, Flying, How to create, How to make, Fire, Man on fire, Creative, Fun, Advanced, Photo manipulation tutorial, Photoshop tutorial, Tutorial, fire effect, fire effect in Photoshop, How to
Id: W-Cps5pbWbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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