Magic Flame Effect in Photoshop

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hey guys it's Naima and today I will show you how to create this really cool magic flame effect in Photoshop so Lana fun begin for it guys you were here in Photoshop and today we will use this part of my hand I actually took a photo of myself of my hand here in studio just against the gray wall nothing special and I used this light this color LED light with green color from above as you can see here in the photo just to simulate the light that will be actually from that magic flame magic flame will be actually a light source and it's really important to match the lighting conditions on all elements in your photos to be able to create realistic photo manipulation so here we just have have one element my hand and the lighting source that will be right here so this is this LED light in case you're wondering I already did a review of that LED light so you can watch it on the link right here it's really cool gadget to have okay so first what I like to do right here is to extract my hand out of the background because I don't want this background I just want to replace with a clean nice wall so I already did this I select it and just create the mask in case you don't know how to do that how to make these kind of selections you have full tutorial or on how to select anything in Photoshop on the link right there so check it out and you will definitely learn how to select anything and extract it out of the background right so now that we are colored that I just want to create a new solid color adjustment layer with maybe some greenish tone maybe something darker like like this and that's for start cool and also I want to change this green into a little bit more bluish tone so I will go with a hue and saturation adjustment layer clip it to effect on with the hand and it's beautiful because I can change to any color maybe I want the orange look reddish look something like that I can do that so whatever but I I will go with this kind less saturated effect and that's cool for now okay the next thing is to create a basic shape for the flame and then create actually model that frame flame around that shape but before we do that I just want to say that this episode is sponsored by Skillshare so Thank You Skillshare for that you already know that Scotia is a huge online learning community with more than 25,000 classes in practically anything that you can think of so if you want to learn something new to gain some new skills or to improve your current skills in any field like Photoshop Illustrator After Effects to learn some cool effects or maybe modeling 3d modeling you ask me a lot will I do some 3d tutorials on cinema 4d etc for now I will not do that but you can go to skill share and learn basics of modeling or whatever some cool things or maybe running cooking whatever you want I'm sure they have it and because they are sponsoring this episode they're giving you guys two months completely free full access their premium account there so that means that you will get or gain access to all the content on the website all you need to do is to just follow the link down there in description and just go create account and gain those two months completely free otherwise Skillshare is pretty affordable it's the end our plan is less than ten dollars per month so after two months of expired if you want to continue with the subscription you can do that if you don't want you just cancel it no questions asked and that's that's it so just take this opportunity click the link down in the description go there two months completely free free go and learn bunch of cool stuffs right now let's go to the flame let's create that basic shape so first what I like to do before I do that I will go to the hand and move it a bit down and also I want to change the position of the pan so how to do that first I want to get rid of the mask I will right click and say apply layer mask so I just have a layer without a mask and then I will go to the Edit and puppet work in case you don't know how to use puppet for because I will not explain you fool here you can just go and watch my full tutorial about that on link right there okay so it's really easy I will just go and expand the selection around this mesh as you can see because if I shrink it I would cut the image so I just want to expand it a bit to have some safe safe frames around that's cool I don't want this show mesh and I just want to put one pin here and to pin those fingers and everything they're not to move so I will select this one press and hold out and just rotate in a wrist hand like this so it's going from from this to like that right because after I took a photo I I saw that maybe it would be better if I tilt up a little bit so this is cool way to do it after right you can even go like this if that's your thing so if this is what you like you can do it but for this example I like something like that and also put one pin right here and just stretch it a bit right something like like this is pretty cool alright press enter and that's it this is before this is after really cool and now I can move this wherever I want but I'll maybe put it something like this and how we can start with the basic shape of the flame so let's first group this control command G let's call it hand let's group this actually I don't need this I can delete it you can put this in a group because I will later add some elements there just one actually or two so this is background okay and now let's go to the flame finally new layer I will go with the elliptical marquee tool and just by holding shift I will make perfect circle and for now I will go with this kind of shape I would choose the color circle sample this color on the glove and by holding alt or option on the Mac and backspace I will fill this circle and this is just as a reference I will now model the flame around this circle so they're plentiful how can do this in Photoshop like everything else I will go with my custom-made cloud brush in case you don't know how to do it you can watch my tutorial right there or you can just go and purchase these set of cloud brushes my website for just $1 the link is down there in description search your trace right so I will go with a new layer with a brush and just choose my Karl brush this is my color brushes that will go with this one for this effect okay and just show how it works it's cool right I will go and just go a little bit around this circle and then I will change colors with X I'll go with the black okay and then I will go again with the steel color black and just paint and switch between those two colors have something like this right now I'll hide this circle and this is our base shape so I would just add even more color to it okay actually guys you don't need to use this circle at all but I know some of your total beginners and maybe this is easier way to just make nice circular shape if you don't want it you just you can just go like this without anything just make this cloud effect out of nothing and this is pretty cool so this is the shape that I want to have and now there are plenty of ways how you can model this to some cool flame so one of cool ways is to go to smudge tool and smudge tool is processor heavy tools so it will encase your photo is a bigger size it will take more time also if you have a bigger brush size of that tool it will take some time to processor process that move etc so just have patient with this so I will go like this and just just go and make some crazy shapes right make smaller bigger brushes also with this you can go and change the strengths are the strength is smaller you will need to go too many times and nothing will happen almost so I like to go somewhere around 45 or 50 for this and this is close so just some kind of a flame and you can always go back if this is too high you can always change it etcetera so that's cool it smudge tool so I will go something like like this for now okay and every time when I try to make something like this some kind of fact like this every time it's different because obviously are making different moves with a brush but this is pretty cool start so you can move this wherever you want but I'll leave it here and now what I like to do here I like to add some kind of flames at the top of it and there is cool way in Photoshop in case you didn't know it I will show you now there is really cool way how to create flame out of nothing basically just render flame in Photoshop and for that I will create new layer use the pen tool press P on keyboard or just go right here and just create some paths that the flame will follow so I'll go with one right here then press escape then one right there press escape to be able to create a new path in case you don't know how to use a pen tool again I have a full tutorial explained how to use a pen tool and you can watch that too and master the pen tool because it's really important tool in Photoshop so I'll go with one right there actually like this and then go right there press escape maybe one more time like this press escape and maybe one more time why not so here and something like this and I want one down below this is pretty cool now with all those paths Nate's made we will go to filter then we will go to render and render flame that's really cool and now we will have some cool window with this is this is how the flame will look like from all that filling all those paths so that's cool we can change the width we can make dinner if you like we can make thicker like crazy flame but let's make something reasonable reasonably nice so maybe maybe this is cool I will press ok and the Photoshop will now render it and I will just press delete button one time to delete this so if I hide this you will see really cool flame effect in Photoshop in matter of a couple of seconds it's really nice you don't need to grab some fire images online but you can you can grab some fire images online and put it in stats out has already said several different ways I can create the same thing but this is really cool and now what I like to do I like to create hue/saturation adjustment layer clip it to effect only this flame okay and I will just change the change hue but I would go with the colorize let's go with the colorized that's cool and for now I will leave it I will leave it like this and I don't like to be just like a regular flame shape I like to blur it a little bit so I will use radial blur to do this and I will show how so I will go right here in the flame actually I will convert it in a smart object just in case I mess something up to have possibility to just really easily change the effect change filter and I will go to the filter blur and go to the radial blur okay and in this case I would choose spin instead of zoom in a previous episode I show you the zoom and all the tricks with the zoom it's really cool spin exactly the same thing and I would just repeat for you guys who didn't solve previous episode this means that the spin effect will go from the center so from the center of the image and it's from this and it will start to blur this like this so this flame will be blurred left and right like this in the arc shape so let's go with 10 and see if this is cool yeah this is pretty cool maybe it's too much so with the smart filters we can double click on the effect and go maybe with 8 to change it really easily this is cool let's let's go with the 5 just see how it looks hmm 5 looks cool too so for now let's leave it like that let's create a layer mask and I want to with regular soft brush you just want to erase this thing down below I don't like it too much okay everything else is pretty nice and now what I like to do I like to add one cool image here that I downloaded from some website online and it's this one I will just copy it I downloaded from pixabay I think so you will have all the images down there in the description you can download it and practice along with me so now I will paste it right here ctrl or command T to make it smaller something like that and then I will put it in a screen blending mode and I have those dark I don't dark frames so I need to go with the levels you can go to image adjustment levels or just press ctrl or command L just make everything darker that's cool and now again control command t just want to transform this I want to put it in this kind of shape inside of everything this is pretty cool now you need to decide about the size so maybe bigger maybe smaller whatever you like it how you like it I will go with something like this and also I will go here and using and saturation adjustment layer maybe colorize it looks cool it looks really cool so look it to effect only that so let me see I can go with saturated version I can go with already saturated but maybe something in between and this looks pretty pretty cool effect like really cool strange magic flame like I'm a wizard and I'm I know making some magic flame from my magic glass alright so this is almost done we can we can finish it here it's pretty cool easy nice effect but I just want to add some small particles and there is cool way how you can create a particle brush I already did this in some of tutorials but I will quickly show now how to do it here you just need to create a new layer and I will go with let's go with 2000 by 2000 72 dpi we don't need more and with white background and now I just want to go with a lot so to regular last let's go here like this create a new layer and just make few circles like this is 1 this is 2 maybe here I know bigger or smaller depends maybe like this right and I want to fill it with black so in this case because black it's background color I will go with ctrl or command backspace and that's it so I will go with the razor tool and just one high percent opacity harder brush I just want to raise this hard edge I don't want this so just play with the shape a bit and that's cool we can also blur this if you don't find this kind of maybe just a little bit of Gaussian blur you know this is too much but just a bit maybe something like this and I will press ok and now we will define brush out of this we'll go to edit define brush preset and name this part cusp ok press ok and this is it we have it but now it's yeah this is cool that I messed up here because I had eraser selected and I made eraser out of this so need to make sure that the brush is selected then go edit define brush preset and name it however you want to name it particles and this is cool so I have my particles right here particle brush it doesn't show much because I raised everything so again brush is selected edit define brush preset now it's cool alright now it's pretty cool now we need to go to f5 and change some things change shape dynamics all the way change scattering a little bit then maybe you can go shape dynamics and change the angle old way and brush tip shape change the spacing and now we have really cool let's make small really cool small particles that I will use for this father'll saw was the cache here I want to create new layer let's name it particles with the same color let's put this into linear dodge blending mode let's yeah this is cool I want small brush and see the spacing is so small I need to increase space in the bed because yeah this is better maybe a little bit more so now I will go like this and just maybe with 50% opacity just create some small particles around and I can change the size make some smaller down below this is guys optional if you want just add some kind of particles around even smaller like it's going up here and that's it I think this is enough and also you can add even or more images like Michelle let's use this one I will just copy this one and add it below particles this is plane number two controller quantity to make it smaller and just rotate it something like this put it in a screen blending mode let me see so again optional thing I can go again with the hue/saturation adjustment layer clip it effect only that set colorize and choose the color but this is pretty cool color and also I can lower the opacity not of the blending mode another the hue/saturation adjustment layer but layer down below and also I can add a mask right here and with a regular brush soft round brush I can just one high percent opacity just erase what I don't need like this alright and I can move this maybe somewhere here let's see and this is pretty cool I can also transform it and maybe narrow it bit or I can go to work and and warp it and in this new Photoshop 2020 you have ability to hold in either by holding alt or option key to add those I don't know like columns and rows and to warp it a bit differently if you want so you can have even more control over it which is awesome and for now this is pretty cool I will leave it like that let me see maybe I like this better yeah maybe a bell I will go like this oops not like that but like maybe let's see distort and distort it yeah like this I like it better like this and this is pretty cool we can play with opacity but this is what I like and I think this is pretty cool now let's go and add some different background but before that let's group everything here and press ctrl command G name it flame magic flame flame alright and maybe you can add even more things with this basic shape let me show this really cool trick if I go to the basic shape go to filter blur and radial blur and put this even more down that means that this part will be more left and right blur and go maybe with I know 13 C it's really cool blur effect and I just want to go with the eraser and choose the regular soft round eraser brush okay and you raise the middle of it and top and bottom so I have just this kind of shapes you can see just have this this kind of fat and put it maybe in the linear does blending model already passed just a bit of the glow around I like it so this is pretty cool now let's go to the background and let's let's find let's add this as our background here paste it and because it's too big of course I want to make it smaller let's see if I rotate it like like this this looks cool I want this upper part to be darker so this is pretty cool and now I'll put this into multiply blending mode but before that I can even I can even desaturate it so to desaturate it there is a shortcut cool for that shift control you or shift command you on a Mac that's a desaturate it put it in overlay or multiply blending modes if we go to the multiply blending mode we can go right here create new layer and choose default colors click on this or D on the keyboard choose white color as the foreground go to gradient tool and choose the second one color to transparent and maybe just make this bit brighter and put this into overlay blending modes so just have this down part you can see a bit brighter just a personal preference not expression just have contrast between these and maybe this is too bright maybe just a bit and that's it so let's let's collapse everything let's go to the handle as Michelle not a cool way which there are plenty of things that you can do guys here but I will show you one more thing so here this is go all right I want to add a little bit of the glow on the fingers I'll go with a brush regular soft round brush size smaller maybe something like this we will see and I will sample this color and just make it darker like that and I just want to use maybe 20% opacity brush and just stack one more time here here here on every finger and maybe here in the middle and I will go create a new layer again in the linear does blending mode just just maybe add a bit of the same same effect here and let me see this is just a small blow on the fingers to emphasize the fact a little bit you can go also all the way down behind him but now you what I wanted to do is is this let me share real good maybe to add like like this kind of effect like is is it going up from the fingers and than with the mask maybe to delete to delete from the finger on high percent opacity please delete related here and to shape it so this is optional if you want I'm not sure about this like it's clouding it's raining I don't know maybe a bit maybe just I know 20 percent yeah just a small touch right and that's basically guys now what we can do we can merge everything into one new layer and the color correct is a little bit and finish it with that soul is it so to merge there is a famous keyboard shortcut shift ctrl alt or shift command option E on a Mac like this then go to filter camera filter and display with it I like to add a bit of contrast open the shadows but close the blacks a bit and I like to add some textures here and clarity because it's cool image for that also I can maybe lower the situation bit then let's go and add vignette so I just want to darken the corners and just want the fatter the mean you add something like this looks cool also I can go out to calibration and just change the color of this more towards the teal like this let me see this is cool and also we can play with split toning so there is cool way you can change the color of the highlights so maybe one highlights to be red and to have something crazy like this and maybe shadows to be blue so just just a crazy crazy effect it's that's something which you want you can just play with all these colors here and have it I will leave it maybe I will just add a bit of blue in the shadows just it like this and sharpen it a bit mask it so everything what is white it's our sharpen and I'm now holding outer of the option key to be able to see my mask so this will be cool well word radius bit this is cool and that's basically we can lower the highlights have this kind of effect why not maybe like that just press okay and this is like before and after this is really a really cool effect of course this is just added to the portion of the body it's just on hand just to see how you can create this kind of glowing fireball effect it's really cool magical effect now you can apply it to any photo that you want just make sure to match the lighting conditions on the folder because that magical flame is emitting the light you need to either you're shooting your own photos need to match those lighting on the shooting like I did with this cool LED light or just find images that had that has similar lighting conditions if the flame the lighting source will be there in that position so that's really important to make even more believable images here what you can do because it's emitting the light let me show you just one more thing you can again go to linear dodge blending mode and just with that same dark color with the big brush 20% opacity you can just add know just a little bit of the light and another new even darker version just add this is just optional so I can see this before recess after just to make impression that this is really anything right so that's that's basically it guys so I hope that you liked this episode that you learn something new that you have inspired to create something on your own something similar or something a little different you don't need to create like a magical fireball you can create maybe something with lighting effects I have a full tutorial of that too maybe you want something with the freezing arms with some ice at the top there is plenty of cool ways how you can add these kind of effects it's the same principle similar technique similar tools but just lecture mind wandering around and try to think something really cool and unique if you have any questions regarding this episode just leave me the question down there in the comment section below I will be glad to answer it and also guys if you want to help me to make this shower even bigger and better you can do that by visiting my patreon page the link is down there in the script and you will get also some things in return like my PSD files etc so just check it out and also if you appreciate this content if you liked it like this episode just press the like button on below share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe in case you're not already also ring the bell to get notified about all the future content have an experiment and see you guys in my next tutorial bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 135,770
Rating: 4.9582586 out of 5
Keywords: Magic Flame, Magic Flame effect, photoshop tutorial, Nemanja Sekulic, Photo manipulation tutorial, How to make a flame in photoshop, fire effect in photoshop, How to create flame, Glow effect, Creative, Skillshare, Magic power, Super power effect, Fire tutorial, Flame tutorial, Magic Flame Effect in Photoshop, How to make fire in Photoshop, VFX, Special effects, Magic spells, Magic spells in photoshop
Id: aHwQn5sgUYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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