Photoshopping YOUR Drawings! | Realistified! S1E8 (Season Finale)

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this video was brought to you by expressvpn in this video i'll be turning your submitted drawings into realistic adaptations whether it's a monster cute figure landscape or whatever else i'm using photoshop to either turn these into adorable images or your worst nightmare welcome to realistify [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to this final episode of realistic fight of season one this is going to be super epic and yeah if you want to send your drawings for the next episode make sure to send them to benny's edit show subscribe but most importantly hit the bell to stay notified about future videos at all times for this special episode of realistic fight i have something really cool at the end so stay tuned for that then let's go edit the first drawing for today which was sent in by y cartoon this is my drawing i hope you like it sent from mexico thank you very much this may or may not become a genuine work of art so let's just bloody go ladies and gentlemen we are back in photoshop and today i'm going to make this so incredibly freaking pretty that your eyes will implode let's first make the ground because i think that is a great way to start to put this right about there and then i'm going to extend the lower area just a tiny bit there you go fantastic then i will delete the clouds right here because those we don't need there you go and just for the record this is going to be one of these super generic alien things but honestly i just really want to try that because i don't think i ever have because sometimes creating generic things is not even all that bad can also be incredibly helpful sometimes let's make this a tiny little bit darker there you go and then also let's add some blue to blend it in nicely with the sky i just added and that is already looking pretty decent i'm gonna make the background a little lighter that is awesome but then the sky is uh well looking like this so let's go and fix that first i'm pretty sure i can just do that like this and then to really merge them together i'm gonna erase the edge and dude there you go i mean this is freaking beautiful so as you can see i did change the horizon and the grass a tiny bit compared to the original drawing but i'm pretty sure this is gonna be just a tiny bit more interesting for the composition so then i'm gonna drag in my beautiful ufo there it is and i'm going to sort of put it in the right position but not entirely but just a little bit what the hell am i saying something like that should do it and then to make it appear a bit thicker i'm just gonna copy this and put it like like that and then a nice clean edge right in between i'll add some shadows to that but then for the second layer down here i have this other ufo which i mean it's kind of genius which i can just put right below it some shadows to that one as well beautiful then for the windshield dome sort of thing i've got this which is actually a snow globe but nobody cares just put it right about there and then i will just sort of make it look like it's on there okay that was a lot easier than i thought then i've got this bowl which i think will give amazing reflections to that that for sure makes it look nice shall i first do the little creature inside i should probably do that first i'm just gonna do my standard way to do this i'm gonna trace the shape and then fill that in with textures and shadows this kind of looks like some demon sort of alien which is uh interesting for sure down here it's a bit vague but i'm just gonna assume that these are tiny little tentacles and then i'll go and add some shadows again and at this point it's really just ambient shadows because i have no idea what the lighting is gonna do so i'll see that later got the little tentacles right there how is this actually already killed so this is what i'm gonna do to the entire thing so i'll be back in one second if you now look at that that is looking pretty cute now let's try and make it look like this ufo is actually uh in this landscape because this is this is this is looking sad let's go and add some blue how about we make these lines neon lines oh my god i'm gonna add some glow to them that right there seems like the perfect spot for a moon add some glow to it oh that is looking juicy right there and then i can legally add some highlights right here coming from the moon wonderful now this to me ladies and gentlemen is starting to look real good let's go and make that light beam down here something like this i think fade out the edges a tiny little bit there you go nice and subtle and then in the middle it should be a little brighter a little more you know spicy spicy little more popping look at that that's freaking epic and then obviously this is casting light straight underground so well there you have it that looks pretty freaking good should be a little more blue though well d i mean look at this ladies and gentlemen this is art okay so then ladies and gentlemen it is time for bertha there you go i will flip bertha i will make bertha a tiny little bit bigger and i will put that right there it is perfect okay let's actually make that a little bit bigger i'm gonna put her a bit down like that first of all i'm going to make bertha a little darker there you go because clearly she's only being lit from the top bertha can also use some blue because you know she's being lit by blue light so that's also very convenient and then i will paint some light on top of bertha then i'm gonna put bertha right in the grass just like so tasty grass she was about to eat well not anymore then one shall make a shadow right below bertha like that how about we make some lights right here beautiful there and there and then we can give those a little glow beautiful and some haze or mist or whatever you want to call it i feel like bertha should be a tiny little bit bigger that definitely is a little better and ladies and gentlemen i haven't used them for a while but let's go and add some particles there you go look at how freaking beautiful that is you know what i think i think it is time to add a camera raw filter at the end of the day this is where it all gets pretty that is definitely a lot better look at that i may or may not add some more stuff but i think this is pretty much it so yeah on to the next one [Music] absolutely beautiful i'll make sure to send this back to you when i get the chance then the second drawing for today was made gary yes benny what did we discuss about package no more delivery my place indeed can you at least try sending your feet to the studio affirmative all right hello ladies and gentlemen my name is gary and today i'm going to tell you something about the sponsor of today express vpn vpn as you guys know stance stands for virtual private network which means you can go online and to filthy stuff without anybody seeing the filthy stuff you're doing it reroutes your connection through secure servers and hides your ip address which means it is very hard for other people to trace you but also i am a huge movie fan and i like hbo max a lot i mean i just recently started watching gamer phones again and i'm i'm ready for the disappointment but the point is it is only available in the us so for that i can use expressvpn to put my ip address inside the us so you know i can watch it yeah i think that was pretty much it sounds promising sure is but the absolute best thing gary gary not this again what's your emergency yeah hi i'd like to report a crashed vehicle anyways find out how you can get three free months of expressvpn by visiting benji or by clicking the link in the description below then it is time for the second drawing of today which was sent in by zipper hello benny my name is zipper and i was hoping this drawing of mine could make it onto your youtube realistic fight series i really love your work photoshopping is an amazing skill i hope my drawing won't be too much for you maybe it is maybe it isn't let's go find out back again in photoshop and let's start with the body for this one i found some separate parts online which i think are perfect for this one so i'm just going to use warp to kind of match the shape i think something like this should be okay looks pretty close to me we don't need these areas then i'm just gonna use this one again for the lower area right here and i think this is gonna look a bit weird at first and i guess to finish the arm i can just reuse that same arm use some warp again something like that should be about right there you go and then i have to connect them seamlessly and i'll make this a little darker and i think that might look yeah that's that's pretty decent i mean it looks uh super weird right now but it will look pretty nice then for the head i have this one which is just some sort of bowl which i think fits pretty well and then i also have a jaw which is completely not the right shape but i can make it work somehow uh so i'm just gonna use some warp for that i put it right about here this is gonna be one of these typical warp drawings in which i use warp on literally every single thing i see kind of boring but i mean it works then i'll erase some areas then for the head i'm also gonna get rid of some areas there you go and the ears is a completely different thing because i found this and uh so i'm gonna try to put this on it as best as i can that's gonna need some warp again there you go then i gotta fade it out on this side okay that looks super weird and the second one very nice so then in my world this guy has a black skin since the ears are black and that kind of looks cool so i'm gonna make everything black first of all the body something like that ooh that looks really cool and a bit of a highlight up here create some texture and shadow down here this is starting to look interesting let's try to make the ears a little bit less uh whatever this is a bit of shadows here and there that is a little better i'm not sure it's great but it's a little better same thing for the other one this is gonna be one weird creature for its tongue i'm gonna use this which i mean it's a tongue so i'm gonna mask that out real quick and there it is so now i get again try to match the shape like that that is actually not even that bad gonna make that a little darker and add some shadows to it that looks interesting to say the very least for the inside of his mouth i have the inside of the mouth of a komodo dragon so that's what i'm gonna use i'm gonna put it right about there and as you can see that kind of matches already i'm just gonna erase this edge right here add some shadows to it as well yeah that's looking pretty cool then the same thing for the lower jaw right here something like that yeah that's pretty that's pretty decent so then it's only really the teeth and of course obviously the entire lower area of his body but that's not important right now but then of course we need teeth because he has quite a lot of them so for that these freaking beautiful gonna make those a little smaller and with this i can see exactly where i'm supposed to put them so i'm just gonna go and do that really quick like that then i'm gonna blend them in very nicely and then i have to add shadows to all of them which is of course a lot of fun too there you go that's pretty much the upper row they can use a little more contrast maybe yeah that's that's pretty cool and i'm also going to add some more shadows on the inside of the mouth because i feel like it's just a tad too bright so then i gotta do that same thing all over again but for the lower jaw because as you can see there's a few back here there's a few up front so uh yeah i'll see you in one sec now would you look at that i think it's adorable so then it is time to make the rest of his body starting with the lower area this ladies and gentlemen is the body of a deer and i'm telling you it will be perfect for the legs so i'm just gonna put it right about here use some warp again to warp it i will take away some of its color and i will make it a whole lot darker as well and warp it once again and then to finish it up i think this may be a great hoof oof so that same thing i'm gonna have to do for the other one as well which will be finished in three two one there's the legs freaking beautiful this is looking a bit weird but it's gonna be covered by the arms anyway so that doesn't really matter uh so yeah then it's mainly just the arms but by now we all know how that's gonna go so i'll skip that too and there you have it so now ladies and gentlemen it is time to put this guy in an environment so i'm gonna do that in a speed r type of way because we don't have all day and i already got some ideas i can hear you thinking from all the way there benny you forgot his tale for some reason i couldn't find the recorded video where i explained this so well here it is i didn't add the till because i thought it would make him look too animal-like and since the theme of this month is aliens i wanted him to look at least a little humanoid to create this more well alien-like vibe to him i hope that makes sense enjoy the rest of this a realistified episode without at least some sort of alien or monster is not complete so well here you go now after editing the third drawing of today i'm gonna combine all the previous episodes in one meaning that i will combine all the creatures and all the stuff into one huge wallpaper then the final drawing for today which was sent in by georgios and no message was included i think i'm gonna go a little crazy with this one so uh let's open up photoshop this is gonna be the most cursed patrick you have ever seen let's start by creating a beautiful shape and what i mean cursed i mean actual curse like it will haunt you in your dreams cursed that is beautiful now let's add some shadows to get some shape in there very nice very nice let's make the background uh something like that a little bit of a bump right here then i'm gonna need the eyes so uh same thing here although i am going to make his eyes a little bit more sinister than uh what it is here i'm talking like nightmare fuel yes that is looking beautiful then here also a bump very nice and then the eyes themselves of course like that it's looking pretty cool same goes for this one this is going real fast i've only been going for like five minutes and look at this then let's put this texture right here which obviously is the wrong color but we can fix that there you go that's better so clearly this is um leather but i felt like this might look great which that definitely gives it some more life and then let's do that up here as well there you go very nice and you may now be asking yourself what about this is so cursed well just just wait for it trust me then let's put some of this here very nice then let's make a nice little thingy right there and i can just move it right there beautiful and to really spice it up let's add some nice veins right about there isn't that nice and a little bit on this one amazing that honestly is disgusting yeah i love it i also found this image and honestly i have no idea what the hell this is but it looks amazing let's put it on there let's see if that works oh my gosh dude oh that is horrible maybe some here as well i mean we can always make it worse why am i like this maybe the base of the eye should be a bit more yellow oh that makes it so much worse why do i like creating nasty stuff so much i honestly why what is wrong with me what have i done so he's got pretty just normal sweet teeth i'm gonna that's not that's not good enough right now so for those i am going to improvise and get my own do check this out if i turn this guy green it's instantly a pickle i mean this is a pickle oh this is gonna be amazing the teeth really do keep being the most boring thing and then ladies and gentlemen it all comes down to shadows again now that is slightly discomforting now that same thing i'm gonna have to do to the entire lower jaw as well so i'll see you in 10 years ladies and gentlemen isn't this lovely i mean what am i doing with my life maybe we can put some uh saliva between his teeth there you go freaking beautiful and for his belly button even that just looks disgusting and then let's finally finish the other parts of his body because this is kind of sad i don't really know why he's wearing boxing gloves but i've got this one so i'm using some warp to make sure the shape fits and then i can put it right there what am i making seriously i mean this is art right here same goes for this side and this tongue isn't exactly the same as a drawing i'm aware of that but i'm going to use it anyway because i'm lazy so let's just go and add some shadows to it then for that belt i've got a belt which i'm going to warp to make sure it matches the shape what a surprise who would have known so that looks incredibly interesting what if i would just put a photo of actual pants right about here oh that looks incredibly weird i mean it's a bit of a far fetch but it is sort of the same thing just a tiny tiny little bit more demonic so the only thing i still gotta do is put him in an environment because this is clearly a bit boring so i'm gonna do that really quick and i'll see you in a bit [Music] so [Music] well there you go that is the infamous patrick what monstrosity have i created honestly anyway like i promised right now i'm gonna put everything i ever made for realestified together at least the creatures and stuff so uh this is realistic fight season 1. so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] and ladies and gentlemen there you have it that is realistic fight season one all wrapped up into one huge ass edit it's been a crazy ride so far so prepare for season 2 because it's gonna get even more crazy if you want to send your drawing for the next episode don't forget to send it to benny'seditshow then i guess that's it for today if you like this video make sure to leave a comment and a like and subscribe and most importantly hit that bell to stay notified about future videos at all times then i hope i will see you in my next video [Music] whoa [Music] you
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 1,429,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, tutorial, entertainment, photo shop, expressVPN, break down, realistified, drawings into reality, drawings realized, photoshopping drawings, drawings, realistic photoshop, photoshopping your photos, your drawings, realistify, season 1, character photoshop, photoshop speed art, grim reaper, creepy, monster, creature, creature design, fantasy creature
Id: Tpjcs2qc2qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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