How To Create A Planet In One Click | Photoshop Tutorial

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today I want to show you one really great trick and that's how to make planets with just one click well it's a rhyme and intentionally let's start hey guys it's pneumonia and welcome to another fun episode today I want to show you two different methods how to create planets in Photoshop with basically just one click so let's jump straight in Photoshop and let's have fun with guys for creating the planets in Photoshop you will basically need any kind of texture image that you want to your planet to look like so I have a few of them here as you can see and I will start with this one and let me show you the first matter that it's really really easy so for that you will need elliptical marquee tool and just press and hold shift and create a perfect circle if you want to move circle to change different portion of this texture just press and hold spacebar and move it by holding a space bar so I want to choose maybe this part of an image to be a planet right and when you're done with this just go to the filter distort and spherize and you have this amount option that you need to put it all the way to the 100% and mode to normal just press ok and you have a planet just extract it from a background with ctrl or command J on a keyboard and that's it as you can see we have really really great planets so easy let's create a new layer and fill it with the black to fill it with the foreground color press alt or option key with the backspace like so and that's it guys it's so easy basically one click just go to the filter end and click this various option that's that's it if you want to emphasize the planet even more it's an option of course you can press ctrl or command key and click on this layer to load the selection right here and then go to filter and just just repeat the last filter it's ferrous and now it's even more emphasized the shape of that sphere if you don't like that I will leave it fly the first one but some textures needs to to recreate that to repeat that process all right and now you can play with that you can add some different kind of light lighting effect on on this sphere the easiest way it's to use a new layer clip it to the sphere here to the planet let's name this planet right and put it in a soft light or overlay blending mode depend on the strength of effect you want to achieve and go to here to gradient effect use the black and white colors if you have some other colors here maybe red and I don't know any kind of colors that you have and you want really quickly to switch to black and white to the four colors just press D on a keyboard like so and you have default colors and use this first one I had two black to two white foreground to background color and press ok and just like so put it put a gradient here and you have nice results you have even better representation of sphere often all our shape of that planet and that's really great you can always move that to have more shadows here or less shadows depend of white lighting condition you want to achieve the second way it's perhaps let's go it's high this second way it's just create a normal layer use a black brush really soft one and just paint it with 20% or so pass it depends what you want to to have and just maybe you want to make this part all the way dark like almost completely black and that's one one effect or you can add curves and then brighten some parts of the planet and of course put a mask and invert it and then brighten dress this part of the planet and as you can see we have let's group this in a group right we have really really nice by it we can make it smaller and bigger and that's it you can put this planet layer anywhere you want you can put it on some night sky to create some abstract planet over the night sky or you can create some sci-fi scene where some Thai fighter and x-wings maybe from Star Wars are fighting between the plants and so on it's on your imagination it's the limit so let me show you on this example actually let's use let's use this one and then I will show you other - let me show the another method so first let me show again the same method the first one and then let's compare to the second method where basically they will have again one click to create a plan just create again selection circular selection use ecliptic elliptic not ecliptic elliptic marquee - right and just create selection go here repeat this various filter or you can go to this or distort and spherize I will just repeat it and control c'mon try to extract it out of the background that's it we have really really nice planets here and let's create a new layer fill it with black just have better you have to planet it can make it bigger or smaller and that's really really nice and let's move undo these few times right and let me show now the second method if it's my favorite method I prefer the second over the first one but the first one it's really good especially for you guys who have older version of Photoshop and you don't have a 3d 3d implementation in Photoshop so the second method looks like this let's just copy this layer just to have it as a backup and I will create black background here this is just as a backup alright you have any texture file you want any kind of texture you want right and just go here to 3d new mesh from a layer and then go here to mesh presets and you can choose anything you want but in this case we will choose fear and watch what will happen when I click the sphere and the Photoshop will ask you if your you're about to create a 3d layer would you like to switch to 3d workspace and maybe for you guys it's easier to switch to 3d workspace because of the 3d layout of the tools but I will this workspace because I used to work in this kind of workspace and that's it and you can see with just that one click Photoshop will make a planet automatically for you and now we are in 3d workspace and here we have a 3d a tab and here we have a layers and if you can see we have a sphere here you don't have to worry about anything here if you are not familiar with the 3d work in Photoshop but just go to 3d tab and click on the sphere because you want to move the sphere and find this rotation tool and just move the sphere you can move it all around however you want because now this is a 3d object and that's the beauty of this kind of making a planets so maybe I like this part of the planet and the fourth was like so but now I have opportunity to choose which part of the planet I will use for my photo and I really like this one actually so let me see let's use this part of the planet and that's it I can I can finish with that here but I can do a few more things here I can even change the light position and the shadows and so on and that's really easy to hear in 3d tab you just go to infinite light one because we have only one light and you can move here a light as you can see we are moving the light and the planets it's a little from different directions depends on how you move this light handle and this is really really nice and easy let me show if I create a white background layer to see the shadow and everything right and let's go here to our planet let's rename this to planet right and if I move this handle I will move the shadow and the lights that's a beauty of 3d world because you can have everything and shadow and shape and light everything in same time right and perhaps I don't want this shadow maybe I will have this planet in space and I really don't want the shadow so how to disable the shadow just double-click on the infinite life here and you will have properties dialog box and just uncheck the shadow and that's it just uncheck the shadow or if you want to have a brighter light you can just move this slider and have right right right and that's it I like something like so and if you're satisfied with this you can just click on some other layer to see the result let's switch this to black to see how it will be in space and I really really like that and you can leave this planet like so on 3d layer you can leave it like so because you can always go back to this 3d world and go to the sphere and move it left and right up and down and you can rotate it maybe you you change your mind maybe you want this part of the planet I don't know that's great because it's non-destructive way but if you're sure that you want to leave the planet like so then you can go here to the planet layer right click and go to rasterize 3d that's it now you have just a regular layer and you can do everything that you can do normally with any other layer in Photoshop you can move it make it bigger and smaller and so on and so on and that's really really nice and powerful way to create a planet in 3d space which is just basically one click I really love this so let's go to another document here this is the unwrapped moon surface and if you want to create moon from this photo beautiful and easy task to do let me show you on both examples first let's duplicate this and if I want to create move and move moon with the first method let's create selection go to filters fairize and that's it just extract it I have a moon but it's this kind of moon it's not bad it's really really nice result and you can again add some dodging burn here to make even better if I that better impression that this is a sphere or you don't need to do depends of the lighting situation of your photo where you want to paste this moon but let me show you here if we go to 3d new mesh from layer and then mesh preset sphere just one click all right I don't want to go to 3d box space see let's uncheck this see how this small let's choose a sphere here how this moon it's beautifully beautifully presented here we can choose any side of the moon that we want and of course we can click here on the light or here on the light just just move the light right and I will not show you our tips and tricks with the light in this tutorials because that's a bit more complex but this is the thing that you need to know just move the light around and you can have a lot of great results and if you're finished with that you can always go back and let's let's add a background here let me see I have one background actually I have this one let's crop it and let's go back to the moon paste it right here right let's make it bigger and I don't like the shadow because now everything it's in space I don't like the shadows so let's go here to the this 3d layer you have a cube here that it's representation that this layer it's a 3d I will just rename this that what we can rename moon moon okay and now I will hide the shadow so how to hide the shadow let me show you one more time go here to 3d tab just go to the light double click it and uncheck the shadow and that's it now we have a moon and we can move that moon and do whatever we want with with the moon right we don't want to move the light we don't we want to move the sphere right and we can make it bigger or smaller or if you choose the move tool we can move it somewhere here maybe and let's make it smaller like so and then we can do whatever we want we can create a new layer about that clip it down below use a white actually black color brush and we 20% opacity just emphasize this shadow here make it even darker and you can do anything that you want like normal layer music curves or use a hue and saturation use anything that you want to to make this moon even better so let's make this part brighter and that's it right and let's just use this planet and this texture and create a planet just go 3d new mesh mesh from preset sphere and just one click it's just one click we have this really really create planet and it's beautiful beautiful that we can rotate it and choose any part of it this is where the texture are gluing together and we don't have a seamless texture so this is why we have this line we can create a seamless texture out of this one and I can show you that why not let me show how you can create a seamless seamless texture out of this one so let's undo a few times right and let me see right I need to go all the way back to the beginning let me show how to create seamless texture let's duplicate this texture and because the right side and the left side of the texture will Bend and put together one bit beside another it will basically glue left to the right side and up to the down when you make a sphere right and to make that seamless let's use one trick just choose rectangular marquee to use this portion of a layer like so ctrl or command J to copy or even better if you don't know the shortcut shortcut it's ctrl shift J or command shift J it's here layer new layer we are cut right we want to cut that part and move let's go back let's move this part all the way here like so and now let's make masks and we need to blend this with masks black color one hard beset opacity and just blend this two layers together like so right that's really really nice let me see and that's great and now if we merge everything together with famous shortcut shift ctrl alt e' or shift command option key on a Mac we will have that as a separate layer as you can see and now if I have a copy of that and move that copy all the way to the all the way to the right side see it's blend seamlessly that's real real nice and before we create a planet out of this texture we need to do one more thing and that's to crop this document to fit only the texture so let's do that right let's click ctrl or command and click on this layer here and we will select only two texture and just go to image and crop right and now we cropped this image this document only were the images and that's great now we can create the planet out of this texture so let's go to 3d first to select the texture then go to 3d new mesh from layer and mesh preset sphere and you will see beautiful beautiful planet with seamless texture let's go to sphere here and let's rotate the sphere and you will see this is a seamless seamless planet we don't have that line we can rotate the whole workspace we don't have that line anymore it's really really nice method to get rid of that line and to create a seamless planet alright guys that would be for today I hope did you like this tutorial and that you'll learn something new out of it this was two really easy and fun methods how to create planets in Photoshop with just basically one click this is really really fast and easy way so you can use that matter to create a lot of planets or just one planet and put it in your scene and create really really beautiful and fun photo manipulation so if you have any question regarding to this episode please leave them in the comments below I will glad to answer them thank you so much guys for following me and supporting this channel and for all new viewers I would love to have you as a subscriber so if you liked this episode and find it useful lets subscribe ring that bell to get notified anytime i release new episode and be the part of this creative journey see you next week in the next fun episode bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 73,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One click planet, How to make a planet in photoshop, Planet in photoshop, How to create planet in photoshop, how to create a planet, Planets, Planet, Nemanja Sekulic, Photoshop tutorial, Fun, Creative, 3D, Spherize, How To Create A Planete In One Click, Space, Easy planet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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