Master Hue/Saturation from Start to Finish in Photoshop!

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hi there this is animation pics imperfect and today we're gonna go step by step together and learn everything we need to know about the hue/saturation adjustment right from the core concepts to the coolest applications we gonna cover it all with tons of examples and real world scenarios I'm super excited and I hope you are too so without any further ado let's get started [Music] before we get into exploring the amazing possibilities of hue/saturation adjustment let us first understand what is hue saturation and lightness so hue saturation and lightness are the three distinct attributes of color any color that you see around yourself in fact anything that you see around yourself that has a color even if it is gray or white has a hue saturation and lightness value it is those three values that bring that color into existence for example let's have a look at this pen what color do you think it is black right but I can say it does have a hue saturation and lightness value what is the hue hue can be anything what is the saturation it can be anything but I'm very sure that lightness here is - hundred not exactly - hundred if it was it would be a completely black patch but somewhere around that let's understand this with the help of this simple example focus at the color of the text in simple language hue is what color saturation is how much color and lightness is brightness or the amount of light make sense no let's take another example no problem so here we are photoshop with a blank document now I'm gonna open up my color picker so that you can understand this better have a look closely and I want you to just look in this slider don't look over here just look in this slider the rectangular one alright so right now H is selected it stands for hue all right now if I change it look what's changing the color what did we learn before hue is what color so here decides what is gonna be the root color now of course you can decrease the saturation of that color increase the saturation you can just make it brighter or darker but the color is being defined by this rectangle since hue is selected so whatever is selected this rectangle we'll show exactly that all right so right now it's showing you if I select s let's go ahead and select green as the root color so here determines or what color so let's say we choose green now comes s it stands for saturation if we select s have a look this slider changes right so whatever is selected the rectangular slider will show exactly that so we're gonna choose s now it helps you decide how much saturation you want saturation what did we learn saturation is how much color it's the amount of color if we decrease the saturation there will be no colored will be grayish if we increase the saturation it increases the amount of that color okay just look at the rectangle slider I don't want you to get confused over here now if we choose B it stands for brightness it helps you control the brightness of the color so look at the slider if we decrease it it makes it dark if we increase it it makes it brighter it's the same color we chose in hue so those are the three attributes of color hue saturation and brightness now when hue is selected this rectangle lets you choose the hue and this square large square lets you choose the saturation and brightness so if you go to the left it decreases the saturation if you go to the right it increases the saturation if you go up it makes it brighter if you go down it makes it darker increases or decreases the lightness if we select saturation this slider helps you choose the saturation and this square lets you choose the hue and the brightness so if you go to the right the huge changes if you go to the left the hue changes if you go up makes it brighter if you go down makes it darker if you choose be brightness this rectangle or slider help choose the brightness and this large square lets you choose the hue and the saturation so if you go to the left or to the right the hue changes if you go up or down the saturation changes so this is how it all works but now that we know that color has three attributes hue saturation and lightness and all of them combined together to bring the color into existence now the hue saturation adjustment just lets you manipulate those three values that's it but the number of things that you can do with it is limitless let's start with our first example so here we have our first example and there are two ways in which we can apply the hue/saturation adjustment number one way is by using an adjustment layer which is my preferred way to do that all you have to do is to click on the adjustment layer icon and then simply choose hue/saturation it creates an adjustment layer at the top and every layer beneath it will be affected by it of course you can create a clipping mask but have a look at this you can change the hue saturation from here once you're done you can just collapse it you can always get back to it you can just double click on the symbol and get back to it and you can change it any time all right the other way is by using an adjustment a simple adjustment once the layer is selected all you have to do you have to go to image adjustments and then there is hue saturation any changes you make here will be burnt down to the pixels if you hit OK it's just burned down there's no way you can change it you have to like undo a couple of times and then apply it again that's hectic and for example you're working on a composite with a lot of layers and you have already gone a lot of steps further there's no way you want to just undo everything and get back to it now so if you wish I don't recommend it but if you wish to apply it through adjustment or some exceptions here is what you need to do so before applying always right click on delay and convert it to a smart object click on this one convert to smart object now when you go ahead to image adjustments and then hue/saturation and then you make any change and then you hit OK it fell be applied as a smart filter which means that now you can change it only have to do is to double click on hue saturation the properties would show up and you can change it to whatever you like but this does not apply to all the layers which are beneath it like we have in adjustment layers and that's why we always recommend adjustment layers now we're gonna start with some general applications of hue saturation adjustment but along the way you and I are gonna explore some nifty little tips and tricks it's gonna be fun let's get started create a hue/saturation adjustment layer click on the adjustment layer icon and then simply choose hue/saturation now let's say I want to increase this raishin of this I want to boost the colors very simple just simply increase the saturation have a look at that just that adds so much more punch to the image so here is the before here is the after maybe you want to change the hue a little bit maybe you want to make it more yellowish so if you take it to the right just a little bit it becomes a tiny bit yellowish now do not touch the lightness on master whenever master is selected do not touch the lightness because it simply makes it white and black and you can simply do this with the help of a solid color adjustment layer don't touch the lightness it's useless anyway if you're working on a master just touch the hue and the saturation so that's a little trick there secondly when you increase the saturation it increases the amount of color in every single pixel so it amplifies the color of every pixel but we don't want to do that we don't want to increase the saturation of the dark areas or the super bright areas we just want to increase or enhance the color of the areas which are already saturated a little bit and to be able to do that I have a tutorial already about enhancing the colors using a saturation mask and thank you for watching this tutorial because I'm gonna give you an action to do that automatically so all you need to do go to the description download the action and simply just go to window and then actions now once you do download the action you will see it over here so random picks actions I have an extraction for you so this is the one saturation mask control so select that action and play it it's gonna create a hue/saturation adjustment layer with a saturation mask now if you increase the saturation it's gonna be very natural very very natural you can also play with a hue a little bit see it's so natural even if you increase the saturation all the way up if there was no mask if I hold the shift and click on the mask it would have gone crazy so that's another tiny little trick that might be helpful to you alright and if you're one of those who's into outdoor portraits this is gonna be a fantastic action for you by the way if you are interested in learning how this action works and how to build one you can watch this video so let's open the actions panel and apply that action just play it now once the action is played all you need to do is to double click on the symbol of the hue/saturation simply crank up the saturation that's all you need to do let me just bring it right here just crank up the saturation a wonderful isn't it you can also play with a hue a little bit maybe make it a little warmer and there you go just a tiny touch of it here's the before here's the after makes the world of difference now it's time for us to talk about simple targeted adjustments so what is the targeted adjustments no matter what the adjustment layer is okay no matter what the adjustment is a targeted adjustment targets add a specific thing it can be a color or it can be a brightness level it can be anything let's say we create a curves adjustment layer for example it's always my favorite click on the adjustment layer icon and let's choose curves right let me stick it in here if I choose this hand over there alright and if I hover over this I don't know what fruit that is but if I hover over this let's hover over the key B I think it's a key B so it's showing me inside the curves in the form of a circle once I hover over it that it falls under this brightness level so if I want to brighten this area all I have to do just click and drag it up just like that but it's also brightening this area so to darken this area click and drag it down so right now while we are in curves this targets brightness levels while we are in hue/saturation this would target a color so let's delete the curves adjustment layer we don't need it if we click on the adjustment layer and then choose hue/saturation similarly you will find a hand there now pay close attention to it have a look at the direction of the hand it is pointing upwards with the arrows pointing sideways if I create a curves adjustment layer have a look at it closely have a look at the hand the hand is pointing horizontal and the arrows are pointing vertical right but in the hue/saturation the arrows are sideways in the curves the arrows are from top to bottom so keep that in mind it just means that in hue/saturation you don't have to drag it top and bottom you have to drag sideways so if I click on this one I want to change the red at the saturation of this one so if I click and drag it up it's not gonna do anything but if I click and drag it sideways it's gonna change the saturation okay so keep that in mind it's showing sideways now here's the super interesting thing if you hold the ctrl or command and then click and drag sideways it's gonna change the hue have a look it's changing the hue and if you lift off your hand from the control or command and just drag it right and left it's gonna change the saturation so it's a great way to visually control the colors just by dragging let's delete the curves adjustment layer and get back to hue/saturation so let's adjust the colors maybe select the hand tool first maybe I want the saturation to be a little less over here maybe I'll change the hue a little bit maybe here I might increase the saturation and let's play with the hue the hue is all right so you can just play with these colors and have fun maybe here this looks right so you can totally manipulate colors it's completely under your control now if you don't like to do it by dragging you can also do it with the drop down menu so even if you drag it have a look yellows is selected if I click and drag over here automatically Reds are selected it's showing right there right so if you don't want to drag let's reset this click on the reset button you can just simply let's say I want to manipulate the Reds so I'm gonna select the Reds and manipulate from there I want to manipulate the yellow so I'm gonna select the yellows and maybe manipulate from there you can also control the lightness you can make them darker or you can make them brighter now here is where lightness is useful if you're in master and then you changed the lightness it's gonna make it black and white makes no sense to add lightness in master but when you're in a color let's say Reds you can actually apply it you can meet the lightness a little darker and then increase the saturation to add more pop to it that's a little trick or you can maybe increase the lightness and increase the saturation to add more pop you can go either ways maybe let me show you that as well you can increase the lightness and then add more saturation to add a certain kind of pop but I recommend decreasing it in this case for green or maybe for yellows let's decrease it a little bit and then increase the saturation have a look so what did we learn we can either use the hand tool right there which is technically called the targeted adjustment or we can simply select the colors from the drop down menu and manipulate it the second thing that we learned here is that in master do not touch the lightness however if you're in any other color you can just manipulate the lightness any which way you want and it gives you a natural results you can make it black or you can make it even white it's cool now I want you to remember the past not so much far ahead just a little bit remember in the beginning of the video I gave you this example of the spin right I told you it's black right it does look black but it does have a hue saturation and lightness value I said the hue can be anything the saturation can be anything but I'm damn sure that the lightness is minus let me show that to you if I increase the likeness to -100 not in master but let's go ahead and select some color let's say yellows if I decrease the lightness to minus hundred you can change the saturation as much as you want you can change the hue as much as you want but it's not gonna change anything in these areas have a look it the areas that have gone black it doesn't change anything in those areas even if you change the lightness all the way to plus hundred change the saturation it makes no change in these areas which is affecting it might make a little bit change sideways but not in the main area so here's something to learn once the lightness is in the extreme you cannot change the saturation or the hue similarly even if you are in master it does make sense right if the lightness is at hundred plus hundred it's completely white there is no saturation or you now it's time for us to move to advanced targeting if we go ahead and manually select the range of colors that we want to target how let me show that to you so let's create a hue/saturation adjustment let this is just a simple rainbow alright so if we create a hue/saturation adjustment layer over here and let's say we select the Greens let me bring it right here so that you can see what's happening alright let's say we choose the greens and then we change the hue all the way to the right this color this area is being affected right so let's bring that back to zero if we choose let's say blues and if we change the hue this area is being affected what if I want just a shade of blue to be affected not the whole area just a little bit of it so let me just zoom in for you okay not all of the Blues what if just this shade of the blue fill that can be done very easily all you need to do is this first of all let's reset everything click on the reset button alright this is the reset button now once you have done that for the help of the hand tool right click on that area that you want to select then take the hue all the way to the right I also take the saturation all the way to the right it's completely saturated so you cannot see it in this image but in real-world scenarios it will help if you take the saturation to the right as well now look at the range it has selected that particular range now I can make the range narrower by making it narrower this way we are only manipulating this area now if I change the hue have a look only that area is being affected is it confusing you maybe it is confusing it because the range is around the corner let me take something which is in the middle let's say if we take yellow alright let's reset this one with the hand tool I click on the yellow it's just gonna bring up the colors all right it doesn't make much of a difference now when you change the hue all of this area is being affected what if I just want to target just one shade yellow simply make the range narrower like that all right now if you move it see those areas are being affected now here's an interesting thing to keep in mind look at the rainbow it's the same thing right over here right the top bar shows the colors that you can target and the bottom bar is the result alright so let me make it clear to you let's reset that again now if I fit the hand to select the green area let's say okay now if I change the hue over here see we can see that the green area is selected and that's why we have the range over there now when I change the hue the top bar remains the same but the bottom bar in that area changes so the bottom bar is the result bar the output bar it shows you what's gonna happen in the greens so the greens will become blue have a look at the image it has become blue right now you can make the range narrower by taking the sliders from this side to the center and you can move the range by holding from the center like that okay now you might think why are there two sliders on both sides good question now have a look at this the colors that via are targeting if we zoom in see the target is very harsh what if I want to make the transition between the areas that are selected and the areas that are not selected smoother that's when the side sliders come into existence so if I make the distance larger between this slider and this slider see the transition is becoming smoother if I do it on the left-hand side see the transition is becoming smoother it's just the transition you can also change the lightness in the same area you can make it completely black or white that's absolutely upon you now let's learn a little bit about the eye droppers as well so if i reset it if i want to let's say select this shade of green so I can choose the hand tool click on that area and if I don't want to move these sliders I can simply subtract the other areas first of all take the hue all the way to the right to see which areas are being affected and then you can simply subtract the areas which you don't want let's take the lightness to the left as well so with the - eyedropper tool select that one you can just say I don't want this area or I don't want that area you can just simply subtract that area from here have a look you're simply subtracting if you want to add an area you can click on this plus eyedropper tool and you can start adding an area so let's say I want to select all of the greens and the yellows as well so let's zoom out so I want to add the greens and a little bit of the yellows as well we can do that or you can fresh select an area so if you choose this eyedropper let's say I don't want any of that I want to select blues so click on the blue so it will select the blue but the range will be that large you have to use the - to kind of subtract the areas like that okay so you can use the eye droppers - you can manually move the sliders as well that's completely up on you make sense right no let me show some examples [Music] have a look at this wonderful frog it has a certain blue color to it let's say I want to change the blue to something else all right so if I simply add a hue/saturation adjustment layer let's say we add it now I'm gonna stick it to the left-hand side so that I can see what's happening now if I simply change the Blues if I select blue from here blues and then if I change the hue it's not accurate see it's affecting some areas some areas are still blue and that's when we need manual control and advanced targeting so you can use the eye droppers to add that area or you can simply use these sliders as well so I usually prefer the sliders I make it very narrow first this is my technique then I move the hue and the saturation all the way to the right to see which areas are being affected then I move it to just the areas which are completely blue so right now as you can see most of the areas are being affected now it's time for us to make it larger so that all of the area is affected and stop at just the point where the greens or the other areas which are not blue are being affected so if I go a little too further see all of the areas are being affected we don't want that so we just want the Blues to be affected like that now let's make it softer by increasing the gap between the side sliders let's take it a little bit to the left as well you can extend it from here see now all of the areas are being selected so I'm gonna bring the saturation and hue back to normal and then you can change the color to whatever you like maybe pink a little bit decrease the saturation a little bit and maybe the lightness so you can just play with it and have fun as much as you like now this technique can be extremely useful in correcting skin tones let's move to our next example as you can see we have a picture of a baby now if we zoom in have a look at the skin it's a little too yellowish and we have some red patches as well we can easily fix that with hue saturation adjustment so all we need to do is to create a hue/saturation adjustment all right let's stick it in here so that we can see what's happening now first of all let's select the yellows so with the help of the hand right there I'm gonna click on the yellows take the hue and the saturation all the way to the right to see which areas are being affected and then make the slider narrow make the range narrower so this is the range of colors that we are targeting and at the bottom we have the result so right now those areas will become blue so we want just the yellows to be affected okay so this is fine let's extend it not the Reds just the yellows so this is fine just at this point we can make it a little smoother like that okay that looks right okay that looks perfect now bring the saturation and the hue back to normal now let's play with a hue first if I take it to the right it's making it greenish we don't want that but if I take it to the left see it's making it warmer reddish it's taking away the yellow so a little bit to the left maybe I'll increase the lightness a bit maybe decrease the saturation just a bit just touch and have a look at the before and after so here's the before with all the yellow and here's the after as you can see all the yellow has been gone if i zoom out a little bit before after so the yellows are gone now it's time for us to take care of the red badges now we don't have to remove all of them because these make the baby look natural we have to remove just some of them which are distracting so let's create one more hue/saturation adjustment layer and this time let's click on the wets with the help of the hand tool just click on the reds that we want to target take the human the saturation to the right you can also use the eye droppers but I like using the range sliders it's completely a personal preference see just the nose is right now selected now let's make it softer like that we don't want to select the lips it's a very narrow selection see that's the advantage of manually controlling which areas specifically you want to target so this is the area we will bring the saturation and the hue back to normal and if we take it to the left it makes it more red so if you take it to the right it's gonna fix it see it fixes it decrease the saturation a bit maybe play with the lightness make it a little brighter all right let's have a look at the before and after here still before here's the after it's removing those red patches but it's making the baby look a little unnatural with the red she was looking a little nice she or he I don't know but in some areas we do have to remove it so simply turn it on select the mask press ctrl or command I take the brush for the foreground color white flow and opacity at hundred just paint on the areas where you want to remove for the Reds so I'm gonna paint a little bit over here maybe a little bit over here as well see that red is a little disturbing over here see now the Reds are being removed from only the areas which can be a little distracting there we go there we go have a look here stir before here's the after see maybe from here maybe we would have to add some color to his hand but that's let's just do it let's create one more hue/saturation adjustment layer and this time with the help of the hand tool you will select this area increase the hue and the saturation just make sure that area is completely selected alright so the hand is completely selected great now bring the saturation and the hue back to normal and let's increase the saturation just look at the hand nowhere else maybe take the lightness down a bit that's it maybe hue a little bit warmer select the mask press ctrl or command I take the brush with white as the foreground color just paint on the hand that's it see the warmth it adds to the hands now this area is becoming a little too reddish we have to subtract from there there you go it's so simple so you can go on and on and just edit it the way you want now let's just change the hue a little bit there you go now an important thing you have to keep in mind is this let's say you're working on some other layer now you're back to hue saturation of the hand see everything has returned back to zero right now if you change the lightness it's gonna just make it black and white and saturation is just not gonna work in that area and it all goes crazy why because the master is selected when you get back by default the master will be selected not the area that you targeted so only need to do here first of all bring them to zero then move to the area that you were targeting so for us it was red have a look we have also moved it a little bit see now you have just it there you go so here's the before yellow with red patches and here is the after skin tone corrected and it looks natural with this technique you can also make stuff completely black or white let me show that to you for example this image if you want to make the blue eggs absolutely white like a normal egg what you need to do is add a hue/saturation adjustment layer again and then simply just target the blues so with the help of the hand tool select that area okay take the human the saturation all the way to the right just make sure all of it is selected at this point as you can see these areas are not so we will have to extend it okay now all of it is selected extended from this we don't want any other area to be selected so be mindful all right this looks fine now bring it to normal just simply increase the lightness normal egg have a look here's the before here's the after you can also make it a black egg if you want to fun isn't it similarly you can use this technique to create designs on colorful objects for example have a look at this car let's say I want to create some flames or something like that you can take your time to do it but the basic concept is this if I create a hue/saturation and let's say I target the yellows so I target these yellows and I make it completely black all right let's extend it so that all of it is black now if I select the mosque press ctrl or command I I can just simply let's say with the help of the pen tool I can draw some crazy designs here I'm doing something very fast but you get the idea you can take your time to do it maybe something like this I'm just having fun here you can take your time write something like this and I finished the selection right click make selection hit OK and fill it with white alt backspace with the foreground color white just simply press alt backspace or option delete C ctrl or command D have a look you can create some crazy flames designs I'm lazy you do it coming to the last feature of hue/saturation and that is colorize so what color eyes does is that it takes your image makes it black and white and then applies one color to it it doesn't actually make it black and white but the process is the same let me prove it to you so here we are with a final example if I take away all the colors by pressing ctrl shift you command shift U and then if I create a solid color adjustment layer click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose solid color I choose the color let's say this red ok I hit OK and then when I change the blend mode to color have a look at the kind of look it creates right keep this look in mind I'm also gonna save it to my history so if I go to my history I'm gonna click on this button it creates a snapshot alright let's go back a couple steps so this is the original image that we had if we simply add a hue/saturation adjustment layer and then check colorize right and select that exact red color it will give the exact same look if I create a snapshot out of it this is snapshot - that was snapshot one have a look snapshot one snapshot - exact same thing the saturation is a little less so simply increase the saturation like that and let's create one more snapshot have a look snapshot 3 snapshot 1 it is the exact same thing right so that's what it does it makes it completely black and white and then add some color to it that's what colorize does now this can be very useful in applying a uniform color to a certain area for example you want to unify the skin tones this can be very useful then let me show you an example so here we have our original image we add a hue/saturation adjustment layer and then we check colorize now just look at the skin just the skin now maybe we'll take the hue a little bit to the right and we increase the saturation a little bit you're getting the skin colour all right this is fine now select the mask press ctrl or command I take the brush make sure the foreground color is white simply paint on the skin you will get a uniform color on the skin now this will bring you one problem and I'll talk about that problem later first simply paint on the skin I'm not being very accurate just make sure it's all accurate now let's have a look at it before and after so here is the before here is the after it's all looking nice maybe let's subtract it from the lips by painting black in the mask alright so here's the before here's the after the only problem that I see here is have a look in the dark areas dark areas have so much color in it but in the real world the dark areas have less saturation so simply double-click on the right hand side of the lamp and take this away from the dark areas by taking the slide of the underlying layer from left to right it's very harsh so hold the alt or option click on the slider and just take it away also keep in mind there is very less saturation in the highlights but since this image is already bright it's not necessary to remove it from the highlights otherwise I would suggest that so make it softer there you go here ok it's looking very nice now you can just revisit the settings by double clicking over here and changing the hue and the saturation to your liking maybe you want the hue to be a little bit more towards the right a little more yellowish like that and now we can play with saturation and there you go have a look here stir before here's the after uniform skin tone can easily be created using this method also the colorize feature can be useful in colorizing black and white images and we have a tutorial about that check this out right here now there are many many applications of hue/saturation adjustment it can be used to fix color costs it can be used to fix tanning and a lot of other things and all those videos are linked in the description so make sure to check them out so that's pretty much it for this video just a very quick little recap hue is what color saturation is how much color the amount of color and lightness is how bright or dark it is the brightness of it that's pretty much it and the hue saturation adjustment controls those three values that's it you can either choose to target one specific color or change it globally your choice I hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tip trick or tutorial I would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep fix imperfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for only support thank you for watching I'll see you guys my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 372,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop basics, hue/saturation, tutorial, adobe, change color, hue, saturation, luminosioty, lightness, change color in photoshop, enhance color, make colors pop, color correction, skin tone, replace color, color range, selective color, colorize, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: u1CurC9VAdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 8sec (2288 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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