Underground Rocket photo manipulation tutorial | Made using Huion Kamvas Pro 13

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today we will create this interesting photo manipulation so let's start hey guys its name onion welcome to another fun photo manipulation tutorial today we will together create this really interesting piece of art and as usual you will learn a lot of interesting tips tricks and techniques that you can later implement in your own work in your own projects and as you can see today I am wearing this half of the glove on my right hand and I have some new piece of tech here on the table that actually goes really good together with this glove this thing right here is a display tablet by huion it's called canvas pro 13 and I got it around 2 months ago and using it a lot in everyday use personal projects etc so I love this thing a lot and just want to share it with you because I think this is really good alternative to Wacom Cintiq line and this thing is really affordable it's less than 400 US dollars and guys before I say anything else I just want to say that this is not a sponsored video I didn't got paid to say anything about this so this is just my own opinions my own experience with this tablet so this is 13-inch fully laminated screen with anti glare surface so it's really good and it has 120 percent of srgb color gamut really good also guys it has really nice pen this is battery free pen so you don't need to charge it and it has eight 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity really good and I really enjoy to draw with this pen on the tablet it's really really nice experience also guys this tablet is really well designed as you can see it's really team really nice well built and it has practically three-in-one cable one cable on this side it goes straight in the tablet and on another side it has three cables one for USB one for DisplayPort and one for AC power adapter and that's it just plug and play install drivers and you're ready to go so it has also one stand on the side which is really nice so you can change the just put it however you want however you feel comfortable to work and it's really nice and sturdy it had hold all the weight of this tablet really good so basically this is it just some basic info this tablet if you want to know more about it if you want to purchase it you have the links down there in the description red girls guys now without further ado let's jump straight into Photoshop and add a fun begin so we will start with this blank piece of paper and as you can see here on the screen we will use several different image to create this interesting piece of art so let's start with with the rocket probably so as you can see this is just a part of a bigger image this is a whole image I will not I will use only the rocket part and I already extracted a lot of rocket using a pen tool as you can see right here so this is a mask this is how it looks just extract it just the save time for this tutorial and I will just copy this and paste it back to our screen also I will just right click and say apply layer mask because I don't need a layer mask it's already extracted and right click and convert to smart object because I want to make sure that when I change the size make it smaller and maybe I want to make it again bigger I don't lose the quality so that's smart operative is really good choice press ctrl or command T just make it smaller maybe like this for now I'm not sure we will see you later the right size of the rocket and put it somewhere here that's okay now let's go and choose another image let's choose for start this cave and for this I already extracted this part raise practically create a mask just by using quick selection tool it's really fast and easy you can use magic one two those two tools are like this for this image alright so I will just copy this and go back to my main image and as you can see we're done let's go home actually no we have a lot of work to do here so I just want to right click and say apply layer mask because I don't need a layer mask here and I want to modify this so probably this will be somewhere here and this will be about the ground and what I like to do I to modify this first I want to make a copy no actually actually let's do it like this let's use the marquee rectangular marquee tool and just select the half of it like like this let's make it smaller just half of it and press ctrl or command J to make a copy of it as you can see then let's go back to our original document layer and select another half press ctrl command G and that's it and I will call this left left and I will call this one right right part of the cave and this will be like cave for now we will do like that I will hide the cave layer because for now I don't need it and I will just play with this left and right actually I will switch the places I will put the left on the right and right on the left because just because the lights here we have a little bit more light and light is coming from this direction right there so to have more sense press ctrl command T right click and just say flip horizontal then move it here press ok also same with this press ctrl or command T right click flip horizontal and move it right here and now we have problem we need to rename this this one is left but this one is right right right okay now we need to play a little bit with these two things I want to make it lower right here here somewhere not quite sure maybe here and also this one somewhere here but I want to change the shape so let's let me show you just I want to create a new layer use a white brush and I just want to use a pen pressure sensitivity on the brush just to show so one hard set opacity it's really nice so what I like to do I like to have something more like like this like this kind of shape probably something like this so everything here I want to be Blanc I don't need this part so how to do that with these rocks we can do in several different ways you can go here create a layer mask and just with which maybe bigger brush and maybe harder brush just with the black color we can just erase this and ah I don't like it actually the best way to do this is to go to liquify yeah let's go to filter liquid Bob's not vanishing point liquify filter liquify and this is it so I just want to make the brush a little bit bigger and just move everything move it I don't care about this part down below because I don't need that part at all so I just need this maybe like that and just reconfigure this shape right here so I still maintain this rock feeling rock shape but we are just changing the shape of this this may be just to bring back this parts right there so the liquid is really good you can refine this change the shape a lot but to be careful don't make like big move like this better do with several small small moves ok and I think this is good for now we can always go back and change so let's press ok and as you can see guys this is much better now I can move it a little bit to the left and also make it smaller if I want I will see let's make it a bit smaller like this and put it somewhere here also I will do that for the right part and I will fast forward this because you're ready you got a point okay so this is it before and after I really love it so maybe I can make this even smaller like that and put it somewhere somewhere here also let's go back to the left part maybe like this and of course we can modify this even more etc but now I want to put a layer mask on the left part also I will do that for right let's zoom it a little bit and I just want to actually erase this part right here because I will not need this you will see you later and with this I can go like this and then again to liquify to maybe modify this we will see and I will do the same for the right one click on a layer mask and just just erase this I want this to be thinner actually I don't need anything I don't need this either we will see later how much do we need from this but for now it is like that okay that's good now guys let's go and add some background walls of this cave underground so let's go and find let's use this image I will just copy this image and paste it all the way down below the rocket so let's let's clean some layers let's rename this rocket okay this is cave and I want to group all three layers and press ctrl or command G to create the group or you can just go down here and press this group icon but this is faster so this is cave okay and this is cave whoa and for now it will be a cave all but I would probably split this layer too so let me see I will press ctrl or command T just to make everything smaller this is way big now and let me see this is cool but I just want to flip it right click flip horizontal so I like this because this is a bright war I want it on the left side so we can make this a little bit bigger probably something like like this okay this is nice and for now we'll leave it just here also the cave cave can go a little bit more down maybe like that and the rocket rocket can be maybe a bit bigger so probably much bigger probably something like this we'll see that's why guys I put everything in a smart object actually this rocket inspired smart ology because now I can freely make it bigger or smaller without losing quality of this layer so now I think this is a good size I'll press okay right here and basically this is it now we will we'll need to cover this but we will do that later so let's let's add the upper part just to have a world impression how this will look so for upper part I will just go and find images I choose I like this one I will just select it and paste it all the way down below the cave walls so here make it smaller because now it's way bigger then we need it so something like this and probably probably something let's hide this peak I don't want to be distracted so with something like this I'll press ok so let me see this looks good all right now everything doesn't look at all like it's one really nice photo but we will we will make it to look good so let's go to the cave cave a group and reveal the cave layer we will use just part of this just this down part actually this bar down below okay I will just go and and do something with this I will zoom and hide both of those two layers I will use a lasso tool press L on keyboard and just with the last two I don't need to be so precise at all I just want to cut out these rocks right here like this and create a mess so I don't know I'm now just pressing on the mask button mess icon right here and that's it so as you can see I'm covering part of the Rockets I will bring back those details right there and also I can play with this I can make this a little bit smaller maybe like this put it a little bit more down maybe I can I can just maybe cut out some parts here maybe I don't like everything here so I can just use the lasso tool again just do something like this cut out and fill with a black backspace and out if the black is foreground color so you can see the shortcuts on the screen I just wanna cut out this this is really cool and not bad for now now let's add the part of the ground here the dirt on the upper part of the cave so for that I'm using another image this one actually and I'm using rectangular marquee to just select this maybe a little bit less like this press ctrl or command C copy it go here press ctrl or command V to paste it all the way about everything I don't want to be in a cave and this this will be named dirt okay and now it's the big I just want to make it smaller like this put it somewhere here okay and now obviously it's too wide what I like to do I like to create a layer mask and I just want to use a portion of this let me see let's move it to the left a little bit expand this touch like that and with layer mask and rectangular marquee tool I will just select this okay and feel bit black that's it because I don't want so wide so I will move this a little bit up like that and again go on the mask and I now just want to erase part of this this harsh line down below because I don't like to be really straight line and I don't want to be so harsh so what we can do we can choose a brush tool we can just use a regular soft round brush and just erase it like this but this is not soft actually this is hard like this and just start erasing it like that and that's working cool too but how I like to do it I like to go with my custom clouds dust brushes know that I love those brushes and in case you don't know how to make yourself you can watch my tutorial about that right here or you can go to my website and purchase this set for just $1 all the links down there in description choose what you whatever you want so let's go right here I will choose first this one actually this one and I really would like to use those brushes for a lot of things you'll see later I'll use them a lot so maybe like that then maybe this breath but change the opacity maybe to 40 or so size change the size a little bit so I just don't want to have this hard line I want to paint back some details right here okay but also I don't need this hard line right there okay this is really nice so let me see let's zoom it and now it's much better than than without it we can refine this later a little bit more if you want but for now I will leave it like this and I want to refine this upper edge too so I will go on a mask I will go and choose this blur tool and with a bigger brush I just want to change actually blur toe just want to change the size just blur I just want to blur this a little bit this upper strength maybe all the way to 100% and just blur the line lower the mask okay now it's much better so we will blend it even more with the curves adjustment layer you will see you later okay I will now blur the mask and then I will also blurred layer itself you will see this is it then go to layer and just blur the very top just like like this right that's nice so now it's much better it's not so harsh line anymore also guys I really love to work on this display double because basically it's like painting on a paper you have everything screen painting directly on an image completely different different feeling than just looking at a monitor and painting on using a regular tablet pen tablet so I like both but this is this is really nice experience now let's go back to the rocket I want to create a layer mask right here use a regular brush just regular hard brush just like this and with the black color I just want to remove these Peaks right here because I don't need them and this is cool for now let's zoom it I really like it also what I like to do I want to hide part of this upper part of the rocket so I just arrays like this a little bit more than I need it actually and then I will paint back some data so I will use these trucks as as a border like this and maybe this rock right there and something like this and we will blend this a little bit better later you will see how but for now it's like this and I want to have to have the impression that this is actually a little bit far further away from this edge here you will see let's assume a little bit as you can see like it's going over there but a little bit further away and also also I just want to just something like like this maybe to include this rock to let me see how big it is so maybe let's zoom this and let's bring back some details so guys this pan actually is supports tilt it's still sensitive so you can with certain brush you can tilt the pan differently and use different side of the brushes that's really cool especially for this price range really good pen so let's see not bad okay so this is really nice and cool I really like it and there is a really good option in Photoshop 2019 to temporary flip the whole image just to see if everything goes together really nicely because when you're just looking at the image from the same angle same zoom and everything is like the same your brain is getting used to those elements and you're not to where maybe or some things that are not going to good in this image so in this Photoshop version you can just go to a view and just go to flip horizontal and you have flipped your image now maybe you can see your details and how how good everything goes together with a little bit different from a little bit different perspective so I really like to do that and also what I already mentioned in several tutorials ago I like to undo everything to see small details and then zoom back and maybe like this to see how everything goes together so this just flipped the image temporary doesn't it doesn't flip the layers etc so I like to go to view and back to flip horizontal now I'm back to my view okay now what we need to do is to play with some details let's let's go first to this ground level and to dirt and I like to go to curves create new curves adjustment layer clip it to effect only that and make everything brighter like this and also switch to luminosity blending mode because I don't want to affect color only the luminosity value and go to the mask press ctrl or command I to invert everything and then with really soft brush regular soft brush I just want to go and paint on the top so I will make my brush bigger like this click right here press and hold shift and click right here but also I need to switch to white color and maybe I don't want 100% I just want maybe 20% opacity so here and here and just click back and forth to make this upper edge a little bit brighter so everything will blend a little bit better altogether so this is cool and also down below we can create a new layer curves adjustment layer clip to effect only this layer down below make everything darker probably like this hi this click on a mask and what I like to do I like to invert everything again and with the white just just paint here just make a little bit darker everything because this this part will be darker it's more now below okay this is really really cool also one more thing before I forgot it I will just change the shape of this this divider here the ground so how to do that really easily I just want to go right here and also I want to select everything and press ctrl or command D this is the destructive way to do it so because I don't want to waste your time a lot I will show does this select everything press ctrl or command E and group everything in new layers so I have just this line in new layer and then I will just press ctrl or command T okay to go transform then right-click and go to work and then I can just warp it a little bit move it a little bit up here a little bit down etc or I can go to filter liquify and in the liquify I can move this maybe a little bit up this a little bit down just the change change the shape of this part of damage just don't want to be so straight line okay and I will press okay and you will see it's much better before and after I really like it but now I need to move it a little bit up to cover all those details actually I don't need to move it up maybe to move it down like this maybe here is too much let's go back to the liquify and just like this let me see yeah that's much better and let's go back to the cave and back to the left part use a brush black brush and just I just want to raise this with my high percent opacity I just need this upper part and also I just want to raise a little bit harder brush I just want to raise this also here I don't need all of this and for for this one maybe it's better to use liquify so I will go to the right one you go to filter and liquify and I just want to move everything up right here so if you're not sure how how much up do you need to move there is really good option right here that is called show backdrop so you can show your backdrop and then you can move everything accordingly that's really cool option I don't care if I move it more about it because I will raise it I just want to blend here a little bit better like like this is cool I will press okay and you will see this is what I was looking for so I can go right there maybe this is it's really really nice also maybe I maybe I don't want this part to be so much in but doesn't look so bad but I will just move it a little bit a little bit to the left and up something like that press okay yeah yeah not bad and this part right here I just want to move it a little bit more okay maybe to just just erase on the mask this part so this is this is really really nice guys right now we need to take care about the rocket you and actually not hewed the situation of the rocket because now it's under ground and to be less saturated than about the ground so what I like to do I would like to go to the rocket create a new group put a rocket inside the group rename the group to rocket of course and then I want to add hue and saturation adjustment layer clip it to affect only the rocket and want to desaturate everything so let's zoom it I just want to desaturate it like this a little bit more than I need it then let's go to the mask right here and with a black brush one high percent opacity paint back this part and with 10 percent opacity I just want to paint back some parts this USA flag a little bit color right here but not too much because I don't want to colorize as you can see this thing is a little bit more yellowish I don't want to colorize that maybe just touch but not too much and this is it this is really cool now what I like to do I like to clone out this part on the rocket it's bothering me so let me show you how really easily and quickly you can do that let's go select rocket layer select rectangular marquee tool and just select this part of the rocket press ctrl or command J right and clip to affect only the rocket so now we have duplicated this part right now I will move it up right here and just create a mask on that part too and with really soft brush really soft brush and maybe 10 or 20 percent opacity I will just blend it blend it together with the rocket maybe make bigger brushes you can see now we are really nicely blending it back that's cool maybe 20% just to maybe process faster and right here - so we're blending this back this is really nice and I've lose the same layer to clone this part too but I want to clone only this part I don't want to affect the rocket I want to affect this left side so I'll use the lasso tool and what I like to do I like to whoops I like to select only this bar because I want to play only with this part go with the stamp tool sample the edge right here and just paint the edge right there so now I'm only affecting the inner part deselect by pressing ctrl command D that's it guys so simple and easy okay now let's go and deal with the cables so let's go to the K right here create new hue and saturation adjustment layer go out of the group and click to effect the whole group and I just want to desaturate the cave a little bit like this and also I will do that for the cave wall down below so hue/saturation adjustment layer clip to effect only that and desaturate that too and I want to make the cave wall little bit darker so maybe let's use brightness adjustment layer and make make it a little bit darker like that and just a little bit more saturation and also guys what I like to do I didn't show you one really cool trick I don't like too much this this war right here so I like this one and I will go right here and also yeah I will use curves adjustment layer I'll go all about here clip it to effect contrast to the walls and I will duplicate the right war by pressing ctrl or command J and press ctrl command T right-click flip it horizontal okay like this and put it right here somewhere and I need to move it about the Left Front okay something like this but I don't want to have exactly two exactly the same side of the case so I will just clip it to affect only the life on to have the shape of the left one and now I will cover it with black layer mask and now we'll use a brush really soft brush with 20% or 40% opacity NIT experiment and I will just paint with white color here so to blend this type of all back here now now it's something that I like better so I'm blending the texture of the right wall on the left one right here so I'm getting something a little bit new maybe I want to move it to the right like this and then again oops then again with the brush just blend it back so that's really cool but maybe I did it too much right here so so just need to experiment to paint back and forth and to see what are you getting what do you like what do you don't like etc so this is much better I really like this so you can see they're not identical left and right side but they're more familiar than it was like this this is too much for me so this is really nice trick for you to know how to blend everything together also I will show how I will just make everything director down below because now it's it's too bright right now let's go and deal with the rocket I will go to the rocket and use let's use brightness adjustment layer clip it to effect on in rocket and lower the brightness as you can see I'm lowering the brightness but I'm bring me back some situations I'll put this into luminosity just to have a better overall look and what I like to do right here I want to invert the brightness adjustment layer and with really soft brush actually 10% opacity white color I just want to paint back white color okay I just want to paint back here and with this I'm actually killing out this highlights a little bit just want a little bit to be dark a little bit darker not too much but just want to kill these bright highlights like this just okay and let me show you the whoops not that beef beef before and after before and after this is something that I really really like also guys now we will add some dirt stewed rocket we will weather the rocket a little bit and paint some some colors actually some lightness back and forth and add a little bit more details add the cowboy about and basically we are done so if you're not familiar how to better things I have really great tutorial about that you can find it on a link right here check it out it's more detail here I will just go quickly quickly through that process alright guys so let's weather this rocket first what I like to do is to go and choose an arrow image and this time I will use this texture right here this is some some old war I don't know maybe it's even the tree but I don't care whatever it is it will work right here so I'll just paste it right there clip it to affect only the rocket down below so to clip to layers you just need to press the hold alt and click in between two layers right this is it I will move it down and press ctrl command T rotated just it's something like this press ok and now create black layer mask to create a black layer mask you just need to press on the mask by holding alt or option key that's it now I will use my cloud brush this one and I will just paint back some Dita's and also because this is white you will see I will put this into multiply blending mode and how it's much better now we have really nice details right there so I just want to whether this want to add it's a little bit older on the ground maybe I want to make a brush bigger this part and because of time for this tutorial I'm a little bit rushing but you can see my final image my final result my Instagram account so you can check it out I'll probably add some more details who knows and post it there too ok so this is it maybe something over there I don't want to add all over the place not like that but just so small it is alright this is cool and also create a new layer again click to affect only the layers down below I will name it dirt ok and I will use my weather brush for that so let's find it here I mean is better brush and I will maybe use this one let me see that this one is cool so I will use I press f5 just to adjust some properties just want to change the size and angle and just scatter it a little bit and to go with the spacing a little bit that's it so this is it and also I want to choose the color so I want to choose the darker color maybe this one right here and holding alt or option key while I'm in the brush and sample that color and put this layer in to multiply blending mode make the brush much dark smaller and which maybe 10% opacity I just want to paint some some dirt right here okay like like it's dirty underground of course I'm advising you to spend even more time on everything here because you will make everything much better if you pay some if you if you spend some time a tweaking these those details pay attention to details but I'm now doing this a little bit more quicker also guys I'm one tip for this is to always unzoom see how it looks and then work on the smaller version too so so this is it I'll just leave it something like this if I don't like something I can always go with layer mask with a black color just paint out some things like this because I think this is too much right here and this is basically it also another trick is that you can find something like this some texture right like this and paste it again right there clip it to affect only the rocket and make it a lot smaller because now it's too big put it somewhere down below and maybe like that and then create black layer mask and I like to use my weather brush or even cloud brush clubhouse brush and just paint back some details like mud or something like there it's a different type of dirt right there and we can make it darker play with that too so just a quick tip I will not do too much of that because there is sad because of times sake but as you can see really small details it's really nice and I really love to work with this tablet guys it's really really cool I'm drawing drawing on the surface so this is cool also I can go with curves adjustment layer make everything darker clip to effect on it rock it like that invert it okay and just then paint on this dirt right there just make this darker and part of the rocket down part of the rocket dark too so it's really cool also we can go right here press ctrl or command U and just desaturate not too much but something like this and maybe make it darker okay this is the structu way but for this is really cool alright so we are almost done with this part under ground you can of course add so many details in that trend ground part whatever you want just be creative and do something else add even more details than I and then I'm dead here in this tutorial and you will have a more awesome image so I just want to play with this part right here with these bright parts of the rocks I will go back to the actually this is all the way way up here in the cave I will create a new layer just clip it to effect this one and choose some dark color maybe maybe even this dark black something something like this and what I want to do I just want to paint over it just like this as you can see just painting here this is on from the other part so I'm just painting to make this darker removing basically I'm removing highlights this is it I don't want so many highlights here okay so this is good and let's go back right here on the cave actually I could this right here so clip to effect the group the whole group and then I can paint on everything I do not need to create separate layers for for everything so this is really really nice this is what I'm liking also now where is installation adjustment layer yeah I can I can create a new one you will see why new one and desaturate it even more yeah even more and make everything darker but this time I want to move it down below to cave back so because of that I can invert it and I can just paint with the same brush because I really love this water brush you can paint this wall right there and maybe a little bit here so this is this is really cool right guys now let's add our cowboy on scene this is it I already extracted him as you can see the mask and everything you can use for this a quick selection tool and just then refine the edges and do your extraction with that in case you're not familiar how to select anything in Photoshop and later extract it you can watch my tutorial about that right here so I will just paste the cowboy right there rename it rename the layer cowboy but actually he is riding the horse not a cowboy never mind okay and I will make it a lot smaller so I will put it somewhere here even smaller maybe even smaller like this let me see you it's a zoomit it's okay so I will move it below this this dirt I didn't rename this and the let me see he needs to be somewhere here maybe somewhere here it's going towards this he doesn't know whatever this is he doesn't know what is it so going toward that and of course he's not too saturated so I will create your judgement layer clip to effect on the cowboy and this is really a little bit and then go and desaturate it rats because horse is too saturated maybe a little bit of the yellow stirs yeah a little bit of the yellows and now it's it's good maybe a little bit back like that and what we can do we can add some dust here it can be really cool so I'll create a new layer so dust and for these guys I will use my favorite brushes my set of clouds smoke here it is brushes I'll use this one and I will clip the discolor first start and also make a brush smaller and just slowly build some dust right there you will see I'm just building slowly part of dust then just clip I actually choose another color darker color a lot darker maybe like maybe like this okay and I had even more smoke okay then some bright color maybe even white and change the brush size a little bit so you can see this is really cool so he is writing and horses making it dust really like that you're a little bit darker color on the ground and this is something that you need to spend a little bit more time building this but it's pretty decent so yeah without with that I love it also I have some thoughts down below and I don't mean it actually I will raise it and that's it all so let's let's spend a little bit more time on this peak of the rocket to to blend it a little bit better with the surface so where is the rocket here is rocket also one really cool trick that I like to use here actually it's a tip that I like to use with layers right click and choose the color maybe orange for the rocket because they have orange big here so now when I'm finding something I can really easily find rocket then I can go on the rocket itself right here okay that's cool and what I can do actually I can go right here on the rocket group and create mass and just wait this smoke cloud brush and black color I can just just blend this a little bit better make it smaller just paint all around this I will fast forward these guys because you know you got a point also what I like to do here is the change to use this brush because this one will make like more rocky shapes not like Rocky Balboa rock rocky shapes okay and then to use this one and to blend it maybe with 20% just land it a little bit more right there so we can spend a little bit more time here but I will stop right now I don't want to waste your time as you can see it's much better and also we can add some shadowing here so we can go to the background layer here use curves adjustment layer clip it to affect only that make everything darker right and just with regular soft brush right there I just want to make ruff bigger white color and just make this thing this thing darker right cuz it can be some shadow from from this guy right there okay so this is it for now we can spend again a little bit more time tweaking this here and there but let's leave it like this and now let's assume it and let's see so this is really nice also we can go on the rocket and just dodge and burn a little bit more overall rocket down below so I will create curves adjustment layer and make a darker like this put it in a luminosity blending mode call it burn v4 burn right invert the mask ctrl or command I just with a really nice soft cloud dust brush I just want to paint back some shadows now below here okay because this will be much darker maybe this 20% opacity and just paying back let me see yeah like that right some shadows here and there and down below this is it right guys and now we can we can add even more details of course we can do a lot of things here but I will stop here I will birds are eating together into one layer and do a final color Corrections so we can go all the way up and I don't think that I forgot something important here maybe maybe just like this maybe maybe let's go before that let's go right there curves adjustment layer to effect only the wall of the cave I just want to make it darker inverted and I just want to dodge a little bit more this part of the cave nothing special but just a little bit with that and yeah let me see before after yeah now it's now it's cool okay now we can go all the way up and press shift ctrl out the or shift command option E on a Mac to merge everything together I can go right click and convert to smart object you will see why is this advantage you can do that now let's go to filter camera filter and now we can play with some color correction so what I like to do I like to go to this calibration tab and just just change colors a little bit just the touch okay we can play with the greens but will not affect will affect Red's arc is something like like this also I can go and add a little bit of me yet and then we go right here I want to play with the hue this little bit more towards the Reds not too much but just a bit and also I want to play with situations so maybe to desaturate blues or actually aquas and deep blues I don't want to saturate it sky for this type of image so I want a little bit more subtle color so let's see maybe to brighten the sky touch this is cool and also yeah also here we can doesn't effect too much okay this is it then I can go to sharp a little bit everything so boost the sharpening lower the radius if you press and hold alt or option key over here you will see the radius of sharpening and also if you press and hold alt or option key and choose the mask option you can see now everything will be sharpened and now everything that is white will be sharpened so I just want to limit the sharpening to something like that okay and then we can go to split toning effect I want to add a little bit more bluish color to the shadows and as you can see if I move this towards the whites I will narrow the effect of shadows so it will only affect the darkest point power parts of the image so this is what I want just a touch down below okay and let's go here add a little bit more contrast open the shadows a little bit too much and add a clarity add a punch to the image maybe relax maybe we can raise it or decays it and it is not so I mean leave it like this maybe not so much contrast also we can go to the curves and change the points and add one point here one here and just move this if you want to have this pay to the fact this is the option if you want to have this kind of look but for this image I don't want display the fact so I don't want that and I will press ok and now let me show you why I put this in the smart object because now okay you're satisfied let me see before and after really cool but maybe you want to change something you just need to double click on Camera Raw filter your back with the same settings now you can maybe change the white balance maybe more towards the the yellows maybe a little bit more green or actually the the yellows and greens and this is it maybe you want to add this gradient filter down below something like that and to go lower the shadows make down a little bit darker maybe add a radial filter to to say I want maybe to brighten the inside here a little bit press ok so okay now it's maybe better so before and after before and after or if you don't like it you can go again back to that and just just move some sliders play with colors do whatever you want and you will get find a result you can always switch forth back and forth so this is it guys this is the final image I hope that you liked it you saw a lot of interesting tips and tricks right here and I hope that you learn some really nice and useful stuff from this fun photo manipulation tutorial also guys this tablet is really good I need to say that one more time because I really love it for especially for the price of less than four hundred US dollars again links are down the in description if you want to purchase it or see more about that you can find a lot of reviews online I will not to review like classical review of the tablet you just saw how the tablet is behaving when I'm drawing I really love the pen pressure sensitivity the strokes are really nice and easy to draw the parallax is really good so overall really really good tablet only think that I would like a little bit better is that I have a little bit bigger tablet to work with but for this price range this is this is really really good also guys if you have any questions regarding to this episode you can ask me down there in a comment section below I will be glad to answer them and if you liked this episode if you appreciate this content just press the like button down below share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe if you're not already and also ring that Bell icon down below to be notified about all the future episodes and also guys if you want to help me to support me to make this channel even bigger better you can do that by using my patreon page the link is down there in the description and also you will get some things in return like this PSD files etc have fun experiment and see you guys in my next one episode bye bye [Music]
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 125,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nemanja Sekulic, Photo manipulation, Photomanipulation, Tutorial, Photoshop tutorial, best photo manipulation tutorial, Rocket, Underground, Huion, huion kamvas pro 13, Kamvas pro 13, Review, Artwork, Photo manipulation tips, tips, tricks, Digital art, Retouching, Learn, Fun, Underground rocket, Composite, Future, West, Wild west, Advanced photo manipulation, Advanced, huion kamvas pro 13 review
Id: 28Z_STqucCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 30sec (3390 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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