Cities Skylines Multiplayer & I Still have to Fix Traffic & Build a Roundabout! (5B1C)

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hello everybody welcome to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and here we are in the five builders one city map yes this is the amazing looking map and yeah it's my turn we are now going to be building on here but i just wanted to quickly show you what we've got in here before we uh dive into the area that we're going to be building so along the coast here what a beautiful map this is such an amazing looking map so along the coast here the first area that we have on our right look out the window on the right hand side you will see zardes has built this area here we've got the they've got the fishing along the front there we've got some industry and we've got a nice little populated area as well he's been using the canals he's got like a canal thing going on a really nice nice looking area which is fantastic i really like that there is a little something something that we're going to dive in and fix in this area nothing too major just a little thing i have checked with zardes first of all if you didn't mind me just meddling in it and he said yep that's fine i'm not going to change anything drastic but a little bit of traffic that needs fixing so we will get to that ah and now what do we have next over here over here we have the area by city planner play city builders yes i'm sure you're familiar fantastic series on youtube as well as zadis and yeah here's his little city of geneva that he's been building up he's got old town geneva and it's just looking absolutely brilliant i'm loving it and this is his spot over here off the highway fantastic fantastic looking little zone i like it lots of grids lots of grid so far so we're gonna see how this turns out once uh once i dive in but he's building around the river end there looking very swish so there we go those are the areas that we've got so far on this map also look out for imperial jedi and the tim meister as well who'll be building on this map that's five isn't it me city planner zardes imperial jetty jedi to meister yeah that's it just make sure not forget anybody uh all the links to their channels will be in the description below and yeah there we go and the playlist as well so you can see where we're up to now what have we got let's have a look at the areas that are available if i put the zones on there we go so here we can see at zarda say tim meister has already um claimed this spot over here this is city uh planner it's got this over here geneva so we've got spot two and spot four and you know what i don't want to be so far away from everybody else i want to try and hook these two guys up together here and then when to meister gets his will have a connection all the way through from one side to the other through this area here so yeah we are gonna pick spot number two i'm gonna put biffer in there i don't know what the city this area is gonna be called yet we'll just go with biffa now you might notice the traffic oh my goodness that is horrendous [Laughter] i recorded the time-lapse that you saw at the beginning and zarda's told me he played with despawning on i'm assuming city planner did the same i thought let's see how it goes i'm going to turn despawning off and the traffic has got down to 44 but i know what it is that's causing that if we just sort of follow this along i mean it's basically it's backed up outside the map into the fog they're all coming off here they're all coming down the side here we're going to whiz along they're all coming off here which has had lame mathematics on there which is good i don't know about the the different lanes not too worried about that anyway they're all coming along here then they go underground there we go along here along here along here then they come up here and they're all coming off through this junction so before we dive into building this is the little section that zarda says he's happy with me to fix i've said you can always return the favor i'm sure there will be something in my area that will need fixing as well so we're going to use this tool and this shows us where all the cars are going and you can see they're all coming down that road we just followed and then they're all coming to spread out into his area here so i just think a little tiny tweak could make all the difference because they're all coming in and they're just stopping here you see that and there's not many coming up this road here so what i'm thinking of doing is um first of all we're going to put dedicated turning lanes there we're going to put dedicated turning lanes there i'm going to have a dedicated left actually i really would like do you know i'd like along here i said i'm not going to mess around with the roads i'm not going to change the size of any of the roads we'll keep them as they are zardes if you want to change this back be my guest oh we don't have network extensions too do we i've got access to no roads that might help me with this oh we've got all these four lane roads i want a three and a two asymmetric road and i don't think there is gonna be one in here no that's an industry road is there one in here that's it that's all we've got all we've got is this one here asymmetric three lane road no that's not gonna work is it okay well we can't change the roads we're limited which makes it more interesting i'm gonna put dedicated turning lane there and what i would like is to do it that straight on and right yeah so the left-hand turn the straight on's gonna that really doesn't make any difference that one will do that and then i'm wondering whether here you have traffic lights in there i'm actually gonna oh they are time traffic lights do you know what then let's just pause the game let's not mess with the time traffic lights which i was thinking of adding in here we obviously need this one to go a heck of a lot more let's just run the game and see which one that is i'm thinking it's going to be one yeah there we go it's one oh man this box is so small to see i'll try and zoom in for you so we're going to edit one and it's at the normal standard thing uh i just tend to up this to 8 and 12 and find that works quite well um yeah let's leave it at that and start it again and we'll see how that goes let's just keep an eye on we do it this way because then we can see the traffic there it might take a few moments to get through it might even be that we need it to be a little bit longer but i'm hoping after a while it actually goes okay let's just give it a sec yeah what's also interesting is they're stopping here of course before they get to that i'm just wondering whether if we did oh that's already got stopping straight through um yeah i think we'll leave it like that we'll leave it like that what are we at 48 i'm just gonna run this for a good 10 minutes and just see how it goes so yeah let me leave it going i'll put it like i'll put it like this so we can see and then i'll be back in a sec just another little change that i did just to help out a little bit is i've stopped them lane switching all the way back to where it joined so they can pick their lane here so we've done that we've got the change of lane they will do that anyway in a node there but yeah look and these guys here what are you doing what are you doing what is going on is that like there's no reason why you should be doing that there we're going to stop that there and then when you're back here you can spread out and pick your lane yeah there we go so what that's going to do is going to stack these cars up too wide all the way up here as much as possible and hopefully we'll just get more going through we should have to see how that goes 51 percent ever slightly going up yeah so let's leave this running and also i'm going to change one more thing well i can't help it i can't help it we're going to change that to give way and we're going to check what we've got here on the lanes yeah see they're trying to come around let's have a quick look and that's going round as well and how is that yeah they're going in the two separate lanes yeah okay let's leave that going then okay we've made a slight change i've removed the time traffic light this is just like nuts this is nuts this is nuts yeah do you know what i'm going to have to admit defeat on this one because i've said that i'm you know i don't want to rebuild someone else's area and zarda said he did have some ideas in mind to maybe have a look at this traffic a bit later um i've just put it back into the mode that everyone else has been playing on which is uh enabling despawn in traffic and we're back up to 81 but the reason i've done that is because what i think is going to make a huge difference is what we're going to do over here we are going to add a junction in because at the minute we've got this road coming up here from city play at city planner we've got this one coming along here which is literally put right up to my border he's like poked it into here saying go on biffa do something with that and then we've got this road here which also yeah also pokes into my area so yeah i'm gonna do something with that as well now unlike these other guys who are fantastic builders i never build my own um intersections on the highway you know they could probably throw together something like this or something like let's have a look this without a second thought um whereas i'd have to give a few more thoughts to that so and we are stuck with what comes with the game we don't have a whole ton of assets that we're using um we are working with the game as we've got it so what i'm thinking is oh jumpy case is having this in the middle here connecting that up over the train line i'm thinking maybe we could sort of do it like i'm going to delete this bit down here connect that up and that one up like that let's pop it in and i'll show you what i mean and then we're going to delete all of this back to sort of there and that actually works out much better because then if we grab the height i haven't got network extensions too i'm going to be looking at these thinking which one do i need highway there we go and that is going to come out to i've got all of these on yeah i think it's just a little bit too far away so let's come out say to there and we'll go into there see we can hook these up so that's the top one just don't want it to be too sharp a turn that was all i think that'll be okay i think this is a different size highway actually it is it's a two lane highway oh three plus one that's gotta go into two isn't it look at that i think p plus one's gonna go into two three plus one is going to go into three so we're gonna do that anyway and then just give me a second and i will sort all of this out and line it up a bit better there we go that's fine that's good everybody's pleased excellent so that runs through here to this one and then we're gonna connect that one up to this one i may just need to monkey with that a tiny bit hey there we go what about that that looks interesting i don't think you'd have any problems coming along there 150 mile an hour would you no excellent that's good and then we've just got this little connection over here oh i'm feeling like there might be a roundabout in this one somewhere yeah slight change of plan instead of a roundabout we're just going to go for the raised road keep it raised along here and we can always go underneath with parts and things we can raise that a little bit later if we want to um let's just maybe use the move it mod to tidy this up a little bit if i grab that node that node that node that node this node and this node that's all the nodes and then we go into here slope objects excellent there we go that lines it up nicely then we just want to make sure we haven't got people turning around on the highway or doing silly things like that you go there what the monkeys no please don't do that oh oh it's because we haven't got enough lanes ah yes of course we're gonna end up with three lanes down here anyway so i'll tell you what we're gonna do we are gonna do this we're gonna say you're just gonna have to deal with it is that gonna let me pick another lane that's because i got this on let's turn that off and let's do that again there we go and hopefully it doesn't get too busy down here if it does we'll just maybe sort the lanes out later but i just want them to go through there if we had asymmetric roads i would have made that three lanes going down here which would have been perfect for this junction because you would have had left right and straight on but we don't so we will stay with that good and then that leaves us with this one over here which could join to this sort of national road that we've got going through over here this little two-way highway which will really help link up to city players areas as well so just before we do that i'm just going to quickly apply oh man i'm going to do lane mathematics do we have the roads we need yes we do so three lanes one goes off down to two one comes on back to three so it's these little bits here we need to change there we go we're gonna add in every time there's a bit where they come on we're gonna do that just so they can merge in and that one there and then going the other way that one there that one there that one there and that one there there we go there is a couple of nodes in the middle on these roads that go across that way there's only one node here so if we need to we can change that but let's see how busy it gets before we worry too much about that and then i want to just merge this into this let's just have a quick look at it do you know what we might do actually slight change of plan i'm going to get a six-lane road with trees and we're going to get that back down to the ground i'm going to have this if i connect that to that we can find the center so i want that in the middle here thank you very much we'll delete that and then we're going to go into there and out of there excellent and then when we do what i was trying to do before there we go everybody goes they've all got a lane each everybody heads in the correct direction good because then we could sort of have that coming through here perhaps because the idea that i've got i haven't actually spoken about this yet have i the idea i've got for this area is i'm going to build a little forestry industry we're going to take all these trees that are here we've got a railway line we've got access to the highway in fact i'm going to go all the way around there maybe take in this as well yes we've got a railway line here we've got access to the highway and i'm just wondering actually how are we doing on unemployment it's three percent so we probably have to build up some areas of people in as well but yeah that could come through the middle here and then this one could join up so let me just do that i'm not entirely sure whether we'll connect it there as well but we'll leave it like that for now i'm going to just come up to the end here and have to really make sure i don't go into someone else's area yeah that's the end there isn't it for spot four okay that's good and then this road here let's connect that up [Music] yeah we're gonna connect it up to there we'll put some dedicated turning lanes in we'll make that um let's do that again that give way we'll see how that goes that should be okay and then we've got a connection to the power here which is good so we're going to grab that and we'll just continue that along here as well there we go excellent so that's given us access to this area here now you may have noticed that we're playing with unlimited money we've got everything unlocked as well so we have access to everything we need which is unusual for me um i don't i think i've only ever done one unlimited money sort of creative building series before my channel and i didn't last too long at that because i normally enjoy the challenge let's just get the simulation going the challenge of unlocking things in the game and seeing how all of that goes but i am up for the challenge so let me just sort out this here we'll go into this one slope objects that just does not look right at all does it well i think i've got node controller in here have i oh no no node controller either oh my goodness me all the little things that i'd like to have and we've got none of them well i just have to eyeball it there we go and i believe the sun is setting on the start of our new area ah before we dive into that i just thought i'd do a little bit of intersection marking tool on this little junction that we made over here i think that looks much much better there's one thing i'm going to change let's come out of that view let's do that is this line here i'm going to undo that and that line there i'm going to undo that yeah and this is going to go this way instead so we're going to have that there as a lane going through i'm going to have that there oh there we go and then the extra lane appears on the left-hand side like that they can just merge over into it excellent and i've smoothed it all out looks much better much much better do you know what now i've done that one as you follow over the bridge here i feel like i need to do all the ones on this junction and this little junction here needs smoothing out as well oh my goodness i feel like a time lapse coming on yeah let's sort this out as well [Music] now if i remember correctly with these intersection marking tool things it's been so long since i've used this i can save this as a template because that is the same as that and these two over here they're just like the opposite way around so templates fillers presets click save as preset as the panel header i think this one here save as preset [Music] new presets um thing one moose three line six name no screenshot don't know how you get a screenshot in okay and then if we come over so what would that be let's see roads going up one going off to the right so this one here would be exactly the same so can i then edit save as assets apply presets i can and then i can just turn it around because obviously it's facing completely the opposite direction so turn clockwise oh look at that that is fantastic uh apply so can we do that on all of these oh flipping it we can actually yeah it's not the same on there is it but we can apply it on the ones that it'll work on anyway like this one it'll work on this one here yes there we go so that means it'll also work on apply this one here actually i think that was right wasn't it yeah it was tick apply okay this way apply nice well that certainly speeds things up and then once i've done one for that one it'll go there there there and there oh brilliant and then just a little tip everybody told me this one um i actually want the chevrons to start here so if i hold alt for the filler and go from there outwards then they should be facing in the right way so let's pick chevron yeah do not that is actually facing the wrong way that would be if you were coming from this direction but to me because you're joining the road that looks the right way to me yeah i'm gonna do that one right let's make another preset oh doesn't that look so much better we'll we'll flatten the roads out in a minute don't worry oh that looks so much better oh i had to do it i had to install the node controller just for fixing things like this it's like oh my goodness me uh make flats how do i get it so it's this road here i can't remember at all oh there we go flattened segment ends yes this one here flattened segment and that looks more like it doesn't it that looks more like it and then we just need to move it over to slightly apart get those things to line up again and we're good just thought i'd do a little bit of detailing i've got i've got into detailing today i was going to be building this forestry industry but um yeah i've got distracted so yeah how far down we're going to go with this i'm going to go as far as there with that one i'm using the zoo fence which i think looks fantastic alongside a highway look at that absolutely fantastic so i'm just adding these in along here you know what this means though don't ya and i don't know what you think about this but i'm probably gonna have to do another episode so i can get my uh forestry industry built now i've been distracted by all of this then i'm gonna add some gravel uh i'm gonna stop there so we'll come along here fill this sort of center section in and up to there and yeah we'll just go up to that bridge at the end there there we go what do we reckon about that and then i think we need a little bit of detailing on these areas here as well i think we need a few more fences just in these little sections [Music] [Music] there we go we're getting there and you know what we're gonna have to put in these areas here don't you well if you've watched my episodes before then you will know we always need rocks and trees my friends rocks and trees [Music] yeah i've changed my mind on the rocks my thinking is if you were hammering it down here and you accidentally missed your turn you've got the fence to slow you down you've got like the gravel the sand whatever in there and some bushes and things but smacking straight into a big rock not a good idea now as you're coming down here what you don't want is trees that are going to stop you seeing what's coming if there's anything in the way we're going straight on fine coming off is fine so we could put a little bit just a few scrubby sort of trees in there again now coming down here there we go as you're pulling out you want to be able to see across um but we do have the separate lanes for everybody so actually now that i've said that i think those ones we might sort of keep free um yeah just a couple little couple of little little tiny trees like this nothing too much nothing towards the end along here so it doesn't block doesn't block the view of anybody i think that'll be fine [Music] so this was the episode where biffer said he was going to build a forestry industry but instead decided to join some roads up and build what i think is a pretty cool looking biff about what do you reckon what do you reckon let me know in the comments below what you think of my roundabout and be sure to subscribe be back for when i actually do build the industry in this area that we've now connected up with zardis and with city planner plays city building games over here two be sure to check out their channels all the links in the thing below have a fantastic day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 289,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cities Skylines Multiplayer, 5 Builders 1 City, 5B1C, biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, how to start a new city, How to fix your cities skylines, czardus, city planner plays, imperial jedi, the timeister
Id: yNX7fEL0xV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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