5 Builders 1 City: We All Need Jobs! Cities Skylines Multiplayer! (5B1C)

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here on the five builders one city map thank you so much for all of your support on the last episode and be sure to go and check out all the other guys that are going to be building on here and why are we zooming in to this area over here on zardis's build that he's got going on on his side of the map because look what we have available to us now cha-ching asymmetric roads oh yeah biffer does a happy dance we've got network extensions too in um so people wanted to see how much of a difference adding my biff about in and connecting up city planners area over here to zardes area over here and given the people that were coming to this area more than one option coming in because they were backing up if you remember all the way up here all the way down here all the way underneath coming out here and then backing up all the way up there well this map at the moment is set up with despawning on so why don't i turn off there we go despawning so no despawning hard mode let it run for a few moments and then we can just see how this goes without me adding in any asymmetrical roads so i'm just gonna pop it there like that we can see the road going underground put it on fast speed and then i'll just go and have a cup of tea for five minutes and we'll be back okay biffer from the future here i totally forgot to record my audio when i was doing these clips but as you can see because we've got extra options coming in with these spawning turned off there is no traffic here so i don't really need to make any other changes to that junction and what we do have is a lot more cars coming down this road as this one here so this is slightly getting a little bit busier as you can see which is fine it spread the traffic out but yeah i feel like i need to do something with this road here and now what do we have asymmetric roads i'm not sure if i mentioned it but we do have network extensions now we've all agreed to use it so as you come into these junctions there's three different ways you can go left right and straight on um so i'm now going to decide uh just to add that to that load there um i think i'm actually going to change my mind in a minute and instead of using asymmetric because these roads i'm just doing now whichever direction you're going there's three different ways to go uh left right and straight on so yeah i'm doing dedicated lanes and i think i'm just realizing you know what six lane roads would actually be better the further in we get i'm pretty sure i mentioned as well um that i did ask sardis if i could uh fiddle with his traffic a little bit if he wants to change these roads back by all means zados please do so um i hate to sort of mess around with your area um but yeah there we go so now i can do control left click go down here and every oh i didn't do that little tiny road there i'll get that one sorted but everybody's gonna get oh auto save quick super t there we go upgrade that one as well so yeah i can do control left click all the way down here and everybody on this main road has dedicated turning lanes dedicated turning lanes uh this one's gonna be a bit busy because we've got the road going the other way as well so normally i would put all four of those to have uh those six lane roads but i think in this case i just leave it because it's not too busy and they can pick their lane there i think i must have had anarchy or something called we've got trees in the middle of the road but that's fine so yeah that's working out okay and i'm pretty pleased with that so yeah as hard as if you wish to change it no problem at all that's fine so we are now going to come over to this area here um we are going to start building up our forestry region birch region can't remember if i asked you before whether you have any names suggestions for this but if you do then let me know in the comments below deciding not to go all the way out into that area this little section here will be perfectly fine and because we've got everything unlocked unlimited money i've got access to all the buildings so i'm sort of deciding now where to put the forestry main building that's then going to turn birch region into birch forestry region or something like that so of course we're going to start off with an asymmetric road coming off of this main road here and i want to sort of line it up because we've got this railway line going along the back so we're going to give that left click there dedicated turning lanes give way coming in and out so it doesn't affect the flow of the main road and i think this nice little straight bit there where the train is just going past is the perfect place to put our train station so i'm just sort of guessing here as to what size we need what sort of space we need for that there we go do the same on there it's a bit of a slope but as we go along we'll sort that out a bit let's see how much room we have yeah almost almost there so that's why i love mod so much because something like that when you're almost there we can place it down and then we can just use the movement mod so i can grab those nodes hold shift grab all the nodes and then grab the building and then just shift it all down a little bit and then when we think we've got it lined up which is almost there almost there we can then draw in the rails and hook that up so yeah just give me a sec and i'll line this all up right there we go it's all lined up it's looking good so what i'm going to do now is i'd like a bypass i'm not quite sure how busy this is going to be well i know how busy this is going to be because i'm different from the future but at the time of making this i had no idea how busy this is going to be so i would like um a little bypassing we'll sort that other other little wonky rail out in a minute yeah so we can use the move it mod just got to be careful if you start messing with your railway lines like this after the fact just check that it still hooks up properly at the end which it does we've got an internet and an out which is fine and then it comes along here oh we need to add water pipes i think i'll probably get to that in a moment and i'm also looking at the height of this thinking that is a big drop down there for all the trucks so again we can make judicious use of the move it mod so by selecting all of these nodes all the way along here there we go and we can just shiftify that down oh i've missed the node there i can see i'll probably grab that in a minute shiftify that down a bit there we go i did notice let's just drop that down just to get rid of that lump there we go and then smooth it out a bit we've got the smoothing tool everybody loves the smoothing tool let's make it a little bit bigger than that come on biffa there we go fantastic smooth it all out and that is going to be super busy once we build up this area nice okay there's our first train making use of the bypass that's obviously a passenger train so it looks like they're just going to do it anyway but if you wanted to force them to do that you can use the traffic manager vehicle restrictions and the two little icons there the left ones the cargo the right one is passengers and you could ban passenger trains from going along the line that's got the cargo train on there but i'm glad they've managed to work out at which one to take themselves so yeah fan flipping tastic aha and here goes our first cargo train let's see where this goes so is this going to head off to any of the other areas i'm not entirely sure anybody else actually put any train stuff in yet okay it's heading up towards city planners area and i think that is just gonna head straight out the city yes it is yeah well if they want to add any cargo stations into their areas as they're needed they can do that themselves can't they you'll have to go and watch their videos to find out if they do right let's continue [Music] well this area is definitely been very well used already which is absolutely fantastic well let's start our forestry uh industry in this area here we might need to add a few more trees oh auto save quick sip of tea lovely so let's come out of this view here and what i'm gonna do is i want to sort of outline where the trees go uh with let's just use a two-lane gravel road i think to start off with so that's just sort of let's see that's just gonna sort of come over here and the only reason i'm doing this just to sort of give a bit of an outline to the area we could even go up into there and then split off down here i'm not quite sure where this is going to join i think we're going to have a couple of joins up here and then we've got this road at this area through the middle um [Music] yeah so if we come out over here let's just grab our let's have a look we'll do it this way oh i've got all of these turned off there we go a symmetric this one here looks a little bit oh that's a highway one um this one here that's the one i'm looking for this one looks slightly more industrial if we end up using the industrial roads as well let's just connect that to that there we go so we've got the turning lanes excellent control left click dedicated turning lanes and we'll have giveaway there so i can come down here come to this area and then i want another connection over here but i don't want it near the middle of this so yeah some of you might have noticed i've just noticed all my asymmetric oh asymmetrical i've got asymmetrical stuff on the brain all of my intersection marking tool stuff has disappeared i don't know what's going on i've still got my let's just grab a node here i've still got all my presets and all my points and lines are all here but yeah they seem to be i don't know what's going on seems to disappeared if anybody knows how to make them come back on again let me know and we'll try and get that sorted yeah i think along here about halfway through here would be a good place to put the next connection so if we sort of come down there and let's use this road instead there we go excellent control of click giveaway coming out and then we can just add another little meandering road up here let's see i'm gonna sort of follow this a bit and maybe just connect up to there and then i'm gonna upgrade um do you know what actually no i'm going to use the roundabout mods and we're going to put a roundabout in there like that and then that could go off somewhere else over here yeah that'll be fine control shift left click so we've got dedicated turning lanes all the usual stuff that should be good that should be okay all right let's just close that down and then what have we got i mean we've got access to absolutely everything so let's see if we can try and make a balanced area along here i would like trees all along this main road here but not up against the main road like that but facing the other way so how far along let's just go let's just place a couple like that let's just get this road here so if we weren't like that that's about the distance then we can turn them round and they can go the other way so if we go like that and like that that should be about right and let's just see if we can get this one to yeah something like that and then we can grab that and face it the other direction so i'm going to start actually here if i do pick a picker pick a tool there we go then we can just place those i don't think we're actually going to fill up this little bit here so i'm going to start this end there we go that's the look i wanted that you'd come along here and there's no doubt at all that this area is working on trees look at all that loads and loads of trees fantastic then we're going to need oh a lot of storage in here um let's grab one of the largest storage items so what have we got right at the end here yeah these ones wood chip storage that's fantastic so again we're gonna have those up against here like that that looks really cool and then in here i might just leave it as balanced i've got these ones over here by the way this one is storing forestry products at the moment and this is unique factory products but we will we'll change that around when we get there and then to help our workers get about let's just pop a little path in here so if we turn that off we're going to go from there up to there there we go and then we're going to use node controller to put a crossing in the middle and we'll definitely put the lights on because that's going to be busy with trucks coming up and down there so if somebody needs to cross yep they'll get a helping hand fantastic then what we're going to do is just run a little fence either side of that just sort of around this area here yeah what did you connect to oh i see you've connected to the side of the building okay all right then we'll connect to the side of the building why not going to do the same on both sides there we go there we go and then we can add is that the oh we've got the brush tool oh i haven't used that for so long well i'm going to just eyeball it we're going to grab some of these whoa that is a lot let's drop this down just add just sort of a few coming down the side there there we go looking good looking good oh i'm liking this i'm liking this a lot okay and then we want some processing buildings which i'm thinking we're gonna have up here but before we do that we also have the option let's go right back to the beginning of the list here of the forestry workers barracks now um i'm thinking maybe this little this little area here now how big are they and i want them sort of off of a road down here and also we're going to use let's have a look basic grass road with medium we're going to slightly upgrade the road that they're going to be living off of let's turn all those back on again so if we went like that how big would they be could i fit two in i want to get one there no we could do that so we've got those two because we're gonna have a lot of people working here for sure okay so that can go that way we're not going to fit another one there but we could definitely fit another couple here because what are these give us some sort of bonus as well don't they work efficiency 110 percent it's not going to go up 115 multiple problems we'll sort that out in a second uh an extra five percent per one so if we went like that and then do a little something something with the rest of that area to make that a reasonably nice place to live that would work out okay let's just run these up here there we go excellent so then i would like some processing buildings along here and i'm really trying to sort of keep an eye on the fact that we are going to be making a lot of traffic and what's this one here oh forestry maintenance building yeah that's the other one that gives us a bonus as well storage capacity goes up by five percent i'd like that sort of down here somewhere maybe we could squeeze that in over here and i just got rid of that would that go up against this road here it would if i used anarchy let's have a look yeah that's not too bad is it and then what i would do is i would just lower this little road down here as we've been doing and then i will connect up this fence because these buildings have all got the fence on there we go fantastic yeah i'm liking the look of that a lot very good very good so if you just have a look at this area what are we doing here so as it goes we are making an absolute ton of war forestry products well that was to be expected wasn't it i think that was what was gonna happen so what i'd like now is a road coming off of here so i'm again going to use our asymmetrical road and let's just turn those on that is going to connect there yep very good i'm just going to upgrade that one and that one just so they can all get in do that excellent that's good and then this bit here so what sort of size are we looking at for processing buildings we've got this huge pulp mill which i like it but to me that sort of pulp mill needs to go in a proper looking industrial area whereas where this is you know we might end up with some farming over there that sort of thing i don't want a load of chimneys and stuff sticking up so that one makes the paper we do have another paper making machine somewhere don't we um biomass pellet plant paper yes that's the one so i want that off of a road here but right up close to there so let's see if we can run some roads along here yeah there we go that fits in really well so we've got that one and then we've also got the engineering wood plant which is going to make our planks for us uh plain timber that's it so we could have that let's have a look i'm actually going to shift these around a bit i'm going to do that one there i'm going to do this one come on snap to the road please come on okay forget it forget it you're gone let's do it this way i'm gonna do that one about there i reckon and then we're just gonna continue this path along up here just turn that off there we go i'm gonna have that go up to there excellent and then we'll do the same thing again we'll pop a little crossing there but this time i'm gonna turn the lights off oh actually i can just do it this way turn the lights off do that turn the lights off so you can just walk along and what am i thinking what am i thinking i'm going to grab this fence and oh is that going to want to connect to there again okay we'll do that then so we'll go down to there and to there whoops accidentally deleted darn it let's anarchy that in let's pop our path back in again there we go fantastic and then we'll do the same over here and a little bit of finagling later we've got it in and then we'll just copy that tree i'm just gonna chuck a couple in there alongside the path and then i'm going to grab this one here and just sort of feel that in a little bit not that big a little bit smaller just across there like that and just maybe up to the road on that one yeah that's good so we've got our factories there they need some water as well so let's sort that out for us we'll run it up this road that we've got along there there we go so they'll soon start bringing in these items into here and then we're going to be making paper and plain timber so what i'm going to do is i'm going to change these to be paper and plain timber there we go so it's emptying the previous resources okay good i've left it on balance just so we can see some of them stacked up in there that'd be nice and then i might just put another storage over here just to help these guys out as well so let's grab one of these large flat log yeah i was gonna say yog yog lard no that is not what i want i want a log yard in fact we could have two right there right opposite yeah that goes in well balance i'm going to put these on field because we want lots of these items available here to be used here and then we won't get this not enough raw materials things so yeah it's going to take a few minutes to fill that up but that'll be fine while we're doing that let's have a look at our forest brush because i want to sort of fill this area in a little bit more haven't used this in a very long time so these are my brushes that i've made before i would like to make a new brush so we're going to go five builders one city builders one city forestry brush there we go and then i want to remove any trees that are on here so let's have a look is there a way to do that okay i think we're sorted so we're going to use the conifers that we've got on here and yeah let's just monkey around with these a bit so we sort of get a bit of a mix of different amounts of those so let's just have a look at that over there so if i do that that is exactly what i want excellent so let's make that a little bit smaller and i want you just to sort of fill this in yep just checking i haven't got prop and tree anarchy turned on by mistake and i want to sort of fill this in a bit around here if i put strength up what are we going to get because i could fill this area with a load more of these but as you can see look not enough bias or product so they haven't got places that doesn't mean people to buy the products that just means somewhere for these products to go we don't have enough storage to take all of these yeah so we obviously need to work on that in a moment but let me just finish filling this in yeah there we go that is looking a lot more like a nice busy tree section forestry industry fantastic now i want to give all of these guys and girls some extra storage and where they can put all their things so we could use some of these sawdust storages they're quite small and i'm just wondering whether for every three so how many if we got here one two three four five six yet i'm going to remove the middle one like that and i'm going to pop in storage okay we'll have to anarchy that in itself it's a slightly bigger is that overhanging the road no that's fine like that and then i want to just fill in this little bit in between which we'll get to in a moment and then let's have a look so one two three if i remove that one and then that one and then we'll leave that one like that yep that's fine and i'll do the same there and there there there there we go excellent so then i'll grab these trees and just oops just fill in the gaps [Music] right so how is it looking i'm pleased with how it's looking how is it working well at the minute we are going to get an absolute ton of these trucks coming in and because they are going to be trying to fill up because we put these on the field so it's going to take a few minutes but actually even with that being the case traffic's okay because we've got all of our turning lanes dedicated turning lanes the only little slowdown is going to be right outside of these log yards but once they're filled up you won't get as many trucks coming in and then these guys can put a call out to some items now we don't have the whatever it's called transfer mods that i use in my cities which stops these people putting a call out for what they need to something miles away so you know we'll have to sort of go with how the game's gonna run things but yeah i think we'll be fine they'll get what they need and they can take it all out here and sell so i don't know where they're actually going to be making any money oh that's a two stars already look at that we're making all of this and we're still importing you see that's where the more effective transfer mod comes in but anyway now what i wanted to check was we have three percent unemployment um so we want to try and help those three percent to come over here and i'm wondering whether has anybody put in any mass transit at all no i am going to put a bus that can come over here and serve all of our people i want to put a bus depot in [Music] and i'm going to pop it along here yes that's what i'm going to do so let's grab let's have a look this one here it's going to come let's see let's make this go out straight maybe just to there how big is the bus depot we've got a choice haven't we it's actually not that big i just wanted it along here so we just grab our standard road just sort of run that along there and then i'm going to use the bio buses the biofuel buses just a small one there we go and then we're going to grab this fence and we're just going to sort of enclose this here now would be chucking in parking lots and all sorts of things all auto saved with zipper t but unfortunately um don't have them ah there we go so we'll just try and do what we can right so i just want to run one bus into each of the areas that we've got where's the where's the bus thing oh there we go so where could we drop them off i don't want to drop them off on the main road down here we have ways for people to walk and get around so i'm thinking maybe if we drop them on this road here yeah let's just add a little something before i do this i want to add a little path so that people can get from there to there on that side and then if they want to they can get to there to their walk round around about and get to other places i'm gonna go from there to there and then also we're going to go from there to there come on okay well whatever that will do and we'll go from there to there and we may as well go from there to there so there's lots of access to get in and out crossing over doing all sorts of things we're going to give dedicated turning lanes we're going to yeah we'll do that and then we'll turn this road around i've got it going the wrong way there we go excellent so that's good so let's quickly run a bus line so we're gonna have it from in here so where would that bus have to come in hang on a sec this road's not attached to anything else oh no wonder those goods are not going anywhere huh what a bonehead how did i not notice that let's connect that to there okay let's try it this way then huh they can't ship them out because there's no way to get in and out what a wally there we go it is now all connected so that's good so we're going to have our bus stop go there come into here where all these people are sleeping and there we go uh staying you know the workers barracks then i want to drop it in here somewhere um again zardes if you wish to change this be my guest i'm going to do it round the side here and then back again and that's going to be that one yeah and then i'm going to do another one this side and let's just change the color of that to something else there we go how many buses is that going to end up with 17 no we'll have four and then we'll do another one from this side uh that's not going to go in there that one's going to come all the way down the highway yeah i'm not quite sure where in here i want to put that because i don't want to cause any problems you know what i'm just going to run it to one spot in the middle here and then i'm going to let city player change that if he so wishes okay that'll be up to you two guys to uh to mess with those if you want so we'll look at that one 20 flip your neck we'll make that one six slightly further away 28 buses can you imagine if i just left it like that there we go and these guys and girls aren't complaining anymore they can get their stuff going out and all the buses are heading out look at that absolutely flipping tons of them wow there we go [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] and there we go everything's pottering along nicely making lots of goods tons of jobs available for arnold's new city that we're building together so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on the next one check out the other guys videos the playlist is in the description and thank you very much for all of your support i will see you soon take care bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 193,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cities Skylines Multiplayer, 5 Builders 1 City, 5B1C, biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, how to start a new city, How to fix your cities skylines, czardus, city planner plays, imperial jedi, the timeister
Id: iNsP4nJtpMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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