Cities Skylines ▶DOUBLE DAM EXTREME POWER!◀ #20 Cities: Skylines Green Cities Natural Disasters

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hello guys and girls and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biff are here in Tahiti islands thank you very much for joining me so we're gonna do a couple of things today we're gonna put in some new dams up at the mountain because there's a load of people saying put more dams up at the mountain so we're going to do that and we are also going to try and fix some of the problems we have around our city and everything is quite cramped in this city I mean we've got a nice big highway he could be able to get around traffic isn't bad but there's still a lot of needs and we discovered in the last episode that we could look at houses and for instance let's go down the coast here there we go so these things are growing up nice you have just been adding a few more along here these are quite new and we've been looking at this and it'll give us information I think we get this information here there we go upgrade under way we get this information here anyway this is a mod so you want these red ones as low as possible you want these green ones as high as possible and for instance they ago they're leveling up maybe this one here so to get to the next level educate more citizens to allow the building to be upgraded make sure your education facilities can handle all potential students and that does take a few seconds to kick in because like we saw on this one it said that and then it changed and upgraded and but there's so many students I bear in mind these are high density so these are all blocks of flats as it were or apartments you might call them and so for schools along here we have there we go we've got this just Community Schools fill up fill up yep definitely fill up and then put two more on here and fill up and fill up and then I put two more on here fill up and fill up they are just absolutely filling these community schools it's nuts but the more I put down the more they're filling them so I'm just sort of keeping keep putting them down and these buildings were upgrading but so that's that's one thing worth looking at and then we come all the way over here and we see a lot of these little blue symbols our death wave is almost over by the way we're growing again which is good that happens sometimes by the way I'd start to stop every now and again and look at these little parks that we put in in the middle of our city with the trams in the background all trams got to come back so that's another little change I made anyway so we look at these blue symbols let's pick this hair at least our house this building here so this is a high resident high-density commercial zone or this one's upgrading oh that's a house there okay so this one here not enough goods to sell so it's upgraded all the way it's got all the work as it needs it doesn't have a lot of these coverages here but that's fine it's got what it needs to upgrade at the moment but it just needs some Goods now the only way we've got goods coming into our city at the moment is is this good transfer station over here with our external train line I mean this is taking everything through here as you can see passenger trains are coming through here as well I should have a bypass on this and I don't I've done I haven't done what I normally do with the train lines and it sort of throw me out a bit because I normally keep everything separate and I haven't because luck whatever I do that I'll get loads of comments oh no you don't need to do it you don't need to do it I haven't done it this time but like things like that there we go he's stopped because he has to go through that station and we really could do with the bypass here which is sort of gonna mess the train station up a bit and it's gonna mean two tracks I actually know what we could do we could do the bypass let's just put this in I really feel like I need one it's making me it's making me switch the fact that I haven't got a bypass here and ask Oh stupid thing we can't go around it okay let's let's move some things about and I've changed some trans stuff as well there we go that we can hook into this over here let's grab that and then we're just going to delete that don't need it thank you very much yes so let's come along here let's go curved yet we've already curved go page down turn off all the things there we go I want to come into here oh wow that confused the train so yeah if they want to bypass it they can now come up here let's put that on again to get that page down and then they can join into that yeah there we go this confuses them so there is a little bypass there if they're not taking they're not stopping there let's just see if they bypass I need any passenger train here we go is he gonna take the left fork he is excellent that's what we want to see it's still gonna gridlock a bit because of this which is annoying normally I like this bit here to be longer if that's where they're gonna wait he's trying to get over into there isn't it org over here I'm probably gonna completely redo all of that that is a complete mess on my apology this is why I like to keep things set but it's like this one here I had to do a bypass this was connecting from here to here and this little section wasn't long enough for a train to wait if there was one in the station so but they sort of bypass round here and they will normally take that but look things are backing up things are backing up mmm which isn't gonna help the goods and anyway there's a lot of good strains that are coming at this way and what I was thinking of doing was having a Goods in here so they could come up and they could bypass off and hit the goods yeah let's put that in and just add to the cacophony of mess what do I want train this one yeah that will go in there just yeah let's go there and try and make this even more confusing than it is so we have like that still connector there know that I can have two connections coming off of there I can well that's just weird huh which is really not gonna help that so maybe we can have it at all look oh my goodness I wasn't going to do stuff with trains today but look at all this it's this over here see that this is what I mean this little section here this trains waiting to go in and there's not is not quite past there and then we've got this actually he must he must be past it because they're coming through or maybe yeah it's just a terrible Junction I think what it is is just a terrible junction this goes to show why you want to keep your passengers at your car go in your passenger train line set for it because but this sort of thing happens why let me connect these up so I want this to connect I mean doesn't have to connect all the way down there and it's just [Music] connect anyway I don't mind there yeah that'll be good and then this can just connect so there yeah anyway I don't care what it looks like I just want to get it in there see if it helps and then if it does we're going to redo our train lines at some point whoops yeah I've got to redo it again it's not straight but not today we're not doing all the train lines today there we go let's get some power power to you there we go so yes so now we can get cargo they can come off here go here and go to this side of the city so hopefully that'll bypass some of the ability of bringing this all the way up here and it can come in here a bit that is the idea so we'll revisit that in a bit so let's let that run and let it work for a bit and we do have some more needs every time you see every time I see we've got need I'm gonna start putting more stuff down oh I'm making more money than I was before I can tell you how that's come about and while I'm doing that I'm gonna put a couple more schools down because we knew that they were fill up and yes I do know I'm using the schools that don't have the bigger capacity but I like the look of those so that's fine let's fill in this bit along here along the back there we get old trams that was the other thing I was going to tell you about wasn't it was trends let's just fill all of these in there we get so much beachfront property going so the tram line that we put in here basically went up and down from one side to the other and I saw a couple of comments saying well that's completely pointless isn't it and do you know why it sort of seems that way doesn't it um and I would probably agree that it does so I need to make a couple of quick changes here and what I did is I've now got the tram line and it comes down here it goes up there and it loops and it comes all the way down this tram line that we've got here and then comes back again so it sort of loops around here goes up and down there and then loops around so that way people can use it if they want to come there we go I love these tram models and they're fantastic they can use it if they want to come over to the business over here and then what we should also do is put some walkways in which is something like completely forgot which will help people a lot so we've got like these these road that connects across here but if they stick a walkway in these people can walk across on their own so let's go let's turn off the road guidelines let's use the sort of PARs that we've got let's go to there I want it right by the crossing ah it's gonna do this just stick we're doing it from one end there we go and then go into there excellent and they can walk across there there we go less weird kinks in it a nice curve or we can make some parks around that as well they can walk through there let's add another one here to that road so we'll go like that there we go and people will start using that I'm sure and it's not really a connection there so we connect this one up to here go through that I'm just thinking this one here where is it we'll connect that one it seems a long way to go doesn't it no that's okay we've got those spread out so that they'll start walking across there I'm sure and they can walk up that one let's have a check let's check the first one zip-a-dee-doo-dah not yet but I'm sure they will now to help them get over there as well if we actually look at let's look at our trams and how much they're being used there we go so tram line one is the yellow line that we've always had in which runs up and down this point along the top here and the purple one is our new tram line and that's actually not too bad it was only I deleted the line and did it again seven minutes ago so 294 that is brilliant far too many vehicles but I'm just gonna leave it with whatever vehicles it's got are we getting lots of people wanting to move in which is fantastic look and we're gonna need some dots some shops around in here as well then they go tuck shop by the school a couple of little small ones over here just so people don't have to travel too far and you know what I'm just gonna feel all of this in people seem to be moving in now that I've dealt with a few things I've also changed my tax policy in the city we had a we had a meeting and because I'm the mayor I just told everybody what to do the whole city now has small business and enthusiasts there's big big big Nick badoo badoo a big business benefactor industrial space planning so that means we're going to get more of all the commercial staff in the industry stuff but I've turned off the tax relief because all that does is drops the tax rate by two percent if you look tax relief Lo is the tax rate by two percent Wow I want that I want the tax rate at twelve percent that's what we that's what we're going with so I'll put those in a cost me more but more businesses turn out and they double their sales they double their sales whatever you know there's all good bonuses for that so and now we're making twenty three thousand as opposed to we were like in the - figures when I first started playing around before recording so there we go this is all we can see we've now got growth in the city commercial that's what I was putting in just a few dots something down where these roads are got some nerve got some yeah yeah let's put just put some high density commercial along there there we go and that will fill in eventually good nice that's all filling in good so let's take a look at odd area with the dams now at the moment I mean we don't need to do this but some people thought it would be fun we're making 960 megawatts and my budget for power is like really low we learned recently that if we put this up to 150 I get over 2,000 megawatts so isn't that like enough to send DeLorean back to the future I can't remember now as gigawatts wasn't it never mind so yeah let's drop that back down again to whatever it was 75 on the nose good good that is plenty air power which is great but why not let's try and see if we can get another dam I reckon across here I mean if we could do another $2,000 that would just be great a nice tall section over here would work quite quite well and we'd have power then for the rest of our lives we would never have to use any other power system again so we found that as well it's the height of the water the higher it is here and the bigger the drop so we really want to get somewhere where there's a nice drop means a massive drop here look this bit drops right over so I'm thinking like right there so it says 500 646 21 688 704 that color it yellow if we go even higher up there 736 not one fat oh my goodness me we're getting some big figures here slope to speed has to be up there 1392 1376 yeah we're gonna go with that and then we're gonna see what we actually get so lexan cost 150,000 let's add that in oh my goodness me and then we need to get a load connection going up here autosave Zippity hmm here we go so let us get this road can it what have we got here oh it's a nice bridge so where shall we connect let's have this one come off of here that's just a normal Road I believe let's grab the normal roads we have to sort of go off an angle like that and then we can use this one I don't think that's gonna get up the hill is it oh yeah it is there we go we just sort of slightly make it me and just to make it interesting there we go our power connections are all connected up it's gonna start overflowing the top first and then it will settle down and come through here which is good and this is going to build up as well well those should be too bad and then we have a load can we have this sort of little village e we're gonna do like a little village or something at the top we might still do that in fact oh where does that load go so I've got like an underground bridge out on the ground bridge yeah we've got underground bridges in this game we're so clever and it won't let me go down pays down please well that's handy okay so what we'll do we do that and do that oh it goes under there right okay let's get rid of that what I was gonna do was bring this road down there and just see we can connect it up with that let's follow on those and see where we end out or of course we start getting weird terrain before we've even started yes just jump across there yeah this might not stay like this I'm trying to keep the road flat I don't want loads of weird bridges if we can help it mmm let's go there we go look it's levelled out already we can check what this is in a sec to see all there we go it's gonna go up there yeah through the trees if you can yep thank you very much or now we right up the mountain yeah we should be able to connect up to that just put this on just for this okay little bridge over the top there yeah that's fine there we go soon I got a route all the way around there oh it's filled up look at that it is lapping at the top of this so what are we reckon what do we reckon this is gonna give us let me know in the comments below I will hang fire for a second I also want this to build along all the way to there so no cheating I mean if you cheat you know what are you gonna win nothing yeah is this one isn't it but I'm just interested to know if you can guess what you think it might be so guess how much power did I actually say what I once used to guess want you to guess how much power we gonna get I didn't say you did I guess how much power you think we're gonna get write in the comments below shoreline required I'm on shoreline what's the what's the Pablo my friends okay let's go up a bit further there we go I just want max yes is really occupied if I do this yeah I just want that to go right into there and look like it's sort of connected if we can do that it's not letting me do page up and page down but I'm wondering if we do that and then use move it oh there we go yeah look page down page down page down page down go on in you go and make it look like it's built into this thing I'll look at that right there there we go maybe page up a little bit so it matches up with that rivet thing ah look at that look at that it's a tiny little hole let's there perfect and then just page up so it matches whoa there excellent there we go that's good that matches into there this is a bit weird let's flatten this bit down down it goes as press shift because a bit quicker there we go a little bit more and then the same on this one yeah there we go excellent and then we can just sort of flatten off this land a tiny bit so we're taking that one brush strength is always on flipping maximum just make that a bit bigger and just sort of take let's pause the game while I'm doing that yeah the water gets a bit rule when you start doing things like that there we go and then we'll just take the trees out which is always a good idea don't feel actually moving the trees right click brush strengths brush size so moving trees yeah just can't see them okay there we go that's good yep that's gonna fill up nice so what are we reckon I reckon I'm gonna put this wall a lot on this side as well yeah let's leave that side as well why not water let's turn off fine lay down a key just for a sec so this is gonna have to go along here I've put anarchy on by mistake okay let's just put that into there and hope that doesn't mess anything up it shouldn't because it's coming out of there isn't it I like that that looks like it should be that looks like it should be like that doesn't it let's do it up the other side here as well why not all right let's turn off the anarchy for the start like that curving too much I mean it has got to follow the way the road the way the land goes isn't it sort of blue line here somewhere go on God there we go oh that's a bit of a jump in it yeah let's go there then just get my some clothes so I can go right in there yeah I like that I like that and then if we get rid of these extra bits of land again let's just pause the game your brush strength is not like maximum so that's not good yeah let's put that down alone even a sudden have holes everywhere and mess up what we've just been working for can you not do that thing where it goes this can't I can't see what I'm doing it's made the it's made the the the water's see-through but it just makes it harder to see what's going on mmm have to wait for the water to find its level as well oh yeah let's match this up here yeah I look at that almost perfect so let's grab get off get off let's grab the end of this page down whoa no it's not that's that's so close that is I just want to get that like match him perfectly oh look at that it's so almost perfect let's bring it in a bit yeah there we go love it nice all that looks good I'm liking this whoa the double down there we get over got to remove the trees let's not forget the trees thank you very much thank you for your assistance now be gone we don't need you in the water there we go a bit of land just to remove there right and then we're gonna check how much how much power we're making I hope we're not messing it around by removing all the land let's remove this bit of land why that thing being and then that should be it oh no a bit more I think it's still slowly filling up as well wasn't it oh here it was well it look every time I look there's another bit okay I don't want this too low here oh it's filling up a bit there let's see how that goes right so this one is 960 now on its own it's a thousand then 24 that's with the power that's with the budget still on the same thing so let's so we max out the budget and see what it makes let's match that the budget see what the maximum is like we did on this one so this one's gonna be 2048 2064 2048 let's turn off the rain I wish this rain thing would actually work if you go like that and then back down to zero it turns the way enough okay so is that state is that stabilized I think it has 2064 that's what we're gonna go with let's see what this one is I reckon I mean I'm why don't we reckon what are we reckon I think he said a bigger drop I reckon this is gonna be 2,000 380 or something let's have a look 2,400 Oh what I guess that is a perfect spot look it's doing the rain again that is a perfect spot lots of rain no rain thank you very much that is a perfect spot for a hydropower plant or a dam so we've now got two thousand four hundred and two thousand and oh it's gone down well 2064 what's what we going with 4464 wow that is nuts that is nuts I don't think we could squeeze another one in there because we need to do where it drops so I think that is probably the two that we can do that is really good I'm liking that a lot there we go I mean we could probably do dams in other places but that is more power than always spending all of our money that is more power oh it max and we still got tons of money that is more power than we're ever gonna use let's turn those down and hook both of these up but this one here probably isn't hooked up electricity and it's all gone a bit green and weird oh hang on everyone's complaining lack of electricity let us go oh that's why cuz I've got this there we go let's hook in that one man and everybody should be okay yeah yep yeah we're fine we're fine so on the lowest setting where are we we are getting 688 and 800 which is great so this one was an even better one than that one because of the huge drop fan flipping tastic that is great how's our water funder in please rain I've like said stop I don't know if I had it on naught point naught 5 there we go let's have a look along the front so yeah look lots of people have been moving in on our beachfront properties even though they're Rainey's flipping rain look at that they love it living on the beach all the way along nice that is good that is good and we growing again 44,000 I think we've dealt with quite a lot of problems have a look at the so we're still getting some people saying not enough goods to sell and he's anybody using this yet trucks are coming up here so that's good cargo transport yeah we get in we're getting some of that which is really good I hang on a second I've got weather ticks I am taking that before well it's antique now so it might be they just need a bit of a faster load to get in and out but it's going okay oh look see what I mean about this yeah he's waiting to go in that's not quite long enough look which is stopping them from crossing over that's annoying well we can fix that with a bit of shenanigans if we go like that hats move that one down as well there we go that should be now enough space so they can keep going yeah there's loads of trucks coming in and out no I said what I'm gonna do I'm gonna slightly upgrade that load for them nothing too much but we're gonna give them a a proper mode as its cargo staff going on here let's do this sides up to there let's do this one up to here as well there we go yeah there you go cargo trains coming in dropping off the cargo excellent so hopefully over time there we go drop them off and then we'll go in hopefully over time that will help with the cargo in here which is what we want but we're growing again which is nice I want you to see didn't I what was the next target he put that down for me that we're going for 55,000 then we get an airport so that's gonna be good we've got chirp and we're not such you've got some big things we can put around the place I really want to look at some of those in the next episodes if you want to see that hit the big baby the tea stains who subscribe be back here tomorrow for the next skyline's don't forget as well to check out some of the other videos that one screen at the moment stardew valley is back with the planning update and I've got millions of dollar to spend so come and check that out and I will see you all in the next video thanks for watching take care
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 91,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green cities DLC, Cities Skylines Green Cities DLC, biffa, Cities Skylines Green Cities, green city dlc, Cities Skylines Green Cities Lets Play, cities skylines green, cities skylines green city, cities skylines dlc, cities: skylines, green cities gameplay, Cities Skylines Green Cities Gameplay, Cities Skylines, cities skylines trains, city builder, trains, cities skylines blimp tutorial, cities skylines blimp guide, mass transit dlc, cities skylines trams
Id: 9N-7sNTZtdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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