Building Spawn Points 1.0 Mod Tutorial Cities: Skylines Tutorial

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everybody welcome back i'm yumble and today is an excellent day to be a fan of cities skylines it there's a new mod that just got released that's literally going to change the game in a bunch of different ways for a bunch of different people i'm talking about building spawn points this solves a bunch of problems that i've been kind of adamant about for a long time and changes where vehicles spawn i i'd really like to show you what this mod does i'm yumble let's get into it building spawn points is actually amazing it's an issue that i've had with the game for a very long time where the vehicles that are dropping off or picking up stuff be it service vehicles or typically commercial vehicles are way where i have the biggest problem they always come to the front of the building and in the center if you've ever watched a hearse or a commercial truck or anything like that you've noticed that they they just kind of end up going to the middle of the building even if it's in the the center of the street even if there's a perfectly good loading dock here's my issue this loading dock was non-functional until a few minutes ago hopefully this dhl truck is going in please go in oh come on well the bottom line is i have you by the use of building spawn points i've moved the the spawn and d spawn point of this target building to be the loading dock which it should have been all along right which ideally the game would have allowed that to happen now i've got vehicles coming and going from this convenient little loading dock area which is just amazing to me if you showed me a video of this a week ago i would have i would have freaked out somebody tipped me tipped me off that this mod was happening and i was so excited um now you can see trucks are going to come to the back of the building rather than coming through the parking lot previously trucks would all come to the front here and i've left it so that um well let's let's look at the mod let me show you if you go to your store if you click on the the store or the building that you're going to be modifying once you download the mod once you've subscribed to it in the steam workshop it's this icon here building spawn points or you can use the hotkey control p whatever you prefer whatever's better for me i'm going to be clicking this button all the time and you can see in the interface that there are different trucks here building 17109 happens to be this target there are different types of vehicles garbage trucks ambulance fire truck hearse police taxi they all have one spawn and unspawn point and that happens to be dead center for this piece of the building there's a sub building over here but typically in the game this is where trucks come and go from if you've seen my previous videos you've heard me talk about this it's it's frustrating that all the vehicles pick up and drop off here what i did for this is i removed cargo truck and put it down here i hit the i hit the plus button or excuse me i hit add point i added cargo truck and i moved that point to the back of the building and now you can see the cargo trucks are spawning and despawning back on the loading dock i can't think of a way to make them back in that's not really city skylines doesn't really have reverse in the vehicles but this is a huge step for city's kind and i i could not be happier about this i think there's a bunch of applications for this mod the immediate one that i think of is commercial where the trucks are always showing up and they're in the case of this best buy let's check it out i'm going to click the best buy i'm going to click our building spawn points button and you'll be able to see okay that is absolutely awful so right now the spawn point for all of these things the spawn and unspawn point if you see those buttons there on the left the spawn and unspawn are both paths to this orange dot for the garbage truck cargo truck ambulance fire hearse police and taxi and i'm pretty okay with with most of these like in in reality an ambulance which doesn't show up nearly as often as as say a cargo truck can come to the front of the building i'm okay with that they don't have to go around behind but the constant flow of cargo vehicles really makes me want to do this this is one application of many it's just super obvious to me and this is the main reason that i've wanted this you can remove the cargo truck i'm going to pause it while i do this because messing with pathing can be taxing for the city so it gives this message now no point in this building contains these types of vehicles cargo truck they will spawn in the default position no harm no foul they they're going to spawn here that's great but what i want to do that's not great that's not what we want i want to add a point i want to add cargo trucks so now cargo trucks have been designated as spawning here and this is just the center of the asset that is totally fine what i want to do is figure out how to get that that little marker in the center of the building i want to get it over to these loading docks unless there's a better loading dock on the building um no there are some uh well actually now that you mention it that's actually probably optimal this looks like uh mobile installations for for vehicles those look like the proper loading docks where the trucks would back in in real life i'm not able to get them to back in but boy would i love to get them off the road so i'm going to change the x-axis a little bit we'll move it over i'm going to change the z-axis we're going to move it back and i'm just using the scroll wheel here if you use if you use mods like uh actually this is a mod by max sergey he's knocked it out of the park you can check out his steam workshop but he he worked on um node controller revisited you know the node controller uh the new node controller 3.0 it's amazing love that one he also did um he's the sole person it see i think that he was the the intersection marking tool was his brainchild the interface is exactly the same scroll the wheel to change shift gives you times ten control gives you times point one but just scrolling gives you individual units so his mods are very consistent and you can see using the x and y coordinates i've moved it to the back of the building maybe i want it to be out a little bit and what this is going to do it's now going to tell every cargo truck that needs to come and go from this best buy rather than stopping at the front door like all the other vehicles they're going to come to the side here let's how about let's not stop there what if we want fire trucks you don't necessarily get to to choose maybe garbage trucks go back there too right like maybe we remove garbage truck from that initial spawn and we put uh garbage trucks to the back or better yet spur of the moment idea let's pick the garbage truck and we'll take this new this new marker here if you get confused about your markers all you have to do is hover i think i believe all you have to do is hover these and they should show you they should illuminate at least the original one does i see i see this one illuminating so this is the ambulance fire truck the services spawn illuminates the cargo truck spawn looks like it illuminates if we hover it this one probably does too i think i can't see it though because of the how bright that is but what if i want cargo trucks to come to the back of the building and maybe i'll pick a different loading dock and cargo trucks can go to this loading dock i'm sorry uh garbage trucks yeah can go to this one i'm so excited this is like super groundbreaking in my opinion for for skylines um if i was really crazy about this i would move that light or or put it on the other side of the road i'll fix that eventually but now what we have the garbage truck spawn and unspawn is designated to this point the cargo truck spawn and unspawn is designated to this point so the vehicles are going to come around behind the building and stay away from consumer traffic on the front and all for this building at least i'm going to leave it so that ambulances fire trucks hearses police taxis those vehicles can stop at the front if they want to that seems like it's worth blocking traffic over in my opinion this is one application of many i'm gonna go around the city see if i can find any other places to use this but one more thought one more idea you can copy this configuration just like uh intersection marking tool that i mentioned earlier you can copy this configuration of this building and use it on other buildings so let's say i i you know i like this configuration or maybe you have a complex way of separating all of the different elements you'll have to adjust the x and y axis obviously you'll have to move the points on different dimension buildings they'll have custom spots that you want them but maybe the separation of these things maybe the the you know the interface is just like intersection marking tool and if you like that there's a good reason that you might want to copy and paste this to other buildings also also apply to all buildings of this type holy cow holy cow you know if you've got 10 best buys in the city first of all maybe you want to diversify your assets but let's say you're using the same type of building repeatedly it could be a police station it could be a fire station it could be a garbage area you know it could be anything but if you want to apply that change that you've made to all buildings of that type all your best buys you hit that button holy cow let's see if we can find another place to to use building spawn points so here's another good example this building nice asset 25 telegram muse toronto i forget who made it but very nice looking asset i really like that building a lot it's very very very close to the road for my liking and the way that the buildings tend to spawn excuse me the way the vehicles tend to spawn or the service vehicles that come to interact with the building the way that they operate tends to block traffic in a way that i really don't like so a quick fix for that what a lot of people like to do is when they when they place a new building they will they'll do complex things or the vanilla way of solving this problem is to take that building and build it away from the road so some people will take to like let's say i wanted to build a bus station away from the road i would build the bus station and then i would downgrade the road to a two-lane road or something like that you know downgrade this to a two-lane road so that the bus station this is not a good looking example but the point is the bus station is now kind of recessed away from the road it buys it a whole unit there um what i'd like to do rather than doing that kind of work around trick i'm just going to take the the mod that we just got i'm just gonna take our building spawn point and i'm just gonna move it away a little bit i'm gonna i'm gonna move it back so now i don't think it's gonna fix this hearse but the next time a vehicle comes to interact with the building come on guys you can see here's the problem right here for example the traffic backs up there's no real reason to have that in the middle of this arterial um but but what you can do is move it back a little ways and then the next vehicle that comes along hopefully soon is gonna go uh back and not be in the road they're gonna block the sidewalk that's that to me that's preferred to what's going on here so it seems that this hearse is about to replicate the same thing we had earlier but i want to see what it looks like with that with that spawn point moved back just a little bit i want to see if that worked the the way that i intended i had to wait a little while before someone actually showed up to to take care of this but this first came to my rescue so look it's off the road it's in the building so maybe you know note to self maybe i can nudge that node back a little bit if it's in the building and if that if that's looking weird to you i understand so i'll move it back a little bit for the next one that comes along um but now traffic should be able to pass this situation and that's awesome i have to go i have to go to everywhere in my city now to fix this probably but the fact that i can is amazing i was thinking of crazy workarounds to this problem and like how to make assets that that have different spawn points and i don't think you have to i think that this mod allows you to the the flexibility to achieve this in different situations like to kind of tailor the result to what your city needs in the moment you know you can take whatever building you're using and if you notice that there's a backup in traffic due to some anomaly or some strange behavior in the vehicles you can totally be proactive and fix that yourself and i think that's super empowering another application for this mod that i think would be pretty useful let's see if we can pull it off here what if i wanted to make a spawn point for all the vehicles and an unspawn point also for all the vehicles so this is a police station so you'll see cars appearing and disappearing in this spot by default because it's the middle of the building and that's fine i haven't actually tried this yet but i'm betting that i can make a spawn location or excuse me i can take this spawn if this works the way that i think it does i have a strong suspicion that i can use these doors here and move this one back into the door and then i'm going to add another point and make it an unspawn the plus button here is add all types of vehicles so this is the the same but opposite you know it auto it's automatically appearing in the middle so it looks like orange oh illuminating orange means spawn and unspawn red is unspawn green is spawn it's color-coded i'm literally learning as i go this month there's there's always a chance that things will be expanded upon so things may have expanded already by the time you're watching this video but this is super useful even just just the way that it works now so now we've got our spawn in green our unspawn in red and i want to see let's stick around for a second and see how the how the police vehicles handle this change that we've made oh and there they are nope they're already path there so what i think has happened there i'm 99 sure oh that was good i'm 99 sure that this is the old path that i have just changed oh are you gonna stop here nope i think that when they're coming diagonally that means they were already path to this point on the building and then they automatically fly to the unspawn future vehicles are going to work correctly i'm fairly sure i think i've found another unique situation that i'd like to consider this is a park that's this this is a park asset the swimming pool here that's built on a kind of pedestrian road and to make the pedestrian road work the way that i want to i had to ban a bunch of vehicles and i left the emergency vehicles and the the recycling you know the garbage trucks active on these roads and that was kind of a compromise in my opinion i said oh i got i well this thing is going to have needs eventually i think a good application for this so that i can successfully ban those vehicles on this pedestrian street because that's really what i'd prefer to do honestly is take the the same mod we're going to take the building spawn points and i'm going to take this spawn point and i'm going to do the opposite thing i'm going to move it towards the road so now if this is on the road let's say let's say it's over here perhaps you know it can go anywhere let's say that this is where this area takes out the garbage you know maybe that's the case now i can go back and using i'll do this in a little bit but now using traffic manager i can finally ban those other vehicles very quickly by holding shift pro tip pro tip hold shift to do everything really quickly with traffic manager to apply that change to the whole road and there it is i said i was going to go back and do it later i just did it in real time so now when vehicles show up to they may have to re-path or what have you but this pink line is a service vehicle what is that a so this one this police vehicle it looks like is going to come rather than having to drive on this now they no longer have to now they can show up and oh geez okay okay well you know maybe that will fix eventually but i don't want cars driving around on this pedestrian road so the fact that i can manipulate that spawn point is is going to be super valuable in so many different areas of the city parks shopping situations everything there are applications for this that i have definitely not thought of i want to hear your favorite application in the comments please and thank you everyone thank you so much for listening to me on this i'm i'm beside myself i'm i'm still not even sure how this change is going to affect my city in total like i'm going to go and change a bunch of spawn points in a minute here i'm going to go look at my traffic after and see all those those awkward places where vehicles were blocking the road in the past where they shouldn't have been realistically you can add realism to the game and still allow traffic to get around your your service vehicles your delivery vehicles transit vehicles it affects taxi as well i'm i'm so ready to see what this is going to do for everybody please feel free to join the discord there's a there's a yumblecorp discord where we hang out we we talk about our cities i also stream over at uh yumbletv once again thank you so much for being here i've been yumble i'll see you in the next stream or the next video
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 29,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mods, cityskylines, city skylines, steam workshop, loading dock
Id: 9g0tqme0LRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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