Crazy Wind! Flying To Recurrent Training In Full Motion Simulator

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good morning everyone from a cold and windy western county airport it's that time of year it's cj three plus annual recurrent training as we're heading from here in white plains to wichita kansas three hours and 25 minutes got the flight plan loaded in pre-flight of the airplane everything looks good come sit right to me let's go flying [Music] alrighty let's get this show on the road right into the wind so it should be a nice cool start there's n2 introduce the fuel all right it's good start relay is out let's go from the start sequence to then the after start sequence so it can take on the generator from the starter generator to actually main generator all right and clear left number one and two fuel flow ignition oil pressure relay is out it's okay to start to stabilize so we just gave him the uh the sign to remove the chalks and also to i'll remove the gpu so that's looking good which is just doing right now aileron runner trims are good let's go flight controls i'm up down free and correct thank you great service here at ross just 10 out of 10. flaps do our flap check check the ground flaps everything comes up as it should back to flaps 15 for our takeoff speed brake check everything's up down ground good morning citation two wrote me a fox shot ross east alpha for taxi please number two romeo fox westchester ground runway three four attacks will be up across tonight three four via alpha cross two niner two romeo foxtrot all right clear left clear right make sure the speaker is off which is all right let's go thank you so much all right we were supposed to leave our little gates of course we'll be like an airline pilot leave our gate leave our little parking stand at 7 30 we're leaving at 7 31 so one minute behind schedule that's pretty good all right all right taxi checks coming up my brakes feel good lights coming on there's the steering's moving rudder bias so we're gonna do the rotor bias check here and there she goes that's a good kick to the left and we'll do the right check here all right that's taxi checks to go well good news looks like we're number one for departure so we're gonna get right out of here which is awesome i don't see citation eric and his cj ford there today it's a good buddy of ours fellow white plains uh citation pilot i've taught him everything he knows just kidding he'll kill me for saying that all right clear the left declare right light up christmas tree we're clear across two nine cool all right crossing the active looking good go around button is set with nav and vnav that's until line checks complete we'll go ahead to tower that's gonna be a sporty departure out of here so everyone just make sure you have your seatbelts fastened it's gonna get sporty my friend kylie would say it's gonna get spicy a four mile final windows three one zero one two question one nine gus three zero runway three four thirty seconds quick takeoff three four citation two romeo foxtrot all right let's go i see the pilates over there so that's looking good beautiful okay heats light so good engine instruments are clear and let's go flying that wind is off the left later on collect correction and let's go stable take off off power is set and achieve two good engines air speed is alive 70 knots both sides there's v1 rotate and we're off positive rate gear up v2 plus 10 flaps up you're all damp flight level change there's the bumps there's a plus 20. 20 at about 800 feet we'll see you see you thank you yeah we did have the business right commercial 282 thank cleveland [Music] similar setting two six zero two six zero one one thousand two meow foxtrot endeavor forty seven seventy two from rank hitting two two zero reduced to twenty eight two sixty on the heading heading select premiere jet 282 was just a terrible one eight 260 heading 11 000. i have to take it off touring hitting two five zero slightly gorgeous she's coming off going to two romeo five track i maintained one five thousand one five thousand journalist thanks fifty six sixty nineteen thousand we're out all right so i'll capture about to get the thousands of lighting two seven zero contact departure one two zero eight five today right to 270 one two zero eight five two on five shot good morning endeavor 47 72 caramel zero seven level six turning direct delve is that just 707 your departure climate maintain one seven thousand expedite through eleven up to one seven expedite through eleven and then seven zero seven victory good morning citation two romeo fox at one five thousand two seventy heading fox new york direct them drake sims join me on fox thanks droplets 1096 five to one seven thousand new york center one second activate that there we'll go into now seven thirty only about 55 knots of an average headwind component to wichita which this time of year is actually really really lucky so that is uh pretty awesome and yeah we head to annual summer current training which uh a lot of people don't know basically they uh they put you in a multi-million dollar simulator that's on crazy actuators and i'll have some footage here that will probably put at the end of the video so you can see exactly exactly what i'm talking about but it's uh exactly like it would be in the airplane but you're in a simulator that's where you go for your type rating you actually never even fly the real airplane to get your type rating you do your three week course at flight safety or whatever training facility you would go to um and then you do all the training in the simulator 250 through 11. you do your check ride 300 passenger type rating and then you don't actually fly the real airplane for the first time until you have that rating but you've never flown that airplane before you broke up on the frequency for 12.99 a lot of single engine work so like on the check ride i would say 70 of it is basically they shut down one engine or give you an engine fire or um some sort of fod in your engine and you have to shut it down they'll do a lot of aborted takeoffs emergency procedures it's great training i love going every year always learn something the instructors always teach you something and it's just a really enjoyable experience 707 direct white really enjoyable experience direct-wise it was nice to be in a big classroom and basically you would all just talk about hey what did you see this year to you know other pilots in the recurrent and it's kind of this seven thousand is new york center on one three four point six one seven thousand thirty four six citations have a great day we'll see yeah think about new york delta all right one seven thousand eric santa how are you doing good morning citation two of my fox shot fifteen three coming to one seven thousand citation two romeo center good morning on the maintain level two eight to zero i maintain two eight zero citation zero flasher all right so we got twenty thousand feet set um we'll just climb in uh vs for now just kind of give a good good morning so yeah that's the check right so with cobia it's a little bit different i did all the ground school online and you go into basically a half a day of ground school compared to about a day and a half to two days and then you do uh basically a couple days of simulator training and then you do your check ride and then hopefully you're good for another year and that's uh that's all she wrote so that is what the plan for wichita is uh this uh this week thank you all right 43 is in and we'll go bel air which is the vor which is alpha india romeo cool thing about the garmin suite is um is it will actually tell you what the vr is so it says air but it's under it gives the actual vor name so go bellaire and activate that and there we go [Applause] clear direct medina climb to maintain so our route today over our really really good friend uh greg's house uh over indianapolis victor hotel papa vor so we'll be giving a into wichita so about about 1180 miles today for all the uh plate sim uh friends out there that reply to cj4 and also longitudes and all the airplanes king airs in the flight simulator airbus you name it i'll make sure to put the the route description in the uh the route in the description below so everyone can uh tag along and check that out i do want to give a big shout out to my friends kylie emmy and uh kim along with uh any other people that are a part of this fantastic organization it's lady aviators on instagram they also have a website it's really a fantastic organization that really is meant to strictly just help promote women in aviation which i think is such a great thing and we need more female pilots out there so if you're interested in checking out kind of what they're about they're a 501c charity um they're all really good friends of mine just great people i love to death and uh go check them out instagram i'll put the link somewhere around here really great content great cause really good people so point three too i think what they're doing is a great thing there's anyway go check them out on the maintain level four zero zero four zero zero zero all right so we're gonna go back into flight level change now as we're kind of getting back to that mach point five six to get up on the cruise portion all right well it's going to get super boring for the next like three hours so i'm going to turn up the cameras have a little bit of breakfast citation mom pack some banana bread and we'll fire up the cameras and sweet i do start our arrival into wichita so we'll talk to everyone a little bit all right we are back it has been quite the boring flight about three hours of uh chilling out uh winds were pretty much as expected about 60 ish knots to the nose we've uh been in the air if we check here on our utilities page and flight status uh we have been in the air for three hours and four minutes currently we'll be on the ground for about 14. 67 turn left heading three uh that all worked out well left zero three zero all the pressurization is done automatically so we don't do anything it auto schedules climb descends it's a great system so that is good exterior lights are good and then all timbers not yet um let's start getting the atis because it is going to be windy down there in wichita which fireport yankee one three five three zero win one eight zero two zero got two eight with the five thousand temperature one one two point three altimeter two niner one official approach runway one air left in use notice airmen run away one on the right one on the right so we got that uh that looks good to me on the uh 19 left it is yankee so winds are pretty much down the runway gusting about 30 knots so landing data grouping landing one niner left predicted weight will be landing about a ten thousand runway is good landing config flaps 35 the 80 ice is off the factory's good stairs for day 12 kentucky's and we have 7300 feet available and we need 21.82 we're going to be landing the bref speed of 19. romeo foxtrot contact kansas city center twenty 120.2 two two one get it all right start getting seatbelts on here kansas city good morning citation two romeo foxtrot level two four zero all right eleven thousand here we go so if you are enjoying the videos the previous way you can show support to the channel hitting that subscribe button down below hitting that doorbell so you do get notifications when i do post a video here liberal aftermath cool stuff uh you know posted recently a couple snowstorm videos and an amazing cj4 flight and we have uh excited to break it to you we have some cooler stuff coming in the next few videos so special guests and uh some uh some cool airplanes so stay tuned for that this summer's gonna be cool flying all over the country gonna be in the west coast uh for a couple weeks over the summertime so that's gonna be super exciting so uh if you're on the west coast plan to see two of my fox shot uh flying around in that part of the country it should be super exciting and then obviously we have oshkosh in july which is going to be uh i'm so excited i i can't wait for oshkosh so i'll be there pretty much for the uh for the whole week so we'll have more details for stuff coming up with that let's go a few months away but i am ecstatic about oshkosh i can't wait all right so come through 18 000 feet that's standard so we'll go once we get that standard standard out of standard 911 that was weird my like my ipad's bluetooth was somehow connected i think that was the for flight uh alert that was that was interesting hopefully my audio is recording that was uh it was interesting all right so go to which star approach 3485 and we'll get the tower in standby here morning which to approach citation to romeo box shot 16 descending eleven yankee tradition two minutes good morning to park castle direct keychain for the visual runway left to send your discretion maintain six thousand all right our discussion the six thousand depart castro direct each eye for one nine left do you owe me a shot all right we're gonna continue down the six though kelly 18 november were you requesting direct durant or strutter uh durant so after casa we're going to go to jail which is the final approach fix for one night left we're looking good you know anytime i come into wichita atc is always so good got a good friend bill who works as an air traffic controller in wichita and just always have great service coming in and out here we go and we are 35 miles from each eye beautiful see pretty much the airport already out there i believe yeah there it is beautiful so the good thing about coming to wichita is we've got the service center here so we have a couple little minor things to get completed and then while i'm at recurrent training so it would be good to get that done they always do a great job here in wichita and uh here for two days get the sims done uh head home so it's been a busy past week of flying it was about 20 hours of flying this past week it's been uh it's been a good week a couple things to mention if you're on instagram i do have an instagram account citationmax at number one because there is only one citation max uh go give that a follow and if you on instagram and the second thing is we have some new merch on the website all the proceeds uh go to two animal charities um that my mother should buy myself i really believe are just fantastic all the proceeds of the merchandise do go towards those two uh charities animal rescue aid and the grave muscle organization so uh if you want to rep some citation max march departure on voice 42 and we have some cookie socks version two coming up in your future departure radar contact maintaining one five thousand continue to ourselves version one now we're doing a version okay it's actually funny a really good buddy of mine elliot uh who we're actually we're basically it's awesome and he's an awesome dude we started this instagram account called fbo cookies so basically it's finding the best cookies that fbos provide obviously it's we love that and uh so we put this instagram account if your cookies and it's awesome it's so much fun going around different fbos trying to find the best cookies right you know doing like a replacement it's really cool all right so we are looking good i'm sure we haven't forgotten anything here we're setting 6000 feet approach is good all right cool tradition two remote fog trucks it's gonna maintain three thousand three thousand five shot we got big dill jabara off the kind of ten to eleven o'clock and then ict tech run hq and about 12 o'clock ish so we do land would be a left turn off for the uh service center so probably take mic five mike mike five into tax drop so that works out really well edition of foxtrot the field 12 o'clock in one six miles airport in sight foxtrot station jimmy fox shot three visual personally one must maintain one seven zero knots for a greater so five mile final you got a quick visual approach one niner left one seventy or bet it'll five out and uh heads up here wins at forty five hundred feet two thirty and sixty two ouch thanks for the report you got it so 170 or better you have to start slowing here a little bit edition two-minute foxtrot contractor tower one one eight point two cmx eighty-two wichita tara good morning citation romeo fox shot official approach 1911 sedation two romeo sock shot which sat hard good morning runway one then our left clear to land wind one niner zero two one go three two low level interior reported at 1 700 feet plus or minus 10 knots by citation about 30 minutes ago if you do experience any winter just let me know sure will thanks so much for that and uh clint land one-niner left citation do you want me a question all right so we're clean land one night left verify that the landline coming on we got the reports of plus or minus 10 knots of my uh previous citations so push that tower uh four four zero probably go flight of with your interval can you make it out for them speech and porn conducive to the winds we start our engines commuter 49 25 which return left to output two then left on alpha once you get your engine started i'll bring it back on november if that works for you okay left on alpha two and then you said you're down three green no red commuter 4925 affirmative sounds good thank you it's getting a bit sheery below 161 flaps 35 lending checks gear down three green flaps 35 speed brakes are down autopilot your adapter to go which we're gonna disengage the autopilot autopilot autopilot autopilot's away your adapter to go i'm just gonna keep it in for a little bit longer just to help and keep some additional stability giving some extra speed here on final we've got plenty of runway remove that winch here just going to be very careful five hundred your dampeners are away before landing checks are complete left option radar sooner one with shots tower good morning continuing down runway one nonetheless just flight of two holding in position prior to your rifle minimum minimum 30 knots line up and waiting increased it speed breaks out i'll take mike six knocking two romeo foxtrots stay parking we're going to the textron service center sedation two roomier flagship turn left alpha correction turn left mic six ground point niner mike six ground point niner terminal function thanks wow that wind was strong well i hope you all enjoyed the video uh that was uh pretty sporty had some uh pretty greased it so i'm happy with that and i think it was a really good flight so hope you all enjoyed it we post videos every other thursday so hope to see on the next one take care and uh we'll see you soon foreign
Channel: CitationMax
Views: 35,587
Rating: 4.9661493 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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