Christ the Victor (Who is Satan?)

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[Music] okay guys okay welcome so this is another one of those uh uh sessions where we will be speaking to you from um our home and um i'm i'm sure you guys involved in sri lanka uh we are waiting to do church again but uh we don't know when that would be okay we we are just seeing whether we can um uh whether the situation here in sri lanka will normalize and we can get back to uh where we were doing church we really enjoyed the last uh our last home and hopefully we'll be there soon but until then every session that is on tuesday will be done on about transcend group and then of course the media team will take it to youtube so we are continuing with our sessions okay who is satan and uh today it's going to be really interesting because in a setting like this uh i can sometimes it's not a preach so i can teach a bit better and and really get into the word a bit so i'm just going to show you some things some things that might surprise you something that you've never heard before so listen in very very carefully very keenly and if you're watching me on youtube a little later on at least when it goes out on public uh just understand that i get revelation but i also do a lot of research um i don't just jump into something the lord will speak to me about something and then i would read and dwell and search and research uh the stuff that i put out there it's not like uh it's just pure revelation you know it comes with a lot of reading i i i read read you will be surprised how much i read i can read very fast and absorb very fast and so uh i read a lot to say say the least okay so a lot of his stuff also comes from uh a revelation but also checking out whether this kind of stuff has been there historically uh what it's about okay and a lot of rabbinic uh literature a lot of jewish rabbinic literature to understand their culture and the context a lot of times you miss uh the whole story because we're coming out of a cultural context and we don't understand what they were teaching at that time and what their context was at that time right so anyway that's uh the foundation let's get this let's get to this who is satan okay and i promise you today we've called it christ the victor okay because when you get this you're gonna come out feeling empowered and victorious any time we think now please please read between the lines as well okay because very few things can be said in a sentence in a word you have to catch it uh to the spirit of what i'm saying there's so many things that are unsaid that are more true than the things that are said okay so just get that so and follow the rest of the teachings there were three other sessions on who is satan uh one starting writing on the day of atonement okay that was phenomenal it's called universalism and atonement and all that just listen to that okay it'll set you up for this so anyway going back just to understand that any time you think that prophet kobus you know my mentor always used to focus on uh the fact that anytime you think something is and exogenous and outside of us uh we don't have control okay and when we don't have control we can always pass it on to or the devil is attacking me satan is doing something and for me i'm caught in this galactic cosmic battle for my soul okay and is there a component of that i just want to have a good balance on this is there a component of some galactic cosmic battle with a purpose and a plan for our future uh because the bible clearly says we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and throwing the dominions right okay sure but that cannot be taken out of context and i'm just going to break down this galactic cosmic battle that has been so propped up by christianity for years that it has actually made a lot of the pentecostal charismatic churches powerless because there is this powerful satan who is doing certain things and i just want to uh bring it into perspective that's all i'm not saying that there is no satan okay i'm just saying i want to bring it into perspective and i want to present to you today christ as the victor the one who has all the victory okay and when you get this you will understand how to tackle the wild attacks of the enemy okay that's what paul talks about you got to put on the helmet of salvation salvation means jesus the word salvation there is yeshua okay you got to put out the helmet of salvation first and then you've got to have the belt of truth and i mean if you go into ephesians and understand that he's talking of the belt of truth this the the the breastplate of righteousness the belt of truth the if you get those things and understand why salvation is the the helmet is salvation the belt is true the breastplate is righteousness you'll understand you go back to my atonement series you'll understand that he's talking about that we need to wear an armor that will stop the darts of the enemy coming to us and so righteousness means justice that means in our heart should be justice always justice weighing the balance of judiciousness always checking what is right and wrong good and evil always having the ability to be a good judge okay that's the righteousness the bracelet and then you see the belt of truth the belt of truth holds everything up truth and righteousness work together okay so anyway that's a whole another thing i'm i'll jump into it maybe down the road okay that's it's gonna be powerful but let me rewind historically and believe me guys it's going to really blow you away okay when you get what i'm telling and teaching today it'll blow you away okay uh let's rewind back to uh all the way into um genesis and the old testament and you'll realize that it's a very strange understanding the jews the the jews didn't have a concept of the devil like that like there's no distinguishing between the devil between satan who they call satan and god in the old testament now that's i mean some of you might get chills when you think i'm not saying that satan is god but i'm just trying to say i don't think they understood the word satan in the way we in the pentecostal charismatic sort of things understand it and i don't think jesus himself spoke to satan as this mega personality okay and interestingly throughout the old testament there is no word satan that is always before satan there's a prefix and it's the satan okay it does satan okay and so that's interesting and also in one place i think it was um where was it oh yeah there was i think it was in 2 chronicles 24 there are two stories okay i'm going to give you a story two stories uh chronicle 24 uh he talks of david uh and uh numbering his army you remember the story and then an angel of the lord came and stood with a sword you remember an angel of death stood you remember the story okay and so he says in in two chronicles 24 and then i think it was uh i think it was one kings 21 okay that the the the difference the same story but one says uh satan caused david to and one says david numbered okay so which one is it was it satan or david who numbered the army so that people got destroyed and so you look at that you realize that the word there again is not satan it's normally says throughout the bible in the old testament says the satan but in this one it says a satan bow so there's the satan like um like the usa of america or and then you get a satan okay like maybe a american from the country okay i don't know i'm just trying to say i mean this is the way we can see this because it was a satan who challenged him not the satan okay and in one place it says david numbered and one says a satan prompted david to number okay so throughout the bible it's the satan and if you look and it's it's just quite amazing that how the heck did we get from having no concept of satan in the old testament right in the way pentecostal tradition has it that's when i say no concept the other day is satan but not in the way that pentecostal tradition has it okay and um how do we get to that when the hebraic understanding wasn't and um how do we manage to empower uh this thing so so much okay and now uh i'm going to show you something and this is this is going to be i'm going to set a base for you to understand i'll give you a bit of narrative right um throughout the old testament if you understand uh they understood the old testament people understood as god as supreme okay god was supreme and if you look at the story the old testament especially from uh even like books of the the i think it is called epic um i'm not sure uh one of the older books that are outside the bible uh epic uh epic i can't remember how they can't remember how to pronounce it okay but anyway uh the books that were outside that was found in the reds with the red sea scrolls okay dead sea scrolls that was with the book of enoch and others i'm not dived into those books uh i mean i've got a got this on my plate i mean this this is a whole lot of books here and i'm just trying to figure it out from here and i'm sure uh many are going into the book of enoch and stuff like i said please go please go in there and read read those stories um those books are valuable and it's absolutely get some understanding from it but i heard that in the book of jubilee that is quoted from the bible again it shows that all these angels or demons or whatever you want to call it okay were always talking to god there was no like they could not do anything without sort of god allowing them to except for in the book of enoch enoch gives a different story but the book of jubilee as well maybe as old talks about enoch gives it complete another story okay so here's the thing all these books confusing uh thought process you know i mean how do we get into this situation first is you need to understand that each book for me personally i've come into a place in my understanding that each book is written by an author and that's why they put an author's name it is isaiah it's moses or whether you know whoever is writing the books whether it's david or whatever you know they're writing out of their own heart they're writing out of their own experience okay so and that's why the bible is beautiful because it's the word that has become flesh so you must understand that when you're reading the bible it's a man talking from his understanding and trying to explain i'm not saying that it's not holy and sacred it is absolutely authentic holy and sacred according to a man's experience okay and i've explained this in the moses and the law and how law how god gave him a mirror the law was a mirror of a slave master and slave because that's who they were so today that becomes irrelevant for you because the mirror is not the mirror can be who you are so what will speak to you is your conscience your conscience is a direct mirror of yourself and throughout the bible the mirror image is depicted i mean the spirit on the face of the water which is the mirror you know throughout the bible he separated the sky from the earth and he's as as above so beneath you know that's a mirror you know as he is so will you be you know when he comes to uh pharaoh he says who are you i am you you know i it's the mirror you're a pharaoh i i you take my first born i will take your first born you throw a stick you you throw a snake i will become a snake you know you see the mirror constantly god is mirroring the heart of man it's really interesting and that's that's his name jehovah i am who i am yahweh okay i am who you will be or i am whatever the pure pure in heart will see god i've explained all this okay now in understanding this this god is speaking to us throughout the bible and throughout the old testament you'll see constantly that he hardens people's hearts and this is interesting concept just understand why when you say hardness of heart he's not meaning that he's hardening your heart what literally moses is thinking was go tell moses that i am who he is and so when he hands his heart it'll exactly mirror exactly like that okay and he'll get what his heart is now insensitive too the hardness apart means not sensitive and that's where the circumcision of the heart is a big thing if you understand what the circumcision mean it means to really re-sensitize wow i'm gonna get into a big one here that's why the destroyer will destroy and he'll he'll he'll put calls on your head and the bible talks about putting it's like putting calls he says i will repay because i will put calls on it'll be like putting calls on your enemy's head that means he gives them calls meaning that that is the enemy moves according to your man's conscience okay that's why he says don't worry about your enemy you forgive him let go and i and that will make it like fire like calls on his head and then i will repay him according to the calls on his head i hope you're getting all this i know um it can be a bit heavy but i'm just trying to explain god moves according to our hearts it's my personal experience okay now and guess what if god moves according to our hearts demons move according to our hearts i always say the demons sit on the seat of our emotions okay now am i telling you that every bad thing that happens to people are because of your heart i'm not that's not what i'm saying so make that's a powerful caveat an indemnity for you to understand i'm not saying that every bad thing that happens to people is because of the wickedness of their heart or the hardness of their heart actually no weakness but hardness of their heart i'm not saying that okay uh good thing bad things happen to good people okay that's because these entities okay they are they are they have a fallen aspect to them please understand i'm not going away from the fact that they don't have a fallen aspect to them they have a aspect of unruliness that is why we are put onto the earth to subdue them okay but i'm only getting to the aspects of how to subdue these unruly spirits that means they are unruly spirits and um the book of enoch and all these stories have maybe a background to what really happened but i don't want to go to what happened i just want to unders for you to understand what is the victory how do we have victory over these uh unruly spirits so absolutely these spirits are unruly they uh can have malicio absolutely malicious intent uh they can certainly do things that are detrimental to you what i'm saying is that when there is an attack on our lives we can diffuse it by the changing of our minds and the softening and the sensitizing of our hearts that's what i'm saying did you just get that i'm not saying it happens because of that but i'm saying you can defuse its power and destroy the power of the enemy if you deal with the sucks the self man did you just get that okay definitely the heart by god says the heart has the power to produce and a good man will produce good things a bad man can produce bad things so the heart definitely plays a role in destroying the work of the enemy on the earth or the work of the destroyer i don't want to say the word enemy i'll just say the destroyer the adversary okay so let's just uh setting you up for this okay how are you guys doing is this all okay this is transcend so we're not is this are you guys getting this stuff okay yeah great great thank you right so so here's the thing right now if you go back i'm going to tell you some stories okay that will blow you away just some stories very strange stories watch the stories okay this is going to be crazy okay i'm just trying to show you this word satan when balaam was on a donkey and was going and he was called to prophesy over the sons of israel remember balak had hired him to prophesy over the sons of israel something wicked then a donkey came he was riding a donkey and the donkey refused to move forward and if you look at the story there when the word satan is used i'm just trying to give you some history okay when the word satan is used to satan is saying an angel of the lord was sent to be a satan to balaam that's what it says that's what the bible says you read it it's in your bible it's very clear it's not like this is not interpretation this is not kirby diana's interpretation this is literal text an angel of the lord was sent as satan old testament wow and it's not satan not one person was sent as the satan wow okay i mean uh let's get to uh uh i think it's uh i think it's in numbers 22 when um i think it's the number 22 when uh what is that that famous story about uh yeah that's number 22. that that's that's it says it says here then god's anger was aroused because he went and the angel of the lord took his stand in the way as satan against him that's right in in numbers 22 22. wow so i'm just trying to show you this is a bit crazy okay uh have we got the idea of satan wrong now please listen in carefully because this is i'm reading from the bible if you look at uh where was it in the bible where um oh it's i think it's in uh 2 chronicles 18 um where uh you remember the story when um this guy yeah it's uh it's uh when ahab was going to war and the two kings the king of israel and the king of judah is sitting together and they want to go to war against their enemies and they've now decided to work together and they call prophet micah and say now tell us all our prophets tell us that we can go to what are we going to be number tell us because we know god speaks to you and then he says now listen carefully to this story this is old testament and the lord said in verse 19 and the lord said so micah is explaining to them the courts of heaven what is happening in heaven and therefore hear the word of lord i saw the lord sitting on his throne and all the hosts of heaven standing on his right hand that means principalities and powers are standing before your god who you call father like this is not like there's no war going on here there's no fight between satan and now um god here okay or whoever the spirit is and then the lord said who will persuade ahab king of israel to go up that he may fall in ramat gilead so god now doesn't want to win ah but was a wicked king okay and he says who will go and persuade then a spirit like a satan a spirit we don't know the word then a spirit came forward and stood before the lord and said i will persuade him okay huh isn't this like the story in job like god is speaking and then satan is there as well like what is satan doing there question that is a question that they've asked but the fact is here it is the spirit came forward and said before and said i will go who is this hey satan or a spirit okay i will persuade him and the lord said to him in what way the lord is asking him he's not telling him to go and lie he's just asking these guys to be creative okay and that's so he said i will go out and be a lime spirit okay and and in and i will be a lion spreading them out of the prophets and the lord said huh that's a good idea you shall persuade him and also prepare go out and do so you see it there so it wasn't god calling a line spirit god is asking for a creative way that a wicked king can be defeated a spirit okay comes up and says i can do it i will do it in the character of lies okay god says okay yeah that that's a that sounds like that will happen why because these guys were anyway into a lot of deception and lies anyway so naturally that that would be frequency harmonic resonance no frequency attracts frequency i suppose you get what i'm trying to say and so you went this is in the bible if you look at the story of uh of um job people don't get it people it's it from the time i read job for my um when i was young i knew that there was a great mystery in this and it sounded horrific that god will negotiate with the devil so that i would be destroyed but that's not what happens if you understand a spirit and again the word there is the satan it's not satan does satan this cooperation of of different types of spirits stand before god and they're constantly before god that's what you need to understand and they are divine intelligences called or i won't even go called but they are doing things they they they create the world and i i kept telling this for years that when the bible says in the beginning elohim created and says in the beginning god created a word that is elohim it doesn't mean god created you have to understand the whole hebrew concept it means the word elohim and they know that let us make man in our image that is not god that is elohim it means the spirits the powers okay now we're getting to deep waters okay we're getting into deep waters it means these spirits these divine intelligences we don't know what they do i'm not saying they're good or bad or anything because there's no concept of good and bad to god god is all encompassing there is no good or bad you'll reduce him if you say he's good or bad one thing for sure he is just and that makes him pure love okay but good and bad can be relative man your good can be my bad and my bad look at america today they're good and bad they're so polarized good and bad right your good can be my bad my bad can be your good we don't know look at america today you'll understand the eating from the tree of good and evil and we've been preaching so long get yourself out of the tree of good and evil and you'll be able to see things objectively not from the lenses of judgment and so you'll stop judging these spirits as well because like ah the spirit of when a light is a bad spirit or the angel that went and turned and became the satan is a bad spirit no it's the angel the angel that went and destroyed the angel of death that destroyed the uh pharaoh oh he was lucifer no who said where is it he was the devil no hey that's a bad spirit don't eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that was doing a good thing at that time in fact though the angel that went and then became the satan and stood against the prophet balaam at the door was talking to him about the poor donkey so does satan is now concerned about duncan said why you beating his poor animal you know it's like it's a crazy thing so it can't be the satan that you think of in pentecost is christianity right it has to be something else the bible talks about the satan as the adversary the whisperer okay the the one who powers the way or twists the way of your purpose and your path wow okay there is one who will challenge your path and your purpose through a twisting a slander a lie remember the lying spirit that's the best characteristic of the cooperation of the satan is deception and lies not in the way the pentecostals talk about it but just things beneath saying that you are not good enough in the garden the serpent came twisted something you know he didn't lie when he told them you know if you eat of history you'll be like god he was telling them the truth but it was in one specific area only in the knowledge of good and evil you see he wasn't a lie but it was just a small just a subtle twist a whisper in the void a whisper in the wilderness okay some of you are in the wilderness at this moment of time and you have these whispers you see slanders okay that's how this thing works like it worked with ahab the king now you have to understand in the divine cosmos the creator of things and the way things have been created god created bright darkness and light right from the beginning and he says i created all these things so god is all encompassing of all these things you have to understand it god loves justice and he's using man you as the administrator of righteousness and justice on the earth and that's why jesus came onto the earth to pay the debt of humanity okay and all these spirits are given unto the sons of god okay he is supposed to rule and that was the sons of god when he placed adam in the garden he said now be fruitful multiply and summon all these spirits and make sure that all these spirits are doing the right thing it's like you see you've been you've been given a company you like some of you may be taking a business that has been destroyed my god how many times sometimes i wonder why am i why am i taking i've taken businesses that are absolutely destroyed in pieces what is it it's like me in the void thrown into the garden and say hey look at all these things destroyed look at these people look what they're doing there's so much of things that you need to do is someone good or someone bad no no don't make any judgments just make sure that you are the chairman and you will now allow god to have preeminence in your life that the son yahweh jesus whoever you want to name it in the new testament yahweh is i am who i am that now you will have authority over every single thing and subdue everything and bring the whole ecosystem to a perfect equilibrium equilibrium and a perfect cohesive working unit that is your job if you start judging good bad evil this all this kind of stuff what's going to happen is you forget that all these spirits are under your authority now and you are supposed to now bring shalom into the whole land we don't know what happened before okay read the book of enoch it explains what could have happened but now i want you to know that you've been given the authority to bring to shalom all these spirits are under your belt and control i mean just understand that even the east the some of the eastern orthodox christianity which is the original type of christianity some of their theology actually talk about the redemption of some of these spirits do you know that even in the book of enoch like the book of enoch talks about how enoch is transcending the realms and he's seeing some of these spirits that are caught up with them they're bad stuff but they're going crazy and doing all kinds of things onto the earth and it says that enoch tries to pray for them just imagine that do you understand that i want you to give you the historical concept that they had we pentecostals won't even think of just when enoch is taken before he's taken into heaven he passes the realm and he sees in the second heaven he sees all these spirits that are chained and some are doing wrong things and you know he offers to pray for them think about that oh my god that's the old enoch is quoted the bible quotes enoch the book of jubilee is quoted by these people the people who wrote the bible the old saints understood things very differently so you were called as the melchizedek priesthood to bring shalom and peace to the whole world and so we need to know our place if we think enough deep subconscious unconscious there is a devil that is going to get me and he's going to destroy me and all this kind of stuff and if those things are there and we treat him like an enemy believe me there is a fight between principalities and powers yes but it's not with god it's with you to take them under your authority you've got to subdue them and to subdue them you need to know who they are and who you are and that's what i'm trying to explain so like in like in the book of job satan comes he's around he's there like like you just read in chronicles 18 where a spirit comes looks like the spirit that came is neutral we don't know he wasn't a lion spirit before he was just a spirit and then he becomes a lion spirit i'm just trying to show you okay they have divine intelligence they're they're called to do certain things and they're supposed to do certain things well and so there you go the satan comes before god in job and he tells god something and god is constantly trusting us just imagine judas comes to jesus i'll show you what god is like his character and in one corinthians 13 it explains it he says that love always hopes love always trusts so when god looks at you he's always hoping and always trusting that's what one corinthian study says he's always hoping in you he's always trusting in you and so when judas comes and kisses jesus and he says that satan the satan came into him right okay so when now he has become the adversary he's become the slander jesus knew that because he says go and do what you have to do remember in passover go and do what you do so he saw the satan enter come on so when judas comes to him he holds him and says my friend he trusted him to the very end that even in that second that something else could shift just think god always trusts and so when i'm talking the book of job when satan comes and tells god no no job is a naughty man he's not as you think you think he's good huh no no no no no i'm telling you this guy would curse you this and that and in my sunday school they told me and this was it baffled me i was i couldn't understand how blind these guys are and that that's the time i realized that my sunday school teachers were wrong because they told me that job never cursed god and i read job job curses god immediately he's complement if i complain the way job complains i'll tell you they won't even call me a christian job i man he whines he complains he tells god all kinds of things man okay so where the heck did they get that from i don't understand because what the satan told god was true wow god says i trust him man he's a cool guy i like him he's good quebec he's a good guy a cool guy this guy said are you crazy do you know what god you trust you're really good and just you really love people i'll tell you but these guys are not good these guys you don't know what he's up to you know his heart is different what satan said was true okay that is why he had a right and then god comes as a protector when he finds it out and he says okay okay you know what but don't touch his life you see i'm you cannot touch his life but when he was touched certain things there were certain things i'm not now please understand again i'm going to bring okay within the devil does not just attack us because of the condition of our heart but by changing the condition of our heart we can stop the attack the satan this cooperation of these things just attack us okay because of their fallen nature because they're in chaos okay we have to take authority unless we take authority over them the attack won't stop but the way we take authority over them is by changing our hearts and minds and trusting in god's justice by crucifying the ego you understand it crucifying the flesh with lust and his desires we can stop the attack wow okay and that's what happens to job at the end okay anyway now so how are you with time is it good yeah okay man if you're watching me for the first time of our transition group i've got three teachings on this kind of stuff who is satan okay it'll blow you away it'll empower you christ will become victorious in your life okay once you know him you can have victory over him okay once you know uh the devil you can have victory over him okay now so here it is yeah so can i go on to something serious okay so i'm just i've given you a background to the satan story in the bible right okay so ideally um divine intelligences doing different different different things okay you are the son of god the world is being given to you so that you can rule and reign over all these principalities and powers i'm going to take you back long long long way because uh where are we going to go we're going to go into deuteronomy 32 this is going to blow you away okay really cool stuff okay watch this deuteronomy 32 says something mind-blowing deuteronomy 32 okay so just understand that alchemistry is a big part of the bible we say alchemy mystery days there is an alchemy mystery that happens inside of you you why god takes the light spirit and then he brings the flesh see he brings the darkness and the light together always mixing the darkness and light he divides it and then you're called to bring it together he you you understand why why does god take the the people and then put them in canaan and when he puts it in canaan in the promised land there are giants you see so it's divine alchemistry the adversary makes you stronger you have to have therapeutic stress to get you stronger do you understand that if you get too much of it you'll die that's why he says he never tests you beyond your patience what is he trying to morph you into into the divine son of god jesus christ so therefore the ego needs to die so that the goal comes out fire has to refine mud and and all this stuff so that gold can come out you see the divine alchemistry you have to see that these things dwell together light and darkness and the mixing of the two causes the son of god to come out jesus had to go through the divine alchemy mystery okay the flesh man had to die and the resurrected man comes out you have to go to the divine alchemist if you're going through something now just understand don't worry it's the divine alchemy mystery happening god is not letting it happen god is not making it happen it's just the whole creation before eons and times you're created like this but now god is coming to save you okay now watch this okay this is the story so now god is coming to save you but the way the world works the cosmos works is the way the cosmos works the algorithms have been set for eons okay now but he's given us a way out through the cross so if you look at the story uh of moses now moses they say it's it's disputed but a lot of people say that he wrote the old testament but even if he doesn't if he didn't write the first five books say he didn't write the first five books he had some really good understanding of the first five uh books and also maybe of genesis and stuff like that and how things happened and he's talking about a amazing thing here okay and i just you on watch this and he takes a 70 once they get on to the other side before he passes and before they're going into promised land remember promised land okay he takes 70 how many people did jesus take 70 okay so he takes 70 of the elders the 70 tribes and he brings them together interesting okay and you have to see this okay listen carefully in verse 8 he's he he's given them a song he's sing a song to them and he says he's now giving you history some history that we don't know it's not even in this book maybe in different books maybe we can't find it but this is some history he's giving okay he says when most when the most high divided their inheritance to the nations now i just want you to understand it says when the most high the word most high there is a hebraic word called el ellion okay now the word el elyon is the same name that melchizedek when he meets abraham comes and says he says who are you i am the priest of el elyon okay because el elyon means the most high god but abraham despite what you've been told was not a worshiper of the sun and the moon and the stars he was a worshiper of a god or gods called el leon okay now we're getting somewhere because that's when you understand in the beginning god created it means that it means elohim creator that means there were principalities and powers that created obviously under god's permission under god's but it was elohim so up to the melchizedek people knew god as a corporation of elohim that's all you need to understand okay godlings a corporation of godliness when melaka zida came to abraham he said good that you have known the elohims because they're all under the el elyon which is the god of the most high wow okay now for christians to get this the elohim or this god elohim the hebrew tradition is a thousand years old if you just understand that okay uh if you the oldest book in the hebrew is carbon dated a thousand years if you look at the rig radar that is in india is carbon dated eight thousand years the indians say they have about twenty five thousand years of history which is uh is okay the because the hebrew people had also the same because remember it's egyptian okay moses is the egyptian prince so he he's writing 8 000 years ago but the technology is far far longer or bigger or greater um there were before that meant 14 billion years of humanity 800 is a joke okay so please okay what you think all for the rest of 40 million years of humanity you think that they there were no god god was not silent there was a god okay and they were the elohims okay and if you look if you look at the history of elohim he's not jewish he is mesopotamian and uh sumerian elohim okay so abraham knew the elohim i mean he meant mecca the deck he heard that there is el elohim the god of all the elohims that's what you need to get so when you see this and this is what i want you to understand you'll understand what jesus was doing when he took the 70 and sent them out in the new testament then you understand jesus the victor he says when the most sign or moses is saying the most sight divided the inheritance of the nations the word nation means aetnos he divided the people when he separated the sons of adam you see he's going back all long long long away he separated all the economies all the tribes are the people he's 70 he separated and he set boundaries for the people so he said you will be understand so you will be in this page you will be said boundaries are the people according to what listen to according to the number of the children of israel now if you change if you understand that that word just click a hebrew translation he says he set boundaries he separated the nations he took the sons of adam the most high the el elohim separated all the men according to that word there according to the elohim that's exactly what is there and that is why you see throughout the bible you see that david in the psalms will say i came into the assembly of the elohim and lord you you are the god above all gods the hebraic understanding unlike the pentecostals today don't think that there are no other gods they knew they rather god that was rachel would not run away with her father's idols so having they knew that there are the gods the contention was that god was all greater and when i say greater please understand this that god was the god of those gods did you just get that your god is the god of those gods of the elohim the godliness so when abraham became the priest of the el elohim so pentecostalism doesn't believe that there are the gods the hebrew tradition believe that there are other gods but they are in relationship with the god of the other gods and it's constantly in the hybrid by subtle but it is huge because you will understand that constantly and continuously people are worshiping angels people are worshiping even the snake that they put on the cross these people got together and worshipped and you see that word snake there when you put that in across the world is seraphim it means angel okay so you'll realize that these guys were worshiping different gods and these different angels at any point of time were getting worshipped and working for the people because that's their job so i just want to give you a context god wants to relate with us not in this domination theology concept but for us to know that hey i stand above all the godlings my creations and hey i want you to know you are my son all these guys you if you want to call him demon that's your problem the word demon actually comes from all world means godlings okay that's what all it means okay so i want you to know that you're in charge of all these all these guys okay now let's see what you're gonna do with it okay i want you to know i had a plan for the earth let's see how you are going to establish a great year now with all that is before you are you going to let them rule over you i've got three dogs my god okay these three dogs if i wasn't the boss in this house guess who's going to be ruling the show rafa dog not god rough a dog okay he'll be ruling i mean he's huge if you see him his paws are huge i mean he can take you into pieces but thank god i know who i am so you're putting a world with all these beings who are you question okay so it says here elohim divided the inheritance among us he separated the sons of adam and he said boundaries among the people according to the elohim so he made people according to their gods okay that's what it says you know the sri lankans the indian has gods everywhere he made the people according to their gods for the lord's portion is his people nothing says the word lord here but he says but jehovah's people is jacob that means elohim gave israel to jehovah god wow everyone else was given different gods different people were given different gods but israel was given to jehovah wow that's his son come on come on come on write in the old testament right there that's why israel comes and says hey do you know the word elijah means yahweh is elohim that means yahweh is god so now israel as a nation his god my father's house has many mansions he says okay come on jesus says it he says in my father's house there are many mansions but you and i have got a place together you see now we take jacob's god do you understand that that's the power that has been given to you and we realize that jacob's god was the most high god okay and that doesn't mean we're trying to rule and reign over people but we're just trying to say that god is not fighting with these guys he's the creator of all things but he's given you a position to rule and reign on the earth over all gods wow i won't go there but i'm just going to show i'll finish off with this deuteronomy uh 32 i just read it out to you and now we've just simply looked in and you'll see that jesus does the same thing watch this looked in this crazy stuff i'll tell you but don't worry very soon everyone will be getting this stuff okay because you can't stick to ignorance you have to be able to understand there are absolute contradictions otherwise if you don't see it in the bible you have to see it look ten after these things okay now now jesus is about to start his ministry okay and he's about to go to the cross okay and this is what he says after these things the lord appointed 70 others also is it there and he sent them two by two before his face into every city and every place is it there so he said he took the 70 again and he said now remember the 70 that have all other gods people with other gods he says now you go to those places and what are you supposed to say and he says you're supposed to say when you get there in verse 9 you've got to heal the sick there and say to them the kingdom of the most high god has now come see now you're supposed to go into the 70 and now you're supposed to declare the authority that you are now the son that's what it says there and he says um verse 11 if you dust the feet off a certain place okay and wipe it it says you will tell them the kingdom of god came close to you but you rejected it you see and so that is luke 10 when he's explaining our call is to go go to all the earth and all these spirits that are doing all the things that they wanted to do you're supposed to go and declare to them that the priest or the most high god is here and not to fight with them you don't fight with them they will every knee shall bow down to you you don't fight with them you just make sure that they know that you are there okay now watch this and so this is looked in after he's saying this whole thing listen carefully verse 17 amazing then the 70 return with joy saying lord even the word spirits there or demons there is the word it means little elohim or uh godlings it means godly it's okay he says lord even the godliness the spirits are subject to your name and then he says verse 19 and he said to him i saw the satan huh you see fall like lightning from heaven okay you just see that there okay i'll explain that a little later behold i give you authority to trample over the serpents and the scorpions and over all power of the enemy nothing shall by any means hurt you do you just get that now they realize that all these elohims have been given every principality every power every throne every dominion they are now having power over all that is it there so he says nothing by any means shall hurt you you're in charge of every one of them man i don't know whether you get this because it really establishes jesus in the right authority and you in his place this is just amazing i mean you know pentecostal charismatics are fighting with this and every time we go around some temple or something they're trying to bind and lose and stuff like there's no necessity all things were created by him for him through him for you okay these things are doing all kinds of things and you just have to align them realign yourself adversaries you realign yourself get the behind me satanist realign yourself adversary the one who perverts my path you realign yourself and let me move and walk these are divine intelligences doing certain things and of course they can be malicious of course they're fallen by nature of course they can attack you of course they can do bad things to you but i'm trying to give you your position to get them under your authority okay now watch this okay so you see he says even the spirits now are subject under us that's why they rejoice they realize oh my god every spirit the 70 when we went to the 70 places the 70 cities there are different different different elohims all of them are under us not like dominion like control you but just to say hey they all recognize us as the sons of the most high god isn't that awesome wow isn't that just powerful stuff okay can we just do one last scription stop are you guys okay okay so let's go into colossians okay christ the victor now listen carefully to the victory statements and tell me if you can't see exactly what you saw there in this scripture watch colossians okay watch colossians verse 15 we just read a bit okay and we'll finish with this last couple of chapters but i want to do a bit of reading listen carefully he is the image of the invisible god who jesus who is the firstborn over all creation wow over all creation with a heaven art for by him all things were created so he created by him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on the earth visible and invisible whether they are thrones whether they are dominion whether they are principalities or powers all things every one of those elohims those those godlings every one of the godlings were created all things were created through him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things consist and he is the head of the body which is the church so he is the helmet of salvation remember he's the head now i've had the throne the breastplate of righteousness justice i bear the belt of truth and guess what now i am now taking over what god has given me to bring peace and shalom to the earth to realign and synchronize every power and authority that is not synchronized unto the son of god that's your job you have now got god's problems you need to deal with those things okay so you see then he goes on to say this and this is what i'd like to show you i love this one for it please in verse 14 for it please the father that in him all the fullness should dwell wow and by him to reconcile half of the things every principality every power every throne dominion has been what reconciled you see and by him to reconcile all things to himself by him with the things on earth or things in heaven having made peace to the blood of the cross wow pentecostal charismatics you're fighting against demons the bible says here that you are reconciled to them wow you just get that guys isn't it you reconcile them and you have peace why are you fighting them take them under authority so your struggle is with principalities and powers do you understand that your your struggle is with principalities and powers of course what is the struggle the struggle of faith the struggle is there is one fight that we fight and that's the bible talks of only one fight that you fight he doesn't say fight with principalities and powers you struggle with your struggle is not with flesh and blood with principalities and powers and the fight is the good fight of faith all you need is to know that you have authority over all these things whether sickness disease poverty whatever it is you have authority there is no sort of fight that you have to fight with them you just come into who you are in christ jesus okay do you understand that so he's made peace now watch this i'm going to read more to you okay this is crazy stuff so it says verse 26 the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations but now has been revealed to his saints so so it says this mystery has been hidden from every age and generation so that means the book of jubilee didn't have it even enoch didn't have it wow even elijah didn't have it but it's been revealed to you so enoch could have been written through his perspective moses wrote as a slave master and a slave so i can't get his perspective i can get aspects of it it's authentically god but it doesn't i've got my own experience with god the same god do you understand that so i take the books in the bible all of them including enoch and all that but that's from their perspective but it has not been revealed to them but it has been revealed to us what has been revealed christ in you you see it here to them to them god will to make known what are the riches of the glory are the mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory i am who i am as he is so you will be on the earth this is a mystery that has not been revealed to every generation but has been revealed to you which is coming to you come on man okay that means there's nothing that you need to fight against everything has been reconciled you just need to make peace with that you already have peace with that okay wow this is crazy huh now watch this i love this one verse nine in chapter two for in him dwells all the fullness of the godhead bodily wow the whole god it lives bodily in you and you are complete in him listen carefully who is the head of all principality and public oh my god you are the head of all demons that's what he says he talks about the principalities and the powers the drones are dominions you understand it reconcile you are the head of all these mowgli who is the male in this house doggy is not the head rapha is a bigger male dog he's not the head i am the head i'm not a dog but i am the head i'm a human being you are not a demon or a godling a little godling but you have the god the elohim sitting inside of you so you are the head of all these things whoa isn't it cool okay wow and then he talks about the circumcision of the heart it talks about the sensitivity that you're supposed to have okay now listen to christ the victor you ready so he says now you've got to be sensitive you have to have the circumcision of the heart the the sensitivity because you died you were buried with him and you were raised with him okay and now it says you'll be you're dead now and he says here he was 14 having wiped out the handwriting or requirements that the whole law that was against us which was contrary to you he has taken it out of the way have a nearly turtle cross he has disarmed the principalities you see before that he was against you but if you know who you are they have no power he's disap disarmed the principalities the powers and he made them a public spectacle over them because now you are the head he's disarmed them wow christ the victor christ the victor is it there it's amazing and you can keep reading more in chapter three if you're raised with christ seek those things that are about the crisis seated you see set your mind on things above so man so where do we lose when we start giving into these principalities and powers and thrones and dominions thinking that they are in contention with us that they are attacking us that they can destroy us any kind of talk like that man then they know that you are not their head my dogs at home will bite me if i don't know that i'm the head they're good dogs they're not bad dogs but they will bite me it's good and evil in them my good dog can become a god dog that can attack me because i don't know who i am what happens if i start lighting lamps to rapha and putting flowers at rafa every time he comes and worshiping rafa he's going to think that he is god you understand that and because of that he can now have authority over me the same way if i don't know how to take authority over him if i have not practiced that if i don't know my identity he that angel can become their satan come on that angel that protector who was given to me rafa was given to me this dog rafa in my house is huge you must see him he was given to me to protect me but he can become the very enemy against me because i don't know the divine mystery i don't know to turn this beast into protector it's supposed to be i'll leave you with that that was good okay love you and we'll speak soon bless you keep watching [Music] you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
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Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, christian yoga, identity in christ, intimacy with god, life church, faith over fear, day of atonement, repentance, desiring god, bible study, personal growth, Who is Satan, christ the victor, bible, church service, spiritual warefare, revelation 19, christian universalism, ask pastor john, catholic meditation, theology, calvinism, spiritual warfare, atonement, jesus redeems, steven furtick
Id: QY3qEbBBbuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 43sec (3703 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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