Bio-Hacking | Kirby de Lanerolle

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welcome everybody to a Wow Sunday online hope you guys are at home and relax however you are watching me all of ours internationally hello to you get ready it's gonna be an awesome word I'm hoping that this word will really encourage you and and really practically give you some aspects that would help you in this next season you know with all the fear that is all around us even in Sri Lanka there's so much fear and internationally so much fear with the coronavirus I think it's so important that we understand what Jesus was talking about when he actually presented the gospel and what are the elements and aspects of the gospel that are relevant in this season for you now many people can take Jesus's teachings and they can emphasize on different aspects and this is just our aspect as well Life Church what we have been emphasizing from for the last eight years has been the aspect of life now in John 10 Jesus says that a thief comes to kill to steal and to destroy but that he has come to give us life and life more abundantly now see the emphasis there is life and life more abundantly now right there he says the thief has come to kill steal and destroy so to bring death and so that means the abundant life that he's talking about is an abundant life here and so our our focus is how do we live extended long abundant life here okay because that's Jesus's focus that's why he came he says the wages of sin was death and he came to put an end to that wage so that we can live long on the earth now with all the fear that is around and with Korona been a pandemic announced as a pandemic I think the last time pandemic was anonymous in 2011 it was influenza and generally what these epidemics and pandemics they do is yes of course at the end of of contriving it you are all receiving it you will you will you can it can be fatal but the fatality is if you look at mostly the fatality even to the influenza to a flu is or a heatwave is they say elderly but if you look at that understand exactly when this elderly then looking at people's whose immune response has been dialed down okay that means they don't have the energy of life they don't have the electromagnetics of life to uphold life when there is an attack or a germ or or a bacteria or something like that okay so what Japan Jesus says that he's come to give you abandoned life I want you to understand that what is bringing to the table and he offers his spirit and he will read in Romans 8 that he says the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit has been given okay now please understand it this is this is just amazing he says the Spirit has been given to quicken the mortal body not in Romans 8 so you can see the focus again of us tapping into our spirit is so that our mortal body or dying body or our sick body can be quickened or be restored so this is important to understand so I'm going to while I teach this I want you to understand that my focus is Jesus came to bring us long-lasting abundant life and I know there are aspects of other churches like maybe some Protestant churches maybe the Pentecost and maybe the charismatic will focus a lot on the afterlife okay but we teach a lot on the life here practically for us to live now and of course we don't we don't we don't not speak about afterlife of course the afterlife is very important but Jesus a lot of his teachings had to do with life right now and how we can win and be triumphant in our life right now so as I go on these teachings I want to first establish that Jesus's teachings had a lot to do with Dominion authority in your life right now I want to establish that then I'm going to give you our story about why we went after the things that we go after you know if we talk about Life Church ever and talked about why they are fasting or why they're in triathlon or running or marathons or you know while they're meditating you know all these things and it's aspects that we make the wildlife church culture so so we're gonna touch on that and show you how we've been led into these things and what was the reason to be led into these things I want to establish this narrative and and hopefully at the end of my message there's going to be a revelation and there's gonna be a logos a revelation in you and it will encourage you and your emotional state will change so that your gene expression will change and the gene expression changes here your immunity changes and that's what's important today if we want to be well especially with the virus around that our immunity has to be upregulated and we're going to talk a lot about that so get ready okay so so we discussed the beginning and bringing the doctrine in the doctrine of life okay we know that jesus said in john 10 that the thief comes to kill steal and destroy and the thief was not the devil if you go into it but the thief that he talks about is different teachings that bring fear okay legalism and that kind of thing okay he talks of people have come before him okay and he says but he has come to bring life and abundant life and to his teachings you have abundant life so you have two types of teachings or two types of things that that can come to you that can be extra generously you can listen to okay one is fear-based philosophies or teachings or something like that and faith-based so the opposite of fear is faith okay so you have fear and faith and so when you get on on CNN and if you get on in the news media and if you look at it with an aspect of fear it can literally today the scientists say that fear it encodes the DNA in a certain way and faith or love also encodes the DNA now now it is understood that people like Peter Levin they were understood that fear or trauma that has a energy signature in our body every traumatic event or every experience that we have that is from outside causes an energetic response inside of us that is a residue that we keep that changes the biology okay it's just understand that so they've done extensive research that trauma actually changes the biology so once you have a traumatic event then your biology changes and represents the traumatic events so unless you deal with the root of the trauma okay your immunity is compromised so the same way you can have an experience of faith and love and identity and and an experience but you feel loved and so Jesus brings the teachings of love with it that God is your father and you understand your identity that too changes the biology and and the right hormones you know the healing hormones like the new dopamine serotonin dopamine all these healing hormones come up okay if we are constantly in the sympathetic nervous system which we promotes adrenaline cortisol and that type of fear based hormones the immunity is completely compromised and it is easy to get the flu or to get whatever is around you okay so that is why we're going to go into this and we're going to I mean we can talk of miraculous healings of course Jesus in his time we're doing miraculous healings but isn't it better to be well than to be healed okay isn't it better to have your immunity strong instead of constantly going to church and asking a past or going to a doctor and constantly getting healing modalities put out you you know I mean when you're laying hands or now we can't lay hands but you know when we do lay hands or when we are praying from afar or whatever it is it's actually exchange of electric soot occurs now you know I like my science and I like my biology and my metaphysics and stuff like that so I like to explain everything for me every miracle should one day be explained by science and then we know how to do it on purpose okay so so we we have to understand how these things work and so you know instead of pharmaceuticals it's the exchange of electricity curves and we are bio electric fields you know via electromagnetic fields and so there's an exchange when even there is someone who is already well there's a exchange of neurohormones and electromagnetic fields you know and that's how people get well the scientific basis of the mystery of of Prayer okay and today they've understood the people who are faith of course have the right hormones and that's why people even when they are sick if there are a faith based if they have faith based in whatever way you know if you have faith based in believe in God or if they're even faith based in believing that the doctor can heal them it doesn't matter okay they call it a placebo effect and there's a lot of work done on that and so whatever people believe but if the doctor is good or even if they believe in God and hopefully that will be a absolute upgrade if you believe that God can heal you okay so it's it's a it is known that your biology and your neuro hormones change okay and it promotes healing and immunity so Jesus says that his teachings okay bring abundant life okay so we're going going into what that means okay so that's the prologue okay and now we're going to jump into you know I'm you must understand that my background you know before when I was why I got into all this is because I you know my background I come from a background of ten years of abuse to this body and mind okay so I need when I got into Jesus the first thing I wanted to do was get fit and I realized that my body was compromised in different ways I'm just you know understand of ten years of abuse my memory was not as sharp as it should have been my biology I realized that certain aspects of my biology that needed development and improvement because of my past okay and my spirituality when I looked at it when I looked at the Bible and and I thanked God for the people who have taught me and the revelations that God has given me my aspect of the Bible when I saw it I realized in Romans 8 he says the Spirit is given to quicken the mortal body so I realized the reason why we tap into the realm of the Spirit is so that matter or the biology can change and and it goes with I think we in a Buddhist country and I'm sure there are many people who are Buddhists and Muslims and Hindus are listening to me you will understand that all spiritual practices have an aspect of tapping into the spirit so that the matter can change so this is not mystical it's a basic principle of understanding the spirit the spirit is given the change matter because the Bible says in Rome in in Hebrews 12 and 10 11 and 12 but it explains that everything created comes from the word even John 1 says the whole creation is from the word word is a vibrational aspect okay I'm not saying God's Word is frequency but there is an aspect even when I'm talking to you right now it has a frequency and aspect that is coming to you that is is therapeutic and this causes emotions and emotions emotions are the residue of every experience and it changes words change emotions and so if I can change emotions then we change the electromagnetics and the biology and the gene expression isn't that awesome okay so so it's so important to understand the mechanics of the gospel and that's what Jesus was teaching unfortunately it has made be made about only believing Jesus to go to heaven but that's not the salvation that Jesus brought you say call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be saved and not be put to shame the word saved there is so though and the word Sozo has a huge aspect of restoring back to health so call upon Allah and be saved that is a restoring back to health it's not to do with heaven only you get what I'm trying to say so we need to preach a gospel of the kingdom so when they said when they said hey you know the kingdom of God is at hand if people think they're talking about heaven but he's literally saying what Adam lost you see after Adam you'll see that the people in those times whether you believe Adam to be a true story or whether you just believed it to be a pattern or a psychological aspect of a person it doesn't matter to me at this moment of time what matters is that people in the older generations lived long lives and you see in the Bible they talk of people living six hundred eight hundred nine hundred years and but because of the consequences of their evil and their wickedness okay they're in Justice's lie span was shortened and shortened and shortened and so Jesus now comes to reverse that so the kingdom that was lost for Adam was not a heavenly kingdom the kingdom that was lost for Adam was the Dominion of a king so when he say kingdom it means the authority of a king human beings in the beginning lost the authority of a king to rule over sicknesses diseases poverty those aspects that now I alias and so Jesus comes to now remedy that and give you back the Dominion of a king and that's what Kingdom means you know and unfortunately it has been preached as Kingdom means somewhere up in the sky that you die and go to and so the practicality and the relevance of the gospel is completely lost when you teach like that you see the Jesus says it I mean it's so apparent he says the kingdom of God is within you so I mean that itself gives you an explanation he's not saying heaven is within you he's trying to say that Dominion the authority the ability the power of humanity to be divine to be a king is within you and that's what I want to teach you today I want to teach you that your authority is within you and we need to tackle a whole lot of things that are coming at us and if these sicknesses and this is the commenter's then I believe that if you tap into spirit Atma in single is okay you tap into spirit okay it will quicken and bring life to your body now that word you know if you are a Buddhist or your Muslim or a Hindu or someone else listening to me I want you to know I'm not preaching a religion to you because Jesus never preached a religion he he preached a practical way to tap into receive the Spirit to quicken the material to change the material realm okay so so that's what I want you to hear when I'm talking about it so you might have a different semantics to put the word I say spirit okay when I say spirit it comes from a sort of a judeo-christian aspect and you in a single is they they call it Atma okay and someone I think in the Indians might call it prana and Chinese might call it Chi and we are talking of Holy Spirit please understand dear Christian brothers we are talking about your spirit you have a spirit okay and that was given by God it is your divine nature okay that of course needs to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit I do believe and understand that and that's what means by born from above but you have a spirit and every man is working with their own spirit and if you can constantly tap into your own spirit believe me there's healing life right there for you okay it's been given by God so now okay I think I think I've set a base and a foundation to understand that Jesus came to give you salvation which is restored health okay Jesus came to give you the kingdom which is dominant authority over sickness disease and poverty okay I think I set the base to understand that Jesus came to give you life and life more abundantly and you cannot get away from it it's all over the Bible okay now once you understand that you understand the gospel okay that's the good news that you can be saved from your present condition okay that Jesus comes to give you that ability and he came as the son of God to make sure that you also now become a son that you you you transcend your your human frail Ness into a divine being or a divine son and that is not for for for some special person my dear friends that's for every single person today who is look at me all over the world and my god do we need that now that we can transcend a human frailty okay that is able to catch a virus catch a disease catch the influenza and tap into something divine that will help us have a strong immunity so that we don't get sick okay so that's what we are busy bit now so it's really exciting right so so like I said how we got into this is because I needed to get fit again and so the first aspect for me to even get out of the condition that I was was I was led into fasting and I want to show it to you here because I want you to understand Romans 8 because Romans 8 says it like this okay now watch these words so you'll understand why the words the words are if you're led by the spirit you're the sons of God and people think what is this thing we are led by the Spirit you are led by the Spirit and a Christian say what is it thing led by the spirit it says in Romans 8 that you are led by the spirit you become a son of God and the whole creation including your body Romans 8 says it okay your body is delivered from bondage and a creation itself is delivered from bondage that's in Romans 8 okay that means if you are led by the Spirit so what does it look like to be led by the Spirit and so led by the Spirit simply means that there is an internal witness inside of every single man that is leading them now if you are from another faith that is you have had an option you have had an intuition you had days when when you've been led to a doctor you've been led to certain nutrition usually been led to certain medicine you've been led in certain ways to eat right or not to go to a certain place so and it would be dangerous now that is what we call in the Christian faith the spirit okay so the spirit will lead you and speak to you and you will have different understandings of that you might even call it my subconscious mind or some people might even call it my higher self it doesn't really matter but what is that that is leading you that is not your mind sometimes it's completely contrary to the mind okay your mind is saying something else but your internal witness is saying something else now the Bible says if you are led by the spirit okay now the whole creation will respond to you okay I personally believe that if you live any man lives by his internal witnesses intuition he will be led to God okay the light that he has no matter what fate you are from and you're watching me from wherever no matter what fate you're form that once your internal witness starts speaking to you that light will guide you into more truth and more truth and more truth and more truth and finally you will come into a relationship even if you're a scientific mind or whether you are an atheist you will come into understanding that there is something divine and some bigger and greater than you because that is the inner witness that leads you to all truth now so understanding that so I'm leaving you with your inner witness while you're watching me okay and that's the best way to understand your inner witness is your conscience so when I well I just want to read you some Scripture so you see you're clear that it's from here okay okay Romans 8 verse 10 says it like this what's 11 says ladies but if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised Christ from the dead will also bring life to your mortal bodies through the spirit that dwells in you so understanding that the spirit inside of you is given to bring life or quicken your ailing body okay that's what you need to understand how your sick body okay so that's that's the that's why the spirit is given so once you understand it that's the emphasis of the spirit then you understand that the next paragraph and you can be contained from verse 12 it says therefore brothers we are debtors not to the flesh to live according to the flesh now listen carefully so if you live a call in the flesh okay for if you live according to flesh you will die so what does that mean we live according to the flesh means that the flesh desires certain things the spirit desires different things and you'll understand the flesh desires certain things now it says but if you live a part in the flesh you will die Wow so if you eat wrong your immunity gets compromised okay if you your ability to hold life gets compromised yo yeah that's what it means if you live a call in the flesh you will die okay but if you if you don't exercise okay guess what okay people hate to exercise why don't you why don't they like to exercise tell me it's because they believe that it's too hard it's just like fasting isn't it okay but there is something called the body lives on something called Hamitic stress that means stress that is good for you and if you understand the Bible the Bible never talks about getting out of stress the Bible talks right from the beginning to end is to absorb an embrace stress and if you embrace stress you start living and becoming stronger inoculations work like that right you get that you get the pathogen inside of you and then you build a immunity response to the pathogen and so the Bible is all about the wilderness experience that helps you become mighty and a son and so so it says here that if you live according to the flesh that means to the ease and ease of living life okay then you will be weakened you will die that's what it says for as many are led by the spirit and he says for if you live according to the flesh you will die but this is beautiful but if you put to death and now we are in understand Romans 8 verse 13 but if you by the spirit put to death the deeds of the body you will live Wow so that means the speed will now lead you to do things contrary to the biology and what the body wants the Bible always talks about the body is the body of sin that means it doesn't mean the body is sinful it means it holds errors okay there are because of the traumas that we've had the there is body memory there is muscle memory there's patterns and cycles you know even aging is a pattern and cycle okay so the body holds memories and it the Bible says that the spirit or logos revelation changes the biology the body memories okay and so it's a it tells us to set our mind on things above and not on things of the earth that's what it says so by the Spirit we have supposed to put to death the deeds of the body and then you will live now listen carefully now this is beautiful for as many are led by the spirits these are the sons of God this is what it says okay so I just want you to understand that holds hold Scripture and then he goes on to explain that whole creation the medicine the doctors the the the fruits the food everything responds to those who are led by the spirit and put to death the deeds of the body by the spirit Wow okay so I'm not just talking about how to get out of this virus I'm talking about how you can live long and the Bible is his phenomenal New Testament has phenomenal technology on food explains about food you know Jesus talks at one point he said that the guy who is epileptic and who comes to him and in at that time is it 2000 years ago he says with epilepsy he says this type does not live unless there's prayer and fasting and fasting fasting you understand today they understand it epilepsy the best remedy for one of the best remedies by Pepsi is fasting can you believe it 2000 years ago it's in the Bible Jesus said it so what does it mean to be led by the spirit and that's when when we came into Jesus we knew that he wanted us to live and truly if we went on the way we went on with the things that we were consuming okay we would have died we would have lived according to the flesh but by the spirit we put to death the deeds of the body and so we stopped the drink in the drug we stopped the drinking we stopped the cigarettes then we stopped the day eating the way we ate as well and we realized that what's the difference between sugar and what's the difference between cocaine addiction is addiction and so what happened was we were ladies certain way there now and please understand I'm not telling you that if you do these protocols okay then you will have life forever Christ the Spirit is the one that gives life but in different seasons the Spirit will lead you to do different things that will contribute and promote longevity and lasting life for you okay that's what I just read to you okay so what does it mean to be led by the Spirit and so people used to laugh at us you know when we used to start fasting and that was like do you know how long ago that was right and today everyone is intermittent fasting today doctors say that fasting real June eights you it strengthens the immunity it's it puts the right hormones inside of you okay and now they understand that fasting is good for you so it was at eight years ago or nine years ago we were led by the spirit to put to death the deeds of the body okay and we were led and so that contributed to a lot of us in our church and in around us to be able to live a little longer at least okay it facilitated life a little longer I mean I mean of course we lose people and you know you and I share we all as human beings we share everyone has faced death in a sense someone loved someone you love has died and passed and if you look at how they have passed you would realize that that the big killers today are related to food you know and I mean we we connect deeply when someone passes Anna and all I'm trying to do is through the Scriptures and what Jesus is trying to do is to bring to facilitate a momentum that can uphold the spirit which brings life okay that's all okay it's not that it's not that food is bad for you I mean the Bible has phenomenal technology on conscience today there is a lot of research by a in Stanford lady called alia crumb on on on food and placebo effect on food and your awareness of of what you eat and how you eat it can affect your biology you know if you have too much information that is fear-based it actually when you eat that food it affects your biology differently but if you the Bible talks about if your conscience is mature okay you can eat certain types of food that others might deem even bad and it will not affect you as badly as it would someone who eats it with fear okay that's that's now Stanford research but that was the technology of Paul when is talking of weak conscience when you eat in fear and strong conscience and you eaten faith okay so that's all here okay so so we needed I needed to get fit at that time and and the Lord led me in a way to start fasting too fast the bad stuff and then I started fasting so that my immunity can get stronger and so that was one thing that we were led to and of course fasting slows the metabolism down it's good when your metabolism slowed down good for longevity but unless you uphold the fasting with intense workouts and exercise your metabolism can slow down too much and it can put on weight okay so we wanted to do both and exercise again is Hamitic stress and when you exercise anyone who's depressed or lower down I mean I'm telling you go out get some vitamin D get some Sun man go out take a run and that is why we get into all our exercise I think people some people were asking online what is this guy what is this church you know the last trial and I think they canceled it but the last right and I think about 30 of us that were going to take part you know the previous 135 people took part so just understand that we were Church that love and it's different aspects you know of exercise some people can cycle some people can run some live in swim and so we try to facilitate all of it and the people who are sometimes running are seven or maybe over 70 years but why do we get them to exercise and someone quotes 1 Timothy 4:1 says well bodily exercise profits little but I plead with you to look at the scriptures in the light and the context of what he's saying he's actually saying that bodily if you look at the aramaic and if we look at the different translations he says bodily exercise is limited but when you bring godliness it becomes unlimited that's what it means that means exercise without spirituality ok is useless because exercise can do anything but as you bring the spirit into it it quickens the mortal body that's what it means if it doesn't say it's just exercise profits little in 1 Timothy 4 it says exercise profits a little ok that means it's not downgrading exercise ok it says its profits a little but godliness unlimited it doesn't become little anymore that's what it means it upgrades it when he brings preach again usually you see it in India and in Sri Lanka you see it in the innovate antic traditions that they use the Vedanta contain yoga together because they understood the ancients understood that spirituality and the body has to be brought together and and there's no difference in Christianity or believe in Jesus the the whole aspect of spirit is to quicken the biology and my god a divine nature that the Holy Spirit gives if you become regenerated brings something called resurrection life that can quicken your body and bring absolute long lasting life okay that's that's the Bible okay now so we went into exercise and and training and so we have people who are older taking part and and and been rejuvenated today they say that by taking part in in in sports when you're older a building muscle when you're older is one of the most important aspects of longevity to build muscle to do resistance exercises to be able to have a your metabolism reset you know because sometimes we can have metabolic damage and the metabolic damage you can be not so sensitive to insulin and that's a big deal you know people we've lost many young many people yeah to to the ability not to be insulin sensitive and exercise changes your insulin sensitivity and it causes you to be extremely insensitive and therefore you don't become pre-diabetic or diabetic you know and so it promotes longevity and it promotes life so please understand what I'm talking about it I'm talking about your immunity I'm talking about how not to get the next influenza that comes around the next coronavirus that comes around okay we need you to be strong and so faith communities I'm talking to pastors who may be listening to me faith communities have to have the aspect of both the Spirit comes to bring life to the body so unless you combine the word and the body the word and the flesh you don't have the glory that God is expecting you to have okay so look at your diets look at your food teach your church practical living how to live strong how to to enhance their immunity teach your church to be strong because these are all in the Bible it's there in the Bible these are not things outside the Bible that the biology is important the Bible in fact says this is the Temple of the Holy Ghost and if you don't look after it God is jealous that you don't look after your temple okay that's what the Bible says so so we were laid in two different things to get myself strong you know like I said before I I needed to upgrade myself because of my past and so to get my biology strong it at 30 I started boxing man can you believe that you know and and training like a 18 year old you know and why because I need I knew that if I kept going like the way I go in my body my biology will fail me okay and what what what use are you if you're gone I mean you can be a heavenly being but but aren't you better use here if you had your spirit in your body okay so that's the idea and so I mean today it's coronavirus tomorrow can be something else okay are we going to neglect what the gospel has given us have we going to neglect the true gospel where the Spirit is given to click on the body where he says now you could be led by the spirit so you'll be led I mean we feel analyzed some in the lead to what to eat in seasons should wake up in the night with a dream and we can say we need vitamin D you know and sometimes the the Lord would give us specific medication and vitamins and nourishment that we've never heard of like there was a season where because of my memory he said I needed certain times of nootropics and and he would give me the exact names of the nootropics in my dreams because you're led by the Spirit and the creation response to those were led by the Spirit and so we would know exactly what to do in what season what to eat what died to get on because every every season you get a some diet today is keto yesterday it was Atkins tomorrow it can be fruitarian you know there's so many types of diets out there but you got to be led because there's so much of information your spirit will resonate with what you need to do to upgrade and uphold your immunity high okay so yeah and so another aspect that we relate to is meditation and and I mean truly Christians don't understand that in in someone the first Psalm it's about it's about meditation and it says to meditate throughout the Bible we talk about meditation that we're supposed to meditate on good things and good reports Timothy says a bit suppose meditate on a good report so just understand that that meditation is an important aspect of our lives you know contemplation sometimes you can call it where we sit still today we've realized people have realized that especially when you're looking at the media and and you're having 60,000 thoughts a day normally but today with the media what they do I think we're having more than 60,000 thoughts a day you know these thoughts just coming at us and environment giving us fear you know how are we going to to actually change what is happening because your internal strength and your ability has to be greater than what is coming externally at you so meditation is a phenomenal tool that is used to really stop those thoughts you know slow those thoughts down and I was just listening to a guy called Joe Dispenza who's done some research it's a doctor and he calls it immunoglobin a and it's it's a it's like a flu vaccine that is internally in your body you know i GA recall it okay and and they say just with three times a day of 10 minutes of meditation for after four days you up regulate IgA by 50% just understand that your immunity that immunoglobin is is like it's a it's the chemical that fights it's your defense against coronavirus or whatever it is you know it's a defense against your immunity being compromised okay it gets up regulated by 50 percent that's crazy okay so just understand that as we start being still the Bible says be still and know that I am God but still and know okay so as you're still what happens is without without your sympathetic nervous system taking effect in a sympathetic nervous system takes effect you're constantly in fear and there's cortisol and adrenaline and all these fear-based hormones that come to you and even you are constantly in that that rate your your heart rate is high okay your your anaerobic if your heart rate is higher your anaerobic that means you're not burning any fats you'll put it on weight okay aerobic is below or your heart rate has to be lower but if you are completely continuously stressed and chronic stress causes the immunity completely compromised and your brainwave state is that the beta state so medication or revelation when you get a revelation your biology changes okay so logos in the beginning of the word the Word was with God all things are created by the word so this word now has to become flesh and when you receive word logos the revelation causes something it changes the biology it takes that sympathetic nervous system that is completely out of whack that's going crazy at beta state you bring it down normally are the thinking of God the divine nature you're tapping into spirit and you suddenly bring down your beta state your natural man whose quanta neocon constantly in the frontal lobe you know and you know constantly in fear anxiety and and and and looking critically at everything and judging everything that's a beta state you know you come down to theta state and they say in theta state the DNA can be the DNA expression can be changed they say in Delta state that in sleep state that that you're dead repair and restoration in your body but what happens if you can do it to other day you can bring your beta state of panic down to a theta state and that's why you need to come to church and and soak in the presence you know and soak in the worship and then you bring your panic state down and that's so important because these are all what we call bio hacks you know and bio hacking is something that we started doing for the last eight years you know all these protocols are bio hacking protocols it's fasting or meditation or even eating certain types of food we jump into ice baths so that you know so that we can change the DNA expression you know in different different ways we biohack ourselves because truly jesus wants us to live long and lasting lives and and if you look at the bible not in a bit of really just perspective if you get out and but look through a spiritual lens you will see that it has phenomenal solutions for strength and longevity that jesus himself has given you so yeah so meditate meditate is meditation is really really good for you and they say even the telomere length that is the telomere length is in your DNA you know in the chromosome at the end of it you know it's like a shoelace you know the telomere length increases when you are in a meditative state and they realize that 60 days of of constant meditation can really cause your telomere length that is the telomere length is directly connected with your age and and when you will die or when that can come to you so so it's all here folks it's it's not far away from you the word is near you the Bible says it is inside of you and but if you you need to see the full gospel and Jesus came for an age like this and he put a he gave you the spirit so that you can be strong and powerful and really be able to to live so I hope all this has helped you because you know you know faith in the Bible is not blind faith that's what people need to understand faith is not blind at all it's not like just believing saying oh that's grace for everything faith means if you led by the Spirit it means you have faith so once you've been led into different aspects of your life okay how you can do things in the right way okay then your faith builds because now you've applied what you're hearing internally by the spirit and that builds faith okay so faith it's not a blind thing it's a for me it has to be rational that it has to be that I I love science and the in in the Bible there are mysteries there it's if you actually believe in Jesus you have to be mystical you can't come out of the mystical aspect of Jesus you know he didn't miracles and for me I like to learn how those miracles are done i I love to understand electromagnetics because we are electromagnetic beings and you know at one point it says that the Spirit is like the wind you know how else do you explain the spirit like a wind I mean he didn't have the words like we have now it means you can hear it he says but you can't see it you know you know Jesus jesus said that how is a man born again how is the man born again and he said a man is born again to the spirit like the wind he said those Spirit is like the wind so just understand that's a frequency that I mean he didn't have the language for it but it's he said it's just some it it's like a sound you can't you can't you don't know where it's come from you can hear it but you can't you don't know where it's coming from you know you can't see that's what he's trying to say so he gives the aspect of the spirit like a frequency like a vibration you know and that's what's happening even right now where even communicating through frequencies and vibrations and and it has the ability to change of a teaching like this gives you a revelation and a revelation changes the energy or the emotions now understand that emotions always will change DNA expression it will affect our genes and the wrong genes can be turned on specially with the emotion of fear okay the wrong gene can be turned on and then the the closest flu or the closest cold or the virus you can get so people that who who might go through sorrow or something like that could go through then the immunity can be compromised so you have to understand that emotions are always from your memories okay but you can have new emotions when you get a revelation so when we are preaching like this and telling you this suddenly there's a new revelation a logos comes in and suddenly you have a new revelation and a new emotion that now also triggers the genes and gene expression okay and it creates new proteins okay and and so you can get well if you are sick right now okay true just a revelation and that's why we preach isn't that awesome I mean we are electromagnetic beings Jesus says it shall become inside of you like a fountain just imagine okay today we understand that around us is like an ORAC field a field of energy and information okay so it would become inside of you once you get a revelation okay you understand the power of the Spirit what happens is it becomes like a field again a stronger field of force around you that protects you okay so that is why we preach and we teach so that there will be a revelation inside of you to be able to tackle the issues and problems that you'll be facing so my prayer for you and my my proclamation for you as you're watching me is that you will not the Bible say that you will not have he's not given you a spirit of fear but of power of love and of sound mind just check it out okay power love and sound mind he's not giving you spirit of fear so he's come to bring life okay and so I am praying right now that all these protocols that I'm talking of it's not for you to do now I'm not talking about you getting up and running out now and doing a job now or or changing your eating habits now I'm just prescribing what the Bible says according to the Bible so that immunity can be built for the future okay right now where we are we need to be able to understand that this country and the government and and governments all around the world have really they're doing a phenomenal job in containing this and I think if you just just listen carefully and fulfill the protocols that they are asking you are dear to you will see that will come out of this and we can come out of it stronger but if you have got your immunity low compromise maybe you have got bad habits including food habits that are bad and you can be susceptible to flus and viruses and stuff like that it's time for you to think about your future and change and live for your children live for your loved ones the people around you and it's time to really soul search in these days and look at the panic the fear that's like something like these courses people are going crazy in supermarkets and and buying hoarding because of fear what is that fear it's fear that they won't have fear of lack fear that they might not be able to live you know and this fear is what's ailing this community but be led now okay I'm sure your internal spirit your your spirit inside of you is talking to you and telling you of how you can apply some of these remedies it doesn't have to be the ones I've told you you will have your own protocol some of you might be greater experts than I am you know doctors out there you know you might have protocols that you are led to give out to your communities you know and so give it out because that's what you're led to in this season you nixies and he can change okay but be led by your intuition by your spirit that is inside of you and go and do things that will promote life because it's by the spirit that we put to death the things that are corruptible the things that that that are susceptible to sickness and disease by the Spirit we put to death those deeds those carnal deeds of our bodies okay and so be led and so my prayer to all of you is that in this season that your immunity will be absolutely strong in Jesus mighty name and right now I ask the Holy Spirit to come to quicken he that's what he loves to do I want you to know that right Dana Bible says in Romans 8 that the Holy Spirit is given to quicken your mortal dying sick bodies right now and there are people you've been watching me who you got the sniffles and you got you got sick and you're thinking oh my god I've got the virus the corona or whatever it is I'm praying right now please follow the medical protocols that the government has given you okay but I want you to know that right now the Spirit is available to you as well doctors are awesome okay it is the spirit that works through the doctors okay it is the they have a spirit as well that is given from God works through doctors and so we can extract as believers we can extract at a hundred we can extract at sixty and we can extract it at thirty okay we can extract a different levels at different times okay this word that holds everything together so I pray that you will take your medicine okay that you will extract life and the glory of medicine there is a glory in everything the Bible says and it is us through faith we can extract that so extract the glory in the medicine that is available to you to doctors and medicine extract the glory that is coming to you through your spirit and through the power of the Holy Spirit that is now quickening you bringing peace to you and quickening and bringing all the remedies and right neuro hormones in your body so that you will be well and you will be strong that even the medicines will have good work in you and a good effect on you I release life right now in Jesus mighty name and I take away fear and I replace it with the power of faith right now in Jesus name that you'll have faith and know sure that we are going to come true this as a country as a nation as a people they're going to come through this stronger and more sensitive to the things of God and ever before in Jesus name I bless you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 9,149
Rating: 4.8878503 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, wowlife church, wowlife, wow church, fiona de lanerolle, corona, corona virus, COVID-19, COVID, healing, health, immunity, immunization, bio hacks, biohacking, pastor jerome, prophet jerome, uebert angel, uebert angel sri lanka, wow life, prophet kirby, wow sri lanka
Id: i29XQ93il0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 52sec (2932 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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