Annalise Van Rensburg | The Purposes of Life | 23rd July 2019

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okay hey guys I'm Bartos from Poland I just want to share my experience during the 5dp first of all a big thanks to to Kirby and Fiona for organizing that and doing this or all the contents of the 5dp is like Kirby putting everything into one pill all that he has already really grateful that he's sharing all that he has I love the fact that we were fasting and that I could experience all this I didn't feel any hunger I felt strong I made my record in deadlift this week it's amazing guys I recommend it to everyone three words this describe 5dp don't miss out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're gonna stand up and shout out and give it a big cheer when she comes up okay and here but here's the important thing that the cheers and the shouting doesn't stop after she starts okay that's what's important you cheer when she comes up but as she starts preaching and speaking whether you understand it or not it doesn't matter okay because the more you shout and the more you say yes with your mouth amen yes right you will get it trust me that's the way it works nothing happens to you when you say I don't understand and shut off okay because the Holy Spirit okay he doesn't have an age he doesn't have a theological PhD the Holy Spirit is God and he's in each one of you and you know exactly what she teaches very well you already know it he just said your mind doesn't okay your spirit already knows it your mind doesn't okay so as you say yes your speech such release into your mind what she is saying okay so just a line and cheer on as she speaks I want you to understand and that a couple of years ago many many years ago actually I went to South Africa looking for a prophet and I truly by the grace of God found a true prophet of God I mean it's a it it is a very very rare thing now if you try to go to Africa to find a prophet okay I must tell you that okay it's very rare you direct that you at every at every bush you throw there is a prophet but they are not authentically true and I I just by grace I just absolute grace found a true prophet and from that time our lives have been completely changed and that was prophet Kobus van Rensburg Anneliese van Rensburg husband okay and he carried a very special mantle on his life and there was the mantle of the Word of God okay I mean I don't you it's just really embarrassing to say it was a special mantle in a Christian forum because we are all supposed to have it but unfortunately very few people carry the word the way we're supposed to carry and prophet was one of those people who carried the word and today when when people hear the word preached in a way it's supposed to be preached people say I don't understand and this is a big big problem and we will not be that church we will grow and we'll grow as we grow big will also grow deep okay in the same way so please understand that to do that someone needs to stretch you okay and she does a tremendous favor for me every time she comes because she stretches you and so therefore I can now expand and be that person God has called me to be to the world because she expands your mind and then at though it goes a bit like that it's more stretch than ever before okay so so get ready to be expanded remember this is not linear Greek teaching anywhere you go in the world you see teachers who are very linear they're very few who can who can who can dimensionally be doing this on one level and then handling this on another level then handling this on another level then handling this on an odd level but but yeah not isolated and but then connecting it all I mean it comes here to get it all crescendo yeah it's one stream okay so it's very few people who can do that I am one of them so it takes one to know one but they're very few very very few and it comes from a release of an impartation now I want you all to be able to do that okay because unless it comes by revelation it comes like formulas I'm going to teach you these are the four steps these are the five set these are the seven steps the you will learn nothing okay but even you you need to connect it when when she opens this dimension up then she'll open this dimension a potential open this dimension up then she'll open this dimension up and unless maybe you won't get all five dimensions but you gave him this one this one okay but then at the end it'll start clicking okay that'll be illumination and that's what's most important because you need to hear God in what she's saying okay that's called understanding I mean you get understanding it's life-changing it'll change you forever okay one if you can't get one sentence of what you're saying it'll change you forever so even if you when you're going around try and get portions of it portions of it portions of it and hopefully you'll get it all if you get it all your life will never be the same okay if you get one bit I'm telling you your next year will never be the same it lasts a whole year it's enough fuel for the whole year one bit of it means enough fuel for the whole year a person can start messages and messages and messages and preaching and preaching and preaching just from one sentence okay are you ready okay because you keep the energy alive in the room okay are you ready promise me you'll do that promise me you'll keep the energy alive yes okay all right okay ladies and gentlemen okay the best teacher I met after prophet Kobe's van Rensburg and Ali's van Rensburg come on whoo come on come on come on Jesus coming from Kirby I really take it as a compliment and it's like um it's not that we are cute but it's that God is good because what happened to me and God told me that I was gonna do when I was 13 years old okay I just want to see my Hades in the cameras hallelujah just because she said it I forgive you for cutting off my head I was thinking tonight maybe I should preach on my hands that they can cut my bottom part at least everybody why are you standing I count this the biggest biggest biggest honor to be able to preach in this church it's the third time it's the third time um yeah but when I came in the airplane it was like there was things that I thought I want to say and want to do and I had it all geared up but something happened to me in the airplane on the plane well yeah I'm coming here and it feels like these hundred crackers exploding inside of me I'm like when I got off Srilanka myself I can only kiss the ground when I got Gia worse I'm like can't we just get you the house it feels like I somehow have come home I don't want you to take this lightly but I know exactly what I'm doing I will never live in Sri Lanka don't worry but this spirit realm is so real it's so real there is something I realize I have become a purpose of God because I did it to dig into the word and find that place because jesus said he's gonna go and prepare a place for us that we can be where he eats my husband always told me about it and I'm like yeah I'm busy I don't understand now listen guys I had to lose everything to find that place you not yeah come on we are not going under we are taking over but if only we can understand the songs we sing mind if we only believe the songs we sing guys we have to start believing what we believe and we have to start knowing what we believe come on the day of ignorance is over this is how I feel about this whole place this whole situation is more so I found the scripture in the Bible about you this time and I want to read it to you and I'm serious about this yeah I am always praying for you I'm always always always praying for you I never stop even though you don't answer phones don't don't don't change we're not gonna be on the phone all the time we know in the spirit of what's happening listen to this first I thank God through Jesus Christ for you that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world I was sitting in spirit word working working working have these awesome services but I never understood the purposes of God and the purposes of God will be understood by you because there's lots going on in the whole world I don't know why I am in the whole world but I am in the whole world come on and I hear your name every way [Music] and I know I know that everything will try to take you away from the purpose of God in your life everybody say off to me the purpose of this place this place will prosper okay now we can go honestly know the purpose of this place it's the place that God has prepared this certain something else in the atmosphere to when I was here lost a guy prophesied over me and he said what you have is not because of the good things that came to you is because of the bad things but you've dared to dance in the fire can I tell you something guys he's fire never cease let it go come on come on so Kirby and Fiona I want to sing you a song Beatrice has got the cutest little girl her name is Gia she is like I'm looking at her and I'm thinking how did God make something so beautiful she is just and I am like hmm with situations and it's it's getting to me to a point where I'm losing the purpose of what I am and I am like called the children just go play I've just added enough and Gia turns around she stands in front of me she sees Emma can I sing you a song I said okay dear Jesus come on [Laughter] [Applause] listen nothing can take the purpose of God away from us now I just want to read you from the beginning this is in Rome Paul a servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle separated to look unto the gospel of God which he had promised before the Prophet before by his prophets and the Holy Scriptures concerning his son this is our purpose guys I love this place but you know what if we have everything what do we have if we don't have the purposes of God right I'm reading you your purpose right concerning his son Jesus Christ our Lord which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh but to declare to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead if there's one thing that this church portrays is the life of Christ Roger by whom we have received Grace Apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name among who you are called of Jesus Christ to all that is all over grace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ first and when I thank God through Jesus Christ for you all oh man come on come on your faith is spoken of over all the world I want you to put your hands up and say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus just being in this church you're working for God okay everybody watching I told you to watch him pray this often is I'm checking it if I don't preach well I know you haven't prayed and you know who I'm talking to he's got a key it's got not good he's perfect in all of his ways just as we climb in the car that song played he's perfect in all of his ways and you know what nothing that the Satan candy shop can even touch the purposes of God in Milan Jesus oh come on man come on if they still warm me then God really gonna bless me more coming come on I have stepped over a line so if you guys yes and we are purposed in God okay the last song they sang they sang a song that we find the words in 1 Peter 1:3 I nearly I nearly fill up the G when they sang it 1 Peter 1 verse 3 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy have begotten us again to a lively hope a Living Hope come on Christ Christ inside me it's the hope of glory it is not a wish it is a hope its Christ why is it alive he rose from the dead man so there has been people that carried a hope that was not too alive and you know what we read about them in Hebrews 11 they walked and they did not lose their faith and they got a good report I'm looking at people that's not just gonna get a good report they're gonna get the evidence of the hope that they carry because 1 Corinthians 3 says he says you're gonna be changed from glory to glory as you behold in a mirror the mirror is the word so you got you have to your face in the book maybe get it a little bit out of Facebook and get your face in the real guys you're gonna get it in the word the later contains the word now um yesterday we jumped off quite a deep end and maybe I'm gonna go a little over it but I I really need to bring a worth through this morning I had such a revelation and I I'm not going to help me to give it to the people are you ready okay if you feel a little scared because of the height just don't worry you're safe I will let you land okay I want you to go with me to 1 Corinthians 15 verse 19 I think it's 19 he says if in this life now now please before we go to 1 Corinthians 15 1 Corinthians 15 is a chapter that PO oh my word he writes it - the most difficult difficult difficult Church there is did it just get the spirit the most troublesome Church gets the most awesome revelation okay between Mary and Martha who is the most spiritual Mary so I am a real author you don't say y'all you just mmm at our house I was doing everything oh my gosh I am a workaholic I I've done everything I did the camera work I did the mixing I did what did I did not do i embroidered shirts I did the gardens I helped to the building I'm a don't tell me don't work my life will collapse I'm a Martha Oh so in our house when goober started preaching Martha I opened the Bible yes yes but I was totally in something else because I was so convicted and so condemn that I'm like what made me like this and I am like this and I totally understood it god never told Martha to stop working they told it to get peace in the work stop worrying about other people and fulfill their purpose so we got that thing all wrong because just before Jesus died he went to landed herself and you know who faked Jesus Martha and you know what Martha got the biggest revelation of the purposes of the Son of God Martha way was Mary she was sitting crime please please don't write me letters just forgive me set me free let me go you know sometimes we've got such a wrong idea of spirituality which was sincere but we sincerely wrong and we have to be sincerely right Jesus came to Martha and he said to Martha Martha I am the resurrection and the life he that lives and leave that dies and believes will live again and he that lives and believe will never die and then he did something funny he asked do you believe this because he knew it I didn't come on the church told today does not comprehend what Jesus really came for Jesus came so that we can be saved you know how the gospel was presented to me the gospel was presented to me as the good news man I was born again like born again everything changed in me I was a new person I was 13 years old and I would never turn around I found God do you have you heard how I got saved my father got cancer and I've never seen the inside of the church my father was a he said he was a atheist so the the ministers that did come to visit us he helped him out the house so we we never sold a church on the inside he literally physically helped him out he said the hypocrites he just didn't want anything to do with church but my father that actually gave him like three weeks to live he was coughing pieces of his lungs up and my grandmother got saved but I was 13 years old and I started dreaming I'm going to hell wait I never dream but with I dream I do it I dreamed I'm climbing a mountain I went to climb Kilimanjaro please Lord dream about Everest I dreamed I'm going to Helen as the 13-year old girl I started walking to churches every Sunday I would go to churches and sit there sit through the service and afterwards I said to the preacher I'm going to hell can you help me for six months nobody could help me they told me I'm confused but then my grandmother prayed for my dad and he was instantly healed and I remember we made right to go to the church we had to get church closed my grandmother specially made me a dress I was a little girl and when I came into that church God was there God was there I saw a vision of what I'm doing today and I knew I was going to preach I knew everything I was like what when it was lunchtime they lived and they couldn't get me at the church I was holding and screaming everybody left they left me there in the church when I came back I was filled with the Holy Spirit that night I was baptized and I've never turned around young people go for God sudden endorsing said and so glad I found God in the days of my youth because it's just so awesome do you know I mean quickest got married do you wanna know say please [Music] I went to Bible School and I was like um I was very popular because I was not like the other girls I don't like shopping please don't take me shopping you'll never do that again to me don't take me shopping if you can put me on a motorbike on the road and take me for a ride yeah so um I was always washing the cars when the helping the guys and playing soccer and you call it and as I came into the Bible School at 9 I was 18 and I was so hungry for God oh I was my grades were very good and everybody wanted me to go study but I was just sold out for God and as I came into the Bible School I walked in and they stood quivers and he tried to talk to me and I told him for Jack now we're gonna get to tell you there's only one person here than was what it was it's bad it means get the hell outta ya I told him I didn't come here for boys just leave me alone and we were in the claws for a whole year together and the week before our intense he came knocking on the door looking for someone else why do I do this now anyway he came knocking on the door looking for someone else and I opened the door but I was sick and I was not feeling good I looked Earl he looked at me and he said you know we should have been married I said to him you know you met I told you to future and he smiled and he said if God's fixed you I'll see you in chapel tonight as he turned around something hit me on my chest that I landed on my back sir and I am like that's my husband and I was in love so what happened I was in the chapel first oh come on man if you know something you know it and we pray together and I went from the chapel found my parents and said I'm coming home I just want to show them my husband I'm getting married I'm 19 a month later we were married we were if I look back I didn't hit the easiest life but I had the most glorious life I realized God handpicks you for someone all the young people that are not married stand up all the young people that is not married stand up and all the people that want to get married stand up I didn't ask you to fight shut up and stand oh you've not allowed to say shut up shut up instead listen um everybody wanted me to get married again I don't want to get married I'm like so guys this is a personal thing can you please leave your neighbor alone do you believe somewhere on this earth God has a purpose for you and I'm praying today come on do you know what I just need to tell you when I was on Chennai Airport a posture and his wife came to me and said Annalise will you please pray we've been struggling so long to ever baby this time I landed I believe do you believe Heavenly Father I asked if you could make me a match in heaven a match they touched the whole world god I pray now for every year person here that needs to have a match that you will bring them together in Jesus name Amen okay okay but but but but 1 Corinthians 15 this is where we were the most troublesome church he says there to them if in this life only you want to be married now you have hope in Christ you are of all men most miserable okay why would he say that I don't want to mash up my board but say this is above and I did this before yeah and this is beneath okay the lowest point of above is higher than the highest point belief so if you have a hundred and ten cars 200 house and you've got so much money anybody that has nothing but the spirit why why this is all going to stay its temporal this is eternal so I have it inside of me you are say you mustn't have a house you mustn't have a Kournikova stage if you want to corner have it now you're not gonna have needed there have it now if you want a nice car I have it now it's not everybody that wants a car I don't wanna come every car they gave me I gave away who has wanted me so much to have a sports car I had that BC Murray crossfire I gave it away how can I want it I want one that goes through the mud [Laughter] you know what God has made us everyone so different listen to this one you have a lively hope in you but this verse is bad verse 34 remember we in the chapter of life resurrection and immortality it's all in this chapter he starts off and he says the gospel I'm preaching is because Jesus died and he rose again he died he was buried and he rose again and we are his witnesses this is what the whole book of Acts was about resurrection and resurrection changes everything in the world that is when Reformation came everything changed it was the first person that came out of dead and never died again never died again Lazarus died again he rose from the dead he was not resurrected so what we carry is resurrection power so good I've just put myself on a trail that I don't know I'm gonna get back to my message but it's so good let's go we are carrying a lively hope why because he resurrected hmm verse 34 says awake to this righteousness awake to righteousness and sin not for some have not the knowledge of God I speak this to your shame and listen this is not undr least 6 6 this is 1 Corinthians 15 verse 34 and it was written 2,000 years ago maybe it's time to wake up he says but some men will say how are the dead raised up and then he goes on and he speaks on how the date was raised now if you start wakening up to this you'll see the whole New Testament is about the resurrection life the resurrection life now he says in Romans 2 verse 7 he says you must seek glory honor and immortality why glory Oh have sinned in one man all have sinned and lost that lost the glory what's the glory the presence because he says Kayne when he killed Abel he said he then left the presence of God they lost the glory the presence so death reigned from Adam to Moses and from Moses to Christ the loránd and this was foreshadowing what is to come because they didn't receive the command of life it was now put in a system which is called the schoolmaster which is going to take them to Christ so the new was added to the commands and the command was placed in the law okay but when Christ came they did not receive him he said you fight pursue others serpents eat you vipers why they was from the beginning a battle for seed it started here why did I write so low it's require cut my head off okay guys [Applause] sorry I'm not in Africa from the beginning there was a battle for seed but when Christ came he said this seed has come he says not many but of one but we don't understand and what I really tried to do last night is hebrews 1 says in The Times Post God has spoken to our fathers through many separate revelations but in these last days he is spoken to us by the son and then he says in the volume of the book it is written I've come to do your will the volume of the book the whole book from beginning to end are you with me who was they last night put up hands I have to go over it because we are not enough okay from the beginning Adam I'm just some aback walk he lost the glory and from Adam to Moses death I like it like this so you will remember it this was king this was king remember we're busy with a lively hope a lively hope so from Moses up to Christ the law was added to the commands and inside the law on the ark there was a triple c'mon because three is the number of God it was the commands of life you murkley taken Leah look okay the stuff that but it the stuff that Barrett of my word and the pot of manna okay I'm gonna run through the Bible now and this was a shadow of the heavy things and this was a shadow of the good things to come which is the cross but from the cross everything changes everything changes now if we go to the book of Revelation oh I wanted to preach other stuff if you go to the book of Revelation he says this is the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him to give to his servant so Jesus himself came and gave it to the servants okay and what he reveals in Chapter one the whole of Revelation is a book about the revelation of Jesus Christ it's not the book of revelations it's about Jesus Christ and it's how he founded the church and built the church and brought the church in how he dealt with the adversary removed the old and brought the kingdom don't look for their dragons and the beasts and say Revelation God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind okay so revelation 1 reveals God I am the Alpha and Omega from eternity to eternity okay the next verse is beginning and end ah beginning and it is not for everyone forever it's a beginning and end it begins and it ends now please we know in Hebrews 7 he doesn't he says God doesn't have a father or mother or a beginning and ending so the book of Revelation says he is the beginning and the end so he is literally the point in time that is the beginning and the end because John 1 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he is the beginning and he is the end and in the spirit it goes like this the end is but a new beginning the end is but a new beginning of my situation let it go something new is coming I always wondered how does Paul says I forget what's behind her before a year I walked screaming how do I forget what's behind what do I stretch myself it's that place in the spirit the purpose of this place will prosper and we've stepped into it when fire comes it takes away to clean us up to go on guys we are not firefighters let it burn let it burn his fire never cease you'll understand it now I said that's all so he is the first he is the lost he's the faithful witness who was who is and who is to come and John says I John am on the Isle of Patmos for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ oh my word this is called the Ark of testimony 1 Corinthians 1 verse 6 s the testimony of Christ is now inside of me what is it it is this lively hope it's alive hope because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ okay I want you to go we're gonna go a little a little deeper on another way go with me maybe maybe maybe let's go there quickly second Timothy I can't see here because of the light shining on this thing okay Simon second Timothy 1:7 for God has not given us a spirit of fear don't worry I'm fine God is not giving us his spirit come on we've gotta go I've only got one night with you guys you're gonna open your mouth and get it God has not given us a spirit of fear the book of Revelation is not a book to fear it's the most glorious glorious glorious book in the Bible but you cannot understand revelation if you do not understand Genesis it's the first and the lost books in the Bible they both given by this spirit and both of them go beyond the time they were given who wrote Genesis Moses No Moses lived 2,500 years after Adam I'm gonna say what I said lost not now I'm gonna go because this is just repeating last night you gotta go get the video again but Adam was only created on day six so we don't even understand Genesis 1 Genesis 1 is the blueprint for time was Isaiah 46 verse 10 says the end is determined from the beginning so what God did he created a garden and it was in seven time periods it's all in the garden we separated darkness from light and he put a tree and everything bla bla bla and what they did you're gonna get this what they did they smashed this day by eating of the wrong tree but he says in Genesis 2 verse 4 these are the generations these are the generations in the day [Music] come let me just get everybody on line Genesis is written 2500 years after after Moses lived so he was standing on the mountain face-to-face with God and he was seen from that side to that side because the goodness of God when he said show me your glory he was the first man that said show me your glory oh my god I wish I can just get in the spirit and see what happened on that mountain because I think everything changed and when he came past him day one it was good day - he's perfect in all it come on his goodness from everlasting to everlasting so God created the heaven and the earth but his glory is above the heavens that's Alpha and Omega so heaven is his throne room do you understand we don't even understand Genesis but when they smashed this Genesis to verse 4 says these are the generations in and I this is their guarantees of God that the end would be raised there remains a rest for the people of God we're not going under we're taking over the purposes of God will prosper okay now what happened here is when they smashed the day the generations broke out took generations generations and we can find it in Matthew 1 he says Matthew 1 Jesus son of David son of Abram son of God then he goes back because Abram is the first father and it takes the generations back this way again and then he comes back again and it says 14 generations to Babylon everybody at the rivers of okay fourteen generations fourteen generations fourteen generations and the Bible doesn't speak the truth because this one is 13 generations and our 6-year last night Isaiah 53 said who will declare his generation because his generation is the chosen generation because people Adam humanity didn't choose God but now God chose us [Music] you can't be in a generational line oh come on I'm not saying don't care for your parents stand but there's a purpose that is higher Paul says to Timothy come up to the higher purpose you see what we do is we are so busy Martha lying that we've we forget what God has purposed us for the very gifts you have it's for a higher purpose we do not have this hope for this life only we have a ha a lively hope I'm trying to get to hope okay now we have to understand what happens from this point on we have but oh I really draw uglier the foster oncoming the more ugly girl will you forgive me I am forgiven okay there's one generation don't you think I look good I really tried to dress maybe I should be I a variety I just can't get her shoes I can't halfway I kicked him out will you forgive me I am forgiven okay there's one generation this one seed is one seed Christ he says when he talks about seed he doesn't talk about many but he talks about one and I'm gonna tell you that most people don't see that they don't preach it because on day two on day two which correlates with Abraham in generational line God said let the waters separate from the waters when God called Abram Genesis 17 verse 7 genesis 17:7 he said I make a covenant between you and me in your seed after you in the generations and in yours let's read it I messed up now can't someone read it to me quickly I make a covenant between me and you in your seed after you and I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you in their generations in their generations for an everlasting covenant to be God to you and your descendants after you okay go on also I give to you and your descendants also my Bible says and so there is a seed line there's in Abram there is a lower seed line and there is a higher seed line so when we step into Christ we have nothing to do with generational seed lines we are in the seed line of Abraham one seed this is something that we've missed in the Bible and it's very very important okay so you understand you get it don't sound like that Fiona my gosh she tells you to screaming she looks at you like that listen now no no no we have to understand we've got to come to the point we understand this hope that we carry this is a lively hope now something terrible happened here something terrible happened here when Adam mixed up they came come on let's get it the man was disobedient the woman was deceived but Kayne opened the door for sin this is why the earth calls for blood I'm gonna dare say something now heaven is my throne earth is my footstool every world has a heaven and earth so the problem is when we read we do not understand what we read we have to take every word every book and go put them back Annelise but can't we just float around in the spirit y'all enjoy the spirit but when you come down you've gotta know where you're going because you are carrying the glory because the world is waiting for you and if you do not know where you come from where you're going I wonder what glory you carrying I see Christians flying all over but we don't know what we have and then we may get tired we got prophesy to yourself you've got the word sorry I'm at that place come on Kirby I lived in miracles I've seen them come for miracles most where miracles yes but it's just like in the Bible they came for the bread and I came for they never received him do you know that Jesus himself said yeah I'm going rough now it's Bible it's not on at least six six Jesus said they'll come to me and say we have driven Devils a tree until the sacred he said go away I don't know you I don't know you Paul comes at the end of his life done all the things he says my determined purpose is to know him pray for me I want my prophetic back why don't you pray that you'll know God the prophetic Oh Flo knowing him the miracles will follow you now we're looking for miracles I'm running away from it but isn't it awesome when you do like I'm pregnant with God and he tells me to lay my hands but no baby do you understand when I say come on let's go back to Timothy baby where God has not given us a spirit of fear but power love in a sample B now therefore not ashamed of the testimony of our Lord the testimony of our Lord nor of me his prisoner but be a partaker of the afflictions of the gospel oh my word is that in the bottle he doesn't say he says be a partaker of the afflictions he doesn't say get your eyes on it it doesn't say tell everybody about it guys you don't want my life is a prison you want my god we must get things right nobody here I know this man makes millions every five minutes [Music] but do you make millions every five minutes of your life no do you understand we must go for it we must get our eyes on that not on the other things if God can do it once he can do it twice if he can do it for him millions coming my way be not ashamed of the testimony and be a partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel according to the power of God do you think everything is gonna go smooth sailing I've got a surprise for you you know what Peter said to me it says mom I'm now your and a half in ministry I found her the church is like a bus they get on and they get off he says mom but as long as the driver knows where he's going who have saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began not before the earth began before the world began there's a difference between Earth and world a world has a heaven and earth in one world there is heaven and here is Earth so you want to be in one world you have to flow in the rulership and the exertion of it otherwise you're not part of the world Oh easy go with me to second Peter 3 now you're gonna see how we have actually missed and mess up the Bible and this has always been there why because if you are deceived and you ignorant you will not fulfill your purpose so if we are kept like we don't understand the word we are not gonna fulfill our purpose and we can die so if dying is the biggest thing we can have a baptism service while I'm here I will help you which is baptize them all and send them off to glory next week we get a new clump and then we send them off to glory send them what I want you why why why must you wanna sugar why in baptism do you come back especially the young people send them off yeah yeah you'll have more time on your hands do you understand when we go in the death of Christ we come back with something alive inside of us we come back with our bodies in another shape your sinful body becomes a mortal body mortal body has a purpose mortal will be changed to immortal I want to say something right and you must understand what I'm meaning in the spirit it goes like this and we always read things just like this everything in the Bible has more meaning higher meaning lower meaning and we cannot live that life with these principles we live this life with that principles but then we have to understand what does he say ok the harvest can I tell you ways to harvest oh the harvest is wide you've got to go get it yeah we've got to go get it how are we gonna go you do it leave your job and go no no keep your job and realize Jesus is the reason not they excuse his intention was the fool maturing and the fool coming to life in him the minute you become shining like Christ ha people will stream in here like you will not have place for her we always want to help other people help yourself when you go into airplane they say when the oxygen mask draw help yourself before you help someone else if the light's not yet what are you giving someone if the knowledge is not you what are you giving someone this is why I says buy out the timing you will not believe how also aware discount oh my god we are we this second epistle are you with me we've got to stay now okay next - JD's has two vers Falls this is the most important chapter understanding your time and your purpose in the second epistle beloved I now write to you both which to stir up your pure Minds by way of remembrance that you may be mindful of the words which was spoken before by the holy prophets when did the prophets start speaking the prophets started speaking with the law because they warned Israel that Israel was going to be taken captive and Israel was going to be broken down totally they spoke about the Christ and all the things that's going to happen after that so the prophets didn't speak to Adam get it the prophets started speaking after the father's Moses was four hundred and thirty years after Abram everybody know that Abram was the first father okay that is what Jesus is the seed the seed that uh you understand okay he sees here that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken by the prophets and the commands of the apostle's of the Lord everybody say apostle's of the Lord they were 12 and it was very specific okay knowing this first they shall come in the last days scoffers everybody say last days will have scoffers last days scoffers Jesus says in John 6 I will raise you up in the last day I will raise it up in the last day I will raise you up in the last day I will raise it up in the last day for oh it's earthy so then look there's a lost day and there's last days last days have scoffers the last day has a raising up if you have a mix you have a mess the church is in a mess because of a mix and the time is here that we're gonna fix the mix come on guys Jesus Christ brought Reformation mean a total turnaround on day 4 day 4 the Sun and the moon and the stars were created four thousand years after Adam was the fullness of time in generations day 1 day 2 day 3 nothing was created was preparation filling in history preparation filling you cannot fix the old with the new Jesus said it so the old was a mess up they didn't do what they were supposed to do this is why there was a period that the old had to be removed it was a period of 40 years and this is what the book of Revelation deals with the finishing of what started on the cross why so that the seed that was planted can start growing and coming and coming and the Bible says of his increase they will be no end and the last they will be a raising up okay let's go onion and these people in the last days my gosh guys this was written 2,000 years ago I don't know if this sounds familiar for you and these mockers of the last days they were saying where is the promise of his coming okay maybe struggling with it coming ever since come on oh come on libras nine says for those that look for his appearing you will come a second time without sin God send his son in the guise of sinful flesh it's gonna come again without sin unto salvation salvation of what salvation of the body when this lively hope has come to foolís yes where's the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep all things continue as will from the beginning of creation what is this total mix and confusion here is the father the father's are two thousand years of the Adam Adam was made on the sixth day in other words if you go back the creation is who knows win come on guys we have Christians that fight science you say how low creation was seven days really really this was a vision given in the spirit so we make ourselves fools it's stopping someone has to bring the truth the first day God said let there be light and he separated light from darkness and he called light daily and he called darkness night the light day and the first day is not a 24-hour day because days were made on day for wake up in the spirit time is concepts I only understood it when they're made a book on my dad when he had a painting and he called it was a good day of muscle pickers my sister put it on there and she wrote over the book it was a good day it took me three weeks to just open the book if I saw it was a good day I saw how he made my dollhouse I saw how he makes my coke it's his fault I'm like this you make my cut see my dad did this to me he came and helped me out of school we went just I slept school with my dad to go catch fish it's this one that's why I don't shop it's his fault do you understand I saw as he walked me in when I got married I saw him holding my first baby in his twinkling of an eye it was a day of Adri ambasa do you understand it's the day of woe from beginning to end it's the do you understand it's a day is a concept so how can this guy says from the beginning hmm since the father's fell asleep everything is just the same that's a lie that's stupidity listen to this verse 5 they are willingly ignorant willingly ignorant if you lie to yourself so much you believe it is truth and we all do it this is why we don't walk in freedom the law came by Moses but grace and truth comes by Jesus Christ the minute we discover truth it makes us be able to walk away run our race come on most of us are not running our races because we have little lies in the back of our heads Satan tells you you cannot do it you're not a good businessman tell him to mmm okay I'll teach you the word foot sack it's not a sway word it's when you tell a dog to just get off okay but in South Africa these dogs don't listen if I tell my dogs to protect they come for these people are willingly ignorant that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth then stood out of water what is Savior these people are willingly ignorant that from the beginning and the smash of the first day there was a day they were the whole world was destroyed with water now we must understand this first world because when the Dame was destroyed with water everything changed on the earth okay these people were eating from the tree of life they was fruit that would be for meat meat means obedient what is your scripture Hebrews 5:14 come on they that are how did you say it they there are if you mature in righteousness then you eat meat meat is for obedience because Jesus came and he was totally obedient even unto death Joanna said so the earth was cursed God said to Adam from dust Oh from dust you are to dust you go you said to Satan you can assail in the dust and you're gonna eat dust you are not even to allow to walk in the dust you're gonna eat the dust this is why death range but remember there was a battle for seed so God's Spirit in this situation hovered over the waters God was the authority God was speaking to Adam and Eve God was speaking to Kay and he said to KN KN sin is lying at your door because he's now sailing he wants to eat he says don't open the door what did he do he opened the door now it's not that they just must eat from the earth that is cursed now the earth is calling for blood so how is the earth cursed because they had to tell the dust the ground from which they were taken to get their sustenance because they were made in the image of God this was a tree of life while white flight was everywhere they had to feed from God now they feeding from where they came from dust dust there is no hope okay so can he had to leave the presence of God and his generation went down six generations but God gave Adam another seed instead and this generation goes on for ten generations cooee the seventh the seventh from Adam is in up he lived 365 years and he the Bible says he Halak he just walked with God he had his he had his eyes in the heavens and he did not taste death like I was fighting with me everybody was fighting with me over immortality because whoever started I'm like what I just said to this guy I what is enough doing in a bottle they must be a purpose because the end is determined from the beginning we have to start understanding from the minute they fell everything is progressing towards God's purpose from year to year it was a battle for seed and from there today is the seed to grow unto a harvest you are the harvest ok get this job lived here have you ever ate the sons of God came before God because the Spirit of God was still hovering and God was working on the outside and then just before the flood he says my spirit will not for ever strive with men he says I'm not gonna do that and he said my spirit will not forever strive and the flood came and there was the ark and eight people came through the flood it is a new beginning it's a new beginning this whole world was smashed because the sons of God had intercourse with the daughters of men not angels never have God called an angel a son angels he says in John 5 you are because you do not know the scriptures angels does not have sex they're not male or female come on guys it's all in the word not on YouTube you want to go on YouTube you go analyse one Rheinsberg you subscribe and you listen to all of that you will understand it now he says they're the first okay let me be decent the first world was destroyed with water there was nothing left of it nothing left job lived in this first world you know what job says there is no hope for a man dust to dust it's just dust there is no hope no hope oh my god if we just understand the time we're living in stop worrying about your stupid situation dead out of your story get into his story this glory will produce more glory you have a Living Hope inside of you yeah but you don't know what I've lost ah I don't want to hear your story because mine is so bad even you aren't standing by God can this happen to one person what my god but my god I dare to step into that place come on man come on but job says please go read it he says in in in jobs I think it's 17 he says but there's hope for a tree that even if it's cut down that the stump is dead at the smell of water it will but again and then he goes on and the lost verses in their bottle says he sees I'm gonna lay in my grave and wait for my change come on you know job come on come on the end is determined from the beginning enemies why do we preach immortality because it's from the beginning to end it's the purpose of God God is gonna bring us back to perfection in the beginning God planted a garden Gordon means enclosure bright means enclosure eastward firstly in Eden pleasure you are made for God's pleasure that is why the kingdom is righteousness peace and joy it is not grumbling moaning and crying and also my praise well I'm so glad I don't have to listen to that all day step out of that place into the kingdom don't make a study to make a study of Philippians for it's not rejoice in low wasted again I say rejoice rejoice no it says get out of your trouble and get the joy of God back in you the next verse says bring your prayers and your supplications now God is gonna give you peace and when you get peace okay the pray meeting is over no it's only starting when you start praying now the God of peace will be with you and the God of peace will crush Satan underneath your feet underneath your feet but you have to be in righteousness peace and joy the kingdom is unrighteousness peace and joy it's not in crying and moaning and groaning the end is but a new beginning the end is determined from the beginning the first thing that happened this ark could not land before the dove found a landing which is a picture of the purpose of this world then Jesus came and he came out the water and John said on him you see the spirit come and stay this is now the end of this world this world ii world is a world for the spirit did they receive the christ no when the fullness of time came God sent forth his son John says in the beginning was the word and the Word was God the word has now been made flesh and dwelt amongst us the world knew him not his own received him not but to everyone that will receive him he has given the power to become the sons but his own received him not because they started worshipping the system and they they were so full of Satan's seed and they kept driving this thing on till the whole thing had to be burned down now the book we're reading of was written about there so let's go on he says whereby the world that then was was being overflowed with water but the world the heavens and the earth which is now by the same word is kept in store for fire against the day of judgment of perdition of ungodly men this was called the wicked generation we are not the wicked generation we are the chosen generation we're not gonna have this mix anymore I'm not gonna let people I don't care what they do to me anymore everything has been done let's go on come on guys we have to understand who we are but now the problem is when Jesus came out this water you're gonna love this John baptized a baptism of repentance Moses calls out and says show me your glory God you know my name what's his name his name is drawn from water and there was a rainbow Moses realized I'm drawn from water now Jesus comes right to John and he says baptize me John John is like uh-uh I bet closing in baptism of repentance but Jesus steps into another round and it's his baptized me that all righteousness might be full for all righteousness my people for if only they received him he came preaching the gospel of the kingdom to his disciples he preached the mysteries of the kingdom openly to Israel who was blinded and the ears closed he preached in parables but he brought the kingdom they didn't get it the disciples said huh who's gonna sit on your right hand who's gonna sit on your left hand oh is this now the time the Kingdom of Israel they didn't receive him they didn't receive him but God's guarantees are in place from the beginning nothing is listen guys nothing could stop this seat from coming nothing could stop it I told you last night twice they killed a whole generation of babies Satan is stupid you send me in in Colombo and tell me to get a baby I'll go get that baby I'll kill you you don't have to kill a whole generation so Satan uses Pharoah and the baby that they try to kill grows up in the palace that's not clever it's stupid Alice actually say Satan is not who you thought he is he's a he was already sailing on his stomach now Christ defeated him disarmed him his head is smashed do you understand what I'm saying guys we cannot have a mix in the church and not know where we go in now this second world because Christ brought the the gospel of the kingdom the gospel of the kingdom they didn't take it now please the law and the prophets testified about the Christ because Jesus Christ is the faithful witness who was who is and it used to come here's another sermon this is the 3-hour sermon if I can I'm gonna give it to you in a sentence in the wors is the law and the prophets in the east is the father and the son and in an age to come is the spirit in the bride and how does the spirit and the bride say come we pray for rain in the time of the latter rain he will come to us like rain and he will come to us if we if we keep hunter following him I think Isaiah 6 is the most awesome chapter in the Bible he is smitten he has toured but he will come again as the morning if we follow on to know the Lord I am not turning back come on guys you're gonna find your purpose you have to know what God has purposed for us we don't have this hope for this life only but now everything changes listen when Jesus came out of that water he went into the desert Satan laid him and he took all the temptations I shared it lost not this no we're not going through that it's all to do with please let the system go on just don't die just don't die he said come on I've just been baptized for for all righteousness whatever comes I'm gonna take but then he comes and he he looks into the temple and he goes and he he finds a scroll he didn't find a Bible and say okay where's this he finds a scroll it's not easy to look for he finds a specific place and he says this is the year of the favor of the Lord the blind will see and he leaves out a portion he didn't say the day of angels because he brought the gospel of the kingdom he brought light life the true lighters they'll come into the world that lightens every man they didn't receive it he says Jesus did not come to judge the world this is the judgment that light has come in and still they choose darkness well God have loved with anybody and he'll know you do it yourself now because he says the words that I speak they will ready judge you everything changed Jesus took the penalty he took the penalty but all of a sudden listen this law and the prophets were until John the law and the prophets were until here they stopped there but now things change and Jesus finds himself on a high mountain who appears Moses and Elijah the law and the prophets and what were they telling they revealed to him his exit from this earth and from this point everything changes everything Jesus starts talking about his these guys while it's day you work for the night cometh heavens opened up heavens open up Matthew forces the people that sat in darkness saw a great light now he comes and he says guys it stayed lets work its work the night is coming the night is coming as ayah says arise shine for your light has come but gross darkness is coming what is this now the very night Jesus was betrayed he already broke the bread and he said this is my body and he gave it to Judas it was dark outside Judas ate the broken bread of Jesus confessed this is my body he ate it and as he hated Satan entered him and he left and it was night he left and it was night four books are written after 70 AD 1 John 2 John 3 John and the book of John 2 John says a new commandment I give you it's not new it's the same one has always been but now it's new in you and in Christ it's not in the law the law is now dealt with he says for the night is over and the light has come I saw something today in Genesis Isis and it was evening and morning the first day evening a morning we have morning and I mean your morning stops two o'clock three o'clock at night mean you only wake up ten o'clock it's confusing okay in the Bible it's evening and morning this was midnight it was evening the light was starting to come but it's already changed well this is going down do you get what I was saying okay it's been the beginning of the seventh day what do you say I don't hear what you say you talk too fast we are like I went and worked it out I think we're out in the first or the second hour of the seventh day that's what I feel guys it's not now time to sleep it's time to wake up okay now listen in the second world now remember Jesus came preaching the gospel they didn't take it they didn't take it now he had to die and everything changes all of a sudden he sends his disciples out and he says go go and preach the gospel and when you teach it when you come they they don't want to check off the dust shake off the dust shake off the dust now we're in the new he says shake off the dust after the resurrection no more shaking off the dust that only dust after the resurrection is when Paul went to preach and the Jews threw dust in the air so Lapointe he says now I wash my hands because you have counted yourself unworthy of eternal life so that night Jesus was betrayed guys something happened for three and a half years they woke in Israel I don't know if you've seen Israel as so it's it's something like it's dusty let's just say it's dusting make no comparisons it is dust it is really dusty for three years they walk in sandals in the dust and they have eaten many tonnes for three years they've eaten Passover's but now everything changes because the post / festival is now changed into communion because it's his body broken and he puts her apron on him and he starts washing their feet business is that I gotta wash my feet he says Peter if I do not wash your feet you have no part of me he's actually telling Peter Peter I have to take you guys with me through this come on a child is born a son is given the government is on his shoulders he had to take the old in you cannot fix the old but the disciples if you read revelation to anyone they are the foundation stones of the New Jerusalem they had to come through when he rode into Jerusalem he sat on a donkey and his feet was on a call he was riding the old into the new totally finishing it you cannot mix it you have to receive what he does then Peter says hi wash my face is now the word has already washed you it's only your feet I set you tonight and I'm like is this my quiver say at the pool why that poo I always ask that shake off the dust shake off the dust guys we cannot carry a living hope and dragging dust all over we've got to shake off the dust because we are into a new so listen Abram no hope dust Abram says against hope he believed in hope now Christ has gotten us back to a living hope I want to use this old boy idea because um how how long does live okay what I want to do is this is a battle for generational seed everything but Christ brought a whole new turnaround but from here everything changes and we cannot mix the old with the new because we have a purpose and the purpose is the resurrection so the minute Jesus Christ now died and he rose everything changes everything changes this is why when you read 1 Corinthians 15 it's all about the resurrection the resurrection the resurrection turned everything we have this life because of the resurrection nothing else you understand he says seek glory honor and immortality honor is Ray Richard come on in this time when he realized what is going to happen he literally planned Lazarus is death to rise him up to show that this is what's gonna happen so Lazarus is a shadow of the resurrection the Transfiguration is a shadow of the final change what's coming but he says the kingdom is like a seat so this board I'm gonna go on from the cross there here's the cross the seed is now in the ground and it says from this point on he says you guys must bear fruit I'm gonna go fast but you need to see this because this is day four this is day five this is day six this is day seven on day five fishes appreciate birds cows and Men and rest race seven is raised you can see I've just been to India I've never seen so many cows in the road in my life okay now he says the government is on his shoulders listen four plus three is seven I said it last night your whole life you have seven days in a week you don't have four days in a week there are doctrines now that say 70 80 when everything now burned up this is now over and this is the final coming this is the coming of the Son of Man it's a coming like lightning from the east to the west it's a finishing of what storage here the son of men but we going on to the coming of the Lord of glory he says a child is born a son is given the government is on his shoulder what is government three times four three times four is twelve twelve in the old twelve in the new that is why these 24 elders in seven 12 times 12 times 10 times 10 times 10 which is perfection is 144,000 it means Christ is on the cross the government is on his shoulder he knows what he's doing when Jesus came he said to them I know where I come from and I know where I'm going come on guys if we carry a lively hope it's downwards we know what we are it's time that we know where we come from why we are what we're doing oh my Benny says and of the increase of his kingdom there will be no end this world had lost days and mockers then he says the world that is now is now preserved from fire because what Jesus Christ did he took the fire on the cross because they didn't receive it now they had to take it and if you don't receive it then voila take it at the end because he said in Moses he says this could have rain bread from heaven you must go reach Sodom and Gomorrah he said he rained fire from heaven all these things are foreshadowing and going on you cannot read them separately if you read them separate you have got a children's Bible now mark 4 says the kingdom is like a mustard seed it's a small seed but it's gonna be the biggest tree ever and then he goes on and he says the kingdom is first let me do it with it first a blade then the ear I don't know how you Martin how you do it and then it's the full harvest this is the progression to perfection when Christ comes inside of us oh my gosh we have a Living Hope if the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell in us he's inside of us so now in our personal eyes there is a progression towards perfection spirit it's levels okay the cross migrates over this period it doesn't matter where in this period do you meet the cross then the change starts happening in you so there's are people here that they were so sincere they were righteous in the day but we have to be righteous in our day and understand what our time is um Martin Luther was a greater character than me he was just maybe a awesome character I mean maybe I don't come close to him I know more than he knew so the later on this line you are alive the whole of history is waiting for a generation the whole of everything that ever happened on earth is gonna come to a consummation on the people that now will say I'm taking it I don't care I will stand for truth brother even if I'm the only one that the Stanford x3 says he says this same Jesus you will come again but there will be times of refreshing until the restitution of all things and then they'll be raised or reigning Peter said I will give you the former rain moderately Peter said this is what Joel said Joel said the former rain moderately what happened here was moderately compared to what's gonna come I've never said this anywhere I preached listen to this when this happened The Fountains of the deep and the heavens opened up the same time but the river dried up then Jesus became the door an Ezekiel saw it he said the river - down and it was ankle deep knee deep and rivers - swimming I don't care if you do not understand jump in the river you get it I can't swim you just do this you open your mouth because everywhere this river grows goes it is life life life come on Ezekiel Sword ankle deep knee deep thigh deep and he said thousand cubits thousand cubits thousand cubits thousand cubits English as time goes revelation grows God is not a respecter of person the one that say here my God use me you're gonna be used of God like no other people on the face has been used because I'm great no just because I'm dying Jesus never never change his command for man to rule and reign so what he did is he took the water and he took the fire the first world was destroyed with water the second world was now destroyed with fire but he says glory be to God in the church a world without end as I have 43 two says the water will not overwhelm you and the fire will not we have to learn to dance in the fire if the fire comes listened I've went through hell I'm a better person you don't know what happened to me let it burn let it go let him tell about you what they want two guys if you don't want to go with whoa go God will bring it but I am NOT gonna compromise now I'm going coming to my sermon Kirby from the beginning what happened is the river started flowing and people got revelations and they built the church the first one is the Catholic Church and then people the river always overflows so they get more revelation and they store the next one so this one criticized that one and that one condemns that one then God goes on he's not gonna stop for what you have come on guys I don't believe that well get right and start believing the word come on guys I'm not saying this cheap I was 32 years like next to one of the greatest teachers not realizing what I'm a dirty oblivious to the purposes of God I'm not gonna go there anymore so what we've had in the church and you know what God didn't stop when the Catholics persecuted those and gordon's stopped when those people jumped over you know what it's time goes revelation grows and whoever wants it's gonna get it come on and this thing progressed Church of the Church of the Church of the Church of the church but here comes water to swimming No Boundaries is gonna keep people out anymore I don't believe it won't believe what you want you but I believe what I believe that makes me where I am we have to know what we believe so this has always been happening this one persecutes that one and that one her name's so persecutor name persecute code name purse a beautiful name but God's God's progression went on nothing could stop the Christ from coming nothing is gonna stop the glory of God from Philippe [Applause] guys what do you have to do nothing just believe for a change nothing his intention was for us to come into the full stature of the full measure of the Christ but just before it is says he has given his hand to us prophets teachers evangelists pastors and apostle's sorry guys I never had an image in my house there was no time for image my sons worried more about the here than I ever wanted they loved shopping I didn't I I just Fred I must be stupid not to know that I'm a teacher I'm a gift so that you can worship me this is what's happening give me all your money that I have the biggest car and you fall down when you see me listen this is not what the Bible says he says we are servants because you guys are the important ones the body not the gift the body not the gift the body it's wrong in the church the gifts go around I'm not allowed to say that reproduce it I must not an ayah buy it okay the gifts go around rubbing the bodies and when the gifts leave there's no more money for the church to function because oh the most important man of God and women of God I am a servant I hate this stupid airplane and I you know how much I fly to bring this word to you and you just sit you and get it and while I study hours and hours and hours I'm the servant and you are important so of the five gifts what's the most important the posture the posture I cannot come in here and not submit to this man if he says to me analyse it then I said come on guys they cannot be two hits in one body yeah but I don't agree what Kirby does well who said you must agree God appointed men if you don't agree with something speak it out but I'm telling you to have a leader like this my god the whole world is talking about you get in line get in line [Applause] what hell did we go through in spirit word 3-4 times people tried to to split out your cliff it's never spoke about it I was there I'll tell you why don't we have a church where we decide not what I think this is what I do find out what you need to do in this place you'll be so busy you won't have to worry about the rest come on guys you know why the body is important you need to go to the fullness of the full stature of the body the kingdom is the body on earth and the cloud working together what you bind on earth is bound in heaven you need to get in line for this body to function why for the kingdom to fall the earth and the glory of God to be spread do you know what there's enough people here to turn the whole world right set up [Applause] but why don't we because of our wills can I quickly throw in another sermon Nicodemus came to Jesus he said we see that you're a man seen from God is a packrat he's a born-again hypocrite because he's alone who's the we anyway but he wouldn't let go of where he was but he wants what Jesus has so he's like we believe really you can't like this to God himself do you think God doesn't see through it God is so generous with him he says Nicodemus no man no man can say see the kingdom if he's not born again you can see you're actually born again but you're not entering how terrible is it always to see it do you understand it's always there but you can never reach it do you think God is that for us he says no but if you're born of water and the spirit you'll enter what now John says i baptize you with water but he that comes after me will baptize you in the spirit and fire baptized so john 6 when you are baptized in Christ you are baptized in his death I read it today and you are planted with him in death and you will raise with him in life my husband drawed it like this once and he said there's a coffin there's a man in a coffin ok um he if this is water this is his baptism if this is sand it's his death but this is a burial this is a plant do you remember as I says your planting of God you are planted together the seed was planted in the ground and the rain was falling God said to me it doesn't rain flowers because the old was being removed but the seed was in the ground and the water went in and it was rising okay now we are prompted with him in death and we are raised with him in life and it says Jesus never to die again so what happens when we are Baptist we are immersed in his death how did he die on the cross no he died in the garden because he looked in the cup and he saw my face he said not my will but your wolf and he became obedient unto death so what we do is we are baptized into his death we are merged in his death and we in the kingdom but we never have the full benefits because we don't want the fire I had to lose everything before I finally said God not my will guys we have to come to a point where we not just see the kingdom but we enter and possess the kingdom why because the riches of the world has to come to us because the god of this world is money and this is the only thing that still needs restoration the 1900 we had tongues 1930s we had baptism 1940s we had healings the year 2000 immortality was started to preach openly what more needs restoration please get it when the early rains fell all those things were young there's only two things more translation why this is how we're gonna reach presidents can I tell you a story my husband it happened many times and we didn't speak about it we were 19 years I was 19 years and we traveled like over 60 kilometers in 3 seconds and we both realized we've just been transported it was like God was in the car and it happened all through our lives Kobus never read books on earth one morning he got up and he said to me Annalise I had a dream I'm like a dream okay tell me your dream he said he was in a banana plantation always this is my favorite story and he was walking through the banana plantations and it came out in her opening and the guy was busy killing someone else and he as he came out that guy ran away and he aided the man and he led him to God and the dream was over I'm like okay so what he just smiled at me and three years later we were on a mission conference and a guy stormed us is from Vietnam we've never been in Vietnam never screaming you're the man you're the guy that led me to God oh my god and he starts telling Kubus i was the baby in the banana plantation that you help I'm like oh my god I'm sleeping next to this guy I answered the latest from TV then lettuce came in and they said post equipment thank you so much I never thought you were gonna come to irori to ICU to pray for me but I'm perfectly ill I'm like he's never been in rre in the ICU it's in the bottle why don't we believe it how do we read the bottle it's time that we believe what we believe it's time that we believe what we believe and what is the other thing money and analysis Safari is coming back and I'm declaring it this whole land of yours people will not come in here Rupp the churches listen the gospel is not glamorous and show business it's supernatural the whole world is looking for superwoman and Superman your superwoman come on man we are super natural why do we become weird get your feet on the ground do your work God promotes faithfulness God promotes raisa oh I'm gonna work for God now just start being stop trying to be the minute you try to be you not in the spirit you're missing it totally it's time that we be God on the earth yes yes can I just read one scripture for you um let's go back to 1 Corinthians 15 verse 3 4 what I'm doing tonight is I am trying to wake you up because when you have died with Christ in Baptism and you are raised you are raised in your spirit but your body sleeps your body is dead because of sin your body is dead because of sin and he says reckon yourself dead do not let sin reign in your mortal body reckon yourself did but now he comes and he says awake to righteousness and Sanat and then he goes on in verse 50 and he says I show you the final mystery and this is what you have to awaken to that God wants this Living Hope in you to take control of your soul and your body because he says he's going to come and he's gonna change our valve bodies to his glorious body do you understand behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep we shall all be changed some will die some mostly and then 1 Corinthians 15 further tells you how it can happen there's gonna be trumpet the date will rise will be changed raising up in the last day and you can read the same thing in 1 Thessalonians 4 verse 13 and please guys I didn't write it I believe it God says now it's time to wake up to this now I just want to say Paul wrote it like in this time because the end is determined from the beginning every turn I want you to stand to your feet yeah yeah you guys have done really well you guys are done really well but just wait just a little longer because I think Emily's got something to say but I gotta say something as well because it is very very important if you got a bit of that it's really life-changing honestly I've got my whole next year's teachings just from this one message now when I started this year I said I saw a vision in the beyond this year even rumored to be a vision it's all about this and there was an angel and there was a someone riding on a boat like Anneliese and they said yeah yeah yeah they said Israel will receive his inheritance remember and then and II know it's well I can't exact one he says East was seed bin shall receive it remember yeah and then he cut the word been out which means son or seed and he said then Christ Jesus says cut the cut the word seed out Ben right and says then Israel will receive it remember that vision I saw yeah and then I was at a table and it was a thrashing flow and he was all seedless grapes rumor that's seedless grapes I said why Lord seedless grapes she said because this is the last generation okay so you remember that and then I said guys we need to live our life like we are a generation that will continue and go on and it's so crazy you know I tell me these five years ago or 10 years ago I would have believed it so easily it's a crazy thing what age does to it's a funny thing I would've believed it so easily and when prophet corpuscles preached it I believe it so easily I was like full on immortality you know I will not die all that kind stuff and then I got a bit older okay and we with more mature and somehow I don't know how the childlikeness sort of disappears I can't explain it okay and we just pray for that to come back no matter how old you are the child likeness to embrace their mysteries and the power and the beautiful yes to grow in the revelation you know we need that not to be robbed away from the church okay and we need to be able to jump into Revelation like this you know I just like love this you know - when she was preaching like this I'm not going to preach said don't worry but but I can you know the Lord said you know efficiencies a sleeper is awake you know awakened righteous the rise and shine you like to come all these things and it says and then and then I and the Lord said third day resurrection just now he's at 30 resurrection and he said you see had asked me why I folded the napkin on my head before I left - no he just said he died and he says 7 is like 7 is the day of rest you know cement we are going to add the day of rest 7 with all the trees the same thing and I need to search this out more but it's like he the head has gone he's been resurrected you see when you resurrect the head is been resurrected and the body is awake King into the resurrection so it's like it's on the 3rd day and so he said ask me why I fold a napkin the head and all the rest is wrap ruffled up he just poked me right now and I said why and he said because sleep is awake you're just waking out of your tomb and that's what's happening right now with the people of God they're awaking the quickening has happening to the body and we are awake in the head is gone and it's like it's like the head has gone out of the tomb into the light and the body is just now following our stumbling out of the tomb that's what's happening third day resurrection it's happening right now and we are in a season of resurrection coming out fully I don't know who you are but you may be the finger or the leg I hope I'm not the leg because you come down last ok I do III I hope I'm like the neck or the chest yeah oh yeah we raise the chest or the neck or yeah or whatever it is but if we're coming out we're coming out and we're coming out and I just saw the vision while she was talking right now yeah that's right but we all need to come out yeah all of us every part of us you know and that's why the prophets the teachers the pastor's all do it for the equipping of the saints okay so I pray that the revelation will remain increase on you that you won't go back home and just this will be lost and birds be I won't pick it up but you will be in a realm of the revelation continuously and it'll be such a joy for me if you can remain in the realm so I'll be able to preach you know the the mysteries of the kingdom and the gospel of Christ truly okay come on give a big hand to analyse I mean really honored really honored do you know what I really really really really believe I really believe God has a purpose for this place and I just want to say that everything I can't tell you how I feel I know there's no church that would survive what our church has survived but I know the purpose no one can stop it there's too much I can't even tell you and I feel the same thing about this church and I'm not I'm not coming here to saying you've got this anointing or that anointing please please let me run your own race you know what I mean but you must be ridiculous if you cannot in the spirit understand and I feel this place has been gone through what and I'm serious Kirby let it go let it go let them go let it go let everything go I'm shaking of everything everybody is trying to intimidate you and abuse you and your misuse you because I lived with a man where everybody used his name name dropped his name for wrong reasons you know what club is dead smiled and waved come on we're not going to lose another man of God because other guys want that I'll tell you how it happens he says seek glory honor and immortality people seek miracles see what you have as soon as there is an anointed man everybody wants to tap him but I'm declaring that there is going to be a body in this place because we're not gonna lose the purpose of God again I'm sorry I am just sorry how do you seek glory honor and immortality how do you do it come on please don't leave your job and go start seeking it how do you seek it how do you go for honor you respect what God is doing in you this is the only way you can seek it I honor the fact that I could stand up and be a teacher and therefore I'm found faithful in what I'm doing come on we cannot work this out immortality is not a man's purpose God has placed this purpose inside you and all you have to do is embrace the purposes of God this is how easy God made it for us our eyes are gonna see the greatest day ever any father I pray [Music] you are good but your goodness will drop down this place god I thank you that you will use these people every one of them God when the river flows that nobody will stand on the outside dry god I pray that the banks of the river will cave in and everybody will experience the joy the peace and the righteousness of God recompense will come restoration refreshing the former and the latter all in one in one day the floods The Fountains of the deep and the heavens will open up and Sri Lanka will know that God is who he series we thank you for a worldwide revival thank you that we are stepping into a time where your glory is gonna fall the earth mandar a higher lavash and reverse an ammonite rubber booboo shkodra Monda how do you seek it pray in tongues build up yourself in your most holy faith mandra healer abhisheka jaramana how do you do it Oh his mercy is new every morning you will have daily bread you will have what it needs to do for you lord I thank you that businesses will change lord I thank you that families will change I thank you that the light of God will go up in this place like never before God we shake off the dust we shake off the dust we shake it off families of our children our children will be taught of God carnations will stream they will bring their children and they'll bring their gold Oh Mahalo rubbish Anna your word is in the heavens your word is true you catch all the Ancients of your word brings the life like back in just God I pray that every one of us will experience the goodness the goodness the grace of God that will take us to the final grace we will see the goodness of our God God it's not that we have to fight for life we have life this hope we carry discard in us if the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell in you he will quicken our mortal bodies God whether we live or die you will be glorified in our bodies in Jesus and I thank you for the world body right over the world thank you God every one that is even watching this place that they'll know God is doing something and we're not going back we are going on to the purposes of God man we are called unto this purpose hallelujah I thank you God that rain will start falling all over the world in Jesus [Music] feel the heat is arises the play though Oh [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 4,854
Rating: 4.90625 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, azccheus, Manifest Sons, annalise, van, rensburg, annalise van rensburg teachings, purpose, purpose driven life
Id: toJBW7G9sE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 27sec (7887 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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