WOWDeep 20-10-2020 (Who is Satan?)

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[Music] hey guys so today we are back uh and still with who is satan uh this can be a long one well depending on you guys response okay um i mean this is so exhaustive you can you can just tackle the situation from uh different places and really understand how we all got a bit fooled in a sense you know um so i just want to just tackle it from different places okay and last time was uh we we spoke about christ the victor because as i speak about this stuff i don't want anyone to go into fear so i'm just trying to assure you don't go into fear uh when i talk about who is satan because that's the natural that's the psychosis that's the subconscious thing that is in every sort of christian today because satan has been misrepresented to you i'm not saying that he's not evil i'm not saying that the satan or these spirits are not malicious in any way i'm please understand i do understand malicious but i just i like to see them more like they're out of control that's what i like to see them out of control means that we are supposed to be in authority uh they are out of control okay that's and if you understand uh that jesus gives you the right to take authority take authority back but for that we're not going typical pentecostal fashion or domination theology fashion take control take authority that again as you start doing anytime you start fighting something you lose because you fight something that deserves a fight right i mean pound for pound you know you don't fight something that you need to take authority over i explained last time how i got dogs and one of my dog's name is rafa and he's a big dog and i explained how if i don't take authority over him he might take authority over me in the house now uh pits are it's my pit subject because i deal with a lot of them i deal with a lot of people who have pet issues and if you notice you know some of you might be watching me how pets become you know they're called dogs but you can turn it around and become gods because everything surrounds your pet when you're supposed to have authority over your pet suddenly the pet and and the attributes of your pet and what your pet needs to do and the emotional status of your pet and all this can suddenly become the dominating force of your life and i'm i'm ministered to many people who've got this exact problem it's like a prophetic archetype in our subconscious realm where you get a dog and suddenly your dog is ruling your life and and that that right there shows you now you don't fight with that okay i'm just taking out of the pentecostal charismatic sort of crazy mindset you don't fight with that you just take it back back under authority you realign get the behind me means realign yourself so there's a there's a big difference okay between fighting and unfortunately people are fighting demons and fighting uh uh fighting uh the devil and fighting all these kinds of things and there's a huge difference between the antichrist there's a huge difference between the devil there's huge difference between satan they all put it all in one lot uh let me just put it that there are different principalities different powers different thrones different dominions that's what the bible says principalities publish drones dominions okay and so you see this here if you just jump into colossians with me i'm going to read a bit and i'm going to show you a few things okay colossians getting me to colossians let's let's hope i can go through this thing the whole thing okay because uh i can't see you we're once again uh online and we're speaking online so i can't see you and i don't know how you're receiving all this kind of stuff but i'm just going with the feeling so uh keep your hearts open um and i promise you you're going to come into a powerful revelation of who you are in christ jesus now um yeah if you just jump into colossians it's an amazing book i some years ago i demonstrated this about i did a series called masters of the universe and i went through colossians and i explained this thing of colossians and um i demonstrated you can go to the video i really literally called out angels okay and i started working with angels and demonstrating how certain angels can do certain signs of wonders and at that time there was a person with a phone and his phone was charging in his hand you know and there were crazy miracles taking place just demonstrating the authority we have over spirits and um just understand spirits you know for me uh don't don't don't be upset with me okay i i'm not so interested um when you say spirit spirits are spirits you get just spirits everywhere okay i'm not so interested oh who what type or i know them very personally but there is no eating from the tree or the knowledge of good and evil in this you see the disciples came and they said oh i'm we are so happy that the spirits aren't subject to us even the spirits and that were there the angels it can return to spirits and you'll realize that it was an angel in in the story of balaam it was an angel that became the satan that's in the bible i ra if you're not watching me for the first time watch the last one he caught he calls an angel to be the satan it means that the one who was standing against the donkey was an angel sent by the lord but he became the satan so the satan means a corporate or an adversary so suddenly the angel became the adversary to balaam who was about to curse the israelites so just understand that that satan the way you think of him is not in the bible that's some myth that someone has told you right but according to bible i mean at one point it says that uh david countered and then he said but satan provoked him to count okay so you'll realize that the word satan is used constantly in the bible in a completely different way than pentecostal's charismatic stink okay so angels can become the satan just understand that that's crazy jehovah is sitting on his seat and he calls a spirit and the spirit at that time looks like he's neutral and then from being neutral he he says what are you going to do he says i'm going to lie and say well go and lie so you'll see in in the story of david that the same situation your god sends a spirit to torment saul it says and god sent the spirit to thomas so it's all there in your bible and so if you don't understand who you are in christ you won't understand what you can do with spirits okay so let's just call them spirits elohims okay when you call them elohims it's better because elohims means godlings okay and that you have power over godlings when you put it like that things get better because otherwise because we are used to eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil there is good and bad in the world and bad is not from god good is from god is how they thought okay i'm sorry about that but when god clearly says i've created both good and evil so god's concept is the whole cosmos is made out of two sides okay and the two sides are not separate they're all one okay one one side and they can change and all this kind of stuff at any time at any moment we don't know okay one one can destroy one can make and throughout the whole story of the bible we see the giants make you stronger there you go the divine alchemy of of how something that can kill you can actually make you stronger divine alchemy is happening why did god take man from the earth and then put the spirit from the heaven in it the divine alchemy dust and celestial and terrestrial combination the combination makes the power okay so when i'm talking like this you you have to stop eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil to see this as long as you're eating from the tree of knowledge you're gonna evil you will always be judging good bad evil good like this you know and when you start doing that you lose authority you are ruler over everything good and evil or if you want to call it evil or whatever it is you are you are ruler over destructive forces and you are over um ruler over peaceful forces you yes you yes you yeah and so once you understand that um you'll see this in the bible and uh we are called to be god has called us to be reconciled to everything god is in christ reconciling the cosmos every spirit unto himself he is in charge he's in authority he's your dad and you are given that throne and that scepter to rule from when are we going to really know our place are we going to be fighting uh things that are supposed to be our pets uh sorry to say that but i'm just trying to explain to you things that are supposed to be uh like like limited intelligences in the cosmos okay that are doing certain things like my dog will protect a certain area okay and he will do that and then am i going to be fighting that or am i going to take authority over that if he is not in order and through the fall and through the the through what has happened these spirits are doing whatever they want to do because there is no sun present to give them uh uh give them or align them or align them to what they're supposed to do okay i mean these intelligences uh are needed in a sense because they are destroying if you know understand they are destroyers and god says i created a destroyer to destroy but the problem is that destroying people the sons of men they should not be because the sons of men if they know christ the son of god then they will destroy those who deserve destruction trust me guys there are people who deserve destruction there is injustice all over the earth and you'll see it in hebrews i'm going to bring it to it okay because if you love righteousness and hate injustice you'll be able to take these ministering spirits of fire and wind and align them realign them to where they're supposed to go there's enough injustice in the world okay you have power over it you don't know who you are you are supposed to judge angels one corinthians 6 you're supposed to judge these spirits you're supposed to have the power of them they're going there okay it's going to be awesome now so here we are now we are talking about uh uh very colossians okay so i'm just going to show it to you in colossians which is just awesome okay just um really powerful stuff to understand your place and this book is so rich with identity it's amazing okay so he explains this you know he's the invisible image of the first born from of all creation and all this okay and then he goes on and he says all things were created through him and for him you see all things were created through him and for him thrones dominion principalities and powers all things were created that means all these spirits that you will call demonic and all this kind of stuff and all these gods or whatever you know were created through him and for him this is what it says here okay um for for humanity for humanity isn't humanity awesome you know we come uh you know we come from a a buddhist country and i'm used to that because you know in in a buddhist understanding it's quite beautiful actually because some of them say that you know that they believe the buddhists believe in uh reincarnation i don't but uh one ideology of theirs is that uh man is the supreme force they're not interested even if they're reincarnated they're not interested in being reincarnated as god because you can be reincarnated as god according to buddhist uh sort of understanding and now you know every religion has truths and the fact of the matter that they put man as the foremost man has the power and isn't that what daniel saw he saw someone like the son of man i mean i want you to understand that that is why the new age world i'm just trying to show you christians why the new age world is powerful when you see people who don't know god but they trust in themselves have you noticed that that they don't know god you see it in sports you see it all around the world and christians are losing you know why they're losing weight they've not understood the bible okay you see man trusting in his willpower and doing amazing things and we christians who are outsourcing it we've got outsourcing a dualistic understanding and we are outsourcing it to somewhere and although please oh god help me and we are we're contending with say someone who believes in himself as a man that guy will kick our butt all the time why because he's got it right the christians have got it wrong most of the christians but not according to the bible because god came as a man why because even if you tap into that ideology in the smallest amount it's powerful did you just get that if you tap into the ideology that you have the power without outsourcing it's powerful and people who don't even know god and what god has done understand that this that the spirit they have in them is the same spirit that raised christ from the dead they know that they don't know the story they can't do resurrection stuff because they don't know jesus but the fact of the matter is they are tapping into the spirit that god has given them and they can do more than most christians can do because christians don't understand who i am that's the name of god yes that is the name of the christian god unfortunately they miss it and they're wondering how are these people doing this thing when they don't even believe in god because they understand that what is in them is greater than what is in the world or in the cosmos think about it okay and so if these are universal truths man these are not christian truths these are universal truths that in every man is a spirit that is from god and if you believe in the spirit that is in every man the spirit of humanity you'd be powerful okay so just understand that god gave back the power to the sons of men to become the sons of god wow okay so i mean i i don't know if somebody who have the appetite for this kind of stuff but i'll tell you i do and it's just amazing okay now listen carefully okay so all things were created through him and for him okay and he's the head of the body which is the church which is you who is the beginning of the first born from the dead and in all things he may have preeminence that means now the christ in you okay the son of god must have preeminence over every principality power throne and dominion now is there a fight going on here or is it saying listen carefully for it please the father and we're doing 8 verse 19 he pleased the father that in him all the fullness should dwell are you in him then all the fullness is dwelling inside of you now listen carefully and by him now listen carefully to reconcile all things to himself by him whether things are on the earth or whether things are in the heaven the principle of power is thrown to man he has made peace to the blood of the cross man where is the big fight here he has made peace like i said and remind you knew about my pet dog at home i don't fight him every day i wake up in the morning through him i have authority and peace over every spirit i rejoice because even the spirits are in subject to me who the son of man wow okay now so then he says so he goes on okay let's see in verse nine for in him i know we go yeah chapter one verse nine oh he said no no it's chapter two verse nine chapter 2 verse 9 fast forwarding for in him dwells all the fullness of the godhead bodily wow and you are complete in him who is the head of all principality and power man man we just opened something there you are the head of all principalities and powers every spirit every goddling you are the head so the problem with the duality concept is oh you know that's the devil that is satan that's the antichrist it's always something is out there challenging us without understanding we've all won the helmet of salvation which is christ with his yeshua and therefore we are now the head of every principality and power there is no need of a fight here there is peace there's a shalom that you carry not that we are making friends please understand and that's not what i'm talking about it's just that i don't fight with my dog every day in the morning because he knows that there's a shalom about me and when i say come he comes and i say go he goes wow you just see that so it's so important to get this kind of stuff you know and once you understand who you are in christ jesus it changes everything i'm just going to show you something okay in if you if you go all the way all the way back to the the stories in genesis you'll realize a few strange strange things one of those strange things is that there is constantly in the old testament there is a group called the sons of god have you noticed that look at genesis 6 the sons of god came into the daughters of men sons of god you see you look at you know job one of the oldest books it says that satan came when the sons of god had presented himself to god and he came into their midst and god doesn't chase him out he's got a place with the sons of god now the word sons of god there just means god lings and dirt satan it doesn't mean satan satan is not a person it means the adversary came among the sons of god an adversary arose against job so there's a divine counsel man you know have we missed something here and have we not understood our placed on the divine council have we have we not understood that we are supposed to take up a position and if you see that position will be shocked and that god has made and throughout the old testament god is trying he's trying to incarnate a new temple because he's fed up with all the old temples because none of them could really glorify him and he's looking for a new temple that can share the elohims that's what the old testament shows and if you understand the old testament i'm just going to take you back to the old testament the old testament i mean i'm sorry to break your bubble but if some of you are listening to me and you all have you all have not understood it i'm i'm submitting to you just listen in because you would realize that even if you go back into genesis like go back into i think in genesis 31 uh sorry that's our doggies our pets and our animals there we need to shush them up a bit and close the door that's how you that's what you do you shush them up and close the door you see you close the door they can't come in and disturb us that wasn't hard i saw dylan dylan go close the door the dogs are coming in you get what i'm trying to say this is not okay now watch this okay i'm going to show you something and you'll realize that in in in the time of abraham isaac and jacob even in that time the ideology in the concept was not developed to monotheism that means the concept that elohim became yahweh was still not fully formed and there is no big deal about that because why i'm trying to show you this is because sort of a lot of the pentecostal charismatic streams and many other streams they don't believe now please hear me out when i when i say this i'm not asking you to believe in other gods please understand that i worship jesus i worship yahweh but because i come from a country like sri lanka i come from there are hindus and there are buddhists and there are different different all types of ethnicities and so there are other gods and so that understanding the politician understanding doesn't mean that you're believing in some other god but you recognize that there are elohims that's what's important are different different different different types of spirits all around you okay so once you understand that it's so important to understand that god has reconciled you there is no war anymore the blood of jesus has redeemed you and put you back into the power into the authority just contending you don't have to fight with another god you don't have to go and submit some other god if you knew who you are you won't be doing that type of thing because you're given a position on the divine council and we're going to look at what that position is okay really interesting position okay now so funny so good now watch it and i'm going to take you to the old testament just to show you that right there okay abraham isaac jacob here's a story of rachel this is jacob's wife now who's gone knows him really well been there worshiping also his god okay look at this okay now laban it's in verse chapter 31 in verse 19. when they left rachel does something really strange okay now laban had gone to share his sheep and rachel had stolen the household idols that were the fathers i mean unless you understand it like this you won't get it because she was not obviously only believing in one god let me put it like that there is no no i'm not telling you please go and worship other gods please hear me out i'm talking about ability to see how the the development of monotheism the development of yahweh as god happened yahweh means that word yahweh okay he became god or he separated himself from every every other god on the divine council and he became our god the god of israel please hear me out okay that was a development because at that time in canaan and the syrian sort of uh religions there were elohim and that is why you have to understand that melchizedek when he came to abraham he came to abraham and introduced himself as the priest of the el elyon the most high god because he knew that abraham himself was worshipping the elohim and then abraham became what initiated in the order of melchizedek that order worships the most high god and you see that the story develops that now when it comes to moses that's when god our god yahweh actually says i came to your fathers in other names el shaddai and all his names but i'm coming to you now in this one name and that name is yahweh the lord okay that name yahweh and that is i will be who i want to be that's what it means or i am who you are it's it's really vague the name yahweh is really really vague okay it can be i am who i will be that itself gives its hey i can become anyone okay i am who you are if you don't know why it's vague we don't know why god had to come to israel and say here o israel the lord yahweh okay is one [Music] you see that means all the other guys i am the boss i created all things that's what he's trying to say all of them are under me i'm one we are one you're not fighting anything i you worship me the others are just plurals bars godlings wow why did he had to do that why did he so i'm just helping you why is it vague why is the i am so vague the i am is so way because it's deliberately weighed it's deliberately ambiguous the bible is full of deliberate ambiguities and once you understand that you'll realize that to live in the mystery is normal for christians that's called faith and so they deliberate ambiguities that means if you understand that the word spirit every time you see the word spirit we don't know whether it's spirit of god but it's spirit in us he leaves it ambiguous throughout they could easily explain it but they don't explain it because you're not supposed we don't know what the spirit means breath we don't know what the spirit means spirit in me we don't respect me in the spirit from god we don't know when you read the bible you don't know it's completely mixed up why deliberately so that you don't make see when we come from the greek mindset we need to compartmentalize categorize and say this is this and this is that but for them i mean even their letters the hebrew letter had a numerical value to it and you also had a picture so you can understand that when they saw a word it was so dimensional so we didn't need to fit it into a box so i'm submitting to you that we don't have to fit into a box the i am was left a yahweh because it is deliberately left as ambiguous i can be whatever i want to be he says or i am who you are tell pharaoh that i am him that's literally what he says and i will do exactly like a mirror exactly what he does i will do like a mirror i am him so i mean it's it's a crazy story okay so if you look at rachel right here she runs away with lavan's gods now verse 29 okay lavan comes and meets jacob okay this is jacob he became israel this is his wife his wife and please understand okay was a part of the 12 trials come on okay she's run away with the father's gods okay listen verse 29 it is in my power allah is saying to do you harm but god of your father spoke to me last night now lavan really interesting he has other gods but guess who speaks to him the god of jacob's fathers abraham and isaac he says be careful that you speak to jacob neither good or bad wow that's good advice you see right from there it says do not eat from the tree of knowledge good evening don't judge this thing okay okay birthday and now you have surely gone be gone because you greatly long for your father's house but why did you steal my gods can you say he's asking for his gods back now you'll understand that this word gods okay in the old testament is used and this is where i want to build it up to to where we think the word baal means one god but there would have been finally one god named baal but actually it's a plural baal just simply means local god okay it's godlings little little gods godlings okay that's what it means it's not one like satan is not one thing it just means an adversary it can be an angel that is now averse to you or comes against you that becomes the satan so the word gods also the word baal is not he's not fighting against one god baal there's no fight between god and baal it's a people who believe in the local gods when god is not trying to be local anymore he's trying to be universal okay and that contention is that i am who i am yahweh is wanting to be universal and the problem is between the godlings the little gods and the chairman of the board let's put it like that simply okay and so here are the gods that rachel run away with but these are his gods it's towards to do with a locality uh verse 31 verse 32 and jacob tells him okay look you can go in and search whoever has your gods and here's the story he says with whom ever you find your gods do not let him live in the presence of our brothers identify him and you can take him with you for jacob did not know that rachel had stolen them so he had no clue that jacob had stolen um that rachel had stolen the father's gods you see she's taking the father's gods into his house there is no issue with this at this moment of time because god had still not revealed himself fully to them as to who he wants to wants to be to them it's a developing story okay and between you and me right now it's a developing story every man's life it's a developing story i just wanted to show you this and in verse 34 now rachel had taken the household idols put them in a camera saddle and sat on them lavan searched all about the tent but did not find him and she said to her father let him not displease my lord i cannot rise before you for the manner of women is with me so she's having um i mean i mean this i mean she's keeping her daughter the gods under her and she's of course having her menstrual cycles and so she says i can't rise and then and he searched but did not find household gods wow and she kept them she kept them i don't see after this jacob rebuking her i don't see after this anything of that because the concept of the one god here or israel the lord your god is one is still developing did you just understand that okay and so when you understand that god is now developing himself to the temple you must understand you are that temple all the temples of these godlings and all the places of these godlings and that is why you have to understand when he says in my father's house there are many mansions but i go to create a place for you now he's talking about there are many but jesus comes as the son of god as the son of the i am okay and now god is with us so now you are propelled into the divine council maybe at one point we had fallen away from our authority and power and you are propelled back into the seat of the right hand of the father that means the inheritor over all things you are the head of all principalities and powers that's what your bible said you are the head of all principle who a man yes a man and that is why if you're going to daniel just jump in the book of daniel with you i'll just show you this this is the book of daniel i'm just really cool in the book of daniel you're going to daniel 7. now please understand when you're talking about daniel 7 daniel is a prophet and he's among let's put it like this he's among nebuchadnezzar who is a gentile king who has many many gods okay uh he's among the wise men okay now i know in living in a country like sri lanka there are many wise men there are many people who believe in other gods and they're doing uh powerful things in this country okay now he's like that among the wise men do you know at one point daniel intercedes for the other wise men would you do that are you watching me from america there are wise men who can do powerful things to the other gods do you know that daniel at one point the king says i'm going to kill all the wise men okay i'm going to kill all these other guys do you know that daniel says do not kill them i'm going to intercede i'm going to hear from el elohim i'm going to hear from the high god i'm going to hear from him and when i hear from him he will speak to me so that they themselves are saved wow you see the tolerance do you see there is no judgment did you see that all i'm trying to bring to you is don't judge don't judge when you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you start judging and because you judge you have no authority if you want to judge you judge them i mean it's a judge it's not condemning them it's taking them under authority you understand that he prays and indices for the wise men man and so daniel now he's seen a vision and please understand that daniel as much as he would like to say that daniel had a concept and he knew jesus and all this kind of stuff i have to submit to you that these are uh jews and it's thousands of years before and he's if he's so if he saw it as jesus he would have mentioned the name he he doesn't see jesus of nazareth here but he sees something that is powerful conceptually for you and me and for this generation and so he now he watches and he says in verse nine you say watch till thrones were put in place and the ancients of days were seated this is inverse was nine and the garments was as white as snow and the hair of his head was like pure wool his throne was a fiery flame and his wheels burned with fire okay now he's explaining god el elyon sitted on the throne okay the great god is seated on the throne okay and then he says i watched in verse 13 i watch i was watching in the night visions and behold one like the son of man was coming with the clouds of heaven he came to the ancient of days and it brought him near before him then to him was given dominion listen carefully suddenly he sees all these spirits and all these beings like they're back in colossians every principality power throne dominion godlings and galling and bowers okay different bars he's seen this right different plurals gods elohim it's all over and then he's seen this remember that story at one point they see that there were spirits and ahab who will be a line spirit so he's seen this huge thrown myriads and myriads of spirits and angels and demons and all what you were called like the sons of the sons of god were seated and now he's seen all these godlings and in the midst of these godlings he sees someone like the son of man he sees a man a human being wow suddenly we're taking back our position among the realm of the spirit we're taking back our position in the divine councils we're taking back our position okay look at what happening here he says i saw someone like a son of man he's shocked coming with the clouds of heaven he came to the ancient of days and it brought him near before him then to him was given dominion and glory in the kingdom that all people nations and languages would serve him is it there his dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom the one shall not be destroyed wow so he's literally saying yes you can say he saw jesus but you must understand that that is why jesus came so that you can be back in your position and all dominion can be given to you now watch this okay now this is old testament right and we're going to fast forward all the way into hebrews and we're going to read it from hebrews okay so man it's like if you understand i was trying to explain if you just read the hebrews you can turn into hebrews and how are you guys doing this is good yeah okay good so all right so now watch this okay i'm going to go into hebrews and i'm going and it's so much you know which is so crazy but we're going to let's go into hebrews we'll read a bit in hebrews but i'll just share a bit to you you know i won't go into it fully but just to just as a sideline for you to understand when when jesus talks about uh the house divided and they call him belzebab okay you have to do a study on the word belgium okay that was baal baal ziba that's what it is okay and it's again baal but it's means local god okay so this time the word baal zibab was an interesting word because right there he says the house divided cannot stand he's talking about how it's divided you see and they say oh you got your your you're now casting demons from bell zibab okay the word bell zibab we say a lot of flies but actually that's a derogatory term to actually what it means because even on belgium it's called bel bell z something else okay sounds like bob okay belzy hub or something like that okay which actually means chairman of the house or father of the house that name so the hebrews as time is called that god oh but he's the just the lord of the flies you see it's a derogatory term because they used to worship him as the father of the house so he says in my father's house there are many mansions you see he might he said my father is the chairman of the house okay not him you see so there's a contention about who is chairing the divine council okay and so that is why he says this is well he's just the bob he's the lord of the flies and so we have to understand that it means many many many many the balls are many many many there's so many thousands and thousands of these spirits i mean it's like trafficking there's traffic in on the natural realm there are so many spirits there elementary spirits man you have what you have to get into my five-day program this time my five-day program is going to be awesome okay i'm going to deal with a lot of uh stuff that really it will rock your world if you are watching me get the five day program this time it's gonna it's going to demonstrate and and really impart some crazy stuff okay i'm talking about the elementals and stuff like that you know elementalism okay so it'll be powerful so you get different types of spirits elemental spirits you have spirits in the heavens principalities powers drones all kinds of things that you are supposed to have authority over and so you have to understand many many many and so when the man at gansarat said i am legion i am many it's just a play on the fact that there are many gods that's all okay and jesus when he casts him out he sends him to swine just get that that means he he allows the destroyer to destroy look at look this look is so important but when you see it he says you just come out and you go into swine now please understand the jews do not eat pig they do not eat pig just get that that means oh man the the the swine but the least of the dimension of authority wow did you just get that the least of the dimension of authority okay so it takes these you guys are many or you will just lord over the swine that's what it was he said look i'm taking you out of lording over this house or this man's house or that man's house or anyone's house because you guys are lords this house is the father of this house is yahweh and we are the sons of god now if you are going to destroy you go and destroy the swine don't cast purse to the swine cast demons this wine did you just get that it's good okay that's a good one okay you don't cast coils because demons to them that's why that means there is enough of those guys where the sun leaves the father's house and he goes and lives with the swine you understand that okay there's enough destruction to be done there because no one was please understand okay just understand the swine what happens with the swine they jump off a cliff remember remember to jump off a cliff they died at a cliff where do you see that before before where do you just see that exactly that thing before where an animal goes off the cliff that they throw them off the cliff you see it in azel the one i told you about the goat remember the goat the two goats and one was let go and they throw him off the cliff so those guys are the ones with the in the world and so where they're put out and they're pushed out so azel that that goat okay that is having all the sins and the problems on them they cast out right there so that's the story of the swine and i will go to it next time but understand that there wasn't revoking and exhausting but never reassigning that was done there reassigning putting them get aligned satan you understand a days when when god wanted to send some spirit somewhere he sent it to ahab who were destroying israel he sent him to saul to torment him he reassigned them he said what are you doing here you go and do this there did you just get what i'm trying to say so there's a reassigning that was done so when you are the sun you have power to tell the spirits what to do and where to go okay so now watch this okay now here here here it is and we're gonna we're gonna end with this okay i hope you got all this we'll do more we'll do more okay now yeah the scapegoat that's right okay now so here we are okay so verse 4 and that's why the balls or the elohim it's okay verse 4 in hebrews 1 he says having become much better than the angels the elohims so you think angels oh good angels no all the spirits he's better than all the spirits okay all the gods okay here better than the angels as he has by inheritance obtain a more excellent name than they listen carefully okay and of the angels he says who makes his angels spirits there you go they said man even the spirits are submitted to us yes he says his end these angels are on his elohim the word there is elohim these elohims they're just spirits you see and a minister is a flame and a fire you see so these are spirits elementaries and fire spirits and and wind spirits and all kinds of spirits okay but to which of the angels has he ever said sit at my right hand till i make your enemies your footstool you see no not to the spirits they are all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who inherit salvation i'm going to stop there for a moment it's a big big one they are all say they are all yes yes i'm going to just connect you with colossians again if you have missed what i'm teaching by any chance and you just come in i'm just going to connect you again to colossians because they are all ministering spirits to you and i'm going to connect you with this verse here verse 9 chapter 2 verse 9 of colossians for in him dwells all the fullness of the godhead bodily and you are complete in him you are the head of all principality and power okay now take it from there to they are all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation the disciples come and says man jesus even the spirits aren't subject to us wow okay verse five listen carefully isn't that cool i mean that is a sailor moment okay i'm just trying to show you that there are bars everywhere okay now verse 5 listen carefully for he has put the world to come for he has put for he has not put the world to come of what we of which we speak in subjection to elohim the word there is angels okay but the word is elohim he's not put the world to come in subject to other gods or to gods or to godlings he's not put the world to come here we are in subject to any gods suddenly daniel saw a son of man sitting on the father's drone and there are 24 elders all around him now those days i used to think that these 24 elders i used to think that they were the disciples and maybe the the tribe of um the tribe but i i i don't know i think i'm gonna change my mind about that because these guys might because i've seen some of them and i realized that some of them were not even men so so then i realized oh my god you know and so you're sitting on the throne and these things okay anyway anyway okay i won't go too much there okay anyway you're in charge okay so he says please put the world to come not in subject to them you will be judging angels okay or elohim gods okay and then he says this is psalm 8 listen carefully to psalm 8 and it'll blow you away okay watch psalm 8 okay and according from summit what is man what is man that you are mindful of him that means what is just man that your mind is so on man or the son of man that you take care of him wow you have made him lower than elohim's yes so you made him lower than the elohim lower than the gods okay that's what he means okay you have crowned him with glory and honor but now you have crowned him through christ you crowned me with glory and honor and set him over the works of your hands you see he created the heavens and the earth he made all things and then he put you in christ so that christ in you will have preeminence you will have preeminence okay watch this he put a world to come you see he crowned him with glory and he set him above the works of his hand and he put all things in subject under his feet wow isn't that cool he's so cool and here it is okay this is so good we'll end with this okay in verse 14 says in as much then as the children have been partakers of the flesh and blood he himself likewise shared in the same that to death he might destroy him who had power of death that is the devil and released those who through fear of death were all in their lifetime subject to bondage wow is it there so literally guys i hope you're understanding what i'm saying we are not we're not believers of this god god had caused us because of his holy son jesus to sit on his throne giving us the scepter of righteousness and i i i could read it here but i won't read it he says because jesus loved righteousness he loved justice he hated injustice now he's given him the anointing and put him on this on the throne with you so that now you can be charged of the whole course mass so masters of the universe get back to it you know you're called to be the merchandise priesthood you're called to be the holiest temple from all the temples on all the earth that has ever been just understand you are the holiest temple the living god yahweh came and said i've revealed myself listen no israel the lord of god is one the most powerful force in the universe comes and sits inside of you that man can be elevated now as god not by his own self-effort please understand it that's what they were against a man does it by self-effort okay but by what christ has done we are elevated to the highest seat and now we rule the cosmos and all these things that are all these spirits all these spirits are at your disposal what are you going to do with the destroyer now good question what are you going to do with a destroyer it's a good question what are you going to do with all the spirits that have been given to you because you are sitting on that drone i remember when i went back i saw that that god sent a spirit to saul to torment him why because there was injustice in israel so that david could be king well that might be a good assignment for you today thinking about it you understand what i'm talking about it's powerful stuff they're not supposed to come and process you you are the habitation of the i am god everything bows down now to who is in you you are the hope of glory for the world what are you going to do with what is at your in your hands and at your feet you have to be a judicious king judge correctly righteously rule righteously loving justice and you will know what to do okay let's talk more okay keep coming tuesday it's going to be powerful love you guys and i'll see you on sunday bless you [Music] you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 3,727
Rating: 4.9178081 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, christian yoga, identity in christ, intimacy with god, life church, faith over fear, day of atonement, repentance, desiring god, bible study, personal growth, who is satan, calvinism, torah, jesus redeems, steven furtick, hebrew, supernatural, christian motivation, kingdom of heaven, worship songs, morning motivation
Id: LS1K00aoni8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 26sec (3206 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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