The Mind Body Christo-Centric Connection

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right honor oh you're alive perfect wonderful hey welcome everyone I know we have about 55 people that are already on right now and I know we're gonna get more and more momentum as the time goes forward but so good to see you Kirby something to see you Taylor hey guys hello everyone I don't appreciate you guys and right now we have a new addition as you guys know the people watching you've you've likely seen the notification you've seen that my brother dr. Neil Bull Chandani is joining us for this collaboration and so I just wanted him to give just a quick justjust 60-second rundown on on you just want you to introduce yourself to the audience yeah hey guys hey everyone thanks for tuning in I it's a privilege to be here I am a chiropractor body worker and a movements teacher and I have a practice in which I help people align their bodies and their emotions and their mindsets and just just help them find a way to wholeness but I also work on workshops where I teach people how to move in ways that are self healing and expressive and unlock their hidden potential to step into a way that where they can they can access keys for healing on their own so divine healing and I live here in Redding California and obviously I'm here next to a ruin my brother so I love him and I love you Kirby love you Taylor and I'm so excited to be part of this yeah yeah right on love you bro hey it's it's my brother's 40th birthday he's going into this evening so yeah tomorrow I'll be 40 but it's just beginning right on so guys so awesome the last time we did the mind/body Christocentric connection part one it was phenomenal I think I've gotten so many people and so much incredible feedback from people on their lives being shifted or basically they're the realization of their union with God and their potential just increased so you know as a as a token we wanted to do this again you know and we want to bring some more understanding around various ways to increase your immunity in Christ and just in your body and just upregulate just health and wellness and your mind-body connection and so much more so we're going to be delving into some really cool topics such as breath work and cold exposure I'm going to dive into a little bit of those dynamics I know Taylor's gonna dive into meditation and mindfulness and on Neal's gonna hop into movement and you mentioned ease of movement practitioner move into it intuitive movement therapy and a doctor and I know Kirby is gonna flow in wave state and in different ways and probably bring everything together and Kirby I just want to say just to start it is such an honor man and I I and I know Taylor and my brother so really appreciate who you are and who you are is bringing just such incredible life to the body you and Fiona and your whole community rare and just thank you for the platform to bring myself Taylor my brother and just individuals who are going after the the unlocking of the whole man the whole woman the mind body the spirit of spiritual embody all systems go so appreciate you tremendously yeah thank you yeah yeah all right now do you guys want to say anything before we hop in all right yeah okay all right so guys once again so good to be here I'm gonna dive in with you guys okay and maybe for about 20-25 minutes around 7:30 all right I should be finished with my session God willing okay so you guys likely have tuned in for the last one if not all right definitely check that out when you get an opportunity it's it's very much an introduction to some of the things we'll be bringing today and you know in 20 30 minutes we scratched the lights that we scratched the surface of our life so to speak okay and what's beautiful about this panel what's beautiful about Kirby and Fiona and you know wildlife what's beautiful about Taylor and Megan and my brother Neal will tell you myself is this is very much our lifestyle the things we're talking about okay and so you can find comfort you can find solace and security and the dynamics that we're sharing about we went very deep with it okay we went to the edge and back again okay and so that that will just give you guys just confidence in what we're sharing all right and validity to it as well okay we've all seen tremendous fruit and our journey okay and let me just start off by saying that the foundation and which I'm speaking from and all of us are speaking from is a Christocentric foundation a foundation of the union with God okay and let me intro myself again my name is Arun bull Chandani okay and Union flow is kind of the umbrella in which I function around okay and that was given to me about 12 years ago when I heard God speak to me very clearly through a union with me everything else will flow okay so that's the foundation okay and let me take it deeper how I defined union flow other than the reality of our union with God is it's a state of consciousness okay a state of being derived and birth out of our fusion or connection with the creator of all and I say that the flow of this relationship produces divine intelligence and an ability to supersede the limitations of the natural order okay and I know every time I say that it calls me deeper into the mystery calls me deeper into the reality of this union this connection this relational connection with God okay and in God's always desired us to live fully alive okay Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly okay so how do we begin to appropriate that which is already thin okay how do we synchronize with a divine in our mind we've been given the mind of Christ and in their body we've been given the spirit that quickens our body okay we've been joined as Lord and we are one spirit with them we know this okay and if you don't know that realize that as he is so are you in this world that's beautiful and it's mind-blowing okay and it's a changes all the time every day it should bring about a new epoch a new aspect of metamorphosis of transformation into our lives okay so I'm gonna delve into so happy okay I just want to talk about that okay and I know some of you guys are experiencing to some of the energy of what I'm sharing okay which is relational connection with y'all away okay so I bless all of you that your minds would be open all right that you'd be unlocked in a deeper and more comprehensive way as you view in okay know that we are all connected we are all one body okay and we're all connected our fields are connected okay so my my field is strengthening you okay my being as a walker as one who walks in the way is strengthening your walk okay and that's how it should be all right I love how Kirby is brought this in such a really incredible way is our victory is one another's victory we share one another's victories okay so what I'm sharing about there's gonna be a great okay well all of us are sharing about there's give me a grace on for you guys to make it your own and your own unique individual expression okay and that's the beautiful beauty of this is when somebody carries a field they carry Authority in that which they're speaking about there's a transformational energy and vibration that comes out of their mouth out of their words out of their breath okay that impacts you so receive okay and guys if you're new to some of these dynamics okay know that fear often masquerades as wisdom but it's not okay and so open up your heart and your mind and be transformed okay so breath and cold exposure alright just an hour ago maybe an hour and a half ago I was in cold river here locally spending about five ten minutes kind of honing what I wanted to share today exposing myself to the elements okay because I believe that the cold and breath are elixirs that God has given us to work with for a long life and for a community all right I've experienced the benefits of my own life and I know some of you guys who've delved into this all right have experienced the benefits in your own life as well okay so so they give you a little bit of a history about again am I in the early the infancy in so to speak when I was born from above the beginning of my journey I begin to get little bits of revelation regarding breath and regarding the cold okay and some of you guys will have a context for this in your own life I would spend hours sometimes just was waiting with God and I like to say waiting with God okay waiting on God waiting with good okay I used to spend hours waiting with called and some of those times I would experience altered states of consciousness or expanded awareness because as I waited with God and entangled with him in relationship alright I got into a more conducive state of rest and rest as we know translates in the body as an alteration of brain waste okay alright so I got into a more conducive state of rest and Shalom therefore I was able to more just I just just maybe I was able to live and move and have my beaming all right more coherently or just harmoniously then when I wasn't in the state of rest okay all right and from that place I had an experience and you would term these as auto body experiences okay and I can't I can't earn an auto body relationship okay we are a spirit soul and body and I think Yahweh desires I know Yahweh desires to maximize our whole nature he wants us to be made perfect spirit soul and body into his coming okay and we are perfect in Christ which is beautiful alright but then we have the transformative process and the transfigured process happened okay so now I'm in prayer waiting with God okay and things began to shift as things begin to exit the body okay and I am able to observe my physical body and I notice that it's breathing differently so there I got a key that breathing plays an important role in prayer okay and I'm just scratching the surface then but I saw it with my own spirit eyes so to speak I saw it I go this is a key okay as I began to wait with God I at times would feel like I need to shift this I need to take this into a different areas so during believers like November December there's about twelve eleven twelve years ago I decided instead of waiting and praying and waiting on or with God at this incredible place the prayer chapel okay locally over here in Redding California I'm gonna go ahead and go in the river or actually the lake Whiskeytown Lake okay it's a lake here and I'm gonna do what I do when I lay uh-huh before the Lord so to speak I'm gonna do that in the water okay and it's cold water okay there's snow and different things like that and I got into the water and I began to meditate upon go okay and I noticed over a period of time my body began to warm itself okay and that was a phenomenal phenomenal experience okay and again I was just scratching the surface why did my body experience such bliss well hi did I interrupt with joy okay what was going on yeah sure the joy of the Lord is our strength right the joy is the technology is a technology that's God God has given us you know such as gratitude and so many other ones okay what was going on okay when I was moving within my breath okay within within within the cold okay there was a cascade of medicine benefits occurring all right there was a release of neuro chemicals there was an anti-inflammatory of there was a greater immunity that was coming for there's a greater clarity these are all physiological changes that happen when we partner with the god-given breath we have and put ourselves into situations yeah that may be a little uncomfortable called you stress or hormetic stress that can unlock a cascade of benefits like I just mentioned okay it's beautiful we've oftentimes lived very comfortable lives and it's beautiful what we have here okay it's beautiful to have the roof over our head to have shelter from various elements to have all these things it's an incredible be grateful for the clean water you know all the good things all right Matt at times we haven't in all the meals that you get throughout the day but sometimes we we've become so comfortable and and sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zone to unlock the flow of the comforter in and through all the faculties of our mind in the body okay so even just shifting your breath however a little and getting to know the movement of something that you already do alright it's part of your autonomic nervous system is it's it's a it's a process that happens out of a place of rest in your body like so many other processes the body is incredible okay so we're always breathing yeah so what if we could work with that which we're already doing and shift our state yeah that can change you so much you know through working with breath alright we can greater situate ourselves in the promised rest that we've been given oftentimes this is a mental assent of information it's a it's a construct we we know about and sometimes we experience however what if we could model our live or mold is divine design of this breath we've been given to situate ourselves in that space so all of you guys with me if you guys are in a safe environment all right I want you guys to take chess six breaths with me okay so take a deep breath in and I'm gonna take a long breath out take a deep breath in and take a long breath out take a deep breath in from your seated position and cries take a deep breath in and a long breath out take a deep breath in two three four and a long breath out two three four five six seven take a deep breath in and a long breath out as you're finishing your out-breath excellent that's just six breaths but all of them if you guys partnered with me well a scene shift however little in your body and the reason why I chose this is because it was a Japanese clinical study done on the power of breath okay and how through this kind of practice of moving with breath okay just like we did you can begin to lower blood pressure okay and they saw all across the floor and every individual who went through this test this trial it was in Japan I was a cool study done in Japan so you see that many of them began to experience a shift in consciousness more so a shift in your physiology now let's go into what happened it shifted your brainwave states it got you in a more conducive state of rest it also stimulated rest in relaxation which is part of the parasympathetic nervous system okay so just that and I don't believe a deeper in this stuff in my coaching and other avenues and Kirby does really deeply as Taylor delves deeply into his stuff all right as well as my brother okay so just partnering with your breath a little bit can shake your state tremendously we often know when when we're anxious or frustrated or whatever you'll notice that your breath changes how many of you know this I know a lot of you can attest to this okay the number one mental disorder is anxiety I think I read a stab up 40 million people dealing with this okay you know how to shift that it's just through moving with your breath okay moving with these dynamics taking a deep breath in and a long breath out there are many other ways you can go with this but we see breath outline all throughout scripture from Genesis to Revelation you see God animating Adam with with breath he breathes and dead we see Jesus breathing over the disciples and them receiving the spirit okay so profound now as we begin to move in breath all right I'm gonna take you into cold really quickly cold exposure it's something I do in my life I was just in there earlier it's it's part of my natural rhythm okay as well as working with breath consciously working with breath and as we begin to consciously work with breath it rewires your subconscious processes and your body would automatically start craving it because it's so healthy for you and then you'll find yourself autonomically automatically breathing more deeply and therefore you'll have less anxiety and you'll be at a greater and more conducive state of rest and xolo spirit soul and body peace okay makes sense okay so with the cold what's beautiful is as I move into breath more I begin to influence the the base processes of the brain I began to touch the center in the the the space within the brainstem I began to influence different neural chemicals and different things in my body elixirs of God he's hard hard uh written into our physiology and I even began to influence the endocannabinoid system of the body which dampens my response to pain or discomfort so now if you take the breath and you move into cold okay you're gonna be in a more conducive state of rest as you begin to breathe deeply or having breathe deeply before you go in and then you begin to be at a place of peace and Shalom in an inhospitable environment so cool won't be not inhospitable but eventually it comes something that body craves why because it's one of the greatest anti-inflammatory agents we could ever do and it's pretty much free okay I own Sri Lanka we got two hundred tons of ice to get that cold exposure and that was so phenomenal you know what most of most of time you can just get that from a cold shower from a local river or lake make sure you have set up some safety precautions around you go with the buddy but you can take a cold shower at any point in time right and you could experience the benefits I'm talking about okay so we see that moving with breath and we see that going into the cold does something you know Paul said something really profound in Philippians okay it's in Philippians four and he said I've learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am he was I've learned the secret of being filled he was I can do all things through him who strengthens me another translation says I've discovered the secret of overcoming all things of Baskaran all things so when you put yourselves into some of these environments like a cold shower it may feel like a little bit of a panic and you notice your breath changes but take a deep breath in and a long breath out and you'll shift into a place of rest while you're in a place of discomfort and guess what that begins to unlock a bunch of cool processes in the body all right oftentimes you guys note we've taken a cold shower experience moving in breath moving in breath you will have experienced chest Shalom okay or major energy or a shift in some shape way or form may be tapped into greater realm of peace emotionally and physically it's a great way to deal with trauma anxiety or whatever but we identify with Christ whenever I go into my breath I identify with his breath as he is breathing so am i breathing into this world that's huge okay so now you move into the cold exposure which is the two things I'm talking about today in the cold exposure like I said unlocks a greater realm of immunity you start to do something it's called a eustress or a hormetic stress just like fasting can be alright you can begin to just tap in to some of the storehouses or resources of other the body to augment your state ok and to step into a conducive place of flow you know there's three pillars - Union flow what I do is mindset training the mind body set training the body and as to retrain the mindset in the body so that we open up a place called flow state ok so we know by faith we are one with God okay and that reality and that the awareness of that is so tremendous we need to partner with our winner awareness need to identify with our oneness with him okay awareness is one of the most tremendous keys it's the restful realization of our union with God and one of the best vehicles after that to affect our union with God here on the earth is the mode of breath and another incredible thing you can implement your life is called exposure okay because like I said as he began to undergo a little bit of stress on the body alright maybe one two three minutes he began to unlock your realm of comfort okay the discomfort makes way for the comforter to flow in and through your gates changes your immunity it causes you to be more resilient to stress to difficulty it causes you to be in a more conducive state of victory consistently yeah it's it's incredible it's an anti-inflammatory agent it opens up clarity of the mind and so many different processes okay so guys and so just a tidbit just a morsel okay but you're gonna hear from Taylor coming next you're gonna hear from my brother you're gonna hear from Kirby and you're gonna get some tremendous Keys as we delve deeper into this union with God and the potential therein all right everyone Shalom all right thanks Arun that was amazing as always and thanks for kicking everyone off or kicking this whole party off and for stepping in right away I really appreciate that and thanks again Kirby for having me on here I really appreciate it and appreciate everything you and your wife we're doing for the body it's a it's amazing so well hello everyone if you don't know me my name is Taylor Remington I am my I teach meditation a Christian meditation on Ruach see my little logo up there that's real calm and yeah just a really super brief about me I have been a meditation practitioner for like the past eight years and have put a lot of time a lot of daily time into that practice that I've developed into getting into different flow states and different sort of transpersonal states but also just allowing that to open up my communion with the spirit and different sort of developments that arise out of that out of those processes so I am a certified meditation and mindfulness teacher and yeah on top of that I have my master's in religion and theology and I obviously I really do care about the theoretical part of it but also the functional aspect of meditation and the different mystical experiences in different states that come out of it so yeah but really briefly today I get to talk about meditation Christian meditation and what it is and real brief I'm gonna shamelessly plug this my book did just finish and come out it's a beginner's guide to Christian meditation check it out on Amazon I go into more details about like biblical basis of things and a whole bunch of different practices and whatnot but if you're interested in check it out but anyways so today we're going to talk about meditation and it's processes and where it functions and our spiritual life and how we can flow with the spirit and not and first thing I want to talk about is you know when you think of meditation what comes to your mind first I want to ask you that you know what's the picture that comes into your mind what do you think about when you think of meditation do you think about it as like an Eastern practice do you think of it you know are you thinking about maybe Buddhist monks or even Christian monks like what's the first thing that comes to your mind like what do you associate with meditation and for most of us our associations with meditation begin from that Eastern sort of practice or idea or archetype but the reality is is that meditation is anything done with consort with conscious participation and action and you know for instance meditation isn't just limited to sitting and you know quieting yourself and quiet in your mind although there's a large part of it and that is a major part of it of the meditational practice that we can all engage in and practice in but you know gardening cooking eating walking all these can be a type of meditation they can all become moments from which we can be basically you know awaken to the spirit and his perpetual flow in our life but those on those things only occur and they only birth into our awareness if we are aware of our awareness to begin with and one of the things that I try to work with my students a lot about is you know how can we re sensitize and retune ourselves to our bodies as Arun was talking about in these different breathing techniques and whatnot that were participating in you know how can we return ourselves to our bodies and how can we become sensitive to through that process to the spirit because as I talked about in the last one on here you know the body is an antenna of the Divine Spirit and once as you realize that then you can use your body as a gateway for revelation for information for word of knowledge for healing all these different things the body is the you know this carbon-based life form that that we inhabit you know it is the vehicle from which our divine life in Christ exudes itself out into the creative sphere within this plane now when we're talking about meditation from a Christian point of view right so we have to go back a little bit to the biblical basis is a little bit and so I just want to mention briefly the first mention of meditation and the Bible is in Genesis chapter 24 and I mean this is the most explicit don't mention of it I think you can play around with other things like Kirby talked about last time with the breath into Adam in Genesis chapter 2 but the most explicit first mention is in Genesis chapter 24 with Isaac when it's as an Isaac went out into the field to meditate and then he saw Rebecca coming on camels and there's different things you can play around with that but to just get to this the the little heart of it you know it's in that place where Isaac finds his divine love when he goes out to the field to meditate the field is you know let's just play around with a little bit the field is a place from where life Springs the field is the place from where you know where will depend on what type of field it is militia Sates it was a field where he was growing things and there were crops it's a place from where sustenance and life merges but it's also an it's also a place of potential it's an empty space it's in a space from which you know it's a picture of the mind in a lot of ways because the mind is a field and the seeds that we sow in our mind grow and manifest itself so it's in this field the Isaac is out and he's meditating and then Rebekah shows up and so his his the love of his life shows up and it even says at the end of the like the chapter or whatever that like Rebekah became his solace for the death of his mother so it's in the field where we re encounter the Shekinah the divine presence it's in the field where we open ourselves up to the spirit in our meditation to where the Shekinah the divine presence manifests itself and makes itself known and within that within that space wherein the Shekinah arises right we get reconciled back to the mother to the feminine thing that maybe has disconnected us from the organic flow of life so it's this place that brings us back into healing it's it was the place that Isaac needed it brought him back to a place of wholeness and that is the sort of thing that that the so that's the first mention of it in in the Hebrew Bible right and as we move forward in the Hebrew Bible you have different mentions and the Psalms and in different passages you've got different words ha ha and see I can hit bone and those are just three other Hebrew words that get often translated as meditation but they all have different processes and different functions and you know one of the more peculiar like you know Hebrew Bible stuff that shows up is you know you have like Elijah uh no sorry yeah Elijah when he's on Mount Carmel and he's trying to find out certain things from God and I think it's in first kings Elijah will stick his head between his legs and the Bible makes it very clear this was a sort of meditation that they would even practice these prophetic schools to get into different states in order to find the Divine Word of God for the people and so there's all these different prophetic schools that were happening during the the time of prophecy or during the the major prophetic era I guess you could say where all the text came from at least you know that sort of in that way but you know these different schools that clearly had different processes and they were passed down orally and then you know basically we line ourselves up into the time of Christ and in the time of Christ you know you had these different Jewish schools that were happening at the time you had like Alexander in school with Philo and all of those Jewish contemplatives in Egypt who had a whole series of different ways in which one can meditate whether it's through study whether it's through you know dance and music and even you know well obviously sitting quietly and these different sort of like processes that that you know self-mastery all these different like sort of techniques a day implemented and then those jus in that jewish system at that time and then of course you see it in the life of jesus but it's not as i guess as explicit because it doesn't say oh in jesus you know went to the mountain to meditate but we it gets translated most the time to pray but there are clear you know allusions even in the life of christ where the meditation is is seen and one of the most clear as Jesus says you know love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul and strength that's a call to meditation because it's a very difficult thing to do I mean if you're passing and you know doing whatever in your life and your mind is busy and you're all over the place it can be difficult to retune yourself to that divine reality of tuning in and focusing on the presence of Christ or on on God right on the divine and loving it with your whole being but to love with your whole being takes focus it takes it takes a moment to where you have to recollect yourself and reposition yourself in order to you know enter into that sort of practice that Jesus is like hey you want to know what the highest way is try this but I think he's being intentionally cheeky in that as well knowing that it's going to be hard for people to do that and that it requires a little bit of effort a little bit of energy and it requires a moment of self-reflection because you start to realize where your minds out where your hearts out where your where are these different sort of things that are happening within your system rat so these sort of processes you know are seen but they've been kind of like you know they kind of got shifted away basically in Protestantism in like the 16th century but then after you know the life of Jesus you had like the early desert monastics of like the second third century where they went into you know really deep forms of asceticism and in the desert fathers and mothers and then of course the church fathers as well you know before the Desert Fathers either some of these church fathers that as well or in during that time word were deep meditation practitioners you know Origen Gregory of Nyssa various you know clemente of alexandria you know they all had the sort of contemplative lifestyles that aided their processes of engagement for the of the divine spirit and part of their brilliance and part of their capability to understand these sort of things whether it's the Trinity or or the or the one's union with Christ and what that could potentially look like and then the different sort of you know apophatic or emptying sort of spaces that one can enter into you know they did it through their practice they did it through their sort of lifestyle sort of thing that came about now you know and then of course he had the Desert Fathers who went through extreme measures and their contemplative and meditational lifestyle I mean they really made it a lifestyle and and I think Kirby's definitely like someone along that lineage as well who's carrying that torch forward but you know we have these people that men and women who really engaged it in this capacity and in these different capacities and it's not until and then of course you have all the different mystics and whatnot the Christian mystics throughout you know 2,000 years and then you get to this present day where you know a lot of that that form or you can call it art form of living was kind of removed from the church system and it was more towards like maybe prayerful benedictions or maybe just worship but even worships a type of meditation and it should be a type of meditation you know if your mind is wandering like hey what am I gonna have for lunch which we've all been there before and worship right but if you really focus in on what you're worshipping and how you're worshiping really tuning yourself to it and tuning your mind in your heart to it in a whole world of possibilities begins to open up within your system so five more minutes so you know with that I guess we'll just do like you know one of the things that I have my students do that's super brief that wants you to do is as you're sitting here with your mind I want you to scan your feet with your mind I want you to scan and just feel your feet the bottoms of your feet right now once you to notice how it feels what it feels like to move up a little bit up your calves and then to your knees to your thighs and then to your stomach area into your chest heart to your right arm it's your left arm your neck your face the top of your head good now I want you to take a deep breath like we did earlier with the rhone take a deep breath and exhale slowly out good now this time when we inhale after we exhale I want you to on the exhale from the top of your head scan your whole body down to your feet so take a deep breath in and exhale out good one more time take a deep breath in and exhale out good so most of us really disconnected from our body and just even there's a little simple thing of scanning your body being intentional about it I mean if you barely felt anything you're like whoa I'm not really noticing how I'm paying attention or if you feel pain here or whatever all of these things start to manifest themselves and show ourselves where these certain things are at but by reconnecting to our bodies we can start to reconnect with it to the spirit the spirit we actually are reconnecting to the spirit in a lot of ways and we're reconnecting to the soul and all of its different capacities that it has and all the different types of man if it's manifestations and I know Neil's going to talk about this you know next about the body and the mind and how it's all connected we just began with this I just use by connecting just as simply just feeling your feet feeling your knees feeling your stomach feeling your chest feeling your face feeling your ears feeling your eyes feeling your tongue feeling your nose we have all these different ways in which we can interact with ourselves and all these feelings that we have in our bodies our eyes there are all gateways for divine the gateways of potential for divine manifestation in our lives and in terms of receiving from the Holy Spirit so with that Neil it's on to you Thank You Taylor I am I just actually want to start with with a quote from the presentation you all put together last month and it's something he said Taylor that just struck me and I saw many people put in the comments they wrote what you quoted like so many people quote that and you you said the body is the next of the mystery of life and it just stunned me it just took me because I thought oh that's that's me that's why that's what I want to talk about if the body but I feel like we're all talking about the body and in in the Nexus you know the body is a convergence point through which we can literally move and have our being so I just I love that and I feel like that was a layup to me that was like basketball figurative terms I feel like you laid that up to me even though I don't know if you knew I was gonna be joining in with you all this time so I just want to say I'm so just feel privileged that I get to talk about movement with you all and in ruin and Taylor have both kind of laid some fantastic foundation and I also loved what I listened to and watched in last month's program and I just I took away so many keys from it so but like a rear adduction Who I am my name is Neil Bolton Donnie and I am a chiropractor a body worker a movement educator I can explain some more of that with some examples but I for 10 years now I've been practicing chiropractic after I got licensed and I went through Chiropractic College and and then did some additional bodywork training to learn more of soft tissue techniques and massage and how to adjust organs and how to adjust cranial bones and how to adjust even intraoral how to release tightness in the mouth for babies and adults alike when there are issues there and then in the last like four or five years I've you sorry about that everyone I think maybe a room delving into movement education okay so we're back I just saw there was about 10 seconds or so where I were I was probably off my mic was muted but just to pick right back up my mission and my goal with all the training that I've had in in movement and chiropractic is is to to help people learn ways that in which they can move so that they can unlock their ability to heal themselves so and one touch point of that is I have my website as move into it calm and move into it is a is a word that we coined in that coin that that actually it's about moving with intuition it's about learning ways to interpret your own body and to understand how we're made so that we can apprehend the ways in which we can move in the moment day by day moment by moment that will unlock our ability to physically heal but also emotionally express ourselves and to move in to to do the things that were expected to inculta to in life and so I want to get into the nitty-gritty of that but also I want to just say I am in addition to those things I am a very very proud dad to two kids serenity and Cyprus four and two years old and we have a third one on the way coming in August and also my wife Dawn she is brilliant and amazing and we just love to move together in sync and so I just love that I get to to to teach this today to everybody but also to just to to pull from my experience as a dad and as a husband and to see our family moved together and healing and in an expression and so yeah where I want to kick it off with it's also something that I that I that I loved about last last program was that ice ruin had said something he said he said vagal tone he said vagal tone is so important and any explaining this really really in a clearer way what the vagus nerve does and he actually said Neal brother is gonna is gonna share can share more about it so I want to touch on that because I feel like if we can get that Anatomy down then for the rest of what I share we're actually gonna see some of you experience vagal tone ships so just like brainwave shifts and just like the breath can shift often these things can help us to express more vagal tone the vagus nerve is a really powerful nerve it goes from behind the ear down there's a pair of nerves that goes down past our vocal cords and innervates and it powers the esophagus down the heart the lungs and goes down the stomach and the spleen the liver and definitely the diaphragm the small intestine the large intestine so it's just what I'm trying to explain is it innervates so much of our body not just our digestive system or the way we breathe with our lungs and our diaphragm but also the way we pump blood in the heart functions the vagus nerve is so massive and so important and so when we have vagal tone we actually have our vagus nerve is able to do what it's designed to do which is keep us regulated to keep our parasympathetic nervous system working and that's the system that allow in within the autonomic nervous system that allows our body to rest and digest to calm to handle stress whether it's you stress like a room talked about which is good stress or distress which is stressed that negatively affects us it's how do we allow impact to come at us and to field it and to harness it and then how to keep our body in physiology at a state of calm so that not only can we have a healthy immune system but so that we can move through and excel in how we need to navigate through stressful situations or handle just things that were not expecting when they come our way when you know my kids when when when something happens and they get hurt and how can I be a safe place for them how can I be regulated because I know men you heard you know Irby FEMA organ and they talk about the mind-body connection which is just phenomenal and there's something called mirror neurons and a lot you probably know about that but it's it's it is it is a powerful home way in which our body is able to see and replicate what's going on in front of us without having to think or process through it so one example is there's a functional magnetic resonance imaging study an MRI study that showed that for example if a runner is running through a park and somebody's sitting on a bench watching that runner run and if they take a functional MRI to show the brain activity of that person sitting on a bench the runner is lighting up all these pathways and so is the person sitting on the bench so the brain believes that it's running by you watching the the runner so it's the way the kids mimic and learn and so is the way that we can move in ways which when we can be regulated and when we can have vagal tone that is solid and steady and calm we we mirror that we allow others to come into resonance with that and to actually operate in that and so probably my the way I want to go from there is is is is I want to give some examples of just what my daily life looks like because I have the privilege of seeing patients every day Monday through Friday I love that I get to to work on people to help their bodies come into alignment to - - so you don't know because some of you are in different parts of the world and and might not know but but I'm a chiropractor and a chiropractor who is somebody who he or she analyzes the body and the spinal column and looks to see where there are misalignments where the joints aren't operating where movement is limited and we use our hands off than to to introduce vectors and forces in specific ways that can unlock that joints ability to move therefore the the nerves that travel out of those joints move and flow more properly and so our brain can communicate through our nerves to the entire body and so that way we can not only move well but we can express well and we can have a healthy immunity and a healthy brain to body connection and so I get to do that from 8:00 to 5:00 every day I get to I get to do that so I wanted to share some some example of how the Holy Spirit enables me and illuminates my ability to to kind of convey the the healing modalities that he's gifted me with so so that way to say that is a science somebody today somebody they came in and it's what a rune talks about anxiety that's a number one symptom number one issue that a lot of us are dealing or a lot of people are dealing with today and so this person came in and was experiencing anxiety and and so I'm evaluating the person's nervous system for a lineman and what I'm gonna do to adjust that person and and and I start feeling in my body where it's tight in this person as I'm standing besides this person and evaluating and feeling I often feel within my body where the rib for example was misaligned and and then I can also often discern is that a physical thing or is there actually a emotion that's going on underneath that that the peers that person is experiencing that's actually causing that that emotional pain to manifest as a physical thing and so in this case of it was an example of both the person's abs were extremely rigid and tight and I actually thought of a room because this person asked this person to breathe and said could you just breathe breathe in and out ridge barely any motion in in the chest in the in the thorax and and then I asked again could you breathe this time take a deep breath in with your nose and allow that belly get filled the the rigid rigid and then the third time I said now take a deep breath in and this time allow your body to move out this way and when she did that she hasn't gave it away she I'm trying to remain HIPAA compliant and not give away too much information to respect the privacy of my vision the ABS instantaneously loosened and in that moment the her whole body came into a different tone and the vagal nerve was unlocked so that she could rest and her body could come into a state of peace and further in the appointment this was an hour long appointment which I'd love to do these in-depth appointments further into the appointment she revealed that the anxiety that she was feeling was manifesting where I where I had found it and so I said yeah I feel like if I get these words and these pictures like Taylor was talking about words of knowledge and I and I often find ways that the Holy Spirit can speak to me whether it's through words that I'm hearing feelings that I'm feeling in my body or emotional things that I'm experiencing and so I said her two weeks ago there was an issue in relationship that was causing anxiety to manifest in her heart and then physically in the left rib and so as I talked about these things she just nodded and said yeah and what I love about it is most of the time the acknowledgement of this being an issue and that being the root of the pain that consciousness often causes the issue to lift and I'm talking the anxiety but also the physical manifesting that manifestation of pain and and so that's phenomenal in this case like sometimes the second level is yes some of the pain lifted some of the anxiety lifted and a lot of it did then I move the body and adjust and release healing and movement to those areas that are stuck that's often where it then more of that pressure and pain dissipates and the anxiety leaves and sometimes if that doesn't leave the third time I often I'll hear this this clue where I get to give a person instruction about Haughton that person can work through this so even one more example I don't want to take up too much time with the but I just feel like this is a great way that I can say how the Holy Spirit can work with you so that you can be a conduit of movement so that you can move according to his voice to facilitate someone else's healing and a lot of you maybe do this you operate in words of knowledge where you feel something in your body and you know that you're supposed to convey that to somebody and release healing and I just feel like that's what I've been given but also to help people move their bodies and then find ways that they can actually further that not only so that they experienced the freedom of movement in the moment but so that they can go home and check in with their bodies and feel is this tight again out of my abside again so they can work through how they can problem solve and access healing at any given time because the Spirit of God is always with us and in us and one of the things I love about what Kirby said last month also is he the the Spirit of God is all about transforming matter and that's exactly I think we've been given yes we've been given a way to to be innervated and by the experience that we can transform matter that's in front of us so where I kind of want to bring is a lot to sort of put into this nutshell of a time and I feel like I'm probably coming close to where I'm done so I do want to give us a practical application of how can you move in some of these ways and I would like to expand more and I would just encourage people just to just to check out the the site sometime later we'll post that but move into it calm and move into it is it's a it's a cross and it's an interdisciplinary practice that combines principles that I've learned first of all through the Holy Spirit and through how he's led me to the journey through Chiropractic College and to learn a bodywork technique that involves releasing soft tissue and fascia which is connective tissue so that people can release trapped emotions release trauma from their bodies and also I've the history of meditation you know been meditating for 20 years and I've also been a journal or and at the brighter and a journal er for 30 years and I turned 40 tomorrow so so for nearly 30 years I've been I've been practicing mirroring my feelings onto a page to see how I feel and and so this is a cross discipline of these many things combined into one and one of my favorite scientists Thomas Edison he believed in what's called kaleidoscopic thinking kaleidoscopic thinking is you you you do many different things that seemingly have no relationship and they can cross apply concepts and so he would often work on many different inventions at once and in working on seven different inventions he would figure out the key for one and then that key would unlock the key for another innovation and you know he had thousands of inventions so and another person who I look up to is Lena Leonardo da Vinci and he was just a massive man and just God spoke to him about how to unlock your brain and how to unlock a knowledge of anatomy a knowledge of physiology he had many journal pages and he just had pictures of the human body and he mapped it out and so that's what I'm doing is I am figuring out the cartography of the human soul because we know the body but yet the soul is illusory at times and it is hard to define and I feel like the body is a touch point through which we can explore inner landscape and that's one of my goals I think for me to sort of sum it up movement is a medium of freedom and it's freedom of our bodies freedom of our soul freedom of our emotions like in the example of that person I talked to you about today who for her her emotion was anxiety and that was her reality that was restricting her body but through our time today she was able to transcend the anxiety and put it in the palm of her hands figuratively and harness it to say that's not my limit and so she expand her range of emotions so she could expand beyond anxiety and and find a tangible way through which she could utilize her body and movement to access understanding account not only to see how she was feeling but how to move through it and so a lot of people haven't been taught how to move through their emotions how to move with your body so that you can explore your emotions and so you can explore the Spirit of God and how he's given us these keys and these tools so I don't know if somebody can help me on time and let me know where I'm at exactly yeah but uh but I also wanted to talk about the process of immunity for for one minute because Kirby mentioned that a rune this is what he's talking about and I feel like if we can look at immunity as a process and not as we have it and we don't then we're gonna experience the the fruitfulness of long life longevity and although he through rising and resurrecting and defeating death has given us immunity we must think they appropriate that and exact that and so that's a process and so I feel like one of the best ways we can do that is by exploring the world around us through movement so my takeaway is I want to do one thing in moving and it's gonna feel interesting and funny but I work with tons of babies and I help them to not only nurse in ways that for the for the pregnant mother it's so helpful but I help them release tissue in their tongue that restricts them so that not only they don't experience the colic and the gas eNOS and the constipation and they can poop freely they can move freely and they can expand and become the upright beings that we were called to be so first of all I want to just have you all take a deep breath and I want you to all take a deep breath and when you let that breath in go through your nose let your belly inflate and let your body move out like a barrel so go ahead go and then let it all out good now I want you all to become aware of your tongue and the best way to do that is to grab your tongue pull it forward to stretch it forward and now I want you to lift it up so you're stretching that tissue on the bottom of your tongue some of you this is tender the reason having you do this is because we're gonna sing one note in a minute and I don't know if many people know about singing for 12 minutes is a way to remyelination Irv studies have shown that you can actually reform the vagus nerve that gets damaged to trauma and you can reheat that through 12 minutes of singing worship meditation these things so we're gonna lift up again stress that out and on the count of three we're just gonna release one concordant lah so one two three good we multiply that times 12 minutes and there you are breath movement and releasing our voice so we can remyelination herbs and heal all right okay I'm signing up hey me best for your birthday today may you have a awesome year ahead of you truly the body of Christ needs more like you to bring in immunity and holds wholeness we had the privilege of meeting I think it was at past some hands Church gateway Christian Fellowship and we had a amazing conference I'm sure we will be doing that again there was our own me Neil you first in our system it was just amazing because these kinds of conferences is what is happening now in the body of Christ where we are dealing with spirit soul and body and the next big revival is around the body and I'm sure many of you would understand the importance of that because it's the body that the Spirit came to quicken so it's so important to understand like all of us have been speaking that the body is the gateway or the body is the government we want to talk about it it's it's the it's the way that we experience each other like and that's important to understand the body was given to us we think the body is ours is for ourselves but it's for us as spiritual beings to experience what is what it's like to be human or actually to experience each other so the body is redundant without the collective once you understand it you just got a body and the body is so that you can experience the collective everything changes then the middle wall of separation collapses and we become one and so the nervous system that we have and that what we are all affecting is our ability through the body and the body is full of nervous system they actually the wires or the antennas in is the your ability with your body now to be able to connect to everyone else so the reason again I'm going to start off I've got 20 minutes or so and just just want to reiterate it that the body is given to us so that we can experience the collective okay otherwise we are spirit beings without the ability to understand humanity in a collective sense and a whole so when you use your body as an instrument to realize reconcile with a connect with a collective something else happens and you can I like what Neil said he said that the reason we any we do anything with the spirit is so that matter the physical physiology can change and so the nervous system in our body is connected to the physiology and the world the material world the 3d world will around us and true understanding a collective true understanding that this body was given to we attach to the collective to be reconciled a collective then we start using the body to be able to transform the collective spirit soul body I love what kala was saying he said and that's where I want to go in this one got 20 minutes to do this is that what is meditation or what is a state of contemplation is anything that you do with conscious awareness with action with the body so that's important to note it reminds me of Ezekiel if you look at life of Ezekiel because everyone thinks okay meditation means I need to be able to go to a quiet place and believe me I'd love if I had the ability to constantly be in a quiet place I'd love to do that and be there but fortunately unfortunately some but fortunately for me I've got I'm busy and we are constantly working we've got companies where churches we got people and we don't have the ability to sort of be that ascetic that can climb up mountain okay but we are constantly in the world with people but how do we transcend how do we use the elements around us to transcend and be in the place of deep connection with the workings and the work whether you're working a nine-to-five job whether you're busy with kids at home believe me you can transcend Ezekiel one one proves it he says that Ezekiel was sitting with the exiles and understand exiles means the ones who have been put out of the realm that's an exile so ethically sitting with the exiles and while he's sitting with the exiles he says I'm sitting with in exile at the brim of River Kaiba and while I'm sitting there he says I was taken off and heaven open heaven open and I transcended and I saw the Lord okay so that means while you're sitting with the exiles that you want to call it okay the ones who think they are outside of that realm okay you can sit with physically but transcend okay how do you do that and that's the key and that's what I want to talk about today because I think we've done we've set up base why medication is important why breathing is important why movement is important how do we get there how do we get there with our busy lives again and it's only getting busier are we going to retreat outside of this okay go go go go up a mountain the fact of the matter is every time someone went up the mountain God said go go back down and touch the people so we have to be with the people but we have to be trying to transcend the mountaintop experience has to remain when we are down now why am I saying this because what we don't understand is why we are cut off from that transcendental place is because we don't understand the elements and I've been speaking about the elements in the last couple of months and if you look at the Bible the first writings of the Bible starts off with the basics Elementary's of the fundamentals of spirituality so you see that right there with in the Bible story it starts off in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth so heavens means the expanse and the earth means the earth as you know and that is like the Alpha and the Omega the a and the e said there are things in between okay so so he's saying that's he created first the heavens he ended off with the earth and then he says and the Spirit of God was hovering on the face of the waters and he says and the earth was without form and void so I like that way says the earth was without form and void because that means the material realm is void there is no form and no boy so the first basics of off spirituality is that when you look at anything material and here's the clip into that when you're in your busy schedule when you're in your work space when you're talking to someone when you're in there the first understanding is although you see it in carbon or do you see it with the light that is reflecting it it is without form and void just that understanding causes you to get into the oneness so we're talking a oneness the ability to transcend even when you're busy okay and literally your brainwave states are at a beta state if you're an eyes are narrowed down and you're focusing on something you are concentrating on something you're you're in a beta state so maybe over 14 15 oscillations per second but in that state so literally when you want to transcend what people do is they that has to be done as much as possible okay closing my eyes and getting into that steel space and so then you can go down to an alpha or a teacher state maybe four oscillations per second but in between theta and delta theta state and Delta state we have a state called gamma okay and that's over 30 35 40 oscillations per second and in that space something interesting happens and my submission to those who really understand the science behind this is that when our eyes are open we can hit a gamma state if we can run if we can somehow dial down we dial up if you can dial down automatically you start dialing up over it straight into gamma and that is what someone might call those firings of gamma someone might call it a flow state or I like it called to call it the wave state the wave state means it's in you are now in wave state means you're in infinite potential and your ability to be in wave state that means without form and void and he said darkness was on the face of the deep and then the Spirit of God was hovering underwater and then God said let there be light so you have all five elements there okay all five elements right in the first couple of verses in the Bible are the basic Elementary's okay and and the understanding that everything is without form and void okay and that there is a dark deep mess okay that we need to tap into in every single thing now constantly in the Bible you have this story and what happens is you know because I'm always ministering in front of people I need to be able to find that space even when there is five hundred people or ten thousand people in front of me I need it I need to be able to find that space and the ability to find that space causes changes in the material realm as you have seen in the way we Minister there are multiple healings that happen without touching there there there are electromagnetics that change where we can digitally try on four digits and accounts at certain points phone batteries get charged and it's because in that state where our eyes are open suddenly we can tap into a flow state and and and and that comes by just simply not retreating but engaging the elements so being able to engage the elements but find the deep darkness or be finding the void in the fire in the earth in those things and this so guess what practice is everywhere practice is every move so yeah so practice is constant so because we are not trying to retreat and I'm telling you retreating is important spending time alone is important but unfortunately we don't get that and however it helps us to tap into Ghana States or being able to tap into the void into the stillness in when we do different functions a state of wave or some people can call it a state of flow it's really deeper than a state of flow because the material realm starts changing when you get into that state you have the ability to change the things around you okay so for instance I'll just give you a simple example am i my running timings for my five kilometer was at at one point I something came upon me that I felt that I was weak and my body was not so good and how I I increased my timings on to my 5k and it we I did it within just a month from a really slow time I I got in there faster by just being able to have my eyes open while I'm running but where while I was running I was able to tap into the stillness the void that is in every material thing including us and when you find the oneness when you find the day's the same spirit the same spirit is in the material the same spirit is in this table the same spirit is in this table the same spirit is in this hand the same spirit is in the trees when you're able though it is material then you can tap into the world while you're watching it okay while you're talking till you're able to tap into it okay the the middle wall of separation collapses and sunny days absolute oneness once you find a oneness you find flow or you find you you trance out okay now why I'm saying it's important to do it while your eyes are open it's good to be able to be on your own but there are activations that are happening to you constantly and continuously and you can step into the state of flow order that that state of excellence it's constantly the opportunities come to you so I was doing it while I was running and let me put it like this okay so that people understand is everyone has their own spirit I'm not talking of Holy Spirit now I'm talking of the spirit given to you by God the divine nature is in every single man no matter what religion they form they have a spirit and that's given that is their God nature they might not call it God they may call it subconscious mind my colleague higher-self it doesn't matter what they call it okay it's in every single man now that spirit right there this field has the ability to connect with Holy Spirit but if if anyone can tap into that spirit the physiology the the things of the physical material realm comes in to back into an expanded state you'd been as you tap into it you come back into expanded said it doesn't collapse it doesn't get crystallized okay so you as you tap into this realm of the spirit or the subconscious order or what you'll call your highest self or whatever it is the material realm sort of it's it's flowy that's that interact that happens and that's what I do when I was run when I when I'm doing my running or my exercise or something like that now let me put it like this if you if you understand any any great athlete like what's his named 100-meter honor yeah Usain Bolt now he I don't know what his faith is but he doesn't matter because he is literally tapping into more spirit than a normal person okay for you take a hill on mass he's happening to most spirit in that area in that area than a normal person in finance we're talking of Usain Bolt in running he's tapping into more spirit so once you understand that okay you will understand that anytime you're doing anything when you find when you dematerialize it okay when you're able to find a void in it when you are able to find stillness in it when you are able to transcend the material repent means transcend that you come in to the you come out of the collapse wave function back into the expanded wave okay it is not crystallized and make matter literally changes it happens in seconds matter literally changes and that's how all the signs and wonders are done we know immediate all the miracles we literally are doing it like that you know wherever in a state we're in a state of wave okay and then just in tension okay not converting it into thoughts anytime you convert intention in the thoughts you get tired okay it's materializes because the intention a thoughts itself is matter thoughts are things okay so if you can find the place where you can be in that state in that void but convert your state of wave into energy instead of thoughts then we've got magic happening literally and matter changes so if it's a charging the phone or if it's healing someone healing healing someone and you need a healing done you see a sickness is a is a traumatic collapse of wave function so that's the sickness and it is turn into a pattern and now it's a energy unit that has now constrained muscles and seen you and it's it's caught it's trapped in there how do you release the trauma from it is that you need to be able to now be in that state of wave but in your when you are handling it but you can't concentrate on it you need to find a widely in it you need to find stillness in it and as you find a stillness in it then you can shift it okay we can how you shift it is you convert in tension into energy and not thoughts so why am I saying this is because I could now in the in the in the rate of my five kilometers just practically to understand when I'm exercising I was able to be able to tap into the stillness into the void and then suddenly tap into the place because we already are there if you understand if you take your hand like this like I did last time and you start moving your hand around you realize that you're not thinking to do it so what is causing your fingers to move is it you're thinking I'm talking to you I'm not thinking you can just keep moving your hands okay you see nothing just keep doing it while you're talking to me or listening to me you can see that there is there's no thought going into it but there are so many muscles are moving that means you're able to convert intention into energy without thought so you are a master of it already now it's the same way it's the same way for in your heart is beating right now you're converting you're converting in your it's big the heart is beating constantly non-stop have you ever thought of it if you if you keep doing this suddenly caught going to this and your hand starts hurting okay because you're lactic acid will start reacting and you start getting tired okay but your heart there's no you don't get tired with your heart you're constantly continuously twenty-four hours you can it's constantly pumping now where is that coming from and that's where I'm trying to say when scientists can explain way that is conveyance coming from the realm of spirit someone can call it subconscious mind or whatever that is your spirit okay so that is working constantly without you thinking now my summation to you is to constantly try and tap into the place constantly try and sit in that place where nothing is happening to thoughts but you're just tapped into the stillness and avoid and if you're constantly there like Ezekiel with the exiles you can tap into the realm of the spirit it is from there they want to tap in the spirit that other experience can happen with with with the angelic and with God and stuff like that but you need to be able to be there even while your eyes are open I'm going to just read to you the elements and Elijah and so Elijah just understand Elijah goes up the mountain okay I mean he goes up the mountain remember when he's going up the mountain Elijah says he praise the Lord he says I want to come up the mountain and Lord I want to die okay so they've always the antler understanding of going up the mountain is I want to go up the mountain to die okay up the mountain you lose your identity your ego is lost of the mountain every step you take up the mountain your ego is lost so the Bible says to take every thought captive every thought and word thought there is not just toss about affections and emotions so the ability to go up the mountain into the darkness okay into the darkness into the darkness the mountain is dark okay you'll lose your your identity and you cap into spirit anytime your ego is alive you can tap into spirit so yo he's coming up the mountain remember the Israelites when they got the law they did not want to go up the mountain to die okay so then they got performance and they got what their ego wanted but as Elijah Jesus and everyone else they went up the mountain they were ready to die okay so he lodges goes up he and I wanted really to you and their elements come to him and I want you to understand this properly and then we can go deep into it and it's any says it here and when he winds up goes up the mountain he was chapter 19 of 1 Kings and he said go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord and behold the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind tore into the mountain see the elements and and broke the rocks is it there and the pieces came forth but the Lord was not in the wind and after the wind an earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake and after the earthquake of fire but the Lord was not in the fire so you see just like in the beginning in the Bible how it started here is Elijah okay experiencing creation just like in Genesis okay the wind the fire the water the earth okay and his expands he's experiencing it and when in it and here's where the translation and Kayla we'll be able to also help us out with that is the translation needs to understand when he said and the Lord was not in the wind the Lord was not in the the Lord was not in it doesn't mean that the Lord is not there it means that he couldn't find that the the Lord wasn't that God is not there that's not what he's trying to explain he's he's saying that he looked peered into the wind okay you see the elements okay he's peering into their elements he's experiencing baptized by the fire okay baptized by the water okay and then what he's trying to look for is the stillness because here's where the translation really can help if you go into the the Hebrew of this one ordered Aramaic abyss one you you'll understand this and then after the fire he says when he wrecks all the elements okay they're all the elements it says then he says he found stillness and that's where it is but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire the stillness the void you see so it doesn't mean that you need to go through all to find a void but he was able through the disturbances true the wind and storm of your finances through the earthquake of your marriage okay I'm just I'm just saying if you have problems like that okay true true the Bible says even the waters will not swallow you up even the fire will not burn you Isaiah 43 you see he was able to transcend but able to go into the fire he was able to go into the wind and find the stillness I mean he went in it is after he had experienced it all been baptized in them completely he says he found his stillness in them and once you found a void in them then he heard the voice so it's not still small voice okay it's stillness first after that stillness okay and then he heard the voice and then he says and so do any Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face with the mantle so he understood the five senses the disturbances and he wrapped his face with a man he covered his five five gateways okay and then he went into the stillness wow isn't that cool okay and you know after what happened okay God answered his prayers he had to die and he was taken his his body transmuted because he was quicken because he was able to find it now because right there is the the colliding with the oneness or the ability to tap in when you're busy when you are at work that's your gateway when you're working it doesn't mean to trance I'm not telling you not to transfer out at work and then not get any work done but when you are in the state or the wave state okay in the state of void the void state your you hand it over if not too eager to do but you over his spirit to do and my god you know when Street does it it becomes better faster and much more excellent you know and and one of the best ways to to do this I it's so small but and but you can move your hands around and just fine like what is making my hands move where is that coming from you know and being able to really step into that something shifts okay something changes and so that's my my submission to you to get into to be in a state of flow you don't have to constantly be out on a mountain top meditating you can find the entrance or the entrance okay it's an entrance in your everyday life with the elements being reconciled with the elements I'll tell you a crazy story you know one time I was meditating and we have this happen all the time there are signs on the earth beneath one time I was meditating there was a I was never do this at home please I must give an indemnity before I say this but I was in deep meditation and in my garden you know you get all kinds of animals come in there and there was a wiper that came in and the Bible says in Isaiah 11 that the green child shall pick up the wiper and I didn't have sort of I wasn't thinking okay but my hand just went up to the Viper I picked it up and had it in my hand and walked him to the house and still in my state you know like if you know look at this wiper and then you know we know snakes you know it so we understand what it is but it was just I was able I was in a state that was able to pick it up I won't recommend it to anyone okay and I will not do it again either because I had to deal with Fiona Fiona's raw because she must have said because naturally this could kill you eNOS in five seconds right but I just picked it up I'm just trying to understand that and there's so many times that the the birds I'd have a time when we went on safari and I was just dealing with the element of the earth and just engaging reconcile being one with the element of the earth diving deep into the element of the earth and one of I always wanted what this these little horns that that on you get these water hogs that have Longhorns you know and I was saying where can i buy one and a little deer okay our a springbok picked one up from the ground walk up to me and it's so strange you know and dropped it off at my literally at our feet you know and I pick it up and I brought it back as a Sunni so you know things like that happen I was I'll tell you a crazy story about this kind of stuff my dog Rafa who is just at my feet now you can't see him but he's a big he's a big dog we gave six of them and just recently there was a there was a time when when he was barking at something something kindergarten he was a big snake you know and so the dog was about to be attacked and the the snake went down so I asked for my gun and now people might think of oh hey this is this is reconcile I taught you how can you ask for a gun when he doesn't reconcile with elements like see it's not to do with thinking it's oneness doesn't happen like that you know oneness is nothing to do with your thinking or that's all ego you know and so I I said bring me my gun and I was our our know garden was is infected with you know which snakes and I remember the time that st. Patrick picked up a snake and and banish them from Ireland you know and from Scotland you know that's he banished him so you have to see that so I pick took my gun up and they're right there was was the snake and I I remember I couldn't see anything because there was a torchin and so they flashed his torch and so I took two shots at at it and so one two shots at this and we went in to see where it was it was a very very big thing poisonous and we couldn't find anything okay and I I just left and I said we come back tomorrow morning and this was just some one two months ago and we came back the next morning and believe me it's very rare it's not even I mean very rare I mean it's it has to be supernatural law it has to be ever all things the whole creation starts connecting that's what it says the Bible says that when the person who is who use or when the Sun comes the creation gets reconciled unto him and so right there the next day we didn't find one we found two massive snakes both of different origins and species and they both had taken the bullet both of them so it is impossible because I it was dark I just shot one okay but there was two massive snakes boat in a gun and both were dead okay so I just want you to understand how everything gets reconciled into one everything gets reconciled into one you understand a story if I think you will go back to the story of William Branham in in the in in the forest and he used to do the same kind of things he was a great a bit hunter as well i am not i don't like hunting much but there's something dangerous that's going to affect my doggies then I would hunt for that reason but okay so I think I think we're done I think we're good for time so just practice tapping into the void while you are at work transcend while you die remember it's the ability for you to trance when you are working when you're doing something you have an entrance in you can use the body you can use the body to find that still place when it is found the oscillations I believe you hit gamma states and those gamma states cause synchronicity with the creation the gamma state somehow caused creation itself to start giving out the blessing in the way your spirit is attuned for I think that's good hey Aaron I think that I think I think I'm taking about kind of mate that was awesome Kirby I was know phenomenal loved it tremendously so guys man that was just love it I think everyone's mind is blown and everyone needs to narrow that hidden within you are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge it says this is in every one of you watching and it'll come forth and it's unique expression and bio signature in your own life okay so ride on Kirby I love it tailor a see you we're here and guys we're gonna shift into a panel discussion including questions so if you have any specific questions you can go ahead and post them alive and we'll get some of those on here yeah Taylor would you like that would you like to say anything oh yeah there's a lot all across the board you know Kirby I mean there's a lot I could I could literally probably go on for an hour with the response I'll just say for now just that was amazing and fantastic and I loved it and there are some amazing keys that were given out this entire session all the sessions know yeah so Emil do you want to say anything to that yeah yeah yeah just I just feel like the the way that I'm inspired by Kirby what you were saying was just so on my heart with the elements and I know I want to share test I want to share a story if I kiss as a good time for me to share though so so I love to get to take care of animals as well in fact some months ago I went to a farm or ranch patients that I take care of they asked me to come pick out their llamas because one of the llamas have heat exhaustion and another llama was dealing with an injury from a year and a half ago and you guys we know what llamas are they're camelids of the camel family and just long necks and they're like beautiful beautiful animals so I went out to the ranch and as I walked up to one of the llamas I just started to feel in my body what was out of alignment in the llama but this is what like I wanted to use it as an example of like I don't have the bones of a llama definitely definitely not I don't have the physiology of a llama but the Holy Spirit is the translator of all things so I just I felt in me where I needed to reach out to the llama crystal ball for physical touch but second of all to make an impression in the tissue of the animal and and I just you know I just it was this magical moment where I just put my hand along its body and right there I felt heat and I felt like my hand just needed to stay at this level and as I stayed there and I just closed my eyes and like Kirby was saying I just found that still pointing as I do when I'm in the office and I just felt the release of the Spirit of God but I also felt of this knowledge just come to my fingers without my brain starting to process that which is a kinesthetic sense my fingers knew what to do without me thinking about it I just allowed myself and I surrender to the moment to let my body have the authority and the intelligence to know what it needed to do obviously I have a lot of training for that but I think these are things that we can all walk into some degree and then I just let it and let my hand slide and in an instant the I had an x-ray image of the vertebra and a llama and and then the owner of the llama confirmed and he said yeah that's the that's the actual vertebra that he injured a year and a half ago and so just without me making a push or an adjustment it went and it just shifted and then a llama just kind of got up and made it and then it laid down and I thought this is good or bad I don't know much about llamas and so the owner told me know that the llama has not been able to will as his name will has not been able to lie again now on that side in fact he only laid down on the other side this is the first time in about a year and a half been able to lie down on that side and I was struck with immense compassion and as what led me to do this in the first places I think that these are gifts and abilities to where we can show nurture not just for our own bodies but for others around us and so we can steward creation and become the Gateway for animals to be able to to feel the love of God and so I felt like that was a moment where I just got struck with the immensity of how if we can just learn to move in these ways we can relay healing to these beautiful beautiful animals that that then relay such gratitude and compassion to the owner who this is as lively that is he raises llamas for a living so I just think that it's beautiful the way Kirby that you explain the elements and manages provokes me to want to go deeper into that realm yeah yes that's right I think elements are something that Christians have really not been able to push into because of the way the Protestant movement I think people like John Wesley Taylor you can I think help us out with that in John people I John Wesley in the really started understanding this in in the latter days but there are iron uh sort of the Celtic Christianity with Pelagius and people like that they really understood the elements in in in certain ways and really had Authority or the elements how between Augustine and pillages and the whole thing that happened between villages and Augustine and also yeah you know being Sri Lanka we have what what it what's called as a type of Christianity which is called an historian so it's the original type and so mysterious and Augustine had a huge problem as well and so Augustine brought great things to the church but one thing that was lost is the ability Romans 1 and 2 where we are able to be able to hear God form the creation and they actually and those in those days because people were illiterate and they didn't understand lat greed or whatever it is they literally taught people that that going into creation was as good as reading the word it was the same thing if you go into creation you'll be able to hear God and be able to understand the Godhead and His divine nature just by going in creation and that was it was as this as good as reading the world that's what they thought because no one could read English at that time or Latin no hmm that's wonderful you know this is this this is so amazing and in in when we're talking about the elements and what you're sharing you know piggy like going back piggybacking off of what I was sharing earlier about utilizing the elixirs of God the elements that he put in creation you know for instance everyone you know when I'm talking about being and utilizing breath utilizing wind and being in the water and say for instance this time the called immersion ok the cult there now when I was in that just 3-4 hours ago you know I was in the water I was watching the trees moving the wind I was within the sun's rays yeah and I was connecting yeah in and in stewarding creation also receiving from creation the various elixirs and so you were talking about utilizing the elements to transcend Kirby and you know it's you know I talked about Union flow health the transcending or superseding the limitations of the natural order that's that's out of a place of stewardship it's out of a place of connectivity not in a place of maybe an old mindset of Dominion it's out of a place of connection and so I just love all of this because when we're talking about you know how can we govern creation if we cannot govern this body we're also talking about government governing the elementals because we're made up of the elementals and so it's so connected and unified and that's what I love about this topic yeah yes I I think the whole mindset and my necessarily all I'm adding the protests and Pentecostal mindset that even came recently is domination and it I think they're misunderstood Dominion to mean that we need to dominate over or take control over but actually what needs to really happen that's why I'm trying to say we need to be reconciled or reconnect and it's completely different from the let me take authority over the wind into something yeah yeah but it also not this other sort of New Age going into this like oh just like love let's love let's love and that is also not it because it's actually I mean in there in the elements in nature itself I mean look at a tree you look if you look at trees in nature you know they are the greatest man-eaters ever you know trees don't look at us I mean we look at trees like oh they are food but they look at us like you're on your my food they've been eating people generations you know I mean you mean you die you you are eaten by a tree and they're they love their carnivore is by nature but the fact of the matter is that today look at us as food as well so we're not like it's not like this LH Lovelock of course love is something that transcends everything but what I'm trying to explain is I'm trying to say the attitude is not on that the attitude is the finding the same spirit I think that's the key about connecting elements finding the same spirit which is God in in them and in every of the elements in the fire in the wind finding the same [Music] tree cut out for you guys yeah I think so there you go yeah he's thinking black in yeah yeah yeah I don't know what what part did you what part didn't be miss just the last thing about the plate motions of one or the other it's it's a place of oneness of finding the connect finding the same spirit in in everything the same spirit that created you is in the tree the same spray that created you is in is in the animal the same spirit and once we find the same spirit I think that is the connection you know that you find it though if you from a aware of it yeah yeah absolutely Taylor I was afraid to show you you know Kirby you you know I totally agree with your assessment just your different thoughts of you know what's happened within you know charismatic neo charismatic Protestantism you know in the West and especially in the modern period in the you know 21st century a 20th century and you know earlier than that as well yeah we I think part of it you know part of it as well you know a lot of theology and a lot of movements kind of springing up in like urban centers and especially today you know there's just there's just a strong at least you know in a lot of places in the West there's a strong disconnect between oneself in the naiton nature I mean nature itself in scene is kind of like maybe almost like like a like an entertainment Enterprise in some ways and but you know in with our houses in the way that we really have been able to essentially tame nature in a lot of ways until you know something really intense happens like a coronavirus or tornado or whatever then you realize okay my house is actually outside it's you know but I'm inside but you know we are intrinsically connected to this entire you know nest and into this whole ecology in my book you know I called the kingdom of house and I called it the ecology of the spirit and using the word ecology you know to kind of transmute the idea of what even a kingdom is you know to really imagine you know just the parts of the spiritual world and how it is like the nature it is this ecological domain and you're totally right like actually my wife and I did a podcast like a couple months ago on or in the last month on on the dominionism and she's a Hebrew scholar but she was talking about and when she was saying was that you know in Genesis chapter 1 the Hebrew word for take Dominion is only used in throughout the rest of the Bible in a very like negative sense in a very like authoritarian almost destructive but Genesis chapter 2 when Adam is created right in the garden God's commitment Adam as you know he says to creation to take it and to keep it into tilith and to safeguard it and that response know that the as opposed to the Dominion where it destroys or destructs you know our ecological Iowa's fear we have here on this beautiful planet into one in which we can partner with engage with become a one with then you know we begin to heal the world you know I was really funny today had a experience I don't really talk about my experience with brockton but I was outside and there was a love out back that was sitting on a wire and for probably like 20 minutes I just focused my attention on the duck and I really wanted to know like what a dove feels like I was like are they really anxious like you know are they like always worried you know like I'm like I really just want to know what does a dove feel so I focused my intention on the dub for quite a while and it stayed there on the wire thankfully and at one point my entire body just like kind of opened up and I felt my spine my whole nervous system completely connect with the dog it was a super weird experience I don't really have language to really put into it but I knew that I was experiencing the doves fine and like you know what Neal's talking about earlier as well you know with the llama and whatnot and and i am i had like thoughts like oh my gosh from connected to the dove right now and then i was like no no quiet you know because I know the moment I started thinking lady talking about you know in the empty when you leave the void it's like you know just it's gone so I was like no but it was interesting as I felt this incredible peace come over me and this great energetic like uh like ecstasy from the bottom of my spine yeah the first time was from the bottom went up to the top of my head this incredible piece and at that exact moment the dove cooed hadn't coud for twenty minutes and it stopped and then like a couple seconds went by and I'm still there I'm still there and I'm like kind of folk and I'm focusing on it and we're still in that state and then I feel it moved down and I had in my back to the bottom and right at that moment is a wave was hitting again it coot again it's like the full like dove COO and then I was like oh I got really excited and it's I stuffed myself out of it and I was like okay but you know I was at for a moment I was able to experience know like the cooing of Dove was truly this like and I felt it was like it was the Holy Spirit it was the spirit moving through the Dove in a way and and the only way it could express itself in that moment of that extra speed was through the cooing and and the dump wasn't like you know freaked out even though he's looking around like it's just relaxed doing what it does in its governance I would have never known that if I wouldn't have like you know tuned in but it's that reconnection with nature that gives us these insights into you know not only like nature but also ourselves that's beautiful so good love it you know you're talking about the still point and you know it's it's I love how you describe that you know oftentimes you know in here maybe I'm doing my coaching or I'm in a consistent space it's I can look at the trees moving right outside these windows and I can just I can just gaze into the wind sort of speak and I just hit this space of xst of stillness and in that space that gamma you're talking about people I think people even know that Kirby and and just that place of that pace because there was a lot of time when I was trying to figure out this pace this high voltage type dynamic you know and how to work with it and and you know in overtime we need to learn to work with that you need to learn to work with that and and master it and being able to have sovereignty over the specific states right everyone people need to know that sometimes your wiring is is so incredible and acknowledge that about your wiring and how you you're bent and work with Yahweh in it you know because because you see I I am very like I'm I'm like the fire you know because so I talk fast you know I move my movements of us and you know sometimes when I'm out in with certain meditation practice and they get jolted out of their space they're like oh my god this guy is like he's just you know and for me it was a natural that I could transcend it was I I was able to be like talking fast and stuff at but still be somewhere and then I I wondered do I need to always dial down and be sort of in like a state of what in this part of the world called Samadhi you know like constantly in a place like that able to access you know and I realized that I was accessing despite someone would think it was a beta state and you know saying this is not a beta state for sure because I was able to pack and recognize and I was be able to naturally think so my sort of what they call transient hypofrontality you mean my my frontal cortex was not there but I was fully activated and I think a lot of people are there and they're there and they get condemned because they think oh that's not place and I think oh no that's you you can't access the spiritual in that place and no you can but you need to be able to understand what who is in who is who is in is it who is in control is it the ego mind or is it a mosaic mind or is it coming from a place of spirit yeah I said lovely you said you were the fire Kirby because I wrote down each of the elements that we represented last night when I listened to last month and in Kirby I wrote down here the fire and it reads the the wind which is the breath and then they are you the water you're the water because it's like nourishment to listen to you in meditation and movement but then the theology it's like it gives it gives hydration to our souls and then I put on the earth because I ground it out and and bring people connected to the earth and also bring things to the grounds that we can connect with others and in relay these things which actually brings me I saw a couple questions and one of they see if this is a good time to answer a couple questions that some some people had is they're good and I just want to put the questions out there's because I think some some of you guys will be great to answer this but somebody said I think they said do you use intention or can use intention or how do you use intention to access a flirt state or change a flow state so I wanted to see if love you guys won't ever cover that Oh perfect there it is hmm oh yeah there we go yeah that's actually that's it right there okay it is if I could ask does does a flow state lead through intentional at some point for creation as a float state lead to eight and intentional thought at some point at some point for creation hmm [Music] just really quick on that and then you know I think all of these states will convert okay and so I often times you know I think flows the flow state is almost a daily thing a daily experience okay I would say not quite daily but like three you know five times a week I put myself in a space to open up that space okay and when that space is open if it can be an ecstatic space but that place I always end up transmuting okay I always end up taking that space in transmuting it for goodness sake for righteousness name for transformation for fruit on the earth okay and if that's one of the ways you're coming out this question that's one answer for you so there's the conversion whether you realize it or not there's always going to be a conversion when you hit that space because that same will bring about a really incredible transformation to the psyche into the body and so it's always gonna be it's always gonna convert something and then when you have knowledge when you understand some of these dynamics you can also begin to work within that much more of an intentional and increase the strength of transmutation of focus okay so that's just one way to answer that yeah yeah yeah and I would definitely say a definitely flow states lead to an intentional thought at some point for creation whether and I'm sure exactly what that question I think you go a couple different ways but you know at some point for our relationship with with creation and and whether it's the heavens or you know the earth or sort of you know terrestrial world yes definitely flow States lead to intentional thoughts that are for the light of the creation in order to preserve it and like we said in genesis chapter 2 to take care of it and like what kneel you know going up to the llama I mean you can't get more of an atomic picture of you know the human's role of the animal than that you know when that story that kneel you know talked about with with healing the llama and his back I mean that's sort of you know or even Kirby you know hey putting a boundary up with the snakes and he's like look no more you guys know and if you guys come back you know you're gonna get my ak-47 or it has no you know his rocket launcher ya know but but seriously but that's the sort of thing the parameter that we can work with and flow States you know you know to get into a flow state you know you will be resized and one of the recent activities that does occur in flow states is your sensitivity towards creation and its needs and it's and it's carrots and what it's impulse in forwards towards hands needing yeah I think you know just to explain you know just to expand on the flow state see when I'm practicing or when it's a practice I mean I'm when I'm in in a crowd and and it comes to say the time for signs and wonders of miracles and healings what happens is a lot of the times is I will I will catch a flow I will catch a flow so for instance I would see something and so once you are in the flow how you catch a flow is not to concentrate but to have a wide perspective and literally eyes do with this I there are practical ways you can do flow states very very fast one is just keep your your eye eyes very very wide okay when you're running when you're jogging when you're in ministry or what is your eyes wide is very important practice I know these are very unconventional methods but it's just how the way the Lord has led me but I promise you in a very far you know we are all about empowering people very practical hack is blinking through a very fast road today when you're meditating very very fast blinks will cause your your your your body and your mind not to know the difference when you are because as you close your eyes you get into alpha anyway okay that's the that's the way your body has been trained but if you're blinking very very very fast constantly continuously what happens is your body doesn't understand it gets fooled in your brain gets fooled in from the pattern that has been closed been been stuck to it gets fooled into thinking that maybe eyes are closed okay and but your eyes are open and so you can hit deep theta states very fast in this kind of practice and what I'm what I'm trying to say is that whenever you are in like a flow state is because you you've gone away from beta that's for sure the flow state means you've gone away from beta state that's over thirteen fourteen oscillations per second so then you're getting closer to a nice flow state okay and generally when you are in a human when you hit an alpha state you are nicely in a flow State but interestingly what it means is to do with the material realm it means that matter that it means that you are in a wave state that means you you come out of electrical circuit or a chemical circuit or a pattern or a material circuit or carbon circuit you come out of that and you pull yourself back into a wave state you're you know even finite potential so when I'm in string or whatever it is as I start speaking patterns and it can be as simple as red shirts okay you start picking different patterns your bags have flung on one side as you start picking patterns of your body naturally hits flow okay and and then as you are in that state now when you're in flow you go on back into wave state and so now for you to create yes you need intention so if it's like a healing or it's a digital miracle or something like that it's your eyes and your your ability to be able to collapse that wave function back into electrical or chemical circuit a common circuit so that collapsing that wavefunction is important and that comes with the intention but it doesn't have to come at a thought so if you understand that so if you convert it into a thought you might not get anything there because you've already created so you have to release it out from a place of intention only and convert intention to energy instead of the other way around I love that you know I wanna I want to go I want to go somewhere really quick and that's because of your your kind of your depth of background Kirby in this area of energy formulas and we've been talking about the elementals we've been talking and we when we talked earlier like when I went talk about breath I talked about cold exposure you know Taylor you went into meditation mindfulness and kneel into movement and we've been talking through these various areas as we've been going and you talk about weights and so many other things Kirby we've been moving through all these dynamics with the correlation to the elementals and then I look back at you know your your thing on National Geographic on that geo and when they filmed you living off of the power of communion and also the various energy formulas of creation and so when when I'm talking when I get when I get into breath I'm generating energy and I'm generating potential and I'm opening rapid becoming a greater conduit for the flow of rivers of living water when I get into the cold I'm opening up I'm moving in the elementals to expand consciousness right take a greater mastery over the natural order but working with creation and out of a place of I'm a son and guys I wanna let you guys know too well we're talking a lot about a manifest sonship dynamics okay which is really awesome a lot of you like we're talking a lot about these different things and the elementals and so on and so forth we're really talking about getting greater mastery and also sovereignty in working with Yahweh in the way that he created the framework okay to sit with him in that space and to speak to cycle seasons climb all these things that Kirby you mentioned a lot about as well so I wanna I wanted to ask you and have you sure on energy formulas really quickly yeah or long sorry I didn't get a question I don't know you want me to say something about yeah you put a connection with the energy formulas the elementals and how you can work through those especially back and now you know that geo when they picked you up and I remember the five day program yeah yeah sure sure yeah just just a quick rundown your body has different energy formulas that we use understanding the ratio and playing with the ratio is very very important not sticking with one ratio either and so if you notice the simplest energy formula that you produce in your body is a glucose and then if you sort of fast glucose and you get out of that chemical pattern or that electric that chemical electrical pattern you can tap into body for adipose ketones but is now very famous everyone is changed a ratio from glucose and so they having maybe few percentage of before it was 60 70 80 percent glucose now they've changed it to ketones many of them and so that is adipose conversion so but training your body bit to be metabolically efficient literally that's what it is but I rather I ran I rather say mitrokhin really efficient because I think the mystical will tap into more understanding that micro country--i can synthesize not just fats and glucose but microcontroller can synthesize sound and light as well and so I mean that's something that science I'm not a scientist but science I'm a spiritually so but science needs to understand that and once they understand that we will be understanding exactly what we can do with microphone really efficiency so literally actually what you're training is the micro conned RIA to to shift between different energy formulas and so now you go to edit with the ketones then if you tap into that further you can get into Auto fer G which is the proteins or the waste inside of the cells if you go beyond that you can tap into photons and you can tap into in doctrine energy which is dopamine serotonin these are all what they call chemical compounds that in your gut and they go throughout your body and you you can tap into it it's you can get literally energy or serotonin or dopamine it's like taking cocaine oh it's just something like but it's that to do it you know it's it's so but its microcon real health and efficiency but the the ability to be conscious and aware of microcon real health causes it to then synthesize and you can train your microcontroller to be sensitive and you can start shifting your ratios you don't have to always be on glucose you don't have to always be on ketones you don't have to be always be on endocrine energy you can enjoy some chocolate and stuff like that but once you understand these things and I want to come to a place you know they call me the happy breatharian but I want to come into the place where where we can eat anything we want but we and I'm really meditating a lot on that are our own now is that I'm eating anything if what happens we can eat anything you want but you can dematerialize at you you are able to really take it into your body but in your body it's a shift because it doesn't come in as matter it comes in as the oneness you know and so therefore I'm sure something and shift in the way we take our food and how how food will affect us if we have a consciousness it's really a consciousness isn't it it's a you have to come into a new consciousness so then when you can eat it but it doesn't store in as anything because it's already dematerialized from the elements so I'm doing a lot on the medication on the earth to be able to try to find that space that's wonderful look at you know yeah you mentioned you referenced even the happy breatharian that's you know how your note and you know kind of referencing referencing the though I think it was a one year span I know it was longer but there was a one year span where you had a certain amount of meals whether it be nine or so meals and you ran a certain like marathons and runs I knew that you are utilizing obviously the power of Communion right and also utilize the power of breath and then working with working with the elements as a as the as an above board so to speak yeah I would love yeah that that's amazing you know yeah yes the blood see when you look at communion I think a lot of people try to go into the the elements of it as in in the material sense through their mind through ego you know you can't you need to transcend it you need to understand they're the same spirit the the electromagnetics in it you once you understand the I'll even want to call electromagnetics but it's the more than what you can see in it then you can understand it's like fine-tuning yourself into an antenna and we're collective thousands if not millions and billions of people have been rated this the body and the elements of the body and the blood of Christ and if you understand blood itself is just electromagnetic waves and and we are constantly moving energy up and down our heart is a is an instrument that can move electromagnetics up and down our breath is a phenomenal instrument we can take electromagnetics from outside and we can put electro magnetics inside like you about to as you do that you're able to take it from there and put it into your stomach in like a second like how the heck do you do that you know so we are already masters in it and I think that's why so much talks about the ability to connect with his body because his body took had the ability to take in all the errors and all the patterns and the cycles and all the electrical patterns and the the chemical patterns that were wrong and he was able to equate it or pay the debt off or complete it you know and fix it and so when you are taking the elements of the the Lord's blood and his body it's so much more than we really understand and we need to be able to transcend when you're taking it you need to transcend just the symbolic my natural mind space and tap into it in a deeper sense and it it it can give you what Jesus planned to give you and so we do meditation every day on the communion and have phenomenal experiences and it truly is able to change the body because there is no le on the earth that is carrying no era you know it's completely the element of the body and the blood is paid for completely there is no sin there is no error in it even an animal when you eat there's still a consciousness in it that it that is from a crying out to crying out you know the blood cries out you know but in Christ it's complete so the wages of sin is completely paid and it has a mystical and powerful impact on your body and the rest of the world I I feel like there's a it's like a million points in there guys were saying oh it's I feel like there's a we've just consumed energy and what the room is so there was so much that you release there Kirby with with that transmutation again I could I wanted to take I think we answered somebody's question which I want to get to but yeah but I actually wanted to take this opportunity to practice what you've just told us often I do this in my practice when I'm adjusting people or when I'm out working with llamas which I'll be going to take care of three more this coming weekend so I'm excited about that um but i but I panning out in widening your vision so that we're not focused so I wanted us and then everybody that's watching to take this moment we've been looking at this screen and getting so much from it but we have peripheral vision around us and so often it's really helpful to to tip an hour and to step back into widen interview someone just have its take ten seconds and just allow yourself keep your eyes open and and still look at the screen in front of you but then allow your awareness to be able to see more in your field of view so here I see the window right to the left and then I see a room to my right I see a lamp just take take note of what's around you and just say out loud what do you see for us we can be quiet but for those of you are watching just see what's around you and allow just just as these 10 seconds go to to focus not on what's in front of you but to pan out and see what you're picking up you might pick up in the house think about who how someone else is feeling around you you might be able to pick up some things that you won't see until you pan out and lose focus on the immediate to actually focus in in that flow state on what's actually happening around you so let's take ten seconds and go ahead and do that guns just allow it to become you allow yourself to broader oh yeah take a deep breath and then the the action step with that is if somebody came up in your field of thought or emotion came up write it down or keep that in mind and reach out to if there's a person that came up your to your mind that that's a reason why they came up and and and this is a way that we can go beyond ourselves and pepper what's going on around us and I also somebody said with the keys on movement breath and meditation that you've offered how can I heal from chronic depression especially when it goes into an acute phase and Korea will actually all of us but Kirby I think you gave so many answers to that even in mitochondrial energy adaptation that you could touch on that but I wanted to give you guys give you a night I think it was a practical answer and and I'm a movement ecologist at heart which I love that you're using that word Taylor because because I use the ecology of the world around me to inform my movement so so in the morning I'll open the door and I'll go outside and when I hear the birds chirping and we love on 2.6 acres when I when I see the trees swinging my body can't help but move like that you know and I'll then I'll just take a deep breath in because it's fresh air but then I look up at the Sun and I look 30 degrees away from the Sun with my naked eye contact lenses and glasses out because evidence has shown that the most important place to get our son is on your eye and so although the ancient Hindus maybe didn't have it right and looking into the Sun because they often lost their sight I think that God made us to understand how our relationship with the Sun can be not that we're governed by it but that we can access the energy from it in Kirby afraid you talked about this with the photonic energy but an electromagnetic energy but if you look 30 degrees away from the Sun and you make sure it hits your naked eye in the morning it can start and help you set your circadian rhythm and then going out at night when the Sun sets the same thing and off the new circadian rhythm is one of the keys to to be able to counter and defeat depression and I actually feel like that when it goes into the acute phase you actually have a window and an opportunity to disrupt something that has been constant there and almost a familiar spirit and you're and when it's acute you actually have a peak you actually have a moment where you can open up and split that window and access that whole endocrine energy source that you talked about Kirby and so so for you up for you and I don't just say just one of the biggest keys is to look to look at the Sun 30 degrees away from it as it rises and as it sets and you'll see a tremendous amount and but but Kirby do you or any of you guys do do you have more to share on that I would love to look to hear that - yeah you know depression is something that it's dear to my heart because I was when I was young the psychiatrist said they already certified me as chronically depressed or whatever it was so highly strung first and then very depressed and then so what happened was they gave me some sort of medication when I was young and then I was able to transcend that out of that not take medication and please take a medication but I was able to offer little while transcend that place okay so how my submission to you is connect deeply with like like Anil very well said the Sun is so important I tell people go get some Sun because it's something that happens with the Sun the Bible says the Sun of righteousness will arise with healing in his wings so a lot of nature a lot of Sun also I I like to tap deeply into the element of the water because the water has a lot to do with emotions and you realize that jesus walks on the water remember that Peter was in fear and therefore he couldn't walk on the water so fear and the water in water element there's a connection it's the wind that brings the water the wind is the thoughts and the thoughts would stir the water so I would connect lot with the wind and the water elements and meditate do 10 minutes you put a clock on and there's 10 minutes of a baptism a real baptism dive into the water baptism of water and be one with it remember you're not trying to take control of it you're being baptized what does it mean when Jesus says be baptized by the spirit we baptized by fire what does it mean baptized means complete submerge and become one there is a power as you start connecting with these things you realize that your your emotions start stealing down when you start getting baptized in the water and somehow you realize even when you do the coal therapy or whatever it is when you're in the water in the tub whatever it is what stills is your emotions your emotions get elated and even if you can't get into water don't you don't have to you can just allow yourself to be still and get completely immersed baptized in the water and then speak to the water speak to emotions and speak to the wind if you're getting baptized with the wind speak to the wind and say be still you know and doing these different things you realize that suddenly you start stabilizing even grounding a lot of the time softer also elements are in porn all five elements important but these two I would recommend to focus on and see where there's a shift and a change with your mood and with your thoughts come with the oppression the key is the thoughts so you need to take thoughts take every thought on the torquey so getting into a very good meditative practice will help you tremendously right on on that note turn of the fish on it [Music] I felt like what was what was said by both you guys was totally great and I and I totally echo everything the only other thing I would just maybe add I mean I don't want to add too many things here list I think those there's a couple things were probably more than enough for you to get going is exercise I know that that's helpful for some people too to kind of you know shift their body and by shifting your body you are shift in your mind and through that you know and and and by and the movement as well can release the traumas and the different things as well that sometimes lock in the the the physical apparatus --is that are perpetuating the cycle of depression that that overtakes as well but the big thing again it's fear s where we brought it up and you know working through that and shifting through that you know will open up your system and you know one other thing that you could do also you know that I've not even for myself when I was younger and went through similar you know depressive state as well was that I lost a sense of wonder of the world completely and when one thing you can do is well when you're you know we when when you're looking at the Sun 30 degrees to the side or whatever but to just remind yourself like wow existing is absolutely ridiculously crazy you know like you have a body and you're breathing and you have a mind and you have all these things going off into your brain and then they're like really these you know these wave patterns that are you know collapsing into these particles and you know all these things are happening at one time and then my god then I get to enjoy this beautiful Sun for a moment but just even just that a little sense of wonder and practicing with that and exercising with that one dear as you're doing that with the Sun as well will start to reshift your heart and reorient you to the miracle of existing itself which will you know aid in that that healing process right on I love it you know one thing I want to share on this as well with and really the question and all the things we're sharing is you know guys breath is extremely powerful yeah it's something we do all the time and a lot of times when I'm working with people and I know when you're working with people and you guys as well you guys know you guys know this with the best of them is that when you move into breath you'll often bring up stuff okay you often you often be triggered okay first of all we need to identify with Christ and his victory okay so we are victorious in all things we are more than conquerors that's who we are as the essaouira we in this world true and so and then the transformation of mind and the quickening of the spirit and our bodies happening when we work with breath and I think some of you who feel really led to dive into this more so and work with these dynamics and that you're already doing and that's what's beautiful about a lot of this is you're already moving through so many thoughts you're moving through breath all the time so what if we just shift a little bit and work with the transformation of Myra via the captain taken captive thoughts and now specifically with breath is with deep breathing - is a lot of people with a traumatic experience or different anxiety that's bonded to them though when they go into breath they'll find that maybe there's its pent up there's a difficulty moving through it or it opens up maybe something that happened when that traumatic thing occurred okay well why does that happen okay just for all of you to know is because when that happened when that imprint came it affected your physiology and it affected your breath and it caused you to breathe a certain way so a lot of people that suffer from anxiety or depression or different things like that I can see and I can tell their breath has been significantly altered and so when they move back in if I'm taking them through this some of the breath dynamics I get some of them will talk to me like hey listen there I feel like hold up here and then we can identify some things there so as you guys know moving to do this things may come up guess what God is with you and all of that stuff you're or than an overcomer you're victorious in Christ as the Astoria in this world so any trauma or anything that comes up during moving in breath or any of these dynamics we're sharing about meditation stillness movements all of it just know that he is gazing on that situation with you and you can work through it you can breathe through it and you'll notice that your breath begins to change for life okay which opens up matters of long life longevity so many different dynamics with your immunity you'll find that you know Kasich is often you'll find so many different things shift okay so that's one thing I want to have that yeah any other questions there's a couple more I think Megan's gonna okay question any stories of women giving birth while in that void state of mind oh okay yeah I think this one's for you I'm I'm not well uh we call you know do you have different semantics for this I have good friends who have given birth in what they call the realm of glory and it's the same III think I won't call it the same thing but it's you can tap into the glory when you are you are in stillness and so where there is no pain at all and it's very quickened and very very fast immediately and it happens a lot in our congregation as well no pain buts and it's it's a say it it's a the stillness takes you remember when you tap into your spirit which is still God the glory can encounter you and that's the suffering work of God that God constantly wants to encounter you and so of course there are many stories that happen pain-free and very fast do you want chime in Neal yeah this yep yeah I would love to uh yeah certain patients I take care of a lot of pregnant patients at women who who who are journeying through the that beautiful transformative process which is how miraculous it is that that a woman gets to in Harbor the the two the two realities uniting to make a beam to make a baby and I think her be well touched on like the realm of glory and I know certain patients of mine who who they just threw at stasis through through bliss through laughter through you know just that point of meditation they they didn't feel pain in fact there's a there is somebody in Southern California her name is Cara and and she teaches on supernatural birth and there's a books on this as well and in fact somebody you know there's a lot of people who have some some keys out there on this and it's great to read about it because there are testimonies within them of women entering the state where the baby comes and I want to actually touch her on the other side of that so that we can actually speak of a need of a manifestation on the earth for more of the glory to inhabit because I also see the other side where women have this this miraculous stretching of their bodies and they have tissue that that has to expand and I don't get too graphic in a way but it needs to be talked about before is that it's crazy what I'm gonna do I mean my wife has given birth to two and on the way to third and to think that they're actually able to bring life through and organs move out of the way and a baby comes into this planet and and then and then the baby is is crying and then forms and then it grows up to be us it's it's like it is traumatic in some sense what they experience because because they often are seeking for answers and I am praying for that and I've seen God show up and I also just call out to other people and I also just just want to pray and release that intercession on the earth but we would see more of these births happen and that we would we would come around the mothers and we would we would come for them because I feel like as we're talking I could feel some of the anxiety I could feel some people of their chests not to constrict now I could feel the breath start to limit and I feel like as we talked more people are coming into wholeness and healing but I also want to verbally save your people don't feel overwhelmed right now that what we're sharing in and of itself has a Grace and a vitality that you don't need to practice everything we're saying just receive but then go back through this and you're gonna see really key steps that you could take to put these practices into your life and Holy Spirit will translate that for you but also to the pregnant moms out there and the people that know them come around them because because like Kirby said we are a collective of body is meant to be a collective and a collective is meant to carry things that one person can't because Yeshua Christ carried what none of us can carry so therefore we are to be manifestations of that community so so come around because as some of you can be around pregnant women in your lives and actually carry a realm of glory that that can help them during and after to experience that a basis in that bliss so they can get the help they need but also it's just beautiful to see the miraculous way that childbirth is such an example of the glory that comes because you know I just have to share them the moment our daughter was born week at her at home in a birthing tub in a pool and and she came out of the water and time Stood Still and she let loose a cry but it was a not a cry of pain and it was a cry of wonder like you talked about Taylor she expressed wonder and it was 11 days later that we realized that her name was serenity and it was many days later that we realized that that she carries tools and keys and Anna retro actively delivers Sall for some of those difficult moments and so she she and our son Cyprus carry carry some of that supernatural grace that often isn't there then but it can it can happen later so some some kind of abstract thoughts there but I but I just felt like it was important to address some things that came with that okay we have a question how would the mechanism of intent or choice or finding the void help to walk in the joy of the Lord to advanced emotional well-being you okay let me just jump into that well I think what we don't understand is we think that when you read the Bible in Christianity we think that I mean we're so focused on what they call sin that we don't understand sin is just a pattern a crystallized pattern that comes because you're accused so you're trying to prove yourself so it's the full slave master slave mentality that is that is running our lives and this chatter is going on constantly between either you were a slave and we are performing because someone has accused us or we're gonna prove ourself or you're a slave master now we've only become a pastor as someone of high value in now we're slave master and it's but it's same from that same it's the same consciousness it's called same consciousness it's ego you know we're a Galatians says you know it is no longer I who live it's no longer ego that lives so I think we don't understand that that the chatter that is in ongoing in our minds a guide constantly talking is disturbing keeping us in that beta state constantly needs to be crucified and I think once you have found the ability and it's a it's a process you can't do it in a second it's a it's a process of your life constantly you will find your self yours your self constantly Jesus says carry your cross daily and come after me so you have to crucify self all the time and so once you have had the protocols them you have a desire you know to to be find a void and be still and and know discern what religion looks like and the performance mentality looks like and once you are able to see see it what happens is you learn to distinguish between the emotions of the mosaic hit the rock sort of system and you are able to rely on rest in the spirit at this point of time at this point of time you have encounters powerful encounters with the with with the holy spirit and who is constantly wanting to encounter you so being able to detach from that place is is my recommendation to anyone to be able to have more experience it's beautiful you know yeah I think you said something carido super key and you know ask ask God for the desire you know it and ask y'all way to generate desire to know him more intimately experientially in your life you know I think some some of the things that can get us out of the false works mentality because there is a righteous work is realizing that he first I know this is very elementary but he first loved you you know so everyone often it's he it's the father himself it's it's Christ himself it's the Spirit of God himself that that person loved you and it's out of that space that we love God so he first loved it us with all his heart strength in mind and then we in turn have the capacity through desire through cultivating desire to love him with all the heart strength in mind okay right and so that's that that's a really awesome realm of rest okay you know it'll shift youth especially with a lot of I think a lot of different examples and I've seen it's it's a lot of I Love You God and that's beautiful I'm in that space a lot but it's from the foundation of Union the foundation of I can't be in that space at all I can't even be held together right now anatomically speaking or atomically speaking apart from the love of God and so I am very much here and present with you because he first loved me and he's holding again me together by the power of his word and we have within that place the promised rest and so when we're talking about the void we're talking about the still space we're talking about the flow state there's this space of rest and and it's it's in the realm of it's finished and it's it's done and the Spirit of God who has begun a work in me will bring it unto completion and so trust in the process that Yahweh is is his making and having him himself in his way in and through you and that'll bring about an awesome rest in a place where you begin to flow into some of these things that were discussing with just by desire because the reason I move in breath and the meze reason I move in the cold exposure and the fasting and the different dynamics isn't it's out of a place of a place of just desire and sometimes yeah it is out of a place of I want to shift my state because it's not always like I'm not always in the space where it's like man I feel synchronized you're in union with God like you know and is in that place where I recollect I remember who I am and I fuse with Yahweh by faith and sometimes that's enough just by faith I realize remember and in steps back into that space sorry guys of who I truly am and sometimes I begin to move in the dynamic of breath where I begin to get in the cold or I begin to go into these other dynamics because I want to shift my state whether through body awareness or through mindset to initiate what's already flowing in him through my life but more comprehensively okay so I just touch on a bunch of different topics but rest is real okay and so that's where we want operate from so ask God to give you a greater desire and also to know his love for you more more comprehensively so you can return that so to speak yeah yeah okay and I just interject and just say that like our own very well said its identity is so important when you start understanding these things if you are in a mosaic sort of law legalistic system then you need to first identify and then go listen to a lot of grace you know the teachers on Grace and sonship that will establish you in your identity first because it's by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body and that is so vital and now if that same spirit that raised Christ in our dead lives in you he'll get quicken your mortal body so it's by the spirit in Romans 8 it says that you put to death with is about me if you try to put it to death the deeds of the body or if you try to change a chemical physical pattern by the flesh the flesh will only begin the flesh the ego will only be get the ego you have to transcend it into spirit so that is a work of grace it's not a work of works and for that you have to identify with the work so the finished work that he's already completed in you and allowed the spirit to come into you like our first artist asking Lord give me the desire I identified this as my ego-mind of myself mine and I want to be able to steal this mind you know and I'll ask him for the desire fight and he will then give it to you without reproach so good so good yeah Taylor did we but sure yeah you know when I when I collapsed okay like when my body gave out on me and I quit you know I I may be one like a week before a month before so I could go climb a mountain this somebody asked me to and then I could barely walk to the metal box okay I went I went through such psychological and physiological distress but it's in that space where I really began to learn that those who love God and are called according to his purpose he will you know it'll line up okay and I began to learn more dynamics of even the power of what Paul said I praying the smear the spirit worth more than all of you combined and the dynamics are working with the spiritual language okay which is like a tuning fork and I would never want to diminish it to that but it's a place where you can actually begin to tune your your mind-body connection to righteousness okay to who you truly are and I remember working with the spiritual language to begin to tune this body in this mind and identify with his victory with his mind with his body I began to actually just do something as simple as God you love me with all of your heart all of your strength all of your mind I would sit here sometimes for so long okay and it was out of a place of God you love me and I would begin to have to speak to myself I love who I've been created to be I love this body this mind I love myself and I would work through that dynamics as love that without your heart strength in mine love your neighbor as you love yourself I began to actually work with that template which I believe is one of the greatest foundations from you know for life is obviously what Jesus said you know in that in that in those words so yeah I know that speaks a lot of you I do it whatever just so I can stop there yeah so good this has been such a good time I guess as we begin to wrap up here one of the things I would just love to take a moment and hear Taylor what what you're doing a kirby what you're you know I know this is on your platform a lot of these people viewing are are because of you and it's we're so grateful for that to just bring a platform for this like I said in the beginning but I want you to share anything that's upcoming anything that you wanted to let people before we before we wrap up here and then Neela's well yeah sure so we got mono genetics coming up I think we we planned it in me but it might go on to Jun mono genetics is basically practical ways literally practical ways things that you do during the day that I do nearly every single day to keep my biology fine-tuned to be that conducted at antenna into the spirit but also to biohack yourself into strength and immunity and to be yeah to be able to be strong and have long life so things that I practically do and I put it into a five day program and that's monogenetic ins coming up in June rode on I love it yeah I love it you know one of the things you mentioned Kirby was Grace and I just I just want to say it's like I've never I've never really heard someone share grace the way you do and a transformational metamorphosis dynamic and it'll really I think what you're bringing to the table in the area of of moving and transformative grace is going to change our whole understanding of the mind-body connection so if any of you guys I would just so highly recommend it tune in tomorrow because I think giving context for some of these dynamics which we've had so little time to do the context in the foundation is out of a place of greats and so that's so so so important so I know in mono genetics course your five day program I've been to several of those and I believe so much from you and in that it's from a foundation space of grace okay so Taylor out of the British granny and real quick with with Taylor I got you a book man it is beautiful and it's so instrumental I think I think you're giving context for meditation and mindfulness from an academic and just from your own blog and practice of it phenomenal so yeah thank you yeah I like a ruin just got a little book that just came out like weeks ago it's called beginner's guide to Christian meditation so some of you guys are looking for some kind of like you know some basic parameters and some basic steps and some biblical foundations you know when in a text you can kind of like look at and play around with and you know explore more with and definitely check that out my website is raw calm are oo-aah calm yeah and every week every Tuesday we do we just get together and I'm teaching people how to meditate and how to you know sit and you know my main goal is to resend citize you know all my students I want them to be Riesman citize towards the spirit and towards their body and and the flow of course and all the interplay and so if you're interested in some Christian meditation and just kind of jumping into a group that's like a weekly practice then please come check it out I also do a class on Christian mysticism as well and go through the different philosophical and metaphysical and you know spiritual components that are that go into the mystical experiences as well with that so if you're interested check it out and other than that that's pretty much it so again Kirby thank you for letting me come on here you are beautiful and you know seriously it is it's it's a it's more than an honor it's joy and it's pure greats just being up here with you and Arun thank you again for you know throwing it all together and and for inviting me to come on to this I really do appreciate it and Neil thank you for all your easing work and I love it and so glad you can join us right on Neil you know I would love a free shirt yeah yeah yeah what's a daily basis I do is is in the office and in reading so I welcome anybody who is in the area to come see me get some chiropractic some Body Works mind-body equiping but I also am upcoming going to be doing mind body coaching consulting and virtual adjustments like a couple examples are because there's so many people that can't get to me that in person and what some have done is is as we've done appointments via telehealth so I can take care of mini massage therapist and what one day one said texted me and said I'm experiencing I can't stand up right I'm hunched over and immediately I felt this tightness in my esophagus and at the top of my neck topic is and then I saw a picture of this body worker extending her body and looking up into the left and so I texted her this exact thing I said put your finger here in here and look up it to the left and tip your head back and she did and she text me back like three minutes later and she's like instantaneously I can stand upright how did you know that and then I said it's the whole experience and she like laughs - via text and said I got a press into that and that's the beautiful thing about this is available to anybody but I but I do specific really specific virtual adjusting and you know I love working with people on that so you can go to move into it calm down there at the bottom and and and I also have taught workshops experiential workshops and I'm going to be doing those as soon as we can again I mean studios and outdoors on you people how to move in ways that are self-healing and it's the interdisciplinary thing that I mentioned where basically it's 15 people how to learn your body so that you can transcend your body and so that you can access that spirit and how he is speaking to you at all times I mean so many practical ways through movement and dance and interpretive dance and through journaling and through craniosacral fleshly mental therapy and chiropractic and all things that I that I mesh together into one so so just kind of check out the website I could send me an email and I'd love to know if you're interested in it and I just want to be a resource so so stay tuned for more things I'm so thankful that I get to be a part of this Taylor you just wowed me with so many things and the police that you carry and how how much you you know in so many ways and in Kirby just how much you you convey with you talk really fast but you actually say more than the speed of your words and so I like taking all in as a kid I feel nourished in red I want to share it the quickest of testimonies years ago before I ever really started running and I was dealing with horrible asthma I I decided to start running and I could only run 4.7 miles and I was for a half an hour and just horrible pain it was just like violin but I came back from that trip where I tried to start running and I was able to run 1.5 miles without stopping but I ran with a room the day after which is a lie and about a 1.5 mile as in I said I think I got to stop he looked at me and he would love but with confrontation and he did is it the asthma and in his question was congruent and I said no actually no it's not I can keep going so then we made it to two miles but that was the breakthrough the next day I ran four miles without stopping no asthma the next day after that I ran eight miles without stopping no asthma and then the next week every sixty miles without stopping no asthma and then three weeks I was able to run at 16 miles no stopping no asthma no water at all I didn't need to drink water so supernatural but also uh-oh yeah and then within moments they ran my first ultra marathon which is a 50 kilometer race and kind of meditation and union with God but I really commend a room because he didn't ask me that question maybe it would have stopped at 1.5 miles and who knows how long taking me to run the ultra so a room carries so much power in the simplicity of his works because he loves as a father does with with a gentle question that provokes you'd want the change and so I really love Arun and what he carries and I'm so proud that I get to be here journeying and sharing with the room so I love you girl I love you too Brooke and happy 40th birthday yeah thank you yeah so awesome it's obviously an absolute honor and pleasure to collaborate with all of you in that story but you shared I kind of had a similar situation with Kirby when we are running in Sri Lanka and I was new to the - in the heat and I had just got done training in in Poland with wim HOF and so I came right over to Sri Lanka we did some really cool things there with you guys and and you I went and started running with you guys there your community you guys are training for the Ironman and I remember I was driving alongside you and you were pretty much the same voice to me that I was to you and I I think I had it run more than a 5k for five years or something like that and I ran we ran like I don't know how long was it was talking the afternoon yeah with all the traffic with wild Indian guys one of the things I got a breakthrough in was learning to work with the elixir of heat heat training okay after I got done working in the cold okay all the great stuff and we went into a beer some of this stuff I'm brooding is t12 coaching you can go to Union flow comm you can click coaching I got one spot it just opened up for tomorrow's seven day work basically coaching workshop and then there's another one in June so you guys can chime in to that I go into so many different dynamics that we talked about here and it's just really fun connect group limited to 12 people and there's some one-on-one coaching as well so check check out that if you get a chance honestly just you know one of the things if you look where this is streaming on a while life there so so so so many resources and teachings from Kirby from Fiona from other individuals I've been I've had the opportunity to speak at wildlife and my biohacking so incredible so tune in to this check out tailor check out the Neal and we'll we'll hopefully see you guys again okay yep appreciate you guys likewise such an honor bless you guys [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 3,877
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Id: FsAmUvP89II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 46sec (10786 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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