Choose Your Reality

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hey everybody okay welcome to Wow Sunday online service okay guys so we've just finished a Holy Week and we've just finished Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday get those messages they really encompasses the fullness of what Jesus came to give you now today is going to be special okay because you know I've been talking to a couple of friends and I've been talking to people outside of the country in this country and I realized that there's a distinct difference between the people who know God intimately and also the people who don't have an aspect of God there's a distinct difference in the conversation there's a distinct difference in what they're saying okay days I mean guys I love my science I love facts but believe me facts keep changing and that is the truth today you're gonna have facts about this virus that in one two months I can guarantee you the facts will change okay believe me when I tell you that okay I mean during the last ten years facts have kept changing before that I remember the day to say that we're not supposed to eat eggs and eggs are bad for you later on the facts change and they realize oh actually there's an LDL and HDL before that they told you that eating meat so bad but now everyone is going on keto okay remember okay before that they told you that eating fruits are good but now they said hey fruits are high sugar and not should not be even the facts keep changing but truth is universal and you can do nothing about it so facts constantly change facts depend on human consciousness dependent on whether you're in a reaction state dependent whether you're on a pro action state dependent whether you're running from a tiger or a lion or your credit card company or a loan okay facts will keep changing if you own a prevalent state of success your facts will be different okay why am I telling you that it's because of the way you learn like I just explained to you about how facts have kept changing throughout now look okay previously they said at one point of time I did I did a TED talk on this I said according to the prevalent instruments of measurement of the day facts will keep changing the reason is we do not see everything we cannot have a Newtonian mindset and say these are the facts and just look at the empirical evidence before us and say that is now truth that is just facts when the measurement device changes you will see that the facts change so when your telescopes become bigger when your instruments of magnification become bigger when more data starts coming when you've got a greater mass and a quantity of people that you can survey facts will change okay and that's what has happened throughout time we have to understand it we cannot take facts as truth there is a huge difference okay and truth never changes took is universal took is consistent okay and truth can be understood by a child deep in his spirit and in his heart okay and we just need to go back to finding what truth is because believe me facts will change and like I said before even on this virus you will see that a facts will keep changing what they're saying in two months about where what from how all that will also keep changing okay however the truth that you know in your heart will never change and I can tell you stories my friends of how just by tapping into the Spirit of Truth who the Holy Spirit is that Jesus gives to you that your reality your consciousness what you create such changing because of the internal truth and not the exogenous and external facts that start coming to humanity please understand that a couple of years ago because of the truth in the Bible because of truths there are truths prevailing truths in the Bible because of this truth and in a revelation that means the light that shines on the truth the truth start getting upgraded it doesn't change it means it is revealed in a deeper sense and because truth is been revealed constantly and continuously in a deeper sense because truth is universal it is constant but we realize the revelation of it goes deeper into the believers heart because of that we start changing our environment and our reality and that's why I focused today on choosing your reality according to truth and a core not according to facts what we want to be grounded in is in deep and I can just give you stories of my life that should help you today that just being grounded in truth and not getting swayed by the facts that are coming out there because the Bible says that you know the facts are like you know you can be a double minded man and unstable in our ways because every time you put on CNN and every time you put on the news every time you put on something that is out there any news news network out there with the mass media that is coming to us we can understand that those facts can cause us to continuously be double-minded we can be changing our mind constantly and one day we said this not is another day we believe we believe something else but today I'm hoping that the universal consistent not changing truth will be deposited in you to the Word of God and you'll be grounded in that and you will be unshakable within the coming seasons and you'll be unshakable in the common seasons okay so let's get to so I'm going to go into the world and I want to show you Jesus and the reason he came okay and I'm going to show you the two worlds according to human consciousness according to where you are what you're feeling okay according to your emotions okay how your world can change I'm going to show you and I'm going to give you stories of our lives of what things that happen and then I want to bring you deep into the promise of the word on how you can stand on should and you can come into a place of rest okay because once you know truth you it's just a piece that you have a constant peace because your unshakable because you you build your house Jesus is on a rock and he explains it he says if you build a house on a rock you're like a wise man but if you don't build a house on a rock you're like a foolish man I mean every wind of doctrine and philosophy and every wind of different diets two different news articles are coming out you can such shaking you understand it but other facts have to respond and testify to the truth that is deep in our heart okay I'm not saying please understand I'm not saying to be oblivious of news I'm not saying some of you are business people out there some of you are y'all are lawyers and some of you are professionals and you all need the facts because taxi give you proceedeth okay and I'm not telling you to be oblivious on that but I'm trying to say that your facts have to start witnessing to the truth that is internally inside of you get yourself facts that witness the truth that is inside of you okay I'm going to show you how to do that Jesus himself said it like this he said you know he said I don't need I think it's in John 15 he says I don't need a witness from man that's what he says that means I don't need any article any publicity any people to witness for me however he says however he says it like it's quite beautiful he shows us how to go to the friction grid of reality okay he actually says however he says when John is witnessing his witnessing of me and in and you were dwelling and happy in his life for a moment and that's okay you're watching news ok and it's responding to the truth that you already have inside of you you go to the doctor yes guess what he says you were sick but you have a truth inside of you I'm gonna tell you the story okay but now you go you take the report now that report initially is contrary to the truth that you have inside of you just understand this okay but now you start looking for a report that will refill the truth of his healing did it inside of you did he just get that so he says you can dwell in John's light for a moment but he says I don't need a man to witness for me the works that I do and my father already witnesses for me but that doesn't mean John is irrelevant that doesn't man mean man's weakness is irrelevant that doesn't mean that news article is irrelevant that doesn't mean that the reporter comes to the doctor is irrelevant but find yourself a light like John a man a article a person who can witness to the prevalent truth that is unshakeable and unchangeable okay I'll tell you a story quickly just to start this off it like it will push you improperly into something I was long time ago when I was just coming into this thing and I was really refuting everything I'm intense now my god it was ferocious when I was ten years just many ten years ago I got to know Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Savior I knew who my king was and I know that he took me into a world that was completely different to what people saw in the Newtonian mind okay and he showed me things that were that that looked completely impossible in the natural world and when he showed me those things I had gone to adopt at one point of time I I was still having certain habits that were not so good okay and in those habits that my eating habits were not so good my drinking habits not so good I had a smoking habit that I was having okay but I still now get him to know God and seen the impossible before me okay impossible was nothing now okay and with the doctor gave me a report again a well-known doctor in Sri Lanka he gave me a report and I said doc can this can can can I not get healed of this this is not is there no healing and he says you know you have to get an operation so I told him I said doc what happens if I get healed and so I started a philosophy discussion with the doctor who I just met and he didn't know who I was I wasn't so known at that time okay and and he said no you know you this is a miracle I said okie Dok in Iverson I wasn't being obnoxious so I wasn't trying to be funny we really just became but I was just hoping that I didn't have to keep the operation okay I was I was like but doc but what happens if I get he loved it he said well it had to be America it's a daughter you know what I'm going to just believe for a miracle he said but you know coming you need to get operated on this is quite soon nights by bad so I said but doc you know I'm just going to I'm just gonna hold on to my faith for a while I'll be back okay I'll be back okay and and I I leave and I and after a little while the when I looked at the facts the reports and the facts okay it seemed that I would need the operation but then I allowed myself every day I would look at the area that was injured I would look at the area that was that that seemed like he needed surgery and my god I can tell you that every small change I saw I used as a testimony as a weakness as like John dwelling and basking in that life because a man or the natural but now witnessing to the truth that is in Isaiah 53 who has believed my report to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes 39 lashes on his back we are and that is the truth that was deep inside of me that's a nice high 53 okay and my god I start seeing the changes and the changes and changes and finally the weakness of the report said of witnessing to the prevailing unchangeable truth that was inside my heart so you must understand guys that you know I have no issues in having operation I love doctors I think that they are a gift from God they might not know it but I truly believe that they've got the DNA of God because there and God uses them but it annoyed or not in a powerful way for healing so I was finally getting operation but at that point of time you know I wanted to measure my faith I just wanted to experiment I was just getting into this kind of stuff so just getting to know this God who can do the impossible okay and I'm telling you guys like go to doctors don't get operated but give yourself some time is what I gave I gave myself some time for my faith also to work okay I was I gave myself a timeline if if I if it didn't happen within this time I would get myself operated okay so there was a wisdom in how I was practicing my faith so what happened was in that time that that I was I gave I got here okay and I went to the doc and I showed him I said doc do you remember the time that he told me if this gets here that it would be a miracle and he said yeah that's what I said I said can I show you something and I said what are you saying and he himself said well I think it's a miracle okay so so I'm talking to you out of experience okay again I'm telling you okay doctors are awesome but even your faith helps them okay even your faith helps your healing I was talking to a friend of mine recently his father was probably sri lanka's for most cancer surgery okay and he was a believer and he was a Roman Catholic believer believed in the Lord Jesus and so he himself and this is from his son's mouth just recently it he told me that that his father used to say that people who had faith had a better chance of surviving cancer because they believed they had optimism their positivity in them okay this is coming from a cancer surgeon okay so you have to understand even your believing that you can get here helps with the healing process that comes with medication comes with surgery that comes with all the pharmaceuticals that are necessary for your healing and not I'm not that typical Pentecostal I'm hope some of you know me by now I take medicine when I need to okay I go to doctors III got operated in different areas when it's necessary my god faith doesn't have to work supernaturally on miraculously all the time even when a doctor operates on you it is beyond something that is natural do you understand that I mean today we have medical facilities that can help people get healed so much better than we had 50 years ago okay so you have to understand that we depend on every single area it will depend on medicine we depend on doctors and we depend on God and all of it in holistically extremely spiritual okay now here's what Jesus said to Pilate and when you understand it it opens up a realm okay get ready this is what he says and I want you to see and we're talking about truth today and we're talking about how your truth your internal truth that you're grounded in can change reality can start changing the facts just get that your internet work can start changing the facts and then the facts start testifying to the internal trucked okay that's what I'm talking about now watch this okay was in chapter 18 and verse 36 and Pilate asked Simon Says you know people call you a king and then Jesus even at that time so witty says husain is that you will send it so it's as someone else told you he said you could have his revelation yourself literally and so what's 35 Pilate and said I'm not a Jew you know but it's what your people say verse 36 jesus answered my kingdom that means the word kingdom is where a king has authority and Dominion now he's talking to a king with authority and Dominion and Pilate really says I the pub of life and death of you and he says buddy you don't have the power my kingdom has given that to you literally okay but now listen this he says my kingdom is not of this world did you just get that my kingdom is not of this world that means there's a higher kingdom that Jesus is asking you to end there's a higher truth the kingdom of his world is full of Newtonian empirical touch feel and see evidence there is a higher place that is deeper than touch feel and see evidence that your sea is inviting you into a Dominion but he is a king there you understand he's inviting you into rulership and an authority and then he says this and so investors and the palates the Masters van palisade therefore said to him are you a kingdom and listen carefully jesus said you say rightly that I am King Wow so he says I have a rulership that's what he's trying to say I have a purity pilot you an authority of a certain Kingdom I'm an authority and that's really calling the king of kingdoms okay I also have a turkey I also have a rulership he says and then he says now watch this and this should like open up for you and if you don't believe in Jesus and if you don't know who he is this should open up for you in the first entrance into your heart watch this okay should be this he says for this reason okay I was born for this cause I am a king for this cause I was born and for this cause I come into the world why now he's talking to a king of the world a Dominion authority this guy has and he says you have no authority when take my life I have Dominion and for this authority and cause I came into the world isn't that cool they said that I should bear witness to the truth everyone who is of the truth hears my voice Pilate said to him what is truth is it there and when he had said this he went out again to the Jews and said to him I find a fault with him okay now listen carefully is a beautiful story because that's the privilege what is truth what is true and that's why I want to distinguish viewing facts an internal truth and I want you know that if you have an internal truth and if it is truth it is for this reason the Jesus scheme that he could be a king of a higher kingdom because ideally a Roman god he remembers a story when a Roman god Centurion who had hundreds of people under him came to him and he said I am a man under Authority so he was under this guy Pilate remember right and so and he said my servant is dying but I'm a man under Authority so he's talking of Pilate now okay and but Pilate cannot help my seventh was dying so he says Lord and he looks at Jesus that means he says I believe that you are of a higher Kingdom and you have authority centurion calls him Lord did you just get that because he realized that Pilate with all that he has in resources with him in the Roman Kingdom could not help his child or his servant who was dying Wow you just get that okay and he says you don't have to come to my house I will come and submit myself to you and say now you speak because I know what authority my pilot has that's what he's saying so I'm a man under authority on the pilot okay I know what authority I have but I know that if you speak a word that's the type of authority you have that my servant will get healed you just understand the roman the roman conquering government at that time understood that the only one who can heal was Jesus you just get that that his kingdom had more authority in this area come on come on Tommy isn't this exciting stuff and so therefore now Pilate is challenging him and he says yes for this reason I was born and I want you understand that in Romans he says says light like this the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death there are different facts out there but Jesus is saying I have come to bear witness of truth and the truth is I have authority in this kingdom I hope you got that because the truth is I am the king of a kingdom that healed the Centurions servant that raised Lazarus Lazarus out of the dead that saved Israelites out of the hands of Pharaoh you understand Kings contending with the King of Kings do you just get that I hope you understood that okay so we have to understand that Jesus is offering a truth to us that is completely different to the prevailing evidence that we see from our five senses and if we understand that truth that truth can prevail and dominate over the facts that come to you like I told you about what happened to me and when I got a report from a doctor that looked like it was written on stone it was unchangeable but because of the truth that was in me I didn't have to go through that operation because I got healed did you just get that okay nah so here we go again okay and this is a beautiful story because he pilot goes out here's a king who goes out and he releases he tells the Jewish people I need to release this man I find no fault with him something convicted his heart do you understand that but I want you to see what happened in verse 39 he says but and he says look it's the right time you have a custom that I should release someone at Passover Wow you see it's where the prisoners were held captive re-released remember Passover right so he wanted to appease the Jews I said I can release this man will pass so why love this so it really explains a bit for you he said do you therefore warn me to release your king you see he says because something convicted him and I know he was mocking at the same time but he realized he said I could release your king okay who do you want whose kingdom do you want to be in the offer is there for us today do we want to be in the prevailing Kingdom on the law of sin and death where it's written on stone it is unchangeable the things that we know okay is what is going to happen to us or do we want to experience freedom from just knowledge that we had the Bible says it like this it says my people perish because a lack of knowledge just give that just understand that because I had on that day when the doctor gave me that report I had in me a knowledge that was truth and therefore daughter doctor's report looked like it was a final sentence in the judgment because of the truth the report started changing okay that's the mystical nature of Jesus Christ that's the power that is inside of you okay so please understand so the offerings made today do you want to be under this king okay and that's what Pilate sees reduced now listen what they say and they caught it and they cried out and this what people say today and they said no not Jesus Christ not Jesus of Nazareth not that King give us Barabbas okay and he said now Barabbas was a robber such a beautiful story you know why and this is it mind-blowing because the name Barabbas means the son of a father just get that isn't it awesome it means that they said hey I know we've been offered Dominion authority from a king that is from a different realm but there is healing restoration peace joy but who did they choose the son of the human father do you understand there is a human condition as a human circumstance there's a human in AD DP of iniquity that is in math okay that takes us toil and labor to get anywhere and then there is a grace that comes to us to the King of Kings who says come into a rest come into my Dominion come into my rulership and if you rest here it's like a wise man who built his house on a rock and he will not be shaken do you understand it so Jesus is offering that but guess what even at that time they chose the son of a human father the choice to acknowledge and identify with a human nature and the human condition though they were offered divine power authority health and to be the sons of God isn't it awesome okay and so that's what happened okay now I want to take you to Isaiah 53 I saw the Prophet 600 700 years before Christ okay and he's seen the suffering servant on a cross and true I mean just amazing just just by seeing a region he gets the full revelation who the suffering servant is and the generation that you and me that will go after the suffering servant and that will acknowledge that Christ suffered so that we can be free okay that we can have peace that we can come into a joy that we can come out of our suffering and acknowledge that there is a generation that's going to be like that and that is what I side 53 is prophesizing before because it says who will believe his report and who will declare this generation it is the same story you remember the eunuch and Philip they were there there was Philip was running behind a chariot and a Yuna was sitting in the chariot reading this one okay I saya 53 and he says who will declare this generation can I be a part of this generation and my part if you listening to me today you can be a part of this generation it doesn't matter what religion what faith you are it doesn't matter matter who you are my god you can be a part of this by just a knowledge in what Jesus did on the cross and I'm going to show you took you into a new understanding a new realm now you have a true the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak please understand it and a good man will bring good things out of the abundance of your heart that means all the decreed around us is from the truth that we have in our heart another proverb says it like this it says guard your heart with all diligence what up because out of it flows the issues of life but actually the word issues there is the word limitations of life that means because truth is sown in our heart if we get different facts and different information and that prevails over the truth that is in the world and we don't stand on a word what's going to happen is we are going to get limited because it says out of it it is going to come the limitations of your life okay just understand it okay let me tell you something that is so importantly I'm going to first read the beginning of Isaiah 53 and I'll show it to you you know watch this okay so it starts off and this is so important it's like a sailor moment you know I wish we had time to stop and meditate on just this one more okay watch this he says it starts off powerful who has believed our report and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed Wow it's a question let's stop who has believed his report to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed the realm man I'll tell you man when I got to know Jesus he ushered me into a realm you opened up a dimension honestly I can't get out of it I'm living in a realm where believe me the reality is very different even scientists will tell you today that time and space they understand in philosophically and just philosophically but they are understanding through physics that time and space is different it's relative to every man do you know that that means my time and my space can be different to someone else's time and space and they are understanding this with the multiverse sort of concept that they are understanding that time and space can be different with different people that is crazy you understand it and so in the realm that God brought me in my reality is very different and I as some of you all all know it's very controversial but I can't help it because he invited me into that presence a secret place and in that secret place things are a bit different and I won't even a bit it's radically different okay but that place is not just for some special people it's for anyone who believes that you are invited into that place you know our house I mean now I wish I could invite the whole world but if you come to our house you will know and I promise you you will feel it okay it's like time slows down okay there's a piece that is Shalom distinctly you can be you can be in whatever faith your phone you walk into where we live okay you'll find a shadow man that isn't it's not geographical okay it's because of the consciousness of those who live there things are slowed down everything is peaceful okay there is no complaining okay there is life that is just increasing constantly is a constant hope and that has been there because we are housed in the Lord now so the consciousness we have believed a report that is different to what others have believed and it's challenging you who has believed our report to whom has the arm of the Lord means the power of God the right hand of God Jesus Christ to whom has that been revealed now let me tell you like this okay there's something in your brainstem at the bottom of your brainstem called a reticular activating the reticular activating in Porton to understand because even scientists have understood that reticular activator as a ultra filtering system so if you are in a reactive state and if you are in fear and if you if there is no truth but you're dependent on just facts and facts and facts and facts okay and effects keep changing and you take pride in certain facts and you are just established in respect what can happen to you and this is normal is that the reticular activated speaking up only those facts but even though prevailing in your life there are other facts that means John as a man is also witnessing these are not truths these are just facts but a factor matter is witnessing to the truth that is deeply inside of you so you will miss even the facts that represent the truth inside of you if your reticular activating programmed because of the fear that is inside of you come on I'm just gonna explain if you if I'm just try it out okay if you just say there was a famous book I think um it's e e squared or something like that but someone wrote and in that book I didn't read it but someone told me that in the book that if you go out and if you say you know what yellow car yellow car yellow car and you keep saying yellow cars and you said say and you put it in your reticular activated will filter out everything else and you're going to see more yellow cars on the road did you just get that so it is the same if you go into a library you know I love reading and I know for sure if when I go shopping even shopping it works like this if I go shopping and I say I want a red shirt okay I mean I mean girls take a long time to program the reticule activator okay but I mean I think I don't know even get this okay but let's understand it sir when my wife goes shopping she take say two hours in shopping but if I want a red shirt I go in straight off fast if I shall pass the second job take right to the third shop and right there is my wrench okay but IIIi think I I think we know when others go shopping okay fine de that they will take a much longer time to identify what they want but what I realized was this okay that if I say to myself this is exactly what I want that's when the reticular activated starts ultra filtration a lot at a time all of us go shopping without an understanding like what do I want it's like more like they call it window shopping as well because they will go out now now Fiona doesn't do a window shopping she does what we call power shopping but the fact of the matter is that when we go out saying hey let's go shopping it means there's so many variables out there and that's fine because I love going shopping with her now I didn't like it before but I've learned to enjoy going around with her and then seeing everything it's like going to a library not knowing what you're gonna pick up but it's enjoyable because you're picking every book you're reading a bit of a Sabrina becomes that and you're looking at the shopping situation like that but if you go saying I want a red shirt that's exactly where your reticular activated will take you did you just get that but it's the same thing with research it's the same thing with news do you know how much of research articles are out there on everything you need it's so much of research out there even for the medical community there's so much of research out there and it's not hard anymore we can just get onto Google and then sunny your reticular activity by searching for something you can find it you can also find something completely contradictory and polarized to what you have found in facts you will always find it I I submit you go and check out now that anything you know as a fact you will find something completely contrary to it peer-reviewed probably research very well with something contrary to it why because facts will always be contrary and different and will change but it is your reticular activated debt will push you to the facts that come according to the truth that is inside of you you just get that so if I have a chart inside of me okay and say my delight that I have the Bible says that my life can be dark that means I can be what I have is not actually a truth it can be a deception or it's not being illuminated and then now everything I look for is according to my fear psychosis is it that crazy okay but guys you can start looking for the testament of facts according to the truth as well and it's out there trust me is out there okay so that is why it's important to program a reticular activator so that you will be able to find the witnesses of the facts according to hood very fast if you decide on what that truth is isn't that cool if you decide on what that truth is the famous story of Alice in Wonderland she's going on on the road and she finds herself as a junction and she looks up she sees the big cat and she says hey you know what where do these roads lead and kept responding it's a beautiful story and a cat responds and says you know what where are you going and she says but I don't know and they said but then why does it why does it matter it doesn't matter does it if you don't know where you're going better roads lead do you just get that why because if I decided this is where I want to go then of course the road and the path will lead you there okay so what we're trying to do is understand that we had to be grounded in the truth that we know despite the facts that control okay so who has believed our report and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed come on okay and I like this year because it says surely now he explains this now this that the Prophet is seeing the cross and it's so beautiful I mean seeing exactly what is happening to Jesus he's seeing the attitude he seen the emotions he seen exactly what is happening in the realm of the Spirit is building for years surely and this word surely changed my life I got healed okay and not about my healing stories I got healed on just this one word and it was surely because this was so overdone for me surely and moanin reaps his carried our sorrows yet he was stricken by God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed you know the first time I heard that was was I mean decades literally decades okay so that works was so done for me I mean I've been reading and reading and reading and I needed healing and the Lord said go back to this verse I said no I'm gonna give me a fresh burst Lord and he said trust me this is realm leading realm really means go back to that words and then I went back to the words and I got healed on just this verse sure oh my god surely he's born my griefs he's carried my sorrows he was stricken by God and afflicted he was wounded for my transgressions bruised for my iniquities the chastisement of my peace was upon him and by his thirty-nine lashes on his back I am healed okay come on and he says who has believed that report I'm telling you I remember I remember time when we were just we had one mighty company we had one machine and really not having any export orders and it was time have you had to pay a bank loans back and I was thinking oh my god I need to pay for the machine we've got a new German machine at a time and so we just had one machine and I said I need an export order and so I've heard people going to Dubai in the Middle East and getting orders and I thought okay let's let me try it out and so as a young man I went into Kuwait and then from Kuwait I went into the Middle East as well and into Dubai and I remember into Kuwait when they saw me you know I met a big general in the army he was very close to the royalty there and they wanted to buy tea you know and when they saw me they saw this young guy you know so young and I can't believe my dad really trusted me with all this you know he's awesome he trusted that I would be able to bring you at home I mean he was fit and well enough to really go on his own but you know really wanted to send me at that time I so went into Kuwait and you know they will be disappointed that to meet such a honored buyer that they'd sent a kid you know and I think they taught this company can be serious and so from day I will need to buy and when I went to Dubai I remember four five or seven days I was just walking everywhere there's a place called El Ross there which is a marker that T people go to and it's like big small small shops but each shop by like 20 30 containers of tea and so I would wear my suit and I would go up in the hot Sun you know and try to go into the shop and it was so used to Sri Lankans coming selling tea and they were already they have contracted with big companies they're not interested in some some small company coming and selling and it would shoo shoo out of the door and after about five days I was a bit burnt out I remember and I was sitting there thinking I have to go back home now with nothing okay but I had got the truth despite the prevailing conditions despite the fact that everything evidentially said you have no chance you're too young you're too small there's no one who's going to buy from you despite all of that I had got a promise from God that promise I mean I can't go to details but it was a phenomenal promise that I've got I read the word I got a promise and I just took back I went back I said with that word and I said you know this is your promise and this is your truth and despite the conditions that are so so against me right now I know that I will get on to the other side I remember the time when Jesus told him in the boat you know he said we're gonna get on the other side but the conditions the storm had come and they were rowing and trying to get and they they were toiling and laboring and they couldn't remember the time when they were trying to cause myths and there and they said he said casting it onto the right me said but Lord you can understand be able labored all night those were the prevailing evidential conditions okay and so I said I've done it all and says go tomorrow games and I said game I've gone to all the shops but there was one little road that I'd go down I said you think down that road I've gone everywhere just a little bit but it said go tomorrow again I went and my god you know we we contracted a contract there twenty five million dollar contract just understand that I was I was a young kid okay twenty five million dollar contract and we built the most sophisticated plant in Jalali okay I remember me wearing Briony suits thirty thousand dollar suits five hundred dollar bills this was this was my 15 20 years ago just understand that okay that that time it really suit for $35,000 okay and that was the type of money we said learning at that time just because I did not give in to the prevailing condition my god my setup is huge plant and we were given a small partnership of a huge twenty five million dollar contract just understand that okay so in our company just drew and we started shipping to them we started doing really well but it was just because I allowed the truth inside of me to transcend the evidence that I saw outside you need to get the truth who is king over your kingdom who is the final authority over your world question think about it what is truth do you want the truth of the sons of men Barrabas or do you want the truth of the sons of god both offered life and death choose okay so now so what happens here is the prophet is prophesied that on the cross Jesus took your sins your transgressions it took it was wounded fight he took the torment that you're having right now in your mind the the inability for you to have peace in your mind because of what is happening all around you sickness disease poverty that's what's happening next today we're talking about we're talking about a condition of sickness and disease the next could be a condition of poverty from the sons of men then Jesus has been offering the conditions and the environment to the sons of God that you are supposed to live in david pre-sales he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the almighty thousand will fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand side but it shall not come near you there's a place like that in Christ Jesus my friend okay I'm just trying to explain to you and I tell you story up historian you know and because of that our consciousness started changing the wild consciousness started changing you know I ten years ago i I said you know what I'm looking at because the truth in me when I saw the truth of what fasting was I saw the truth that we were eating too much or every time at that point of time even the medical industry at that point of time thought that I was crazy i sat with a neurobiologist at that time when I had gone fasting I've been fasting for a long time at that time I don't recommend that type of fasting now in this in this situation but the Lord led me to do long fasts at that time and I had been fasting for a long time and at that time he's he's a neurobiologist and a cell biologist American guy Sri Lankan American guy looked at me and he told me because he was concerned he said Kobe you're in ketosis but I think he meant ketoacidosis but ketosis was the word he used and at that time ketosis was a bad word and then he went on to explain as well that's how I caught on these words he said you might be going into a tougher G it means now because you're starving the your cells are cannibalizing the other cells and so at that time even the prevailing medical scientists would think that that state was a bad state but because of the truth that was in me I was able to transcend and I said no I feel really good and the Lord is calling causing me to fast okay and we started teaching our people fasting 10 years ago okay and people I started saying in a way eating 2,000 calories a day it can be good for our immunity there's something wrong with that why are we storing it around the stomach and and so every at that point of time saying this guide is crazy you know why is it living a fasted life and so when I stopped the fastest when I started eating low calories calorie restriction okay that is tremendously helped us today and today everyone is calorie restrictive everyone is intermittent fasting I had to do of course thousand kilometres to teach someone to do 100 okay and that's why we know and experience it because we've already done so much of it we know now what will be good for people but the Lord invited me into a truth that today even the medical doctors now are testifying you see how the friction grid we started extracting it now even the doctors and reports are saying hey intermittent fasting is good living intermittent fasting life is good that means constantly every day intermittent fasting is good now they're even saying they're even going on to say do 36 other thoughts and then eat and then days there is one day fast one day eat I mean do you understand what that means they literally say in six months of a year you will be not eating there's another six months you will be eating literally we go one day one day eat one day fast one day eat one day fast now I used to do that ten years ago because I'd truth inside of me okay and of course then all the medical reports all the nature reports all the peer reviews that are coming out testifying facts that are testifying to the prevailing truth that was inside of us I'm just trying to show you how this works okay so I just want you to understand that the prophet Isaiah says who has believed our report okay that means the report the be a cause to believe in is a report that might be different to the report that is coming out of the world maybe you got a medical condition and that you've got a report now that is a fact but believe me that fact can change tomorrow okay that fact can change but that fact will change according to your present truth that fact can remain the same if your present condition is not a truth did you just get that so be grounded in the truth of God now we're going to see this because who has believed a report now where is the prophet Isaiah giving this form it's because he knows the story that happened with his people when they believe the wrong report that's really interesting so prophet Isaiah is writing this because he knows how his people suffered when they believed the wrong report and this story comes and these words is echo comes from a previous place and at previous place if you go into numbers 14 or numbers 13 you will see the story and let me tell you about the promised land it was Moses who's taken the people of Israel out of Egypt okay and he didn't have a compass he didn't know where he was going he just had a truth and the people started believing him and following after him into the wilderness okay and the Lord asked him to believe what Moses was telling them and so while he was going he had two guys who were with him called Joshua and Caleb okay and so when they come to the edge of what they call the Promised Land okay they've gone through terrible times in the wilderness they come to the edge of the promised land he sends 12 people from each tribe to spy into the land I want you to understand that is where this is coming from who has believed our report to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed because the name Jesus is the same name as Joshua okay now Joshua is the one who came and gave the good report against the evil report did you just get that so now he's talking I mean I say is getting it's alright I mean just understand the name Jesus was only going to come or Joshua is only good when I see it if those maybe we're gonna send prophecy okay the name Jesus or Joshua is going to come back in 700 years and he's gonna die on a cross I saya sees that name Joshua come on that's why he goes who has believed our report whose report Joshua's report did that yeah once you get it you understand he's talking of Joshua and I mean he doesn't mention the name but that's who he's talking about literally he not only gives the he gives here he says that he not not only does he give that he's the branch okay but he also gives the first name of Jesus right here just amazing okay so let's go to the story of Joshua okay once you see the story or just sure it's really great because Moses sends 12 people 12 spies okay and just sure and Caleb just showed a song of none okay he goes into the Promised Land as well and maybe go into the Promised Land everyone else comes with a report that was detrimental or let me tell you like this it was the right facts but he did serve for edification and in didn't serve them well now remember Joshua saw the same things he saw the exact same things but his report was according to the facts he said yes these facts are there but this is the truth that is going to transcend those facts Wow okay now watch this okay so look at what Moses tells them to do was 17 did more to send them to spy out on a land of Canaan and he said to them grow up this way into the south and go into the mountains and see how he tells them to get fat so these are detailed facts so we are not asking people to be fact less just understand we're not people asking people not to have a knowledge I have you know I do my fasting you know I do low calories no we eat right okay why do we do that because we have all the facts okay we know the facts about sugar we know the facts about dairy we know the facts about eating too much of calories we know all the facts we are not not looking at the facts we are constantly looking at the facts but they are not allowing the facts to dominate or have dominion we know whose Dominion we are under so when we speak they're speaking truth and not facts did you just get that I'm going to say it again okay you can get facts but your reticular activating only gets programmed when you start speaking it that's what you need to understand the mouth here is connected to the with the brainstem and a reticule activator so if I start saying I am looking for people born in March then you will constantly meet people who are born in March because you saved so what needs to come out despite the facts what may need to speak is truth did you just get that okay they are reticular activating out of the friction grids and the layers of the invisible realm start pulling out the testimonies and the witnesses to the truth and facts start witnessing to that truth hope it's clear okay now watches so he did send them to look at the facts he did say avoid the facts he didn't say don't don't think about the facts he said go and bring me the facts but he expected them to speak truth give the facts but speak to how much it is it go to this land and see what the people are like with it as strong or weak few or many okay is it a good land or banned land is it habitable or inhabitable so can you see it's asking for effects are they rich or poor you see right there in chapter 13 of numbers from verse 17 onwards he's asking them to see the facts but when the others came and gave a report only of the facts and then gave their appeal okay that was a deception that was into a deception he God and Joshua and Moses get upset with it so I want you to see that there is a subtlety in what I'm saying there is a subtlety division live on we don't live denying the facts doctor gave me a report I accept the report but what I do with that report is now I allow my internal truth to prevail over the facts that I have okay I saw the facts but then the truth has to transcend it and when I speak to people now it should be from the truth that I know despite the facts that I see presenting the facts but overlaying it with the truth of God I want you to understand you know people I was watching very very learner business people talk about what can happen and it was very good it was very optimistic and good and I loved it okay and I'm telling you guys if you're looking if there is a if there is a truth that is dark or if you dyes a deception inside of you your reticular activating for that so many people out there okay one hope and if you now speak hope that's what you'll propel them into so many people have been hearing on this promised land is proverbial Promised Land that everyone has been talking about but how do you get there because guys Joshua and Caleb from his land and the other ten that went in with them it was the same land someone saw when they came back they said oh my god we saw yes you said it's milk and honey but I'll tell you there are giants in his land which are just grasshoppers in his land these people are huge and believe me they started telling the facts and then they started giving their opinion according to the fact and not the truth of God the truth of God is you will go in you will win you will possess you'll take over your process you'll be prosperous and you will live long in Slam that's the truth but the facts were the same somehow Caleb and Joshua they say had a different spirit on them so when they gave their report back and they reported back to God okay and that's a conversation that we have at him I'm a reporter back to men okay it was with the facts but somehow the lenses were completely different same terrain same giants but what was expressed was completely different and believe me it was life and death and that's exactly what we are facing today it can be life and death of how you interpret the facts that you are seeing what is the heart condition of your interpretation and that's what Jesus does he come in he comes in as the conquering king he comes in as the one who rules and reigns in a place of peace Shalom prosperity and blessing and he started giving out your facts with the interpretation that out of an abundance heart and that changes every person's reality so I'm going to read it out to you okay I'm gonna read it out to you what happened okay so you see so the twelve spies went in two of them was Joshua and Caleb okay and I love this part because I have to read this part okay this is a very important part in verse 21 they said they said you went out and spired okay and when they came to the south to Hebron okay and they explained why it is okay they say this they came to the valley of Eshcol I love the word is called you don't why'd he call it a stall because they're they cut down a branch now remember Jesus name was branch with one cluster of grapes remember he is a new wine okay and they carried it between two of them on a pole and it brought some of the prominent pomegranates and freaks so I want you to picture this when the first went straight in what did he see they saw what Pilate saw the suffering servant they saw on a pole two people on two sides watch the picture two people on two sides the cross and in the middle the grape the cross see they see the cross two people crucify on two sides like this and a cross that is what they brought back to show the rest of what the land looked like and the grapes were so big you can understand how why they're carrying it like that because the cluster of grapes is so big that two people have carried like a cross on a pole come on okay that is the facts that they interpreted just get this same facts but interpretation was completely different okay when I sit across I mean you sit across it can be completely different in my friend okay if I see the cross and if I say look that cross it means that I need to go through the suffering and I didn't know we couldn't ever only stay at the bottom of that cross and then crucify myself on the cross and then I do not speak about the power of the Resurrection that he's given us and a wig tree because when he comes when Jesus comes out of the grave he's known as Jesus the Christ means the Wiktoria Swan if I don't preach that to you then I'm only leaving you with the report that they said there are giants in the land do you understand that okay and that's what happened right now they saw these huge grapes that carried it in and look what they say I want to show you what they said okay then they showed the congregation the fruits in Westville tree and it told him and said we went to the land where you sent us it truly flows with milk and honey and this is its fruit thanks joy the cross you see okay nevertheless here it comes here comes the opinion they don't want to go with a residents trip that is in the house nevertheless the people who dwell in the land are strong the cities are fortified they're very large more were the descendants of enemies are the the Giants are he and then he explained this and they dwell in mountains and peanuts and there and they live on the banks of the Jordan then Caleb I love this okay Joshua and Caleb okay liberate it they quieted them down they're like shush it's important to bring a shush to that okay a shushing your heart a shift into your home okay and a shushing he quoted people down and said let us go up and at once and take possession for we are able to over come them did you just see that in one place - and kill em say let these people be a breakfast literally say I'm gonna eat them for breakfast they will be food and nourishment for us did you just see the difference once these giants and these guys would be a grasshopper that he IDs it is but a men who had gone up with him said and see what when when the choice was brought then they came against what they were saying they were grumbling against what they were saying and they said these guys are crazy this guy why is he saying this sounds so out there it's so sound so outlandish it sounds so radical it sounds you can say all those things ok that's what they were saying now about Joshua and Caleb ok I'm used to this life okay watch what they say and then they said but when you had gone up with him said we are not able to come up against these people but they are stronger than we are and they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land did you see that they gave a bad report that's why don't forget what we're missing prophet Isaiah is prophesying Jesus or just show up coming again and says now who has believed our report and so I saya is now becoming in the company of Joshua and Caleb and says there are 10 who went and gave a bad report to the land but I want to tell you all do you believe in it a nice trial again do you believe Joshua report come on Jesus is report did you just get that that's what he's saying isn't it cool okay and then he goes on and he says now it says this is the land that we bent and spied these men of great stature was it there and we were like grasshoppers in our sight so it's a land that we went out and despite the men of great stature even the grapes are big okay and they same we are like grasshoppers do you just understand that okay my god to see what we need to say is different to what the facts are saying the facts can be prevalent I am NOT saying please understand a man of science okay I like my science I explain science but I could transcend the Newtonian understanding of science okay I'm ready to transcend that okay I've been sick with believing that God can do miracles signs and wonders okay I will practice going beyond the natural realm and that's what you see the miracles that you see at Wow is because a man practices I sit every day I meditate I pray that will go beyond the natural realm do you know the word repentance metanoia means change your mind but it actually also means in two separate places it means take a higher thought that's what it means repent why because the kingdom of God is at hand you remember Pilate story he said I am a king of a Dominion and authority that is different to who you are a king off so we need to receive that came into our heart and so he says repent change your mind but it means go beyond the facts metanoia go beyond the material realm into the realm of faith that can save you I'll tell you a story well what about very very close friends in Australia he got cancer and I mean I'm sure he's watching us now is a man of powerful faith a woman of powerful faith and you know Dave he got very sick and got cancer and in hospital you know though he was a man of faith he didn't have the ability to transcend it on his own he needed his wife thank God was with him you know because he went into a coma literally and he got septicemia so he was unconscious you know and the doctors every day started giving us the reports and the doctors are great because they had to give the facts in the reports and one of the reports but literally that we don't even know but he'll make it to the night okay septicemia cancer and septicemia just understand it and I remember his wife call us and we said we got to come to Australia we took off like we went there and the first thing I told him as a man of God was I say I know the facts that you are seeing but we need to see those fat and relook at what we are saying with our mouths just understand what I'm saying I said you look at those facts allow eye science question really loud in here who has believed my report so that report is there and then there is now who has believed my report so you take that report if you in the world if the doctors are told that you're safe you take that report and I remember this lady whose husband was critically critically I mean the doctors have not even said that he lasts today she took that report she did exactly what we said she took the report and she challenged that report with the internal report that she had in her heart please understand these are people okay the doctors had given up the doctors are saying it's over okay so the doctors have done the best that they could do and be blessed and for it but there's a time in my life your life my friends that don't that doctors can do all they want to do and that's all they can do what are you going to do damn what are you going to do then and this is a true story we've had stories like this that now we had to take this report and we had to understand do we really believe the report of God more than the factual evidential empirical report that is right before it was a challenge man and you know you don't want to be in that challenge you rather believe that right now and my god thank God she did and thank God we did and we took this report who had believed Joshua's report the door this is a giant septicemia cancer though the facts are there though we'll look like grasshoppers in their sight we have got a report sent by His stripes he is here and we took this report and we superimposed it and this report superseded and we transcended the natural and my god the next day he was up and he was healed and he was set free and the doctors couldn't believe it come on tell his story of the story like that ever the time I found myself on the ground I told his story my god I thank god I've got a wife who prays who believed in a greater rapport and a little bit of consciousness that I had I believe in a greater report I called out on his God but I'd kill you for months after that I was sick for months after that I was sick and my hands were shaking and trembling I couldn't hold on to a phone or a carpet would shake and I found myself here's the great people say the healer and the Prophet and all its going to stop sick and I've gone to a conference just understand it and in this conference I am one of the main speakers and so I felt such a like oh my god you know I'm I'm sick myself I need healing what am i doing is being the main speaker here and then I crept in in that conference to the early speaker the one who was before me and so I crept in a bit early and I was hoping that I'll hear a good report that's what I hear something that really encouraged me and I said there and my god I heard it because my reticular activating to hear what I already knew in my heart do you understand it and my god I got it and you know what they said they said the person speaking on that conference said there is a person here and you need to ask the question this what he said there is a lie that you are believing in that has caused you to be in this circumstance there's a lie ask the Holy Spirit he challenged me in the same challenge I'm giving you today no matter what you are going to in your life but it's financial but it's marital but it's your body but is your biology ask yourself a question and this what he said ask the Holy Spirit what is the lie that I'm believing in that has put me in my situation and my god here I was sick after what happened to me okay my hands shaking okay there was so many things doubts and fears that come to me my dad had Parkinson's so what what was in me is a Harry B C's I had teaching the knowledge of trauma how trauma can bring hairy diseases out so I thought okay because of the trauma I went through now the hairy disease a Parkinson's is my potion okay I mean all these things and all these justifications why I would be sick was there now those things are all facts i i teach those facts those are all our facts but what is the truth i had to now allow the truth that was deeply in still inside of me to transcend to break true from the prevailing facts okay because my hands are shaking okay i need to be healed there like electricity running through my body i needed to be healed and then I said what is the lie Holy Spirit because the spirit leads you into all truth the Holy Spirit is given to lead you into all truth and so I said Holy Spirit what is the light that I'd be I'm believing that got me into this mess and I heard a beautiful voice of the Holy Spirit and said you are believing in that line the light is that you are sick who has believed my report who met the Lord arm of the Lord been revealed I was bruised by iniquities wounded for our transgression the chastisement of your peace was upon me and by my 39 lashes on my back by my stripes you are healed who had believed that report and my god I didn't go deeper beyond the facts into that truth and that truth had to become my reality on that day I chose my reality and from that day onwards the healing started with him one two weeks I was completely healed he want two weeks if started on that day or a one two weeks I was completely healed okay come on Jesus okay facts versus rooted grounded truth to just get that then all the reports came in the right way okay my hands stopped shaking all the feelings went away I was here god is good come on I hope you're getting this okay I want you to hear Joshua okay now Joshua is 85 years old and I want you to see now we are hearing about what Joshua did but he had just showing his own words is saying about that day and the attitude that he had okay it's just awesome the gate from Joshua's words about that situation are we are hearing it because we are understanding like Moses is writing this kind of stuff okay but I want you to hear from the book of Joshua okay what exactly he felt on that day okay and he it is because I'll tell you one thing guys in the Bible the ninth commandment is do not bear false witness it's a big deal it's a big deal what was happening here and what I said a prophet is prophesying is about false witness okay false witness is when we are testifying to something that is not true and that doesn't have to be about people it can be about situation and it's not just to do with us it's a do with who listens to it we need to get good news out there and not just the bad news okay you can have bad news but what is the good news that is surpassed the bad news okay now watch this okay I'm sure some of you will understand what I'm talking about I'm sure some of you have heard about the big financial crisis that is coming how you will not be able to bounce back how you're going to suffer how small and medium-scale businesses will be wiped out I know all these kind of things how big businesses are crashing guys there's a report that is coming to you that is from Christ who is the king over those conditions I mean I remember the time I told you about my company how everything looked like it's impossible as a new times in my companies where they said it was the world remembered of the financial crisis the previous financial crisis we made more money on the financial crisis our companies made more money than most people because we did not believe in the report in the way it came we took it we took the facts of it and said you know what our environment and our condition will be different there was a guy called Isaac in the Bible do you know that he sowed seed in the wilderness that means sowed seed in a place where there was a famine in the land there was no rain and he sowed seed because the environment the time and space realm that he lived in his reticular activating to see results okay and body we get he got a harvest of a hundredfold just understand a hundred four it's in your Bible his environment that he had created what out of the abundance the truth in his heart awesome ok I'm going to show you this is what Joshua says and turn with me to Joshua this is for the words of the eyewitness okay the witness the true witness okay Jesus is known as the true witness okay so watch this okay who killed Jesus false witnesses okay there's a lot of false witnessing out there do you understand that okay they're still trying to kill the Christ okay so please understand this is the words from Joshua the true witness and he writes it in beautiful so he said this I was 40 years old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy out the land and I brought back word to him as it was in my heart did you just get that did you just get it he says I was 40 years old when twelve spies were sent Caleb and I were two of them everyone else brought back word to him what was in their eyesight and what was Exodus Lee out there but I brought word to him as it was in mine heart come on do you see the difference he says nevertheless my brother who went up with me made the heart of the people melt but I wholly followed the Lord my god Wow did he just get that so he says I remember that day man that changed our lives forever come on guys this day can change your life forever you can enter into the Promised Land what do you see the Prophet is constantly asked what do you see it depends on what you see okay so he says I remember that day you know when I was called and I brought back I saw what the others saw and I didn't want the people's heart to melt so I brought back word according to my heart but the others they went and they melted the hearts of the people look what he says and I love this year and then in verse 11 says as yet and now he's this is 45 years later that's what's so awesome okay now it's 85 years old I want you to see that he's still going after the good report he still you might be I have I have people in our congregation you know who in their 70s UK and they're doing the exercising they're doing all kinds of things why because they're still going after the report and believe in a report that God gave them and not the report that has come from the world okay because my god when you get older you say that when you're older you can't run and you can't exercise and you get older and you know you get sick and all its gonna stop but we have people well OH but still extremely fit no watch is in verse 11 says and yet I am strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me Wow isn't that so cool he talks about a report how we handle the report he says and yet today I'm an 85 years old and I am strong this day as on that same day that Moses sent me just as my strength was then so now is my strength for war both for going in and coming out he said I'm 84 years old I can walk just like I bought them I can go in I can come out the same way and he talks about his attitude of heart was to always know what was God's heart and then speak facts according to the reflection of God's promise and not what man says and he speaks it okay and he's 85 there in a grand old age and he's still strong and fit and I pray that we all would have the same testimony and what is testimony mean this do you know any means I pray that I will have the same witness this is not a story of facts versus stroke please understand this is to do with facts in the context of truth you're going to say that again it's not facts versus truth its facts in the context of truth every fact that you have they don't looking at has to be predicated on the prevailing truth of love and word and why every loved it is so important to understand your identity in the beloved okay so it's facts according to how much God loves you so just understand like you know and Wow you know there was a time when dangu must be chosen it's coming up again you know where dingo Mysterio is were literally the disease was spreading you know and kids were getting dingo and so at Wow you know we started teaching people even if they had got bitten and even if they had been go and the it was certified that they had a glue we started teaching them about the fact that God loves them you know that the Bible says in Jeremiah that the plans he has for us are good not to harm us to give us a future and a hope now that is a truth okay so the facts say yes they've got dingo but we would say do you know that this disease and the sickness the symptoms will not be strong on you okay it's not going to do what he normally does because the prevailing truth in you will transcend and be able to give you a dose of power love and strength that the symptoms will be completely mitigated and we had kids literally pray playing all day having dingo okay because literally they knew how much they were loved by God did you just understand that and Briscoe free curfew can be lifted okay very soon and then you'll be out there you will hear of contaminations will hear people coughing you will start maybe getting their symptoms that make you feel that you're being sick my friends I want you to understand that even through that time you can invest in the truth of God get yourself a Bible get yourself you go to my teachings get your get under an understanding of this loving God and then even if you get the symptoms I'm telling you it will not come on you as strong as it will come on someone who will be in fear and anxiety and those things are even known by this today okay so please understand Jesus comes to invite you into a new authority a new Dominion that he is king do you understand what is truth truth is what Jesus's kingdom speaks love joy peace healing restoration do you understand that and that is your reality you can choose today now watch this okay I'm just gonna end with that word because the Bible talks about I'm sure many of you heard it says the Word of God is living and powerful it's in Hebrews four sharper than a two-edged sword piercing the division of soul and spirit that means it separates the mind and separates spirit okay that's what it says bone and marrow the word that I'm bringing these how faith comes that will separate the carnal natural sort of understanding in the law of the spirit of death law of sin and death in the log of your life it will separate the barajas mentality or the sons of men and the sons of God do you understand that so that word is coming to you why so that you can hold fast your confidence and your expression and what you will say remember your reticular activating it's activated according to what you are speaking and believing inside your heart your immune system gets activated your vagus nerves that goes through your trot gets activated according to what you are saying you understand that and therefore your immunity can shift and change according to what you are saying your reticular activating it's programmed according what you are saying so you can start seeing testimonies and witnesses of things that you are saying if you believe in those things that you are saying so hey guys why don't you say such saying the truth that is in you that you are loved that you're protected that it's getting better despite how bad it looks out there believe me is not going to be so bad it's going to shift it's going to change these sicknesses and diseases will not have that kind of influence on my life and on my on my body you can believe in a truth that will fight against those sicknesses and those diseases okay and so I'm gonna tell you about Joshua and this is what Hebrews the writer says about Joshua and what he did and he it says here for indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as today but a word which they had heard did not profit them not being mixed with faith and those who heard it for we who have believed do enter that rest is it there so he said I saw in my rod God says that they will not interest why because he explains that they saw the facts okay but they did not mix it with faith you have to see the facts and you gotta mix it mix it ikeda three says with faith so they did not enter rest because they didn't mix it mix it with faith facts are coming mix it with faith do you just get it then he says verse six since therefore it remains that some must enter in and those whom it was first preached you did not enter because of disobedience now he's talking about the ten spies and the people who believed a bad report Joshua and Caleb entered in and listen carefully was he for if Joshua had given them rest then he would not afterwards has spoken of another day therefore there remains a rest for the people of God for he who has entered his rest has rested himself and also sees from all his works just as God did now you get that word so listen carefully to what I want to admit listen carefully to Kisuke verse 11 let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest lest anyone fall a call the same example of disobedience now I want you understand that's after this is now the word of God is living in powerful sharper than toilets or case into a division of soul and space that comes office word what we have be diligent to enter the rest in another place it says we got to strive to enter the race Italy seems like a contradiction that's exactly what I'm saying that's exactly what I'm saying you gotta strive to enter the rest of the Word of God and to hold the fast of a confession that means I remember the story maybe we do it next time when a woman it was the prevailing condition the cultural condition she could not push through the crowd because she had issue of blood culturally it was wrong for her to do it there were Levitical laws that tell that she could not do that but she did the story is that she was pushing through and pushing through and pushing through the prevailing obstacles conditions and more than anything guys the mindsets my god the mind says that are they are prevailing against you today but shame that comes to you to believe today when we save in which talk about the miracles and the signs and wonders you know what it cost us to bring the miracles and the signs and wonders out to talk about the things that we believed tried like this of mystical nature okay those prevailing mindsets vagator but she pushed through and pushed through and pushed through and finally touched him so that's why it says you got to strive to enter that rest and that boom and it went through the mark-5 oh my god the situation of doctors it says that she had gone to constant doctors continuously but they could not give her the right results so she proves push through the medical reports that were given she pushed to the cultural conditions that were given she pushed through the mindsets that were given and she touched the Savior so that's why it says you've got to now strive diligently enter that rest and then it goes on to say the word of godly being powerful like I said and I'm sure you've heard it before but Hades see them we have a great high priests that passed through the heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our confession you understand it so what we need to hold fast is our con fashion what we need to hold fast is two other words that come out of our mouth in this season okay speak the truth that you know speak from the heart of God like Joshua said but I gave a report from my heart not according to the Giants that I saw but I gave a report for my heart I'm I'm praying over you today my friend if you heard me and if you are being tormented with with what is going on if you are stressed out and you're thinking you know what you're hearing constantly is fear fear the curfew is going to be lifted okay you will have to go back into community and society I'm praying for you that they will have a truth that is inside of you that you will deeply rooted in God's love and my god word is gonna come out of you is a joy and a peace have you change the environment your household your workspace and all around you and you would be wise but also you will make sure and know that you are protected and that you are a loved person that God is chosen I released a blessing upon you right now in Jesus mighty name
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 5,806
Rating: 4.9337015 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek
Id: hDxGyBhMW_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 30sec (5310 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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