Kirby de Lanerolle | Anointed to See | 10th December 2019 (Why Stress is Good for you)

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we are free Church spices set us free yeah okay so today I bought some I mean I mean my series I'm just trying to I'm trying to get to the crux of the series but to get to the craft series we were doing witnesses you know we're doing witnesses yeah and then we did a bit about witnesses they meet I did a bit about intention okay and thoughts okay because it's very important that you understand that and then after that we are now trying to get into the word okay but for you to understand the context of the word okay I just want to touch on the anointing can I do that now do you 19 how many of you heard of the word called the anointing just lift your hand if you've heard of the anointing okay how many of you never heard of the word anointing ristohannah k1c did anyone doesn't know anointing anointing anointing singing lease they call it a laborer yeah okay if you have well if you heard it it's it's great but how many of you really understand about anointing yeah I really understand it just yeah anointing good I've totally anointing before I think a couple of years ago I spoke about the anointing but this time I want to bring it in a different angle to this word okay so cities all kept so said a different angle to this word anointing okay and to show you that the word anointing has a lot to do with Revelation okay because everyone talks about knowing thing and they talk of the anointing is the smearing and anointing is you know when when you smear the the oil on people how many of you heard that that rendition of it yeah yeah raise your hand if you heard definition of it anointing smearing of oil okay then I thought that well it is the scenario for him but the reason for it was to separate you okay how many of you heard that rendition that's yeah that's KJ me think yaki you know that's a kdl yeah there could be general version yeah okay because because I I said look it's good to know that the anointing smearing but it's also to understand that the anointing separates you out of the rest and that's the first thing when you get to know Jesus that's what happens you get separated so just be comfortable with the separation you get separated from your family you get separated from your friends you get separated from every single thing and that is a part of the process of getting to know Jesus it's what everyone goes through like oh we separated okay and if you don't get separated okay that means you still not anointed from all the vessels the vessels that were anointed was separated from the rest you understand and so that pain of the separation is important so the anointing separates okay then that's completely okay that's what when you said yes to Jesus that's completely okay and then it starts restoring but it starts restoring from you being in honored place you got it okay so but today I want to show you the the anointing from a completely different angle and it's what the Lord really showed me in the being of this year so the message is prophetic so he showed me in the beginning of this year he showed me that I was at a great price remember I was trampling grapes remember I saw grapes and then of course they were seedless grapes and honestly I was kicking myself today because I misinterpreted the the wish and he gave me in the beginning of the year you know I I didn't miss in a period I either the lack of interpretation let's put it like that yeah and I would just I just got it like yesterday when he was teaching me because he said where were you and I used you were at the threshing floor you had a wine press you would the wine was trampled was was getting trampled and Kobe I showed you you can't say I didn't show you I show you everything you will go to this year and you know and and it was to do with the anointing and like oh my god he showed me at the wine press to the wine getting the grapes getting pressed and crushed and or listen I came in explaining audio but I never guys get ready to get crushed you see because because out of my it's out of my doctrine it's it's not in my doctor my doctor he's a very Gracie kind of doctrine that blocks you from vision trust me okay and that's what alder what do they call themselves I don't think they call with people called him that they call him what is what ultra gray so what is it God - grace yeah okay all the hyper Grace's I'm not hyper grace but people think I'm hyper grace but it's sometimes when you have sort of certain doctrines you can't see what is happening because your doctrines block you okay and so that was one place that you can clearly see my prophetic site was blocked because of my Gracie outlook on everything you know well but I realized it today okay and that's okay because it makes sense as to what has been going on okay and it also gives me a lot of hope for next year okay and let's hope I don't have an odd vision like that I'm gonna be like you I'd like God I just nice okay so but anyway so he said the the thing was that that that is throughout the Bible you have a story of the threshing floor you have the story of the winepress okay and in the winepress and in attraction flow it's it's where the calling happens and that's where the oil comes out you know and so Jesus in John 4 you know he he says his beautiful words and it's sorry in Luke is he look for and he says it like this in verse 18 he's just been into the wilderness he's just been tested the world has flashed before him every type of temptation has gone to him and we don't really understand that I mean he was offered and he resisted he he was offered and he resisted he's got tremendous resistance okay and what we must understand is that nothing in the world and the Lord showed me this when I started in five-day program and I started getting on juice you know I was a juice Aryan kid they call me right Aryan by the reduce Aryan I was actually doing juice every day you can for months on enjoying juice and then till one day I got alkaloid poisoning I don't know of it it's it's it's poisoning because you take too much greens okay can you believe that you get poison toxified by your own greens okay and I did call the doctor because I was I got this all of us three of us because Mary Sarah used to make the greens and I'm like what the heck is this and then the doctor said you got poison there like poison what I'm healthy I don't eat much I just drink juice you know and they said well that's poisoning and you can literally be dangerous you know and like really drinking greens can kill you and then I realize that what God is looking for in all of us is immunity okay and I then I started telling my vegan friends like hey you know what don't go vegan for too long because you gotta introduce a bit of meats in there and bit of cheese in there and stuff like that because otherwise you won't have the microbes and enzymes to be able for you to be immune and then I realize that we're not before I got to all this kind of stuff I could eat aging I could go to this body called cyber shops right and I could eat all that food and my stock will hold okay and I could even eat food every slightly off the film would say don't touch that at Melissa only we'll keep in the fridge and eat I could do that yeah and I Melissa is really bad on that one yeah but Fiona comes in and she looks at everything she's like no this is like that and so but I could even like if I'm fine okay and did I realize that through my journey into healthy living I lost my immunity okay and and and and because of that I started building back my immunity and that's where the program started evolving into building immunity that's why I said okay now you'd introduce this to eat and conscience I God started speaking to me a bit of conscience and a conscience being the most important food technology if you work according your conscience your microbes change according to your conscience okay I need that's fight a program get all that okay now why am I telling you that because I realize that I started I had to introduce myself to all the bad stuff again okay and bad stuff cause immunity and then I realize that's what I do with the the inoculations okay and you give you day you take a sickness and you take the sickness and then you get immune to the sickness okay and I realized that everything in the Bible I from the beginning to the end of the Bible it's all about stress and I realized that the Bible is only book that talks about that stress is good and the whole world and the communities and let's put it like this rotate everything okay okay yeah we don't have let the voices in the volume is okay yeah about the volume yeah okay yeah oh yeah let's hope it don't take the speakers off okay let's see okay yeah yeah I might I might very loud outside can you know yeah good is it good yeah okay fine okay yeah okay all right okay I got someone to say okay today's gonna be a good day okay so so then I realize that doctors throughout the at that decade you know they just seven eight years ago and every time I learned something from a doctor they were always trying to mitigate you from getting stressed and I'm always trying to tell you and giving you good therapies not get stressed and people getting weaker and weaker and we can we go and people get sicker and sicker and sicker and sicker because they were trying to say stress is bad stress is bad stress is bad stress is bad and the Bible it goes completely Tetra Docs to the Bible because the Bible never says stress is bad Jesus just got comes here and says he quotes from my sire because he had been in the wilderness and the stress was so good that it caused the spirit to come upon him okay and that blew me away because I realized want to begin to end it's about wilderness and in the after wilderness you become stronger okay and everything that is natural that he made is you to build muscle you need to lift weights you have never seen a guy who doesn't lift weights that is really buffed up right the good Roshi everything good yeah yeah okay let me know I'm just watching you and so so you to get baths you got to use weight resistance causes immunity okay and the only book that says that is this word everyone else says hey you know what it's better than you do not get stressed do you understand it the Bible says if you want to get strong get stressed get stressed first and way you handle your stress you won't get stronger and so that word the beauty is the Bible even has a word for it it's called the anointing that's how important it is for God it's called the anointing it's called a crushing it's called a thrashing it's called a trampling okay and from that comes the new wine in the crashing in the praising yeah you're gonna make what is that come on new wine yeah and I and and throughout throughout the Old Testament you see this thing that God looks at the people of Easter and says not because of your goodness but because of your enemies wickedness I'm gonna raise you up and I'm like wow that's so so strange God looks at you and says not because you're doing so good but because you got such resistance literally saying because the weights are so big you are lifting such huge weights you see that because of that you won't get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger okay and that is really awesome because it turns everything away to people who understand that hey you know what no matter what is happening to you II at this moment in your life the way you handle it you're going to get stronger because that's the way God designed you but the problem is there are people who will rob that immunity away from you and tell you that what you're going through will break you and not make you stronger yeah and you you take any of those things and that comes in a form of accusation that comes in forms of Jews Asia cues Asian looks like that accusation ever looks like hey you are an idiot accusation has a look like that at all accusation comes like jobs three friends they break immunity jobs three friends were good guys wise guys but no one tells this story of jobs three friends as the spirit how I would like to explain Jobs story as how Satan use this men as accusers against job butt job never accused God yeah like like his story like here's a story I got he said huh okay he never accuse God okay but people came with very solid advice do you understand it and it could wear you out and wear you out and wear you out you understand it without seeing the redemption and God has on your life God has a plan for you okay get this go to the plan for you no matter what doubt has been put in your mind God has a very very solid plan for you and if you can just go through the refining fire right now that is happening to you right now you're coming out his goal trust me and I'm going to show you your ability to open your eyes and the anointing your ability to see your power and the authority that is coming on you because of the pressing that is called faith it's called the anointing anointing means despite what is going on in my life I can see the end of this and it looks awesome okay and here it is Jesus has just finished the wilderness experience okay and he says look what he says he says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me you see there the spirit a lot and see this is there's a separation between the Spirit of the Lord and as a separation between the anointing you just see that there the anointing is not a Spirit of the Lord he says the Spirit comes upon you because of the anointing huh because you're getting crushed these are getting crushed the Spirit comes upon you because you can crush that's what matters the Spirit comes upon you because of the resistance because of the separation because of the rejection because of the reproach okay you will never see a guy I mean you have good preachers I everywhere but you never see a guy really moving real authentic power unless you see that he's got tremendously persecuted okay crushed okay perplex you know but not forsaken you understand press down from every side you'll never see you'll have good preaching but you will not have the the spirit moving okay where he will have the power to say to spirits now come upon me because now it's time to set the captives free okay it's not it's it's time that the blind about to see okay that I'm not just talking physical but the word Christian comes from Revelation at that time the word Christian is a beautiful word but if you go deeper into it the passion translation translates what Christian as once was supernaturally revealed think about that that means there's a time that means check this out there's a guy called John the Baptist he's in the wilderness think about it he's in the wilderness he's supposed to be a prophet no one knew who the heck he was he was in the wilderness he was he was in the threshing floor in the crushing in there what in the what is that in the pressing okay and then he comes out okay then he comes out and then he was revealed he didn't come and reveal himself he was supernaturally revealed to the people there's a time wow you're about 20 20 is the 25 is a year for Supernatural 20/20 vision Kamya okay and that's not just for you it's for this nation to see who you are you understand it's because your eyes are open because of the anointing I must show it to you that there's a direct connection between your eyes been open and the crushing and the anointing okay and truth truth comes when there is when there is accusation I mean you deal with accusation in the right way in the right way according to justice according to righteousness okay eyes get open if you justify yourself if you control if you manipulate it okay no one dies get open do you want to send that okay so I'm going to show it to you that there's a direct connection between revelation and anointing now why am I saying that because remember on to teach you about the word but at no point of teaching a word because it is another very interesting word in the scriptures okay Paul really praised for it okay just check this false prayer Paul's prayer for the church and for everyone everyone else he says I've been praying for you I'm just grateful to God for you and I pray that the spirit of wisdom and revelation will come upon you that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened that you will know what is the hope of your calling that you will know what is the riches of the glory of the inheritance in the Saints that means that he says I am praying for you why would Paul pray this ok because they're all Christians but his prayer is that the spirit of wisdom and revelation will come upon you now that's a strange word because in all other kind of philosophies you don't have his word revelation another it's like the other word call anointing okay that means you can read any other book okay and get to know any other God and you will just it'll be academic information and it's good you can write a thesis on it but with Jesus it has to be revelation I praying for you then the spirit of wisdom and revelation will come upon you that you will know what is the hope of your calling what is the riches of the glory of inheritance that you have in the Saints you understand if anyone is suffering at this moment of time with any situation but it's financial whether it's a relationship issue whether it's a problem with with your body with it is physical it is a lack of Revelation yes a revelation will carry you true amazing whatever I said suffering with I said the word suffering with these things okay because you can have the same thing but if you have revelation you will not feel it and that's the key about Jesus is that he needs to be constantly revealed he deals with revelation his Spirit comes to reveal him constantly you can't run on yesterday's revelation if I tell someone okay what's the problem you're having now okay I recently just lost just a day ago I asked the question from someone who is I mean in real real trouble and I asked a personal question I said you know what I said for your situation it was a problem with their marriage I said for your situation tell me the latest revelation you have about God's love for you and your marriage just tell me a promise just tell me one promise for your marriage you want a marriage to work right what's the revelation you have of it and then you're like oh maybe can you couple of scripture voices okay but that's all the hard but I'm telling you if you have no revelation you will not go forward the whole thing about Jesus is revelation okay you have he has to be revealed to you today in a new way for you to take the next step forward it comes through revelation now I I know that a lot of people being Buddhists and their people have been Muslims and Hindus and people like that a man even Catholics and Christians I'm just going to explain to you that this word revelation before I get to teach the power of the word if you don't understand the word revelation that it has it is revealed it is progressive okay discontinuous okay if we don't get that we will never understand why we need to come here every Tuesday and Sunday you will never understand why you need a new revelation because Jesus is absolutely a new revelation in his his his witness is a prophecy his testimony prophesized tomorrow that means just you just you having a revelation of him the Testament of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy that means just as you say wow that that was but that was really cool I loved what you said that creates frames tomorrow for you did you just get that what you think about you'll bring about what you think about you will bring about okay and if I don't have a fresh view of my savior today okay I can't have a fish fresh salvation for my issues and so I told this person I said go back home I said sit there for five days and sit on with the communion this is why I meditate on the commune I sit on the communion and for five days I said I don't want to do anything else but have five different revelations of Jesus on the communion and I said you can't have the same thing next day a new revelation next day a new revelation next a new revelation on who Jesus is to you now in this situation and I said believe me by the fifth day trust me you'll be a thousand times a better place because that's how this happens okay yeah I mean it literally it really it literally keeps you younger you know why people get all these because they they don't exercise their mind I mean that's true today we understood neuroplasticity means that your neural pathways you even at 80 or 85 there are there are people who are 80 who have better brains than people who are twenty who remember better and it's just because they're constantly creating new neural pathways they're learning a new language learning play the guitar in there when they are 82 you know you get what I'm trying to say there they're different they're getting new revelations that not just in the world but what happens if you start getting revelations of his glory of how much of a healer he is how much of a miracle worker he is do you understand how much of a powerhouse is living inside of you if you can be revealed every single day to you you will walk in perfect freedom you've got it okay so I can't touch on the word till I get to the anointing and revelation so what the anointing does it sets you up for the eyes to open do you understand it it sets you up for your eyes to open into the new thing of God there are people who come to church and they come to church for years and they've gone to every kind of church and they'll even tell you that I've been in church for 10 or 15 years but so okay so that doesn't qualify you with anything because the one who comes last can come in and have a revelation of Christ okay that will put everything else that you've known for 20 years to shame because a one revelation of God's goodness and that person will go much further than you were ever gone on one revelation that's why Buddhists and Hindus would come here and they have no background to who Jesus was and then Sonny did realize how much they loved how much they are valued and sell it boom everything stopped working out for them remember that time that happened to you maybe you were the Buddhist and maybe you were Hindu did that happen to do you understand it but what happened now what is lacking is a fresh perspective yeah what is lacking is just simply a fresh perspective because you're sitting with the old perspective and there's too much of accusations too much of scandals that are communist it's tomato mud on your eyes now okay without any anointing for you to see you get it now I'm going to show you right now I'm going to take you from here that the Spirit Lord is upon me so the speed is upon me because I'm anointed the Spirit is upon me because I'm anointed that means I've been separated I've been crushed and because of that I'm having a fresh outpouring of the Spirit on me you got it because I have been anointed I and I find ways my god I find I find ways to not be comfortable constantly constantly find ways if I feel too comfortable I I don't feel good if I feel too comfortable in any situation I will either give it up okay either change it around and that's because I'm not wicked to myself I love myself but I understand what the flesh is okay and I rather change and shift and stay out of my comfort zone because that will give me fresh perspective and then we get the spirit on me in a brand new fresh way there's a new outpouring waiting for you and unless you get out of your comfort zone it can't happen okay now turn to Exodus 13 well show you this now exodus studies about the anointing oil really cool okay I love it because it explains the anointing oil is so well and this has not changed the Old Testament is just a foreshadowing or what is in the new okay Exodus 30 and this is the recipe for the oil huh I'm not gonna give you the full recipe you don't need it like that now but this is how they did it Exodus Teddy carrying some tissues okay so here we are so it says here it was 31 XS 30 was 31 and you should speak to the children of Israel saying this shall be the holy anointing oil to me throughout your generations is it there are you with me verse 32 it shall not be poured on man's flesh think about that the Old Testament it shall not be poured out on man's place nor shall you make any other like it according to its composition it is holy and it shall be holy to you what is this oil okay so what am I trying to say is is it's not in Old Testament every one of you can't be anointed it was for specific whistles like the Levitical priesthood there was only one person's head that this might go on you understand her okay and then Peter comes and changes the whole thing in enact and remember what he says he said hey this is what the Prophet Joel spoke about what is that he said now hey the spirit is going to be poured out on you see suddenly something shifted but the let's put it like this but a constitution doesn't change that the holiness doesn't change the value of it doesn't change it's just the mercy that allowed us from going to a place of not hearing the voice of the Lord at all it must scarce in the Old Testament and only the prophets heard now that we all can hear but it's very special this oil is not supposed to be poured out on all flesh so what you got on you man how many of you see visions and dreams here just raise your hand visions and dreams yeah how many of you can heal the sick raise your hands see that was not allowed that was not allowed someone had to be crushed do you understand it before that the oil was crushed do you understand that he was the seed that was crushed he was a cedar was broken he was the he was he was the one he was the winepress it explaining I sided he comes out we trampling the grapes and like blood covered in blood crushed up someone was crushed so that you can have it and all we do now in our lives we become partakers of his suffering and trust me you don't have to be you don't have to be martyred for that but it should be a simple joy for you to be a partaker of his rejection a partaken whatever happens me well I don't know what has happened to you maybe bad things that happen to you my god you know I'm I'm not saying no but I'm going to say is when it does happen to you just understand what you're 90 means just understand what is coming after that just understand why that is necessary for you okay I'm not saying God is doing it please understand it but when bad things happen you're in the crushing because after that is coming fragrance because this is what it says okay because this is what the anointing oil does any anointing is is just a foreshadowing or what is coming on our lives okay and this is what it says it shall not be poured out on all flesh nor shall you make it any other like it according to its composition it is holy and it should be holy to you whoever compounds any like it or whatever puts or whoever puts any of it on an outsider he shall be cut off from his people can you believe that the old testament huh now watch is in verse 36 you shall make Orbeez and incense a compound a compound according to the art of the perfumer is it there this is an art of the perfumer salted pure and holy and you shall beat some of it very fine and put some of it before the testimony in the tabernacle of meetings where I will meet with you it shall be the most holy to you you just see that there that means what you have on your life through the crushing I don't know whether you got by yourself to what is happening in your life should be me the most holy unto you that's your holy place that's that's where that is a place you got anointed it's your thrashing floor it's not a place of your pain it's a place of your anointing do you understand that and I won't touch the anointed ha you just see what I just said do you just see what I just said okay the anointed is job I will not touch ya right there did you just get what I just said because in the crushing is holy it was there using the spices they bringing different prices for brands of spices they crush the spices they break it they've crush it and he was only in the crushing did the smell come out the spices could not they brought equal amount so all of it and it crushed them in the crushing because till they crush it it just smells normal you know it have you seen it it's like a stick till they break if any hit it and they use a hammer and and then the whole place you understand that okay do not touch that place it's a beautiful place the people are forsaken let down broken you understand that heat while they on the ground you can't after that there's only resurrection it's the spirit that comes on them because of the crushing God loves the forsaken one day told me he said Kirby in your approach I will approach you I couldn't understand it before he said no in your approach you know it's your reproach that me cause Amit approach why can you see like why is your eyes open why can you have miracles the way you have your approach it's my anointing you can't have it you get your own you have your own everyone has their own you're going through something right it's your own let no one accuse you there come on then no one excuse it out you're already learning there it's a good place to be trust me no one you don't need any wise friends to tell you there you know you know you know come on you get what I'm going to say in that place you know your spirit is talking to you God is talking you ain't have any encounters in those places you know hardest times you hear from God you never they say he always leaves you know that's the place you see start speaking to you you start you encounter him there you want to send up it's the most holy place made a place be holy unto you it says you're gonna send it and that is the anointing that opens you up for revelations how do you have revelations we have revelations because of the anointing the anointing causes us to see and seek God with everything we've got you got it okay I'm showing you that this place is very very important the anointing deals with truth the Bible says if you judge yourself you'll not be judged you understand it yeah the Bible says that the communion you look at the cross and you take the communion what you're supposed to do is look at the cross and what he did for you that he resisted up to blood shed for you and then you take the same thing and you judge yourself and then you not be judged you understand that and that's that's what that's what we do in the community we look at the cross we see what he's suffering went through and let me say oh god you suffered so much what is this that I'm suffering this is nothing for you what am I going through nothing compared to what you've gone through the testing the new gone room and that that ability to stay in that place and saying oh god everything they say I deserve it well you can said everything they saved my god I deserve mo every wrong all of them all the money I've lost I deserve more I deserve to be on the road come on judging yourself come on try try try it try it try it it's good not blaming God on drugs trying to blame anyone else but because I've shown so be the know I deserve more I deserve more you know God these people don't know me I know me I judge myself judge yourself are you so judging yourself okay mercy comes on you is it that is what I gave my life that is why I gave my blood that is why I died because you have no chance every accusation you deserve without condemnation I'm not condemn do you see me condemn not condemn it all I know my Savior lives I would all my redeemer lives I know he's redeemed me I know I'm I'm white as snow when he looks at me I know I'm washed clean I know that he calls me saying do I call myself a sinner but I call myself a seven he calls me son I know for sure the fullness of grace do you understand it however we don't move away from the most holy place that we've been given earthen vessels we are earthen vessels holding the glory of God don't lose the earth you understand don't lose who you are and that's why days and I promote this with leaders I meet every when I said no no no pretense no trying to show you're a big shot no trying to show that do you know I I haven't fool of before these guys all the time you know it's up to them I'm not trying to not be a fool I would never I would be just the way I am the reason is because that's called the anointing because then it is it is only then can the glory come upon you if you're constantly defending yourself you are constantly justifying yourself how can the Spirit come upon you because you've got a plan we've got a strategy to cover no fear of man that cannot be fear of man fear of man causes you to hide just under standard theorem and will always cost you behind it at some fig leaves hide yourself performance performance performance showing something somewhat doing something showing someone that you are big that you can be better or something like that take a take a fig leaves off let them look right straight at you accuse if you can yeah but if you don't it's good huh they see you for your weakness is great because his strength is made perfect in what they see can be the fool great cubby is proud phenomenal all true all true but what you just think about it and when it becomes true then you're in a position to receive the mercy of the Cross there's no fear of man we don't need to perform for God's love we don't need to perform to get get the spirit on us just be yourself in truth of who you are with your weaknesses and the problem in Christianity today is everyone is the power man of the other and so because they're the power man of the other they have to put on their beautiful white suits and their beautiful outside looks and therefore there's a whole lot of performance that no one really sees they're earthen vessel they no one really sees the the natural normal man and it causes everyone else to perform because everyone is in performance so everyone else and poor poor little kids are now performing because they see they don't see just a normal guy and it's envy you a ministry who will these leaders will be just normal people but God will do extraordinary things to your life why because his spirit want to come upon you when you are anointed you understand that yeah anointed in your mistakes in your weakness no covering up okay you make a mistake fine no issue now watch this in 1 chronicles 21 22 and this is the I say aruna but but its own I am not sure how to pronounce it ok 1 1 1 chronicles 21 and David is getting know a bit about this thing grows on you ok so 1 chronicles he's at a place called on azorĂ­n on stretching flow ok so what does David do that really ticks the Lord off and why does an angel come and draw the sword and you'll realize it's the same thing that God was trying to do with Gideon on the threshing floor with Guinea with Gideon where do I say 1 chronicles 21 ok you remember Gideon where did God called Gideon on the threshing floor and the winepress you remember and and and he puts the fleece out where was that debutant attrition flow on the winepress ok so the same way we've got the story with david now and what does he do he counts his army remembered a Gideon and the counting of the armies Wow is it a cool same thing he put his faith in who he has around him he put his faith in numbers and we people and it was not right for a king it was illegal for a king to County Tommy unless there was there were certain times they could do that certain times they could do a census but the Jewish kings isn't a crazy the Jewish kings they had a huge rule they could not count the armies he's like me probably you counting your money I don't know ok you can it's the same thing it's like you're putting your faith in what you can naturally see it's the same thing that he did with Gideon he said no it's if I called you it on the threshing floor I called you in the crushing I call you in the pressing ok and then so you have 22,000 people they said cut them down you remember Gideon and so David is having a Gideon moment ok now watch this where we 21 ok here we go okay 1 chronicles 21 it says it like this ok now Satan stood up against Israel and moved David to number Israel I love it you see Satan moved David to step out of his ability in God here's a guy who slayed Goliath with five stones you understand it he didn't count how many people he had with him many before he did that he ran it good ad and said I'm gonna cut your neck off today today I'm gonna feed you to the crows okay here's the guy now he's become big and he's what happens to all of us huh we've become bigger and we become more powerful we have a little more money to cause in the garage okay and suddenly that kid who was who was carefree that entered into the kingdom okay he's gone now we've become cynical now we become critical there's something called a critical spirit there's no difference being a cube set of spirit the spirit of Satan and a critical spirit same thing there's no difference okay accusation is accusation and so now it moved to say hey how are you doing count your armies because it's a me if we're going to war we don't nobody going to war but you need to know how strong you are in your flesh hmm that's why the anointing will not be poured out on the flesh okay it's kernel okay now so as he starts doing that he moves out of the spirit he moves out of the anointing and God is gracious and I love the grace that he gives them he gives David options this is the relationship you know three options and it was so cool I don't know if you would read the whole story okay so David said to God I've sinned greatly in verse eight okay because I've done this now I pray take away the iniquity of your seven for have done very foolishly and it says so God came today with in verse 11 and said to him that says the Lord choose for yourself either three years of famine or three months to be defeated by your force with the sword or your enemies overtaking you anyways overtaking you you see your enemies can overtake you that's what he says mmm okay so you've got to choose it's your option okay or else for three days of this of the sword of the Lord the plague in a land with with an angel for the Lord destroying throughout all eternity territories of Israel now consider what answer I should take back to him who sent me so he's a prophet telling David and David answers and says this and David said to God I am in great distress please let me fall into the hands I love this okay I I love his answer here because really cool and he shows you someone who trusts or comes back to trust a good judge he sees that more than any of these things that is the options given him for his destruction he says I'd rather fall back into hands not of man not on my enemies because the enemies already means not to be season playing put me back in the hands of my god and I'm going to and I will take whatever judgment he gives me okay it's a perfect place because you know that your king is just okay whatever he's gonna give me and that is why Jesus I love when when when they will talk about the anointing about Jesus they say ladies because he loved righteousness because he loved justice and he hated lawlessness the Bible says okay he loved justice he hated loneliness he was anointed with the oil of joy more than everyone else remember through the crushing he had the oil of joy you understand he said why because he loves justice so the key about this whole story is our hearts towards towards justice now why do I say that because I'm telling you that because when their cue session comes at you okay if your heart loves just this think about this when the when what is going wrong with you hits you okay if your heart loves justice what will you say if your heart love justice if you really love justice Jesus love justice he hated injustice and therefore he was anointed if you love justice when when things go wrong in your life what would you say if you love justice but come from a perspective not about yourself get out of the personal thing you love justice you see a teef getting what he deserves I just want you okay you see a rapist getting what he deserves you see a murderer getting what he deserves okay if you love justice what would you say you say he deserves it right okay good you're not condemned there is that damn fool I deserve it serves me right you see put me back in my hands oh my god who can show me mercy music put me back in the hands of the God a God who can show me mercy because you know what I deserve all is all I can take now is mercy you see come on come on come on come on come on yeah that's where your freedom is okay and that's where David says you know what he didn't try to justify anything he knew exactly what was going on he said put me back could the righteous judge okay who will judge me according to his work and of mine he'll judge me according to his riches and not my inabilities you understand and so you put your hands back into you give you a life back into God's hands okay and that's what David did that I loved it and then this beautiful story of the threshing floor happens and I want you to see the anointing now this is your place okay this is your place your holy place if you go on through something this is your place okay and this is what it should look like then David lifted up his eyes in verse 16 to deliver the eyes and saw he lifted I saw the angel Lord stand in between heaven and earth okay having his hand drawn with a sport stretched out over Jerusalem so David and the elders clothed themselves in sackcloth and fell on their faces okay and then he goes on from there and then look at this in this part this part is gorgeous okay verse 19 therefore the angel LORD commanded gad to say david today we'ld that david should go and erect an altar to the lord on where on the threshing floor of Araunah and the just bite is it there was 19 so David went up at the word of God which he had spoken in the name of the Lord and now on and turned and saw the angel and his sons and all that and I want you to see what on and says in verse 21 but on and said to David now here is where we make the mistake this is where we make the mistake okay and David didn't Orin turn to David and he said David was awesome he's done it so many times before but look at his time he's the king he sees a threshing floor he knows how holy the thrashing flow is and fishing flow was normally how they did the thrashing flow is when they crush this the seeds okay to make sure that the the the the the what is that husk would go off and the real seed would remain okay that's a threshing floor where the grapes are crushed and the wine would come you see and so when he saw the threshing floor he said okay give me the pressure flow I will make my sacrifice on this place guess what on end sbk saw the king and what would you do okay he says let me relieve you it's in a cool let me relieve you from your problem okay this is what he says and I love what David David does here because he's not he's not being a hero he's not like no let me die he's not saying that but there's a value in his heart for the Christian flow and that's what's important here okay he says but Anand said to David take it to yourself and let my lord the king do what is good in his eyes look I also give you the oxen look at this guy's really awesome okay he said look I also give you the oxen I give the burnt offerings is it there he's not only given the threshing floor he's given the sacrifice that needs to be made on the threshing floor to stop the death that is happening to stop the calamities I mean he's even giving the sacrifice that is necessary is it there man passes get very comfortable in this place yeah it's a very comfortable place to be in okay he said I also give you oxen for burnt offerings and a thrashing him and I'm gonna give it a whirl the wood the wood that you implement and even the wheat and the grain and offering I'll give it all to you okay is it there then David said to Onan he's come back into his senses he's remembered the shepherd boy and says no but I will surely buy it for the full price is there for I will not take what is yours for the Lord no offer burnt offerings with that which did not cost me nothing waha okay let me see your Lord let me ease your suffering let me do this let me do that like you buddy don't worry thank you okay I receive all that but you know what this thing that I'm going through right now I need to feel it okay I'm going through something but thank you for it I really appreciate what they are offering but you know what this is the time for me to have that new wine this is my holy moment is my holy place you see and he takes this moment okay and this is this DVD before in the cave you remember we did in the cave and you got the kingdom he does it here again okay and they will built there an altar of the Lord and burnt offering and peace offerings and all that okay is it there and then the lord commanded an angel and he returned this word to his sheet is it there wow so good truly after this david says something really gorgeous here at the end it's in chapter 22 and and maybe in verse 30 of 21 he says you know that this place where he had his encounter there was the temple this is what you need to be honest well I'll read it to you so you'll understand a bit of perspective in this right and it says it there once he did this and I just saw this and he just blew me away it says this verse 29 what's ready 8 and the time when David saw that the Lord had answered him on the threshing floor so good see he answers you on the threshing floor of Ornan that's where all your answers came true right that's where every time there was the issue the next stage for your development I both both are seated together the weeps and the tears there's a race between his wits and the tears and they're contending with each other and it looks like you're gonna be finished come on you know what I'm talking about it looks like everything is going to go for a six and it's your time for sacrifice I'm not telling you go and come and give me money or anything like please understand I'm not telling any of that well it's time that you go through what you're going through what's the point if you come out on the other side what's the point if you didn't suffer well you know what what's the point of it what's the point up we won't come true but what's the point if we come true on the other side and we didn't get here with a smile with a pat on each other's back and say you know what let's do this man let's tango this is going to be awesome you understand what's the point are we going to go through the same cycles again and again and again and again and again are we going to come true did I hit on a pillow on a boat that is rocking the way Jesus did so believe me you'll get there faster you'll get there much faster okay when you consider it like that and this is what happened and David uses the word say that is beautiful because I want you to see this because this is significant what happens here because what happened and on instruction flow the anointed place the holy place he says very anointing oil is put he said that will be the most holy place remember but I taught the most holy places inside the tabernacle in the temple remember in the old Jewish understanding there is a holy place that is in the tabernacle in the temple that's the most holy place that's where the sacrifices offer that's where God meets the priesthood but right here he catches some guys crashing flow and he on the trishing floor he sits at the threshing floor he makes his sacrifices at the threshing floor and God answers him they're not even in the temple not in the church I need to go to church to have the answer no it happened on your trishing floor you can be in church but you are in you're on your treasure floor I hope you are you want to send it and it is it is there that God is gonna answer you okay now watch this okay this is so important because it says it there verse 29 for the tabernacle of the Lord and the altar of the burnt offering which Moses had made in the wilderness were at the time in the high place of Gideon is it there if Gideon is it there so that means why is he saying that he's saying this is a very strange thing that happened because the God answered a man outside of the normal place that people think that he would answer he answered him at the threshing floor come home you just see that okay and I love what David says here because the same words that Jacob uses he uses the word methyl so good okay and and then David said in chapter 22 listen carefully and David said this is the house of the Lord is it there and this is the altar of burnt offerings for Israel Wow did you just see that sunny that became the word this is the house of Lord is this is better now we're to be here before Maddy we see that word before Jacob Jacob I lost everything the guy is going on a journey he had nothing he is between a rock and a hard place he puts his head on a rock and not on a pillow okay he has lost everything his head is on a rock and then son he gets up and he says oh my god God is in my pain I see a ladder extended to heaven God is in my situation come on Jesus is that I could have missed it man you can miss it if you listen to others you can miss it what you're going through is exactly what you're supposed to go through you might be doing it again because you didn't complete it the first time around or the previous 100 times the testing comes that Holy Spirit lead you to the testing the Holy Spirit leads you into the wilderness man the Holy Spirit leads you because you couldn't get through the last time he's brought you again cheering you with the angel army saying come on man this is the time you're gonna do it it's your most holy place it's the house of God it's your battle it's your moment okay you can miss it if you're getting your club your grumbling and your complaining and you hear rubbish and your perspective changes okay you can miss it but if you are hearing god if you hear you was a lot you say God just let me right in this place it's awesome he woke up he said this is better this is the house of the Lord I could have missed it I can see angels ascend and descend and the same words are used when Jesus comes on the scene okay and they tell him what good can come out of Nazareth do you know when I started this chapter I'm gonna show you okay are you ready when I started chapter I started from from Luke 4 okay why did I stop him look for because he said the Spirit Lord is upon me because he has now anointed me okay and he said why don't preach the gospel to the poor okay to say tell the captain that this is the acceptable year of the Lord okay remember that where was that come on good Bible readers yeah there was I say I but where was he saying it well Nazareth is in a threat he's in Nazareth when he picks that book up okay and that is the time he say the prophet is without honor in his own village come on Jesus and they have not seen him and they have said this is the carpenter's son this is so-and-so so-and-so and have only naturalized Simon scandalized his life yes and in Nazareth he picks it up and he talks about the crushing he said you know what the speed is a lot of fun I just came from the wilderness and right here in Nazareth but you look at me and what is the Nazareth syndrome I keep telling people in a dirt syndrome be careful of this do not get familiar with people the Nazareth syndrome is when your eyes can only see the common things your eyes can only see the natural man that is Nazareth syndrome you can only see your husband the way you've seen him for thirty years you understand you can only see your wife the way you've seen her for 20 30 years you understand it it's the Nazareth syndrome because you're living with them so they stayed in single is when I'm Adam a doc you know cocka locky Karim Allah soon is that right yeah so that's Nazareth syndrome you can't you can't receive a spirit of anything because your eyes are closed because you can only see the natural come on so he's in hazard okay and he's an author and he said hey buddy you know because he remembers the time when someone looked at him his name was Natalia Nephi and he said what good can come out of Nazareth what prophets can come on Nazareth People of God can come out of Nazareth you know oh my god we know everyone in Hazzard we know these guys you know these Baba's we know what they're like we know their past we know their lives you know well everything about them okay their eyes are closed to the supernatural nature of redemption you see natural syndrome it picks it up eternity says this is now this prophecy has come to pass you have now witnessed it Sri Lanka you have now witness that people you have seen now you know eyes be open because right now from Nazareth the Messiah had come the salvation had come that's what he's trying to explain okay and he said there was a time when people said what good can come on Azhar and what did he say he said the same thing that Jacob said he said from now onwards you're going to see a ladder open up and angels are going to ascend and descend upon man this could be God and you can miss it your life just now your life just could be the power of God and your parents can miss it your family can miss it you might just be that person who can bring that whole household into salvation but everyone around you can miss it you understand it because they're familiar you just kind of stand up okay and so the anointing causes revelation the anointing causes eyes to be open the Spirit comes on them and heavens open and suddenly you are supernaturally revealed to the people around you your supernatural revealed something is like is this my husband is this my son really well this is supernatural nature that comes about you and people start seeing that no longer are you just a common man you become born from above and Sonny people's eyes are open to what you are and who you are and what you're carrying and that is their Redemption that is their redemption but I just want to see one John - okay one John - it's about is about truth 1 John 2 1 John 2 come on Jesus God is so good can I just share a bit of one's own that I really like and no it's it is applicable but it's just a portion that I really like and I think the emphasis of this has not been really seen can shoot a video yeah this part here when he talks about the advocate and he talks to Jesus if we have no sin remember and I'm talking about I'm taking you back to what I said about being in truth okay being real is a we confess to beer we have no sin then we are liars okay and if truth is not enough that's what he says okay the truth is not in us then my little children these things I write to you that you may not sin and this one John - and if anyone sins we have an advocate is it there we have an adequately father Jesus Christ the righteous and I I just want to just emphasize this part here it's very important and it's what I was going to tell you this is justice okay look at the justice okay are you ready he says Jesus Christ the righteous Jesus Christ the word righteous means the kyani which means justice Jesus the one who loves justice remember because he love justice the anointing he was anointed because he loved justice remember yeah so he says Jesus is the one who loves justice is them so cool you're so sure that you will be compensated for every wrongdoing and every accusation on your life you will be compensated why because God loves justice isn't it cool he was crucified with false witnesses okay it is candolyn false witness rising up against you then it awesome that God sees that he loves Jesus is called the righteous means he loves justice he won't allow that happen man he'll compensate you for what is going on isn't that cool get ready man 2020 the conversations coming in man trust me on this okay God is good okay now he says so Jesus is the righteous one locks justice and watches and he himself Wow he himself say he himself he's the proper tation for our sins now why does he say Dave means it means that because he loves justice he becomes the payment that's what it means he becomes the payment of audits and it is one of the only verses that really explained this what I was exploring to explain for the last year and he says and he himself is the propagation of our sins and I like the emphasis because he's trying to infants trying to emphasize something here and don't miss them in these small letters there are big emphasis okay and what's the emphasis he says this he himself is a propagation for our sins and not for ours only that is so powerful I I mean that those those was there guys he's not just forgiving you only and if you don't get an emphasis we forget that he is righteous and just and not for yours only but for the whole world what is he saying he's saying guys don't you understand that because of your mistakes he made sure the righteous the one who loves justice he made sure that he became a dead paired to the one you heard he didn't only pay your debts off the people old you but he went not for you only but he went and paid the debts of everyone else you owed to do you just get that your debts to them were paid as well that's what it's saying there and I just loved the rendering of it because it's a reminder hey Jesus loves the whole world and when you understand when I see that he he says so many times and I don't understand how Christians have such a superiority complex because it says that he reigns on the righteous and unrighteous the same you say we could people if you want to call him that we as Christians would call him that get out get out in Mercedes and and leave long lasting lives you see that and you see that happen and then we because we got a superiority complex you're like hey how can it happen are you forgetting that are you forgetting that Jesus okay is the righteous it'll be really unfair if he's only placing you it'd be really in just if he's only placing you he to show how fair he is he blesses even the ones wins in just a show just to demonstrate how much he loves he's very fair he's a just God you understand because for you to understand that even when you fall when you deserve death you can be blessed that the goodness of God will lead you to change your mind when you look at a man who doesn't know God I mean you see the blessing on his life what you need to remember is justice and praise God that he's just and praise God and say God you are so just you know I deserve everything I get just like him but if you are showing mercy on his life I'm so glad I know you I'm so glad I know you because I know the one who is blessing everyone when I go to New Age people and people who don't know Christ and they operate in a gift somebody operating a powerful gift and when they operating a gift I go up to him and I tell them I said hey do you want me to introduce you to the God who gave you this I don't tell them this is not from God because he will be really unfair people wake up sometimes people wake up with prophetic giftings and then the Christian is have a less demonic it's better in a New Testament to say this do you want me to introduce you to the one who gave you this you will better talk to him because he knows that it was by grace but we want him to pay for it we want him to pay for it what happens we go to the next billion and say hey do you want me to introduce you to God who's blessed you because you are blessed man but do you want me to introduce it as one who really blessed you he knows that's where they'll get up on in the Academy Awards they'll take that gift nobody and you'll see them in parties and clubbing and all that kind of stuff but when they get that I could have me that award in their hand they can't help it they say god is good they gotta have they know that when they had that meeting when they went for their first record you know that that suffering moment out of their suffering that came a moment of time whatever lifted that was God they know it do you worried do you have it huh I got he's awesome my god is great for everybody thank you Jesus
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 5,462
Rating: 4.8195491 out of 5
Keywords: de lanerolle, kirby de lanerolle, wowlife, wowlife church, trials and tribulations, stress management, workplace stress, anointed preaching, christ, jesus, church, prayer, bible, sermon, ministry, prophet kirby, wow sri lanka, wow life, manifest sons, fiona de lanerolle, christian, worry, how to stop worrying, how to stop stress, stress relief, christian sermons, powerful prayer, sonship, jesus christ, christianity, salvation, preaching
Id: 3Igj9TdWr-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 32sec (4172 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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