Opinions and Conditions (Roshith Perera)

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hi everyone how are you doing uh i hope you're having a very good sunday morning as you can see we are very well occupied here uh i didn't want to do this alone so we have quite an audience today here uh as you can see we have rafa here right in the middle ralph is gonna take message today yeah no okay i'll talk and yeah maybe you can you can come in whenever you want rafa so rafa is going to help me take the message in and i bought two friends so that i don't feel alone here sitting here all alone so i've got two friends with me sitting sitting to do the message today to give you guys word uh this is wenji this is wenji and uh this is baniyara over here these are my daughter fiona's uh two favorite friends so uh i thought i'd bring them along and promise fiona to give them some air time as well as the benji and maniara can be known by all of y'all and of course rafa here uh so i've got something really interesting uh to to talk to you guys about and to probably uh discuss with you as we go along uh it's it's something that uh you know the lord has been speaking to me uh in the last few weeks and i've been really processing and learning uh this this phenomenon element that i obviously was in me and was probably in all of every one of you everyone who who knows god and who who calls himself the son of christ and everyone who's in the family but of course the the element is there but we've not really been conscious of what it really probably was in its fullest potential and uh god has been really speaking to me and revealing these things and it's been a phenomenal awesome journey or some hard journey i would say in understanding and then also seeing it actually materialize in my life uh in the realm from the realm coming into the earthy realm and and you know uh really seeing it really work you know as he has been speaking ministering and ushering into my life right um so i've and i've got i've been going through the bible and you know seeing different fractal stories from the old the new testament of how god has actually been demonstrating this right throughout from uh the beginning and even until today and i was thinking oh my god how silly how how how silly of me to not see this but like he says he always reveals everything at the right time right so let's get started let's get started and let's take it a little slowly so that you guys probably hopefully will understand and be blessed by what i'm trying to say today so one of the key things that i've been seeing and hearing and like i explained to you a little while ago was the fact that an awesome characteristic of christ right the christ in us uh one of the most awesome characteristics of christ is that i've realized that it is workability right now that sounds like a bit of a big word but if you look at it it's one of the most simplest characteristics of jesus god the father you know the simplest characteristics of the holy spirit is workability what do i mean by workability what what am i trying to say when i say workability okay it's that if you look at the character of god you see that every time that you see god move or every time you see him do something and every time you see him uh move in your life you will if you look closely enough if you look with your spiritual eyes and if you open your heart out to it you will realize that god the way he moves has very little opinion right and has no conditions right so we all call it unconditional love yeah that's one thing but you break it down into a little bit more if you realize that there is very little opinion and there's very little con absolutely no condition in how the father moves it there's no condition he's just a beautiful awesome father a beautiful awesome calming joyful happy ministering free spirit and he moves and he blesses and he serves and he really just takes you on with the flow he's very fluid right the bible says that the holy spirit is like rivers of living water that flow out of you so he's always very fluid he's like a stream he's like a river continuous in the bible he is mentioned as a river he's mentioned as a stream he's mentioned as a flow he is mentioned as fluid if you look at it if you want to if you want to bring it and put it into simpler words you can understand so how how does this fluidity in the characteristic of god work how does this flow in the characteristics of god work and i've realized and i've i've learned i've come to understand that this fluidity flows when you refrain yourself from opinion and when you refrain yourself from having conditions the more conditions and the more opinion that you have it looks like that you are drawing from another tree the famous two trees the tree of life and the tree of good and evil the more opinions you have about a situation or circumstance in your life the more conditions that you have about something that you are trying to do it feels like that mostly it's coming from another tree and it does not resemble or doesn't mirror one of the most beautiful and the most awesome and nicest phenomenal characteristics of god which is fluidity love grace mercy all these things right all these things come out of the fact that he is not opinionated and he does not have conditions right and this is something that really really opened my eyes for example you could be so good at what you do i'm saying in the body you get so many different talented people god has given so many gifts to you could be architects engineers missionaries pastors preachers uh evangelists uh artists singers businessmen entrepreneurs uh astronauts pilots whatever nurses doctors whatever that gift that god has given you whatever whatever anointing or whatever that he's blessed you to become in your fullest expression there are so many vast amount of things but in all these things you see you realize that you've got to you've got to move with the rest of creation you have to flow with the rest of creation there's very little that anyone could say that in your life that you're just moving alone because god has created you as part a part of the whole of creation god has created you as part of the cosmos like if you listen to our jv sing he gave some really awesome insight in the last message about um the meditation and what prophet kirby d land role is now ushering all of us into in in into being in going into meditation and going into the cosmos and the realm right he had some phenomenal stuff that he thought last in the last uh message that he preached one the the day before today right now if you look at this you are all part of an entire creation you're all part of a vast and um how would you say you're part of something really big right and you're just a part of something beautiful something really great that god has created and is creating and he's processing and he's and he's and he's moving forward with and he's and he's progressing in creating more right this is so it's so vast it's so so big it's so exciting when you really look at it so you are part of this right and you are you've been called and you've been designed to flow to be fluid now when you look at yourself and you look inside and you search your heart you realize that in whatever circumstances that you have in your lives in your day-to-day jobs in your work in your family in how you relate with your with your with your friends at home uh in how you relate with everything that you do there is the temptation if you are not so conscious about it to always have an opinion and to always have a condition now i realize that when you have an opinion and a condition always in here when you're approaching something that immediately kind of disqualifies you from being workable right so you may be really good at what you do you may be you may be brilliant at what you do but because of opinion and condition it stops you from being workable and then some people think hey you know what i'm really good at what i'm doing i'm i'm a brilliant architect or i'm a brilliant engineer but i'm really good i've got my grades i've graduated from here i graduated from there i went to the best schools i know so much about my profession but when i go into meetings or if i go to bid for a contract or when i go into some uh a forum where i need to partner with with a new investor uh every time i go in my my my project is so good but it does not come true or it takes time to come through it it doesn't really go forward at the pace that i wanted to go forward i the uh if if you put it in kingdom language uh there is very little grace for it to go forward and for you to get it right but here's the thing it's not god that's refraining that grace from you it's very available but the more conditions and the more opinions that you have about your opportunity immediately stops the realm from synchronizing your opportunity in favor of you because you have an opinion and you have you have conditions your opinion and conditions is very narrow because you cannot see the whole picture you can see you could probably see here so when you're looking shallow when you're looking uh at a shorter distance it's generally a lot of conditions a lot of opinions now the the cosmos the the the realm of the spirit right the the beings that god has created to to serve you to to synchronize things for you to to respond to you cannot respond and cannot usher in favor because you are withstanding them from doing that with opinion and conditions right so you wonder why aren't these people aligning why aren't these people giving me the project why am i not getting this through and we we as as human beings as when we get into an unconscious mode we are constantly in a place of okay that one this one it's because he didn't do his job it's because they didn't do their job it's because this is with that and we constantly throw it out right now i've seen myself in that sort of thing always you know always deflecting instead of reflecting right and and i realized that and when i realized this i realized oh my god this is not going forward because i may be really good at what i do but you know i'm very narrow it's very shallow it's a lot of opinion and a lot of conditions and i realize oh my god this does not mirror and resemble how jesus walked on this earth or he doesn't it doesn't it doesn't reflect the ministry of christ it does not reflect son of god it does not reflect how god moves because imagine let's say you have your life you have your goals you have your plan and you know what you how you want to be fully expressed right and in all these things imagine if god constantly had opinions and conditions if god had constantly every day in the morning every time you pray every time you meditate if god started pouring down conditions and opinions over your life would you be in agreement to move forward would you be comfortable in moving forward if someone is just blurring conditions and opinions oh my god oh god one more oh my god this is another one you'll be flooded with god's opinion if you'll be if you're flooded with god's conditions yeah i'll throw you this but i want five things of this i'll throw you there but if if this is going to be a constant negotiative process where god is always throwing conditions and opinions at you would you want to partner with that will will you be able to go forward with that you need to think about that you need to think about what i'm saying will you want to go forward with that it will be very difficult there'll be very little progress and you will very little be able to have an opportunity to express yourself fully right but that's not how god works that's not how the father works he gives you grace in abundance he gives you favor mercy joy everything in abundance and he withstands from giving him giving you opinion and if it stands from giving you conditions he just blesses you he's good he's awesome he's aggressively in love with you and he just pours down favor on you and he lets you express yourself fully now that is an awesome platform and you really want to be part of that you really want lots of traditional christians wonder why people find it really struggle to move with the church right you get a lot of conflicts a lot of inter-ministerial conflicts uh pastors and deacons worship leaders and pastors that's a very famous one worship leaders and pastors traditional boom boom boom it's always an issue i like that song you don't think this one i like that i'm telling you it's a i mean i've been there done that it's it's it's not very pleasant sometimes you're going up there right you you want to go and do something and you want to minister you're going to minister to people but you have a difference in opinion and you have so many conditions on how you're going to do it i mean how why would how how could there's so much of opinion and there's so much of opinion and there's so much of condition that is very little time for god to move so you've got a service of about two hours and 15 minutes i mean i mean i hope no one takes offense but i'm saying but this i'm just trying to bring in gracefully in love or truth which will probably free some of you guys freed me as well you have a two hour or two hour 15 minute service where you are in dispute and you have conditions and you have opinions on what song needs to be sung who is going to preach when what verse needs to be what has to go up there what has to go up here conditions and opinions it doesn't fall in line with how the fluidity of the holy spirit moves it doesn't fall in line of how aggressively in love god is with you so it does not flow out into the people and you see a disrupted ministry right here if you sit back and say you know what no opinions no conditions father just you and me i accept all your love i accept all your grace you are awesome you are phenomenal you are you are god you are lord you know just pour your love on us that's all we require that's all we want and we just want to flow in with no opinions in what you want to do and such a free spirit and you just go boom in there and you see the people get impacted communities get impacted people change people transform people want to be part of the community you don't have to force people to come to church on sunday you don't have to be calling and say are you watching the youtube are you watching the youtube no we don't do that here everybody is just glued to the tv right now because on a tuesday and sunday we love to be part of the kingdom because you see there is no opinion there is no condition it's just god it's just the creation it's just the greater body meeting together and that's just amazing and the more you filter out all the opinion you see if you have if you have a diesel engine if you have let's say a a a v12 or a v8 truck diesel engine right you have the oil filters and the diesel filters i look at it the oil filter is it resembles filtering out all the opinion and the diesel filters will resemble filtering out all the conditions once you clear all of that you get all the clear fuel and the clear oil so that the mechanism can move very robust and it can move fast it can move at the right pace you can move with the right talk opinions conditions out right so i so you'll bring it into a more uh secular forum for example if it's a business you're having an art exhibition or whatever it is that you're professional in you go into people and you start working with people without opinions and conditions right if you have something to say you can always communicate it but it not being an opinion there is a very different way to communicate something you could give your idea you see i'll i'm trying to break it down here there is a difference between giving an idea and giving an opinion right and i i realized this really recently even i couldn't i mean break down the two when you give an opinion you're saying this is how i think it needs to be done this is the only way that it needs to be done and this is the only way i think it's going to work that's an opinion right when you give an idea you're saying hey this might be a good way to try to see if it can work we could put some time together to see if this could be one of the ways that it could work there may be others as well let's try everything whatever we have on the table but i think this might work right here's the thing idea is not entitled opinion is fully entitled that is the difference right so entitlement is not part of god's character so rather than give an opinion it's always more in line with the character of christ to give an idea and if your heart is in a place of complete service and there is no agenda then it's an idea but if your heart is not in a place of service and there is an agenda then it becomes an opinion right so the only agenda in god's plan is to allow you to prosper and allow you to shine in your fullest expression he has no selfish agenda so here's the thing when you give a strong opinion there is probably a hidden root or two of selfish agenda in that but when you give an idea you give the idea so that you are giving something for the betterment of the greater body if you are a businessman you are giving an idea for the betterment of the project you are giving an idea for the betterment of your past partners investment if you're giving an idea or you're giving it for the betterment of your investors investment where you are not looking or thinking or have to have a difference of uh some some agenda in there for where how the first thing is how it's going to benefit you you give in your idea so that it can better the greater body in if it's a business forum it's probably your company right in that place you will see once you put yourself out there in serving like that automatically it does benefit you right because the bible says seek e the kingdom of god first and everything else will be added unto you now lots of people take this and say oh sikhi the king let's pray and those things are awesome we need to do all that but how do we actually put that out put it out there in the practical world paul says be be in the world but not of the world right so you're in the world you're not sitting in your room for monday evening seven days a week and not meeting people you are you're going out and you're communicating and doing things with the greater community you're doing things with the world you're doing things with the great a plan that god has created so in this place how do you serve you serve by giving in an idea you serve by ushering in ideas that are going to benefit the greater body you give in ideas that are going to benefit your company you give in ideas that protect your investors you giving ideas that protect your employees you give an idea that product that protects your projects and you will see that god is no data to man as you resemble his character in those situations by not giving opinions but giving positive workable ideas you will see that god will take care of your needs and wants because that is his promise for his children this is a very practical thing i'm trying to put in to you if it's a ministry why are you giving an opinion if you give an idea that is for the greater body to serve the greater body you will see that god is not added to man your problems are not for you to worry about you just giving ideas to protect the greater body pastors ushering ideas into your ministries that will serve the people ushering ideas into your ministry that will serve your leaders you become the least the bible says that in luke if you read say there was an argument among disciples let's read that of who is the greatest and jesus says the one of you which is the least who will become the least will be the greatest so what does that mean it's a if you really really look at it the one of you if you look look at it practically the one of you that has the least opinions the one of you that has the least conditions will become the greatest because you will be the great you will be the servant you will have the heart the heart of the servant king no opinions no conditions means you have the potential and you you put yourself into a robust situation where you can absolutely serve right so let's just go i just want to uh take you into the story of daniel because you know daniel is phenomenal if you look at it i mean you look at daniel in today's context i mean if you were in sri lanka i mean most people just and bring it's kind of like an inside joke but get you all if you were in three if daniel was in sri lanka his friends would have called him dania because you see in sri lanka every they just add the add an a to every name to the end of every name and that becomes a nickname don't ask me i i have no understanding of what that is uh it but that's how it works whenever you do come to sri lanka add a to the last name of everybody and that becomes a pet name i mean i don't even go that sad why that works yeah so this is benji so benji would become vengia that's how that yeah okay i'm just trying to crack a joke with you guys even he's not laughing um so we'll go into daniel and uh let's just go here yeah daniel verse one sorry daniel chapter one verse 19 right this is when daniel uh when nebuchadnezzar had come in and taken in daniel and his friends and he was going through all of them and verse 19 there's something phenomenal here then the king interviewed them that is daniel and his friends right then the king interviewed them and among them all none was found like daniel i'm going to say it again then the king interviewed them and among them all none was found like daniel now if you look at it the king chose the smartest the good looking the more educated the the guy the most proactive guys but the bible clearly says here that when the king interviewed him none was found like daniel now if you read the story of daniel what is this special characteristic that the king nebuchadnezzar saw about daniel what is this special characteristic right let's have a look you see if you look at the story of daniel daniel was very bold when the king wanted him to interpret dreams daniel didn't hesitate to give the king the interpretation of the dreams and sometimes these interpretations that daniel had to give were not things that were going to pat the king on his back here's a guy from a strange land captured brought into captivity told that he's going to serve the king he has a little few natural talents like everyone else but consistently you will see that he has to interpret dreams that really don't pat the king on his back and the first instance that he had to interpret the dream it wasn't a really nice occasion if you go to daniel 2 verse 49 sorry verse 48 it says then the king promoted daniel and gave him many great gifts and he made him ruler over the whole province of babylon and chief administrator of all the wise men of babylon now here you have thousands of wise men thousands of ministers thousands of very potential people that could run nebuchadnezzar's country he chose to give a foreign boy who was brought in as a slave probably as a captive he chooses to give him a prominent position when all he is doing is interpreting dreams that don't really pat the king on the back actually has the king has to be told straight about certain things that he's not doing right now if you look at it it doesn't make any sense why would nebuchadnezzar do that that's when i go back to where i started daniel had the gift to interpret dreams which god had poured down on him danny daniel had many spiritual gifts and very natural qualities but daniel was mirroring and showing forth one of the key characteristics of god the father which the fact that daniel was workable daniel had very little opinions daniel had very little conditions at all he just asked when he was first captured whether he could have very mediocre meals even what he asked for wasn't something that would burden the king it was actually something that would take the king something that even what the king was giving him lesser than that right so it's not it's not a condition it's saying please i know you're giving me so much but i would be really happy if you could just give me this much so the onion is going from here to here and king's like this is making sense i'm giving this guy so much you know what what did the king identify the king identified the fact that daniel was not in a position that he wanted to use the king right if you were a captive and you saw a favor coming if you didn't have the spirit of god in you if you didn't see clearly if daniel was not in a place where he wanted to serve he would have used the opportunity he would have gone into exploitation he would have gone into entitlement but if you look at it daniel right down deep in his heart carried the spirit of god carried the characteristics of god he was in a place of service he didn't want to use and exploit the king he wanted to serve so he said you know what king you know my god has given me something more precious so that i could become healthy and strong i i have something supernatural that could make me really the way you want me to be so i don't need you to spend all of this for me just give me a little bit of this and this and the spirit of the king nebuchadnezzar although he didn't believe fully in the god in god at that time identified that the fact that daniel was workable he had no entitlement he had no opinion he had no conditions daniel was pure about serving january was pure serving and the king identified that and that gave daniel the authority to speak the truth to the king when he had to speak because daniel had no agenda daniel did not want to become prime minister daniel didn't interpret the dreams in wanting something daniel didn't interpret and serve the king and have have have eyes on the palaces or the commandments or the commanding positions the the land or the projects or the or the or the or the roadways or whatever you want to call daniel didn't have his eyes on those things daniel was all about serving every time the king requested something even if daniel had to say something that the king would might not like to hear daniel was in a place of space of serving there was no agenda so there was no opinion and there was no condition the king identified that and the realm was able to come in there and progress daniel up up up up up became the prime minister and great governor of of that time if you read the story the key no condition no opinion that's a beautiful story if you read the story of daniel right throughout you realize that he just he's so fluid he's so workable this the king nebuchadnezzar then darius after they were such strong kings they were such aggressive kings of man but daniel was so workable he was so you want that contract you want that new business do you want you want to prosper in what you're doing you want your art piece to be right up there do you want to you want to be one of the most recognized sportsman you want to captain your country in a sport do you want to do whatever you're doing you want to be the best videographer you want to be the best doctor here's the key first don't want it if you want to be the best the key is don't want it right and if you remove opinion and if you remove agenda and you remove conditions of everything that you want to be and go into that simply to serve simply to put in your ideas for the greater body for the greater body for the kingdom for for the creation right if you go in there in whatever you are doing to protect the interests of everything everyone else other than yours you will realize the way daniel was prospered up you will start seeing yourself prospered up god will prosper you up because you want to prosper creation god will prosper you up because you want to co-partner you want to collision with him in prospering the creation do we need healing yes do we need healing for all the issues that we have today on the earth do we need healing for all the medical issues that we're having right now the the world is in a pandemic do we need healing do we need people to rise up yes god wants you to partner with him to coalition with him forget your opinion forget your uh entitled condition and go in there in whatever profession that you are in to protect the interests of all creation except for yourself because then you mirror the father exactly the way he is and you see it starts progressing healing comes over the land people start getting better you know your your if your if your family members and people you know are ill you you you you just go into what i'm saying and you see healing just flow flow flow flow let's go to look let's go look i hope i'm not taking too much of your time when she's happy he's concentrating so is banyara uh mowgli has just gone in for a little snooze but mowgli i'll give him sorry i'm sorry not mowgli sorry not mobley uh i've i'm i'm i'm i've been i'm so used to mowgli i'm calling him ugly rafa has gone for a snooze in rebranding actually in remembrance of mowgli the first dog the first puppy mobley monkey we remember you and your and we know that you're watching me from there and that's why i'm mentioning you very conscious of your mowgli yeah so let's go to luke let's go to look maybe rafa is now moving in mogul is anointing as the first dog who knows maybe this is a phenomenal story i'm already right go in this one with you look 9 verse 11. this is the story of the five lobes and fishes right lobes and fishes but when the multitudes knew it they followed him and he received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of god and healed those who had need of healing which is what we need today right when the day began to when the day began to wear away the twelve came and said to him send the multitude away the disciples right he said they told jesus send these guys away boss you know it's a lot of people you know it's getting a bit tiring today as well so that they may go into the surrounding towns and country and lodge and get provisions for we are in a deserted place here but he said to them you give them something to eat and they said we have no more five lo we have no more than five loaves and two fish unless we go and buy food for all these people for there were about five thousand men then he said to disciples make them sit down in groups of fifteen and they did so and made them all sit down then he took the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven he blessed and broke them and gave them to the disciples to set before the multitude so that so they all ate and were filled and 12 baskets of and there were 12 baskets of leftover fragments were taken up from them if you look at that story he tells them you know these people are these people the disciples come and say you know there are so many people send them away let them get food they let them go and rest there you know there's so many people it's tiring you know and they they start giving their opinions right and they start justifying their opinions by putting down conditions and saying you know what so many people they must be hungry there are so many places that they can go and buy food we can't feed all of them although they're saying unless we go and buy food for all 5 000 they're really saying there is 5000 people here we can't really go out and buy food for it right that's if you really look into it they're giving their opinion and they're giving their conditions if you look at how jesus responds there are no opinions right there are no conditions he just responds and say make them sit down idea he doesn't say um if we make them sit down in groups of 50 we can see what we can do uh shall we see no he's not going around the bush she just says very straightforward confidently make them sit down in groups of 50. then the disciples say we only have this amount of loaves this much of fish he says can i have it he gives thanks and he distributes so if you look at how jesus responds to that situation he's all about the solution because he already knows people are hungry he already knows that people are tired if you look at the communication going to look and read it in your free time you will realize the disciples are clouding with opinion condition why it can't be done why this can be done why it can be done why this can't be done and jesus is just giving very clear direction on how he is going to get it done do you want that next project do you want that next big deal do you want that big investor who's willing to put phenomenal amount of money into your company do you want that deal to go through look at that story the success of your life the success of everything that you do is in the story of the lords and fishes there are two sides to it you see the disciples it can't be done why it can why it can't be done how it probably could be done opinions conditions why do we have to do it that way because this is not there this lots of facts if you look at jesus he knows who he is he's sitting in a place where he is in line with god what god is doing with creation in the cosmos he just gives two directions make them sit down lines of 50. give me what you have thank god for it and we're going to distribute and everyone is going to be fed do you want that next project your investor doesn't want to hear you give opinions and he doesn't want to hear your conditions he needs to see that you are willing to become a solution you want that next project do you want that next business partnership do you want your artwork to go famous you want to be the sportsman that you want to be the people that are partnering with you the creation that is partnering with you does not want to hear opinions it doesn't want to hear conditions they want to see you be the solution do you want your people healed you have lots of sick people around you do you have family members who are struggling you have people who are facing this situation their healing is in you becoming the solution their healing is not in your opinion their healing is not in your condition their healing is in you becoming the solution you look at the story of the lobes and fishes look at it very clearly jesus does not give any opinions jesus doesn't say yeah but they had breakfast right what do you think should we ask them to tell them not to eat till tomorrow jesus discerned the fact that there were 5 000 people he discerned the fact that they were hungry five thousand people he was sensitive to the fact that there needed to be a solution no conditions no opinions simply solution right jesus our god the christ the mind of christ what prophet has been preaching is always very clearly directed towards always being a solution you want to see revival in your churches you want to see revival in your communities do you want to see revival in your families do you want to see things really work in front of you do you want to see abundance work in front of you do you want to see the victory that people have been talking for years for generations really in your life you resemble the christ you resemble one of the key characteristics of god the father the christ the vast mind of christ is you are the solution and if your entitled opinion or condition is stopping you from being the solution i would like to just leave with you today myself renji and baniara and rafa the first dog now and uh over there would like and elijah would like to leave you with this opinion condition which tree trees that coming from solution you know which tree that is coming from bless you hope you have a wonderful sunday hope you guys enjoy your sunday lunch i hope you have a great day and uh we'll see you soon and there's a wonderful speaker coming up next for the next meeting tune in enjoy be blessed be loved and prosper god bless you all you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 751
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, wow church, wow life church, Roshith Perera, Opinions and Conditions, transformation church, identity in christ, intimacy with god, faith over fear, life church, personal growth, mind of christ, church of the east
Id: cx9rioxh9V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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