Universalism & Atonement (Who is Satan?)

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[Music] come on wow get ready give it the loudest cheer prepare your hearts to receive and enjoy the world this atonement sunday come on guys awesome okay guys today was supposed to be like fiona said it was supposed to be uh something else but then the lord really impressed upon my heart that i really need to speak today and get the word out because the whole of last week if you realized last sunday was seven days and i explained about rosh hashanah you remember and so these are all hebrewic feasts and like fiona said some of it really doesn't mean much to any one of us because they're hebrewic and we don't understand how those things work but let me just tell you they they all their feasts were based on the lunar calendars and uh where the moon and the sun is and they you know they those feasts were uh done exactly as a phenomenal operation for the blessing of a nation you understand that now you have when you're in sri lanka and you're from uh tamil or a singles community you know how certain things are done at certain times and certain times and certain seasons and all that right and they're done for the blessing and so the jews were the jews were the beginning of all that i don't know what you know that because it's eight thousand nine thousand ten thousand year babylonian understanding of the how the stars work you know and they passed it down to the jews and so today was their main feast okay so it was called the day of atonement all right and uh it's important because if you don't understand a lot of the pentecostal christians you know when i talk to them they like they say when i talk about astrology or something like that like we don't believe in that like no no no no that's the wrong wrong completely wrong concept you can't be not believe in it because when the moon moves into a certain point you have the the way the sea the ocean itself recedes or or doesn't so how do you how are you trying to say that man is not moved when things happen you know you might not believe in it but fact is fact okay so it's just science now the fact of the matter is that these feasts were done at a certain time specifically for a certain group of people now jesus comes as the fulfillment of all those things so you can't not believe in it because jesus fulfills all those things so now you don't have to keep those timings and seasons and all that because why jesus fulfills he doesn't destroy those things okay he fulfills it that means in him even if you miss a time if you miss a date if you miss a season guess what he fulfills it come on isn't that cool yeah okay so just just to explain this and also so i'm going to get to the nitty-gritty of it it is okay you got to pray for me because i'm taking from like four dimensions and trying to put it together for you okay you really need to pray okay now and you need to draw okay cheer draw all that okay because as long as you're alive i'm alive okay this works we're we are a family we're having a conversation i'm talking to my kids okay so i i need some response okay now okay very good now now yes yeah because doing this is communion we're talking we're having a conversation okay it was never supposed to be like this preach that you all had nothing nothing to say right now what needs to be understood and i'm telling you this is gonna be so awesome okay you know when there's something going on and when god stops me and says say this okay it has to be awesome right so i can tell you the normal atonement and if your charismatic pentecostal anglican whatever it is baptist especially all all that you will know about atonement i don't have to tell you if you don't know search on google you will find atonement you'll you know what uh the the sacrifices are and all that if you don't i'll just briefly explain it to you but if you're a christian journey no atonement pass over these kinds of things okay but so i'm not going to go into those areas where you might already know or have heard but i'm going into areas that i think the pentecostal charismatic and also maybe many others have sort of missed okay in the atonement which is today things that they have missed and not seen and because of that because as we end this we're doing communion okay and what does it mean to really take communion okay and i know communion is done on passover on the on the exact day that jesus was crucified but this is a high high event for the jews and in the new testament jesus makes one and that word atonement means make one okay jesus makes one of all the feasts in one sacrifice so every feast you can imagine jewish or any other because you're not jewish you're hindus and and buddhists and whatever muslims and christians so he makes one all feast you just get that okay so we're going to talk about the make oneness and i'm going to explain a few things that are important and it's really going to bless you because this is a part of that series remember i started on tuesday what's the series who is satan the who is satan series this is the part of that and he's come right on time to that series i'm going to show you something okay that's going to blow you away and it's in isaiah 54 isi 53 is the prophet talking about the cross isaiah 54 is the party because the cross is over and now we're celebrating okay but at the end of it he gives us a small hint of who is satan okay isa 54 are you ready okay this is going to be so good so good i mean i'm so excited when i get this stuff it's like mind-blowing okay so isaiah isaiah let's get into isaiah 54 okay and if you put it up there you will see it in verse 16 as he's talking of oppression and he'll be far from oppression and he shall not come near you and terror will not come near you and he's talking about the party like you are saved you are sanctified the enemy will not get you there is an adversary but he will not attack you and you know he's talking about your protection okay so this is so important because it says behold okay that means look i've created the blacksmith okay who blows the coals in the fire say blows the coals into fire this is very very important verb age okay okay because he says he blows the coals in the fire who brings forth an instrument for his work and i've created the spoiler or the destroyer to destroy is it there nowhere there he goes this famous charismatic pentecostal statement no weapon formed against me shall prosper every time that rises up against me enjoyment i shall condemn you know they say that without seeing this part okay why because their justice their righteousness is for me no weapon formed against your prosperity but i created the blacksmith to blow coals you see what like when you're doing a barbecue okay well you know what i'm talking about right okay what happens how many we do a good barbecue and you realize that you need to make sure that the calls are just like this okay that's when everything gets roasted all right so see that is very good verb age because throughout the bible that he made the blacksmith to blow coals and he created a destroy to destroy now this goes against sort of a pentecostal mindset or even the new charismatic and even the grace people okay i've been through it all okay even the grace people i was one of the the hyper grace which i am still hyper grace because i don't know how to get out of it okay so i you can consider me hyper grace but you you you know i i you i don't know where the heck i am at the moment with my walk but i can tell you one thing that i'm falling in love with jesus every single day but the reason is because you see in the hyper grace movement they don't consider the devil or the destroyer created by god like where did he eat up from but in the old hebrewic understanding he created light and he created darkness he did he said in isaiah 45 says i create evil and i create good oh i create evil who creates evil god okay god creates evil and i create good he says i create a destroyer voila to destroy yes you know he's saying he's such a splendor you know that we need to be excited like he's our daddy and he's good so he would have got a good reason to make the destroyer destroy so he said i created you destroyed he's like hey kids isn't it cool you know like look at your arsenal and he and i like it because he says this guy he says who blows calls in the fire who brings forth the instrument of his work that means that's the weapon of his work what is the weapon of the destroyer's work is to enlighten the calls on the fire okay now this is so important because but you will see this verse constantly in the bible vengeance is mine i shall repay okay that means the word is is saying i will the word vengeance is actually vindication i will cause justice and you see it this word is beautiful because i'll take you to romans okay rome go into romans 12 romans 12 come on fast with me roman is fast really faster to get it come on okay we gotta get there fast okay if you wanna said go slow okay but okay romans okay now romans i think it's in 12 or i think it's interesting no don't worry don't worry i'll find it okay i'll find it i'll find it i'll find it okay um it's in yeah it's a roman 12 it's exactly right okay now romans 12 it says it like this okay listen carefully okay are you ready it's in verse 17. repay he says he will repay so you repay no one with evil for evil is it there have regard for good in the sight of all men is it there if it is possible this is so hard i know it's so hard okay that's why he says if it is possible as much as it depends on you live in peace with all men and that's not like a commandment okay thank you jesus it's not like living peace with all men you have to do it if this is possible you know really if you know what people are like sometimes you know you can live in peace with all men but don't worry don't try to repay them okay the weather is so good beloved do not avenge yourselves but rather give place to wrought for it is written vengeance is mine and i will replace the lord so to give place for the destroyer you give place for the destroyer because vengeance is mine i told you i'll repay you don't try to repay if someone does bad to you because i will vindicate i will settle the books title let's die i will settle the books i will repay you understand that so atonement day very important to understand what's happening today okay now so watch this okay so it's vengeance in mind i will repay come on allow him to pay what the heck are you doing okay and then he says if your enemy is hungry feed him oh here's some buns some eclairs okay no not truly truly no do you have to do it truly okay because i'm going to have communion at the heart you can't do it the way i'm telling you okay okay okay you have to sort your heart out by the end of this meeting and so i'm praying for you okay and myself okay that by the end of this meeting we will have hearts to let go you understand it because today's a day is a high day for the jews where they the hebrew people would say oh lord i please forgive me and i i let go i forgive them i forgive them no matter what it is i forgive them okay but god is saying you do what you have to do leave it up to me okay but you're not saying oh good let's forgive that happens but i'm trying to tell you the mechanics i'm giving the back end okay this is the back end what's happening okay back end stuff none of your business you just hear it listen to it and see what goes at the back end don't decide on anything okay so he hates he says if your enemies hungry feed him if he's thirsty give him a drink okay listen for in so doing you will heap what cold of fire on his head wow so the destroy destroys by the weapon that he forms is by blowing those calls up and lighting them up do you see that there i created a destroy to destroy okay atonement sunday [Music] okay now so that's the setup for you okay these are things that you take as like a pinch of salt you get what i'm trying to say you don't go down these roads like all right okay to try okay there is a god that looks after me but here's the great thing guys the whole of the new testament is based on the conscience the whole of the new testament is based on the conscience of man and you must understand that i am you know i am like i've been listening to people like richard rowe i don't know anyone ever heard of him but you know he is so convincing that i'm i'm just on the tip of falling over of being a universalist okay because because i mean he is the most convincing preacher i i don't know he's not even what he's saying it's like the the spirit of grace is he's talking in i mean have you ever have you heard of richard rowe you know how richard oh he's wonderful you've got to listen to him he's awesome and and so i'm like on the edge of like i might just become a universalist you know but if i didn't know too much of the scripture i would just jump in but this guy knows the scripture inside out i mean he's a theologian of all theologians maybe thought maybe he knows the scripture and me but but the fact of matter is i'm a bit of a mistake so so it's hard for me to really tip over there but i wish i could i might i don't know okay but in the sense that you know he explains the atonement in such a wonderful way and there's so many other great teachers who explain it but what i'm realizing that as much as the universalist outlook of being able to to convince you that the cross and the atonement and the sacrifice doesn't need to happen it might be because they're not dealing with conscience and i can't see any other philosophy or religion or anything else that deals with the human conscience and it's only the christ and the blood of jesus that deals with the human conscience and that's why atonement is an important important day because we're dealing with the human conscience on atonement and that is why they're going around all around and we'll do it at the end you know you don't have to go to someone and say please forgive me but because jesus has already forgiven you for your sins but now when he's forgiven you for your sins it means he's sprinkled your conscience with the blood of jesus okay your conscience those calls on your head vengeance is mine i will repay you understand that and then you will heap if you forgive them and you let it go on a day like today you leave them and you commend them to their conscience you commend every single man to their own conscience it is the conscience that will draw wrought whatever it is whether it is a repayment or not it is your conscience that will draw that to you man is blessed or destroyed according to his conscience and it is only jesus that deals with the conscience so i fall in love with jesus because the whole new testament is he takes the law away and he places a heart he says i'll give him a new heart and he gives man a conscience so that now we don't have a law say take her left take a right sit here don't do this i'll do it and do that we have a conscience that leads us and if we do according to our conscience we are blessed and if we fall and fail according to our conscience guess what the blood of jesus sprinkles our conscience that's why the blood was given you see this is the story of two goats three atonement one bull heifer and two goats today on this day is taken it's a story of two goats one why would jesus clearly say is that the man who's a sinner will be the goats i mean it's in the in the in the parables which is lambs and goats but this time on atonement jesus becomes a goat because he takes a sin do you understand that and so therefore you see that one goat according to the atonement day is the jesus who goes after he's a high priest of high priest who goes after the his death into the holiest of all which is the heavens and when mary tries to grab on remember he's come from his three days in the pit he's taken the keys of death and hell in his hands after the cross you see the story and mary comes and catches hold of him and says raboni my master he says don't touch me why i'm not gone unto the father because i'm taking the blood of every single human being and i'm going beyond the whale that's atonement today beyond the whale once a year the high priest could go beyond the whale on atonement that's that story remember once here the high priest goes beyond the whale he's got he's got this whole thing around his feet that jingles to know that he's alive and he's ministering and if he has sinned he dies remember that day one day he goes that's today so now jesus after he dies don't touch me because you're not supposed to touch the high praise so he goes beyond he says mary don't touch me i'm going to the father why i'm taking the blood to wash the conscience of every single man and afterwards when they remember me on this day their conscience is washed white as snow do you understand that and he's washed white as snow so that now you can come before god as a son and not a sinner and ask for anything and he'll be done unto you because your conscience is blood washed come on did you just get that that's what jesus did on the cross and that's why atonement is important the story of two goats that's one goat there was another one two goats do you know that there was another one and yes they call it the scapegoat but it's preferred to be called escape god es escape god the reason is because the whole operation is jesus and the priest would go two goats one goat he would sacrifice and we'll read it okay we'll read it the number 16. are you ready this is really good okay very good number 16. don't go quiet on me yeah very good very good so watch this okay number 16. we're just no no i'm sorry let me take us literally assisting left you guys yeah leviticus excited yeah this is gonna be good okay let me see is it leviticus 16 yeah i think yeah leviticus 16 and this is so so good okay because here's the interesting thing it starts off day of the tournament and you can't miss this okay this is how this thing happened it starts off now the lord spoke to moses after the death of the two sons of aaron when they offered profane fire before the lord and died and the lord said to moses that whole chapter starts off with the story of aaron the priest's two sons who died because they offered profane fire if you do a search on what they offered and why they why it was profane fire was because they took the calls of a wrong altar the altar that was not the sacrificial altar where the blood of bulls and goats had touched so it wasn't sanctified they used those calls to worship the lord do you understand that so you can't understand atonement unless you take that first chapter this tournament chapter to understand that the wrong calls had been used that's why i started the story with the coles now come on you guys know if you were of some other religion if you're hindu or whatever you understand how these things work okay i mean this is in this bible is called god craft okay i'm into god craft okay so because of that i know how these things work so he had to we call it christ craft christ rifle is better chryskoff yeah so i'm in the christcraft okay now you see it's the same protocols so they had to offer it right so the calls were taken without the blood really touching the coals and they made fire from these coals that's the same cause that might be on someone's head that's what i'm talking about okay now you have to get this because then it explains and i won't go into detail today about this but it explains about these two goats here in verse six he says aaron shall offer the bull i just think if you are from any other religion what is going on here i'm sure you'd have seen this kind of stuff done aaron shall offer the boo the bull as a sin offering which is for himself and make atonement say atonement for himself and for his house he shall take the two goats is it there he shall take the what how many goats two goats and present them before the lord huh so both are brought in okay i told you a story of one goat what happens remember he goes down in the tomb to hell itself comes up don't touch me because i'm now taking the blood of humanity and i'm going beyond the whale okay so that every man's conscience is cleansed so that's one goat okay that's the story of one goat okay he shall take two goats and present it before the lord at the door of the tabernacle of meetings then aaron shall cast lots for two goats listen carefully one lot for the lord and the other lord the words keep god there is azazel did you just get that one lot one goat is the lord now explain the lord's story you know the lord's story you've heard it so many times before one lot is christ for the lord the other goat i'm not going to go into detail about the goat but the other goat a very interesting thing is done with the other goat and this was done with every animal when they sacrifice according to leviticus 4 but they lay their hands on the head of the animal this is the communion in in in one part but this part is not a communion that's what they need to understand because the pentecostal charismatic and many of them put all of this together without understanding exactly what is happening so one goat was sacrifice which i explained to you the other one they prayed over this goat and they passed over the sins of the community of that goat okay and that goat they send out of the camp you just get that that goat took the consciousness of the sins of the people and he was sent out of the camp and the beautiful word is that he sent back into the wilderness you understand that okay he's sent back into the wilderness now what does it mean that he's taken the consciousness of the sins or the people it means that he's now having a conscience that is not sanctified do you understand it and this goat would go around and he goes around in villages and people would see they would say oh he's the cursed coat and he would kill the goat and wherever that goat went he was cursed because he had a mark of the sins of the people so if you have to understand atonement the full operation of what is happening and then you understand what jesus did because now this goat will go around and then finally they got so sick of seeing this goat around and because people didn't want because what happened he walks into someone's house you know it's like bad deal for that year you know it's like a bad scene you know so what they did finally in jewish tradition is written in talmud that they started they put a person of course in the beginning right there where a person will guide this goat where to go and he'll have 10 stops you know and then finally he will guide this goat to the edge of a cliff and that's why they try to throw jesus down a cliff constantly and continuously but he never was thrown down the cliff because he isn't that goat you can't take that goat to be yours you see so now so the goat is going and the guy guides him in and what they did was they would tie a scarlet tread onto the goat's leg okay and so they would guide him now because they were afraid of him running everywhere they would guide him to the end of the cliff and call it push him down okay and a goat would tumble down and he had this scarlet thread would go right down and when that go to something down they would tell the high priest it is done okay that is why in in isaiah it says your sins will be so far of me it'll be like scarlet and will turn as white as snow because the mystical nature of that tread when it goes down and the goat finally dies the scarlet tread used to turn white and it's on wikipedia you can read it in wikipedia it says that 40 years before the destruction of the temple that tread turning white stopped and their sins was as crimson and scarlet and never turned whiter snow yes it's there they don't connect with jesus but we know 40 years after jesus the temple was destroyed so that goat is the goat that goes out so on this day two things happen okay two things happen guys okay so when you go to the communion or anytime because now we we go to jesus every day you can go you don't have to go during this day but this day is symbolic you don't have to fall under the elements of the sun and the planetary signs you can go every single day yeah it's a new living way but when you go you need to understand what happens and when you take jesus blood for your conscience to be cleansed and you say lord thank you lord that today you know if i've done anything wrong you know i made mistakes if you don't say please forgive me because he's already done it i receive your blood to wash my conscience clean do you understand that i would receive a blood to wash my conscience clean today now i want you to understand it is so important the question needs to ask be asked and this was a great debate for thousands of years is and this is where the universal is that's why i said you know where they don't they they have a very strong point and it's very convincing because you have to understand that in the beginning the first thousand years they said why does jesus have to die on the cross why is this lamb and goat and bull and all dying why what was the reason and so they said they had a theology that the debt has to be paid to the devil so do you understand it the first thousand years was augustine and people like that in oregon people like that said oh because jesus is taking the debt of humanity okay and he's paying it to the devil who runs the show remember who satan okay but then a little later on you know maybe around thousand there's a guy called i think he's called al-sim of canterbury who came in and he turned everything upside down and that's where the new pentecostal protests and theology comes from he said that oh no no he's not painted to the devil he's painted to the father did you just get that that means jesus is dying on the cross okay this is what you've been taught come on don't tell me you've not been taught this that jesus is how many of you know this thing where where god is angry with the sun this is the story right god is angry with the sun the father is so angry with the sun and the sun needs to take your sins okay because otherwise you'll get punished and he pays it off to god the father so that you don't get punished how many of you heard that before if you have just raise your hand if you just raise your hand right up okay you see okay you heard that right that was the prevalent theology after a thousand years because it says not to the devil it is to the father do you just get that and that's what contorted and twisted our understanding of this angry father who is looking for a blood sacrifice from his own son it sounds murderous do you understand that but that's not really in the bible it's how theologians started interpreting because it was even more twisted to think or they thought i don't think so but they thought it was even more twisted that god is sacrificing his son to pay the devil off that sounds really odd okay come on we can't believe that kind of stuff okay what does that make us look like but it's even worse i don't know which one is better what do you choose from in christianity today that's what they offering you yeah that's a two day offering if you ever if you've been a believer of christ what you've been offered is that either the father killed the son on your behalf or he killed a son to pay the devil off for your behalf both sound horrendous but if you look at the stories in the bible you'll realize that that type of substitution which you call penal substance and i'm i'm agreeing with the universalist on that that that is not what was happening because pastor neil came four five years ago if you remember and he explained how jesus was singing psalms on the cross do you understand it and that he was not paying the father or not pain the devil but jesus was pain whom come on one yeah who was jesus pain he was paying the world its debts off and that is what really needs to be understood today you see guys you have been done unfairly there are things that have been done to you that are wicked that are wrong things that have been yes been done to you by people friends family the world and you're suffering because of those things jesus comes and pays the debts off so that you can have a better life because the debt is owed to you come on you should yeah that deserves a clap because the debt is owed to you he balances the books to you so when you come to jesus what is happening is he's saying hey i've seen the unfairness i've seen vengeance is mine come on man i will pay did you just get it do you just get it vengeance is mine i will settle the books i will pay it off to you do you just get that but not only that and this is the wonder of the cross when you come to jesus and generally i'm believing if anyone has come to jesus whether you're a christian or a muslim or a buddhist or whatever you are if you come to jesus this would have been your prayer and this is why you would have come i'm hoping and if it's not may it be that prayer for you today on the day of atonement what's that prayer says lord i've made mistakes in my life there are sins and wrong things that i've done to many many people oh lord can you please pay my debts off isn't that what christianity is about isn't that what jesus about oh lord i can't afford to pay my debts off there's so many thousands of people i can't remember some of the people i've hurt lord can you come and pay my debts off that's what's happening on our tournament throughout the world when the jews take atonement that's what they're happening pay my debts off because i can't afford to and i hope you're doing it in your hearts right now because there's something powerful that happens so then the people that you have hurt it can be wives brothers sisters mothers fathers friends any means if you've done something wrong and if your conscience is not right you say pay them in full press down shake shaken together running over let them be blessed is that right you get it the second one as you do that he literally says and i will make sure that i will not only pay your debts off but for everything everything that anyone has done against you do you understand that i will pay you that's why it's called perfect justice and righteousness so it was not unfortunately like the first thousand years augustine and all said he's paying the devil because we didn't know why does jesus have to die why did jesus die and the universe is that's what i said why does jesus have to die because they say well it's not to god the father doesn't need it i agree a hundred percent with the universe this god does not the father does not need a blood sacrifice but for him he's not blood thirsty the devil may be but he's just useless you don't have to deal with him there's no way we're going to make an offering to him but when god looked at the world he says he saw injustice and unrighteousness and men have wronged men and he looked at the hurts and the offences of the world and he says god so loved god himself didn't send his son god became the son and he came and he paid the debts off for all of humanity and for you to say yes to jesus means that you say i agree with that completely do you understand it today is that day and what happens with that your conscience is absolutely cleansed because you're receiving the blood of christ with a pure conscience now did you just get it now your prayers will be answered because your conscience is so pure because not only are you asking oh lord look at me i've been betrayed but you're saying lord i have betrayed paid him off in full and then he pays them off and he pays you off isn't that awesome and he saw you see it from the beautiful story of abraham right there in whit in in the valley of shiva it is it is a it is the valley of the king the ten kings and you see the melchizedek comes with the bread and the wine you remember the communion right and you see lot and the king of sodom had done wrong by him remember the story a lot had taken his property at this time they've used him to win a war but now they're trying to negotiate a deal with him with money remember the story and then abram says you know i don't want one strap from you just give me my money so i can pay my offering to god and the rest you can keep i don't want to even take a shoe strap from you and say that you made me rich and abra god turns to abraham in the priesthood of melchizedek the automaker and says i will pay you off in full that's what he says i will pay you off in full because you have got your conscience he took the bread he took the wine he understood who christ was and he said you know what i will pay you in full title star on the cross the debts are settled is what was cried out on the cross okay so that was melchizedek order he says god will pay you off in full and there you go lot is standing there and he says you can leave me and go back to sodom and abraham leaves with lots and soddums unfairness paid back to him pressed down shaken together running over abram became one of the richest people on all the earth what happened to lot question what happened to lord what happens if denuclearized me you understand that and melchizedek order priests maybe one of you come and say you know what are you ready to take jesus christ since the lord is savior did you owes me and i say yes i'm ready i say yes i'm ready means i say jesus though dinuk owes me lord i let him free of his debt come on isn't that awesome yeah that's what he means you know he owes me i let him free and lord i owe tammy say or i to oh or naomi i owe you and i say lord what i owe is too much for me to pay i've really done something wrong to her i don't know what it is okay all right but say i said lord what about naomi and he says you know what i'll pay him for my prayer is what i owe near me thought pay her off today's the day guys pay new me off in full lord bless her you understand that now what am i doing to with naomi you know me is my darling but i'm commending near me to a conscience do you understand it and i know how conscious of pure and clean okay she's a part of my family and loved i'm just using it as an example but do you understand that and guess what say dino done i owe dinner right or you owed you owed me you and me huh you and me and that's lot and abraham guess what happened to lot when lord walked out of there lot got free that's what you need to see lot is free when you receive the blood lot is free do you understand that so that is why lot in 2 peter 2 is known as righteous lot you understand it why is he known as righteous lot is because every time something like that happens just understand this is very very simple every time you forgive someone their debt in your heart you are commending them to their conscience you're committing them to their conscience did you just get that [Music] second goat second god did you just get that that doesn't mean that he needs to be destroyed because we have a beautiful story in lot what happened with lot he did that the goodness of god led up to repentance he goes with the other king to sodom but then when the messengers come again by that time to lot lot received them into his home why because by that time lots conscience has changed because goodness had led lord to repentance we wouldn't have got lot of given and lot was given an opportunity to do something good he was given an opportunity to do something good and i can guarantee you every time someone has freed you from your conscience has it happened to you when love has come to you and said hey i forgive you man don't worry i love you doesn't it change your conscience and now you see everyone is beautiful and you're like i want to just do something for someone i want to be there for someone now they're able because their conscience is freed they're able if their heart is right to do something that will transform them and transform their lives and so the king of sodom never ever repented lot had repented and because of abraham's love and abraham's fatherhood on lot by the time the angels came to lord he took them in and he was ready to lay down his family and his life for the sake of the lord do you understand that and so lot was saved and guess what fell on sodom fire and brimstone do you understand that so let me take you all the way to the cross right now the cross of jesus christ jesus is standing before pilate hear me what i'm saying it's so important jesus is standing right before pilate and pilate is looking at him and he says you know i can free you i have power over life and debt and jesus says i choose it is my decision you have no power over me i choose to lay my life down for the cheap because he knew what he had to do for each one of you you understand that and then he says okay i can't help that he goes he washes his hands and he looks at the jews and he tells them there is another jesus and his name is barabbas and that's what he says and a word in the aramaic for barabbas if you'll read aramaic for barabbas is jesus yeshua the son of the father is the exact name barabbas is the other goat do you understand that you cannot miss the cross when know taking the communion the full thing because as one was ready to go up for the conscience and shed the blood for every man there was another guy like the king of sodom and lot who was ready to go into the world with an undefiled heart his name was exactly that's why he says if you read the aramaic he says do i free for you today jesus the christ or jesus the father the son of the father that's what he's saying two goats you just get it and so guys you don't have to force anything today when you take the communion and you accept jesus christ and you do exactly what i told you the god craft i explained to you where you let go of the people who have hurt you and you say oh god forgive me for my debt you don't even have to say forgive me but if you want you can i received a payment of your debt for my conscience to be absolutely cleansed guess what happens they are commended to their conscience the azazel goat leaves outside of the camp and they are commended to their own conscience and i'm praying for them like lot that they will be able to see the offer that is before them the goodness of god will lead them to repentance and their lives will be transformed that's my prayer i don't know what happened to barabbas but i sure know what happened to righteous lot you understand that so that is why the destroyer is created let's read it again to blow on the coals and intensify the fire to blow on a cold we don't read it again finance got it okay to blow on the calls and intensify the fire but no weapon will come against you if you know your righteousness you understand your justice and your righteousness comes from the communion yeah is that okay did you get it i did you understand it it's powerful and it's missed it is absolutely missed and it is someone who will go deep into the scriptures and for god to show this it's so so important otherwise we don't understand what the atonement is about and the power of the blood sacrifice can be of no avail so i'm still on the precipice willing to jump down to be a universalist okay but i'm still there because these scriptures speak to me because i know for sure that the conscience of man is what makes everything happen he says a good man out of the goodness of his heart will create every good thing around him and a wicked man out of his iniquity of his heart will create everything around him today is that day of atonement come on wow ben can i have you up i just want to sneak a couple of defining moments here one is that when when we when we realized that the destroyer was created okay he is rendered powerless over you yeah okay before you thought he was this outside force that came and that he deceived god himself and just thinking and having that mindset will cause you to fear for yourself because actually if he could have the power to deceive god then surely you are nothing right so now when we realize oh no no no no god is in control this guy was like created for a reason okay god is the boss that instills faith and and and empowers you the other thing is did you ever ask the question i know my sins are paid for i know my debt is paid for did you ever ask who it was paid to and it's a really good question i remember jackie used to always say i don't believe you know he's like a horrible father who will kill his son and then demand payment for himself and so knowing that in itself knowing that you haven't have to pay you don't have to he he never demanded a payment okay he made the payment for you and he paid you and he paid your enemies and he paid your your the people you've done something wrong to you are fully paid for because you're not perfect and they are fully paid for because they're not perfect all they need to do is acknowledge it and that really instills god's goodness even deeper right so if you ever had doubts about oh what a good father good good father you know not good father for jesus because he was the sacrifice if that would have been still little doubts it's good to ask the question it's really good to ask the question i love the revelation today about the escape goat uh and barabbas i mean that was just crazy and also commending men to their conscience okay we have been committed to our conscience our conscience is sprinkled sprinkled it's sprinkled clean now if it wasn't sprinkle clean there is calls that is laid on our head and the destroyer blows and intensifies the fire but we don't have to be afraid of that because our righteousness comes from him and our conscience is sprinkled with the precious blood of jesus christ the living sacrifice let me read just a scripture that you don't have you do not read it but let it bathe over you because it's in hebrews and it's explaining this okay just let it wash over you and it's explaining what christ has done now and the conscience it's in hebrews 10. [Music] we're going to the communion okay and then just after that after you've done what you've done and i hope you've done what you've done right now you don't need to waste time okay you can it's a it's a second away your heart is a second away you understand that and if there's anyone in the midst of you in the communion in the midst of you that you need to do something about talk to them today you understand that today's your day thank you jesus you can feel free to do it now i'm just going to read it now here it is okay it says therefore verse 15 okay we'll read it from verse 15. this is the covenant that i will make with them after those days says the lord i will make my laws into their heart and into their minds and i will write them in there and he adds and the lawless leads and the sins i shall remember no more is it there now where there is no remission of these there's no longer an offering for sin and so invest i think it was 19 therefore brothers you see the word there you have boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of jesus atonement you have boldness now you can come boldly to the throne of grace ask anything you want with the blood of jesus why this is a new and living way which was consecrated for you by the whale which is his body which you're gonna have today his flesh is it there and having a high priest of the house of god remember the high priest he does all this kind of ceremonies let us draw near with a true heart is it there what is it how do we come to jesus widow you say there come on say it loud true in a full assurance i'm fully assured i come in truth lord to you having a heart sprinkled from an evil conscience is it there that's how we come because that's what he did he washed our conscience clean that is why when you pray your prayers will be answered and if your conscience is not clear when you're praying come boldly to the tone of grace and receive the blood to cleanse your conscience come with a true heart i like what you said and you said i prayed and i said lord i believe but help my unbelief that's a true heart some people pretend to believe it's not necessary just come with a true heart do you understand that and then god cleanses your conscience and even if you speak to a mountain it shall be moved come on lift your hands up in the glory lord we just thank you for atonement lord we thank you for the full operation we thank you for the two goats we thank you for the heifer we thank you for every single element there lord that we don't even understand in these days what it really meant but one thing for sure jesus we know for sure that you have done it all that whole operation has been accomplished and fulfilled that even if he falls short in one little requirement your blood speaks grace over each one of us lord and lord i thank you that we can come today to your holy table your communion come with a true heart i know full will that you will repay us is it there you will pay our debts you see you will repay us we don't have to do anything right now we commend men to their conscience completely come on just commend them to your conscience we forgive and commend them to their conscience we will not control we will not manipulate they're commended to their conscience right now and whether we come boldly to your throne knowing full well that we are washed clean by holy and precious blood come on guys where's the communion i just want jackie to share because um it's just she she defines something about the accuser just share jackie because it'll help i wonder which one now um there's a scripture that says jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and i was always thinking so if the if god uh created the destroyer to destroy what was the work of the devil that jesus come to destroy because that's what it says jesus came to destroy the works of the devil that's right so when the devil came to adam and eve he brought in condemnation that's right he sullied their conscience that's right so when jesus came and sprinkled his blood what what happened then was that we were excluded from the throne room of heaven we no longer had authority because that's where authority comes from the throne room so the swords came across and we could no longer have authority over anything on the earth right right right and so when jesus came to destroy the works of the devil that that the work that he destroyed was that he sprinkled our conscience clean that's right so now with a clean conscience we're back in the throne room that's right come on so from the throne room is where we have the old command so the accuser is the accuser against you is disarmed yes all you need to do is understand that your conscience is sprinkled clean you can now boldly go before his throne of grace to receive mercy and grace in in times of need there is no need to hide there's no need to justify there's no need to lie there's no need to to to fear because his blood has been made available to you freely for whatever it is amen whatever it is whatever it is that you have done or thought or going to do or whatever you can change your mind about doing that thing but whatever it is it's paid for [Music] come on the communion has been laid out in each different section so it's easily made available to you on this is communion and in communion time if you want to close your eyes you can but i prefer not to because you're looking at the body of christ [Music] i want you to be free okay this is not a religious place we are christians in the religion of it but we are spiritual so i just want you to understand that as you take this go give someone a hug if you're not spoken to someone for some time go and talk to them think about someone your the people that you need to free off their debts and think about the ones that over you and is the time that you let them go commend them to every man's conscience and receive for yourself the debts being paid completely and fully for it is done the pay it is the payment made to you and for you you understand that willingly by the father and the son tell someone you love them talk to them okay don't get religious on me i bless you and i release you unto the blessing of the lord jesus christ right now today tomorrow and forevermore it will walk in new authority but your enemies will turn back unto you the people who are against you their conscience will be pricked [Music] that you will be raised up transformed to be just like jesus come on bless you guys bless you wow may you be blessed may you be blessed may you be blessed [Music] you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 7,542
Rating: 4.9162302 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, anxiety, transformation church, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, christian yoga, catholic meditation, identity in christ, intimacy with god, life church, faith over fear, how to deal with grief, relationship advice, day of atonement, repentance, desiring god, bible study, calvinism, personal growth, ask pastor john, theology, grace digital, supernatural, Universalism, Atonement, Who is Satan, christian universalism, house church, steven furtick
Id: en7jQ4lEQ3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 39sec (3399 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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