The Forgotten Fruit | Kirby de Lanerolle | WOWLife Church | 15th July 2018

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[Music] hi everybody see you at the five-day program in September this program has been specially designed customized from heaven just for you it is guaranteed to change your life it will definitely set you apart in the flesh and will cause you to be led by the spirit to hear the Lord voice for your next season it's a life changing experience to see you in September god bless you guys [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus thank you Jesus awesome man what a culture just phenomenal I mean if you didn't come for our games you should have just come and experience the culture and if you've been here for some time and you still have not participated in the games it's so important it's so important that you come and see what's going on because it's not just sports mate it's it's everything we do we have word Awards at the end of the year and they be about games okay these two events are specially designed to make sure the doctrine that you believe in is manifested throughout the year that's it's specially designed for that okay we planned it purposefully to do that okay and yeah this is awesome so I got a word for you already okay so on Tuesday we are going into a new series okay I'm just just munching on what that series is okay we got a hundred passes from India who come down just to be just to see you so make sure you hear a hundred and one time they've come just to see you they'll be here on Tuesday so I'm starting a new series okay and I'm just deciding but today is like a special word it's not it's not like major revelation okay but it is major revelation it's not like deep dimensional revelation but it's I think it's it's going to be and I think it's absolutely important in this hour and in this season and I'm telling you after this word you will go into a new understanding of what love practically looks like okay are you ready you know I'll tell you a story I we we just lost our little dog who was just nine months old who just came into our lives very suddenly and he fear him and he left said the same thing that he just left he came in so suddenly and then he just left so suddenly nine months you know it's the time where you know someone can give birth and the thing about this type of dog in so strange because Phillip today is gone look at one of these dogs and they are called great but Jethro she got him got him one today man and but but this dog and this type is called a Great Dane okay how many few had a Great Dane y'all have had Great Danes yeah just Rachel honey we had a great day okay and a and a like very very special dog like from all the dogs you had is the grain isn't the Dane the most special am i correct yeah there's something about them that really be I've had dogs all my I mean I've had dogs from associations to Dobermans to boxers to believe me my dad was a Labrador we have in Labradors a beautiful Abid also gorgeous you know but the Dane is just beagle Thea all that but the the the Dane is a very different dog because it's like every time you get one and I just we had two now and it's like God gives you a gift you know and to just it's a it's an awesome life because when this one passed Fiona said Kirby I just feel that it was exactly right I mean she wasn't I wish it was around but she's not around but it was like God gave us the ability to just have Ruby for nine months so that we could show Ruby kindness you know it was just me knew that it was like whatever we when he put her to the ground we just knew that this was the very reason that God gave her to us I can't explain just so that we can show her kindness you know and it wasn't because the Dane is one of dogs that they say I mean normal dogs live till 12 or 14 or whatever it is the Danes they say if Dane lives for over seven years it's like its bonus okay they will only live for a very short period of time and in that short period of time they're so sentient that they make such a powerful connection with you that they become they become true friends okay and and so the first one when we got the first one blossom we we had her for exactly seven years and then she passed and we said we'll never get another one to row she walks through the door with a Dean and and then we thought okay here we go again and then with all the doctrines that we have you know we have doctrines are only invisibility belong and long life and immortality and life and sub like listen nobody will agree with the power we have we can change the bloodline okay and all this stuff you know and and so it Ruby we were like on that trip okay until with with awesome evil on that trip as well really because someone said by seven that's it you know and she got an extension for about six years she was dying she gotta accept bonnie extension she was dying before that at six and in what a one-year extension we pleaded with God like God you know one year more for her give us one week actually I said give us one year one more year and then we got seven okay but why am I telling it is because my god you know one thing we realized and I fee ever this time you're not saying we'll never get again Dan again actually the way we look in a dog and please don't bring out to dinner do not bring a dog they're not ready at a moment okay do not do it okay you will get thrown out okay so don't don't do that okay but but this time we are not like we don't want to have the Dean we're like now we're like I think God just gives certain people the opportunity to show kindness to in areas and to others in certain ways and God gives us certain opportunities and we actually consider without considering getting a dog but we actually consider it a major privilege to own one again because we would be able to bestow kindness upon this dog again for a certain period of time okay and it's okay because that's their bloodline seven years is seven years okay now maybe maybe extendable maybe not but where am I going with this it's because the word kindness in the Bible has just not been has somehow been missed it's a part of the fruit of the Spirit love joy peace patience goodness kindness okay but kindness is something that we like somehow it's like become a just a simple word it's like oh just mother Teresa just do good things now that's not I'm a monetary sit but I don't think that's the kindness that that the Hebrew ik understanding actually wanted to portray the Hebraic understanding of kindness always had the word if you came from the Old Testament and the word the Hebrew word is hist okay but but if you look into the Old Testament it kindness will always come with loving before it okay have you seen it loving kindness loving kindness God had loving kindness towards us okay and that that made me really think loving God loving kindness okay so when you understand his in a deeper sense it actually means the it actually means this their God kindness comes to us know let's put lettuce God's love comes to us practically it's better God's love comes to us practically okay that means love can be just a motion that someone has okay he can be a feeling that someone has love is not a feeling love is a choice but still you we could have a feeling an emotion of love okay but when that that when that love is expressed so let's put it better when that love is embodied when the love is embodied it becomes kindness you get it so kindness needs to be embodied and always the the word kindness in in in the Hebraic understanding had to be something that you do and that's the crazy thing because that mess with my grace theory because my grace doctrine says we mustn't do anything we must always have okay and you'd be Europe b-being is everything in grace okay but in the fruit of the spirit love joy peace patience goodness and then you get kindness it's the only one there or one of the only ones every name if you look maybe someone can correct me on this but it's one of the only ones there that doesn't have an expression of being but has an expression of doing you understand a kindness is something that you do you cannot just be kind there's kindness without doing is not kindness it doesn't exist there's no word like that so when when it says that God had loving kindness towards us it was always to do with our doing it wasn't God wasn't feeling love towards miss Mitchell getting whacked man because when God because you the Hebraic understanding of God was always loving kindness and the interesting thing about that throughout the Bible when David wrote the psalm that God was had kindness he always had loving kindness it was to do without doing that's crazy it wasn't just a just a God just feels that I'm awesome this God just likes me no he likes me he thinks I'm awesome and he's gonna do something about it Wow and so when they actually characterized God's love it was loving kindness and his kindness you can't have kindness without love and libido kindness and so it was to do with doing not just baby I love you hmm husbands wives hello you know I love you yeah but that's all I know yeah I can't they they know embodiment of this you see Jesse man Jesus said you know the father loved the world the father just loves the world there was no go so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son the father just loves the world no he loved the world so much that he did he embodied it and he yeah so Jesus is the kindness of God and I just want to because he embodied God's love was embodied in his kindness and it looked like a man called Jesus Christ you got it now so if you if you look at some 31 it says this for you have jariabek Carrabba it says this some 31 are you with me yeah says it's for you have considered my trouble you have known my soul in adversities I love that because the samus is writing this he says you have considered my trouble I like considered my trouble I like that he says God the creator of the universe has considered my trouble you mean he's just check it out go come on the creator Yunus has considered my trouble that means he is the Bible in Hebrew says that he came to the earth he embodied our sin that he became look at look at our God it's God did you believe in this God it says is a covenant-keeping god he embodied your trouble he came down as a man he says he came down he who knew no sin became sin for you that you might become the righteousness of God okay so he wasn't just he wasn't just thinking about it okay he has considered my trouble Wow you have known my soul in adversities I love that because that that that statement there says you know my soul in adversities that means to say that he knew what I'd be like and think like my soul means my mind you know my mind did adversities it means that when I'm when I get into trouble you know that I am weak you know that I am frail you know I will let you down you know I can't handle it you see he is not only considered my trouble but he knows me he knows my mind he knows where I fall he seen me in my very nature in my blood it says you see and then he says this and verse 6 he says make your face shine upon your servant okay save me for your mercies but a word damn is this word hissed it say say me for the sake of your loving-kindness okay for the sake of your kind that's what it that's what it means I liked it when he says make your face shine upon me because it's like the Hebraic understanding of face shine means that God is considering you he's looking at you his eyes are on you you can understand he's constantly looking at you you are the one he beholds you are the lover that he can't take his eyes off he's looking constantly at you okay that's what he means he to make your face shine upon me that means that's worse what you're asking that means God's favor his kindness is when his face is shining upon his people come on Jesus you see when I go and say right there who still I'm standing at say who like Carol Karen like this the name ladies I'm hearing I mean his face is shining I mean how would a man pass by I don't even know a name I know honey I I don't know her name by that I know them very well but not by that how would I know until I can see it like this okay because his face is shining he wants to show his kindness this God one thing about him is that he wants to demonstrate do kindness towards you you see there okay he said do not do not let don't save me because of your loving-kindness if you could jump into I think is some 36 just company 36 I'll show you some look again here verse 7 how precious is your loving-kindness you see there who how what precious it's like when the psalmist is writing I want to consider your prayers it's like do you do we consider that like God's kindness is precious he's kindness you see the context of kindness his kindness is precious do we pray that do i when I talk to my say Oh God you know your kindness towards me is precious precious how precious is your kindness is there Wow how precious is your loving-kindness Oh God hmm he says therefore the children of men put a trust on the shadow of your wings why can we put our trust in the shadow of his wings because his loving-kindness is precious is it there yeah and it says verse 10 watch this or continue your kindness for those who know you is it there so you can it's a prayer to say God continue your kindness that means the kindness is something that continues that means remember it's not a feeling I'm I want don't forget what I'm saying it's a continuous doing for you and me a continuous expression through doing a continuous dream of kind things towards us is it there look at 50 I mean if some 50 now going to 42 some 42 I like this one I like this one okay it says the Lord will some 42 the Lord will I like this one because it really really shows this the Lord will command is it there the Lord will command his loving-kindness in the daytime and in the night his song shall be with me a prayer to God to the God of my life he says the Lord will command it means he commands his kindness towards me wow how is that cool that means there's continuous kindness that is commanded that means it's something that is sent that's why I kept telling you it's not something that is felt it is something that is sent that's why he sent his son he gave his son you say kindness is not something that you feel is something that he sends towards us it is it's a word becomes from I know it boom it's going towards you you understand that this is our God this is the one guys and guys when you say God he's not a universal subject here please I want you to understand it's not a universal subject when I say that get the weight of what I'm explaining to you there are everyone who says God God God God God there are many people who say God God in a universal understanding of God that is not if you catch all of Israel understand this God who came to Abraham okay never when Abraham was around there were billions of people on the planet who had gods it's not a universal subject but there was a God who came to Abraham and we saw that the first thing that he came to Abram and what he did was he wanted to contract covenant with man he want to contract with one man can you get this billions of people who have God this God it's not a universal subject I'm talking about his name was Jehovah okay he came and he only contracted with one man isn't that very awkward there are billions of people this guy this God is not interested in every other man when you get this it changes your life he was interested in one man and he said I will only work with you and the generations that come after you work and I have a covenant with you and I will do for you the problem is because when we are trying why it's not working is because we are trying to get hold of a universal God do you really know this God this one who came to Abraham and he and he decided which is generally the same God and he was he was absolutely faithful and demonstrated his kindness to Abraham and his generations Abraham Isaac and Jacob down down down down down down today we have the East relation okay probably the most powerful nation everything that has ever come out in terms in the context of technology has come out of that nation because this God said I will covenant and then no matter how undeserving I'm not saying they're good people nobody's saying they're good people they don't even receive him that disobedient to him but still because of his kindness once he decides he decides hold on now watch is the same God came to Joseph do you know and enjoy in the Old Testament he came to Joseph and he covenanted with Abraham Isaac Jacob one of the sons with Joseph okay he come with Joseph and he was with them and they brought seventy people in their family to Egypt to a land called Gaussian and that is how the the Ezra's left Egypt because they became a huge multitude in Egypt but it was only with seventy people and one person that dis God when you know Egypt come on you've seen he was still go to Egypt look at the pyramids and look at the gods that they had thousands of powerful God's they had but this God and have billions of people on planet only dealt with 70 people once you know him things change he only dealt with 70 people Philip that's crazy for eons and eons and eons he never dealt with man he never dealt with man he allowed them to worship their gods he never dealt with man he came to Abram he introduced himself he said I am the God who created the universe I want to deal with you not because of your goodness but because of my love in kindness and then he drew out generations he dealt with very small amounts of people 70 people even the seven field already know him only one person knew him really well you understand it after at one by one by one by one he met and then when he came to the time of Jesus that's when he then opened it out to the world for God so loved the world that I'm gonna give my only begotten Son that if he is received I will then give them the right to relate with me you see we're talking of a particular entity here a particular God you got it now why am I going there because his nature is to show kindness to us okay his nature is to show client his very nature is to be able to show kindness to us okay now understanding that let's go to a bit of church and the gifts and stuff like okay so we're going to take we're going to shift a dimension is that okay I'm gonna get back to this okay so let's just jump into joy into Galatians five now what is Galatians five euro burger a burger over there's a place in look at the place in Luke 19 where God talks about Jesus is talking about when you go into a wedding feast he says when you go in there don't take the big seat he says on the table of God don't just go and jump and take the high seat okay he says take the lowest seat in this is in Luke 19 and he says if you take the Lord the lowest seat what will happen is the mass of the Sarah means the host the one who is invited you to sit on the table will come and he will say why have you taken the lower seat it's time that you are exhorted and take a higher seat did you just get out okay so he explains this parable any-any explains don't try to go and take the top places take the low places allow God to exalt you like allow God to show kindness towards you okay you have to understand a parable because yeah because guys everyone thinks that in God's kingdom this God's kingdom I'm talking of a particular God there is no round table it is not Arthur's Kingsman artists what is it the knights of the round table and worry what is the place called in Camelot this is not the kingdom of not okay hey this is a kingdom that has a table that has a head and then closer to the head are seats okay and you could be very far from the guy who's sitting at the head and he is or you can be very close to the guy sitting at the head or you can be at some position and this is that God not again I'm done explaining this is this God I'm talking about okay he works like that and he's wanting everyone to be very satisfied with we're listening because ultimately it is only he who could pick you up and place you in the high place it will not come by your self effort it will not come by your meditation it will not come by a long prayer life it will not come by any kind of works that you can do it will come by his loving kindness you have to allow yourself for God to show kindness towards you why am i explaining that because it's so important this story because everyone thinks oh no we are all equal no we all know that's that's in Arthur's Kingdom that's in every other religion not in this one yeah you got it so but hey are you okay with that are you okay to be be okay for God to show you kindness because he demonstrates throughout generation that he's a God who will show you kindness that is in very nature that he will show you kindness that he will keep raising you up from the low place to the higher place to the higher place and it's all a part of his loving-kindness do you understand what I buy my I'm telling you this mmm so if you look at Galatians 5 you will realize that these are called the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Holy Spirit so Galatians 5 talks of the fruit of the Holy Spirit I'll just jump in there very fast okay now we're going to go a bit fast okay because this stuff can get bit boring so I don't want to bore you okay so just watches Galatians Galatians 5 it's the fruit of the Holy Spirit I know you heard it before the fruit of the Holy Spirit but I want you to see it okay so Galatians five it says verse 14 says I I said in walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh is there but a flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh is it there and these are contrary to one another so you got to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh is it there then if you are led by the spirit then you're not under the law and he says now the works of the flesh are evident that means there are works of the flesh you can go to those meditate on those because it's important you might be caught in one of those alright verse verse 22 says but the fruit of the Spirit is it there so the fruit of the Spirit that means if once you get the holy spirit days fruit of the Holy Spirit okay now this fruit here we have the fruit of the Holy Spirit and people will say okay there are nine fruits of the Holy Spirit okay so the fruits of the Holy Spirit are different this is the fruit of the Spirit or they call it sometime they called the gifts of the Spirit the gifts of the Spirit and in in this gives our speech is different to the gifts of the son that means the son of God also gives gifts unto men have you seen that there when a son ascended on high and he gave gifts unto men and those are what prophets pastors teachers apostles evangelist five gifts of the son these are not the gifts of the son these are gifts of the the Holy Spirit very important to understand okay now the people who are functioning in the gifts are the officers of the son prophets passes apostles teachers evangelists okay those are officers will be having have to have the fruits of the spirit you can't be having the you can never be manners officers without the gifts of the Spirit and am I gonna jump in from here and we are going to show you that there are also gives off the father as much as that gifts to the street this gives her the Son and it gives her the father and I'll show you the gifts of the father as well so you understand and people who want to work in an office of pastor profit teacher evangelist apostle need to be able to understand the gifts of the Spirit and start walking the gifts of the Spirit but also the gifts of the fathers I'm just going there very fast now watch this okay so here we are and those who are where verse 22 but the fruit of spirit is what love joy go slow don't go love joy come on it's a fruit of the Spirit you can't function in one of the officers without the fruits of the spirit joy either is the serious business of heaven you got it it's very very important love but come on oh joy okay yeah Lovejoy whoa peace is something that you go to a true man of God that you'll find people today a guy came he he is over the weekend he's you know got drunk and you know what involved cops and the whole thing and I have a group of friends that come to me regularly like that okay they're my old friends you know and then they come regularly for just to be in my presence now truly they actually say they say I just want to come in handle ptb they know when I come out when I finish up I'll feel good okay so but it's because there's a peace you understand it it's a peace so they came to just hang on to little while and hopefully you'll find him here one of these days but it's because there's a peace they see long-suffering okay that means they're not they can suffer long suffering long if you want to get you to the officers apostle prophet pass if you want to get it you need to suffer suffering long is a part of it my god suffering for us is like this we suffer long some of the things that we suffer we don't even bother telling people because you know really it's okay it's it's no big deal you get it you need to be able to stuff along okay now watch this these are fruits are sprayed okay and I like this kindness whoa kindness is a fruit of the Spirit that means it's something that and this is the interesting thing here everything else love joy peace even long-suffering our attitudes they are placed their attitudes they are not things that you can do you can't do love you can be loved you you can't do joy either you have it or you don't I mean you don't have it it's apparent no I'm telling you joy is something that joy is not something that happens to you man I mean the day you know my I was so suicidal when I was young okay I realistic so many pills to psychiatrist and they give me what is that days to give me pills to take to antidepressants and what I realized was that every time I read the word I would have peace and joy would come up and if it's crazy so I really understood that happiness depend on happenings okay but joy is a permanent feature of the Holy Spirit I mean I don't care what because I was so volatile when I was young so depressed that if my mum did not smile at me in the morning my whole day is gone like and I would literally say mom you didn't smile on me because for me joy and peace were just like when I have it if I have it for like five minutes for five minutes I've had it I catch hold of it like ah like this is all I have but I'm gonna keep it and if I not have maybe one week I don't see joy so I keep remembering the last bit okay so it was so precious to me but then when I start reading the word I realized hey you know what this is rubbish depend my job my happiness is dependent on what people are doing but it's a joy that comes in a lot it is a permanent feature that you could be this continuously bubbling continuously of joy no matter what happens it's a permanent thing when you receive the Holy Spirit joy permanent joy believe me that's why we bring people like George in a supply degree of speeds of it okay Fiona's got space of it okay enough of that in the house here okay right faithfulness gentleness all that but let's look at kindness there you go okay kindness kindness is the only one of the only things there if you look at the whole thing okay that is not a being thing you can't just be kind you have to to do kind and that's what blew me away with this thing and so one of the fruit of the Spirit is kindness and then I jumped into Romans twelve you jump into Romans 12 you'll see it here again Romans 12 now we're talking how to give so the father huh kid Romans 12 the gifts tell father say gifts to the father you said father watch is okay and here it is again now this is this is personal did a phenomenal teaching on this now this is your authority in your ministry that means in this church you need to be functioning one out one of these things I watch is so it says verse six I was four four we have many members in one body but all the members Romans well was four but all the members do not have the same function is it there so we being many are one body in Christ and individually many members of one another verse six having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us is it there let us use them according to the grace that is being given to us is it there now these are not the officers of the Sun do you understand even the prophecy here may say so then he goes on to prophesy if you prophesy if prophecy let us prophesy in portion to our faith you see that is not the prophetic office so that's why you must get it everyone can prophesy because that's a gift of the Spirit okay it's a gift of their father that everyone prophesize you understand that but this is not the office of the prophecy the prophetic everyone can prophesy now but you need to find your ministry in a prophetic that's what this one says okay so if your prophets prophesy according to fate watch this or ministry ministry itself that were they serve that has use it according to our serving our ministry here teachers in teaching is there was a tu exhorts in exhortation that encouragement now what is he who gives with liberally give give liberally he leads with diligence watch this one he who shows mercy with cheerfulness you see their game mercy that means in the church there is a ministry called mercy kindness you understand you are called to have a ministry called mercy and it is a gift of the father given to you and I'll tell you something if we I know we bring people are coming because of the prophecies and the miracles and signs and stuff like that but I'll tell you you'll pack more people in churches if you just showed mercy and kindness and if you start at home your husband would come if you start at home your wife would come if you start at home your dad and mum will come you understand that it is it is the best evangelical tool ever kindness is the best evangelical tool if person a person receives kindness man I'll tell you in my life everything I've ever received I don't know about your lives I'm sure it's the same way I have received because love was embodied through a man someone showed me kindness it made me realize that God is real because God can't use this unless there is somebody you carried you know I remember when I went to watch this when you see God as kind things change because action happens he's not just a universal cloud somewhere who's sitting and saying oh I love you hey he's not doing the heavy okay he's like I want to demonstrate my kindness I want to be kind to you okay and this is what efficient says watch it watch efficient okay he says it like this was for I efficient is so rich efficient Stu was for so rich so rich you can't read the Ephesians fast okay you have to savor every word it's heavy it's loaded with glory watches but god but God say but God I love it but God okay despite whatever is coming against you but God is it there who is rich either I love it it doesn't say he's merciful you have to stop at every take a pit stop this God the God who was with Abraham the God who was with Isaac the God was with Jacob the God who was with Joseph and just 70 people and let all the rest of the world believe in our God he wasn't to prove himself to anyone else he was not manifesting himself it's God when Egypt had God them build pyramids this God was not interested to deal or covenant with Pharaoh himself he has no he's funny weird Pharaoh was probably the most powerful guy he was not interested in him to make himself known in a good way to him he just not it not even in a good way he said I will just destroy him why because of my kindness would you this is that God I'm talking about that's the God I want you to I want this to me to be emphasize the same God who who came to me in a room in Maidenhead when I was a Satanist and who cried out to this God I was a Satanist I had power in different ways you know trust me okay I've had Papa I had Papa Thiam I had power now you understand it now is real power you understand it but that I've done all that stuff as well please understand okay and I cried out too this God that my parents worshiped and they were praying for my salvation this God my parents God the God who when I prayed for my father who came and saved him that God I understand it's a particular type of God it's a particular God it's not just a universal God okay I want you to get that the same God for sure baklava it's amazing you know when I prayed and I said you who my parents know that's how I prayed to infest you who my parents know okay they worship you they pray to you my dad doesn't have a job now is this the way you look after my father I challenged him a lot okay in Maidenhead in a room because my dad had lost his job and I knew there is to go to and he loved Jesus I say you I've allowed my father to be at the job I said what kind of God are you I'd rather watch of the devil's I can do it now who came into my room and said because you have now asked me I feel covenant with you I will show you and today my dad calls and you don't understand I just got the best job ever this God who answered my prayer okay don't ask me why okay I don't deserve it I was a Satanist I didn't believe in him I didn't I believe he existed I wasn't having a relationship this God I'm telling you who has commented with you okay this God okay I called upon him and he answered this very specific God he's rich in mercy is it there so it's not just his number he's rich in mercy because of his is not just love don't don't go to just love because of his come on because of his great love with which he loved us and he dare to save like that did I say because of his great love no because of his great love in which which he loved us that means he didn't just say I love you this God he because of his great love in which he loved us that means he did who come on this God okay you get it okay come on come on come on okay this God which he loved us even when we were dead in trespasses so when we were sinners you see when I was a Satanist when I was just useless he made us alive together in Christ by grace you have been saved is it there were six and he raised us up together is it there nota Bakura bara bara bara pakusa del burro burro he raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ is there why verse 7 that in the ages to come two thousand years have come that in the ages to come this is why I didn't come on this way that he might show not just kindness that he might show the exceeding riches oh ho ho it's exceeding not just which he takes seeding riches of His grace in his kindness towards oh this God who defeated Pharaoh who believed in powerful gods this God came to one man with a stick and said I want a covenant with you this God has now come to you why are you here how did you get here you know how you got here you were he went after you you never found this God did you find this God are you crazy don't ever make the mistake you never found the Lord Jesus Christ he found you he loved your sitting here because he went after you it's like I was like once you get it he covenant it bit you for one reason to be kind to you Wow you get it to be kind to you I mean man Quran you know uncomplete hidden and Quran sitting here hidden of hiddens okay I mean he didn't know anything and nothing about this God the daughter when in told he was about to go someplace down south to make some sacrifices in the way he is used to making okay to sell a land came to him and said there's a God dad there's a God she said I'm gonna pick up my mental and be bold I'm gonna tell my father okay and she went and said that do you know the days of God who loves you who gave his life for you do you know that today you can ask him he wants to be kind toward you you don't have to go here and go there on it just call upon him he will save you hmm yeah that's right yeah yeah he said you know you're gonna go there they have eyes but they can't see you they have hands but they can't touch you they're gears but they can't hear you say call upon a living God shock you and that day uncle Rohan said okay you've been down on his knees he said for the first time something happened he said I wanted this God you had to go down on your knees not because he wants you to because you can't help it he's like that okay okay you just go to your knees then he said Oh God can you save me you didn't take a day on Quran Monday next day the next day I started to say for three years this god this God did you know am I correct same God has answered your prayers this same God what awesome god man I want to make this thing I want you to get it he wanted to show his kindness towards us and we were going to Titus just Trombino Titus I'll show you Titus I I loved the way Titus explains it Titus is somewhere before Timothy it's like two pages okay so it's very hit bit hard to find Titus 3 okay it says this was five not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy he saved us is there through his to the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy spirit when we poured out on us abundantly say abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior have been justified by His grace we should become as according to the hope of eternal life here is but when de but when de kindness is it there there you go and we love but again when the kindness and the love of God our Savior to him towards man appeared you see it says but when the kindness that is but when the kindness of the love of God our Savior toward man appeared see Jesus is the kindness he is the expression of God's love he is the kindness of God that's what it says it very clear but when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared that means when Jesus got embodied God was kind no Shabak oh you got it so why am I telling it is because love joy peace patience goodness kindness it means your God became flesh kindness was not expressed or was not we didn't see it for all the Gentiles we saw only the Jews saw it but we saw it when Jesus came to the earth now God is looking for the same embodiment now and that's why he gave us the Holy Spirit till it is embodied in us until we can be kind to someone this thing is still in a dormant state the expression of God's love is still dormant until you step out and that's why I tell leaders and advise people and people tell us when they walk through this door one thing they say is we found a home and why did we find a home because the leaders in this place would go up to people always and talk to them because that's all it takes because they know for sure that this place this God who shows kindness loves them he cannot be seen in some mystical spiritual thing just because we prophesy just because we do words of knowledge just because we do healings kindness is still not fully expressed until you go out there and touch someone I'm gonna go to my father's my spiritual father's favorite story you the story it's a story of Miffy Bessette never heard of him yes okay if you've all said was the son of Jonathan Jonathan was David's best friend okay okay but he was the son of Saul okay Saul was the king of Israel David he was the first king of Israel and then David was appointed King but Saul came against him so you could say that Saul and David were any means okay but Jonathan who is Saul's son had a beautiful relationship with David just jump into 1 Kings 1 Kings I think it's 1 Kings 19 not sure this how many if you've even know this story you know the story of Nephi Bessette yeah just raise your hand if you know it okay just a few okay what will this story what we just thank you I just thank you for this 1kings it's a gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous story gorgeous story every time person is says history crying it's just amazing ok 1 Kings 19 and so here we are we have a story here that now they Saul is trying to kill David okay and Jonathan who is his best friend not just they they've made a very very strong bond and Jonathan and basically comment told David look whatever happens in my father's house you will get to know I'll make sure that you know whatever happens in my father's house if my father is looking for you like 'mentally because we're best friends okay they have a solid solid friendship and very strangely if you don't know the background of David David killed Goliath I'm gonna kill Goliath Saul the King wanted David to come into his house as a son okay so this same David who now is running from Saul was sitting at Saul's table as a son don't forgive you will be a piece of it okay at one time he was right at the head of the table with Saul okay so he was like a son the house but because he got famous and he started singing songs you know if Saul can kill 100 David killed thousand they started singing Saul's then Saul started getting the King Saul starting getting jealous of David and after that their relationship broke down and so now David is about to go on the run okay and Jonathan Saul's son comes to David and says this okay now watch this verse 15 once all chapter 20 was but sorry 1 Samuel chapter 20 verse 15 and he said this but you shall not cut off your kindness is it there but fifth verse 15 but you shall not cut off your kindness for my house forever no not when the Lord has cut off every one of the enemies of David from the face of the earth so Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David saying let a Lord required at the hand of David's enemies number 17 now Darnton again cause David - Wow because he loved him for he loved him as he loved his own soul okay then Jonathan said to David it was 18 and said to David tomorrow is a new moon and he will be missed because your seat will be empty at my father's table is it there okay so he makes a while with David and he knows because he's prophetic he knows that his father's Kingdom might be coming to an end and he's making he's making a relationship and awhile with David and his Saint David one day it might be that all your enemies will be destroyed but I want you and I are friends I want to make an agreement with you and I what's his agreement that you will be kind towards me and all my generations you see when you take off and you finally take the throne when you I finally sit on the throne I want you to remember me my friendship and all my generations after is it there yeah and he says he says today I won't see you at my father's table okay today you'll be hiding in a cave you'll be out of the Covenant that my father made with you okay the King okay however he said remember me because he's he's prophetic dreams prophetic he can see that the way his father was going he might not keep the kingdom now understanding that understanding that I want you to see that covenant and that agreement that David made with Jonathan and now David fast forward so many years now David had become king okay and Saul and Jonathan have both died in war okay Saul died in war Jonathan himself died in war okay read about it in the Bible but at this same time there was a son - Jonathan and his name was Murphy Bessette okay and this guy was in the hands of a servant at that time and as as a child okay when David's army and the people were taking over Jerusalem they heard that the whole army that Jonathan and soul have been destroyed and the servant while running away falls and Mephibosheth loses his legs okay and so he's now a paralyzed kid and now now david has become king and he's gone forward so fast-forward now David is king ruling over Israel and he asks the question from one of Saul servant and here it is okay watch this once all to Samuel to Samuel chapter 20 watches now you see we're in 1 Samuel we're now going into all all the way to 2 Samuel ok I think it is 2 Samuel 9 was chapter 9 okay watch this now David said this is the time he's reigning as king is there still any one who is left of the house of Saul that I may show him kindness you see that there why I love this not because of this guy okay I love it but because of Jonathan's sake okay now why am i showing you there it's because you understand what the what the father is like because the kindness that is shown to you and me is not because of our sake you see God is asking a question he says is there anyone now I can show kindness to for the sake of Jesus okay I'm looking this is a this is the Covenant that was made it's not something this God is not busy he's not just he's not he's not just speaking he is covenant with Jesus he is he has agreed with Jesus he says for the joy that was set before him you endured a cross and then I will have inheritance it's not not just a word he has made a promise to Jesus Jesus prayed a prayer he says father loved him just like you have loved me do you understand that he says and he says now I will be in them and me and the father will come and dwell inside of them you got it this is that God okay and you have to understand he says now is there anyone in Saul's household that I can show kindness to David is enquiring because he commented with Jonathan he says that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake and there was a servant of the house of Saul whose name was ziba so when they had called him to David the King set him ru ziba he said at your service verse 3 then a king said is there not still someone can you see this his looking to and fro the Bible says that God looks to and fro throughout the earth okay looking for someone that is his own man come on he he say he say he's there not one person left did they kill all of them did the armies kill all of souls people is there not one person left it was one person I want to show kindness you get it you see the Bible says that he's looking to enter all our - that one person that is his okay and so he says Linsey bezees then the kings then am ziba said to the king there is still one son of Jonathan who is lame in his feet wow it's in profit that we started with the feet yeah that's crazy huh we started with the feet so the King said to him where is he and ziba said to the king indeed he is in the house of whatever and in a place called low I'll do these names of confusing okay in a place called Lord deeper people say that that place means it's in a barren land the new King David sent and brought him out of the house or muck healed the son of Emiel from the land of lo debar now when may Phoebus said the son of Jonathan the son of Saul had come to David he fell on his face remember this guy had fallen he broken his legs hmm he fell on his face and prostrated himself then David said miffy percept nyan said here is your servant so David said him do not fear for I will surely show you kindness for Jonathan your father's sake and I will restore to you all the land of Saul your grandfather and you shall eat bread at my table continuously you see it's a continuous act of kindness and forgive me for being said I won't go into details there but you'll read the story it's just awesome because you read the whole story this already goes on maybe was a further awesome guy he was a in sitting at the throne at the table of the king sitting at the head of the table eating every day with David's other sons okay and you it's a bit of a story but you have the other sons betraying David and me Phoebus said yeah his real sons between David and me Phoebus said staying faithful okay yeah you see the story if you see you'll see your story you'll see your story in the whole thing and it's beautiful because you know it shows the heart of God it shows the covenant that God wants to have with his people it shows that we are called for it's okay it's it's sure to be a call as basically examples of God's kindness your life will represent that he has covenant with Jesus it's not something that it is like I say is a universal concept God is love it's out there universally god is love everyone says it or God is loved whose God whose god is love God is love everywhere his agape everyone says it you've seen it in the New Age world no but this God covenanted with Jesus this God said I want to show them kindness because the reason because of Jesus sake now this is very interesting so it's not God is love and he loves everybody here's the interesting thing god is love and he loves me because he is the power because he coven entered with Jesus and he told Jesus that he will show us kindness you see the difference it's not a universal concept God is love he loves everybody he heals everybody he sets everyone free he is a covenant-keeping god for Jesus sake he says I am going to show these people kindness just like I did for my son do you get it father we just thank you right now in Jesus name guys stopping somewhere and saying hello to someone asking someone how are you doing okay we are going to evangelize more people not by the gifts of the Spirit not by the power of the officers not by prophesying not by being apostolic not by being prophets but by simply being kind start off at home how are you doing it with your wife how you doing it with your husband how are we doing it with your parents what's kindness looking like what does it look like love in action kindness kindness kindness kindness you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 3,392
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek
Id: t6kUVie9l88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 5sec (3785 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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