How to train your Dragon (Who is Satan?)

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[Music] come on wow welcome came up with the word come on okay wow okay man what a series we are on you won't believe i wanted to preach the series a couple of years ago and uh the lord sort of um stayed me you know that like if anyone understands that we i have revelation it's like it's it's like a huge amount of revelation and a lot of the times like what i have to preach five years from now i already know you get what i'm trying to say i don't have to i'm not one of those preachers who need to go and like figure out what i need to preach like i've set it up you got it okay so this this stuff of course was supposed to be done maybe three years ago and the lord stayed me on this um because he wanted to show me a few things and i didn't expect uh how that was going to pan out but it panned out uh in a very unexpected way very traumatic way for me uh and uh but i came out of and i realized why he wanted to stay me on it because through that trauma he wanted me to take authority and um and i did okay through the trudeau through the adversary he wanted me to take authority and really know how to do it you know so and i really applied everything i knew and had learned in practically what i'm teaching you i'm practically applying these things and it works so i mean it worked like clockwork and i tell you these things work like clockwork you know okay so so i i now it wasn't only a doctrine but it was experience um truly honestly i got initiated into stuff when i was 13 12 13 years old you know i knew this stuff at 12 13 years old and then of course i diverted and uh then i came back to the lord fully equipped and with new revelation um and the lord showing me what he has already established deep in my speech when he was very young in the scriptures so what i'm teaching you guys is very very powerful and i promise you guys um it's groundbreaking when i say groundbreaking means the christian scene on these teachings i i pray that i live to see it that these teachings will change the way christians do church and life and kingdom and dominion okay all these teachings are archived literally hundreds and thousands of them are on the on on the internet and you know we are we are growing in in fame and in people getting to understand who we are as teachers and all that and we just pray for an increase of that because these things need to go out it's not i i mean it's not as much as i would like you get what i'm trying to say but we are growing okay um but these these are these are pertinent and powerful teachings okay now so i want to focus on the word today okay i can go into a lot of things i can go in miracle signs and wonders but the miracle is the word is that is that okay so i want you to focus and draw on what i'm going to show you and teach you because i promise you it will change the way you look at things and if it goes deep and this is you need to say a prayer while i'm praying just say don't take these things lightly you know i know people come and see you for years and don't get one thing i say and after one year two years i checked like but i thought this like two years ago and then they're like oh oh but i didn't i didn't see it i didn't get it and i'm like where the heck were you you were sitting with me and why didn't you see it and i realized that that when your conscience in certain areas are not clear okay and you've not allowed your conscience to be washed because the blood is there for you to wash your conscience certain areas are closed and you're blinded to certain things so it's so important in this season to ask the lord lord show me spirit of truth you know the holy spirit rock hacker dosh is the spirit of truth you understand he leads you into all truth so ask the holy spirit even right now lord open my eyes and my heart that i this can go so deep that today my life will change forever are you ready just do it right now say holy spirit come now spirit of fruit rock hakadosh holy spirit the one who makes me holy open my heart open my eyes open my ears that i will see and here's the interesting thing without judgment i realized something man i i mean not blowing my own trumpet but i'll tell you something maybe because of what i was like it's very hard for me to judge someone unless it's very important to judge judgment for me is a very functional thing do i judge people yes i do generally when i do they are finished do you understand it so it's it's it's used like a tool like thinking i don't think either i think like a tool i use it only for a certain time judgement also like that but i realize that people listen critically and it's be i think it's been trained to listen critically it's a funny thing so i just want you to change the cap and put a new cap on come on take a cap critical thinking is going do not think critically because the things i'm going to share with you believe me if you look at it critically you will not receive inheritance critical thinking is the most dangerous thing and we as corporate people and people in there you're not taught to be suspicious but you can't do that with the word because the word is jesus just imagine jesus walk in the room and you're looking at him critically you look at him judgmental you're thinking like oh i don't know whether that's right but he's the logos he's the revelation and so when revelation comes never look at it critically never i mean even if it looks if if someone tells me like when i sit i sit with buddhists i stupid hindus i hate it with all kinds of people i do not judge what they're saying i i don't but i realized because i was in a pentecostal revival they judge everything that people are saying but god can talk he can talk through any man do you understand all he needs is a humble heart to say something a kid a donkey spoke to bala but just imagine don't if he looked at it critically like what the heck you donkey trying to explain to me you see you could be critical yeah so that's something that i learned about learning and revelation don't look at it critically allow the holy spirit of truth to speak to you objectively not through the knowledge of good and evil okay is that okay all right can we go big i'm going to show you something i promise you you have you've never seen before okay are you ready okay now let's take this subject now we've been talking about who is satan and i'm going to just show you i'm going to share a few things that i'm going to jump into scriptures i need to show you and support it in the scripture that's why i said i'm not going to do any healing miracles today i'm just going to go into the scriptures why because when you leave this place you need to know that i showed it to you in the scriptures because it could be not just saying the scriptures are supporting it because these things are new all but new to you so unless you see it in the scriptures you there's there's the integrity about the scripture i'm only a man do you wanna but the scripture has integrity you understand it so i need to show you in the scriptures is it okay will you give me your heart for that okay now watch this okay you see the the problem now i've been talking about who is satan and the devil and the pentecostal charismatics are binding and losing and and and attacking and all that i remember a time when i was in a previous church and i was a elder of the church and they would have a meeting uh in a certain place and they did like us there is a render place and they used to want to have healing meetings and so for healing meetings when they have healing they used to do something called prayer drives have you done prayer drives and prayer drives are what they do is when they go around all over the town where the place is and they used to bind all kinds of spirits and demons and all kinds of things and they would pass different places of worship and you know of different religions and they would be binding this and binding that and all that so that they could have one healing at their meeting have you ever heard of this thing oh my god if you heard me raise your hand just raise your hand yeah you see this yeah now that for one healing like we don't even say a prayer before we get healings here do you understand that like when we do healings we do not even we don't even say a prayer because christ wasn't going around all over the joint because at that time there were pagan worship everywhere and so when certain people used to come like certain churches who come to sri lanka and they used to bring their students and stuff like to come you know they would see statues and different places all over and these pentecostal charismatic students would be they come from america and they're binding everything i said if you and you're going from kalam to jaffna with me i mean when you know how tired you're going to be this is sri lanka okay those statues are everywhere it's because they don't know the they don't they they don't understand culture yes they don't understand neither do they understand spirits do they understand spirits and so that is why it's so important to come out of the knowledge of good and evil and i'm playing don't be critical when i listen to this kind of stuff it's golden okay come out of the knowledge of good and evil don't judge good or bad we are not supposed to eat up the tree we eat a tree you will die and now here's something i want to tell you arbor man this is so cool our fight is not against flesh and blood am i correct then who is it against come on you guys are christians right come on shout it out principalities and powers drones and dominions okay so again i'm trying to explain to you if you are eating from the tree of good and evil you will be judging everything because you're not judging [Music] men you're judging spirits do you understand that you are not supposed to do that in that way i'll explain why that is and more these people who do all these demonic stuff and do all this uh deliverance stuff and i'm okay with dinner i do deliverance as well okay but you all have seen me do deliverance here right okay i ca i can invoke any type of spirit immediately right now you see me do it right you've seen me do it at this place if i say come like this people who never knew that they have spiritual spirits you got it why is that because i'm arousing there you understand you cannot because these guys there's a lot of traffic look at it look at the road there's a lot of traffic on the gold road huh a lot of traffic so in the realm of spirit there's a lot of traffic you understand there's a lot of traffic and if you go if you jump on the road and you say disguise a buddhist this guy's a muslim to say bye this one is good this guy is bad this place is good this guy's bad this guy is good it's bad the same way i throw in the realm of the spirit and then everything is like good evil good evil good evil good evil okay we're going to be very tired okay that's what i'm trying to explain okay i'm going to show you something okay and here it is okay are you ready in genesis i'll just show you in genesis this will change the way you look at things in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth is it there the earth was without form and void is it there okay that's the boy the wilderness okay that's the wilderness is where everything happens it's the it's the soup the recipe you can form anything in the wilderness and it manifests after you you always go to the wilderness because it's it the wave function has collapsed in the wilderness that infinite potential in the wilderness the whispers are in the wilderness and from there from that place you can come and create back into the world okay so now that's why every time you go back into the wilderness but now watch this okay the spirit of god was hovering on the face of the waters now listen carefully then god said let there be light is it there and there was light and it goes on like this now watch this and this is what's important verse four and god saw the light is it there listen to what he says okay and god saw the light is it air from darkness and god cause this is something else uh god called the light no no and god said let there be light and there was light and god saw the light and he gives you a sort of character he saw the light and he said so he looks at the light okay now who people think oh he's talking about the sun and moon he's not on the sun moon he said he saw the light and he saw that it was good did you just see that okay so god saw god said let there be light and he's like oh nice jim you're cute very nice i like you you're cool okay that was good and god divided light from darkness is it there and called god called a light day in the darkness and was called night and evening in the morning with the first day and it's like oh there you go that was the sun in the moon no no no jesus says he walks in the day jesus says that he is the day the night is coming do you understand that so he's not talking of luna days and sundays like you are thinking because if you'll go down this now he's already made light and darkness is it there okay and then if you i'm just going to read read to you if you if you just jump into uh in verse 6 and he says god said let there be i'm going to do it fast let there be a firmament uh in the midst of the waters you see then he goes in in verse 9 and god said let the waters under the heavens be gathered together is it there okay in verse 11 says then god said let the earth bring forth grass and herbs that yield fruit and all that kind of stuff okay in verse 12 he says the earth brought forth grass is it there and then in verse 14 he says god said let there be lights oh what's this verse 14 after creating i thought he created light and darkness and then he says here then god said let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens oh so that wasn't the sun and the moon huh and this one divides the day from the night wow is it and let them be the signs for seasons and days and years and let there be lights and ferment and then he goes in verse 16 then god made two great lights look at this the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night is it there so we are talking of 14 verses down god is talking of making sun and moon 14 verses down [Music] you understand that and then he goes on saying and he says so the evening and morning but the fourth day so what was he doing in the beginning and what's happening on the fourth day completely do different lights one is photon light sun and moon that light there was light in darkness your god your god making good and evil your god making good and some of evil don't like what i'm saying because they're you know it's a doctrinal issue okay your father okay he was outside the heavens he created the heavens and then he came and sat in the heavens but he says his glory is above the heavens bible says and then he creates good and evil now not in the way you think good and evil is let me ask you a question isaiah 54 i did last sunday he said i created can't you understand these guys i created to destroy to destroy i created a destroyer to destroy he created the destroy to destroy just understand that if if he didn't create a destroy destroy stalin will still be around hitler will still be around what happens if he didn't create a destroy to destroy hitler will be ruling the earth come on did you just get what i'm trying to explain to you you have to understand it if you go from a place of good and bad good and evil good and evil no he created light and darkness the reason and he goes on isaac who says i created the destroy to destroy can you not understand this i created him destroyed but he shall not come near you who whose righteousness justice is from me see the problem is as long as you're just imagine if i go home all the time okay and i see my dogs and my dogs are you've seen my dog they're rather big okay and every time i see my dog kicking them sit down you get out you sit down you don't have any authority on my dogs i have no authority i'm just beating my pets up either i don't know my place or i've got a perverted understanding or a consciousness of who they are rafa gets up every morning name is rafa he gets up every morning and what he likes to do is no one told him i didn't train him like that he just got he said he let me put it like this he's a divine intelligence and this divine intelligence what he does is that he gets up every morning and he goes and he sits by the gate every morning she'll go and sit by the gate and heal there like a lion at the gate i didn't tell him to do it he just knows what to do okay and then after a little hang around there a little bit he gets up and then he goes he buffers he goes and dips himself in the pool which i've trained him to do and then from there he walks himself up and goes to the other gate i make sure that the parameters on my walls are good i didn't tell him who told him i didn't he's just a divine intelligence that hangs around me okay if he if i take rafa and if rafa doesn't have a body say now you see rafa you stick raw for my doggy and you take him and he is nobody and he was just in spirit form that's what that spirit would do he just watched the gates that's what he'll do now i don't because rafa protects me i don't light candles to rafa and put flowers to rafa and worship rafa and also pray to him that he will bring me some money because rafa can't bring me money he's a dog he's a bull massive cross pit bull there's a certain thing that he can do if i don't know what he can do that's my problem but there are some people because he protects the gate who's going to light flowers to rapha okay and then suddenly rafa has i mean he's a thing like what the heck is this guy you can't blame him you know if i let rafa get on my couch he'll get on my couch believe me i'm telling you if i get him to jump up and down here i mean believe me he wants to rule and rain and he's got a huge head i mean he thinks he can and sometimes he comes into the house like i'm the boss and then he sees me like rafa that's it he's a divine intelligence i know exactly his parameters i know exactly what he's called to do i know why god created him it's because i'm very discerning in the spirit i dealt with spirits from the time i was 14 years old i know exactly what spirits can do how much they can do what they're supposed to do what they're not supposed to do there's no judgment there's no judgment on rafa there's no judgement you have you know because there's judgments on pit bulls right okay you can't go take people to certain countries they're muscled and all that you know you're walking your dog dog is muscle the dog is supposed to bite but you're walking around muscled you get what i'm trying to say some of your divine intelligences are like that not mine some of yours because we don't know we don't understand okay i created a destroyer to destroy hello church i created him to destroy god your dad is saying i created light and darkness whoa you you get it so there is something that we are missing with the good and bad good and evil story because if you are going to attribute evil to the devil you holistically lost god i'm not saying god is bad i'm not saying he's evil do you understand that but he's good and he loves justice let me uh let me show you let me show you something okay in the whole of the new in the whole of the old testament the jewish do you know the jewish people don't have a concept of the devil the jews that where we got where we got our bible form no concept no concept of it they have a concept of something called saitan and for them saitan you know the when balam in it's in in exodus uh no it's in uh where is it numbers 22 22. uh number 22 you don't have to go there but you know that when this is so good when balak wanted to curse israel and he wanted a prophet you know balak was a king and he wanted to curse israel israel was sort of pushing their way through the wilderness and balak the king saw that and got very jealous and said look we want to curse israel and he said get me a prophet and so he got a media night prophet these guys are magi okay where daniel was teaching okay so this is the original guy he's the one who prophesied he said he said there's a star coming he prophesied jesus a gentile prophet not israeli but he was called by balak his name was balam and interestingly balaam would hear from god and god would tell him literally not to curse israel so he wouldn't curse israel for the longest of times he wasn't cursed in israel and very very interesting story maybe we'll do it next time but balaam you know the story about a donkey right and so one day he i think gets the instructions wrong i i'm trying to read it and find out how he got it wrong because it's very confusing to me because god said go with them and then suddenly when he says go with them balaam has got his donkey and he's about to go with them and suddenly god gets angry at him have you noticed like man this is like a very confusing instruction okay but but god gets angry with him and suddenly sends an angel do you understand that and you have to read it and when he says he sends an angel i'm just going to show it here angel angel angel uh okay uh just go to just go into uh where we uh i said what did i say numbers yeah go go into numbers 22 20 22 22. interesting words just i'll show it to you so you'll understand a bit better this is one of the times the word satan is used okay i'm just going to show you that this concept of satan wasn't in the hebric understanding the way you have the concept okay i'm going to show you something very very interesting 20 20 22 22 okay so here it is and uh in verse 22 and god's anger was aroused is there because he went and the angel of the lord took his stand in the way is it there as an you see the angel took of the lord took his stand against him ah yeah this is good all right good i got it here i'm gonna read it now see this is this is on my phone okay so this is i've i've clicked the word adversary can you see it can you all see there it's so important to see it okay if you can't see it get to a place where you can see it it's so important it says here but god's anger was killed because he went and the angel of the lord took his stand in the way as his adversary now he was writing on a donkey and his two servants were with him that word adversary so this is how the hebrews read that you read it in english right now the jews read it like this this is how the jews read it and he took you can go back there that okay but god's anger was killed because he went and the angel of lord took his stand in a way as satan as satan yeah do you just get that there the jews read it like that the jews read bible just like that even up to date they're not seeing like what we see oh my god satan no no the lord sent an angel and he took his stand against balaam as satan do you understand it the word satan there is an interesting word and it's constantly used in the bible throughout the old testament and it was never used in the way we think of it it was used as the same term of accuser adversary scandalizer do you understand that and so right now this guy was stopped because god sent an angel and that angel took his stand as the adversary the accuser the satan man this is not guys this is anybody not bible okay i'm sorry if you've not heard this before okay but it's in your bible and you i mean you can ask most pastors they won't know jack about this stuff they won't understand what the heck is going on and they won't understand that word satan there why it's there so i'm going to tell you then when the god of israel comes to israel one of the greatest prayers and prophecies that he tells the israelis is hear ho israel are you ready your lord your god is one he's one he's trying to explain and he keeps doing it hear your israel your lord your god is one there's no other god besides me there's only one okay and isaiah 45 turn i'll show you this now you will understand isaiah 45 in a phenomenal way because god wants you to be his son do you understand what being his son looks like god wants you to be his son you understand that sun means he runs reigns rules if christ is in you then all spirits are in subject to you do you remember the disciples come excited to jesus okay read your read the scripture very carefully he comes excited jesus and says jesus it's crazy all the spirits are subject to us they come and tell him what he's not they didn't say angels come on jesus he's saying every spirit is in subject to me he said jesus this is crazy i didn't know this but every spirit is in subject to me like rapha when i say sit they sit when i say bite the bite how wonderful all these spirits okay no no we're not do you think i'm asking i'm going to ask you a question okay do you think when this this angel right here had drawn an episode do you understand that and senator if you get it wrong episode that's a picture constantly do you think when david saw the angel draw the sword and killing that was god of course it was god but it was it he created good do you think the angel of death that was sent on egypt was an angel of death come on it's an angel of death no who invoked him who had the power the one with the stick the stuff like what's his name the little guy with the specs not the moses i know moe says harry potter yeah i like moses you you all are just saints man [Laughter] i'm not gonna harry where do potter think he got his stuff from moses all that kind of stuff is from moses so god gave moses what does it mean when you when there when you see a pharaoh's head and the snake is pumping out of his head like this who is that snake it's a sentient divine intelligence that some spirit that they they are lighting flowers to like like we do rapha like i could have done to rafa they could do it to a sentient energy that that comes in a certain form [Music] you understand that and so they are venerating a certain form did moses take that form of course of course he did he got a bigger snake he didn't do any other form he had authority over rapha and his snake gobble gotta snake so when he sent death out to egypt he was wielding the staff he had authority over good and evil so he had the power and he came and said oh god don't you understand oh jesus even the spirits aren't subject to me oh man you see we don't understand we're fighting things we're understanding you have authority over every single thing you're fighting things and saying this is destroy me that he destroyed me this is attacking me that is attacking me pentecostal charismatic this is attack attack there attack your attack there attack your attack there everyone is getting attacked for christ's sake take authority if you take authority i created the destroyer to destroy please keep coming for the series you can't this is so exhaustive you can't tell you this whole thing in one one goal these are years of work don't try anything can i tell you to okay please okay because there's so many nuances in this and i'm just teaching it i'm only t when i finish it also i'm going to teach you very little you understand it and then i do mystery school in about two years time and then i people are really interested in this kind of stuff can go deeper but for the simple believer i'm just trying to show you you don't need to fight with this stuff you're foolish you have you have no idea who the son is jesus was not fighting when jesus went to the man of gansara he went there and they said why have you come before my time that means you have an employment contract you understand a time means you you're employed are you employed anywhere you have a contract for so many years so many whatever so many whatever you're employed you're a sentient divine intelligence doing a certain thing destroying in that context he was destroying a man because we don't know but we don't know what he was stalling we don't know where he was hitler we don't know what he had done we don't know where his conscience was but now he meets the logos and then the logos takes him under his authority do you understand it and says this guy is mine so he says why are you coming for my time you're going to give me the job what's happening here this is my job like no no yeah i know but this guy now donna finished game over okay go you got it isn't this good stuff okay now watch this i said 45 you're ready to see it i said whatever you see it i mean it blows you away and then you'll understand i said 45 like never before never before this is fun stuff it's not for the faint-hearted and you're not faint-hearted wow you understand it but it's for those who love justice do you understand it because guys at this moment of time there is child pornography that is plaguing the earth there is pedophilia that is plaguing the earth do you understand that what are you doing with your dragons you can call it series how to train your dragon i'm just asking you because there are things that need to be destroyed and they're too busy we don't know so they're destroying you instead of saying hello hey let's we need to have a little meeting huh yeah don't destroy here here's the blood the payment you need to destroy in places where there is injustice there's enough justice in this world if you as a son doesn't oh my god if you don't understand your authority evil will rule the earth do you understand when you know your authority you can send them out in what they do best is to destroy you don't revoke the assignment you reassign what passes doing is revoking the assignment like where the heck do we go okay we thought this is a good scene here we are destroyed this is you don't understand the scene here this guy had done this and that and all these things so we are able to destroy because they have legal right like no the blood pays here's the blood all that person needs to do is say i repent for judgment accusation for aligning myself with accuser align myself with the law that's what it means i've received the blood of jesus you're free the bible never says that jesus came and destroyed the devil doesn't say there why isn't then jesus destroying the devil because he's not supposed to destroy the devil he destroys the work of the devil that means the work means if he had an occupation then in the man of gansara his occupation is over okay time up here okay this job is done i've redeemed him boom where do we go jesus uh where do you want to go can i go to the pigs no problem go go and destroy because pigs to jews i mean it's actually bad for people piggies now we like pigs okay i won't do that now because pigs are okay with us but for jews pigs are the most the worst thing do you understand that it's either samaritan or pigs because the samaritans or pigs for them you know it's a cultural issue you understand that so he says okay you were destroying here now but you go and they destroyed guys they destroyed the pigs they didn't suddenly the pigs didn't become better people i'm sorry krishna yeah i see christians like don't get off into jesus don't judge okay it was a jewish thing okay what is that he loved the samaritans yes and so when they said shall we destroy the samaritans listen carefully remember and they said shall we call them fire on the samaritans because why because the spirits are subject to us now we can destroy pigs we can destroy samaritans we can destroy we got pigs and samaritans the same thing for them but he said shall i destroy the samaritans i can do that as well because the spirits are subject to us the same destroyers destroy the pigs get destroyed samaritans come on jesus shall call fire same same god who brought fire on egypt same angel of death shall i bring him down they say jesus says no no look listen to what he says yeah no no you don't know what type of spirit that is that you're trying to bring down that guy again huh you remember i did that with egypt i did sodomy gomorrah you got it you don't know what type of spirit you're trying to bring down not don't do it focus on the pigs leave the samaritans alone i come to save them you don't know the spirits come on jesus you see he's differentiating the spirit so that means every spirit guys if he said you don't know whatever spirit it is when you're calling fire on the samaritans that means on egypt it was that spirit come on okay it was on every situation that you see in destruction sodom and gomorrah you talked about angels you don't know what type of spirit it was come on come on do you understand it was i created good come on because at any point you can be a hypocrite you don't know what type of spirit it is anytime destruction was there it was because of that spirit that they had power over to wield at any time they want god craft christ craft you get it i said 45 okay jump in there is it good like i said don't try anything okay we're not finished this this is good because it has to you can't do anything you have to do it towards injustice injustice deserves destruction guys you've got to love the things that god loves and hate the things that god hates and because of that you have to have half of judiciousness absolute judiciousness you can't otherwise you'll judge yourself a lot of the times when you get angry things move things move but if you inside your conscience i won't i won't try this stuff unless you judge yourself do you understand the day you can say and this is in james okay today you can say god bring judgment upon me first and that was the language of the old testament let god judge between you and me how many times i've said that man when i say that game over i said let god judge today between you and me that means he's gone out that you understand that but i'm ready i'm ready i've got a clean conscience i'm ready if it's me to get it do you just understand what i'm trying to say so unless you can say those words because the bible says that he will judge his house first you should never try this stuff that means you have to have a clean clear conscience and you do things not in self-interest it can't be for self-interest it when you become a son of god you inherit god's problems you see what roshit said and he has enough problems and that's not the guy who's competing with you he's not a guy who's against you okay there are bigger problems like that today on the earth pedophilia injustice poverty you understand that all this kind of stuff direct your attention there do you understand that these are indemnities i'm telling you okay now i said 45 can we get here now he ate it i was called on this on this one so cool isaiah 45. do you understand how [Music] powerful this stuff is if you really know who you are now we don't understand when god is talking in this language watch the language he's talking are you ready we're going to read a bit is it okay if you read a bit watch the language he's talking okay here we are okay so we'll start from we'll go back but we'll start from this place here verse 14. oh so verse 22 god says look to me and be saved is it there all you to the ends of the earth for i am god and there is no other do you just get that here israel the lord your god is one okay why is he hammering on this because he just explained about idols and all kinds of other gods so he says oh please understand there's no other god i am god now watch this okay and he goes on his hammer it is on verse 14 says he dies for thus says the lord who created the heavens is there who is god who formed the earth and made it who has established it who did not create it in wayne who formed it to be inhabited you see there you started they said that the wilderness there he formed it to be be fruitful multiply is it there i am the lord and there is no you see it again and there is no come on shut it out other i'm not spoken in secret or in a dark place of the earth is it there is it there now watch this again this is verse 14 is it 19 no so my fault 18 yes 18 19 yeah that's right okay 18 19. okay then look at this one okay don't worry there's enough now here it is so in verse 97 right 13 14 i think it's in just over 15. okay they will just over 50 or just over 15 it says they will make supplications to you saying surely god is in you there is no other there is no other god again is hammering this thing why is he hammering this thing there is no other i'm the only one i do everything it's me hello i'm god another i created all these things i created i created heavens i created every every damn thing and good thing i created come on there's no other god [Music] he's your dad yes i created all those monkeys as well yes all those guys yes although all those guys yes i created why please me i need justice on the earth who is going to do the dirty work are you going to take out the uh the garbage or shall i make creatures to create take out the garbage who don't deal with hitler who's going to do with stalin you're going to what shall i make hosts to be able to do it now do you understand that so then again he says this here so he says they will make supplication to you where is this in just over 15 okay saying surely god is in you there is no other there there's no other god truly you are god you who hide yourself a god of israel the savior there's no god with you he's constantly saying this now watch this here you want it here this is isaiah 45 in verse 3 are you ready i will give you treasures of darkness okay now people think oh we're gonna get uh nidang nidan now somehow some people quote that for nida you know we're gonna get some some treasure from darkness and like he says he's hiding himself in darkness okay i will give you treasures he says from darkness if you understand his stuff and then he says and in hidden riches of secret places whoa there's a wealth in mysteries people call me a mystic hidden riches in secret places in syria we don't fight against flesh and blood but against spirituality powers principally powers thrones and dominions that you may know that i the lord who call you by your name listen carefully i am the god of israel for jacob my servant's sake and israel my elect i even called you by your name is it there i'll listen this is this word yeah i have named you though you have not known me he's talking about cyrus this guy's a gentile okay he doesn't know who god is you must understand who he's talking to he's talking to cyrus one of the greatest kings of all the earth complete gentile doesn't know who god is and god is trying to introduce himself all those things are worshiping hear israel i'm only one all those things are doing i i'm god there's no other everything on your life i create darkness i create good that's what he's saying now listen carefully i have named you though you have not known me i am the lord and there is no other is it there listen carefully there is no god besides me i will gird you though you have not known me is it there that they may know from the rising of the sun to the sitting that there is none besides me continuously going on this is just one chapter that i'm showing you how many times you say it now listen carefully there is none besides me this verse 6 i am the lord again there is no other i form the light and i create darkness did i just show it to you in genesis did i just show you in genesis how he created light and darkness and then he explains that i create good and i create evil is it there this one he says i make peace and create calamity and uh other version i create good i create evil and then he goes against i the lord cyrus do all these things i mean do you want another explanation [Music] or do we say hi sir aye sir let me be a captain in your armies let me be a general if there is such a place in your armies i want to be because his name is elohim sabot that is the lord god of angel armies i want to be in that troop because he says it is me every single thing there are divine intelligences rafa protects you you can also bite your friend who walks through the gate if your friend doesn't understand the simple protocols rafa will bite there are algorithms on the earth according to justice and when justice is traversed then if their conscience is not clean and pure what guess what happens god is not getting up in stone and attacking people algorithms on the earth divine intelligences of the earth we call it angels you can call it demons you can call it whatever you want we call it i call them spirits divine intelligences rise up for different occasions doing different things do you understand it without them the earth will not be what it is but you my friend has been given authority over all of them do you understand that we end up with colossians band can have you up collisions one now here we are in old testament huh you think god is old testament god someone will say but this is the old testament god let's get into new testament and see whether jesus and paul didn't say the exact things okay let's look at colossians 1 let's go colossians 1. you see that's why i say our conscience always say lord show me truth if there is an attack on my life if the dogs there's a song who let the dogs out who let the dogs oh how does it go can we do that yeah okay if there's something like that going on in my life and i have had that the first thing i look at is conscience because guys each one of you have been given your own domain your own kingdom it can be your family it can be your work space it can be your friends you have no control the lord told me a long time ago he said kirby you have no control of what is uh outside of you all you have is this here this unit is your kingdom it is your world he says if you can rule this in judiciousness and fairness because fairness is the key he says in wisdom when solomon asked for wisdom it was a discernment between good and evil he needed to know he said solomon wanted to know what is good and evil and clear distinct judiciousness because it's not the same kind of law or the same kind of attributes that you have to rule everywhere with now today i'm looking at a situation i put the tv on and i'm looking at america and uh america is such an example for us today and they're just putting a lady uh what's the name barrett is it onto the supreme court barrett right what's his name what was the name amy barrett on the supreme court and uh ginsberg was before and uh i was in america last time when kavanaugh was was being appointed and i saw the hill that kavanaugh had to go through just to be appointed on the supreme court they brought up all kinds of things man about girls and women but none could be proved that's the problem when you bring scandal remember the accuser is the one who brings scandal so be very careful i was watching this thing i was like okay if they prove it did they prove it then it goes but no one could prove anything nothing got proved and then now supreme court means justice we're talking about justice and we're talking about the attack of the enemy on justice and so i was watching this woman and today i was watching and then someone was given a background to who she is and this i mean i was just blown away okay this woman she is literally contending for the highest seat in the u.s at his moment of time to sit on that court and that's it she has had to get there she's married to get there she already has five children the fifth of her her children has a disability on the day one of her children was born yeah on the day that that on the day she found out she was pregnant she got a call from haiti asking her because she wanted to adopt two more asking her but if she could adopt another two now she had only planned for five but suddenly these two came and on the day when she was she thought okay i got i'm already pregnant now i've got my five the call comes in and says two more do you want in haiti and she's got five of her own and she goes to haiti and she chooses another kid who's also with a disability another normal child i mean and then she manages to become who she is today like i know fiona manchester i mean studying for theological masters so she sits from 8 30 in the morning photological master she's done if you have done her law degree at llb buckingham right so i remember how much you studied for that then now she's studying for her master's okay she sits from 8 30 in the morning till 12 o'clock in the night just one this woman might have i mean double doctorates on i don't know i don't even know how the heck did she do it she five kids i mean having one you know i look at me like sorry for for her but that's the end of me feeling sorry for me again just finished yeah because i got how does she do it you know this woman has five and i told fiona man i repent i just repent of my capacity it's a lack of capacity like i am i'm a weak man compared to this woman conscience like what am i complaining about and she's about to go on to the fight of a life they will throw everything they've got accusation and scandal but it's right or wrong it doesn't matter creators be given where credit is due do you get it we need to watch when you're watching things like that we're given the opportunity to side with the accuser be the critical accuser because believe me that's that spirit you're called to be a good judge every time you put a tv on your call to be a good judge every time you look at the politicians today you're also called to be a good judge every time you see something called to be a good judge we don't know what they go through i told someone recently yesterday was 27 that i absolutely respect ministers they're like what yeah i respect ministers why do i respect ministers because i've worked for ministers they get up at 6 00 in the morning they go to sleep at 12 o'clock in the night they see a hundred people for the day that's the truth i have to sit there with their secretary so tell him sir this is the guy you met yesterday his name is and so there there's a cost no matter don't worry about making money and all that you'll be a judicious judge don't worry about making money do you make money you can judge that as well but are you seeing the cost we've seen bribery and corruption and supply and of course awesome job going in for bribery corruption and all that but as we're going and we're looking at at the radios ah so the all guys foreign getting caught and taking bribes are you also having a judicious heart about how much do you get paid do you know what it what they're going through on a daily basis somebody get like 30 000 bucks 5000 bucks a month mean if you're in america you get ten thousand dollars uh or twenty thousand thirty thousand fifty thousand hundred thousand dollars a year to be a civil servant if you take a bribe there it's different you can't be a judicious judge so a guy gets 300 i mean it's wrong but absolutely wrong but i'm not i'm going to be careful of course i'll correct the system but i'll also make sure that i can lobby if you're if you're lobbying for corruption then lobbyists that they get paid a good salary as well and when finally a minister is driving with a good salary and gets a salary of a ceo don't you be the person accusing why is he getting a salary of the ceo because you want to stop taking bribes right you want him to stop taking bribes and don't you think that he should have a proper salary give him a proper salary and see then see what his heart might change it might how do you know we are given opportunities every day to side with the accuser and then draw the same type of judgment into our life do you understand it or do we know how to take authorities in god you know there's injustice in the world and we will send all these guys out to do their destructive work on places and our anger and our rot can be kindled to the right places and i'm telling you as sons of god if you do that we're going to have peace joy prosperity but our anger is kindled in the wrong places in places of injustice we are finding ourselves to be unrighteous kings you understand it and that's why i'm bringing these things up i've forgotten what i was still going to talk about here call of duty yeah okay now collections one i'm very careful not to charge i do charge i do charge there was a couple of instances that it happened a couple of you know what happened to me the minister took one of my miracles and put it out on facebook you know what happened right my phone miracle went out on facebook you saw what happened and he went i mean i don't think a song has hit had got so many hits i mean how many of your songs get so many hits you guys who do music have you ever got two million hits in two days the video two million hits phone battery charging two million hit two days okay unless google facebook pulled it out because thank you media team pulled all the things out we got 100 million more than sri lanka's population also dude i got it so he he went on a rampage with his my phone battery charging now he was trying to get me arrested for doing something wrong i've done something wrong but i'm just asking you the question here's a question i'm asking you do you think what attacked him by angels do you think would attack him with angels do you think when people come to attack you okay and suddenly they you hear they come and attack you you heard no your enemies suddenly my god what happened to them you think angels are attacking them you think god is going to deal with that you don't know what spirit that is get it did you just get what i just said you don't know what spirit that is you come into my house to attack me my dogs will attack you when i was in school i used to tell my teacher they were scared as hell at that time i just said sir sunday anyway i won't go there colossians okay collagens okay here we are okay listen carefully okay [Laughter] you don't know what type of spirit that is that is why we have no authority once you know what type of spirit it is then you have authority then you want be dealing also too much with that spirit because you understand what type of spirit that is because that works towards justice and trust me very hard to tame unless you have a clear heart a very clear heart now watches now colossians okay are you ready [Music] isn't it great to be sons of god sons of god now here it is colossians so i read from the new testament i read from the old testament okay we're going to read from the new testament okay he is the image is it there he is the image who is jesus is the image of the invisible god when verse 15 verse 15 he is the image of the invisible god is it there the first born over all creation over one part of the creation no he is the firstborn means he is the alpha male i am the alpha male in my kingdom at my house rafa gets second place he's looked like he's something but he's not i'm the boss [Music] okay very soon what he looks like or he's going to change he doesn't behave he is a major invisible god the first born of all creation is it there for by him all things were created is it there but they're in the heavens or in the earth oh isn't that what jesus is saying by jesus all things were created in the heavens and in the earth now listen carefully visible and invisible come on oh jesus created all these things it's here visible or invisible now listen carefully very carefully whether they are thrones whether they are dominions whether they are yakkas whether they are principalities whether they are powers [Music] who created who made who is the ac dc song who made who i said eight i see adc huh who made who [Music] is it there come on i mean again for by him all things were created there are in heaven that are on earth visibly invisible but they are thrones but they are dominions whether they are principalities but there are powers all things were created through him and for him for him do you understand that for him and he is before all things now listen carefully about your inheritance and in him all things consist carefully he is the head of the body who is the church can i show it out who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he may have preeminence so guys it starts off with he is the in image or the invisible god and then he says that he is the head of the body the church and so all these kings are created through him for him and for you for you for you for you for you i hope you understand your authority your power and who you are and you start training and taming your dragons because if they are attacking you then it's because you have not understood authority or you have not understood a clear conscience those are two things a clear conscience come authority comes from a very clear conscience here's something that you can ask god today is it finances that you've been attacked with is it your body you've been attacked with is it whatever your marriage you've been attacked with ask god holy spirit come on holy ghost come into my life lead me into all truth believe me as he leads you into truth you'll realize certain things certain things certain things will be open to you you will see certain things certain things where you can say i want the blood of jesus on that place i want the blood of jesus on the place oh lord pay my debts off i owe in that place i owed in that place i did this in that place i did god pay my debts off go go go let the blood right now pay all the debts off now we've done that now you can focus on the problems of the father pick the papers up put the cnn on you will see the injustices of the earth you can focus your wrath your anger over there not on people on situations that you can call fire down on do you get it bless you it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be awesome seriously i'm telling you we're gonna come out very strong foreign
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 6,515
Rating: 4.9405942 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, anxiety, transformation church, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, christian yoga, identity in christ, intimacy with god, life church, faith over fear, relationship advice, repentance, desiring god, bible study, calvinism, personal growth, ask pastor john, theology, grace digital, supernatural, Universalism, Atonement, Who is Satan, christian universalism, house church, steven furtick, spiritual warfare, how to resist the devil, How to train your dragon
Id: NTmfpm_7E7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 34sec (3934 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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